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Durham Review (1897), 7 Jan 1909, p. 4

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iii' T i""irri"i'"i"i'i", si'ii iflaitsmisariagmtarrmnixmeirxamagi .3 K; A beauty, furlined at $30 and also in _ collar with curled lining at $22.50 Bring us your produce for which we wi E est prices. 5-;:a:-::ax:c:c:4:ccc3:5:32m3:czcact-233mg; f: I” i'i Taylor & Go., Dromore 95 _0e,r,ll.g.i?.t)yii,tr.a.t1tt:tmtiif Makes cue think of their fur coat or Mens we have them from $20 to $50. stock we luveh ad as yet." - 6 fore your size goes. Prices $7. In MI , Uh: my, 1t,n,.'.ss,fifaets,we pave the best t,i, too cold‘for shipmen} quality dressed. No - - v . _ . _ v . n . we "on and was VARiCOCELI-L STRICTURE. NERVOUS DEBHJTY. Bt. OOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER [MSEASLS and alt Duo-lo- pecuhr to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. IftmabU to earl tr.ire far I Qua-lion Blank for Home Tran-cu. We wish to thank our patronage during then one and all the sex A HAPPY NEW YEAR Cor. ti,'gi:rh1rr,9rg,gi.i.,jp,yi,imuisoiar 1vt,tgeAvt4 Je.4 3255935 We are clearing the balance of our stock of Overcoats and all odd lines of suits at cost and less than cost. We are showing an extra large range of Men’s and Boys Clothing in all the newest styles. They are made from the best of all wool materials in Tweeds and Worsteds lined with first quality of linings.w Ting-Ere tailored in the newest fashion by expert workmen. - 7 v - - 03"! "F?" ”We? names r A GREAT SHOWING OF Men's ify Boy's Suits mu S. F. MORLOCK Mora Fowl Taken Alive A Clean up in Odd Lines ----_ - -- """""Wr10F Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich Solo Agents for Progress Brand Clothing Don't 1torget Cash Coupons. CURES GUARANTEED on NO PAY . .... L'Anzl‘n:‘r-- - ____‘___A__ w .. J all the season 5 runs, the “bmwm' ara, rs heat up; tir. x..-: r many customers for fpast year and extend aunt.“ nave as it is but highest prices for good Come and get a fit be] $7.50 to $10. compliments. capmine. In will pay high. Ladies' fur Bent man; raga; I Varney people have awakened to (their rights and mean to preserve their good name. Those Durham boys who brought their bottles to the Christmas tree entertainment and caused such a disturbance are to face Air Ryan at Ayton Tuesday. while, the fellow who was peeking in other', Mndows has to give his reasons for such conduct in urban: Tuesday. Mr Jno, Barbour, Egremont, b quice ill. I Mr Irish, Ina new teacher for Allen's school. made his firat appear- ance tn our burg Sunday. Dr Leeann had a family gathering Sunday. _ -__- -.. ‘M~Vllltiuu spur“ the Christmas season with Mt. Forest sad Grand Valley relatives. Rev. R. Dyne; dinéa au Mr S. MqNally Sunday. ‘l'ne Misses Lecson came from Mt. Forest Friday to attend the silver wedding ot Mr and Mrs C. Ramage. Mr and Mrs Jas. Watsm visited Durham triends Friday and Satur- day. Dr Geo. Lemon and tami/y visited Ingersoll friends lass week. The Misses Leeson “the Forest Friday to attend t wedding ot Mr and Mrs C. Mr Lamas Lee conducted the League service Sunday evening. Rev. It. D) nesspent the New Year holiday at his home in -. Sympathy is ttste tor Mrs J. w' Blythe in the death of her sister, Mrs Cunsta ble, near Barrie. W as W He [05. LIS’ Sunday was Gaelic day in the Presbyierian (hunch Prieevillo, and fot the fitst time in the history of the church at Priceville, the singing was led en the organ by Miss Bertha McIntyre and was agrcat imp'rovc- men: to the old way, asthe old or- gans generally led in slnxing gaellc. are gelling worn out. So we hope someone else will comma the good Work begun by Miss McIntyre. who