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Durham Review (1897), 24 Dec 1908, p. 5

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24, 1908 uce ristmas » for ~2m»mas OLLS ND GAMES tionary Vinegars and Pure i fHlours EW S (MER & Groceries 1083 CIAL TOYS IVELTIES RTHUR .flean CHEAP for Xmas 0 4 Santa eviâ€" : the best | in a«@C ng hat the Inâ€"= 18 ul 1S Our Stock of Boots & Shoes, Gothlnf, Dress Goods, Gents‘ Furnishings and Wall aper, is in fine shape Select Raisins......5¢ perlb _ Good Currants......6¢ per lb _ Peas......6¢ per can Corn. . . .6¢ per can Tomatoes. ... 7c per car 23 lbs Granulated Sugar for. .. ..1.00 3 bars Comfort Soap for... .256 _ New Quaker Oatmeai. .. .4.80 per sack or 8 lbs for 25¢ These kindly words are expressed by everyone and they are the re.echo of the Angelic Song "Peace and Goodwill to men." This is the time for visiting and we have just received an excellent stock of Suit Cases in leather, leatherette and Japanese Matting and we also have a fine stock of Telescopes, all good quality at low prices and excellent Christmas gifts. Large Sales Our stock of k ists and C # MacFarlane & Co,, »psgssm # t ce h e on mgeie ie ie n afnals o oo s tp fpcp plpcp Ppop ip o ck. W _ 0 1 e s aenemmmmmmege 3«:»*%*%*&%%3 to+44_. All Remaining $ Ao As e se * e eGeoke ofo # $#Holiday Goods at Costg * g ******&********&**** e We have a great range of Neckties, just openâ€" ed, the newest styles, They are neat and substantial, an excellent gift. Wish REverybedy a Mersy Christmas and a Happy New Year We would call your attention to the fact that we have a large and varied stock of Slippers, Cardigans and Moceasins from Infants to Men‘s sizes, also Mitts and gloves, any of which would makea nice and useful Xmas present. LUMBERMEN‘S RUBBERsS Men‘s from $1.65 to $4.00, Boy‘s $1.25 to $1.75. Youth‘s $1.00 We take no second place in the lines we carry of Hosiery either in price or quality, Trunks, Valises club bags, telescopes etc. Custom work and Repairing as Usual. Agency in Durham for J % M Il e celebrated Kant Krack Lumbermen‘s Rubbers. @ b' C ralth Chrigtmas Is Almost Here k 9 1he remnants of our Holiday Stockâ€"l.imops China &# ;xcqmdâ€"wnll be sold at exact cost, commencing Saturday g irst. We have had a large holiday business and what goods % we have left we prefer to sell at‘cost rather than carry over # Here is a chance to get bargains if you still have any gifts :g to buy or if you want any of these goods for personal use. * It will be worth your while to come in and * see the bargains displayed on our countersâ€" Ae and worth while to come at once. Somebody #e will get them, you might as well be one of ole the lucky ones, Wishing DECEMBER 24, 1908 G. & J. MeKECHNIE all our patrons Groceries : Neckties 2Cr patrons a very Merry Christmas and a Bright and Prosperous New Year. . & J. MeKECHNIE We also carry a full line of Ladies‘ Gloves, Dainty Ruchings and Fancy Collars. Gifts to please all We have an excellent stock of neat designs and the newest stylcs at low prices, They are tasty Christmas gifts, Produce taken as cash and the highest prices paid. ttention to the fact that we have a large f Slippers, Cardigans and Moceasins from also Mitts and gloves, any of which would *Â¥ Sindiprmaghandbceny +Â¥ Glass and Chinaware fresh and good at very low prices : In great profusion, the newest‘styles, the neatâ€" est patterns. Come andsee them, Five minâ€" utes inspection is betterthan a page description Handkerchiefs Farlane Co Preventics, the new Candy Cold Cure Tablets. are said by druggists to have four special specific advantages over all other remedies for a cold. Firstâ€"â€"They contain no Quinine, nothing harsh or sickening. Secondâ€"They give almost instant relief. Thirdâ€"plcasant to the taste, like candy, Also fine for (~verish children. Sold by Macâ€" These are some of the Government measures to meet a national crisis, But there is more for publicâ€"spirited citizens to do. Everybmyy who bas waste land ougbt to be plantiog it to trees. _ It is such a simple th ng to gather seed from the trees on your own place and drop them into the ground ! But you who do this will also