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Durham Review (1897), 31 Dec 1908, p. 5

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R > 31, 1908 ‘eady for Xmas $ is furyther given m d iy of Dec im ber ill proceed to distribute he debtors amongst the d thereto, bavin: re» the claims of which voâ€" Laye been given. and t be liable for the asâ€" t thereof so distributed or persous of whose 0t ay and Progâ€" * “- e ITTING IcARTHUR ‘uxx, Durbam, Ont. Solicitor for Assigno TTHEWS ATIMER EKIES J# J?. .7.?e¢m , December 3, 1008, I ORS EZ NOTICE TO CREDâ€" niectionary es k Vinegars illy and Pure \toba fHours Seed & Groceries then bave had noâ€" 49 the lith day of he bour :.! l': ‘on, for t ® atement, And'?ol' Tairs of the estate ‘sted to fle their »rsigned .olm.“ ith the required by tha the date of such W ries uce Wanâ€" it 1909 ‘en that Jobn of Durham is ryicg on busi« e said Town of : will be held . F. Duan, in licitor for the ssignment t he Town 07 itâ€"law, under of all his es« ir the general is um mers a loves, Collars, Xmas trade. Darting. of i the Counâ€" Insolvent. ng fresh in 1 Citron Peel and walnuts coarse Rubâ€" hey last. IsIn$ Car €AP Large Sales s These kindly words are expressed by everyone and they are the re.echo of the Angelic Song "Peace and Goodwill to men." This is the time for visiting and we have just received an excellent stock of Suit Cases in leather, leatherette and ‘Japanese Matting and we also have a fine stock of Telescopes, all good quality at low prices and excellent Christmas gifts. Our stock is io oh tpskap { Artppipopip ppA4¢PAFADRNFAP * t+rt & Our Stock of Boots & Shoes, Clothin Select Raisins......5¢ perlb _ Good Curants..,....6¢ per lb _ Peas......6¢ per can Corn....6¢ per can _ Tomatoes....7¢ per car 23 lbs Granulated Sugar for. ... .1.00 8 bars Comfort Soap for....25¢ _ New Quaker Oatmeai. .. &) per sack or 8 lbs for 25¢ We have a great range of Neckties, just openâ€" ed, the newest styles, They are neat and substantial, an excellent gift. LUMBERMEN‘S RUBBERS Men‘s from $1.65 to $4,.00, Boy‘s $1.25 to $1.75. Youth‘s g1.00 We take no second place in the lines we carry of Hosiery either in price or quality, Trunks, Valises club bags, telescopes etc. Christmas Is Almost Here Custom work and Repairing as Usual. Agency in Durham for % o Kant K It cepmoo®momes J, 8. Mcliraith Wc would call your attention to the fact that we have a large and varied stock of Slippers, Cardigans and Moccasins from Infants to Men‘s sizes, also Mitts and gloves, any of which would makea nice and useful Xmas present. Wish Rverybedy a Mersy Christmas and a Happy New YVear +« Groceries G. & J. MceKECHNIE Neckties We also carry a full line of Ladies‘ Gloves, Dainty Ruchings and Fancy Collars. Gifts to please all We have an excellent stock of neat designs and the newest styles at low prices, They are tasty Christmas gifts. Produce taken as cash and the highest j Glass and Chinaware fresh and good at very low prices : , Dress Goods, Gents‘ Furnishings and Wall per, is in fine shape x ul In great profusion, the newest‘styles, the neatâ€" est patterns. Come andsee them, Fiveminâ€" utes inspection is better than a page description Handkerchiefs good roads m by which the outlay of %m will be maude, of which the province will bear oneâ€" third under the provisiuns ot The Roads Act. ‘This is cheering news for the public, for one of the gravest defects in Ontario is the system of making and maintaining our roads The statute labor system has proved a failare, and in many cases a regular farce. It is gratifying to learn that so many townships are commuting their statute labor and putting the money into the making ot reallzofiood roads. If only a little bit of good road is made each year, & step in the right direction has been made which will lead eventually to a general improvement of roads, greater comfort in travel, and a saving of the wear and tear of the vehicles of the trayelling public.