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Durham Review (1897), 17 Dec 1908, p. 5

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7, 1908 1.175 13 1.â€"65 1. 98 Sses .ve, 08 ner cted COSt W 24th Handkerchiefs in great profusion of the lastest designs and the best of quality. Dress Goods of the newest styles. See our panamas they are eye openers. Boots & Shoes galore from the strongest to the finest. Slippers in the newest styles and of the best quality. Rubbers & Overshoes of the best quality. Men‘s Fine Chamfray Shirts of the latest patterns and best quality. . Men‘s Hats of the best quality, newest s1yles. Our stock of clothing is complete and is composed of Celebrated Brands CHRISTMAS * Suit Cases and Telescopes in great variety. Groceries a complete stock. H pppLp LA LLL4 pkLQNPQALA**L**APA** 4®H% 2e nmmnmmmmmemmmemmnnmmmmmmmmt eE rlrdi ie h lcfi l ol 93 it *fltd"fi"!"fiv*w****fi # Condensed Suggestions t but the kindly influence of Christmas has permeated the centuries from the beginning of the christian era till now and this good influence will be felt to the end of time. New Gooads continually arriving. . Produce taken as cash and the highest prices paid. LUMBERMEN‘S RUBBERS Men‘s from $1.65 to $1.00, Boy‘s $1.25 to $1.75. Youth‘s $1.00 We take no second place in the lines we carry of Hosiery either in price or quality. Trunks, Valises club bags, telescopes etc. Custom work and Repairing as Usual. Agency in Durham for celebrated Kant Krack Lumbermen‘s Rubbers. Christmas Is Almost Here We would call your attention to the fact that we have a large and varied stock of Slippers, Cardigans and Moccasins from Infants to Men‘s sizes, also Mitts and gloves, any of which would makea nice and useful Xmas present. Look these lists over carefully and if they sugget items that would make good gifts for some one on your list make a note of it. Then come in and see the goods. _ By thus selecting just what lines you want to see you will save much time aud worry and inâ€" sure getting the most satisfactory gifts for the money you have to spend . DECEMBER 17, MacFARLANE & CO. Sifts for Won. We have an excellent stock, no giâ€"gaws, suitable for Christmas gifts. Ink Wells Card Cases Cigar Cases Smoking Sets Ash Receivers Playing Cards Sterling Novelties Steins Charns Cameras Cigar Jars Cigar Clips Phonographs Paper Knives Photo Holders Fountain Pens Necktie Boxes Fancy Calenders Purses Jewelry Pictures Soap Boxes Match Boxes Pocket Books Military Sets Safety Razors Suspender Boxes Musical Instruments Magazines Bill Books Toilet Sets Shaving Sets Pocket Knives Travelling Sets Paper â€" Weights Shaving Mirtors Collar and Cuff Boxes Pipes All Goods Sold at Sale Prices. G. & J. MceKECHNIE Bibles Druggists and Booksellers .& J. MeKECHNIE Broadway and Fashion for Gift Buyers. LOOK THROUGKE it Comes Once A Year. Mail orders carefully filled. J. 8. Mcliraith Sifts for Ladies. Hand Bags Music Rolls Fancy Boxes Dresser Sets Fountain Pens Rings Bibles Lamps Jewelry Pictures Nut Sets Atomizers Gold Pens Silverware Jardinieres Toilet Sets Fa ney Goods Photo Holders Celluloid Novelties Musical Instruments Books Clocks Cameras Fernieres Odor Sets Stationery Art Potterr Fancy China Trinket Sets Manicure Goods Japanese Novelties Trays Albuns Mirrors Purses Perfume Statutary Cut Glass Card Cases | it does not pay to keep hotel under , Local Option ! _ One of the storekeepâ€" ers hbas bmlt an addition, to bis place { of business, one new store has been |erected, and one new residence, beâ€" sides extensive improvements to seyâ€" | eral other homes. | _ In Flesherton, the chiet yillage in | the townâ€"hip, marked improvements ‘have been made during the last three |years. _ W. A. Armstrong has erected im beautifal block ef two stores and a |telephone office ; George Mitchell, a block for the Standuard Bank, and also {ma ftailor shop ; W. E. Richardson, a | siock company, the Park House; J. Nuln, a magnificent