West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Dec 1908, p. 4

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, S \ > 14 ‘Nervous, Discased Â¥V.= Cor,. Michigan Ave., and CGriswold St., b;t}&:it: Ec-h UUMEWNYGTK NNN § HPR T S EWO Nt Un U W Te B e e m mm cnn uce Odrs. KENNXEDY £:KENNEDY â€" Don‘t in which t A NERYOoUS wrecr ‘s Quarantoo to Curo all Curable Cases of Stricturs, Â¥a:i ervous Dehility, Blood Poisons, Vital Weskness: E‘dnoy, Biadder and Urhm: Diseases, and ali Risoascs Pesuliar to Men and Wemn. Don‘t wa tin A Happy New S. F. MORLOCK aâ€"e at claim your own to have ju pt D2S,. K. & K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS ths opportunity of thanking our many customers for their very liberal patronage during the past year. We trust to be favâ€" ored with your cusâ€" tom in the future and will endeavor to serve you to the best of our â€" ability. We wish you all a very Happy & Prosperous New Year. Another year bas rolled by and we take _anl money on cheap, dangerous, experimertal treatm cost your sufferings by being exrerlment& on with reme ist discovered. But come to us in conflderce. We will t: ly and skillfully, and restore you to health: : a the shortest 1 ned‘cine, discomfort and expense practic ble. Each cas dicats, Our New Method lsorlglmlpnud hi s stood the test for Blank ROBUST MANKOO nertal treatment on with remeaios te. We will tresi i the shortest pcâ€" $885, eal cocsel>, adt 0 fi! Mr. Stephen Boax spent Christmas ! with his sisterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs Lunley in E Walkerton R®2|_ Miss Phemie Eccles, Mt Forest, is E | home for the holiday season. Ei A couple of our young men visited H Pricevilie friends on Sunday and on account of storm were unable to get 2FQ |home till Monday moraing. _ Boys fe? Say roads were dreadfal, almost imâ€" passible. _ This is the story they tell J |us any way as cause of their extenâ€" ded visit ; Gordon thinks he managâ€" ‘ed better than that as he got home‘ :Sundzy night, but liob says perhaps ‘ E]he had‘nt so many side roads to ong in Friends of Mr. Jas Hastie of Rainy River who left here 12 years ago wiil be interested to learn of the marriage of his eldest son, Jas Jr, to a Miss Stewart, an estimable young lady of that place. Miss Katic Clark who has been in Manitoba the past three years arrived bome last Friday to spend the winter months with her mother. Mr Will:and Miss Nellie Kinnel of Dandalk and Miss Maggie Hastic. Owen Sound, visited at Mr. Robt. Renwick‘s over Sunday. Miss Alice and Messrs Jim and Dick Parslow and Mrs. Campbell spent Christmas evening with the Renton tamily. Mr Robt Rassell, of New Liskeard, is visiting his sister, Mrs Taylor. Misses Ethel and Jessie McWilâ€" liams, Mt Forest, spent Christmas at their home here. Miss Eliza Wilson spent a few days of this week with friends in Markdsle The Dromore Branch of Women‘s Institites will hold their Janaary meeting next Wednesday atsernoon at home of Mrs John Renton. Miss Taylor will give an account of the Convention held at Guelph. _A good program is being prepared and all ladies are invited to attend. Happy New Year to one and ‘."... Messrs Adam aud Rob Eecles of Galt are spending the holidays at their home here. j _ Amos Sunday School held their Christmas entertainment, ‘Tucsday evening Dec. 22nd. â€" The night was calm, roads were good, so the church was well filled with people. The church was well filled, their singing and reciting were both appreciated by the audience. Rev. Mr. Kendalli made a very able chairman while Mr. Renwick, Supt. Sunday School, yave an excellent address and sevâ€" eral pieces were giyen by the choir. But what interested /the children most was the visit of Sinta Claus. lle sent a letter abead to the chairâ€" man to say he was coming but was a lictle late on account ut bad roads.. Howeyer soon afier his bells and sleigh were heard and presently he, himselt the "Jolly otd chap~ c:me buancing in clad in his turs, with iwo monstrous packs on his back and . wished all a Merry Christmas. Ue} was so0 pleased to