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Durham Review (1897), 10 Dec 1908, p. 4

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&\ EBEmARRHANRRRERERSSRIRHLUIREDNR S $ T A Y L O RC d o xt s Des. KENNEDY & KENNEDY NMiakes cne think of their fur coat or caperine. Mens we have them from $20 to $50. A beauty, furlined at $30 and also in Ladies‘ collar with curled lining at $22.50 stock we have had fore your size goes too cold for shipme quality dressed. Now only five weeks until a lot of things to do be call for your winter wear very complete stock. Located in Our Own ;;-;:-::-::-::r::-::-::::zsx:cmmmmgxxxgg Taylor & Co., Dromore & 2C mmmec oT ce o oRe or. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Milti ts Men‘s coats we have the best * Men‘s Heavy Fricze Recfers, regular 4.50, clearing at . Special clearing prices on all Men‘s and Boy‘s Clothing. We are showing a .inens and Silk Drape We are giving a sp during the Christma Our store is brimfal of brand uew goods for the Christmas buyer and as you haVe only 12 days left in which to do your selecting you will finc that this is the store where you wili get a bette» selection and save morey on your purchase. 1ljlpre‘ Fowl Taken Alive Special Bargains for the Xmas Shopper Big Reductions on Clothing S. F. MORLOCK We are clearing the balance of nery at cost and less than cost. are giving a spcdial discount "on all; Men‘s and Boy‘s Clothing ing the Christmas trade. Here are a few of our priecs ; Mens fine Dress Overcoats in gray and Tweed" misture, regular PCE $7.80, CEA IOQG AE ... ... 1. «.«+.1«« «.1s va«c««r«re‘srzr +++0@0/00 Men‘s Fine Dress Overcoats in Blacks and Brown. Regulgr price $7.50 and 8.40, EIEAFING 4t ................«s «. ...« »+«+..§ib@h Men‘s Heavy Frieze Overcoats with high collar, regular $6.00, CKBEEEEE |c «s(Â¥ 0r in x adivd es arrante.€ er¢8 sxernk «ns i 2s oe 2rna f ied Don‘t Forget Cash Couporns. usual wo are giving special bargains in Fresh Groceries for the Christmas trade. C nad as yet. Come and get a fit beâ€" e goes. Prices $7.50 to $10. Clearing Sale o Winter Millinery Office Buildir ~JEDY & KENNEDY CASH AND ONE PRICE roduce for which we will pay highâ€" FURS, LTICC ETTE Jvl‘ to do before_that time. Give »nt, i great collection of Handkerchiefs, Ties, Fancy es for the Christmas trade. until Christmas and " smewil aRBMARYC as 1t 19 but highest prices for good ABbanger P ids t uis ues c tb sc removing the efiects of former indiscretions and excesses. It stons all Irains and quickly restores the victim to whe: vature intended â€" n healthy and happy man v ith pbysical, men tal and nerve power comp‘:te For over 2O yocrs D‘a. K. & K. have tractod with the greatsst success ell Giseasos of mon and ‘vomen., 11000 DisEases stRICTURE VAIICOCELE: JDNEY ANO BLiDDER dissases. Consulta, lem Free. 17 unablo to ~all, write for a mestion Blank for Homo ‘‘reatment. Excesses and indiscret Successorse to GRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN NERVOUS DEBIL!TY CURED ‘Dat LitnHCe,. . Uilve us a In all lines we have a our stock of stylish and up to date sorvow and suffer _combined . We « bhabits on svery face dark cirel inted evelopmer untenawce and t all the vorld his existence, Ourt all weak men b _mon and ‘vomen, ve any seeret discase that is a merace to your health consult 1 physicians who do not have to cto cure & ERVCUS DEBILITY Detroit, Mich. vrine. _ In you have reatiment positive» overcoming and mer indiscretions Iraing and quickly vature intended â€" ith physical, men ns are the cause ng than ail other e the victims of nnd the sallow, d eyes, stoopingg »» bashful, melan. mig bearing S,OA folly and tend to $3.00 fat the office of Mi W. F. Dunn, in | the Town of Darham, solicitor for the | assignee, on Friday the 11th day of December, 1908, at the hbour of two o‘clock in the afternoon, for the purâ€" pose of receiving a statement, and for the ordering of the affairs of the esltate generally, Creditors are requested to file their claims with the undersigned solicitori for the assignee, with the proof and particulars thereof required by the said Act on or before the date of such ! meeting. And notice is further given that after the 31st day of December 1908, the assignee will proceed to distribute the asseis of thke debtors amongst the parties entitled thereto, baving re |gard only to the claims of which noâ€" tice shall then haye been given. and that he will not be liable for the asâ€" sets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose ’émim he shall not then have had noâ€" tice, W. F. DUXx, Darham, Ont.. Solicitor for Assignee Dated at Durbam, December 8. 