residence, while | George Watson has established a sawâ€" | mill in the village. Beudes, the police | trustecs laid over $38,000 worth of | cement walke. ! ‘The trade of the village is indicated ! by the new buildings erected, Not tor ‘many years «s there been such a forâ€" | ward movement in Flesherton. i The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach * or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is all wronf. | Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. . This is | why his prescriptionâ€"Dr. Shoop‘s Restorativeâ€"â€" ‘ is directed entirely to the cause of these ailâ€" | mentsâ€"â€"the weak inside or controlling nerves. It isn‘t so difficult, says Dr, Shoop, to strengthen | a weak Stomach, HMeart, or Kidueys, if one goes | at it correctly. _ Each inside organ has its conâ€" trolling or inside nerve. When thesenerves fail | then '.hoseorFAm must surely falter. These vital | truths are leading druggfvsu eveluhere to | dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative, i Test it a few days, and see ! lm‘)roveuem will | promptly and surely follow. . Sold by MacFarâ€" Ceylon, too, had two licenses with the old order of things. Just as Local Option was ecming itto force one hotel was destrogyed by fire. Yet that botelkeeper, after two years in a rentâ€" ed house, undé& Looal Option, during the past summer built a new hotel, sheds, and stable. And we‘re told that Eugenia is a quiet place, with cne hotel, and is practically unchanged during thke Local Option period, alâ€" though the Georgian Bay Power Comâ€" pany, which hbas acquired the falls, bus expended considerable money in tunnelling the mountain, preparatory to estabiishing a power plant. ane Co. i’ Priceville, a quiet old Scotch village of 200‘souls, formerly enjoyed (?) two licenses. â€" One house is still open, and 18 easily able to accommodate the traâ€" velling d;mblic. The other has been sold, and converted into an upâ€"toâ€"date general store. The C. P. R, has built a branch line through the village, and trade is ‘as good, if not better than ever before. * * In the rural portions of the townâ€" ship prosperity is equally evident. New houses and barns or buildings virâ€" tually renewed are to be found on every road, Certainly local optioa did not kill business or prevent building in Artemcsia, I believe the township is agreed that the law is an improvement upoo license. There may have been violation of the law, asthere is of all laws, yet in the main it has been yery successful. LOUIS F, KIPP. Secretary Artemesia Prohibition Alliâ€" auce, Flesbherton. 4 When Local Option came into foree in Artemesia Township, Grey County, in May, 1906, there were many * blue ruin " prophets. It ;would kill busiâ€" nese, prevéent building, etc.! As if the Lord made everything on earth depenâ€" dent upon whiskey ! What is} the condition of the four villages ic the township toâ€"day ? The following statement has been prepared by the Artemesia Prohibition Alliance, and explains itsoif : Prosperity attends the Abolition of the Barâ€"Room. â€" Every Business Centre Improved. Artemesia Delighted with they speak for themselves CHFFER Archie McCallom was s',umflinng South Grey for the late Senator Lanâ€" derkin, and the plazce of meeting was Drewry‘s schoolâ€"house, _ As is well known, Arcqhie was always chosen to st.um‘) the constituencies where the Higbhlanders were numerous, and at this meeting were the McQueens, Mcâ€" Nairs, McExacherns, McFaydens, Mcâ€" Doualds, McDougalils, McPhees, Curâ€" ries, Campbells, Keithsand Buchanans, Gzelic and English rolitical oratory poured forth as it could ouly when Mcâ€" Calluin was the mediam. _ No reportâ€" ers were present, and so many unprintâ€" able arguments were set forth, After the meeting the crowd tarried long, as is the custom after any rural gntfi- ering, 1t was a cold night, and it was a long drive to Durham. For a space Arcbie felt a little uneasy, but after a while, turninfi to the writer, demandâ€" ed ; * Are these reogle goiuY to stay here all n’.fiht? f they are I may as well do it first as last." SavarEx PrrsBvyTERY.