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Durham Review (1897), 24 Dec 1908, p. 4

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J B : No More‘ Fowl Taken Alive ;gmmx:-cs:mmxsmxmmm@:xzxxgg i "« i 2 Taylor & Co., Dromore is w In Men‘s coats we have the best Z too cold for shipn;e;t,- quality dressed.. â€"@,! "u /7 Wa‘¥ tinu«l treatment for three months_longer and ws a rewarcded with #\C:*~>~/% 1 complete cure. 1 could only earn $12 a week in a machine shop | e \, X=" e fore ireatment, now I am earning $21 and never lose a day. 1 w. ra /JPA /2 \ all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. _ dsn **«¢:"/* HERY C. LOCUST. fl fl’ l HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN Dis®Asczt»; @a@5k500ELE CURED {~"* NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Coniined to His Home for Waeks. S. F. MORLOCK r. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich only five weeks until Christmas XMAS, 1903 of things to do before that time all DDhiy Audi® M!-:N.â€"lmromdent aets or later excesses o~~ bro m You feel the symptoms stealing over you. _ Mert ‘t‘z, ph you are not the man you used to be or should be. ‘Vill you sieed "Heary work, severe straining and evil habite l:e":-uth Lrought on a double varicocele. _ When I worked hard the ing would become severe and 1 was often laid up for a week at 1t.me. My family »hys.cian tol1 me an operation was my only hoPe â€"bui I creaded it. { triedd several specialists, but soon found out all t! ey worted was my money. 1 commenced to look upon a:l doetors as littie better than rogues. On> day my boss asked me why I was off work so nuch and 1 told him my condition. He advised ms to consuls Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, a« hs had taken ‘{e‘tment. from them himself and knew they were square and skiliful. I wrote them and got Tng New MEtaon Trzarmewr. My progress was somewhat slow a d during the first month‘s treatment I was somewhat disconraged _ Mowover, I conâ€" tinn «1 treatment for three months _longer and wr«a rewarded with a ¢omplete cure. 1 could only earn $12 a week in a machine shop teâ€" fore ireatment, now I am eurning $21 and never lese a day, 1 wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. ______ _ * t >o the most provalent and most serious diseases, . They sep the i and unless enuirely eradicated from the s,stem will cause ser re of Mercury. It only suppresses the symptomsâ€"o5r N L 0. coiee PP We wish all our Customers a very Merry and _ Joyful Christmas. * QRCI AALLIVC as itis but highest prices for good {@ that time. Give us a In all lines we have a ‘ONSENT. P and you have â€"bui I creaded it. , ey worted was my little better than work so nuch and 4 Drs. Kennedy & himself and knew t Tmg New MetaoD fi d during the firss k Howover, 1 conâ€" a rewarded with a machine shop tbeâ€" se a day, 1 wich RY C. LOCUST. z. we ; EASZD? 51 They sep the very b will cause serious tomsâ€" our Ni W 3 esses ho~~ bro! n ky Mert=®y, physiâ€" Vill you hneed tae gilomarry* Fas [Â¥ mur New Merion 01. Consultation Free of Charce. ATE. No namos cosi of Treaim=nt ? & magnym > _ #i |__ Mr D. Edge drove to Owen Sound ’lnt week to bring bome his daughâ€" ter, Miss Mary, who is attesding the Collegiate there, for the bhristmas )holldayn. ’ We regret to learn of the illness |of Mrs Morrison, but at latest reports ]sha has a!ightlx improved, D ° a o C9 o d micy e e us® ich, and Mrs Firth sre home for the Christmas holidavs. Also Thos. and Dan from Toronto University, are enjoying the vacation. Our two stores are beantifniiy decâ€" orated for Christmas. Mr _ Dan and Miss Jessie Eccles visited friends at Conn oyer Sunday. Dromore choir attended the Suanday School Anniversary in Priceville last Wednesday night. They all report hbaving had a fine time, and think Tom‘s horses are dandies to go. Mr Harry Sterne is home for the holiday season. Mr James Lothian, who bas been homesteading in the West the last three years, arrived home on Friday night and gave a glowing account of the West. Mr John Garson and family movyed into their new house last week Best wishes to ye editor and staff for a Merry Merry Christmas. Rey Mr Kendall visited his father in Chatham for a tew days in the beginning of the week. