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Durham Review (1897), 3 Dec 1908, p. 4

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t4 weld ce io i o d i o o d t a oA 4 No More Fowl Taken Alive L e oo t t ht d x4 nX x t 1 ps MENNEDY / KMEMNEDY too cold for shipment quality dressed. In Men‘s coats we have the best = stock we have had as yet fore your size goes. Pri Bring us your produce for est prices. A beauty, furlined at $3 collar with curled lining at T A Y L O R~ DISCOURAED MEN I We are showing some Ladies and Men‘s Underw Ladies Vests and Drawe: Mens Shirts and drawers Special values seo us. Winter Underwear C We have a beautiful stock of winter millinery to select from and are giving a special discount on all trimmed hats. -::-o:v;;-;:-::-c:-::-:;-:z::;:i;-::-::-:EE:-:HEEEE}CJQE Taylor & (Co., Dromore & The cold weather makes you look for your Furs. We are showing a very large stock of furs in all the latest styles composed of Ladies‘ Electric Seal and Astrachan Jackets, Fur lined coats, Fur Scarfs, Ruffs, Caperines, Muffs alul Caps, Men‘s fur and imatation fur coats which we are selling at a very special price. Cor. Michigan Ave., Don‘t Forget Cash Coupons. 18 LIFE WORTH LIYVING MILLI NERY CASH AND ONE PRICE FURS! ve., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. un on e oo oo i o in o aaain K FURS, :,, ‘:,. :A : I migmnonesr iCce ntil Christmas and you have ) before that time. Give us a car. _ In all lines we have a ut Qoo c P P 22. 90 Readé a&AAIV EL as it is ghest prices for good ‘ry special values in in union and ail wool. om 25¢ to $1.00 m 50c to $1. rtments. th Call and Miss Phemie Eccles and Miss Irine Hendersn, who are learning the dressâ€"making in Mt. Forest, spent Bunday at their homes here. s Miss Lottie Love who was with Colin MceMillan‘s for the summer, reâ€" turned to her home last week. The Farmers‘ Institute will hold their meeting in Russell Hall next Monday afternoon, Dec. 6th. _ There will be two speakers present. _ A good meeting is expected. _ A lady delegate will also be present so there will be a meeting for ladies too. _ In the evening a joint meeting will be held. We hear the choir are getting prepared to help with evening meetâ€" ing. Everybody come ard help make the meetings a success. Some are looking forward to atâ€" tending the Xmas tree entertainment to be held at Sackett‘s Corner, Wedâ€" nesday, Dec. 8 also the cuncert at No. 12, Thursday night, Dec. 9. The Young People‘s Mission Band will meet in the Basement of the charch Satarday afternoon. As this is the last meeting of the year a sFecial meeting will be held. _ After the meeting there will be a practice tor the children for the Xmas enterâ€" tainment which is to be held Dec. »20d _ All young people are inyited to attend, Miss Mary Swanston and Miss Rice, Yeovil, attended Endeayer at Amos, Sunday evening. We were sorry to hear of Mr John Allan being very seriously ill at the home of his daughter Mrs Walter Hastie. _ We hope soon to hear of his recovery. Miss Mary Taylor who had been yisiting friends in Hamilton the last month, returned home last week. Miss Agnes Ronwick visited Danâ€" dalk friends last week and part of this. tickets at Taylor‘s store. Everybody come to the Forester‘s concert to be held Friday night Dec. 4 in Rassell Hall. The talent to be present all come highly recommendâ€" ed. Reserved seats, 35 uts. Adâ€" mission 25 cts. Plan of hall anad Mr Donald McLean, of our town, has 1000 views and photos of the Principnl places in Priceyille for sa‘le. This will give opportunity to all who have friends iu far off conntries to present them with photos of the churehes and other buildings of which they were familiar when resiâ€" dents cf the place. We congratalate Mr Hector Mcâ€" Donald, of our town, on receiving whe appointment of County Constable for the County of (Girey, an