ner We 24th. cost cted. O0O8 7, 1908 1.65 1. 98 13 fef ared 1. 15 "a 1 ty K"w |e"a Ed senfunnuuninasensnun uesz=5 2 Taylor & Co., Dromore & 1 Guarantee i _‘m\ bk h C or K y 3 Yo .}: id J no K poet po i i‘ . )P to 1 m tA, in E Kig) lflflbi? t f] rui E1 g/“tf.‘}) Y 4 | tre: 6 f & If | spe ; E ' disc s#X (A effe AJP%, me 84 ' T all 1 ts P w J out j [ 6 turt ? ( feel ’J _ Aike samer tme comy} we plet Roador if in doubt as OF CHARGE. Beware of i or reliability. Drs. K. & K WE CURE Nervous D Secret Diseases, Kidney an U unsble to call write in 9 7*""*â€"_8'&;,7§ ‘BLOODDISsEASES: Cor. Hichigan Q Griswold Sis. Drs.KENNEDY & KENNEDY In too cold for shipmeilâ€"t quality dressed. No More Fowl Taken Alive iffatnteatirs tnnd intn P sc dsc .37 d > * * a lot of things to do before that time call for your winter wear. _ In all lin. very complete stock ow only five weeks until i s To mh «Bc . 1 o m ,eChr.l.Stma.s and you *%@INnIng is more appropriate than Furs for a Xmas gift. Weare showing a very large selectio i in Men‘s fur coats, Ladies‘ Electric Seal & Astrach: .n jackets, Fur lined mantles, Scarfs, Muffs and Ca »s, that we are cleaning at very special prices Nothing is more Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. We are clearing the balance of our trimmed millinery at sweeping redu hat must go regardless of cost. Her you to buy a swell dress hat at less prices. You have only six days left until Xmas day to your Christmas shopping. We are buve; Only gdaysleft If you ever had any contracted or hereditary sp |blood disease, you are never safe until the virus ( ‘@ or poison has been removed from the system. â€"*â€" west You may have had some disease years ago, but YÂ¥ |now and then some symptom alarms you. Some i) e\ | poison still lurks in your system. Can you afford A zy | to run the risk of more serious symptoms appearâ€" 4 /, ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury + "i’ or mineral drugs used indiscriminatelyâ€"they may > l J ruin the system. Twenty years exporience in the Y ) [ | treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe ) specific remedies that will positively cure all blocd .- diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad ( effects on the system. Our New Method Treatâ€" C ‘\ ment will Yurify and enrich the blood, heal up ~14f%.j ail ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen P #] out hair will grow in, and swollen glands will reâ€" C ¢"~~â€"s>**41l turn to a normal rondition, and the patient wiil 5 feel and look like a different person. A‘l cases Pathe» Line €am$) we accept for treatment are guaranteed a comâ€" plete cure if instructions are followed. der if in doubt as to your condition, yor can corsuit us FREE ARGE. Beware of ijizcompetent doctors who have no reputation ility._ Drs, K. & K. have been established over 20 years. CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and liseases, Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. ible to call write for a Question List for Home Yreatment. en‘s coats we have the best S. F. MORLOCK â€" & CCR T02 CaV VHAHIDSUIL r in Dress Goods, Waistings, Mantles, irs, Fancy linens, Fancy Drapes, Clothing Gent‘s Furnishings and . Millinery. Bargains in Special value in every departmer t during the _ holiday _ trad:. showing many bargains for CASH AND ONE PRICE. wear. In all lines we have *# s a@ntil ALVUVC as itis (*] , but highest prices for good 3 FURS balance of our stock of stylish sweeping reductions. Eyery Heres a chance for less than wholesale illinery Detoit, Mich. the Christmas you have Give us a do e are pleased to see the 'Rev‘ Berry able to attend his appointn @gain after a severe attack of sei M oo e Oe e e ty a‘t NesEA i+ s a week ago to accept a situation as | stenographer to a large firm. _ She | gets as remuneration the promise of |€800 a year. _ Miss McDonald jast recovered from an atiack of ty phoid ’ but as she was high! y recommended by her teacher Mr MceLachlin of Chatham. She thought it too bad not to accept the situation and it is to be be sincerely hoped that