serve your country as truly a= those who answer its bugleâ€"call to battle." l It is this situation that calis for the application of the science of forostry. The national Government through the Department of Agricalture at Washing. ton, as well as eleven States each employing a trained forester is actiyely engaged in it. â€" The United States Govâ€" erment has, for the last ten years, been busy acquiring forest lands until now it bolds 165,000,000 acres, which it is careâ€" fal guarding and enltivatiag. Nurseriâ€"s have been established for the propagaâ€" tion of stock for free distribution, and the newest feature is the sreation of a patrol of one hundred men to guard against forest fires along the Adironâ€" dack railroads. We are now using as much wood in a wingle year as grows in three, and there is only twenty years‘ supply of yirgin growth in sight. " There is a great movement under way throughout the United States and Canada toâ€"day, It is the marshalling of public sentiment for the preservation of |the forests. We used to think that the great American forests were inexhaustâ€" ible. And they were, for the generation in when our grandfathers lived. People of that day had all the wood they wanted to buro, _ RBut since their time wa bave been doing so many things with wood, besides using it for fuel, that forests of trees haye fallen before the woodman‘s ax where one tree fell before. _ There ara a dozer commercial purposes for wood which haye developed toâ€"day. It is used in the making of pai‘s and otf disher. _ And absolutely acros of trees are fed each day into the printingâ€"presses that turn out the great newspapors. j The United States have taken a fow steps forward but Canada has not been idle. Gangs of men are scattered in summer through the forests and along railroud tracks in New Ontatio and in Quebec. The Ontario government plaos to buy up old cleared lands in some localities that never should have been cleared, for the purpose of reâ€"foresting, The governments of the Western proâ€" vinces supply stock ‘ree and encourage the setting out of windbreaks, &c.. on the treeless prairies, ut with all that is being done there is need for the edâ€" ucation of the masses on the danger of forest extinetion and certainly legislators should find in the subject amp‘e scope foc all their powers. Following is the article from the Deâ€" lineator, a Magazine that should be widely read and that would prove a deâ€" light in every home : Under the above heading that oxâ€" cellent magazine the January Delinâ€" eitor has an excellent article which sbould be widely read and we give it harewith, _ The danger in the United Btates of forest extinetion, is duplicated in Canada. * For Your Countryâ€"Plant Trees Che Burkam Review Preservation of the Forests is a New Patriotism. aâ€"â€"â€"# #@â€"__._._ Small Profits ing for work Since last meeting your Comm re jam in Saugeou riyer at request of Dr Jamieson met, a government engineer and examined the situation and adverâ€" tised for tenders to be in by Dec 5th, when more tenders were received which we have forwarded to the Hon. Minister of Public Works and we expect the gov, eroment will take action to bave jam Board of Health be passed and accounts paid,â€"Carried. Dodsworthâ€"Wilsonâ€"That the Comr re Saugeen riyor jam be paid the followâ€" Wilsonâ€"Griersonâ€"That the repo t of Reeye and Commrs as read be passed. Houry Sotjeck and cthers under _ _ brushing Con 1%, L »t 9............ 2 44 J F Dodsworth, C»uaumr............ 2 0 All of which is respectfully submitted | To the Municipal Couneil of the townâ€" ship of Bencuck : Gentlemen,â€" | J S Wilson 2 meetings............... D Campbeli, 2 meetings............. David Geiger, 2 meetings $4.00, Bentinck Townsh1p Council. Gentlemen :â€" Frauk Waguer to making two eulâ€" _ _ _ vrerts on Neustadtroad............ 5 00 Alez Wilson leiting and inspecting WObirersssecirctessrnmecsstrnatatsecsss .A OQ All of wnich is re«pectifuily submitted. Mz Dopswortr‘s Report. To whe Reeye and Conneil of the Township of Bentinck, I hereby present report of Div. 4 as follows : James Jackson opeuing ditch Lot Anepection $8 00.......