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Durham Review (1897), 7 Jan 1909, p. 1

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trrham m SCI] 909 urham " hoes m $8c " " m lly piano ome ? awake ICC" ale Vt 1.48 1.98 1.48 " 7.35 2.85 en F, 1 al wn urd Dill)! Bl Any In. :-::-::-c:-::-:xxxmmswsaxmm333m§§ The House THE DURHAM REVIEW, ONLY $1.75 TI Extraordinary, because the price reductions are Ill made on staple lines of year round usefulness, M as woll as on s.easonublo goods. , Extraordinary, because the reductions are extra- M ordinary, and are made on prices originally low. 'iu:'iai':'4'""""'"'ri"'a"n"'n"""il'ti iii' January g $l.00 to Jan. I 1910 VOL. "atllih, H. 1iii.llhi6c1rier To an "dress 'in 0min wi!l_lend Tmt REVIEW “on now to Jan. I, mo (All-M 18 months) for l dolhr. flit. " vunluge of thin remark‘hle Otter or see that your friend or new!» bor does to. NOW in the tine. The Store Program for January is to reduce stocks as much as possible regardless of profit That is the emphasis of this advertising-- crowding prices down and goods out. You can tell at a glance we mum: business, with something more to bank on than the cry of cheapness. this Sale seem more than ft is. It is great in itself. Sumo prices are half, some more, some less, but ev- ery Value quoted is honest, every reduction genuine, MARKET REPORTS which appear in THE WEEKLY SUN. The Sun ls the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscdbe for The Sun to Ist January, 1910, in combination with This is howLweZEgo about it l If you keep posted in urtouiate methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive Stock = Taking .1 There Is " Money in Farming hp __li1ttrotdinary Clearing Sale Many lines will be cut in grice for gui_ck clearance Thursday 23rd We do not resort to price juggling to make We wish all our Customers and Friends a very Happy New Year James Ireland Our Holiday Goods were never so fists, our Prices never so low We shall carry nothing over "that low prices will move Come and see for yourself what we call values. of Quality Sale THE REVIEW wishes its many Friends and Readers far and near a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. ii? ttttttttit GREAT YEAR Atrium-A great year is p mised for readers of the Family He Id and Weekly Star of Montreal. eady Hie Acknowledg- ed best, family nd farm paper printed, the publishers' are out. with thean. ttomteerttent tha it is to be" vastly Im- proved during] in appreciation cf the enormous num t' of qultscriptions received. The Pape is to be enlarged their news service lily improved, more stories of a high rdgr pf merit Ire promised, new c icributurs of great literary fame w I contribute and many new features ,nbsorhing interest are to be intro cad. Evi- dently the Family Herald tt d Weekly Star during 1909 is going to beJrreater Vulue than ever before. i . DURHAM Wes AT Hosre,-Ihe tint league hockey game for Durham on New Year's night attracted a large number of the citizens, many of whom probably had never previously wit- nesaeq a real hockey match. Unsuit- able rink accommodation presented Durham placing a team on the ice in previous years, but with the large area of open ice space in the new rink. it provides hockey taeilities unequall- ed in this district. Hanover were thel opponents and on them, fresh tet their mutgover with Millinay a week previously, the tables were completely l turned. Tue Durham: were always in the lead and wound up 0 goals ahead. ll to ii. Although previously without a team, the majority on the town, line-up have in past years figured in hockey circles, as the more demon, strata. but until Almost A month ago, had never played together. They are an.» bunch. and Vshorld prove win. ners, or at least the runnera~up. in the district. Owing to the sporting ed. itor being otherwise engaged that evening. we are unable to give a de. tailed report. Before next week's il- sue, the Durhsms play two uny- _ horn-home gum", at Mildmay Friday and in Hanover next Wednesday night. Following we- the home line- up hut Friday: aoai--Mtarphr, point -Wiuon, cover polut--Corran. rover .