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Durham Review (1897), 24 Dec 1908, p. 8

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i1 0) 14 To $ at reasonable prices. Start any time. Britisa Canadian Bus. College ‘ Cor, Yonge & Bloor Sts. [Telegraphy : rl stady in 1 Gersard 3t. Canada. . W | Winier Term operns January 4th | Arrange now to attead the famous W. H. SHAW, 1 Durham sSchool | Business College BEST BUSINESS TRraININCG. and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" ly at his own desk. Trial lessons ice one week free. Visitors welcome. BUSINESS COLLEGE residence Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, Stenography, ‘l'clecgrlphy. and Commercial Courses. skilled i â€"<> WALKERTON trained 1 in Ontari lny of ) uLoX fl?f JA lcwset Phiigr: TOsONTO, ont. _ i Shorthand or Business will brin Lou «t results if taken at our old m.‘bl h« i and thoroughly reliable school. Winâ€" r term begins Jan. 4th. Catalogue free. Barmiaw Amwerican BusiNESs CoLLEGE Y. M. C. A. Building, Toronto Staff and Equipment. h WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY â€"4th W. T. CLANCY P MT. FOREST $1 per month in advance and Night Classes THE PEOPLE‘S STORE A great Variety of Rubâ€" bers now on Display. YOUR COURSE Open Sept MORE YOUNC st Is the first ste p y towards position: rayinglrom 1um in railway service. You x1 operator in 6 months i Central Telegraphy School ‘oronto. _The finest Schoo ands to day without a suâ€" iinion. Nearly all colleges st, but claimivg to be so ‘em so. Get our catalogue er to cover. _ See for yourâ€" llege is doing and the adâ€" ir managem W, J. ELLIOTT ainder Sts, Pr t particulars. _ "-"l T.J. JOHNSTON, Prin ‘at demand f lege teacher islstants, etc st expert 1 8$ Science. De TVON, Principal nt than any other PEOPLE iness College and lor our graduates rs, Private Secâ€" c. . The embodiâ€" modern systems We invite comâ€" ts, _ Manued by Principal rincipal, Shoops Fink rain Tabkd | _ When ruffied by the breeze, 1t mingles wi h Niagara ‘ Where its sno xy waters gleam, And forms the glorious rainbow Which arches v‘er the stream, In the great St Lawrâ€"nce water ’ It proudly onward glides, And sparkles in the 1 ipids, Till it meets the ocean tides. The freighted ships of nations, From far across the sea, Are borne upon the waters That used to play with me, So minglod with creation, I touch all world that be ; I am a part of all things, All things a part o0 me. _ This neat little poâ€"m appeared in a recent issue of the " QOoward " a Methâ€" odist Sunday publica:ion. Theauthor, R. Waltee Wright of P.lumon. seems to have lived when a boy in the vicinty of the noble {Saugeen. But growing as they glide It pours into Lake E. uron, A curtent deep anc wide. There it bears upon ivs bosom The wealth of inland seas : Rolls like the lordly ocean l By R. Wauter® Wriout. Eecles 1: 7â€"*"* All the rivers ruo into the sea, " There are many famous rivers In history and song, But a single one doth ooly Unto my heart belong. The clear Saugeen thit rolle h Through the woods its silent way, Where in youth I used to gambol In wild and mirthful play Its waters there are scanty, ** No persistent violstion of the law b§ the fow could in any sense be regarded as au indication that the law in fact and pnnc‘irle has not been a benefit to Owen | Sound. _ Every enlightened nation in | the world is adopting restrictive meaâ€" sures in recognition of the fact that as n commercial proposition the use of inâ€" toricants as a beverage does not return value for the money swent on it. As an industrial propositior, the poople who are addicted aroe unfis and undependable as employees and becomeo a nuisance or "|a charge upon the community ; as a ~| social proposition it is associated with J | the dive and prothel ; as a moral proâ€"| positrion 18 fails to fit into any feature which has in its character the uplift of bumazity morally, pt ysically or spuwituâ€" ally. Alcohol has its placein the indusâ€" trial world.