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Durham Review (1897), 26 Nov 1908, p. 6

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BER 26, 1908 ‘urday EMBER 5 it onlectionary ioos & Vinegars iumily and Puare nitoba fHlours % % 6 % TTHEWS &T IMER Produce Wanâ€"~ s List ote Prices Nirectors dertakers rville. F. P. KEILEY d & Groceries ri@Qs ‘THUR Ne e DATE DEC. S5th Sneciaitv. : select will cred at the ve expect .. .. â€"d30¢ pI y last..1.25 n‘s Sox and ous com at our ment, & of Funâ€" 75 and 1.00 at 35¢ each while they . .. . 30G PC west prices to come 80c per pr lers cCk erybody tA a y _A t Millinery at Half Price To vlear olf the remainder of our fall d Winter Hats and other Millinery wode, we are sacrifieing everything d have cut prices just in two, See v© assortment in our Showrooms, Come and inspect our dainty Handâ€" inted China and new stock of Fancy wxls, just arrived, Over Hunter‘s Hardaware Store, Quality considered, that prices are as low at the Down Town Shoe Store as at any ®ther place in town . We carry a large stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Don‘t forget we can give you something good in Mitts, Gloves, and Gauntlets at roch bottom prices, A look at prices and goods wlll do you no harm whether you buy or not. . CUSTOM WORK and REPAIRING as usual. Sore Agency in Durham for J ® M l l e h the celebrated Kant Krack + b & C ralt svitable for all classes. Our Hosiery Department is well spoken of by those who have tried some of these goods, Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases, Club bags, Telescopes, &c, in stock. J.A. DARLING, Chemist and Druggist Pipes mstzr: Leather Goods NOVEMBER 19, Lumbermen‘s Rubbers Miss Bugg DARLING‘S DRUG STORE Some people talk experience. We nave it Bring your recipes or prescriptions here and save twenty per cent. This is not a get up and get saleâ€"â€"but we have$ marked our elegant stock of Drug Sundries at 20 per cent off. Look out Thanks, many thanks, for the successful sale which is now finished. _ To those who have not taken advantage of the sale, we would say that the sale prices will be still continued. IT IS A FACT iAmsS week $250 worth of Pipes to be sold regartiless of cost. Fresh Stock â€"â€"every Pipe guaranteed. & J. MeKECHNIE for new Advertisement next week. Logs of all kinds, for which weo are prepared to pay the highest prices, Also the following timber, composed principally of Balsam, Spruce, Bassâ€" wood and Butterout. _A small perâ€" sentage of Hemlock, Ash. or Tama rack will pass, Sawn ends, All knots to be trimmed close 5" dia, and up, for which we will pay the,following prices: 3 It long per cord $2 50 3 ft 6« long per cord $3 GO 4 ft long per cord 3 50 For farther particulars call at OfMec, Tus Dosragay Forsirurs Co. Ltd. J. MeKECHNIE Wanted to‘Purchase. Durham A SACRIFICE New Stockâ€"â€" nob by goods at cost. Tend»rs will be received by the undersigned, _ Admimstrator, _ until noon, Monday, 30ih Noven.b t, ‘08 for $1000.00 of preferred stouck drawing 7 per cent, and $1825 00 of Common stock, both in The Durham Faurmture Compauy, _ Must be sold to close out an estate. Being a Licensed Auctionecr forthe County of Grey 1 am in the field for this season, and am rrepared 10 act as Auctioneer at all Sales at moderate rates. Parties may make arrangeâ€" ments with me direct for dates of sales or arrango for same at RrviEw Office or R, Burnett‘s store, Durham Loweat, or any other tender not necessarily accepted. For furtber particulars apply to Davin J axtkson, OR Administrator, A, H. Jacksox, DurBam. From lot 8, con. 4, Glenelg, about the last of August, a dark red Kgifel. with some white on forehead, 2 year old. Information leading to her recovery will be thankfully received and reâ€" warded. 230 acres on the Garafraxa Road, 200 clear, 50 acres hardwood bush, well watered, first class buildings. Will be sold cheap to wind up estate. Winter Millinery Parisian Millinery Co. MISS DICK, Proprietor 208 acres in Bentinck, good land, excellent buildings, 16 acres hardwood bush, small payment down,. _ Price 150 acres in Bentinck, buildings and soil good, everything in first class shape. â€" Price $5000, 118 acres in Egremont, good land, good buildings. §3600. 