find that the kind people of Dromore had nos only oum' a new manse for their minister but} had built a cosy cabin for hinâ€"| Santa Ciaus ; ou the platform where| he mig ht rest for a little while. Sm-l' ta soou distributed the many good | things in his pack and then what a| surprise to many when he remuved the chimney of the cabin brick by brick and give them around and how delighted both children and their elders were to find, the brick old Sauta gave them was a pretty paper brick filled with choice canâ€" dies and nuts. Aiter Santa‘s visit the choir gave a closing anthem and | all went home delighted to t.nink' they bhad had ‘such a jolly time with their good friend Santa Claus, | yet feeling a listle sorry they would | bave to wait a whole year bel'ure’ looking for another visis from him. Mr Hugh Renwick 6f Occa wa spent ' Cliristmas week with his pacents here | The Xmas tree entertainment held in No 1 on Tuesday evening, Dec 22, was a detided snecess. ‘The childâ€" ren in song and recitation, had been well trained by their teacher, Miss Greenwood and Miss L. Fee. There were several fine dialogues taken by several of the young people of the section, also violin music b{' Wellingâ€" ton Thompson and Aibert Wells and music on mouth organ by Norman Kerr and Will Derby. The Glee Club sang several times, but the most interesting part to the children at least was the unloading of the tree which was laden with every kind ol presents from a bag of candies to a pair of trousers for a prominent young man of the section. _ The meeting was ‘dismissed by the National anâ€" them. Preventics, the new Candy Cold Cure Tablets. are said by druggists to have four special specific advantages over all other remedies for a cold. First.â€"They contain no Quinine, nothing harsh or sickening. Secondâ€"â€"They give almost instant relief, Thirdâ€"pleasant to the taste, like candy. Also fine for [=verish children. Sold by Macâ€" Farlane Co. Weil Christmas is past for another year. Times were quiet in Dromore but I think the boys spent a pleasant time on the ice that atternoon. North=East Normanby Rev Mr Newton, of Durham, enâ€" joyed a day‘s hunting with Mr T. McNiece, last week. Rey and Mrs H. Caldwell and famâ€" ily, of Allenford, spent the Xmas holâ€" idays with their brothers Samuel and W. Caldwell. Miss Gertie Backus, who has been teaching in Proton township, is visitâ€" ing ber parentsat Poplar Hill. Mr Jas. Marshall came home from the West in time to spend Xmas with bis family. He likes the West so well be intends returning in the spring. Mr and Mrs M. Donnelly, of Allan Park, ate Xmas goose with the lat. ter‘s parents, Mr and Mrs Jas. Fergâ€" We are informed that MrGeorge Watt has disposed of his farm to Mr A. Ficken. Messrs A. and W. Watson, of Deâ€" troit, were home over the week end. Dromore. THE£ DURHAM ; REVIEW !mmuummmun | The Examination in the public [ school on Tuesday the 22nd, was | well attended by the parents and ’ulderglrls and boys. The forencon was spent in reviewing the lessons which were wall prepared, When ‘nvulvo o‘clock came the teacher and |scholars passed around an excellent lunch and the tea was good but hot. After all had fared samptuously, Mr Tuos. Young was called to the ehair, a position he is capable of filling. The program was a lengtby one. as ’evary swholar hbhad something to reâ€" cite, and a number of songs by groups of iittle girls and a number of patriotic pieces by the whole school, headed by Capt.in Snider, who deâ€" seryes great credit for the pains be took to train them. Miss Leeson also deserves great credit for the way she had these children trained. When the program was over Santa Claus treated the children .to nuts and candies. Three prizes were given for best attendance, best ayerage marks and most improvement in Mr Norman and Miss Janet Kerr, accompanied by Mr Alisser and Miss Eita Anderson, spent Friday evening at Mr Allan Gilmour‘s. Mr Alex Anderson drove to Walk erton on Tuesday last. Mrs Win Ey dt spent last week yisâ€" iting friends about Hanover. Mr and Mrs Jas. Kerr spent