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. This is why his prescriptionâ€"Dr. Shoop‘s Restorativeâ€"â€" is directed entirely to the cause of these ailâ€" ments«â€"the weak inside or controlling nerves. It isn‘t so difficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, if one goes at it correctly. _ Each inside organ has its conâ€" trolling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail then thoseorgans must sureI‘y falter. Thesevital truths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative. Test it a few days, and see ! Imsnrovement will promptly and surely follow . _ Sold by MacFarâ€" ane Co. Next Monday is Nomination Day. We don‘t hear much about election in Glenelg. _ There will be opposition in the Reeveship as was announced last week. Arch McCuaig intends to contest for the Reeveship. Wedidn t hear any opposition to the Councillors as yet as they are all good fellows. (Glene!g can boast of having one of the longest member of Council conâ€" tinuously in the County with the exâ€" ception of 2 or 3 years in the person of John MeMillan who was first elected 30 years ago, so John must have been a faithfal member and if he serves 30 years more he may resign. This is the time of year that will bring every one that‘s within reach to the old homes to enjoy the festiviâ€" ties of the season. It is expected that the C. P. R. will build a large elevator near the station here before the end of next fall so Priceville can then compete with any other town similarly situâ€" ated by having all the facilities reâ€" quired for receiving their share of patronage. The Sanday School entertainment held in the Presbyterian Church here on Wednesday evening the 16th Dec. inst was quite a success. The eveâ€" ning was fine, the roads good and those patronizing feft it a pleasure to haye the privilege of mixing up wish the youngsters at least once a year to enjoy the pleasures that are associated with mingling up with the little folks and listen to their part of a well preâ€" pared J)rogramme. As usual a grand spread was prepared by the good ladies of the church or rather churches tor some of the sister churches assistâ€" ed in making the evening a success. The number of baskets taken in during the evering would make a neat little sum in addition for a small boy to add up and the contents would make a larger sum for a bigger boy as they were more numerous and the number of teeth used in dolnfi Justice to the good things contained in the baskets, would puzzle a Town Assee-‘ sor to add up it set in columns. We cannot youch for how many basket fulls were taken up after all were through out we can vouch there was enough and to spare anyway. Beâ€" ing done in the basement all went up to the main part of the cburch. Paster Matheson being in the chair. He called the meeting to order, The Dromore choir who so liberally lent their services led by Mr Ramage sang the opening bhymn and gave some fine selections at intervals during the evening. _ Too numerous to mention all the recitations and dialogues given by the youngsters well rendered. _ Fine selections by Miss Emma McLean and Mrs Herman McLean (nee Anna James) encored. Selections by Miss Limin of Durham encored. Club swinging by some 10 litle girls which was done to perâ€" fection. _A grand address by the Rev. Mr Phalen of Horning Mills. The last but not the least was the unloading of the Xmas tree of its fine display of all kinds of unnatural frait which was thanktally received by the recipients. _ After a vote of thanks to all concerned and the singâ€" ing of the closing anthem by the choir the crowd left for their homes. _ Reâ€" ceipts $57.00. A large quantity of logs, wood and lumber are deliverad at the station in this place during the last tew weeks. Monday‘s storm filled the roads running north and south pretty bad but if not worse betore next March no need of complaint. Mrs McPherson of Toronto, arâ€" rived on Tuesday noon train to Dur ham and will be the guest of her sister Mrs Neil NcCannel for Xmas after which she will spend a few days with other relatives at Top Cliff before