-Cameron, lett 'rlrnt-uvintrst4y.t, right wittir--18trler, 'peRtee-z9v.elle, The Value of Economy THE STANDARD BANK Flrlidted 1873 Tlie practice, once begun, of laying aside a portion ot your income, no matter how small, every week or month, will soon become a fixed habit. The result in a few years will probably surprise, and certainly gratify you. Start a Savings Account to-day with Many people fail to save, because they do not midis: the inportanct of srnal1eeonomres, - A - A _ DURHAM, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1909. DURHAM IMHO}! lulu lolly. "a-tae mtatitttg a.“ it 'ta"gttttthetae. OF CANADA How VERY PrmttTi-..-An ill-con- ceived and ill-natured trick must have afforded trratif1eat1on to some smut Alex’s on election night. who piled a lot of empty whiskey hotileuj at the store door ot Mr C. L, Grant. This we suppose must have been done by liquor lympsthizen in an attempt to rub in his defeat " trustee that day, Mr Grant’s temperanee util ude being well known, and indicating that the liqu " party slanted over but defeat if indeed they did not cause it, We are very sure lheAcruvv tack had no eup- hort from his successful opponent, but itis just such low down doing: that rouse: tempennce sentiment and range. public opinion against the liquor trattle. THERE Wane: 6i0,--We refer to the number of seeds in the pumpkin that for weeks stood in the window of Keeler and Son, tantalizing the num- erous guesseI. Many a similar pump- kin was cut up and counted revealing the fact that nature does not run in u groove and put the name number of seeds in similar plants, for one we heard of had 340, and several run be- tween 4Nand ooo, but the real one had more than any. yet the correct number was stIuck on, though the great preponderance ot votes ran in or near 400. The judgee were Dr. Hutton, Frank Irwin, Frank Lenahan. and Allan Bell. with Mr Wm Laidlaw its kind of overeeer. The Br. man‘s prize was won by Wm Laidlaw Jr., who had the exact number, Prank Glenna: of the Chronicle taking eecond The woman's prim» went to Mine Belle Grier-on and Mrs Search: the lucky boys were Earl McDonald and Frank. ieTmuttler, the girls Marguerite Hut ton and Maud Lamb. AUCTION tutat.- arm Stock and Implements to beheld Lot M, Con. 7, Bentinck, on Wednes , Jan. 13, I909. Everything must Terms casy. MAM-m SQUIRE. Rom. B HAM. Proprietor. Auctioneer A FAMILY RtrtmroN.-An omimon occured last. week of the following pvraomtl t On Christina Day the home of Mr and Mn Dav“! McAuliffe, Nonnnnby. was brightened by an in~ msion of sons and daughters and [elated friends from Durttam/Bentirstk and Uleuelg. The old couple of course Were delighted to entertain them, they are still in fair health and Mrs MeAutitre. Br., could " show sptiehtlinetm in the dance. May thev he long spared to their lovmg child. Shame ot expenses at R. J. Bali, Liberal 00 ervative Onndidute tor South Grey, tiring campaign for Do. minion Elect In. 1008 t Postage $32 " Telegrams 78 Telephone aco t tr go Music sad the (ions 21 33 Hall rent! 29 50 Printing and ad "tiling 91 26 Livery w tio Expreu tio Personal upon-u a, no During tti month of Janna-y we will gin a big action on Dry Goad! Clothing. Boots Shoes. Rubbers, to. C. L, Gum-r. NoTtctt.