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Durham Review (1897), 7 Jan 1909, p. 8

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'r.-),,..',,:,";, Men's Overcoats ETHE PEOPLE'S STON1 in? lira ii) a it? 3393 " INT] M“ Srcnognphy. Telegraph). "coi"riersiat Coats”. Busmnss COLLEGE _-------- -----" rryiiriiy,:irariiirigatilrdNri" iiaisrsieiqili1P_al?'.i, WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 4th uwiéolm In an nus-cu I mu School mutt-4“ med by our Immanuel“ th maria. Ute-Mum.“ tor Business (30“qu 1trt.tp, Irelegraphy ii, Winter Term opens balm qth Anus: new to attend the “an. .; , QELLD'I'Tg/‘y i wax/Md /////‘v. TORONTO. our, - . - MORE YOUNG PEOPLE Bed by our nun-cement than my ttther Inwlo. and tum-ad 1010mm mum-u College Icwhen. Pr"... "e. ‘nen. mum: ”shunts. etc. The embodi- " of ma - up” modem ”our“ Mu tn Bull-tens Science. We invite con- mon. Three Depauwnu. lulled by led Insane-um British Canadian Bus. College l Cor, Yonge a Bloor Stu. Gsiness College Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, and In placing all its gradmtu. Each student is taught separate- ly at his own desk. Trial lessons (or one week free. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2. W. T. CLANCY Principal. Day and Night Classes. - and [gulp-nun. l The school 1- “mm, an! In gte2t numy, In enemies! um y,te'itk'iil,fi l dump. ae. tor mu Junior mun. lunc- ulnuon aw Tttq muons. eorimeter" ml ure m cm. I THINK ALLAN. mu I. m Ch" cordial". teffi't '. sauce. R'a'r, law-how Boo -koepln| And Writing. Miss DOXALDA lemucm B. A., out an. of Qua-'- cum. hum: ma. hunch. Alpha. Ann-ac. MISS AIY In“. em ot thorium! ot Arts-tit.. -htliqtrc1ritePP.t, -. G. V CHI OR RECT DRESS is easy to recognize, set C many men 'ust miss it. if Too often an ill-fitting gait or Overcoat is the fault ste A Suit or Overcoat that doesn't fit well, " and irwithout style, will mar an other. wise perfect attire. We claim to have in stock a line of Suits and Coats that is sure to please anyone. They are made from best materials and are right isp-to-date in cut and style, n ...F-.--,_,,_ I CIUSI “I, J fumumuosooo 0 3H),») per annual inn! wsy serTtee. You a t n-umn: a good t-penwor in 6 months " tr' Ma ty m the Central Telumphy School ' want dt. E., Toronto. The line" iiiiail Knuth. “use tor manual-n. A. a. SHAW, PM. TJJOBNSTOE. m 1 manual Ema-nu Imu- - -- ...- -_, a”. 'griG"taTiroeeu. Manitob- n manna-Norms. Duran-ham an i"ilaaFifiiGcuuhii"'"" FiaAr.gt.e.eit 'h"iiii"ii"iar-ttttr"d""'- mg.“ not. emu ot mummy In um. ”hm: um. Coupo- umon. ocean-play. um and An. t ,teuAtng. Wane-M - new - --- .. #4... Mun-ob- Tiiiii"iti0Eri'r BRAND” I tried them ? lish, they are 1 pocket book. yr. You. a Meander Durham School MT. FOREST you courts}: BEST BUSINESS TRAINIIIG. “MM wuxmrou F the shoe fit, don’t go in your stty We sell the IHPQRII'L m, GEO ROBERT BURNETT Oentlemen's Footwear Highest Prices for Butter and Bas " reasonable prices. sun an! um. Y]. t gym-ms. Mud?“ W. Jauaotr an ',"olld ”334$ and Sttiis , mo um step' uurdmeigm tones. Ind iiincirmt hood I or 1'flTh% Ill (“nun «a. -.---- ....r, _ I Cold ture mm net I by h'N'i, A tew hours -and your thmlening Cold in ken. Candy- l like In um. Revenues plea. the children- I and the, brat the In ethhnesa. nlwnys. And lent. o ll] is the eeomony. A Inge taxi-18 Fanatics-2.3 cenu. Ask your drunk“. lie known! Bold try lschrlnnce a co. The election is now over. Wts have not heard the reports, but think Joan Alcorn will be the Reeve tor 1909. The Council was returned by Clerk try aeetamtciott, although it is reported here thet some of the can- didates had not put in their with drawal paper Died-On 8anday night, Mrs Mary Ann Uilks, wile ot Mr George Gilks, age 47. She was formerly Miss Sum ick and was raised in Proton near here. The funeral is to be on Tuesday 5th toDc ndalk cemetery. a The best of relaJons seem to have [existed between M u Clara Aljoe and :her pupils who hwe been amounted I for three years.” :,he [allowing warm I address presented last day of school gwill show. Mime r Agnes and Myrtle |Allan read the ad lrese and made the lt'r.t,tttie? nape lively. Miss Alloe will be " home an H the next opening ii, of the Normalitktn ole t l )ecember 21st, 1008 There Is no Quinn“, or fflt',W, in Prevenv Cold yum 'pyttitt? tit , To Miss Aljoe. Dear (rrttehert- of regret that we No2, eremont. 