returning. Mr John Mcelones, of _ Calâ€" gary is at present visiting with his sister Mrs Dancan MceDonald, D. Road, Glenelg. Edge Hill. Dromore. Priceville THE DURHAM REVIEW Address all communications to proâ€" priotor, JeHN A ALDRED, Aldred, Sask. Echo Valley Farm fnown as the Aldred Farin being lot 70, cun, 2, Bentinck, containing one hundred acres more or less, The place is all well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. On the premises is a frame barn 60x60, with stone stabling, driving shed, sheep pen and root house inclusive, _A concrete house with frame kitchen, Summer kitchen wood shed and cistern, Good hard water close to house. Large good bearing orchard. This farm is known as one of the best grain farms in the county,. ‘I‘wo and oneâ€"half miles from the Town of Durbham. Tbhis farm is offered for six thousand dallars, one half done, balance at 6 per cent interest. The Reeve replied in his usual free and happy style. Council then i0se. Atfter going aver the Fin‘al Statement and instracting the Clerk to get 200 copies printed for distribution. The following was then read and presented to the Reeve ;â€"We, the Councillors ot the Township of Egreâ€" mont, desire at the close of another year‘s business to express our feeling of gratitude to vou in a bumble way, We would therefore tender you our hearty thanks for the kind and courtâ€" eous manner in which you have presided over the deliberations of this Council during the past vear. Wishing you a very Happy Xmas and a bright and prosperous New Year. Hoping you may be long spared to serves your country and King. Ferguson â€" Lothian â€" That the Reeve vacate the chair and Mr Philp take the same.â€"Carried. By â€"resolution sundry accounts amounting to $142.18 were paid. Reeve paud into treasury $5.50 reâ€" fand trom Glenelg on road imp‘s, and $1.50 refund from Co. re Thorp‘s bridge. Council met Dec. 15th. Minutes sustained. Lothianâ€"Hanterâ€"That the sum of $14.58 be refunded to the ‘slnlu conâ€" cerned, being amount of taxes on Proton Drain. _ Fall period expired last year. â€"Carried. A Valuable Farm for Sale A. McCabe is to be credited one da{rmtnn labor in 1909 for repairs to bridge at Varney. Philpâ€"Lothianâ€"That D. Shea be id $75.00 on drain No 4 and J. El&nmer. W. Artbur and A. Mclaiyre be paid $5.C0O each for culvert on said drain as per Engineer‘s Report. & 75: Ins. fee be paid.â€"Carried. Ferguson â€"Lothianâ€"That â€" above report be filed and Mr Gratton be paid $5.00 for his services.â€"Carried and Coinr Philp receive $3.00 Com work. â€"Carried. Comr Hanter reportedâ€"A. Peckâ€" over drawing tile and culyert $6.00, @o rep. bridge Lot 8, Con 10, $2.00. J. Goodyear covering culvert townâ€" line $6.60. Report adopted and $1.50 Comr fees paid. Fiajeye Comr Fergu:on reported Wm Sirrs culyert Lot 15 Con 2, $750. Wm Shiels rep bridge Lot 4 Con 14, $1.50. Report adopted and $1.00 Com fees be paid. _ _ $ o Wim srafton forwarded a very lengthy report on six bridges be had examined with Insp. Phil{). This reâ€" port contains mavy valuable sugâ€" gestions regarding protestion strengâ€" thening and repairing. Comr Philp gave a detailed and lengthy report otf road imp‘s consistâ€" ing of repairs and culverts amountâ€" ing to$16.65. Report adopted and $2.00 Com. fees to be paid. The Reeve and Comr Philp Com in charge of building McNair‘s bridge reported completion exceptâ€" ing waggon rail which is arranged tor and recommerded payment of $331.00 to Mr Grafton. Report adoptâ€" ed and Inspector be paid $1.50 fees. Comr Lothian gaye a detailed reâ€" fiorc on several jobs am‘tg to $46.75. eport adopted $4,.00 fees paid. The Reeve reported on a settiement with Proton re town line imp‘s. 3 years accouuts were examined, 1905 ‘06 and ‘07 and tound a balance due Egremont or $19.50 up to Dec. 31st 1907. _ Report adopted and $3.00 to be paid for his services. The vote on said Byâ€"Law will be taken at the same time and places as Municipal Elections. Lothianâ€"Fergusonâ€"That Byâ€"Law No 227 to repeal Local Option Byâ€"Law No 194 receive iss first aud second readings. â€"Carried. Byâ€"Law No 226 to appoint a place tor Nomination for Council tor 1909 and D. R. O‘:., &c. The Nomination will be held in Agricaltural Hall, Holstein, on Monâ€" day Dec. 28th and the,D. R. O.