office to which he will do credit to thoss that elected him. Mrs MeQueen (Mrs Chas. MceKinâ€" non‘s mother), South line, Artemesia, although in hber 100th year has all her faculties yet. Ehe spends her time singing and composing bymns in her own language, the Gaelic, beâ€" ing totally blind for years, yet she sees with the eye of faith the brightâ€" ness of the tuture lite tor her. The Aungal Sunday School Ann‘â€" versary will be held in the Presbyâ€" terian church bere on the 16th Deâ€" cember next, when a good program wil! be prepared for the occasion as usual. Three men were appointed by PriceviHle Presbyterian Church to atâ€" tend the Laymen‘s Convention to be held in Orangeville on the 15th Dec. next. Those going are Alex McLeod representing the Session, Dan Mcelnâ€" nes the Managers and Pcter Mair the congregaticn. Some of us were disappointed that we were kept at home on the evenâ€" ing of the entertainment in Glenelg Cen.re Baptist church, on account of the darkness of the night. We reâ€" meimber in years gone by long ago of attending services hela by the late Rev Root McIntyre, in the late Mr Angas Beaton‘s cld log house conductâ€" ed in Gaelic. The old house would be cram tull of eager listencrs to a powerfual sermon in their native langâ€" uage. The good old people of that day are nearly all, if not all, laid to rest beneath the sods, a good many of them in Priceville cemetery and the pastor one of the number. We venture to say if we met some of these good old people‘s grana whildâ€" ren toâ€"day and ask them in Gaelic, " Ciamar tha sibh an duig" or how are you toâ€"day, they would stare us in the face thinking perhaps we were swearing at them. The approaching winter is remindâ€" ing some of our citizens that it is not good to be alone, and some baye joined the matrimonial list, but as we are not positive we will deter giving the parties till we are better informâ€" ed. A couple of strangers got married one day last week and some of the youngsters indualged in what is generally known as a ‘‘chivari." It is too bad that ciyil citizens cannot perform a lawfal deed without being as it were, punished for their actions. Itis a poor precedent for any one that is in charge cf teaching the youth in the ways they should go to set an example before their pupils by being one of the number enjoying themselves in such low business as a chariyari, The A. 0. U. W. Lodge, 140, Priceâ€" ville, intends to have a concert some time in the near future, of which due notice will be given as the A. O. U. W. is a progress.ye Society now. The ladies are taking an interest in its welfare, for we have five of them in 140. Miss Jennie McArthur joined at last meeting, also Martin McLeod, 12 teams with their owners turned out on Tuesday of last week and ploughed for Robert Fisher some ten scres in an afternoon, taking no thought of the showers of rain drring the afternoon. We are pleased to see him so well now, that he was able to be ploughing bimeself the latter part of the week. . Bob is hard to kill. Fine g:onghlng weather for the last ten days and gave those behind a chance to catch ap to shose who finished some time ago. Dromore. Priceville ies ts l tlnniictnh c N8 o um NF K on dantd :. P C EECEAAEAAReveaaTaieraiin s ns ascnes lea L Olieiee e e eneeiin ailat m‘ 4 .