she will have success in that far away from home and friends city of the West, Miss Maggie McDonald, daughter ol Mr and Mrs Dancan McDonald, D. R. u!e‘fxelg, left for Lethbridge; Sask., Mr Wm Mather entertained a numâ€" ber of the youth and beauty of the South line (Glenelg and D. R. one evening lately they enjoyed them selves till the small hour‘s of the morn ing in singing and games and such like, No danciog! Mrs Mather and daughter entertained the crowd by giving them a first class midnight meal of which all availed themselyes of partaking of the good things preâ€"â€" pared for the occasion, which was received with thanks giving to Mrs Mathers kindness for her liberality. The young couple amidst showers of blessings and good wishes moved to their new home which is Jjuast located between tne young couple‘s old homes being the late McLean Brothers‘ place till bought by the Messrs Burnet & Son lateiy. _ The following evening the young couple entertained all the youngsters in the| neighborhood by giving them ful possession of their new bome for that eyening for the purpose of enjoy ing themselves to their heart desires in a mannes suitable on such occasions. All went home at a certain time beâ€" fore dayâ€"light with pleasant thoughts of the night past time each expres,â€" ing, if not in words, in thoughts that the subjects which so Pp‘easantly enâ€" tertained them may never have to experience to gather them on a similar occasion again. The next item is a wedding on Wednesday evening the Oth inst. _ A bappy _ and pleasant event took place at the residence of Mr and Mrs John MeMallen, South line Artemesia when their youngest daughter Chrisâ€" tena was united in the holy bonds of marriage to Mr William Burnet eldâ€" est son of Mr John Burnet of the South line also. _ The marriage cereâ€" mony was performed by the Rev. Mr Matheson of Priceville in the presence of all the uncles and aunts of the contracting parties who enâ€" joyed themselyes in a becoming manner for the occasion. _ After parâ€" taking of the very best that could be produced on the tables groaning with all the good things to appease the deâ€" sires of the inner man. WThe evening was spent, we fancy, in songs, Gaelic or English, by the bride‘s uncles, Alex and Donald McMillan and | others. the mistake in last we, ment in Priceville ne\ Annpual concert, for t one before. Bro. John McArthur, in moving a vote of thanks to all w ho took part in the evening entertainmeut, made a neat address in a condensed form on the excelfent ordsr and programme rendered during the evening. Bro. MeArthur retused to take the plattorm taking for exeuse that too many ladies were in his way to get there, howâ€" ever his motion was unanimously carried. The Committee which consisted of the following brethren, Hector Mcâ€" Eachern, M. W.,~ Arch., McKinnon, P. M. W., W.y. Watson, Recorder, and P. M. W.‘s Vause and Tuarner, and others are to be congratulated un the success of the evening‘s enterâ€" tainment. _ Receipts $70.00, This was the first concert the Workâ€" men ever had here and was quite a success. Wedo not knnurucha anied. ET hiph@ is s BP Pnsd s 3.. 1 Te twelve million of doilars were out to the widows and orphans of ceased members. Next comes Miss Campbell, of Toâ€" Fonto, a fine species of the _‘ Seotch Lady, " whose personality and yocal talent corresponded, She gave at intervals some of the finest sclect ons of masic in the shape of Seotch songs, &o _ Many were the eyes that were fixed ou her rosy cheeks, while she so beautifally sang those old favourâ€" ites during the evening. The next was an address by Bro. Deputy District Grand master Henry, of Orangeville. _ He ably outlinep the advantages and prosperity of the Workman Bociety since its origin 32 years ax 0. . During that time some Fumabe, 2 vhee C Cu ueP .0 The programms consisted of the following : the best of music by the S ring Band, Haw Bros., Proton, at intervals during the evening and piano selectious by Mr Dandas, of Markdale, who is bard to excel as a pianist. The chiet entertainer of the