â€" Manicipal World. townships in Ontario bave abanâ€" doned statute labor and adopted the cash system for the maintenâ€" ance of roads. Sixteen counties in Ontario have also undertaken a Some of the opponents of local opâ€" tion say that it is a failure, that it canâ€" not be enforced. From headquarters some fignres which have not heretoâ€" fore been pnblished, will go far to Krove that Inspector M. C. Beckett as not been sleeping : Amount of fines collected since May 1st, up to Dec. 21st, 1908. . . .. $4852,70 Number of informations laid between May 1st, 1906 and Dec. 21st, 1908, in the town of Owen Sound........ .201 Number of convictions....... ... ...105 Number of persons sent to gaol ......8 Number of informations laid against "OHOO PW * : +. : s s sxs on« + x + +s sexd0 Number of informations laid against NOLENS .. : > .. ~rr4ti «s s»asr4sss s u«4 BOO Number of * blind pigs" convicted . .14 Number of hotels convicted.........89 It is safe to say that if fair play had been giver by those in municipal cirâ€" cles, whose statutory duty it is to see that the law is enforced, the town byâ€" law pulting the local eption claus s of the license act in force would haye acâ€" complished more. Local option may not be all that could be desired, but it is the best within reach at the present. Let us hold what we have and more will be forthcoming. Iaspector BHeckâ€" ett‘s figures are eloquent in the meanâ€" time as showing the citizens who are responsible for the claim that local opâ€" tion will not workâ€"the man bebind the bar.â€"â€"O. Sound Times. The following must be sold at once New waggon, new iron truck wheel waggon, a number of large egg vats; (would make first class cisterns) 3 or 4 thousand fence posts, lath, shingles, lmmnber. _ A quantity of wood near Weibeck P. O., will be sold at fifty cents pet load. D. JaMirson, Administrator Sparâ€" ling estate. _ o o o Logs of all kinds, for which we are prepared to pay the highest prices, Also the following timber, composed principally of Balsam, Spruce, Bassâ€" wood and Butternut. _A small perâ€" sentage of Hemlock, Ash,. or Tamaâ€" rack will pass, Sawn ends, All knots to be trimmed close 5" dia, and up, for w hich we will pay the following prices 3 ft long per cord $2 50 8 ft 0« long per cord $3 00 4 ftlong per cord 3 50 For farther particulars call at Office. Taus Duruay Forxitur® Co. Ltd. It is gratifying to know that 153 wnships in Ontario bave aban:â€" Statute Labor Comdemned. Wanted to Purchase. or to DavID KinXI®E, Durham, or A H. JaACKSON, Durham. Fixes Responsibility. For Sale. mmmmmmmmmmemmm To Mr Dauiel Edge our Treasurer we desire to express our gratitude for his yery painstakiog and courteous mauner to each member of the conneil. We all Small |join in expressing our sincere thanks to bim rnd hope the Township will benefit Profi ts by bis services for many yLara to come â€"Carmied unaniwously, The Keeve and Tressurer replhed. The Council then presented the Clerk with a yery flattering address accomâ€" panied with a beautiful and costly pair of gauntlets and assured him that he ueed have no scrubles in accepting as it was the freewill gift of the individual members of the counceil, The Council met Decemher 15 as per statute. All the members present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed, Comâ€" muuications read as follows : Ninnis Bro. Aecount, Wm Irwin Accouns, Local Board of Health Report Commissioners for wards 1 and 4. Befiort of balances of appropriations as follows : Ward No 1 balanee of appro‘a... $88.00 * _ * statute Labor fund... 16.50 * No 4 balanee of appro‘n... 63.44 Orders for school moneys ......5500.88 Order for payment of Debenâ€" _ _ _ Plow lot 5 conÂ¥.................. ©1,86 Wm Weir com on expenditure 1.2%5 J A McMillan, commission ...... 1.56 Thos Nichol, ecmmission......... 1 50 E W Hunt, commission......... 10.00 Frauk Haley moviog plow...... 50 Huntâ€"Nicholâ€"That the Reeve and Win Weir be a committee to inspect tne timber on rowd allowance at lots 10 & 11 con 3 N D R aud mke a settlement if they think fit and proper.