We regret is going away this Week. as will be seen elsewhere in these ligand Mrs A. The sidcroads are pretty well filled up. while the Concessiuns running eastand wean am in Some places bare. Miss Christena McDanald. tuwn line, South Glenelg, leaves for 1'o- rontothig week, where she is going to spend some time as dressmaker. A number took advantage ofthe cheap races to Durham during the holidays. Mr Hector McKinnon, son of Post. master McKinnon,oi this place, spent his holidays at home and will return again this Week to resume his studies in the N urinal School, Toronto. Dr John McArthur, Jr., who is completing his term as Damiano Toronto, spent his holidays atthe old home with his father and mother Mr and hire Juhn MeArthar, ot this town. John McKinnon, who is attending the Normal School in Stratford, spent his holidays at his father's, Mr John Mediinnon, south Glenelg. He re- turned "gain this week. Jemima in this town, left for Si ihiii again this week, to resume herdutics as teacher. Miss Jane Wright, teacher, who iPeu.tsorye who with her sister, Miss I On the lat January mail was changed from the old system of near- ly sixty years trom Priceville to Dar. ham, by being carried in vehicles for the last halt century and before that tor some some years on toot or on horseback. Now his carried by rail on u. J'. ll. tio far We would as soon have the old system, " we could get our mail in the evening from Durham bat now it Irmies through to the June- tionund returns on the noon train‘ next day. Mr Tucker, the late mail and stage nun. was afaithlul Ber-1 vunt.lor he was always on time nol matterwhat kind ot Weather. We hope an improvement will be made] when the oftieials will arrange the matter more properly. I Miss Bartluyielatyre, of the Bomb line, let: on Monday morning the 4th inst., to put in a term in the Northern Business College, Owen Sound. Bertha will be missed, us she was a mvorlte with all who formed her no- qaaintanee. Seth Cole, an old anagexmu, visited Priceville tor a lew days last week, Mrs McPherson, who spencn while visiting triends at Durham and this vicinity, returned again to Toronto this week. Arch. MeDopaidjJuhn's), who was away in Saskatchewan, N. W. T., tur mains: couple at years, returned a few days ago and is going ts stay top some time Mrs Rose, of Bruce, and two dang h. tera, who were visiting at Mrs Rose's brother, Mr Norman MoIntvre, of the south line, left tor their home the beginning of the week. Mr Rose no- companied them. bat only stayed for a couple ot days when he returned. A few nights :30 the barn snd contents of Dnncsn Sinclair, oi the north line, Glenelg. were completely destroyed by fire by the exploding of his lantern, while doing his chores. He mamsged.to save,the stock. but all his grain, hay and straw were burned. Thisis a serious loss. more especially at the tune of year. He in the meantime found shelter for " stock in Mr John McQuarrie s stsbles, who kindly gave him the moi his extra room in his large and commod ions new barn and stables. He has atunallinsttrantus in the Walkerton Insurance Company. Var ney. Priceville .qu- M9ttirn _ppent ot tin} bride who is pos. ttalities um THE DURHAM REVIEW I the road, W is the wit the boys all had, X tor the Xmas box prenatal modal. I for the youth whogot into the pit, Z tie the nu: that got tho nit. , the 82011.0, 1" fur the ieiiow that ieit very Vsrm, ' G for the gravy, auntie made right, 11 is tor Henry, who got into the tight, I is the icing they had on the cake, J for the jam that was the right make, I E ts tor kitten that stole the ban, L is the lad, who said it was tun, M tor the mule that upset the cutter. N is tor Neil that got