1 is close at hand W as tanker and sci cred. We realize the deep interest that you have always l. hen in our welfare, educational, moral and social. and the benehts we have "ecen'ed bom your teaching and good umuples. Though our Inn. of elicit or other Waywardness may have at times cair- ed you pain, we hast you will ovu- look our shortcomings and realizeit was through no di-mespect for you nor lye: wilful on our p ins. I _ - -. --- -e" . We now ant you to except this vol- ume of Tennysou'a Poetical works. not. for tho sake ot its monetary value bat that you will Irver give us A place in your'memory and think of the plenum days spent amongst us. For .conclnuon we trust that you may loan be spared to wield the same good influence (Wu-others in the noble profession of yet r choice that you have done over us and that in what. ever held of labor you may be called ito work the best success willnttend G your efforts. Address and Presentation. And that when we are called home from our labors we will all beagain united to mend eternity in perpetual bliss. Signed on behalf of the school MYRTLE ALLAN [Lona ALLAN Donna. 6.1m. 1909. "IIRheat...........8 90to8 'ystinrmtent--. 32:0 Chop fawn... .. Live will”? ttrt TmW-u-Un“ ihiariiiti.-. Durham Markets. Hopeville. t-- It is wilh feelings we the pupils of B, S. q l mine that the time w tett our relationship Incl clam must be sev- noshin‘lwhstevu hush .05. T Que rttt.le c.ryfg .0000 .... 40to 40 '... 260to325 ..' 275to275 ... 125:0160 ... 56530600 " Mr J, S. Drysdah idayed wnh town Years. He pun Brockville shortly, Miss Gertrude Backus has returned to Ventry to resume duties in her Ichuol there, after spending her Christ.- mas vacation at her home at Poplar Hill. Mrs Smith and snn Eden and sister‘ Miss Linn Whitmore, from near Port- age Ln Prairie, are visiting theirsis- ter. Mrs C. McArthur. of town, and other relatives around here at present. Miss Irene Myers Mcatord, is an- gaged as marker at ovchardville for 1009 and MrIracy McLuhan. of Mt. Forest, at hinahurst. near Durnoch. Both attended Model School here last fall Miss Annie Beaton, Btrntheona, Al. berta. Mter some weeks spent among rvlmives and friends here, left for home on Wednesday. Ale. had a pleasant call from her. all too brief, she being the third caller in one day, of friends whom we met on our western trip. 70 Mr Rom. B. McLaehlan, of Calgary, who is visiting his father on the north line, Priceville, and numerous other friends and Ieintives in Priceville and Durham, gave the Review an interest- ing visit Tuesday, He is a member of the famous Gummy Knox Church Choir to which Sir F, ederiek Bridge. on his Canadian tour, gave a prize of a handsome silver shield, for giving the best rendition of bus anthems in Canada. Mr Jas. Brown, of Lumsden, can el" east to ttolstein to spend Xnms with I: his father and other relatives there. t He has rented his farm there fora l year and is therefore free to enjoy himself and travel. He intends going I to California. by way of Vancouver i and Pacific coast and will return over- t land, Mr Brown is visitinghis cousins Ill Durham this week and gnvethe ] Besutiwaitiendiy call, All Western I travellers tell of the immense travel 1 east of people coming home for Visits , _ torelatives and friends in Ontario. l "The Maples," the beautiful resi- dence of Mrs D. Jackson. was the scene of a most pleasant evening, New Year's night when a large party was held on the oecaeion of the ' coming out’ of her daughter, Miss ()hristene. About 75 inyited guests were present, chiefly from the town, who enjoyed the evening with dancing, to the accompaniment of Mr Dundas of Markdale. Supper was served about midnight and the gatheling broke up after 3 e. m. Among the outside. guests present were Messrs. Tod. Knight of Collingwood and Stewart. F Armstrong and gb4ritt1u, of Toronto, 1 all former U. P. R. men here. Min Stevenson of Bradford. was also I present. the guest of the debutante. ', Miss Christene Jackson, for a. few days, #â€" McPrraa.