â€" But as a beverage no inâ€" telligent raan toâ€"day but is tound to e | admait that the reacticn is greater than : | the benefit, Mediom«sily or as a stimuâ€" lant it may bave its place on the same prineciple as arseoie or strychnine and should be properly acministered. â€" But , why extend the disetssion when there is not & pretension c/i argument in its [ fawor. _ ‘The sore he: d of the morning after the night befor», the misery, the | heart Lreaks, the wre:ked domestic life Iand the failures are piled up at its door mountaine hlfh. For these reasons the “nmo presautionary â€"neasures that are used to control conts gious disesses are | deemed advisable by the lawâ€"makers, {and given to the municipalities to put | in foree, This is wha . the local optionâ€" | | ista in Owen Sound are endeayoring to provide and if as 10 the case of smallâ€" pox there are oubbrsaks cccasionally | ! from unlookedâ€"for quirters, the eradicaâ€" | . tion will only be :. matter of time, { Summed up every elsim in faver ofthe > bar bas been killed by the conduct of advocates tor the bar nnd it is a safe preâ€" diction that when the vote is taken the | 1 electorsa of Owen Sour d will be found to I be opposed to the form of brigandage 5 which bas beeu the outatanding feature & of the opposition, and will vote for the cenvinaed obolition of the bar." The loeal option contest in Owen Sound is progressing surely to the result that the weosure will still be retained. All three of the papers are out and out for Iocal option. _ The following is an abscract from a powerial article in the T:mes of last woek : The Saugeen River. Men‘s Heavy Rubbers laced and buckled. One and two buckle rubbers, laced, all heights from two holes to nine holes. Tl.ese are all snag proof and rolled edged. Strong Words. in 20 m inutes, take one of Dr Tablet: See formtula on the m(rbrnvut.bont this e bettered. Womanly pains, â€"The engairy being conducted by Judge Cassels into the financing of the Marine Department is exposing a state of rottenness most discreditable. The feeling of the country undoubtâ€" edly is that the wrongâ€"doing will not be adequately punished nnless those responsible for overâ€"sight as well as those responsible for action, are made equally to suffer, even if this should inclade the minister bimselt. The most valuable and practical inâ€" formation is always contained in its Agricultural Section, and everything pertaining to Literaâ€" tu e, the Fine Arts, Society and the Ho.ve will be found in its Magazine Department, the whole 24 pages comprising An All Round Library, the regular price of which alone is $1.00 per year. ‘\ Send order to office of this paper. | The Weekly Mail and Empire is a valuable Expositor of the Eouse of Commons and of the Happenings of Provincial Legislatares, We have made arrangements with The Weekly Mail and Empire, of Toâ€" ronto, one of the leading and most influential papers of Uanada, by which we can offer THE REvIEW and The Weekly Mail and Empire until January 1st, 1910 (no premium includâ€" ed), for bargain sum f-)f $1.55 Mrs, Amos Chislett, of Scott, Sask., arrived in town on Monday night en route to visit her parents Mr and Mrs C. Watson, North Egremont. She spent the weekâ€"end in Toronto with the family of her late brother Peter Watson and was a guest aver Monday evening at the REview Office. They had i. good season in their district and all of them like the country well. The friends of Dr A. W. Hunter will be pleased to learn that he has been promoted to the position uf Senâ€" ior Resident Pathologist to the Boston City Hospital, Mr Robt. Adlam is spending Christâ€" mas with his son in Cheboygan, Mich, Master Caldwell Marshall from the same home spends the holidays with Shelburne friends. Miss Sadie Carson, of Lauder, Mani® toba, is this week visiting ber fatber Mc Jas. Carson in town. She conâ€" templates taking a course in the Westâ€" ern Hospital, Toronto. Messrs N. McIntosh and Chas, Farâ€" qubarson visited relatives and friends over the week end in Chesley, Paisley and Port Elgin. Miss Annme Beaton, of Strathcona. avrived