‘31 ie dee t o THE DURHAM REVIEW R. MacFARLANE, Town Agent Tickets to all points at lowest rates For further particulars see Allowing ample time to reach points in Great Britain and the Continent beâ€" fore Christmas. DEC. sthâ€"LAKE ERIE DEC. 9$thâ€"MONTFORT DEC. 11thâ€"EMRESS of IRELAN D Christmas Sailings Being a Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey I am in the field for this season, and am prepared to act as Auctioneer at all Sales at moderate rates. Parties may make arrangeâ€" ments with me direct for dates of sales or arrango for same at REviEw Oflice or R, Burnett‘s store, Durham Passenger Service on the Upper Lakes was discontinued Nov. 24th. There is some talk of organizing a band in the village, but no definite steps have been decidad on yet. The warm weather is very acceptâ€" able to the tarmers, most of whom are taking advantage of it to finish up ploughing. The pupils of the Pablic Scshool are preparing for _ a good concert to be held sbout Xmas timo. Mr J. L. Eedy, of Harriston, was in the village on Tuesday. Miss Kate Gibbons is back again from the West. Mrs Wim Seaman spent a few days recently at Conn. Mr MeKillop, of Harriston, visited at N. D. Mc!&nz%e’s last week for a tew days. Rev G. S. Cassmore, of Victoria University, occupied the Methodist palpit last Sunduay and was welcomed by many old triends. Rev Mr Cooper of Coun, will preach next Sunday,. alter which it is expected that Mr King will be back. The temperance workers have orâ€" gavized for the coming Local Option campaign and expect to win the conâ€" test. Mr Ferdinand Breutigan has sold his swamp to Miller & Seim. We are glad to Younge is able to be a week‘s iliness. Mr Auderson sold a fius horse iine figure lately. ‘The bride was a charming younag lady and wili be missed sorely in the community and we ihink Mr Green the lucky young man. _ Wishing them both the bess that life affords. A number from This coraer attendâ€" ed Robt. Brigham‘s stock sale Wedâ€" nesday. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Budge of Hanover, in the presence of a number of the imâ€" mediate relatives. A pretty home wedding took place at Mrs Jos. Derby s Wednesday afterâ€" noon, the 25 inst at four o‘clock p. m. when her youngest daughter, Miss Jessie was joined in the happy bonds of wedlock to Mr Andy Green oft Louise. Coughs that are tight, or distressing tickling coughs, get quick and. certain help from Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Remedy. On this account Drugâ€" gists every where are tnvoriuf Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Remedy, _ and is is entirely free from Opium, Chloroform, or any other stupefying drug. ‘The tender leaves of a harmless luug-heulin% mounâ€" tainous shrub give to Dr. Shoop‘s Cough emedy its curative proK\-ruvs. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distressing Cough, and to soothe, and heal the most sensitive bronchial membrane. _ Mothers should, for safety‘s sake alone, always demand Dr. Shoop‘s. It can with perfect freedom be given to even the youngest babes. Test it once yourself, and see! " sold by MacFarlane Co. Mr Jas Ands« cerion recently. As there was a lot of eatables left oyer, it was saggested that any who wished could come the following evening and finish what was left. Quite a number turned out and a very sociable evening was spent. Door keeper C. H. Kennedy handâ€" ed the treasurer $19.0 being the proâ€" ceeds of the evening. _ After singing the National Anthem, all went to their respective homes weil pleased with the evening‘s enjoy ment. _ Miss Loviaa KFischer visited at Mr >. Sshenk‘s lately. The teaâ€"meeting held in the Glenâ€" elg Centre Baptist Church on Friday ::ie 27 in;se was I;ell utienlt'led 9rou~ idering the very dark night. ‘ea was served abogt eight o%loek. and we heard some say that the eatables were much to the credit of the yourg ladies that baked them. _ After tea was served Mr George Bnnie took the chair to dispose of a lengthy program. _ As we all know Mr Binâ€" nie makes a good chairm»n and by his good command of the audience the very best of prder was kept. Appropriate :peecb‘ were made by the Rev‘s F.:qubarson, Jamieson and Newton who is pastor of the church. Also Mr H H. Miller, M. P., ot Hanâ€" over, whom _ lenelg people were pleased to see, gave a ftine address. Mrs Newton of Durham, gave two or or three solus, showing her ability as a