+2.ss2seâ€"e060e N G McCulloch, 2 meetings $4,00 Inspection #8.50................... Henry MoKey, 2 meetings $4.00 lospection $1.00.................} O3 COR Absersecresresqrertusrersarer ces Chas Meyers drawing ~cement pipes and putting in same Lot 5 UOHU B rrrersssserrassrecntreratsssecss Ww Leaske cemext pipes 12â€"inch Louis Dietz repairing culvert 8 L Mr Wirsox‘s Rerport. To the Reeve and Counsil of the towuslnp cof Bentinck, I beg leaye to report : Aogust Birr building two new cul. verts on S R, 10 Con28D R and filiing in washout............ 11 00 Robert Davis 15 yds gravel at 8 CBS & YBKUsysrirreesservestirstirsers Alex Archibald 25 yds gravel...... Levi Wolfe 10C feet cedar for eulâ€" Chris Reay for removing stona Lot 41. Cou 1, 8 D R............... William Conner to 7 10 inch tiie Lot 50. Con 2, S D R............ John Rassell to 4 cost grayelâ€"iing Geo A Noble letting and inspectâ€" _ _ NOW css ssrrststsrsccreres recssstasscrseces . & OO A 1 of which is respectfuily submitted. ros Lot 86, 87, Con 2 W G R...... E Hopkinos filling in washout at gravel hill Lot 48. Con, 8, Aren Park drawing Wile and putâ€" ting in at Lot 50 Con %, S D R Repairing sink hole at bridge...... Ju!m A McDon"ald grayelling 5 ditching at Lot41, 1 N D R.... Wm Wilis filling in washout Lot #1 Cou & 8 D R.......:....«...,, Alex McLean filling in washout Lot 51 Con 2, 5 8 D R............ Arch Park drawing tile and putâ€" R Grierson letting and inepecting WOR ccsrsesrcrssscssrrrtterress sss seseee _ 6 OO All of which is respectlully anbmitted. Mr Nosur‘s Ruport. To the Reeve and Council of Bentinck I beg leaye to report : Thos Brigham putting in tile and & COU IOsssisrsresscrre Lachlan McLean bauling tile, grayel, and potting in culvert and taking out stone.........£... W D Couner, culvert pipes.......... Balance for Philiip Corlett, 4 cost on towline Bentinck & Sul‘ivan paid for catting brush ou 8 Benâ€" tinck & Sullivan, R Corlett Sr... Dan_ MeLean repairing culvert Mr Griersox‘s Rerort. To the Reeve and Council of the Towuship of Bentinck, I beg leare to report : James Wilson 28 loads of gravel 1 15 Wmm Renton 20 loads of gravel _ 1 00 A Campbell grayeliing S L 15...... 1 60 A Campbell filling washout and hole on approach bridge 81 COB \11....cccseccrrresrnnsrersrserrrres D Campbell 27 loads of gravol... James ll()ofln chopping out swamp COM 1y W C Rsvcrsesssssescesserseres James Moffat chopping out swamp Con 2, 8 L, 42, W G K............ Robert Hay chopping out swamp _ Con 2 & 8, Lot 2 & 8............... J 5 Wilson letting and i:;{mning James Little repairs bridge 8 L Samuel Boyd, balance by stonee at _ _ filling in Con 8..................... 9 00 All of which is ressectfully submitted. Sinee last meetiog have recaivyed the following mccounts on bridges and recemmerd payment of same : Geo Rudoiph & Son zinc for Meâ€" _ Tavish and river Styx br 8 con $19 50 Gbul? Iron Bed Co for castings 8 00 Thos Torry filling in stones centâ€" re abutment Torry bridge...... 10 50 re abutment Torry bridge...... Robert Corlett repairing bridge Seventh Session of the Bentinck Council for the year 1908. Council met at the aboye time and place. Members all present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed, 1908, 10 o‘clock in the forencon. YOFBi.ssecsrerrstervevisessi24s part 28 Con W G R............... $ L 95, COD Bersrnarrnrsrsetrrrres tss Lot 8, Con 2, W G R............ Council Room, Lamlash, 15th Dec., cessn sns ce seea0e nae seenne en es The Reeve‘s Report: Bentinck, Dec 15th, 1908. C THE DURHAM REVIEW ‘That report of #27 bo 8 CU 2 5o § 25 8 75 2 18 6 75 15 50 Byâ€"Law No 8â€"9 for 1908 appointing Definty Returning officers, Poli Clerks, Polling places and place of Nomination every duly passed. Griersonâ€"Nobleâ€"That J Dodsworth aud A Wilson be paid one dollar each for Comm work re Mrs Lloyd claims. «â€"Carried. Griersonâ€"A Wilsouâ€"That four huaâ€" drod copies of the Financial Statement be printed.â€"Carried. Dodsworthâ€"A Wilsonâ€"That Collectâ€" or‘s time to have all taxes collected be extended to Jan. 11, 1909.â€"Carried, Nobleâ€"Dodsworthâ€"That Mr Scheirâ€" hoiz be pard $2 for use of building for Council.