in the gutter, O is the oysters that went down so slick, P is tor Peter who got very sick. Q is the question, which should have been popped, it is for Robert. whose horse wouldn't stop, S is tor Santa who stayed out all night, T is the toys that looked out of sight. Ural- S, upset that happened to the o. t y for the views that were seen on TORONTO prime, Bis yrrEddie, who drove through 1 Mr Peter'l'ilrany told Henry Gon- der that Alex Campbell said that he was going tu use ins utmost inthtenee on the coming election, A is " Auntie that had the fat goose. B is for Billy, Auntic’s papooee. C' is tor Christmas. that glorious time, D is tor Daniel, who is just in his Mesa“ James and John Leding- huu,ofNortt1 Dakota and Duluth, re8peetively, are " present visiting ti; the home at their brother George ere. Mr Mae. Campbell is as present (hing some carpenter work " Mr ueo. Halvey'a. Mr James Walsh has recently pur- chased a new cutter trom Mr John Murdoch, ol ye Editor’s town. A number of the. gentlemen from our burg amended the Nomluutlun at Lumlasu on Mummy . Great anxiety prevails as to who will be successtul. Miss M, E. Plsillips has returned to hes home after teaching for a. year and a hall at our school. We haw nutheard as yet who will take her place. Mrs Nell Campbell spenturisunas with Mr and Mrs Geo. Harvey, of Crawlold. We are pleased to report that Mrs A, Ledmghum is improving. Miss May Shewell. of the Queen City, is an present holidaying at her home here. Mr and Mrs Jag. Walsh and family spent. Christmas at Mr Junes Sulli- van's, Durnoch. A number of young people spent Christmas afternoon and evening at the home of Mr and Mrs P. Shewell. We are glad to state that Miss Si- lenu. Trox, who has been ill for the past tew weeks, is improving. Mr and Mrs Charles Mink and fam- ily, of Owen Sound, spent Christmas at Mr Thus. Snewell'e. Mrs B, Hartford and daughter, Miss Margaret, are at present. holiday - ing with the farmer's brother, Mr James Walsh. The New Year is close at hand and we hope that it will bring prosperity tome Editor and all the leaders ol his successful paper. - ,r,.,_ __. .m, ..-.r w..." w “MW. Dr. Shear doesn't drug the Blown, nor stimu- late the I can or Kidneys. Dr. Shoop’l Beggar- mlve goes direct?I to the weak no telling nerves. Eachorgnn saltsowu 1roatroJllntrnerve-. When these nerves fail, the depending organs must ot Nassau?! falter. Thu in plain, yet vital truth clearly ta ls why Dr. .'llt_ooi" Restorative is so universally sucoei-lfnl. Its woman is lead- lug drugglau everywhere to five It unlvernl Vela-fence. “A test will sure y tell, Bold by MacFarlane & co. "your Stomach. Heart, or Kidnef's are weak, try at least, . few doses only 0 Dr. Bhoop's Restorative. In tive or ten day: only. the result will surprise you. A few cents wll cover the fe.suhn.1,iyIe. ls Elly Iele, some! so quigkly. Mr Harry Wilkinson, Varney. is in the neighborhood with his sawing machine, and giving good satis- fae,tion. It is currently reported that Mr Alfred Tucker has taken unto him. selt a wife. Not having oftieial1y uotiiled us, we are only quoting rumors. Mrs John Sinclair (nee Belle Dixon) had a. severe attach of appendicitis on Thursday last, bat With the prompt action taken, all danger is at the present writing happily removed, and doing well. Miss May Dixon who has been teaching " the past three years at Scranton, is home on an extended visit to her home here. Mina Belle Weir of Toronto, spent New Years at her parents here, Mr and Mrs John Weir and left for there again on Tuesday. Miss Susie Halpenny was home from Mt. F.reac during the holidays. Mr and Mrs Geo. McKelvey of Toronto, Were visiting at Mr David McKelvev’s