â€"The Presâ€" bytery of Saugeen imet in Westminâ€" ster Church, Mt Fovest, on Tuesday, The morning was devoted to business, In the sfternoon there was a conferâ€" ence on the layimen‘smi«sionary moveâ€" ment, with the Rev T. D. McCalloch, of Harriston, in the chair. The Rev. F. W. Anderson. secretary ef the Young People‘s Society. opened the discussion in a clear and forceful adâ€" dress on inissions in general and the latest development in relation to them. The Presbytcian Chureh in Canada is planning to raise one milâ€" lion dollars per annum for missions, $21,000 would be the share of Saugeen Proshylery. Discussion __ followed, i:larticlpated in by Mr Jas. McMurchie, arriston, Mr Howe, Palinerston. Mr Renwick, Dromore: and others. Rey J. R, Bell, Laurel, represented Orangeâ€" ville Presbytery, spoke on the cognate +u»ject of Home Missions. A resoluâ€" ion wis prsed recommending con-! gregations to form Mission Associaâ€" tions where such were not already in existence.â€"Confederateâ€" The last issue of Saturday Night has the following reference to lhe late Judge McCallum, known to many in South wurey from his political work in the 90‘s of last century : It is now conceded that sthe Speakâ€" ership will go to Mr Charles Marcil. Mr Hagh Gathrie, of South Wellingâ€" ton, and Mr McIntyre, of Southport, are mentioned for the Deputyâ€"Speakâ€" erslup. â€"That Lib ral [principles are growing in New Brunswick is shown in the recent byeâ€"clection for Carletâ€" on and Northamberland. The Conâ€" servative occupants of these seats reâ€" signed them to contest Dominion conâ€" stituencies in the recent eleccions, and they: were both defeated. Now the same fate has overtaken their sucâ€" cessors, for in the provincial elections just, he‘d two Lioerals were‘felected. This! points to the early overthrow of the Hazen Government. ‘The Â¥rogramme of private bill legisâ€" lation for the approaching session of parliament, from present a'PEetnnces witl be decidedly light. e Senate will scemingly have most to do for on it deyolves the daty of sifting out the evidence in all divorce applications, of which there are already fourteen on hand to be dealt with. This is the largest number of divorce applications ever received in any single session. So opening his valise he took out a heayy uudershirt which he changed right there in the small anditoriam for the wringing wet one he had on, The meeting of parliament on Jan. 20 will be for the swearing in ot the members of the Lower House and the election of a Speaker. That done, the Commoners will adjourn until the folâ€" lowing day, when the customary formalities of the opening will take place in the Senate chamber. ZPreventics, the new Candy Cold Cure Tablets, are said by druggists to have four special specific ndvaougu over all other remedies for a cold. Firstâ€"â€"They contain no Quinine, nothing harsh or sickening. Secondâ€"They give almost instant relief. Thirdâ€"plcasantito the taste, like candy, Also fine for [»yerish children. Sold by Macâ€" This is vouched for by W . T. Rogers, now princ:gal of Brockyille Business College, who was the teacher of the school at that time. and acted as chairâ€" maun at the meeting." Farlane Co. 5thâ€"E McGirr, V Aljoe, A Bell, R Lindsay, _ Sr 4thâ€"N ‘Collier, M A Ritcbie, M Hopkins. Jr4thâ€"M Matâ€" hews, M McGirr, M Crutchley, B Matâ€" bhews, R Mathews, T Bell, 8 Bell, W Crutchley. . Sr 3rdâ€"J Allen, J Beli, M Patterson, W Weir, L Aljoe. A Aljoe, J Atkinson. Jr 3raâ€"C McGirr, R Meena, M Mathews, J Mathews, I Ritchie, J Mathews, E Atkinson, H Atkinson, Wâ€"McGirr, B Bell. 2ndâ€" E Patterson, G Whitmore, G Noble, N Lawrence, E Lindsay, â€"Pt 20d4â€"E N Lawrence, L Lindsay, Et 2ndâ€"â€"E Meenay M Lincep) 2 Mamncs M J MecCheeney, _ Br istâ€"I Beil, & lac. part ‘of the Canad.an Government to obtain the ratification of the Francoâ€" Canadian Treaty of Commerce. Frox NortHER®N OxTaRrIO.