evening was_Ber; Harvey, of ‘Toronto. He kept the audience in laughing spirits by being repeatedly encored and many remarks were made that he is far superior to Fax, Friday, the j11th inst., somewhat gloomy looking in the morning, the thaw and rain would be very acâ€" ceptable but as if it were to gratity our desires, both kept away, what for, to give an opportaunity to all lovers of amusements to,avail _themâ€" selves of the privilege of coming to the grand concert held in Watson‘s Haull by the A. 0. U. W. Lodge 140, Priceville. The evening was all that could be desired withievery element desirous of making those attending comfortable available. Consequeuatâ€" 1y the resalt was a crowded hall to\ the outside steps of the platform. Door ‘keepers Ferguson and Mc. Lzod were two busy men takiDg in the silver. _ After all got quietly seat. ed down, Past Grand Master Work. man Joseph Gibson Esq., of Ingersol1, took the chair and called the meetâ€" ing to order. Bro, Gibson, although not very big in person, is possessed of large ideas and is just the kind of & man to make a good chairman, beâ€" 10g fall of wit and hamor, ‘ , The programms consisted of the on SMNOK it Amabiâ€" it e do not know who made Priceville week‘s announceâ€" news, stating the t they never had ppointments Ikpgf sciaticas . Mr were paid THE DURHAM REVIEW Bolicitor for A signe h Dated at Durhato, December 3. 1008;" And notice is furthecr pivyen that after the 31st day of December 1908, the assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the499t9"} amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re gard only to the claims of whicg noâ€" tice shall then haye been fiven. and that he will not be liable for the asâ€" sets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose ciaim he shall not then have had no-[ tice. Orediters ave r claims with the m:l:i?r:g.:'gd mer“.â€i" for the assignee, with the Fool ana particulars thereof nqu;,eg rt:)of and said Act on or before the date ofy w d meeting. such A meeting of Creditors will be held at the office of Mr W.F. Dunn, in the Town of Durham, solicitor for the assignee, on Friday the l1ith day of December, 1008, at the hour of two o‘clock in the afternoon, for the purâ€" pose of receiving a statement, and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally, deâ€" In the matter of John A. Darling. of the Townof Durham. in the Counâ€" ty of Grey, Druggist, Insolvent. NOTICE is here_lI)'y given that John A. Darling, ofthe Town of Durham in the County of Grey, carrying on busiâ€" ness as a Druggist at the said Town of Durham, has made an assignmenat to Mr H. E. Sotm%son. of the Town of Owen Sound, Barristerâ€"atâ€"law, under R. 8, C, 1897, Uhaï¬. 147, of all his esâ€" tate, credits and effects for the generil benetit of his creditors,. ASSIGNEE‘S NOTICE TO CREDâ€" ITORS. Misses Bella and Jessie McKinnon. Queen Hill, Bruce Co., are visiting at Mr Donald Livingston‘s. Mrs Alex Mauir, of Ceylon, visited her rclatives, the Brown and Hobkirk tamilies last week. Mr Geo. Fischer is busy drawing brick from Chesley tor a bew dwelâ€" ling house, which be intends to build next summer. Quite a namber from this part atâ€" tended the Horse Fair in Durham on Tacsday last. Mr James (G. Wilson, Reeve ot Bentinck,. made an ideal auctioneer and got good prices for the boxes. The entertainment broke up at a late hour and was voted a great success. At 8 o‘ciock Mr Jno. A. Black, of Chesley, was called to the chatr and called the meeting to order by a short speech and a few short stories. _ Proâ€" fessor Workman accompanied by Mr Graham ot Chesiey, gave some high class violin selections also as an encore some choice solos. Mr George Ramage acquitted himsel! in his usual style as a singer. Then Harry Stevens gave different recitations which were highly applauded. _ Mr Ncil McCaider, gave an exhibition in ventriloquisin, which surprised the ’yum.ger people, who sat with bated breath listening to the man on the root, under the floor, &c. Messrs Meilhausen and â€"â€" of Elmwood a1so aided tothe