--A outstanding accounts of Alex Rune must. be settled be. tore January am ext. or they will be placed in other ads for collection. LE! RUSSELL. The Pretmrterian B. B. concert will be held in the Town Hall. Friday even- mg. Januuly tr.h. The fulure of the program will he I [and cantata. en. tilled . Santa Clam. " A. B, Inch-on In. s number-of houm md ymnt Iota in Durham for sale. 255 31. Hanover, Dec. 21 1% (lertitiett correct. 2 G ophoneo " coat. at Matpar. lane's. nt a number of lecotds. Ml.- J. J. Allan, Bye Ill: special», will he " the Hahn Home. urham, Tuesday. Jam 12th. One buy nly. IuFarhne'l have lded to clou- oat their stock of gm teed Jewel- lery " half price. Eve “title is marked in plain Btptres. L 113.19%: 882 " 78 to t tr go lee (ions 21 33 29 50 1 ad "tiling 97 26 29 tio tio )enou 38 no 255 31. Dec. 21 1% Qertitiett In. L. BALI. nth] Agent. Electiontr--M8, Slit-d- MORTON, T. C. 30 WHELAN, T 45 ROBERTSON A 38 KRESS. EU 55 COCHRANE, R " McLACHLAN, A 49 Sharp, Ben 29 Fulnenux. G 50 Majority 27. REEVE SAUNDERS, S P 47 71 78 The brhtms, as will he seen were both carried by good tnnjoritiesr, It is lurprising lhough how many there are who voted nay. They ire pre- suming, no doubt, that they will he carried anyway, and vote as they do, an an admonition. It would be inter- esting could lhey be lined up. to ask them to formulate an alternative plan which they would favor. Calm-r, Wm Glenelg. The contest. forJha reevesbip, as was to be expected when two good men were running, was a. cloaeonn Mr E. w, Hunt securing the honor by 12 majority. Mr McUuaig got a moat. tutteriug vote in his own ward. " Tom " Nichol's popularity is " marked as ever and the three below him had a very even vote. MAYOR. LAIDLAW.\VM5O 70 80 206 Black. w m. A.McCunig 67 P26 16 COUNCILLORS T.NICHOL 53117 52 W. WEIR lit 54 27 J. McNALLY 81 34 trt J.MchLLAN 34 so " M,Blnck 23 31 8t J.Firth 81 45 28 It I! of no conseq Jence now to dis. cuss Itttiueneea that may have contri- buted to the above results: the losers are all good losers. the winners have the interest of the town at heart I in every eleqtion good men must fdl, REEVE l 2 3 l 3toud E. w. HUNT 97 13106 49 to 314 Reeve Hectic was elected by ac- donation. Mr John McArthur won out in the three-cornered flght for the Deputyehip. Geo. Lothlan is still in the lead with over I00 to spare. strong. testimony to his ability end popularity The council Is we]! divlded , two in the north, two in the South and McArthur between. The vote for the council also showed surprises but the six " good men and true " elected have all, with one 9:- ception. had municipal experience, and u the exception, Mr T. C. Morton, heads the list there is no fear but that they will give agood account of them ulna. In the trustee election in the North Ward Mr J. P. Hunter was the win- ner by a good majority. Itteeoutest tot-the reeveship proved A walk-over for Mr. J. B. Wilson. the present we who had our 100 of a majority “that Mark Willi; Dod- Iworth is Dip-Mu and unwan- After keen contents the nbove gentlemen defeated respectively Wm. Black and Wm. Calder for the two principal town (Alien. Mr Laidlaw has the unique honor of capturing the Mayor-Amy a. second time after years of shame from the. Council. and Mr Sounders bu the honor of defeating in turn two of the strongest munici- pel men the town hall produced. Municipal Elections. For Against Wm. Luann. layer of Dui-hum s. P. Saunders, Reeve. sac assasagga _i,.iytssai,ytsa-iis'ysa "i'isrta,iijaiesaari'i'rrae ii,ii(i'iid,,//,/'ii'"d “ONTARIU '"KRCHIVEE 'i'ii,8, ttatt if; Majority 31. COUNCIL Majority 189. EXEMPTION BY-LAw 68 77 91 236 lat. 2 6 13 21 Major'ty 2L3. Fr Egremont. N w. E W. w w. Total Durham. TRUSTEES 'iltia,'r" gas“ At iii/ttil..),?,.')'