â€"Hart Sterne of Hamilton spent Sunday wilz the old folks and Mrs Sterne at Droâ€" more, _ Harry is travelling in Northâ€" ern Ontario, among the mining towns of that section, _ He reports a big bootm on up there at present and preâ€" dicts that it is but the hbeginning ot the greatestinfiux into Northern Onâ€" tario that section has ever seen. Thereis no talk of money stringency up there and business prospect: were never better, The recent mineral finds and the prospects of still greater discoyeries will be the making of that northern land.â€"Leader. The announcement has been made that the ‘new Dominion Parliament wiil meet on above‘date. This is somewbat earlier than had been anâ€" ticipated, but the delsy is doubtless due to the absence in England of four of the Cabinet ministers, one of whom, the Finance Minister, is responsible for the estimates and for other important business. Mr Fielding‘s absence at this time is due to an effort on the THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1908. School Reports District News. Dominion Parliament. Mcets on 20th January. 8. 8. NO. 9. GLExELG. «_.â€"â€"â€"@ o . ~THE DURHAM REVIEW * a & + +4 @ + s 4e + + Snd British Canadian Bus. College Recognized as the Best Commences January 5, 1909. Three courses ;â€"â€" Commercial, Shorthand and Typewriting, Preâ€" paratory, for those whose early education has been ne'iected. Information free. C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound aor 38 100 acres near Allan Parkâ€" splend‘d _ buildings, ratt‘ing fine farm, cheap, 40 aeres extra good land near Allan Park, very cheap. 130 acres Bentinck â€" 44 miles from Hanover, close to school and Post Office with daily mail. Brick house, frame bank barn, great saap, and Many other Good Bargains in Farm and Town property. If you want to Buy or Sell go to Miller No charge if no business done. Money tobe Made Railway and Steamship Tickets to all points. Money to Lend at lower rates than you can borrow elsewhere, Debts Collected. No charge if nothâ€" ing collected. All kinds of financial ‘t;:;lnm carefully and quietly attenâ€" to. Lot No 1. 8th con. Glenelg, 50 acres bush and 50 acres cleare4. Apply to Is the first step “‘elegraphy towards position ‘ * Pnylugfrom $5 to $159,090 per aunum in railway service. You can become a good operator in 6 months i you nury in The Central Telegraphy School, , Gerrard St. E., Toronto. The finest School Canada. Write for particulars. "Always Prompt, Never Negligent." :son, W _Weir, L Aljoe, C. McGirr, R Meena, H Atkinson, E Patterson, G Noble, M Lawrence, M Lindsay, E Meena, J Bell, J Meena, G Bell, J W. H. SHAW, Pres. _ T.J.JOHNSTON, Prin 500 Woods, May Allan, HLW Ker, eotige McLaughlin, Willie Woods, Annie Ker. Sr Â¥ndâ€"Eva McMeeken, Howard Meade, itobbie Marshall, lliggle Meade, Willie Eden. _Pt 20d â€"Eimer McMeeken, Ben Woods, Elsie McLaughlin. Jristâ€"Lawrence Chapâ€" man, Blanche Allan. Average attendance,â€"22. The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : Average attendance,â€"44. THog, ALLAX, Teaeher. 8. 8, NO. 2, EGREMOXNT. JIr 4thâ€"Agnes Allan, Sara Allan, Myrtle Allan, Margaret Woods, Wilâ€" fred Barbour, Sam Morrison, Earl Meade. Hazel Dennett, Jr 3rdâ€"Bridâ€" W, J. ELLIOTT Cor. Yonge & Alexander Sts. Pr This school stands to day without a suâ€" perior in the Dominion. Nearly all colleges claim to the best, but claiming to be so does not make them so. Get our catalogue Read it from cover to cover. _ See for yourâ€" self what this college is doing and the adâ€" vantages it offers, Winter Term opens January ist Arrange now to attend the famous BUSINESS (COLLEGE renrle-{ office assistants, etc. . The embodiâ€" ment of the most expert modern systems knownin Business Science. We invite comâ€" parison,. Three Departments, Manned by skilled instructors Stenography, Telegraphy, and