in town Saturday to visit her many friends and relatives m Darham and Glenelg. Mr and Mrs W. H. Lauder, Dr. and Miss McLaurin spent a day or two in Markdale recently the guvests of W. L, McFarland. Misses Allie and Edith Grant, teackâ€" ers at Preston and Moorefield respect» ively, came home Tuesday evening for vacation. Mr R. C. Banks. Cement office, left on Monday fer Buffalo and Detroit, for the holidays, the latter city being his home. Mr James Ruassell returned recently from the West, where he has been for some time, in time to spend Christmas at homes, Miss Jessie Farquharson is home from Agincourt, and Will from OChatâ€" ham High School for the holiday seaâ€" son. Mr and Mrs D. Leilh are away to spend the holiday season with friends in Atweod and Brussels. Mrs Wiw, Guthrie, of Westhopce, N. D., is on a yvisit to her numerous relatives in Egremout and vicisity, Mr Jack Sbaw was in town last week on the occasion of his father‘s serious illness, Mrs, J. J. Haslett. of Winnineo is Miss O‘Donohue, bhead trimmer M‘ss Dick‘s, left Wednesday for home in Campbeliford. Mrs, J, J. Haslett, of Winnipeg, is visiting over Christmas with her sister, Mrs, Win, Young. Mr Will Campbell is home from Meaâ€" ford High School for the Christmas yacation. Miss Marion Gun is home from Westbourne College, Toronto, for the holidays. Mr John Johnston, teacher at Hutâ€" ton Hill, is spending the vacati on in Detroit . Miss Allie Blackburn, teacher of Hespeler, is spending the holidays at home. Mr Keith Newton is home from the 8. P. 8., Toronto, for Christmas holiâ€" days. Mr Thos. Livingston of Barrie, spent last Tuesday, the guest of friends in t own. Miss M«Kerracher H. 8. teacher, left Wednesday mornieg for her home in Dutton. Mrs alcPherson, Toronto, is visitâ€" ing her sister Mrs Noil Mc Cannel this week. Mr Douglas Munroe is in town on a visit to the parental home from Reâ€" gina. Mrs Bagg and daughter, Miss Bugg. are spending the bolidays in Walker ton. Mr N. W. Campbell left Monday morning on a business trip to Toronto. Mr John Tarnbull, of Dornoch, arâ€" rved home from tne West on Monday. Mr Brad. Jamieson. of Medical Colâ€" lege, is howme for Christmas holidays, Mr H. H. Miller, M. P., was in town last week end. Mr Abe Holland, Chicago, is visitâ€" ing his cousin, Mrs Levine. Special Offer. Mo h » e he aogep at ber DURHAM REVIEW WTEVOTC I, John H. Hunter, Financial Agent, certify the above to contain a true statemet of the accounts pard by me as Agent of Henry Horton Miller, in the above mentioned election : and I, Henry Horton Miller, the siid candiâ€" date, cerlify that the said statement contains a true account of my personâ€" al expenses in the said Election. Dated this Ninth day of December A. D. 1908. Personal expenses ot Candidate : & For postage stamps $108 00 For other expenses 77 77 â€"â€"â€" $185 77 r v 3 S aw 2o ! L) 1 ‘87% w Statement of the expenses of Henry Horton Miller, one of the Candidates in the said Election, in the Electoral District of South Grey, Paid by John H. Hunter, Fioancial Agent : For printing and advtg $318 66 For Livery hire Jo 10 For Band Music 50 00 For rent of halls and schools 43 2 For exchange on remittances 1 60 Lot 6, Uon,. 15, Proton. containing 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, and in good state of cultivation, about 8 acres of hrrdwood bush. On the premises is erected & barn 44x60 with stone stabâ€" ling. _ Good hog pen and hen house. Comfortable house, kitchen and woodâ€" shed, also orchard. _3 neverâ€"failing wells, _ About 1} miles from Church, School and Post Office. _ If sold, will be sold on ecasy terms, DOMINIONM ELECTIONSâ€"1908. D. JaMIEson®, Adiministrator Sparâ€" ling estate. â€" 7 The following must be sold a t once New waggon, new iron truck wheel waggon, a number of large egg vats; (would make first class cisterns) 3 or 4 thousand fence posts, lath, shingles, lumber, _A quantity of wood near Weibeck P. O., will be sold at fifty cents per load. Valuable farm in the Tp. of Glenelg composed of lats 22 and 23, Con. 