. D " gnBBki 83333683 .i.,e,iiTiiMl 46 50 83 179 TORONTO " M) tl 70 110 100 71 42 75 PA ESE a?! 214 212 208 153 153 150 126 175 175 Deceased was a tsnner.tty trade, though latterly. before his illness, he found employment in the Furniture Factors. He was a member of the Methodist church. a respec'ed citizen, and had reached his 68th year. He is to be.bursed on Thursday. Set-nee at 1.3) p. m. W. M, SHAW. On Monday last. the and fact became known that Mr w. H. Shaw had breathed blslrist. He had not been wellfur some months back, but not until lately was the fatal termination expected. He Is survived by his wife and three children ' Ch lrlec in New York, John in Barnia, and Mrs Inna, Hamilton. who will all deeply mourn. (From the Guelph Mercury) There passed sway at the home of her son, Adam, in the Town of Dur- ttam, on Sunday evening but, Eliza. beth Wardlow. relicl. of the late John Robertson, both of whom, with their famil y. were for many yea" respected residents on the Emma“ Rand In this city. Mrs Roberston had long been troubled with asthma. but she was only conttned to bed during the three weeks prior to her death. Mrs Robertson was born at Bath. gate, Scotland. in 1828, was married to Mr Robertson in 1846, and they came to this country in 1852, settling in Guelph. Mrs Robertson WM pre" deceased by her husband by several years. She continued to live on the homestead until tive or six years ago Ilnce which time she has been resid- ing with her son at Durham. Reese Schenk u we announced wa- elected by ttrel-tlou. Dela-Reeve Umhnch was. reelected by n majority of 77 over Hahn In spite of influential opposition. We regret to notice that Mr R Barber of the council candida.” was the one to (all. the councillor- being Bums. Kenna and Shiel. Arlemesil Mr A Muir, an old and tried friend of the towmhip bu met " tlrret de. feat, taking 394 votes to Mr Bord's if”. McKenzueis Den-Reeve by no- clnmnlion. The Councillors are Wright 396. Duncan 364, Canon 850 The losers were Best with 345, Me. Loughry 174. The family are: Adam. Durham: John, Streelville; James, Shilton. Wis.; George, Kahunozoo. Mich.: Alexander. in California; William, Toronto, and Beth, Guelph: Mm Ad. Murkdale elected Wm Manrlnnd an Reeve over th Campbell. Owen Sound not only carried Local Option, it elected every candidate who suppnrted Local Option. Harrisrn is Mayor. Hanover A very graceful thing was done here by electing by acclmmstion Mr. D. Kneehtel as Mayor. and Dr Menn- as Rene. Traders’ Bank of Canada Our Specialty is the business of Farmers uni Drovers am Murchy, Guelph l ur, Luch, Misses Resale and Mary, the but three mentioned in Detroit, The funeral took putter yesterday to this city. Service was: conducted at Durham by Rev. Mr Furqulmnon of that place. The interment took place at the Union Cemétery here, Rev. W. G. Wilson conducting the last and rites. The pull-hearers were I --Adam Robertson.(nephew), Swine] McKee, Thom” Davidson, T. J. Britt, D. Johnston. John Scott. If you feed stock and require money for that {purpose we have it to lend at lowest rates. We discount ale notes. It you hove money.V lying idle we takq".carc of it for you, tray highest tutu and add interest 4 tunes 1 your. FARMERS' Isinrrrtrrt--Ttte regular meetings of South Grey Fumers' In- stitute Will be bold in Durham, Friday Jan, 15th, 19N, and in [hoover on Baturday the Nth. The delegates will be Dr H. 6. Reid of Georgetown. Mr Anson Grub. of Preston and Min B. Campbell of Brannon, The usual eveninz concert will duo he ytivers Friday night in Durham. cillon no Grier-con. Alex. Wilson and Wm Lunnev. the Inner . new mm replacing Noble. Publiuhod Weekly." " 01.00.10“. -----i.