100 acres in Proton, near Swinton Park, fair buildings, good land, well drained, well watered and well fenced. Only $3600, 100 acres in Glenelg, good frame barn with stone basement, first class dwelling house, only $3200, 100 acres in Glenelg, excellent fences, fair buildings, good water, a splendid farm with a few acres of good timber, Price $4000. 100 acres in Egremont near Dromore good frame buildings, 20 acres hardâ€" wood â€"bush, good level land, _ Price _.Three 50 acre farms, well located, near Darbam, for sale separately, Alâ€" so 45 acre property on the outskirts of Durham suitable 201' retired farmer, I also have an application for a 5"nd sized farm within three miles of Durâ€" ham, _ Anyone wishing to dispose of such property, kindly communicate with me, W. F. DUNN, Solicitor, Durham, Ont 100 acres in Bestinck on Durbham Road, well located, owner giving up farming. _ Wilt be sold cheap to quick purchaser, We have trimmed up a number ot Winter hats in the new styles and have a new selection on display. We have las dies‘ bonnets and always a good choice of black hats. : We invite you to ca)l and see our display. Notice to the Public Farins For Sale. Ropt. BriouaM, Allan Park For Sale. Jamers RyAN, Trayerston Strayed. But when the cups of tea bad been drained and the ham of reminisâ€" cent convyersation silenced by the clear voice of Mr Archie Park, who had been chosen to fill the chair, a unique program began its course of three hours duration. The Hanover Presbyterian Choir, under the leade: â€" ship ot MrG. S Schwandt, was presâ€" ent in force and varied the entertainâ€" ment with well rendered anthems,. They also gave a Male Quartette in excelient yvoice and expression ; the following taking part, Messrs Green and Whistler, tenore, and Messrs. Magee and Schwindt, basses. Mr A. Brunton, of Queen Hill, responded by singing a Scotch song and an equalâ€" ly fitting encore. _ Bat what was sweeter to the ear than music was the varled story and comment upon the old days. § } y But ere we were favored with seeechesin expressive pose, Mr Jas. Whyte, the * bard of the glen," read a poem which he dedicated to the occasion. In making a ftew introâ€" ductury remarks he stated that his connection?with tarm life began just fifty years ago. As we intimated, our space last week compelled us to leave over some of the interesting report of the jubilee, which we give herewith : Monday Reunion. At the appointed hour refreshments were served to the large family thus assembled. Ths crowd was very great. _ Aisles, p‘atform and pulpit were filled, and standing room hard to get within doors. Almost all the old people were present and had braced themselves tor the night jourâ€" ney and late hour entertainment. Bat the interest never lessencd for a moâ€" ment. It was on a large scale like other family reunions which must needs be ot short duration, and thus filled with both the gladne s and gravity of life. The joy otf a bhearty greeting passed at length into the solemn parting, with the thought that it may be never to meet in this life again. @ Mr Geo,. ‘Tormbull, of Durham, said, " 1 hbeard Rev. Mr Cameron preach at the induction of Kkev Mr Greig trom the text, Matt. 10 â€"41. + He that receiveth a prophet vreceiyes a prophet‘s reward, " 1 have zeyer forgotten that sermor. I was at the first tea mecting in the old church. â€" You remember that there was other attractions in the congregation at that time besides good sermons by the munister, (Mr Turnball was iso Jaccb of old looking for a wife, whom he found in the person of the elder‘« daugh» ter, Miss Milligan, both of whom still livye, ympgk s Mr John Nichol, of Pricevilie, " I think that I am one of the earltest settlers, haying come in 1855, I was ol the uumber who formed the first conâ€" gregation. I would like to mention the names of the cwo elders, James Milliâ€" gau and John Young. Both were fine old gentlemen and bave gone to their reward. One thing I would say, I joinâ€" od the church when I was a