1908. ' In the matter of John A. Darling. of the Townof Durham in the Counâ€" Ly of Grey, Druggist, Insolvent. NOTICE is hereby givon that John A. Darling, ofthe Town of Durh+m in the County of Grey, carrying on busiâ€" ness as a Druggist at the said Town of Durham, bas made an assignment to Mr H. E. Sampson, of the Town of Owen Sound, B.nnisler-at-l.‘w. under R. 8, 0. 1897, Chap. 147, of all his esâ€" tate,. credits and effects for the gen r. benetit of his creditors. Mr George Sharp spent pirt of las: week belping his brother Jolin plaste: his house. ASSIGNEE‘S NOTICE TO CREpâ€" ITORS. Messrs David Gilmour and John Whitetord spert last week canvassâ€" ing the HIampden congregation in th» intereats of the Baildirg Fund of the Chureh Prepirations are being made for Public Examination at the school, on December 22. Inspector Campbell visited the schoo! on Thursday last and found everything working well. Captain Snider is abroad again alter an attack of La Grippe. Miss Agnes Lobsinger of Carlsruhe, visited friends about the mill for a few days last week. Little Alvia Friz son of Mr and Mrs Alf Fritz, had a bad spell last week but is somewhat better again. Miss Jennie Co per and her mother have both been quite ill recently. Mrs A. Derby has been assisting in househoid duties and caring for the sick. ;Mrs Jas Hanna and daughte Christena are jvisiting Berlin relaâ€" tives, Mr and Mrs A. Falton and Miss M. Lerson spent an evening lately with Mr and Mrs M. Mearns. Mrs Anderson, Miss Anderson, Miss M. Geddes and Mr Robt Nichol spent Sund1y evening at Mrs Derby‘s. meeting of Creditors Rey. Mr Dynes of Varney, visited in the neighborhood the beginning of the week and attended the Gauild. Mr and Mrs A. Green spent the weekâ€"end with Mrs Derby. Mr Albert Hipsley left on Tuesday last to visit friends in England. Miss Anderson left on Wednesday to spend the winter with her niece, Mrs Manroe, in Grand Vallsy. Mr Jas Anderson returned to his work at St George on Monday last after a pleasant fortnight‘s yisit with his parents. As was seen in last week‘s Review the marriage of Mr Herman McLean and Miss Anna James, both of Priceâ€" ville. The young couple are two of finest young persons that could be found anywhere. Mr McLean is an exemplary young man, being identiâ€" fied with all matters relating to church and Sunday School from his boyhood, and we can youch for his young bride as being one of the best and fairest of her sex. _ Bsing posâ€" sessed with a musical talent, she beâ€" came w.de and favorably known at home and abroad. We join with the many in wishing the young couple long life and prosperity on the voyâ€" age oft lifetogether. Gaelic in the Presbyterian church last Sunday and fairly well attendâ€" ed. We are looking for a sketch from the pastor Rev Mr Matheson, on his visit to the Maritime Provinces, while away taking his holidays. Remember the Anniversary in the Presbyterian church on the 16th inst in connection with the Sunday School East winds make evyerybody fzel chilly for it generally is of a piereâ€" ing nature. Another wedding on the South line this week, for which notice will be given afterwards. A number from the neighborhood attended the Foresters‘ Concert at Dromore and report & good time. Sleighing again, although not very good yet. The Annual Concert will be held in Watson‘s Hall, Priceville, on Friâ€" day the 11th Dec., when the best of talent from Toronto and otker places will entertain the audience. As this is the first of the season, a large crowd is expected to be in attendâ€" arce and avail themselves of the privilege of attending a fi:st class concert. _ Plans can be seen at the business places in Priceville Reâ€" member the Annual Concert, No 140 Priceville. Allare welcomed. Hampden _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"# @4 _ Priceville will be held had noâ€" FAST TRAINS DAILY LOWEST RATES . Ont.. NO CHANGES OR DELAYS \ssignee, * Talk it over with R. MacFarlane * 908. _ CBPR Agent, Durhanm Western Canada THE DURHAM REVIEW I have decided te be in the town of Duarham on Wednesday and Saturd ay of each week during the fall and winâ€" ter term, to arrange for sales, Any person or persons wishing to see me for the purpose may meet me at J. Mu: dock‘s impl=ement rooms on those days in the afternoon, Sales promptâ€" ly attended to and prices right. â€" For further particulars call or write to Miks Kexxy, Edge Hill, Auctioneer for county of Grey. Esip all you can. Eslp some. Help now. Contributions may be sent to W. J. GaoE, Esq., Chairman Exâ€" ecutive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto ; or J. S. Rosertâ€" son, Sec.â€"Treasurer National Saniâ€" tarium Association, 847 King Street West, Toronto, Canada. ones, What will you give? Do not say nay. Iislp generously. »icads, we come to you at this tims, when the cloutls of depression are being lifted, asking that you now â€"in the direness of our exâ€" tremity â€" help to lift the burden being carriedâ€"â€"not for any personal gain, but solely, alone, only on behall of suffering sisters and brothers. over But never for a single hour did the doors of the Free Hospital fail to swing open, and give a welcome to suffering ones without money and without price, The #ood naws Kac mana Facik af Our piea is on behalf of the sick During all this period there was only one thing to do, and that was to lean on our bankerâ€"swelling the bank overdraft, The trial was the severest in the history of these Muskoka Homes, in which nearly 3,000 persons, stricken by the dread white plague, have been cared for. These had to be paid somehow. Contributions â€" especially â€" after the turn of the year when the finanâ€" cial depression was felt at its keenâ€" estâ€"fell off to such an extent, that erch month the burden became heavier. ONLY THROUGH LINE eggs, groceries, heavy coal billsâ€" a serious itemâ€"and other unconâ€" trolJable expenses so long as the doors were kept open. Every month brought its quota of accounts for salaries, and wages of staff, bills of butcher, milkman, Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumpâ€" tives Makes an Urgent Appeal for Money. 495 o0 depeiegt o Eoo ts prgntss Poor Patients. These headâ€"lines tell the story of our needs. They are heavy and urgent. Many times during the past twelve months the question has pressed itself upon the Trustees, "Can we continue the work further ?" Shack Life at Musk Mr Camâ€"ron Lauder bas engaged with Mr Z. Clark to work in the swamp this winter. The farm deal between Mr S. Patâ€" terson and Mr Wm Morrison fell through, Mr Julias Keller baving purchased the latter‘s farm tor $4250. MrCon. Krellar, being appointed a memberof the jury, is attending the assizes in Owen Sound this week. Ar hobt Petsy has returneu alyet a four month‘s agoence in Saskatcheâ€" wan. Robt has built on his homeâ€" stead near Hanley and expects to move there when spring opens. HARD TIMES HARD ON THE POOR CONSUMPTIVE SERIOUS DEPLETION IN FUNDS Notice to Public. Mr Robt Petty has returned atter a id good news has gone forth of harvest the wide Dominion To Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives, Varney. i 17 ho B m . u. _1 _ _ _ _ _ CS vOJ. Hong Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas vidson, See.â€"Treas.. The Hospitar 2"%%'&“ BEFORE, APTER, Thouworofluusolc!_nb feob treated last year, If you know of any child in your noigh. borhood who is sick, or has any deformâ€" ity, send the , fi 1 parent‘s name P1 100C IM.-_...‘;‘O_EW“J. has treated 14,458___ _ "t&==~"‘ j children. 10,800 of HAPPY WITE eR porr, SE CCC C a8® s WB ELC ut 4. 0 3k . 2 1 e l P o e e O NeTaRe these were unable to pay and were treated from. uh dustinds is‘ & 3221 Bince its {oundt- _tion the Institution V wv iz B 4 poals to fathers and mothers of Ontario for funds to mainâ€" tain the hundreds of sick children that it Aurses every yvear. p%.i"f_ Charity ap.â€" "THIS 18 TYOUR BOOK,‘ of poor people who eoufiioonol:.:flord to Miek wire o rorep, had last year im BICOK BUT NOT NEGLECTED, its beds and eote 1,245 patientsâ€"368 of these were from 241 places outside of Toronto, Beventyâ€"five por cent. were children apâ€"emzâ€"â€"â€"__â€"__ oo REMEMEBER That Every Sick Child in Ontario Whose Parents Cannot Afford to Pay for Treatment is Treated Free. e avode onenbacte L a M P es Pstcs coughs, get gulck and certain help from Dr. Shoop‘s (louf Remedy. On this account Dru%â€" fi:" every w here are favoring Dr. Shoop‘s Coug uwd?'