Sunâ€" day wich Mrand Mrs D. McRae. We extend hearty congratulations to Mr Win. Ruobertson, who on Tuesâ€" day of last week, was unised in the bholy bonds of matrimony to Miss Susie Campbell, ctf Rocky Siugeen, Rev Mr Matheson, of Chatsworth, officiating. Both are held in high esteem by a large circie of friends, who join us in w.shing them a large measure of health, bappiness and prospe:ity as they sail oyer the bilâ€" lowy ocean of Time. Mr Wm. Dascan, of Toronto, who spent a pleasant fortnight visiting his sister, Mr Thos. MceKnight, of the village, lelt this week for the Queen City. Miss Margaret Huaghes, of the Hol~ land Centre Academy of learning spent a pleasant boliday at her home in Sallivan. Mr and Mrs McLaren and family, of Lion‘s Head, ate Xmas turkey with the laster‘s parents, Mr and Mrs Pihlip Maclutosh. A progressive educationist is Mr C. R. Melntosh, B. A., of Perth Model Schoo‘, who spent the Xmas vacation at his home in the viilage. Miss Nellie Vasey, teacher at â€"â€", accompanied by her sister, Miss May of Toronto, spent a pleasant Xmas vacation at their home in Suallivan. Messrs Thomas and William Pryle are holidaying at the old homestead in Holland, atter an absence of two years in Saskatoon, Susk. The joyous Xmas festival is past and govne and again we are on the threâ€"hold of another year. The passâ€" ing year is full of admonition. The months come and go upon the wings ot the wind for the great bell of Time swinging in the dome ot space, is tolling away cur years and one after another they ring out upon the air and float away into Eternity. In our hearts lie sleeping ideas of duty, love for God and humanity, resolutions for the future, ideals of Spiritual excelâ€" lence,â€"which, if developed, may make it a blessing and .an example of the world. Let us then press onâ€" ward and upward when we can sing with Tennyson: 1 count this true with him who sings To yonder harp in divers tones That men may rise on stepping stones Of their dead selves to higher things. The social circles miss the winsome manner of Miss Hazel Dargavel, who left last Thursday ftor an extended absence in Buffalo, N. Y. After a lengthy absence in the Canâ€" adian West, Mr Chas. McKechnie, of Bcthane, Sask., is yvisiting his parents in lenelg. Miss Mi:nie Nickel!, one of Acton‘s progressive teachers, spent a pleasâ€" ant Xmas yacation with her grand parents, Mr and Mrs Dancan Campâ€" bell. of Bentinek. Mr and Mrs Nelson Stokes, of Lindâ€" say, Victoria Co., are spending the holidays with her aunt, Mrs D. C. McKechnie. A social favorite is Miss Mamie Mcâ€" Knight, of Toronto, who spent a pleasant fortnight‘s vacation with her parents in the village, forth is se s To rule the world in triumph. Brave and strong Bright as Phoenix, has the young New Year. Out of the asbes of the old leaped COLIN MeMILLAN & CO. ====â€"= DROMORE â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€" WERE NOT UNMINDFUL has just arrived. We are still using the BEST LEATHER that can bought, made by Lang Tanning Co., Berlin. Full line ‘Blfar;l(e»ts, Sleighâ€"bells During 1909, to those who see fit to call we will endeavor to give entire Sati of the very generous patronage extended to us during the past year and take this opportunity of thanking our friends for their very liberal orders and wishing them the Hampden Compliments of the Season Dornoch PR O e ime | TORTeT TeR TeE vEs THl] then thoseorigunfi must surelf' falter. Thesevital truths are leading druggists everywhere to Cispense and recommeng Dr, Bhoop‘s Restorttl ve. Test it a few days, and see ! lms)rovemem vill })romgtly and surely follow. old by MacFazâ€" ane Co. The old fashioncd way of dosing a weak stomach or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is all wrong, Dr. shoop first pointed out this error. _ This is why his prescriptionâ€"Dr. Shoop‘s Restorativeâ€"â€" is directed entirely to the cause of these ailâ€" mentsâ€"the weak inside or controlling nerves. It isn‘t so difficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, heart. or Kidneys, if one goes at it