3, N. D. R., 100 acres, â€" Possession given forthwith. Tiile perfect, For partiâ€" culars apply to J. P. 1 EuFrorp, Durham. Good nineâ€"roomed house. _ Furnace heated. _ Good garden, outâ€"buildings and large stable. _ Will be sold chesap. Apply to _ _ Also the following timber, composed principally of Balsam, Spruce, Bassâ€" wood and Butternut, _ A small perâ€" sentage of Hemlock, Ash. or Tamaâ€" rack will pass, Sawn ends, All knots to be trimmed close 5" dia. and up, for which we will pay the following prices: 8 t long per cord $2 50 3 ft 6« long per cord $3 00 4 filong per cord 3 50 For further particulars call at Office. Tus Duomruax ForxiroRs Co. Ltd. Logs of all kinds, for which we are prepared to pay the highest prices, nboidatintic insl tdsc uds Aicilccsaca & I also have an application for a %ood sized farm within three miles of Durâ€" ham. _ Anyone wishing to dispose of such property, kindly communicate with me, W. F, DUNN, Solicitor, Durham, Ont Three 50 acre=farms, well located, near Darbham, for sale separately, A)â€" so 25 acre prupert{ on the outskirts of Durham suitable for retired farmer, Everything in Gents‘ Furnishings and tailorâ€" made Suits & Overcoats. 118 acres in Egremont, good land, good buildings. &l} ® 100 acres in Proton, near Swinton Park, fair buildings, goud land, well drained, well watered and well fenced. Only $3600, 100 acres in Glenelg, good frame barn with stone basement, first class dwelling house, only $3200, 100,acres in Egremont near Dromore . good frame buildings, 20 acres hardâ€" wood bush, good level land, _ Price $3000. 100 acres in Bertinck on Durham Road, well located, owner giving uE farming. Will be sold cheap to quic purchaser, 100 acres in Glenelg, excellent fences, fair buildings, good water, a splendid farm with a few acres of good timber. Price $4000. s o t e o en Coee soul 3, everything in first class lhnpe.gooPrice 'gm. 200 acres on the Garafraxa B.oa:l‘x 200 clear, 50 acres hardwood bush, w watered, first clase buildings. Will be sold cheap to wind up estate. 208 acres in Bentinck, good land, excellent buildings, 16 acres hardwood Farm For Sale or Rent. We also take this opportunity to thank all for their kind patâ€" ronage during the past two and a half years and solicit a continuâ€" ance of their trade, aâ€" long with that of many new friends, for 1909 H. A. Burnett An excellent place to seâ€" lect Xmas gifts We‘ve everything a man wears To all of our many friend> and customers, we extend the heartiest compliments of the season. 150 acres in Bentinck, buildings and A Merry Christmas H. H. MiurcrR, Candidate, J. H. HuxTER, or to DavID KiNNIE, Duarham, or A H. JACKSON, Durham. Wanted to Purchase. . small payment down. Price Lands For Sale Fariws For Sale. Duaaurp FERGusoN, Swinton Park,. For Sale. W. D. Miuus, Financial Agent. For Sale. Box 73, Durham. Te < T36 $517 61 REMEMBER That Every Sick Child in Ontario Whose Parents Cannot Afford to Pay for Treatment is Treated Free. Durnanr, 23 Dec., 1908. Fall Wheat...........$ 90 to & 90 Spring Wheat......... 90 to 90 Oats.. :s« :.;... .« * OUt / 9D Pexs.:;::..:::,‘+:ss +1 82 to _ 82 DaslGy."* ;s .... ++« .. 48 to _ 50 Hay.:;......* ...« .:. T O0to: $ 00 Dulter...... ...:.... ...‘ 2e _ 20 FGRS:...: ::1+: 11:«.. 1.« . SDIM . 2o Potatoes per bag...... _ 40 to 40 Flour per ewt........ 2 50 to 3 25 Oatmeal per sack..... 2 75 to 2 75 Chop perewt......... 1 25 to 1 60 Live Hogs per ecwt... 5 65 to 6 00 flides perlb..... .... 8 to _3 Sheepskins............ 40 to 70 WOOL.::+1..:1:s «:.1.1... .. »8° 2D Tallow . The Hospital for Sick Children THIS APPEAL _ IS TO YOU! It is not the purpose of the Army, bhowever, to encourage the immigra. tion of farm help to Canada during the coming season, unless the condiâ€" tions warrant euch a policy, Thereâ€" fore, farmers who are likely to reâ€" quire help, are advised to communiâ€" cate promptly with Lieut.