+----- Normanby Obituary Put-up equal a.“ We. mm DURHAM BRANCH t :n on noeonnt now no not-tor it be only n snail one THE REVIEW. DURHAM. ONT The tendency of the times is surely 'qtetinist liquor and the treating sys- tem. Another tendency. sud one most deaillble. is to separate liquur telling In! hotel-keeping. Hour'. keepingi- In honouhle occupation : the hulineu of the open bar in degrad- ing and destructive to the best inter. act: of the community. A50 acres on the GOA-Alan Road, Sto clear. 50 um hardwood bath. well watered, first clue buildings. Will be wold cheap to wind up ertate. To the Eiecthra of the Ladies and Yhmen l I tie-ire tender to you my hearty thunk. I the splendid vow which you hnye Even me It the re- cent Election. cl in: me to the mpomihle positio of Reeve. 'rm. ing I shall be able to ender “ticket- my service throng the yen and wishing you all lap incl. and pros- perity. I remain; Farm v Mining 100 “no. con-inl- ing ot Lo No. I) in the Nth. Uou- cession ot t Township of Egremont; the period of e men-new to mm ftotu three to the ens from the In of April, 1903. Fat further pl icului apply to The Tomnw Gene“! rum Uorportiou, 59 Yonge 51.. Tom o. In quite I number of places the 3-5th requirement was not reached, though there In: a good majority. and by this mum name no bar rooms have been saved, St Catherine. carried licence reduc- tion, cutting " 7 bars. Toronto. " ter n bitter tight, lino succeeded in their manure. cutting " 40 but. Bad at A result ot one duy'a polling there will be throughout, Ontario 100 bu! fewer on Mny ht. next. Theresa!“ of the may cantata on Monday to put In (one orto repeat hotel Option. proved that the centi- ment against the bar rooln and (vent- ing system it not on the wene through- out the country. Only in one inutence out of mun and In I reps] mele- ful, in Hepworth. and that by n mn- jority of 11 only. it hu been shundmuv proved that a majoritv vote is quite ”Ancient to retain it on repeal, hence the “taunt: forth. removal of the objectionable three-titttte chum will guilt sarcasm. The eye. of all Own-lo were turned to Owen Bound, where gigantic atom ware mule to discredit local option by its oyerthrow. An nppul was made to the "rude" throughout Ontario for funds to light the temperance fats tum, And funds, no doubt were forth. coming. but the effort has failed, the meant-e being minim-d by I ninja!- ity of IN, In! thln 3 years Ago. but a. ttttts result. considering the efforts mace to prevent it. In Eglemont, a repeal vote Wu brought on, und it will likely be the Int. for the majority of three yeua Mo, mu largely increased. '13 um in Bentincx, good lard. excellent buildings. 16 ure- hurd wood 999, small payment down. Price 150 urea in Bantinck. building. and not! 3001. everything in lint clu- uhupe. Price 'iitl00. 100 were. in Proton, neu- swiutou Park, hit buildings. good Inna. well (tamed. we“ Wu lewd And well fenced. Only gum. 100 mm in Glenelg. excellent fences, fair buildings. good water, a splendid (arm with u few more: of good timber. Price 34000. Will exchange for Town propertr, 100 term. The celebrated Aldred “no in Bontinck. lund us good u the but in the County. Price moderate. Three 50 new farms, well located, neu- Durhun. for ule "manly. AI- 00 a?” proper-t! on the ouukms of Du m quitable or retired tamer. C. BAHAGII SON. Pun“: an Pam:- ttow Local Oplion Fared. Farms For Sale. " of Thanks. Your ol For'Rent. W. F. DUNN. Solicitor. Durham, Ont _.-------. Township of Glam-lg tt mt, . W. Hun is

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