entertainment with solos, Mr Torrence, organizer for the C. 0. F. gave a neat little speech but as the programme was so lengthy, he cut his off short. A Box Social under the auspices of the Canadian Order of Foresters, was held in their ha‘l at Louiss on Friâ€" day last. The ball was filled to its utmost capacity with the youth and beauty of the country : quite a number coming from Elmwood and Chesley. Mr _ and Mrs II. W. Leeson are spending a few days with relatives here. Mr Wm Grant attended the Fat Stock Show at Guelph from Wednesâ€" day until Friday. It is getting near‘the time for manâ€" icipal aspirants to report their intenâ€" tion for contesting the ahpmchlng election. We hear Arch. McCuaig is to contest for the Reeveship of Glenâ€" |elg again, of which more notice will be given, In Artemesia the name of lJohn McArthar is spoken of in opposâ€" itio? to A. Muir, but only a hearsay so far. Mrs Grant, Sr. returned from Ferâ€" gus Friday, having spent the past six months with her daughter, Mrs Hanâ€" na who has been yery‘ill. Rev. R Dynes p;enclled at Clifford Sunday. Mr Fred Bull has rented the Hillis farm for the coming year. Rey. Mr Jamieson preached to an appreciative audience here Sunday morning. _ Rev. Mr Kendall takes charge of the seryice next Sunday. A fine new son came to briz!'uen the lives of Mr and Mrs Alf McCabe, Friday the 11 tost. Mrs Baird is spending a few days with Mrs B gle. To stop unl B‘"’ in 30 minutes, take one of Dr. Shoop‘s Pink Pain Tablets. See formula on the box. _ Ask your Doctor or Druwlu about this formula. 1t can‘t be bettered. omnly&:ins, head pains, any pain geu instant relief. x of twenty Pink Pain Tablets, 2¢. . Sold by Macâ€" Farlane Co. Our town is busy as the approachâ€" ing Xmas and New Year‘s are drawâ€" iog nigh. Everything required will be found to suit old and young of all classes. Lots of wood on the movd during the last week and guod use made of the sleighing. | The C. P. R. has bailt a cattle yard at the station here, which will be of great convenienceto people deliverâ€" ing cattle, hogs, etc., in the neighâ€" borhood. s to visit his old neighborhood some of these days. Tax collector Arch. McLellan was in Priceville all day Friday last takâ€" ing in taxes. John Melones of Calgary, but formerly of D. R. Glenelg is expected he intends to be away for a couple of weeks but his place will be occupied by a substitute, W. F. Douxx., Durham, Ont. __~.. Solicitor for Assign Crawford Louise Varney. ++ Valuable farm in the Tp. of Glenelg composed of lots 22 and 23, Con, 8, N. D. R., 100 acres. Possession given forthwith. Title perfect, For partiâ€" culars apply to J. P, L ELFORD, Durham. Good nineâ€"roomed house. _ Furnace heated. Good garden, outâ€"buildings and Iarge stable. _ Will be sold chesap, Apply to W. D. Mirus, Logs of all kinds, for which we are prepared to pay the highest prices, Also the following timber, composed principally of Balsam, Spruce, Bassâ€" wood and Butternut. A small perâ€" sentage of Hemlock, Ash. or Tamaâ€" rack will pass, Sawn ends, All knots to be trimmed close 5" dia. and up, for which we will pay the following prices: 8 ft long per cord $2 50 8 ft 6 long per cord $3 00 4 ft long per cord 3 50 For further particulars call at Office, THs Dornax Forxtrunr®s Co. Ltd. We wonder if Billy found his cap yet. After spending sume months with ber daughter, Mrs J. Dunsmoor, of Durbam, Mrs Neil Campbell returnâ€" ed to her home here. _ Although 85 years of age, Mrs Campbell is still bale and hearty. Mr Alfred Shewell, of Williams ford, spent a pleasant holiday at the parental home here. We are very soriy to report the illnessof Mrs Alexander Ledingham, but uuder the skillful hand of Dr Smith, we hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr _ Ed. Sweeney, of Louiss, is en gaged cutting logs at Mr‘Fred Snew ell‘s. Messrs Truax & Cauly are at presâ€" ent r pairing their mill, so as to be ready to attend to the wants of the people. Winter is here at last and the merry sleigh bells are again heard. We are pleased to say that Mr Edâ€" ward