â€"Carried. Byâ€"Law No 401 closing original road a lowance and estabtishing a deviation in liea thereof was introduced and hayâ€" ing had its first and second reading : MceMillanâ€"Huantâ€"That Byâ€"Law 491 be uow read a third t me signed sealed and engrossed on Byâ€"Law LBook.â€"Car. The Reove having left the chair, t e s:me was taken by E W Hunt when t was moved by Mr Weir and seconded by Mr MeMillan. That the thaoks of this council are due and are hereby tendered to Thomas MceFadden Esq. Keeve of this Townâ€" ship for his faithful attention to the Towrship during the present and formâ€" er years and especially the last two years when so many important and complicated questions were of nccessity brought before him and for his cwility to each mewmber of the council during so many years and whether in or out of the council, _ We the members of the present council wiil bold him in the very highest re:pect and good will. The Clerk thauked the Counsil for the gift and the expressions of good will in the address just read, and stating that during the 25 years ho had served as Clerk no member of auy of the councils ot that pertod bad ever spoken an unkiod word to him and that the special mark of good leeling made manifest by the present council makes hin: feel as he would like to serve them 25 years more The Council adjourned sine die. J, 8. Buack. To the Editor, â€" Repout No. 1 of the Canadian Re: corda of Performance for pure bred dairy cattle has been issued by the Live Stock Branch, Oitawa. This Report contains a brief history of the Record of Performance work which was undertaken about thres years ago for the purpose of securing ofticial records of pure bred cows for full milking periods. The work is carried on according to rules and regulations laid down by the Minister of Agriculture and agreed to by the several Record Associations interestâ€" The Report gives the rules and regulations, quantities of milk and tat for registration as set by the different Record Associations, copies of the several Forms used. . It also contains the records of all animals that bad qualified for official regiaâ€" tration up to July 1908. This reâ€" corded list includes 42 cows und beiters of the Ayrshire, Frenchâ€"Canâ€" adian and Holsteinâ€"Friesian breeds. ‘This Report will be of great service to progressive dairy farmers who are desirious of securing reliable informâ€" ation as to where sires from regular breeding and high produciog anâ€" cestors may be secured. A large issue of the repxt has been printed and will be sent to those who apply for it to J. G. Rutherford, Live Swnz Commissioner, Otta wa. ed. SAIAFY |\....ccsecrrrerersernssersrrces Order for bal: of Clerk‘s salary Order for paymont of members & 12 Con 2 N D R............... 15,00 J Russeli gravel Camps Creek 50 Robert Dargayel, gravel ......... 49 James Lodingham, grazel...... 1.25 Samuel Wright, gravel............ 2,00 Robert Anderson moying grader 1.50 John A McDonald bal of salary as Assestor........................ 10.00 ture No 2 School 18............ Order for payment of Treasurer of Board of Health............ .. Massey Harris Co, for Grader Wm Styles, prushing lots 11 & 12 Con 2 N D R............... AS ABSOBSOF,.. ... ce c22k se kess 6068 J C Ross lumberand wouk Lot John McNally repairing railing John Calder rep eulvert lot 20 OOD 4& D D Mussncfvssssssenenness aU C McArthar clothing Mrs Ginn _ 1.22 A Russell ** *f ** 1.19 W Irwin Pig (2 accounts)...... 50.77 Minnis Bros Iumber and work... 7.4C John Muldoon culvert lot 14 Huogh MsPbail work at lot 50 0 OO Aire ces recissrrrers en resirerss Clerk for Pos, and exp charges Treasurer for postage............ Standard Bank draft Co rate... Wm Hamptou 4 cost repairs on Townline G & W............... Thos McFadden care and comâ€" mitting Mrs Ginn............... Jas Atkinson conveying Mrs Giun 69 H Of D....s«+sss+.10i+« J P Telford taking affidavit ro l0b & OOR Wessreccscressrrsssssasre & W Hunt repair and use of COR & 44 O PV ce nessennesensssness W D Connor cement curks lot PIOW sc reccieeirrdns afe ret sexsr44kx Â¥e4 FUOORN.ciciclvcrlvercessres T LGLE +cost............... I9EB GCOUG Y:.ccasrictscrtsriersrars Glenelg Council Record Dairy Cows w se m e Yours faitbhfally, THE DURHAM REVIEW ssesseress»s $20,00 (tesctserts" 2100 ing Mrs sssitsscses * 200 davit ro d use of sevistsies "Af90 enditure 1.25 on ...... â€" 1.06 B.:esssrs" B0 n......... 10.00 100.00 15.00 88.C0 19.25 24.00 11.80 8,45 8.25 1.61 ‘”’.' Lenahan & Mclntosh. 