‘s are the same as last year excepting Jas. M. Allan in place of John Allan Divisioa 1. _ Polling places the same a(sl tormerly. Said Byâ€"Law was passâ€" ed. Egremont Council. D. Aucax, Clerk, whst sds s ek KA g Dated at Durham, December 3 And notice is further given that after the 31st day of December 1908. the assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtors amongst the parties entitled thereto, having reâ€" gard only to the claims of which noâ€" tice shall then kaye been given. anl that he will not be liable for the asâ€" sets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persens of whose ciaim he shall not then have had noâ€" tice. COrediters are requested to _ file their claims with the undersigned soliciter for the assignee, with the proof and particulars thereof required by the said Act on or before the date of such meeting. A meeiing of Creditors will be held at the office of M: W.F. Dunn, in the Town of Durham, solicitor for the assignee, on Friday the lith day of December, 1908, at the hour of two o‘clock in the afternoon, for the purâ€" pose of receiving a statement, and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. In the matlcr'%John A. Darling. of the Townof Durham. in the Counâ€" ty of Grey, Druggist, Insolvent, NOTICE is hereby given that John A. Darling, ofthe Town of Durham in the Uountg of Grey, carrying on busiâ€" ness as a Druggist at the said Town of Durham, bas made an assignment to Mr H. E. Sampson, of the Town of Owen Sound, Bartisterâ€"atâ€"law, under R, 8, C, 1897, Chap. 147, of all his esâ€" tate. credits and effects for the general benefit of his creditors. ASSIGNEE‘S NOTICE TO CREDâ€" ITORS. The elec:ion for Proton Council is now talked about, people askinâ€" about usw men coming into the field. We understand that the present men will run again. and it is we‘l known that Joseph McArdle, the old Reeve, is spoken otf and he is expected to run. He says, and has good backâ€" ing to know, that he did not get justâ€" ice last year at the nomination and ho intends to get better this year. Intended for last week. Mr Dan. MoDoofilll attended the Fat Stock Show in Guelph last week. Mrs Alex Muir of Flesherton paid & short visit to friends at Malock. s Rev. and Mrs. McClenuan were guests of Mr and Mrs Wm. Falton, Sunday.> : .. is}_â€"snk"_at 30 -ilr D;ncan Cllrk. being appointed a member of the jury, attended the assizes in Owen Sound last week. We can add to the above that this young man was born and raised in Procon on a tarm, where his wid owed mother, brother and sister now lives, 1% miles west of Hopeville. His mother was a Miss Ferguson and they have many relations in Proton and neighborbood. They bave the sympathy of the people here in their sad bereavement, Mr McIntosh and Miss Davidson Ot Durbam attended service here last Snndz‘)y. o _ Mr James Redford of Rainy River is at present. visiting Mr and Mrs T. Jones. Nedding bells are ringing. Mr Alex Morton and Miss Marion Morton spent Sunday with Miss Mary Morton. A number from around here atâ€" tended the Box Social at Ebenezer, others went to Lonise. Both parties report having a good time. What we would lika to know ? What is Robbie‘s attraction East ? We wish ye Editor, Staff,‘ and all Review readers a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. Some lime ago we mentioned the death of Mr Archibald McEachnie in the Western States, an old Proton boy, but we now send you the acâ€" count of it as taken from the Bozeman paper of the 23rd Nov., * The Miner."