musician and was greatly applaudâ€" ed by the appreciative audience. Miss Maud McGilliyray gave a recitâ€" ati_n which wook very well. Also Mr Andy Watson of MecWilliamsvills gaye two recitations that were well received by the audience. The Glenelg Centre choir under the leadâ€" ershipof Mr Binnie furnished excelâ€" lent mausic throughout the evening. Notice to the Public Glenelg Centre. From St. John, M Intended for last week Rort. BrRIGHAM, Allan Park Holstein. Hampden Anderson see Mr Thos. out again after visited in Wa!l At a Contributions may be sent to Mr. W, J. Gage, 84 Spadina Avoe., Chairman of the Executive Committee, or to J. 8. Robertson, Secretaryâ€"Treasurer of the National Sanitarium Association, 847 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario. It is on behalf of cases like these, of which there are scores reaching the Secretary of the Sanatorium every week, that the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives makes its appeal toâ€"day for funds. This institution has not at any time, since its doors were first opened in April, 1902, refused a sin;ile patient because of the applicant being unable to pay. _ _ A We have sometimes thought that if Ian MacLaren, who has given to us the character of Dr. McClure, were alive toâ€"day that in letters such as these he would find material for a book more touching and pathetic in many parts than his Bonnie Briar Bush. **I am a young married man, twentyâ€" three years of uie. For several years I have been sick, but always able to keep my feet. _ Now I have come to the time when I cannot work, and cannot get medicine without means. My lungs are affected, and I am writing now to see if you can get me into the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumpâ€" tives. My young wife is here, and her parents have kindly opened their doors to her if I go away." Just oune more of the many we might quote. This is from a phys}'clun in Campbeliford, Ont. He writed:â€" "I have a patient suffering from »ulmonary tuberculosis, who has been {aid off work for about three months nowâ€"was in bed part of that time, but latterly both his pulse and temgeraturo have kept down and his weight ;;oing up. _ He is the only lupport of the familyâ€"mother, crippled father, and familyâ€"mother, crip[;lod father, and younger brother, but his neighbors are trying to raise a emall amount of money to help him." _ _ ____ \"I would like to urge strongly upon you the great claims of this patient. Me has no homeâ€"mother deadâ€"father working as afarm laborer. The boy has been living with an unmarried uncleâ€" no housekeeperâ€"work, cooking, ete., being done by the uncle. The boy has absolutely no place to go where he might be given any reasonable care, anfi he can get none where he is." Another case is from Thorold. Johnston Weldon writes:â€" Seldom have we read anything more pathetic. Here, forexample, is a letter from n,}mhybiciu.n in Crecmore, Ont., asking for the admission of a patient by tho name of Morrison. He says:â€" Miss Mildred Leeson spent Satarâ€" da ; with Mt. Forest friends. In the current issue of the Door or Hork, published by the National Saniâ€" tarium Association, 817 King Street West, Toronto, a page is given over to letters received from the many persons from all parts of the Dominion seeking admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. _ Mr Wm Johnston Sr., was austi cer and brought gord prices. A Story more Touching than anythin from the Pen of the gifted & lan Maclaren. CANADA‘S POOR CONâ€" SUMPTIVES. The box social was a decided success financially $6155 being realized. _ An excellent programme was rendered but could not be aK preciated for the incessant distur ance caused by a few roughe from Durham and elsâ€"where who brougzht their bottles with them, henes were incapible of being men. We are sorry to learn the