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Durham Review (1897), 3 Dec 1908, p. 10

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o ( th C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound Britis‘t Canadian Bus. College 7 NORTHER CA ANIOASI Telegraphy N. H. SHAW, Pres. _ T.J.JOHNSTON, Prin S OWEN SOUND, Ont leads. Special Department for those whose early education has been neglected. Inâ€" formation free to any address. Winter Term opens January 1st Arrange now to attend the famous fi h on ho This school stands to day without a suâ€" crior in the Domtnion. Neul{ all colleges Inim to the best, but claiming to be so oes not make them so. Get our catalogue {oad it from cover to cover. See for yourâ€" clf what this college is doing and the adâ€" Stenography, Telegraphy, Commercial Courses. aB Our new Winter styles in "Regent" Overcoats 5t have just arrived : these are designed and made by c the most expert men in the business. _ They have 2’; such perfection of fit and finish as will appeal at 2: once to your best judgement. pUSINESS COLLEGE ike sure of getting a thorough Business or ‘ Shorthand training is to attend the a47 150,000 per annum in railway service. You become a good operator in 6 months if smd{ in The Central Telegraphy School, rrard $t. E., Toronto. The finest School inads. Write for particulars. | Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" ly at his own desk. Trial lessons foe one week free. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2. W. T. CLANCY Principal, Day and Night Classes. Business College | and thoroughly reli r term begins Jan. 4th humisn AMERICAN 1 Y.M. C. A. Most modern and ‘xg‘puln Business Sehoo!l in Western Ontario. . Widely exâ€" perieneed, broadly educated, sympathetâ€" i¢, attentive staff,. _ The synonym of success. _ (Graduates eminently suceessâ€" ful. ‘The very essence of modern living business systems. BEST BUSINESS TRAINING Nrite fc repar® cation Ornamental Writing, TORONTO, ONT. We khave a good line of Fall Shoes both fine an‘ heavy, leather lined and felt lined, just the shoe fo fall and winter. Heavy rubbers now on display. MT. FOREST The ONLY Way It will pay you betore buying a fall Suit to come and examine our clothing, " The Regent Brand." YOUR COURSE at reasonable prices Start any time. THE PEOPLE‘S STORE GEO SPOTT« Cor, Youge & Bloor Sis. 1al instructi r handsome WALKERTON h to study ry cours ROBERT BURNETT 10 or Busing taken at Fresh Groceries always on Hand. Highest prices paid for Produce. jon y subjec it home. : for those whose c wlected. eliable school. _ Winâ€" th. Catalogue free. x Brsirngzes COLLEGE A. Building, Toronto Is the first step towards positions paying from $5000 Privcipal Overcoats ! Enter any day 11 bring you »14 establishâ€" FOOTWEAR th and THOS. ALLAN, Princ 16 siop any pain in 20 minutes, take one of ET shoop‘s Pink Pain Tapiets, See formula on h« box. _ Ask your Do¢ or or Druggist about tis formula,. is can‘t be bettered. Womaunly pains, head pains, any pain}.;ets instant relief. Box of twenty Pink Pain Tallets, 2¢. Sold by Macâ€" Farlane Co. All outâ€"standitg accounts must paid before 15th DJecember 1908. Magazine Department, the whole 24 pages comprising An All Round Library, the regular price of which alone is $1.90 per year. Send order to 0 Mee of this paper. The most valuable and practical inâ€" formation is always contained in its Agricultural Section, and everything pertaining to Literaâ€" ture, the Fine Arts, Society and the Home will be found in its The Weekly Mail and Empire is a valuable Expositor of the House of Commons and of the Happenings of Provincial Legisltures. We have made arrangements with The Weekly Mail and Empire, of Toâ€" ronto, one of the leading and most influential papers of Canada, by which we can offer Tu® Review and The Weekly Mail and Empire until January 1st, 1910 (no premium includâ€" ed), for bargain sum of $1.55, A large editioc of the Directory has been published. Copies will be seni free to those who apply for them to the ** Live Stock Commissioner, * Ottawa. The Directory has been published for the purpose of enalling farmers desiring to improve and inc:case their herds to acscertaim where, in their own or other districts, pure bred males and fenmies may be purchasei. It will be of great service to individuals and Associations desiring to collect car loads in districts where pure bred animals are plentifal for distribution i» others where they are ceeded. This Directory h is been compiled and iesued as a result cf actaal correspondâ€" ence between the Lave Stock Commisâ€" sioner and the bresders whose names are given througbout the more than one bundred pages of which the Directory cousists. While the Directory does not represont a complete tabulation of the pure bred live stock of the Dominion, it does indicate the annual preduce of most of the larger berds, stads and flocks of the varicus breeds in each of the Prov nces, We have recerves a copy of a Dircciâ€" ory of the breedars of pure bred live stock in the Domin.on of Canada issued by the Liye Stock Branch of the Deâ€" partment of Agricu gure which is a most useful courpilation of the names and adâ€" dresses of Breeders of purs bred liye Stock in the whole Dominion. Durhaimm School For Pure Stock Breeders. Special Ofier. NC TICE. # 4 is d t o_ AuEx. Russeurt be Lt R,. MacFARLANE, Town Agent Tickets to all points at lowest rates For further particulars see Christmas Sailings DEC. sthâ€"LAKE ERIE DEC. othâ€"MONTFORT DEC. 11thâ€"EMRESS of IRELAND in Great brita fore Christmas Passenger Service on the Upper Lal was discontinued Nov. 24th. ~â€"â€"â€" 6 # 4 â€"â€"_â€"â€"=« There is no gift so acceptable as a souvenir â€" spoor _ with * Durham " handsomely engraved on same,. Call and see samples at _ s _ â€"Mrand Mrs E. J, Rico, (the latter known in the past as Miss Annie Bartâ€" lett) have been spending part of a brief honeymoon trip with friends in this neighborhood. They were guestg3 while here of Mr and Mrs Thos. Banks, Mr and Mrs D, MceArthur, and of Mr and Mrs C. Ramage, They leave toâ€"day for London, whore they give addresses, then to Chicago to visit Mr itice‘s friends, back to Toronâ€" to and on the 13th December set sail for Africa, delegated missionaries to the Sudan, in a district between fiye 'and six hundred miles up the Niger river in Wost Africa, among the Housa tribes, ‘Fhey are supported by the " Sudan Interior Mission, " of Toâ€" ronto, an organization founded is 1900, and depending eutirely on volâ€" untary support, This has not failed them and they haye now quite a group of imissionaries striving to inâ€" troduce the gospel in the yast Sudan region, On Sunday evening last in the Presbyterian Church Mr Rice gaye an address showing {he nseds of the place and the peopie snd vyery forcibly pointing out the duty and 14â€" sponsibility resting on Christian peo, ples not to hold their peace " but to: " tell the good tidings ‘* abroad, takâ€" ing his text fromII Kings7: 9. He ‘ gave instaoces of native character showing that they are capable of deâ€" | velopment if the gospel is preached to | them, At the Guild on Monday even. ing he exhibited and explained an inâ€" ‘ teresting collection of curios, the work of the natives, HMe has been | nearly four years in Africa, an d their visit hbere will deepen jnterest in Suâ€"| dan work. | Gratifying news reached Durbam a few days ago that Kev Mr Bice was doing well after a serious operation, just how serious may be judged when it is said that over one hundred gall stones were removed, We sincepelyg hope the Key. gentJeman will soon be ableto return to his duties, Rev Mr Farer took his puipits on Sunday last, other occasions having been filled by a layman from Palimerston, Mr Haines. NJ From St. John, N. B, n P. G, A, Webster‘s, e to reacn point the Continent be LC What will you give ? Do not say nay. Help generously. Ec:p all you can. Help some. Help now. Contributions may be sent to W. J. Gace, Esq., Chairman Exâ€" ecutive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto ; or J. S. Rosertâ€" son, Sec.