‘ ** Mr Archibald McEachnie, one of the best known freighters of this state, died here this morning at the Gallaâ€" tin Hotel, where be had been staying for about two weeks. The cause of death was heart disease, with which be had been sufiering for some time. His illness became serious about two days ago, his wife was with him, also his brother Juohn, of Billings, at the time. Forssven years Mr McEachâ€" nie had been engaged in the freightâ€" ing business with headquarters at Gardiner. Recently he brought his team to Belgrade. He was visiting in Bozeman at the time he took sick and died. He was 34 years of age and stood six feet, three inches in height,. _ He had a host ot friends here and was generally well liked. Besides his wite, he is suryived by a motber, four sisters and three brothâ€" ers, wholive in Grey Co., Ont., only John, who is here. The funeral will be held here toâ€"morrow afterncon, 24th, and the body will be buried in the Bozeman cemetery." W. F. DUxx. Durbam. Ont.. Solicitor for Assignee Hopeville. Mulock += «i+ s Massey Harris Mowers & Rakes OWEX SOUND, Om _ ~â€" Commences January 5, 1909. Three courses :â€" Commercl?l. Bhomung and T_\’;:dwrltl‘r‘u, l;:: or those whose car) y ucation heum':glemd. Information frec, C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound Recognized as the Vepts Collected, No charge if nothâ€" ing collected _ All kinds of financial business carefully and quietly attenâ€" ded to. "Always Prompt, Never Negligent." Debts Collected. Railway and Steamship Tickets (to all points, Money to Lend at lower ratns thanx 100 Acres near Allan Parkâ€" splendid buildings, ratUing fine tarm, cheap, 40 acres extra good land near Allan Park. very cheap, 130 acres Bentinck â€" 14} miles from Manover, close to chool and Post Office with daily mail. Brick house, frame bank barn, great saap, and Many other Good Bargains in Farm and Town property, If you want to Buy or Sell go to Miller No charge if no business done. 100 atres Money tobe Made The Hanover Conveyancer, ofers : To check early colds or Grippe wi h "Preventios" means sure defeat for Proumonia. To stop & cold with Preventics is safer than to }ot it run and be obll{ed to cure it afterwards. To be sure, Preâ€" ventics will cure even a deeply seated cold, but taken el.rlgâ€"tt the sneeze stageâ€"they break, or m«m these early colds. That‘s surely better. t‘s why t.he{ are called Preventics. Preventicsare little Candy Cold Cures. No Quin. Inc, no physic, nothing sickening. Nice for the childrenâ€"and thoroughly safe :30,. If you feel gl:ially."you sneeze. if you ache £ 1 over, think of ventics. Promptness may also save half your usual sickness. And don‘t forget your child, if there is feverishness, nightor day, Herein prob» blgnliu Preventics‘ greatest e®ciency. Sold in &. xes for the pocket. also in 25¢ boxes of 48 ventics. Insist on your druggists giving you Stop That Cold eney to Lend at lower rates than you can borrow elsewhere, e Laval and Massey Harris Cream Separator. Coal Oil and Machine Oil always in stoclke and ail kinds of Massey Harris implements for Hayivg and Harâ€" vesting seasons, by attending to this Preventics Gun‘s Drug Store Sold by MacFarlane and Co We wish our numerous cusâ€" tomers and friends a very Merry Christâ€" W. Black To our many friends and customers, we wish a very Pfborry @hm’stmas . McFadden | H. H. MILLER, NORTHERKNZ Winter Term at the THERE‘S ic vertiscment DECEMBER 24, 1908 Fine Salt Farmers Produce Wanâ€" Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Contectionary PureSpices & Vinegars No. 1 Family and Pure C. McARTHUR Special value in Boy‘s coarse Rub bers at 85¢ per pr while they last. GROCERIES "et Ready for Xmas IFTS W H RBean and such things as make the Children‘s Christmas and the grown ups too. Botter shop early. We put ourselves in eviâ€" dence this year with the biggest stock and best vafiues we ever had in holiday goods, including many useful things that make home life all the happier, _ The large inâ€" terest centres in MATTHEWws & LATIMER TOYS & DOLLS BOCKS AND GAMES MECHANCIAL TOYS XMAS NOVELTIES THE BIG 4 Come and See Santa Claus Tow for Christmas A nice variety of Gloves, Collars Handkerchiets for Xmas trade. We have everything fresh in shelled s Currants, Stoned Raisins lcing Sugar, Extracts Baking Molasses, etc. Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel Peanuts, almonds and walnuts , Feed, Seed & Groceries family and Pu Manitoba flours HE SELLS CHEAP For \ | Select Ra Corn. .. .1 8 bars Cor Our Stock receive and w« Christ: Our stock ons# 1 Large Sales We SÂ¥ Sy 1 Nn« § 4 &# Agenc; celebri Lumbe LUMB Ir m Ch to bu €xce first om DE 1 18

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