here at New Years. In the contest for local option we are extremely thankful at the result. Not only in our own fltttt manly township, bat also in our County Town, where such a bitter fWht was pat up by the anti locals. One hundred and fifty three against, seems almost too many for our good township, bat the majority tor, haw- ing increased we are as stated before, thankful. i The elections are Again over, leav- ing reunite birly strtigttuttory in thie Township ct lent. While we cent all expecttogetonr vote: realized. we hove the tatiKatttiort that the moat of the candidetea Tggf, men env- wey. This portion Egremoot. No 2, or Dromore ward, is to be con- gratnleted on heving within in bord. ers. the Reeve Mr Walter Beetle. elected by aettltunation for the ionrth time. and else Mr Geo. Lothinn who heads the pollaaastul since he first ran three years ego. Hie majority l as may be seen on n reference to the 1 list below is 107. Regret is ,t,tlt) by some at the defeat othir Philp, which may poeslbly be accounted tor by the fact ofa three cornered fight. In fact in every election good men m'ut Gil North Egremont. Intended for (as! week. Welbeck c--v Being I Licensed Auctioneer for the County of they I am in the field for this usual). and 'lluJz,",ef, Ionct as Auctioneer tbt nil ts ea at lander-t. rates. Parties any nuke mange ments with ma direct for dntn of we. or arrange for name " anxw one or N. Bunnett’a "ore, Durham 8031'. Raoul. Allan Put, - _, "a" --. ,vu C. Wu II won decide to begin taking Diapepain. Tell your (magma: that you want Pa '3 Diapepsiii, because you want to gthoronghly cured of indigestion. "I There is nothing else better to take Gas from Stomach and cleanse the stomach and intestines, and besides. one triangule mll digest and plepsre for n-aimilnoinn in... or... Lt, _ J .. Whv not start now-tcd , y, and for- ever rid yourself of Stomach trouble and indigestion? A dieted stomach gets the blues and grumbles. Give it a good cat, then take Pope's Dispep- sin to at 'rt the digestive juices Work. ing. There will be no dyspepsia or belching of Gas or 1sraetatitatsorttruii. _ nested food; no feeling liken lump of ( lead in the stomach or heartburn, 810k headache and Dizziness, and your tood will not ferment and poison your breath with nan-eon; odors. Pope's Diapepsin out: only 50 can“ for 1 large one at any drug store here, and will relieve the most obstin- ate case of Indigestion and Upset Stomach in fm, minutes. School resumes its cuuise again on Tuesday with Miss Lcesuu wielding the birch. Mr and Mrs D.' Gilmour and Mr and Mrs W. Hunter, of Dromore, sp m Nchears at Mr Jas. Mather. Mr Jan. Kerr's dance on Wednes- day evening was a success. It always is as Mr and Mrs Kerr make an ideal host and hostess. Wedding Bells are ringing. The Ritchie Bros, of Durham. have seen ed the mason work of 1.Itnhenn. Church while Sprciz Bros. ol 3n- over, have tho carpenter work. Mrs and Miss Forbes of Am}; visited at Mr D. Robinson“: on Sun- day. Mr and Mrs Jno Little of Ayr, are visiting the Byers' family. Mr and Mrs George of Chealey, spent New Years at hire A Anderson Miss Bella Jane Falcon spent Tucs- day alternoon with her friend Miss Rebecca Nichol. Messrs Milton and Austin BMI of Hanover, spent Xmas at Mr Walter Geddes'. Miss Margaret Mums accompanied by Mr Albert Six of the West arrived home Xmas night. Miss Ir'zzie Park of Neu mic. visit- Ed over the week's end with friends ere. Miss Nellie De rby is visiting friends here at present Mr Allister and Etta Anderson 'liifll a pleasant evening at Maple ill lately-. Misses Maggie and Cassie Burns re. turned to Toronto on Monday alter spending Xmas at home. Mr I. Henderson returned to the o. A, C. on Monday. Mrs Jas Hughes and daughter are on a visit trom the Nest to her parents Mr and Mrs Joo, Cooper. Mr Percy Watt an.d Mr Austin Derby spam Sammy with Eqremont friends. L, 77 7.77., _-..