. and it is entirely free from Opium, Chloroform, or any other stupefying drug. _ The tender leaves of a harmless lung-hullu% mounâ€" tainous shrub give to Dr. Bhnoop‘s Cough Remedy its curative pro[mnles. Those leaves have the power to calim the most dlstrcssin? Cough, and lo soothe, and heal the most sensitive bronchial membrane. . Mothers should, for safcty‘s sake alone, always demand Dr. Shoop‘s Tt can with gzr!cct freedom be given to even the you!:igflt bes. Test it once yourself, and see! Eol by MacFurlane Co. The Hospital for i5 Sick Children secured a lucrative situation. MrCharles D. â€"â€" who has been the employee of Mr D. A. Smith for the past few weeks, left recently for his home at Elmwood, where he has THIS APPEAL â€" IS$ TO YOU! Mr R. M, Dargavel has disposed of the past seasun‘s cut of lumber to the Durkam Farniture Co. and the latter ccmpany‘s culler is bere at present measuring the stock. We extend our sincere condolence to Mr and Mrs Andrew Pryle, whose second son, Johnny, succumbed to the effects of an operation for appenâ€" dicitis at the General and Marine Huspital, Owen Sound. Johnny was a bright bonny lad ot 13 summers and his premature dem‘se will be sincerely regretted, not only in the home, but also among his schoolâ€" mates, with whom he was a great favorite. One of the most brilliant social functions of the season, was the party given by Mr and Mrs Alex Macinâ€" tosh at their cosy home north of the burg on Friday evening last, when a large number of the young people of Dornoch and W.lliamsford assembled to enjoy the social hop. _ Music, games and a series of dances warmâ€" ed the genial qualities of the gaests into a perfect contagion of social glee and the various amusements were indulged with elevated and unreâ€" strained mirtb, till one day‘s cluse ushered another in. Coughs that are tight, or distressing tickling We welcome back to the burg Mr Bryce Dargavel, who arrived from the gueen City on Saturday eve tro spend the winter months at his home in the village. _ Bryce enjoys the anpollated country oxygen in preâ€" ference to the contaminated air so prevalent in the large centres of population. Miss Alice Pryle spent a few days at her home in Holland last week baving arrived from Hamilton to atâ€" tend the funeral of her nephew on Tharsday. She returned to the above city on Monday last. The air is snowâ€"laden and a white yeil is drawn across the sky ; snow is lying upon the fields and hills ; not the deep fall that is so like} a shroud, for here and there the warm, brown face of the dear earth peeps through and the hedges and eyerâ€" greens are white on the wind siae only ; yet the weather has a decidedâ€" ly wintry aspect which we suppose is here to stay. a Mr P. J. Malone of the Customs Dept. Owen Sound, spent a few days in the village recently. _ P. J. is a genial, broadâ€"minded gentieman and the vim and energy which characterâ€" ize bis conversation make bhim a welcome visitor at all times. After an cbsence of three mos. in the Canadian West, Mr Lauchlan McKechnic returned to his home a fortnight ago, the ruddy glow of health o‘erspreading his cheek and his pockets well lined wiih the coin of the realm. Miss Jean Smith left last week for ber home in Tilbury, KentCo., after a pleasant two month‘s vacation with ber numerous friends and relatives in the burg and community. , _ pital but to the Dornoch leges as the child rgli.t;‘l'n.gln'I'om.mu;, |_ The Hospital tution, but proâ€" vincial. The sick child from any place in Ontario, who can‘t pay, has the same priviâ€" 4 he Hospital is not a lo_ctr instiâ€" The Hospital is C sox us Massey Harrig J Mowers & Rakes Embaimin and ail kinds of Massey Harrig implements for Haying ind Har. vesting seagons, De Laval and Massey Harris Cream Separator, ‘ Coal Oil and Machine ;1 always in stock, _Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Cure Never, positively never poison J ourlungs. Ifyou eoughâ€"even from & ulmxle cold onlyâ€"you should always heal, soothe, and ease the irritated bronâ€" chial tubes. Don‘t blindly suppress it with & stupefying poison. It‘s