young man, and I haye neyer regretted the step. Mr Andrew Derby, of Durham, " J can still hear the old precentor, Mr Mather, â€" I am ever much indebted tc the Sumday schcol where Mr John Young was our teasher. It was under Revy Mr Jamnies»oa that a few of us young men began to do something for the Master. There were about filteen of us and I rememver how he took us one by one and exspiained the difficalties and rewards of the Christian life. Mr E, O. Youug, of Owen Sound, " This is a day of rememurance. We do not remember all for it is well to forget some things. Itis on!y the Diyin: who can truiy forget. The world is not perfect and perfection was not onrs, But we remember the pious mimistry of our first pastor,. I knew him better than the most of you because as a little boy I used to open the gates for him You renemper that he was in some: things a timid man, never looking the people in the face frow the pulpit, but fized his eyes upon the cerling. But I knew him to be a grand and noble sou! We hbad no pipe organ iu the church, but the buman yoree, Under such a precentor as Mr Mather we imherited‘ musi¢. When he led in such a psaim as OQld Hundred, the whole church seemes to be electrified, I can yet hear Mr Cuoper singing bass from hbis seat in front of us, and others of his fomily takâ€" iog the tenor. I never saw better disâ€" cipline than in the old chureh, On one occasion I war a‘tracted by a spider and his web full of flies, but it was not long before a strong baud had me by the collar, directing me to the sermon, It was my father. We had long tasks to prepare, but I am thankful toâ€"day for all of them. " Tng SPEAKERS THE DURHAM REVIEW hi Lenahan &y McIntosh Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition Hardwase, Stoves, Tinware, Furniture, Etc. See for Yourself and Lenahan & Melntosh. Mr Jolin Meyer, of Weston, saud, * 1 caunot tell you how glad I am to be here toâ€"zvight, 1 thank the comuuittee for gving me this chance to thauk you. The recollectien L hbave of being to clhu ch was when the old collecuion box came nround, It bhad a jlong hbandle and was a flue instrument to wake a sleepy member,. _ Then I shall never forzet Mr Mather and bis infallible tanâ€" ing _ fork. Other memories twine around the Sunmdavy School and our teacher, Mr John Young. Ail honor to these mon. â€"Weare what we are toâ€"day iargely dus to what they were. Our fatbhers met and oyercome, so should we stick to our post and win out. * Rev Mr Craigie nad been asked to spesuk on the subject, * What are the elements in an efficient congregation ? *‘ Owing to the many addresset already given, be did uot go into his speech in tull. _ Muis address however, had a lhvely yein ot bumor in it and struck a fine uote of encouragement and advice. He said, * ore thing that etrikes me is how much we owe to suead n«ss in service.‘"‘ Lot us hope by the next jubilee the sawme principles may be estabnshed here, He showed that no siugle feature insures an ef.cient congregation. A drawing omnâ€" ister popular music and good coogregaâ€" tions are frequanutly disappointing, bus where everyone does his or her own: part with deyotion to the Master there will be success, ‘ Rev Mr Dodds bad al: o a subject asâ€" sigued to him. It was during lus minâ€" istry that the Christian Endeavyor Soâ€" ciety was organized and he was asked to speak on the young people‘s movement, past anvd present. Fle also yielded to the lateness otf the hour but in a short address spoke with such fine feeling and insight, that he might say that the speaker was the bet testm:oni«l io the young people‘s movemeus, _ Among many fine ideas we quote but a few sentâ€" ences, * As the church loses in efficiâ€" ency it often multiplios organizatione. Put them in office is a heresy, when it should rather be pray for a change of beart, The young people‘s sosiety to me was a spiritaal movement, aud I stated that whenever it became unyâ€" thing else, I would disown it. Rey Mr Budge, the ministar, was wheu called upon to gather tho good things which the Juvilee had borne, He pointed out how fortunate the conâ€" gregation had been in Laving associated such a series of ministers and worthy roll of members. He eaid, " I know the respect with which all tho pastors are honored and I have bean the last o# many an old servant, whose death bed was a victory of faith. 