Commercial guuu. Mail Courses in all Business College and migh School Subjects. chie, J Meena,. Jr 1stâ€"M Atkinson, G Bell, J Meena. â€" Those present eyetx dayâ€"V Aljoe, A Bell, & McGirr, ai Ritchie, M McGirr, T Bell, M Patterâ€" trained by our management than any other in Ontario. Great demand forour grsduates as Business College teachers, Private Secâ€" In Shorthand or Business will bring i'ou best results if taken at our old establishâ€" ed and thoroughly reliable school. _ Winâ€" ter term begins Jan. 4th. Catalogue free, Brurisk ArmEricAN BusixEss COLLEGE Y. M. C. A. Building, Toronto KW ALEKERTON by attending to this advertisement Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, Business College and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" ly at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2. W. T. CLANCY Principal, Day and Night Classes. BEST BUSINESS TRAINING. WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 4th TORONTO, ONT. MUT. FOREST YOUR COURSE at reasonable prices Start any time. Farm ftor Sale. H. H. MILLER, GEO SPOTTON, Principal MORE YOUNG PEOPLE Cor, Yonge & Bloor Sts. MNORTHER OWEN sOUND, Ont Winter Term at the CLARA ALJOR, Teacher, THERE‘S Wax., WEiRr. Darham. Principal ‘ Lenahan The John Mcinnois farm on Gravel Road, two miles west of Priceville Station on the C. P. R. School, Church and Market convenient, _ 100 acres, well watered. _ Desirable locaâ€" tion. For terms &c., apply to Jonux Mcixx®s, Midnapore, Alta, or to C,. RaMAGE, Agent, Durham, © Garafraxa St. Near the 'Bridge zm.&“ 4604444 Lenahan & Mclntosh. £$09900 0006004044604 0440 04404044 0°Câ€" HEADQUARTERS FOR HARDWARE FURNITURE ae" . € ,'/ / '~‘.' 4 t 5 ‘ };\ | § â€" in » 3 lc 93 / I â€" it i6 C y 5 o in 1 I" P ‘\jw' J1 pici.â€"â€".. e en Almost the first thing a housckeeper thinks of in connection with the Xmas dinner is good cut= lery and we‘re selling more this year than ever before. Our goods of all sorts are the best of their kind ineluding Joseph Elliot and Sons‘ which is something we can thoroughly recomâ€" mend especially for Xmas gifts. A good carving set makes a welcome addition to any home and serves as a constant reminder of the giver. Good Farm For Ssale To be Sold reâ€" 24 pair Men‘s Meavy Rubbers reg $3.25 for .. 24 pair Boy‘s Rubbers regular $2 0V for..... . 48 pair Women‘s Overshoes regular $2.25 for 241 pair Boy‘s Shoes, regular $1.75 for...... .. The stock of J. A. Darling, Druggist Now is the time to buy your Christmas"gitts at prices never before offered you. {A partial list ; PIPES TOILET SETS CIGARSIN BOXES EBONYBRUSHES CANDIESIN BOXES HAND BAGS > SHAVING SETTsS PURSES COLLAR & CUFF BOXES BOX PERFUMES® All Must be Sold. Come Early. For the Fall and Winter Trade we have added sevâ€" eral new lines of Boots, Shoes & Rubbers to our already large stock and are better prepared than ever to cater to the wants of the public in our line. National Dru€ | & Chemical Co. | ENGLISH CUTLERY Hand Made Boots and Shoes a Specialty Bailift‘s Sale FALL _ AND WINTER SHOFES AND RUBBERS THOS. McGRATH, t Here Are Some Bargains gardless of Cost Repatring done quickâ€" ly and satisfactorily. A fine two storey brick dwelling house, large brick statbles, on Main Street, Durham. _ Will be sold at a bargain, and would accept other property as part pay. Apply to Our Christmas goods are arriving and our stock in all lines of furniture, including sideboards, bedroom suites, couches, chairs, springs, matâ€" tresses, etc, is complete and up to date. We can supply you with an Ostermoor mattâ€" ressâ€"the kind that lasts a lifetime. We have a good assortment of chairs, rockers, jardine stands, music cabinets, etc, specially suitable for We will be pleased to show you these goods whether yon purchase or not, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Eor sale or Exchange. ArtuuUr H, Jacksoxs, Durham VIcIntofi'a.

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