Walsh, who has been ill for the past few weeks, is improving. The Hopeville church has been getting a coat of paint lately. Wedding bells are ringing. We expect to hear some news. Joseph MceArdle took a business trip along the south of Proton and to Bhelburne and Grand Valley . William MeMurdo; who was ranchâ€" ing in the west all sammer. is back here now to stay a few months. He may get someone to go back with him as the raoch is rather large for him to work alone. The Revy Mr‘MacInnes, the late Elastor here, has got a church at arrowsmith near Kingston, and was to be inducted on the 10th Dec. He is getting a good salary. Esplin church has been supplied by a, Mr Black, of Toronto, tor the la st two Sundays and we expect bim to be bere some time yet. Coughs that are tight, or distressing tickling coughs, get %uick and certain help from Dr. Bhoop‘s Couf Remedy, On this account Drugâ€" ftml eyery w here are !uvoriuf Dr. Shoop‘s Cough emed?'. and it is entirely free from Opiuim, Chloroform, or any other stu]j-efylng:drug. The tender leaves of a harmless ungâ€"healing mounâ€" tainous shrub give to Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Remedy its curative progomcs. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distressing Cough, and to soothe, and heal the most sensitive brouchial membrane. . Mothers should, for safety‘s sake alone, always demand Dr. Shoop‘s 1t can with Mrs Sharp and son George went to the 3rd Concession last week to assist in putting finishing touches to Mr John Sharp‘s house on which improyeâ€" ments have been made lately. The Misses Gilmour sent Tacsday afternoon with Mrs Anderson on a social, yisit. pritaimdzs: hikiict clP c w'\-l“'ifll\Ao Mr John Cooper with generous enâ€" terprize, hasformed a singing class in connection with the Guild, and we hope the young Eeople will take full adyantage of the r'ivilege afforded by Mr Cooper‘s public spirit. Miss Lizzle Geddes is at present laid up with a severe cold. Whocping cough ~by wholesale might be applied to the home of Mrs Heaslip for the last week or two. Mr and Mrs Landels Marshall and Mrs Heaslip had a mild attack and the two children were:_worse and passing through it, Mr Thos. Byers is somewhat better than he has been for some time. Mr Byers is suffering from neuralgia. Quite a number from this neighâ€" borhood attended the Institate meetâ€" ings in Ayton last week. A meeting of the congregation was held on Tgeld:y for the pmrose of considering ways and means of raisâ€" ing theâ€" church and arranging for a basement, A Christmas Tree is to be held at the church on Dec. 23rd and preparaâ€" tiop_s are in progress for it. Mr and Mrs Wm Sackott and famâ€" ily, after ‘:)dyear's residence in this neighborhood, have returned to Egreâ€" mont to "Sackett‘s Corner.‘‘ Parâ€" ents and children too will be missed from the neighborhood and the friends tbel)l' have mads here wish them well. Mr Chas, Miller and,family are moying into the house vacated hy the Sacket:‘s. A Mr Brown is movâ€" lng;lluto Henry Frits‘ house atithe mill. * hm an %¢. _iz i.) 00 2000000 Of bis farm to Mr Schilling. Mr Hanna has bought & lot in Ayton and inâ€" tends to move to the village in the spring Mastier Seamon Yandt was in haste to skate last week and : took a cold bath in the creek. He has been laid up ever since. Wanted to Purchase. M# James Hanna Lands For Sale For Sale. Welbeck Hampden Box 73, Durham. has dispos&d of «e ds ty ftnown as the Aldred Farm being | " For lot 70, cun. 2, Bentinck, containing one / hundred acres more or less, The place Fresh Groceries is all well fenced and in a good state C of cultivation. On the premises is a | [| New Fruits frame barn 60x60, with stone stabling, C driving shed, sheep pen und root Choice Conftectionary house inclusive, _A concrete house % A with frame kitchen, Summer kitchen PureSpices & Vinegar: wood shed and cistern, Good hard | water close to house. Large good || No. lnramily and Pure bearing orchard. This farm is known | anitoba flours as one of 'i‘he bflctl gr:.ilt: lft“m‘: inf the | § Salt