correetly, _ Each inside organ has its conâ€" }{olll‘n'{z or inside nerve. When thesenerves fail and Happy New Year. Wishiag Editor asd Staff and ail readers of the Review afar off or near by, the compliiments of the Seasopn, ‘*Si Sin Bliandna Nihaith un agos Nolaig Cridbeal, or a Merry Xmas Sorry to hear of Wm. McLeod, Jr., losing one of his best horses by find ing him dead in the stall in tha mornâ€" ing. seemed to be alright as the regular timefor going to stable. Nominations over and all got home in good time. Now for a busy week and next Menday will tell the result. Mr Simon Maybee, of the Townâ€" ship of King, is visiting at his brothâ€" erâ€"inâ€"law, Mr Dagald MceCormick and other friends in town this week. We were pleased to see in church yesterflay two . f our old churchmen, in the persons of Messrs John McInnes «nd Robert McLashlan, formerly of this place, but for a number of years residents of Calgary, N. N. T.; and they are both to be congratulated on their success since becoming residents of that country. Tey intend to stay for a month or so beftore returning. Mr McInnes leayes for Bruce County on this Monday noon train to attend to some business there. Xmas past and the New Year yet to come. In reyviewing the past hisâ€" tory of our lives since some of us saw the dawn of day, it reminds_us how swiftly our years are passing by, tor another year is now added to the roll of time, and those of us that have long ago passed the meridian fof life will teel keenly the effects that are associated with the years of age and infirmities How eagerly the youth looks forward to the time when they become to the age of manhsod and womanhood, so when their desires are fulfilled, they only find that their expectations ure nout up to the expectâ€" ed mark for them, they will find that no sooner they reach the top of the ladder than they are compelled to go down the other side far faster than they asceuded. The coming of a N3w Year and the cloging of the old year always brings some reminiscences of the past, to some it brings glad tidings by hbayâ€" ing the pleasure of friends who for years were away from the old homeâ€" stead, to have them guests at a Xmas and New Year‘s festivity To many a home it is jast the re verse in many instances near at hand and far away those dear onesthat adorned the old homes one year ago, have passed away, and notrhing left as a reminder but the yacant chair, where a dear mother orfatherfsat a year ago at a New Year‘s festivity but the, world must pass on irrespectâ€" ive of the prosperity or adversity of its inhabitants. So we pass on too with the firm hope of having a prusâ€" perous New Y.ar and bid adieu to 1908, for it has paâ€"sed away neyer to return. So ali we can do is to wish all a happy and prosperous New Year in 1909. On Thursdq" last the people of the neighborhood turned out and drew stoncs tor the church. Mr John Cooper lost a valuable steer last week. Miss Margaret Mearns arrived from the west this week. The Xmas tree on Wednesday night was a decided success, the proâ€" ceeds amounting to about $13. _ * are all looking forward to another good day on the last day of echool in writing. David Widmeyer secured the prizes for higheet average. Wilâ€" frid Anderson for best attendance and John Pfeffer, a poor fellow on crutches for most improvement in writing. Our teacher had the school tastily decorated for the occasion and as she is hired for anotber vear, WO Priceville Satisfaction .obes on us, of Massey Harris Mowers & Rakes C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen s ®" OWEX soOUNXD, Ort Commences January 5, 1909, Three courses :â€" Comg:r’chfil;' B&orthnng and ’ll‘ype]wmn‘ng. l;rc- parat ose whose early education has been negleeted. Informution frcc, MORTHERNL )7 IAATILIUULLUCYE‘ Recognized as the Debts Collected. No char ing collected _ All kind> . business carefully and qu ded to, "Always Prompt, Never N Railway and Steamship Tickets all points, Money to Lend at lo«we: rates th you can borrow elsewhero, 107 CUPC5S BENDUNCK â€" 4) iniles from Hanover, close to sch