-.. wtt ....- -r.--_.- . tescription--1rr. sheep's Cough Remodf'. And It is so sate and good for children. awe I. Cow mining no opium, chloroform, or other harmlul drugs, mothers should in “My thugs denim}! Dr. Shoop‘s. If other remedies we 0 and. teil them No! Be your own Judge,' Sold by Mac. Farllue & Co, The tender leaves of a harmless lung-healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. shooxlv'u iiiii,lt't Remedy its marvelous cumin propel-L 93. TH; " tickling, or uuuesslng oou m, quickly yiel to the hleal‘lug, teyiy!rir begun ot ttiAiplenAid, The elections are over tor another vent and general satislaction is felt new " the re-election to the Reeve- ship ot Mr J. S. Wilson. With Dads. worth, Grierson, Lunncy and Alex. Wilson we should have a good council. -" A load oi young people drove over to Mr Wm Lnnney's and spent an enjoyable uvening. Miss Babel Meaghan visited Miss Lillian B. Walker last week. A load otryoung people drove ovpr to the Craw brd Christan: entertain- 'ff,',',',.' and report having had a good t me. Mr John Redford, ot Owen Bound, in visiting his daughter. Mr T. Jones, here at present. Mr Will Fulton spent a tewlu: week with friends tn Priceville. Mr James Redford was married Wednesday of last week to Miss Ethel Ihairerd. Congratulations. Notice to the Public Mr Cummings. of Manitoba, in " iting his brother-in-lor, Mr George hlilandry. sud other relatives in mr. am' Mr John Long and Miss Jennie Long, of Wilkenon. spent the week end with their grandparent; Mr and Mrs John Mtsb'illivrtry. I Mr Robert Hail Gent I couple ol weeks visiting friends in Toronto. - Mr. mi ithougsll, Ottawa, spent Christan: week n his home here. The Christina onwmlnment by the Sunday School was very unoccu- tulnnd the little folkl gave all visi- tors an enjoyable evening. Mr and In Dougld MoCIIInm and Mrs John Philp and family of Gwyn Bound spent s couple at weeks With friend. at the Poat Ofriee. Indigestion is -'--_----- - Hampden -----i.------- Mulock ended forever. Massey Harris J Mowers ik Rakes! c. A, FLEIING. mama Recognized as new; otneeild No M9112} ii; jems W __ ..t. "'""l""iH. Runny and Steamship Tickets to all norms, ,,__ -- -vuuuun - 43 Hanuver, close to whim] 0tttce with daily mail. " frame bmk ham. gnu! " ttany other Good Bargain and Town prupmly. If you want min, orSeH K No charge if no hum) m- no In. ""aea'UC, The Hanover Conveyancer, o 100 acres near Allan P. km :4 buildings, mlUing tinv hum, 40 acres PM". good [an i m al Park. wry clump. i3,0, acres Be_nunck - 1'. milr lug couerieif" All 1 ill? business carefully and l ded to. Always Prompt, Never Money to be Made creaarisirpai7ti',r. Coal Oil and Mat in stock. h. Shoop’s WEN??? " Remedy Inna foundatrted and unleash» Du. mutlun! Not- remedy mm M ll ”who“ distorted limbo of chrome (singles nor tum hm rowan. use: to ummm. ml Mano-1m. utlmnnow surely the minimal! mud his deplorable di . In iik'r'ill'.i'r'-il'it, a Chemist In the City at Darmstadt- found the lat [nudism with which Dr. Shoop'l attmmtntte Remedy "I made . panama. demdfbla prescription. Without that but ittgrtWisttt, sueeeastuily "and my. my mm ot Pg,",'ittln': but now. " hit. it um. lormly emu curable one. of this heremfon much dreaded duals. Those tic nd-llke maul.