75 HEADQUARTERS FOR HARDWARE â€" FURNITURE Lenahan & McIntosh. 8000800080990 009 00000000 0@0C From last week‘s Presbyterian we clip the following account of the dediâ€" cation sermon and service on Dec 6th last, in Durham Presbyterian Church which drew forth imuch favorable comment. â€" After referring to the reâ€" cital of the Tuesday previous, the paâ€" per proceeds : The words in which Di Farquharson dedicated the instrument to God‘s serâ€" vice are a statement of the place of the organ in public worship in such terms that it will be of general interâ€" est to quote them : * The organ is no mere toy, Were it such it would sureâ€" ly be in the wrong place, Nor is it simply an attraction to induzse people to n‘t’wnd our church. To entertain even with the sweetest music would be to de?ude the service, Our object in installing it is that the emotior of our hearts may find fuller expression: that soul may be better revealed to soul and that our deyotions may be called out in a stream that shall be richer, clearer and more reverent, If it be the means of inducing some to cast in their lot with us, they will be blessed as they share with us the good which the Lord will bestow upon us. vated there must be a fuller consecraâ€" tion of ourselves, _ We would thereâ€" fore present our bodies a living sacriâ€" fice, holy, acceptable to God, We would present our gold and our silver, our houses and our lands, our all, and pray that God would enable ns to use them for His glory. We would renew the consecration of our church edifice to the service of God. To him we would dedicate this organ that it may help us the better to voice His praises. With whole souled deyotedness we lay it on His altar and pray that He may be pleased to accept the gift and sanctify the offerers. The consecraâ€" tion is to no narrow service, There is not an aspiration, feeling or emotion which it may not be called upon to exâ€" press. Its notes may make glad the marriage feast as well as speak comâ€" ::rt to th:' .otth'x::wing. hu may “act:: e ro«ar aof | sea, the voice 01 2 0. ©® garafraxa St. Near the Bridge ; :mmn&o #006 00400000 t.hunder. or the song « s song of the #"55 9 God é.i*‘be No experience sanctifie1 by God 'm;“ cast out as common Of Tok that euaedneuofo“"um“ not that we flee away to the 42 ob of the way t9 4P° " are not of the That our devotion may be thns eleâ€" We extend to our many friends and customers our best wishes for a For the Fall and Winter Trade we have added sevâ€" eral new lines of Boots, Shoes & Rubbers to our already large stock and are better prepared than ever to cater to the wauts of the public in our line. Here Are Some Bargains 24 pair Men‘s Heavy Rubbers reg $3.25 for .. 21 pair Boy‘s Rubbers regular $2 00 for. .. .. . 48 pair Women‘s Overshoes regular $2.25 for 24 pair Boy‘s Shoes, regualar $L.70 for...... .. Hand Made Boots and Shoes a Specialty A Happy and Prosperous New Organ Dedication. FALL _ AND WINTER SHOES AND RUBBERS THOS. McGRATH, hn ‘beâ€"| Repatring done quickâ€" ly and satisfactorily, |_ 100 acres i barn with ":)l:leGl:::egml{;nE ogl?lc"c‘?::;: dwelling house, only $3299â€" 100 acres in pggremont near Dromore good frame buildings, 20 acres hardâ€" wood bush, £0°4 level land, â€" Price $3000. f 100 acres in Bentinck on Durbham Road, wel! located, owner giving u farmiDg. Will by sold cheap to quicE purchaser, Three 50 acre farms, well located, near Darbham, for sale separately. Alâ€" so 25 acre pmpart{ on the outskirts of | Durbam suitable for retired farmer, I also have an application for a good sized farm within three miles of 5ur- ham. . Anyone wishing to dispose of such property» kindly communicate with me. w, F, DUNN, L walicitor, Durham, Ont ing severed trom vital human interest, but in their being made the vehicles of interpretation