--McconMActr. The home of Mr and Mrs Archie NeCorsmuek of Aberdeen was the tune on very pleasant event on Wednel' day. Dec. son. at half past flqe when their eldest daughter Mary. was. united in marriage to Bush B. Mephait, of Priceville. The ceremony WM performed by the Rev. N. A. McDonald of Dornoch in the pmonce of Immediate relatives, while Mn N. A. gteDoutud played the wedding march, They-Ivan attended by Mia Kane McGowan! of Durham and Mr D. McCurmncx. brother of the bride. The bride was the recipient of many handsome present: from her Hand. in Water and Bentim‘k. r Drysdale. of Hamilton, hul- nh town friends over New He purposes leaving Ict' tiyuieneal DURHAM REVIEW d Tennyson and Longfellow could take a worthless sheet of paper, write apoem upon it and make it worth 365.000; that is genius. Rockefeller can write a few words on a sheet of paper and make it worth 5.000.000: thnt'a capital. England can take 12: grains of gold, stamp upon it ‘King Edward _ VH' and make it worth $5 ; thet’s money. A mechanic can take ma- terial worth $5 and make it into watchspriugs worth $1000 ; that's skill. A woman can purchase a hat for 7:W but prefers one that costs $27; that's foolishness. A ditch-digger works ten hours a do, and handles several tons of earth for t.25 l that's labor. The printer of this can write a cheque for $90,000, but it wouldn't be worth a dime; that's truth. Bin when 7 a. - or, - a In-.. v- ---._,V, Brst4te JetreitrtSt Pe'.: ”lit-VI“- ""re.T.7pr V, ware, they so to Webster's, Dur- ham. Ont; that‘s common mu P. ii. A. Webster Graduate Can. Horo1ogiea1 Inst Plain Facts MR. WALTEREASTIE Elected by Actgaenatiott, tor the tourth time Reeve of Egremont Mr and Mrs Wm Robertsen of To- ronw. went Christmas and New Years with tbs latter”: parenta,Mr and Mrs David Allan. The hockey game DelWeeu mu... and Holstein on New Year's Day, was Wellanended but the game was rather too one-sided to be Uiiereatinir, the score being 13 to 1 in favor of Holstein. Therink management have been providing their patrons with good ice and a good many am learning to skate these days. Mr Fred Nicholson and Mia! Edith Nicholson of hit, Forest. agent San. day with Mr and Mrs L. 'icholson and on Sundav morning Mr Nichol- son sang a solo in the Methodist Church in a very acceptable manner. The rcault of the basal Option vote ( is highly gratilying to the temper- iance workers of our teytt A majority ot 360, an increase ot 2 over the previous vote, shows the outli- tactiou of the electorate with the working of Local Option. Local Option ought to be a tiEtttre in this township for all time. Mr James Christie in slowly re- covering from A very serious lllneu. h TORONTO THE JEWELLER SI An excellent place, to se- lect holiday gifts. We've everything a man wears Holstein. A Happy New fear To all of our many friend., and customers. we extendsthe heartiest, compliments of the season. We elso take this opportunity to thank all tor their kind pat. ronage during the past two and a tiait years and solicit a continu- ance of their trade, a- Ioatr with tut of many new friends, tor [909. iiiGfuiGiis and tailor- tnatU m a mum. ti. h. Burnett v0-" in: in Toronto on Friday Int ye editor and mrlfe com- pleted twenty tIver you: of untried lite and muted the oceaMon by hu- h: Mound them 3 mambrr of rehtivea and friends, who, notwithstanding an Inclement day trot here from o. Bound London. Ceylon. Holstein. Mt. Fore-L. Vmev