â€"Carried. | â€" Griersonâ€"Nobleâ€"That â€" the Cletk write Secretary of Board of Railway |Commrs. Ostawa, asking that action be taken to have the railway crossing at ‘Lot 56 Con %2, W G R, protested in , some way also that copy of this motion ! be sent to E M Beatty, aesistant soliecitor â€"C P K, Nontreal.â€"Carried. A Wi‘sonâ€"Dodsworthâ€"â€"That tixes of Thos Richards amounting to $3 85 be remitted by being indigent.â€"Carried. A Wilsonâ€"Griersonâ€"That the Treasâ€" urer remit $1.2%5 to Treasurer Brant Council being half co:t grading B L Grierson â€" Dodsworth â€" That Chas Rudoiph be psid $14.75, being amount paid by him to complete Elmwood sideâ€" walke.â€"â€"Carried, B & B.â€"Carried. Griersonâ€"Nobloâ€"That the Treasuver be instructed to receiye three dollars from Reeve, bsing procceds of sale of old planke, Cooa 8, river Styx aud bridge. â€"Cacried. Nobleâ€"Dodsworth â€"That Wm Hastie be paid $25 salary as collector for Diy. No 4, 1908.â€"Carried. Dodsworthâ€"A _ Wilsonâ€"That _ the Roeve prepare and haye puablished in the Financial Statement, showing the eost of each bridgo repairing in the township for 1908.â€"Carried, Nobleâ€"A Wilsonâ€"That permission be given A Parks to put water pipes acrâ€"ss highway at Lot 5o and 51I, Con 2 aud 3, D k.â€"Carried. A _ Wilsonâ€"Griersonâ€"That â€" Robert McEwen of Stratford be paid $50 in fail statement for damages sustained in June,â€"Carried. Nobleâ€"Dodsworthâ€"That B F Switâ€" zer be paid $20 for damage to crops in June, to be seitled in full, check to 1sâ€" sue to H H Miller,â€"Carriedâ€" J RONVNEOD::srsravcrsererirer se is esiee48 Robert Grierson meeting engineer securing options aud opening G.0o Noble meeting engineer, seâ€" curing options showing work to Lenahan & Mclntosh. Counnszsil adjourned HEADQUARTERS FOR HARDWARE FURNITURE Lenahan BBMICLEL.1 :+ x ressriecasbstsserss DEMORE:Ls):sv szirsssiseseeie esns which is something we can thoroughly recomâ€" mend especially for Xmas gifts. A good carving set makes a welcome addition to any home and serves as a constant reminder of the giver. Almost the first thing a housekeeper thinks of in connection with the Xmas dinner is good cut® lery and we‘re selling more this year than ever before. Our goods of all sorts are the best of their kind ineluding Joseph Elliot and Sons‘ ENGLISH CUTLERY ’.f"’ ye broneM S "Wy can with l McIntyre B.oskâ€"Lambton St, -'-'j',;:', old by Bcrcl:y and Bell‘s old stand â€"Carried, the Cletk 6 oo 00 00 The follnwimL timetable will effect until further notice > read down pr Come to us for tickets and informaâ€" tion. We are also agents for Allan and ominion line steamsbips and C. P. R‘ ocean liners. MacFARLANE &Co. 200 0. ) /Cave Hianover ar veiy.31 12.95 7.003.36 _ Allan Park _ 9.20 12.40 1.223.52 Durham ‘9.04 12.24 7.33 1.03 McW*inma (8.52 12.12 7A7T 417 Priceville (8.38 11.58 8 00 4,30 .ar‘ve Saug.Jet, leave 8.25 11.45 Connecting with traimms to and from Toronto, Only one change between Durham and Toronto. Speed, comfort and safety, Fead down read up amp. m p.im. a.m, 6.30 3.00 Walkerton 10.55 1.11 6.55 3.25 leave Hanover ar‘ve 9.31 12.55 IN NEW QUARTERS The petition from the Women‘s Inâ€" stitute was laid oyer till the January meeting. A numher of accounts were also passced, Council adjourned to meet again in Janvary. Shielâ€"Kennaâ€"That Wenger‘s acâ€" count of $35.81 for road work be applied on the Township‘s account against him ol $85.80, and that Mr Wenger be inâ€" structed to do no more work on roads without consent of commissioners.â€" Carried. Kennaâ€"Bae‘zâ€"That H. Ringel reâ€" ceive $30 for collecting taxes in 1908.â€" Carried, Baetzâ€"Umbachâ€"That the claim of J. Clark be investigated by Com,. Kenua â€"Carried. + Kenuaâ€"Baetzâ€"That in the absence of the township clerk, the Council apâ€" point W, R. McKay to act as clerk pro tem.