of our every d&y experiâ€" ences in the light and glory of heaven. Thus in God‘s name we present our bodies as living sacrifices, our buildâ€" ing as a temple of God, our organ as the instrument of his praise, _ May God in Mis great mercy accept the gift and make the cousecration effectâ€" ive through the indwelling of his own good Spirit, " E'rl“e&_l"nfe_aén;_E"fi}evn to even the you?eu bes. Test it ouce yourself, and see! gold by MacFarlane Co. 250 acres on the Garafraxa Road, 200 clear, 50 acres hardwood bush, well watered, first class buildings, Will be sold cheap to wind up ertate, * 208 acres in Bentinck, good land, excellent buildings, 16 acres hardwood bush, small payment down,. Price 118 acres in remont, good land, good buildings. Eianuu 150 acres in Bentinck, buildings and soil good, everything in first class shape. Price $5000. 100 acres in Glenelg, excellent fences, fair buildings, good water, a splendid farm with a few acres of good timber. Price $4000, 100 acres in Proton, near Swinton Park, fair buildings, good land, we!! drained, well watered and well fencedâ€" Only $3600, Farms For Sale. Kolicitor, ‘ood frame L. first class 82175 $1,060 #1.50 $,.125 University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Sn ns of Ontario, Roosz Over J & J fiUNTER‘s New Store W.C, PICKERING D. D S., L D S. Honor GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M Officeâ€"Oalder‘s Block, over Post Office hflu‘flo'-m nd Geo Q »t., t r00t of . Old Moodic C:rner. HON0OR GRADUATE Toronto University Grad en i ii8te Royal College Dental Surgeon Dentistry in :l.lI its mchu ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurance Agent. Money to Loan, Issuer of Marmage Licenses.& A genâ€" eral financial business transacted. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. A&c. Money to Loan at lowest rates. fMice, lc[ut{re Block over the Stan O dard Bank, Durh am, Ontario. Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money to boan. {\fMice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Stove D. MePHMAIL_.~» For all Oxford Cream Separator Repairs users are requested to write F.D. VICKERS, 605 Parliament St TORONTO, ONT. Going â€"â€"« Business Suits and Odd Pants, Raincoats Umbrelias, Mats and Caps, Shirts. Collars & Ties, Handkerchiefs, Susâ€" penders, Hose and half hose, Underâ€" wear, Sweaters, Overalls & Smocks Boots and Shoes OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m 24 p m. Terms moderate. Arnnficmcnu for sales as to qutes, &c., must be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. & Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on mpplication to BON BDN â€" ALWAYS FRESH Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Sgow Rooxmsâ€"Next to Swallow‘s Bar UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director ber Shop. ResipENCE â€"First house south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. G. H. STINSON J. F.GRANT D.D.S., L. D. PEYSICLIAX & Surazo®, . fiee over J. &AyJ. Hunter‘s Store 8 4 IOUII:{ e 12.% 7 to 9 P, . atten gi .'.?l u‘c‘l“ vufomleuuol or to Member College ..E!!_‘.f“"' and Burgeons D esaT PA TL ARTHUR GUN, M. D., MR DELEC._ALZL Licensed Auctioneer for Co,. Grey Having decided to give up the Gent‘s Furnishing Business in Dorham my entire stock will be cleared out at cost price. For bargains in Men‘s and Boy‘s and everything in the Gent‘s Forâ€" nishing line this is your chance l‘ll? you should take adyantage Cf it, Nowy Public, Commissioner, C1IONYEYANCER, &e. Telophone Connection No. 10 ~ DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town Holiday Baking D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 to C. RAMAGE, Durhan #@r Ceylon has a telephone office. We have a good supply of fresh Baking always on hand. _ Also a good assortâ€" ment of Candies, Nuts and the thing to think Full line of Catholic Robes and _ black and white Caps for aged people. J. P. TEL FORD Embalming a Specialty J. H. Rose W. F. DUNN A., BELL Model Bakery. now to% ser | l\ 62 a 4# o $

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