1 wish to state how delighted the congregation is to bave so many present. But there is a body of people whom I must not forget â€"the absent oves. Some old and many young. whom distance prevented from being hbere. He concluded by asking all to bhave another hearty grecting ere they devart, and then called upon Mr Dodds io read a portion of Scripture and Roev Mr Craigie solemnly recited the wellâ€"known psaim, * The Lord hbath been our dweIB:g place in all generaâ€" tions, " and the words of prayer comâ€" mended both minister aud congregation to the blessing of that God, to " whom a thousand years are as one day," an obâ€" seiver would almost have thought that instead of the social gathering, it was the sacramentâ€"so solemn hbad every heart becaome," It was a great occasion. It will be long remambered. Tickling, tight coughs, can be surely and quickly loosened with a prescription Druggists are dispensing everywhere as Dr Shoop‘s Cough Remedy. _ And it is so very, vemdiflmnt than common cough medicines,. No Opium, no common cough medicines, No Opium, no Chloroform, absolutely nothing harshjor unsafe, The tender leaves of a harmless, lung healing mountainous shrub, gives the curative prorer ties to Dr Shoop‘s h Remedy. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distresâ€" sing cough and to sooth and heal the most senâ€" sitive bronchial membrane. _ Mothers should, for safety‘s sake mlone, always demand Dr. Bhoop‘s It can with mect fresiom be filnn 10 even the yonnmru Te:t it yoursell an d ;ee! Bold by R ‘arlane aud Co. Wo are prepared for the hunting season with a full line of Guns, Rifles, Revolvers and Cartridges of different kinds. We haye a full line of McClarys famous Stov.es,- Ranges and Heaters on our floor for your inâ€" spection. â€" Every stove fully guaranteed. In Furniture our stock is complete and worthy of inspection. a We also have a fine assortment of Lamps, Lanterns, Globes, etc, etc. _ HEADQUARTERS FOR * @ + Inown as the Aldred Farm being lot 70, cun. 2, Bentinck, containing one hundred acres more or less, The place is all well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. On the premises is a frume barn 60x60, with stone stabling, driving shed, sheep pen and root house inclusive,. _A concrete bhouse with frame kitchen, Summer kitchen woud shed and cistern, Good hard water close to house. Large good bearing orchard. This farm is known as one of the best grain farms in the county. ‘I‘wo and oneâ€"half miles from the Town of Durham, _ This farm is offered for six thousand dallars, one half done, balance at 6 per cent interest, Address all communications to pro priotor, JonN A ALDRED, Aldred, Sask. ‘ Echo Valley Farm Jonux McIxxes, Midnapore, Alta, or to C. Ramawsk, Agent, Durham. The John Mclonis farm on Gravel Road, two miles west of Priceville Station on the C, P. . School, Church and Market convenient, _ 100 acres, well watered. _ Desirable locaâ€" tion. For terms &c., apply to Splendid Residence Property for Bale in Upper Town : the wellâ€"known McLean ma. All conveniences, Brick ven , comfortable and cosy. Offers from intending purchasers reâ€" ceived at Review Office. , Lot 6, Con. 15, Proton,. containing 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, and in good state of cultivation, about 8 acres of hrrawood bush. _ On the premises is erected & barn 44x60 with stone stabâ€" ling. Good hog pen and hen house, Comfortable house, kitchen and woodâ€" shed, also orchard. _3 neverâ€"failing wells, _ About 14 miles from Church, School and Post Office. _ If sold, will be sold on easy terms. Good nineâ€"roomed house. _ Furnace heated. â€" Good garden, outâ€"buildings and large stable, _ Will be sold chesap, Apply to _ . _ Valuable farm in the Tp. of Glc-nelJ easmposed of lots 22 anc 23, Con,. i N. D. R., 100 acres, _ Possession give forthwith. Tile perfect, For part culars apply to J. P. 1 Er®rorn, Durham. The following must be sold a 1 cnce New waggon, new iron truck wheel waggon, a number of large egg vals; (would make first class cisterns) 3 or 4 thousand fence posts, lath, shingles, lumber. _A quantity of wood near Weibeck P. 0., will be sold at fifty cents per load. Lo# No 1. 