â€"Treasurer National Saniâ€" tarium Association, 347 King Street West, Toronto, Canada. Our plea is on behalf of the sick ones. Friends, we come to you at this time, when the clouds of depression are being lifted, asking that you now â€"in the direness of our exâ€" tremity â€" help to lift the burden being carriedâ€"not for any personal gain, but solely, alone, only on behallf of suffering sisters and brothers. The good news has gone forth of a rich harvest the wide Dominion over, to swing] Gpen, 2n to suftering ones and without price. These had to be paid somehow. Contributions â€" especially after the turna of the yesy whgy the finanâ€" cial depression was felt at its keenâ€" estâ€"fell off to such an extent, that each month the burden became heavier. During all this period there was only one thing to do, and that was to lean 03 aus banker â€"swolling the bank overdraft. The trial was the severest in the history of these Muskoka Homes, in which nearly 8,000 persons, stricken by the dread white plague, have been cared for. * Tives Makes ay Ungent Appoal for Money. T * .. chud Alopide Tor Namfemancs of "‘_ . Poor Patients, These headâ€"lines tell the story of our needs, They are heavy and urgent. Many times during the past twelve months the question has pressed itself upon the ‘Frustees, ‘"Can we continue the work further ?" Every month brough? its quota of accounts for salaries and wages of staf, bills of butclrer, milkman, eggs, groceries, feayy coal billsâ€" a serious itemâ€"and other uncons> trollable expenses so long as the doors were kept open. Noh {(World for 15 mos.) Other combinations mage known on application, Combinations of three or more papers can also be made at reduced ratbsâ€" HARD TIMES HARD ON THE POOR CONSUMPTIVE SERJOUS DEPLETION IN FUNDS m P G A Webster ts In order to make room AM for our large Xmas stock it AA becomes necessary to reduce '* our large high ciass stock of s wa‘ches, clocks, rings, lockâ€" m ets, Bracelets and Jeweliry of AA all kinds including our beauâ€" fi tiful stock of Silverware. ws We intend to sacrifice this fl large stock during Noyemâ€" §M ber only, at a price within § the reach of everyone. { Quality& m â€" Quantity. 1A P e e mpnr en E.l > vo MA * .â€"mapter Skhack Life at Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives, Q Now is the time to buy W\ your Christmas _ presents, s while they last, Remember g!} everything goes. But never Review and Weekly GJobe.... .$1.55 Review and Farmers‘ Sun ......1.75 Review and W. Mail & Empire..l..’x’) Review and Montreal W. Wit, ,.1.60 Review and Family Her. & Star.1.80 Review and Daily Globe...... . ..4.40 Reyiew and Daily World ... ... ..2.60 3233333%3», " The Jeweller‘‘ Graduate Canadian Horo: logical Institute Yearly Clubbing Offers. Ecscscccccct THE DURHAM REVIE * ># $ e ~â€"â€"â€"â€" for a single hour did the Free Hospital fail ones witnoul money P1A con Mail Orders Carefully Filled. Produce Taken as Cash at the Highest Prices On account of the amount of friendly opinions expressed by the peopleâ€"*" The conâ€" sumers "â€"about our recent Sale, and the unfriendly opinions expressed by others, we wish to place the matter before the people plainly so that everybody may understand the irue position of affairs. Our aiim was to give the peopleâ€"the consumersâ€"good goods at jow prices and the result was that during the sale we sold goods to people living in four provinces, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia. The closing night of the Sale