ol and Post Oflice with daily mail. Brick house, frame bank barn, great saap, and Many other Googd Bargains in Farm and Town property, If you want to Buy or Sell go to Miller No charge if no business done. N. J. McFadden The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : 100 aeres near Allan Parkâ€" splendid buildings, ratUing fine farm, cheap, 40 acres extra good land near Allan Park, very cheap, |89_ acres Bentinck â€" 4\ miles from Money tobe Made If your back aches or is weak, if the urine scalds, or is dark and strong, if you have symptoms of Brflhuoroflur distressing or dangerous kidâ€" d , try Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative a monthâ€" blets or Liquidâ€"and see what it can and will Dr. Shoog’s Restoratiys & medicine & -Fe&i?ixy}fip'-}éa to reach these gnuomn{‘nervu. To doctor the Kidneys alone, is futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as Emi%h find their werkness, not in the organ 1f, but in the nerves that control and Tulde and strengthen them. Dr. Shoop‘» Restorative is Weak Kldua surely point to weak kidney Nerves. The Kidneys, yf: the :Heart, and the Weak Kidneys by attending to this advertisement and ail kinds of M issey Harris implements for Haying and Harâ€" vesting seasons. De Laval and Massey Harris Cream Separator. Coal Oil and Mazhine Oil1 always in stock, blets or Liquidâ€"and see what it can & for you. Mnoommend and sell «SÂ¥ew VGear‘s @rootings f . Gun & Co Sold by MacFarilane and Co We wish our numerous Cusâ€" tomers and friends a very Happy â€" New Year ;|ilG;|cl;c: W. Black H. H. MILLER, Winter Term at the THERE‘s All I:iq'(ri.-‘(?f‘ fi;lll.;l‘:“i:ll 1?" _charge if noth quietly um-}] egligent. rates than Sound DECEMBER +3l, 1908 to Dated at Durham, December 3, 1008. And notice is fupthcr given that alter the 8Ist day o} Dec mber 1908, the assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtors amongst th* parties entitied thereto, h-vinf re» gard only to the claims of which no tice shall then Laye been given. and that he will not be liable for the asâ€" :eu or any part thereof so d:-‘tribzwd 0 auy person or whose :‘ulm ie shall not m‘n had noâ€" ce, u‘clock in the afternoon, for the p= pose of receiving a statement, and for the ordering of the affairs of the est«** generally, Creditors are requested to file their claims with the undersigned solicitor lor the manee. with the proof and particulars thereof requir«f by the said Act on or before the date of such meeting. ate, credits and effects for the general benelit of his creditors, A meeting of Oreditors will be held at the office of Mr W,F. Dunn, in the Town of Durham, solicitor for th* assignee, on Friday the lith day 0/ December, 1908, at the hour of tw) ness as a Druggist at the said Town oi Durham, has made an assignment !0 Mr H. E. Sampson, of the Town of Uwen Sound, g::n isterâ€"atdaw, unde! In the mnltcrlZ'Juh n A. Darling. of the Townof Durham, in the Counâ€" ty of Grey, Druggist, Insolven!. NOTICE is hereby given that John A. Darling, ofthe Town of Darbham is the Uonnt.y of Grey, carrying on busiâ€" it, 8, C, 1897, Chap. 147, of all his es ASSIGNEE‘S NOTICE TO CREDâ€" ITORS. |C. McARTHUR Farmers Produce Wanâ€" tec. Special value in Boy‘s coarse bers at 85¢ per pr while they las Manitoba flours Fine Salt GROCERIES Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choiceo Contectionary PureSpices & Vinegars No. 1 Family and Pure "et Ready for Xmas Fiour, Feed, Seed & Groceries iIPTS U HRBean MHappy and Prosâ€" verous VYew Year Ohe PBig 4 W. F. Duxx, Durham, Ont.. & Bolicitor for Assignee MATTHEWS & LATIMER We have everything fresh in shelled Currants, Stoned Raisins Icing Sugar, Extracts Baking Molasses, ctc. Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel Peanuts, almonds and walnuts A nice variety of Gloves, Collars Har® herchiefs for Xmas trade. wishes all his numâ€" erous customers a throughout 1909 Fo: Rub ) | C i1Â¥ Large Sales 1 ¢ t# t# Our St Our sto 8 bars C Chr wes Ort LUMBI cElebra': Lumbe L W 1€ DEC n

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