8th con. Glenelg, 50 acres bush and 50 acres cleare4, Apply to Came to the premises of the underâ€" -igi';ned about 15th August, a yearling beifer. Owneris requested to prove property, pay expenses and take away. â€" e l_)g_r_t}u,!cAmvn‘.‘ PDornoch, 5 Nov., 1908, D. JarmtEksox, Administrator Sparâ€" ling estate. _ iC h A Valuable Farm for Sale ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Town Resid ence fo Sale. Farm For Sale or Rent. Good Farm For Sale. or to Davin Kixxi®, Durham, or A H. Jackso®, Durham. Farm tor Sale. Lands For Sale Heiler Astray. Be Convinced W. D. Micus, For Sale. DPuscarn Frrouson, Swinton Park. For Sale. Wax., WEIR, Durbam. C,. RAMAGE, Agent, Box 73, Durham, given partiâ€" J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M . Member College ny-:u. and Burgeons (Mce and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Geo * ss., atroorof Hill, Old Moodie Corner. Pauyvsiciax & Surczos, Office over J. &AyJ). Munter‘s Store ces ; 8 to 10 a.x. Univmitg. graduate of Royal College of Dental mfieom of Ontario, Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store W. C, PICKERING D. DS., L DS. *4 uate Royal College Dental Surgeon Dentistry in .yl‘lllu %::ch«. Officeâ€"Oalder‘s Block, over Post Oflice HONOB GRADUATE Toronto University Grad nate Roval Callese Dental Surgean ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurance Agent. Money to Loan, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A genâ€" eral financial business transacted. Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money to Loan,. (Mflice. over *Gordon‘s Jewelry Stove Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer Ac. Money to Loan at lowest rates, Oflce. Mclntz're Block over the Stan dard Bank, Durh un, Ontario, D. McPHAIL_~» @oOFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m . Telephone Connection No. 10 UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Licensed Auctioneer for Co, Grey Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales ms to dates, &c., must be made at the Roview Ofâ€" fice, Durham. #* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.0., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to D. MePHAIL, Ceylon #. 0 or to C. RAMAGE, Durhan Embalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice sSnow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallow Going â€"« Business Having decided to give up the Gent‘s Furnishing Business in Dork :m my entire stock will be cleared out at cost price. For bargains in Men‘s and Boy‘s Suits and Odd Pants, Raincoats Umbrelias, Mats and Caps, Shirts. Collars & Ties, Handkerchiefs, Susâ€" penders, Hose and mt!ou. Underâ€" ber Bbop‘ RESIDENCE â€"First house south Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. ;nu. Sweaters, Overalls & Smocks Boots and Shoes users are requested to write F.D. VICKERS, 605 Parliament St, TORONTO, ONT, For all Oxford Cream Separator Repairs DLETETLD TL aéaeds ARTHUR GUN, M. D., J. F.GRANT D.D.S., L. D. S. S Bpocial attention . HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto and everything in the Gent‘s Farâ€" nishing line this is your chance and you should take adyantage of it. Notary Public, Commissioner, CONYEYANCER, &c. Is the thing to think of now BON BONS ALWAYS FRESH G. H. STINSON Model Bakery D. MePHAIL, Ceylon £,. 0 to C. RAMAGE, Duhan #@~ Ceylon has a relephone ofice, DT T DURKHAM , ONT, (Lower Town Full line of C atholic 1 and _ black _ and Uaps for aged ; Holiday â€" Baking J. P. TELFORD We have a good supply of fresh Baking always on hand. _ Also a good assortâ€" ment of Candies, Nuts and oranges. ‘clal attention ’lnn t Women and Children. J. H. Rose W. F. DUNN A. BELL pn ut ciitescintinlinga nc WV ROTMARRaDpAC Rob»s white people B

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