“ Inna. toundinWaiitntG Blood leel'n wdimlvo at: pun may under the notion of thir tuned! u kudos. was!" who uldml to pure mm. that. mg Molved. those onlsmmuu In“ ' 'ltfld In tttpee: Id thei auto ot n.” PMI'pdetttt. "Luau: I 'u"ON “a an kinda of Massey Harris, implemeuta for Haying and Har. vesting muons. ytdfil kinda way to bend at Ioevcr r you can; borrow eke-wk: Pe 4‘, - -- We can give you n hat you ruquirc in Halters and Harntss of every descrlption. W. Black Blanket the horses you have for saleand get them ready for Jan. 19. We have a nice line of L' arse Blankets at a low price. Also Rugs and Robes. Rheumatism We have a great quantity of X cut saws and axes in stock. Now is the time to buy a Stove or Range as we are over-stocked. There is no Range ttmnutacturcd to surpass the " Penn Esther,"and there is no range manufactured to equal the " Happy Thought. tt Do you require a new pair of Skates, it so examine our assortment. We have quality, quantity, and the right price. Have you sect: our Hand Sleigbs and Child's Sleighs. They are worthy of inspection. Ranging in price from " cts to $10 00. nmtlnn In 0 tdreveF. ' Ti, re 15‘5"; need-no Mgt excuu to was; lomfwh In)». Vanuatu! itttxsatidtsuat recomm- Sold " Mufarlax e and Co, new: carefully and r tn Laral and Little colds when neglected grow to large diseases. We have several good preparations for coughs and colds and sell allthe standard remedies. We have one preparation especially good for "whoopiug cough which is so prevalent just now Try it, 'Utendiug to (his A LITTLE CHILD WITH A LITTLE COLD Gun's Drug Store Hardware! ll. IL MILLER McFadden 999d 3mm; 'ii, fl THEitts"ts That's All ! What of it! No chmgc- it All kinds of fin shine 55,3 Massey ' Owen Sound M vert 1391mm on always the Sealigenl.’ uie "iv- Fpleml hum. chm. i tuiles from ol and Pottt Brick him-m. “MP. and 10 to Miller a done. Mes mun ' if ttoth. ‘ finaruid Hy utten. Harri: ', otrers.. All ill m a" (u NEW iiiiiiiiiEr-o Wm» 343.34, ttto s M!“ Bell‘s 223 'dill" Alter two year: in business In Duruii, I thank heartily [be many “I! “Id other: mu haven.“ In with their mm "u "nlriicii ill Innouncng that I I ttt ttte {More base 11rsiii,iiia"i, meeting in mm ,. 00mm “Mn. all my old trio“. m 't Wttgt may new on... PM and tair dear in: will l'l'llttrt, be my mom You: for human. and safely; Come to , lion, “I," mmp m 0.30 3 (I! l 0G5 3.Krleave 7.063.115 A 7.22352 7.35 MB I 7.47 t.1T 8 00 4.3) u-‘ve 04:33.26 leave Iti'/iii'.P've 33:1 [iie 7.063.211 All t Ar .L' '..' 7.23.52 Dru... 9.01 12.24 7.33 “Ki “CWilliAmu ti.hy 12.}? 7.47 t.17 Priceviue a.» no? 800 ca; ttt've Scum)“. leave 8.W, ll c, Cumming with two. to and irotit Toronto. nly one change betueen Durham amd Town“). speed, commit and "(an _ tutor! cud intro litigfnrvruo also tttt for Anal" 'ti. minim “no nan-chip. um“ . u'r'ln linen. the foil, offect until ead down Eatltattnin Funeral Directors and Undertaker: a JANUARY T, 1909 Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Cottteetionary Pure Spices & Tim guru No. 1 ram"; and Pure Manitoba ttours I'ute Salt All calls. either night or an} promptly attended to. "oar, reed, Seed & Groceries Constantly on hand It v-ur Prioeville lihtabluhtnent, " tall and varied stock of Fun. eral supplies. MacFARLANE &CO, CARD 0F THANKS {alumina timeublc will in; in until further notice . "t'tttetm Produce tec. Warp}! and porous Wow ta, Jai, 4 MATTHEWS a LATIMER i. McLellan. F. P. REILEY Prieevitte. Wypkerton will": all his gum emu customers throughout 1909 For Specialty. L739“ ".sd up gun. mm. 9.ID Lil ’ve'9.31 12.55 " m0 , Wan- 'rot. 'ttttr Mt We have an excel invite those who inspection is bett Durham motto moncN In reply we we did m z Estnbllshed of history months s shook the u * 6rtrih6sip6 Agency in Durtu celebrated hut Lt"gttterggtegt's RI LUMBERMEN‘S Christ" In! ma W JANUA V/t Ge o m H CHI

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