was so successful that even the large city Departmental Stores could not touch it. We accomplished all we undertook, but we waunt to do more and are still selling at sale prices. Facts As We Find Them Gents Tailor and Furnigher, Durham It depends entirely upqo a man‘s inâ€" dividual taste whether hbe select an extremely flashy or a coat of modest design and pattern. â€" Whatever his choige may fm we are prepared to fulfil his request. _ We have an exâ€" cellent assortment of Fall Overcoa‘s in all styles distinetive designs, and priced to suit everyoune. We hayve some of the latest suits in now. The above are samples from our Fur department, but remember our epartment, having received new goods continuously during the sale. Durnax, Des. 2, 1908. Fall Wheat..,.........$ 85 to $ 85 Spring Wheat.....,.,.. 80 to _ 80 Oaty : ,i.2r s4r».:1ir2. }«"> gPLO, _ ‘BD Peas......5,}" ara61s4 BJ to _ 82 barley............ ... â€" iABio . 48 HMay;...::.... 141.« i 0010 8 00 Dutter.i.:..s....s ..«..>> B1 to : S Fans.:.. :. ..«......s‘... . BA to B2 Potatoesl})erbag...... 40 to _ 40 Flour per ewt..,..,,, 2 0 to § 25 Oatmeal per sack..... 2 90 to 2 80 Chopfiercwt......... 1 35 to 1 60 Live Hogs per ewt... 6 00 to 6 00 Hides per lb ... Sheeps‘l’(tn... is Wuol...s ...s.4« ‘TalloOW.... ... Rev, Mr, Farthing, the new Bishop» was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, on Deâ€" cember 13, 1861. He was educated in England «and graduated from Camâ€" bridge in 1885 with honors Coming t0 Canada, he was ordaiued in the same year and took charge of the parâ€" ish in Durham. In 1888 he went to Wondstock as curate, and in the folâ€" lowing year became rector, remaining there until his recent removal to Kingâ€" ston. â€" Bishop Farthing married Mary, daughter of Mr J. C, Kemp, of Montreal, The Synod of Montrcal, after an exciting experience clected â€" Dean Farthing of Kingston to the vacant Bishopric. His opponent was Dean Evans, The struggle began in Octo. ber the clergy largely being for Evans while Dean Farthing bad the Lay vote. After many votes withont reâ€" sult the contest was adjourned till last week and after eleven ballots the necessary mzejority of both orders was secured by the popular Dean and he is now Bishop of Montreal, Durâ€" ham people will rejoice at the outcome Now Bishop Farthing. Fall Overcoats Durham Markets. Harry Burnett G.â€"& J. McKECHNIE G. & J. MeKECHNIE LA Now that the weather is getling cooler, we are of. fering an excellent stock of Furs at less than wholeâ€" sale prices. ‘The following are the prices : Astrachan Jacket $23.00 Sable Stole.... 11.50 Astrachan Jacket 27.50° Tart M‘rtin Stole16.50 Per. Lamb Jacket 60.00 Thibet Stole..... 5.50 Rat Jacket 58.00 Squirrel Stole & Muff 14.75 3 to 3 {'o to 70 8 to 25 5 to FURS ! Agency in Durham for celebrated Kant Krack Lumbermen‘s Rubbers. The hest thing to do with your money, soiled or clean is to bring it to the down town Shoe Store and have it exchanged for something in Boots & Shoes, Slippers, RuLUbers, Overshoes, Mitts anud Gloves in many styles, a pair of hose, a trunk, teleâ€" scope, suit case, orclub bag. _ 1 am germ proof and you will run no risk of spreading disease by giving me your money. Custom work and Repairing as Usual. An eminent Nsw York chemist says, ‘Disease is carâ€" ried on soiled bills & nearly all money is germ laden, Alex. Russell, Durham Positively selling out and going out of business in Durham. The chance of a lifetime for Bargains Notice to the Public What Mcliraith Says Durham The Big Store, Durham ALEX. RUSSELL, our stock is full in every S. Mcliraith . Onl e ols "ale"c ncale" als $90 yvards d *,* m_® 7 m i*w 50 The Bi ALL OVI Daint We Desery For Gentle For Ladi 1€ The House of Quali VOL. Tt HALF PRICH THE REYV i0c to Men‘s A Dair Woulds Pettico. Ribh()t Men Linen rd nd

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