strange mw_sgfigthluu finally eome about. For twonty years Dr. sho:g bas constantly warned people not to take cor mixtures or prescriptions conaining Opium, Chloroform, or similar poisons. And nowâ€"a little late thoughâ€"Congress says "IP‘u: it on the label if poisons are in you‘( Cough Mixture." Goodf Very good !! Hereafterfor thisve: reason mothers, and others, should insist on haring Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Cure, No poison marks on Dr. Fhoo{)'l labelsâ€"and none in the medicine, else it must ), law be on the label. And it‘s not only safe, but 18 is said to be by those that know i best. a truly ng» markatle cough remedy. Trake nochanee then, Bartk‘ullrly with your chitdren, Ingist on having r. Shoop‘s Cough Cure. Compare carefully the Pr. Shoop gctum with others and note the difference, No poison marks there! You can always be on the safe side by demanding MeMILLAN A large shipment of Cake has just reached us Do not forget our Silver Pine Healing Oil, which heals cuts, burns, etce., and removes swellings on man or animal. Cough Caution If you want to get your horse in shape for the 15th inst. buy a packâ€" age of International Stock g‘ood. We also sell the American Dr Ness & Clark, Worthington‘s, Uarlaquin and Pratt‘s Stock Food. Hand Sleighs and Child‘s Sleighs to sait every person_from 25 cts to $10.00. You zan get any kind of Tea Kettle you desire in our esablishment. Copper Nickle Kettles cheaper than eve.. Have you seen our assortment of Tea Pots? They are worthy of inspection. Tl'le're has been a vyery fine line of Trays just taken into stock, ranging in price trom 25 ets to $3 50. Do you require a noew pair of Skates ? We have the variety and quality. Also Ankle Supports Skates Straps, Hockey Stick: and Packs Everything in season, in great quantity at The Hardware Store. Sold by MacFarians and €Co Gun‘s Drug Store No geuon 18 likCly _ too much stationery ; t! fine stationery is usually Christmas present. We have just replenished our stock. _ It is up to date, the latest textures, colors, shapes and sizes. You can get an elegant box of paper for 25câ€"fine enough to please the most particular, We also have some beautiful paper. with envelopes to match, especially boxedâ€"handsome hoxes _ 20 s q t t i ADovte Xmas Stationery & â€" Confectionery gifts. Fine confectionery also. We will guarantee these We sell. Made by the best makers, put up in handsome boxes. From 25¢ up Come and select your presents carly. W. Black Hardware! â€"McFadden For twenty years Dr. shm ed people not to take co iptions coutaining Opium, ir poisons. And nowâ€"a little s says "Puiit.on the llbel, "f Cough Mixture." Good rfor thisyer; reasonmothers, isist on having Dr. Shoop‘s son marks on Dr. Shoog'l he medicine, else it must , And it‘s not only eafe, but 1t that knowi: best, a truly 1g» edy. Take nochance then, r children. Ingist on having ire. Compare carefully the with others and note the on mmarks there! You can ) have some beautiful envelopes to match, xedâ€"handsome hoxes very desirable Xmas is likely Ground Oil to have therefore Iv a fine i s Ts Eimme Salt Farmers Produce Wanâ€" tec. New Fruits Choice Conftectionary Pure Spices & Vinegars No. 1 Family and Pure Manitoba flours Fiour, Special valug in Buy‘s coars bers at 85¢ per pr while they 1: GROCERIES iIFTS MATTHEws & LATIMER ‘et Ready for Xmas & McARTHUR DECEMBER 10, 1908 and such things as make the Children‘s Christmas and the grown ups too. Better shop early. Come and See Santa Claus TOYS & DOL LS BOOKS AND GAMES MECHANCIAL ToYs KXMAS NOVELTIES 90 . H. RBean We put ourselves in eviâ€" dence this year with the biggest stock and best values we ever had in hohday goods, including many useful things that make home life all the happier, _ The large inâ€" terest centres in A nige variety of Gloves, C Handkerchicts for KXmas tr THE BIG 4 Extracts _ _ Baking Molasses, etc Lemon, Orange and Citr Peanuts,â€" almonds and ~ shelled Currants, Stoned Raisins Lcipg Sugar, Tow for Christmas We have everything fros Feed, Seed & Groceries HE SELLS CHEAP Groceries For e F4 itron Pe 1 wainu Handkerc Dress Go Boots & 5 *Slippers : Rubbers & Men‘s Fin Moen‘s Ha} Suit Case: Groceries O CHL L % New Gor Agency : celebrat Lumbert $y

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