â€"Colonel Thomas Howell, James and Albert Streets, Toronto, Ontario. _ Applicaâ€" tion Forms and all other information will be supplied freely on application to the above address. As usual the Salvation Army will be in a position to introduce farm bhelp to farmers throughout the country durirg the coming epring, All indications point to a revival is trade, ard there is a possibility that farm: help will be scarce, The Army authorities are constantly in comâ€" munication with new comers and others in the country, who are desirâ€" ous of locating on farms from time to time, and will be glad to introduce these people to farimers needing help. ’ 4thâ€"Ruth McGilliyray, Jobn Mcâ€" Keown, George Heartwell. 8rdâ€"â€"Sadie :Ieflilliyny. Tena McGillivray, Verâ€" non Pennock, Mabel Beaton, Mary McMillen. Sr 2ndâ€"Silas Edwards. JIr 2ndâ€"Allan McLegan, Emma Arnett. Neil McFarlane, Viola Pilkey, Sadie McMillen. _ Pt 2ndâ€"Oscar Pennock, Edraund; Poole, Matt McKeown, Flora McFarlane, Arthur Pennock, Tommy Edwards, Myrtle Pilkey, Vina McNab, Howard McArthur, Sr Pt 1stâ€"Leonâ€" ard McKeown, Clark Jackson, Angus Mcuilliyray, _ Jr Pt 1stâ€"Dan McAr. thur, Willie Pilkey, Josephine McNat. C. D, FarqunxaAxsox, Teacher. 8, 8. NO, 1, NORMANBY. 5thâ€"Willie Wallace. _ Jr 4thâ€" Myrtle Caldweil, Jas. Marshali, Artbhur Morice, Tommy Wallace. 8r 8rdâ€" Mary McAlister, Campbell Kerr, Elâ€" mer Fee, Grace Mountain, Neila Marâ€" shall. Jr3rdâ€"Jean Morice, Hentietta Kellar, Walter McAlister, Harty Caldâ€" well, Melville Morice, Leslie Morice, George Webber. _ Sr 2ndâ€"Stabley Mountain, Mabel Wallace, Albert Sterrit. Jr 2ndâ€"Katie Kerr, John Berr, J Burns and Arthur Mountain eq. _ 8r Pt 2ndâ€"Janet Mountain, Margaret Petty, Isabella Morice, Zetta Berr. Jr Pt 2n0dâ€"Dawson Marshall and Andrew Marshall eq. _ 8r 1stâ€"E, Bl; l;?orice. Ir 1st Bâ€"Wilma McMitâ€" chell. Durham Markets. How to Secure Farm Help. School Reports E. R. GrrEExwoop, Teacher, 8. 8. KO. 1, GLENELG. 6..¢«s c«¢.Â¥1% 1eb .+ +s «+4 r bag . .. ... er sack.... WE +s 1x sx1ax The Hoariul is not a local inst!â€" tution, but proâ€" vincial. The sick child from any place in Ontario, who can‘t pay,has the same priviâ€" leges as the child < living in Toronto. !_ The Hospital 6 had last year in * its beds and cots 45 to 23 to 5 to Splendid Residence Property for Sale in Upper Towa : the wellâ€"known McLean cottage, _ All conveniences, Brick vencered, comfortable and cosy, Oifers from intending purchasers reâ€" ceived at Review Oflice. The John Mclonis farm Road, two miles west of Station on the C. P. R Ohurch and Market conver wcres, well watered. _ Dosu tion, For terms &c., apply The John Mclonis farm on Gravel Road, two miles west of Priceville Station on the C. P. R. School, Ohurch and Market conver{ent, _ 100 wcres, well watered. _ Deswable locaâ€" tion, For terms &c., apply to Joux Mclxx®s, Midnapore, Alt», or to C. RaAMAGE, Agent, Durbam. A fine two storey brick dwelling house, large brick stables, on Main Street, Durham,. _ Will be sold at a bargain, and would accept other property as part pay. Apply to Lot No 1. 8th con, Glenelg, 50 acres bush and 50 acres cleared. Apply to 5, 1909 KOW IN EFFECT Between all Station in Canada on C. P. R. FARE & A THIRD S:Im~oLe FARE Good going Dec. 21 to Dec, 25, 1908 ; also Dec. 28, 1908, to Jan I, 1909. _ Return limit, January Secure Tickets from R. MacFARLANE, Town Town Residence fo Sale. Eor sale or Exchunge. Good Farm For > ALEX RUSSELL Merry Christmas Alex Russell, The Big Store, Durham ArtHUR H, Jacksox, Darham Farm for Sale. HOLLDAY RATES War, WEIR. Durham . C,. RaAMAG®, Agent, alo. Happy NeW Year | If not why not one of our Bell‘s ? } We can give you the best instruâ€" | ment and make you the best } terms. _ One sold by us in town | last week was tested by Prof. | Konold and pronounced excelâ€" “ lent. |___John McQueen Good going Dec. 24 and 25. Reâ€" turn limit Dec. 28, 1908 ; also Dec. 31, 1908 and January 1, 1909. Return limit, Jan. 4, 1909, Have you a piano in your Home? 4 d W | * The House of Quality The xt n sn DCm Durham THE REy VOL. $1.00" Man for q m, vantage 0r see { now to +0 any Wwill sey

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