county. Two and oneâ€"halt miles from . l‘ime Sa the Town of Durham. This farm is | offered for six thousan allars, one uce tw halt , balance at 6 per cenat interest, F “m:" Prod Wan Al all communications to proâ€" infuthd _ JoHn A, Aurpreo, | Echo Valley Farm I also have an application for sized farm within three miles c ham. _ Anyone wishing to dis such property, kindly commi with me. Three 50 acre farms, woll locat near Durham, for sale separately, 2 so 25 acre property on the outskiris Durham suitable K:r retured farmer 100 acres in Bentinck Road, well located, owne farming. Will be sold ch purchaser, 100 acres in Egren;oht near Dromore good frame buildings, 20 acres hardâ€" wood bush, good level land. _ Price eonih A Valuable Farm for 100 acres in Glenelg, good frame barn with stone basement, first class dwelling house, only $3200, 118 acres in Egremont, good land, good buildings. $3809, 100 acres in Proton, near Swinton Park, fair buildings, good land, well drained, well watered and well fenced, Only $3600, 100 acres in Glenelg, exc fair buildings, good water farm with a few acres of [3 Price $4000. 150 acres in Benting soil good, everythin shape. â€" Price $5000, $6500 208 acres in Bentines excellent buildings, 16 acr bush, small payment d pdpnht 4 250 acres on the G w 200 clear. 50 acres hard w watered, first class build sold cheap to wiad up c Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative to No person should go on a long drive withont one of our Foot Warm â€" ers. â€" There is no necessity why you should not be as comfortable in a rig asin your parior. Indigestion â€"__Axes, Xâ€"cat Saws and Back Saws in abundance. With the present condition of the Meat Market, a number of our custâ€" omers have told us it is n=zessa ry to buy a Meat Chopper, but we think under any conditions it is ‘he best inâ€" vestment any person can make. See what we can offer you in shat line. There is no necessity for any woâ€" man wearing herself out; mixing bread, when she can got a Bread Mixer at suoh a nominal lgarao. Call and inspect them. Why do use that old stable shov el when you can buy a smow shove so cheap, from 25 to 50 . In Poultry season evory wom» should hbave a good Roa:ting Pan We bhaye a variety of them, you d: nct have to buy one particualar kina. We have all the latest styles in skates, and of superior quality, at the lowest prices. Come to the store where you can get your wants sapplied to your satâ€" Staction. Sold by MacFarlane Gun‘s Drug Store Ebony Goods Travelling cases, Glove and Handâ€" kerchie? sets, Perfumes, Atomizâ€" ers, Shaving Sets, Portfolios, Paâ€" petries, Bon bons and choeolates in boxes. FOR XMas presEnT3 Hardware! Hair Brushes, Military Brush* es, Clothes Brushes, Hat and Bonnet brushes, Mirrors, Manâ€" Lc:xn Sets, Soap boxes, Powder boxes. Farms For 8: Suggestions . . Black wW. F, Solicitor, AT in ion for a good miles of Dup. to dispose of communicate DUNN, Darham, Ont were ever to be had. ing, biliousness, bad n, try Dr. Shoop‘s 1â€"and see for yourâ€" We sell and cheer. rell located, arately, AJâ€" outskirts of ind Co Sale | |I New Fruits " Choice Conftectionary | || Pure Spices & Vinegars f" No. lï¬â€˜amlly and Pure | anitoba flours Flour, Feed, Seed & Groceries ‘"ct Ready for Xmas C. McARTHUR Special value in Boy‘s coarse Rub bers at 85¢ per pr while they last. GROCERLIES JIFPTS MATTHEWwsS & LATIMER and such things as make the Children‘s Christmas and the grown ups too. 7 . H D TOYS & DOLLS BOUKS AND GAMES MECHANCIAL TOYS XMAS NOVELTIES happier, _ The large inâ€" terest centres in Better shop early. Come and See Santa Claus We put ourselves in eviâ€" dence this year with the biggest stock and best values we ever had in holiday goods, including many useful things that make home life all the A nice varicty of Gloves, Collars Handkerchiefs for Xmas trade. THEBICG 4 Eatrects Baking Molasses, etc shelled F19 s Currants, Stoned Raisins Icing Sugar, How for Christmas We «mon, Orange and Citron Peel eanuts, almonds and walnuts ME SELLS CHEAP have everything fresh in CA