â€"Carried. Umbachâ€"Shielâ€"That the minutes of the previous meeting, as read, be adopted â€"Carried The Council met in the clerk‘s office on Tuosday, Dec, 15thâ€"the Reeve in the cnuir, all members present. Anasre awA mirall c 200 9B ARCORIRCTITETR, Engineers and others who realize the advisabilâ€" ity of having their Patent business transacted by Experts, Prchmiunr'y advice free, Charges moderate, Our Invertor"s Adviser sent upon tcâ€" nest. Marion & Mar.on, Reg‘d., New York Life &d‘. Montreal ; and Washington. D.C., U.8.A. We will be pleased to show you these goods whether yon purchase or not, We have a good assortment of chairs, rockers, jardine stands, music cabinets, etc , specially suitable for ohoe CE cokck ing will continue to be my motto, Yours for business, Our Christmas goods are arriving and our stock in all lines of furniture, including sideboards, bedroom suites, couches, chairs, springs, matâ€" tresses, etc, is complete and up to date. We can supply you with an Ostermoor mattâ€" ressâ€"the kind that lasts a lifetime. e en o Ns us commod ious Tuners. all my old friends and I srust many new boas â€" Promptness and fair dealâ€" After two years in business iD Durham I° thank beartily the many farmers and others who bavefavored me with their trade and have pleasure in announcing that I will in the future bave havy s pleasure in meotin;lg' in more e 0 Sss "outHF damerâ€" sn Normanby Council. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS . B. Mclellan. CARD OF THANKS solicit the business of Manufacturers, TEime pooetve es Tucyâ€" rarsad i+ OM clntosh ey s i Embalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallow‘s Bar ber Shop. w RestpExCE â€" First house south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. Suits and Odd Pants, Raincoats Umbrelias, Hats and Caps, Shirts. Collars & Ties, Handkerchiefs, Susâ€" penders, Hose and half hose, Underâ€" wear, Sweaters, Overalls & Smocks Boots and Shoes BON BONS ALWAYS FRESH UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Going â€"â€"« Business users are requested to write F.D. VICKERS, 605 Parliament St TORONTO, ONT. G. H. STINSON For all Oxford Cream Separator Repairs ‘ P uo n e e e e o s _ HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College ~of Dental Snraeom of Ontario. Rooms ‘ Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store I# the thing to think Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money to Loan, ()lflce, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Stovre DQL0Lb 13 CC ARYCO0 F,0, win be q attended to, Terms on application to peniistte Rova! College Dental Surgeon * _ Dentistry in all its branches, Officeâ€"COalder‘s Block, over Post Office Insurance Agent. Money to Loan, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A genâ€" eral financial business transacted. DURKHAM, ONT. (Lower Town Barrister, Solicitor, Nou:x Public, Conveyancer aAac. oney to Loan at lowest rates, Ofllce. MclIntyre Block over the Stan dard Bank, Durhim, Ontario. Terms moderate. Arn.%emenu for sales as to aates, &c., must be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham, &«*" Correspondence addressed tl:'em:h&r to ("fylou P.O., will be promptly a tÂ¥an! We usn s s T W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L DS ARTHUR H. JACKSON S 2C Cnerey hss Sie HONOI GRADUATE Toronto University Grad uate Raval AnMaaa mollls iL t J. G. HUTTON, M. D. C M Member College Physicians and Burgeons . fMce and Residence Cor. Gara{fraxa = u.umumu%umo:-‘u?“ OFFICE HOURS 9â€":1 a. m 24 p m. __ TeloephoneConnection No. 10 ~ and everything in the Gent‘s Farâ€" nishing line this is your chance ln;i you should take adyantage of it, Having decided to give up the Gent‘s Furnishing Business in Dnrham my entire stock will be cleared out at cost price. semie «.. on« â€" For bargains in Men‘s and Boy‘s oPr Holiday Baking Licensed Auctioneer for Co, Urey We have a good supply of fresh Baking always on hand. â€" Aiso a good assortâ€" ment of Candies, Nuts and oranges. J. F.GRANT D.D.s \ T to 9 P,.x. of D esd PAT, . MePHMHAIL_» MEBDELECAT, ARTHUR GUN, M. D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 to C. RAMAGE, Durbhan #@r Ceylon has a telephone office, Noury Public, Commissioner C1ONYEYANCER, &ec. Full line of Catholic Robes and _ black and white Caps for aged people. J. P. TELFORD A. BELL W. F. DUNN Pevsiciin & Surczon, r J. &JJ . Hunter‘s Model Bakeiy. 8 to 10 a.x. ALYCE ) L3

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