Pettigrew twins are having a hard time with a relapse cof the whooping cough. Mr Wmm Morrison has sold his farm to Mr Sam Patterson for $1000 and talks of going West. Preventics, the new Candy Cold Cure Tablets. are said by Jruggms to have four special specific advantages over all other remedies for a cold} Firstâ€"â€"They contain no Quinine, nothing harsh or sickening. Secondâ€"They give almost instant relief. Thirdâ€"plcasant to the taste, like candy, Also fine for feverish children, _ Sold by Macâ€" Farlane Co. Mr H. W. Leeson returned to Mt. Forest Satarday. Prof. Vogt and his famous Mendelsâ€" soln choir of Toronto are expected to furnish the music. Preparations for the annual Xmas Tree which will be bheld this year on Tuesday Dec. 22, are well urder way, and if thorough and systematic practice count for anything, this enâ€" tertainment should eclipse any of its predecessors. Mr Wim Johnston of ye Editor‘s town, spent a week or two in the village and community in the inâ€" terests of the I. O. F. _ Mr Johnston is an adept in the busiuess and Court Bunnockl[)’urn can boast a tew adâ€" ditional mem bers since his yisit. Mr Wm Bretse of Chatsworth adâ€" dressed the teachers and students of the Picsbyterian Sanday School on S.bbath morning, congratulating them upon the large attendance and making a strong appeal for the proper instruction znd propar environment of the youth, as ‘tis from their ranks that recruits come for all important positions in church and state. The address was much appretiated. Mr D. A. Smith bas erected A substantial kitzhen to the rear of his residence on Garafraxa St. â€" Harry Hett had the contract and the buildâ€" ing‘s neat appearance is an evidence of his merchanical ability.. Ml;l é-l;l;h of Arthur, spent a pleasâ€" ant tortnight in the village, the guest otf her uncle, J. L. Smith, M. D. accompanied by her cousin, 82 Lizzie. Miss Smith was posseBsS with a charming personality and h departure is much regietted by host of friends and admirers. ® uo aiga PPPREOU 20 70000000 t saaa duâ€"ky, hazy weather, characterisâ€" tic of Indian Sumwer is welcomed by all in preference to the iron bhand of Kingy Winter. Miss mate Smith, who hes been a gilted acquisition to the social circles for the past six weeks, left a fortnig ht ago for her home at ‘Hols:‘e‘in 4 uC WCGEbEMzE RARPRE UAE CCE ly favorable for this season of the year. Earth‘s beautiful white manâ€" tle disappeared in a few dn‘}'n and :?e 1 °0 14000 0C L EnantAPIG The weather continues re‘goepzi}mu.l- Varney. Dornoch by her cousin, Miss an d her ;-;w t Massey Harris Mowers & Rakes C ezes, Chenille Table covers 6 4 MIBG: â€" +x> > + ++ +« «LA AB ** * 8â€"4 simg'l Smyrna Rugs, 30â€"60.. ho eimen ie is ces + B 0 oo o o eraie on in arn ons in i ie nreimenrnianet n Gold decorated 4 piece glass table sets, $1.50, 1.7 and $2,00 eac *# "__ 7 picce water sets ©$1,95 & 2.25 e Â¥ d wnaas hacgy Cpl on d mt Al Bed Comforters.... .. ae n e +4 Large 1144 size ] lannciette blank Ladies fall and wint or vests and Ladies‘ black sateen un: erskirts ladles'WoolFudnnon.......... Child‘s white wool boas, 35¢. 50c Men‘s Cardigan Jackets at #1 E I have decided te be in the t, Darham on Wednesday and 8a of each week during the fal! an ter term, to arrange for salos, person or persons wishing to â€" for the parpose may meei m Mu: dock‘s implement rooms on days in the afternoon, Sues P ly attended to and prices right further particulars call or v Miks Kexxy, Edge Hill, Auc THE BIG 4 for county of Grey "Get your be ready. ‘‘ Our Lamps are of a very superior quality, they are trimmed and we are ready to give you a better bargain than you can get any other place. We also have a great assortment of Lanterns, ranging in price from 15¢ to $3 50. _ There is nothing to equal our Dash Lanterns for these dark nights. We have a good line of Mops and Mop _ Wringers. Every â€" woman should have one. Why are you doing without that Washing Machine when you can gel one so cheap. Wash Tubs in abundance. Fither of wood or Galvanized Iron. Have you seen the great variety of Chopping Axes we have to offer you. Our Hangled Axes will snit a great number of people, Buy one of our Horse Blankets and clothe your horse, which will help to get you a good price for him on the 15th December, The "Night Cure", as its name im ples work while you sleep, It soothes gore t ed mucous lurfncvs.p‘kwh local weakn discharges, while the Restorative, oases excitement, gives renewed vigor snd : b;lm» mwumd thla}uee. bringing «bout r, and energy. ‘Jake Dr Restorativeâ€"Tablets or Liquidâ€"asa gen to the system. For positive local asp, u. To wouk and .mfi women, there way * > .clp. But with that way, ty must se combined. One is locai, on tional, but both are important, b Dr. Shoop‘s Night Cure is the Loc Jir. Shoop‘s Restorative, the Cons The formerâ€"Dr. Shoop‘s Night Cu) mucous membrane suppository rem. Bhoop‘s IKestorative is wholly an i ment. The Restorative reaches th entire system, seeking the repair all tissue, and all blood ailments. Dr. Shoop‘s Night Cure Weak Women See our 25¢ and 50¢ Dress Goods Gun‘s Drug Store For Colds in the Head, Are guaranteed remedies. Money back if not satisfactory. Put up at ‘This is part of the conversa® tion of two Durham gentiemen, whose names can be given if neeâ€" essary. ‘GUN‘S GRIPCAPSULES® "NASALINE" s COCGsmee: TELdrci® Lream Separator, Coal Oil and Machine Oi1 always in stock, a few weeks ago, Was ! the house, head all stu bones aching, heard Grip Capsules" and / also a box of their * and was fixed up in sh They are good things.‘ and ail kinds of implements for H vesting seasons,â€" De Laval and Cream Separatar Hardware! SELI S CHEAP Soid by MacFarlane and Co W. Black For Grip, Colds, Notlice to Public. â€"McFadden _ BEAN and See Us i9 Cold ? Calder BJ Une is Iocltl. 0&; important, Dure is the Local itive, the Constit cop‘s Night Cur o inpository remed s wholly an int ive reaches thr ig_the repmir 0 od ailments. as its name imp] . It soothes some Lamps trimmed and s<)«>>««.. 81 35 to $3 each ette blankets, tl.25|pti, vests and drawers %cup of Maessey Harris Haying and Har. Massey Harris e Constitutional. ghi Cureâ€"isa topical ry remedy, while Dr. y an internal treat. ches throughout the repmir of all nerve, etc. and 8 $1.00 & 1.75 ea‘ r«+> ... £1.00each 0¢, and 65¢, each ind $2,00 each s at least one o treatments, > is constituâ€" th essontial & 1.50 each Durham 1.15 ca GO Embalmin a Specialty. Funeral Directors and â€" Undertakers Fime Sait Farmers Produce Wanâ€" Pure Spices & Vinegar No. 1 Family and Purs Manitoba flours Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Contectionarsy Flour, Feed, Seed & Grocerics GLOCERIES always fres} C. McARTHUR Men‘s Felt Hats...at 50¢, 75 and 1.00 Men‘s Tweed Caps........ at 35c each Homemade Mitts and Sox ... .. 30¢ pr Allâ€"wool Blankets...at lowest prices No need to tell about it. Twilled doubleâ€"fold Shecting Our YARN is known to everybody Men‘s Leggings while they last..1.25 New Goods in Lumbermen‘s Sox and Boys‘ coarse Rubbers . . . . . . 80c per pr Children‘s fine Rubbers while they Read this List On the above date we cxpe, to have our immense stoc}; , Christmas and holiday goods c»» ’W.M we want VOL' to com and see ito Saturday DECEMBER 5 Anythi ie iPut .“l;‘.‘z"f)udm?)' sclect will ie elivered at the VaecFartane & Cs. Priceville Establishment, : tull and yaried stock of Fun eral supplies. All calls, either night or promptly attended to. REMEMBER tne DATE BATURDAY, DEC. 54 Constantly on hand at ow MATTHEWS & LATIMER Druggists and Bookse and Note Prices F. P. REILEY Priceville. %8B48% "or , 1908 ome m # MA | *# K | ll ¢f li P $ ty Ur

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