and North Egremonl. Alternoon. and upecinlly in the evening. there wee n Iplril of noclnlity attd good fellowship abroad u became the accustom The " hnppy couple " of coutee received nbnndnnce ot congrnt. ulntione and good wishes end during the evening many beautiful tangible evidencee of good-will were presented in the epiritpl love and respect. An impromptu program ot speech, eons. music and story was undertaken and in the midst of it, Rev Dr Fnrqu- hereon called I. hnlt. we there was pre. sealed. quite unexpectedly, n mtwsiti- cent silver fruit dish, the united gift of n number of Durham friends. Ac- oompnnying this was the following nddreee which was read by Dr Hutton lo Mr and Mn Chi-e. anage t 26th Wedding Anniversary . We with yourselves hail with pleasure the inception at the New Year. and unite with you in thanking n bountiful Providence for part favors. Doubly joyful is the meeting with you on this occasion. the celebration‘ of the 26th anniversary of your wed. ding day. We, extend our congratulations and felicitatiunl. We (rust thut tttarty happy years "my yet be extended to you that you "my each enjoy ttood health and many blessings and to progress on to the golden age of l your matrimonial life. We have learned in the past to ap- preciate your worth and many axed- lent qunhl its. As a mark of our esteem and re. spect. we ask you to accept, thir 6. Fruit Dish, " and we wish you and your family a Happy and Plnspernul New Year. Dated January lst.1909. The recipients were muslcaiiy assur- ed that le they were iolly good tel. lows. " and of course strove to convey to nllaud sundry their appreciation of the beautiful gifts, Individunl and col. lecuve. and more than all of the. kind words and expressions accompanying them. At an appropriate time the company of fifty were solved with refresh- ments, the 2rresr-rout* bride cut- ting-41d dispeming an elegant four- Ituxey wedding cake bearing the le. trend188i--1909, the wort of Mr Geo. Stinaon. baker. Mme music. instrumented and vocal. followed and the company btoke up- about 2 a. m, With many mutual gond wishes. The relamea present. were Mrs. D. Coleridge Br, Mr, and Mrs. Jan. Coler- idge, Mr. and Mn. Wm. Ramage, Mer. Peter and Miss Mary RamaRe all of North Egremont .,Mr. & Mrs D. Coler- idge, Holstein; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coleridge, Owen Bound l Mrs Legate. Ceylon; Mr. T. Coleridge. London. Miss B. A, Coleridge, Talonto. was prevented by Illness from being pres- icon and Mr. Frank Coleridge in far Saskatchewan was another absentee. To all Jeiitives and friends who have written their congratulations the celebrants return very hmrty thanks. ttr ttttd In 0. mm We use the word " the, " seeing that‘ the stunning celamity which betel Southern Italy and Sicily last week is l the greatest calalnitv of its kind ever recorded. The deaths were not alone from the earthquake and monster ti- dal wave. but hundreds, perhaps thousands more, have died since in unrelieved agony. pinned bust or held fast in the ruins. and many ham star- fast in the ruins, and many Hum mn- valion. 1 The work of rescue is going on still even after 8 dare some being found alive, but the nppallmg fact remains that over 200000 human lives have been snuffed out. Shocks are still be. ‘ing felt and poor puny mun stands _ helpless. The misery has drawn out mercv 1nd money from all nations. and one good wringing from it is that it tends to the solid-why ot the human race. Croup poultlvely stop In a) mluum, with Dr. Moot" Group Beings: One test Alone will surely woven“! truth. No vomiting. no dis- treu. A ale tad planing "tutr-hoe. Bold by KIcFu'hne & Co . R. B. Keeler & Son HAPPY AND PROS. PEROUS NEW YEAR R. B. Beck: & Son Extend Hearty Good Wishes for a [he Earthquake. to all their customers. A terr of the Specials on "Soil Moist re, us Inna-wanna Mid importance" and in llunnvvron Bt The Farmer's S' and Lou" D: . Reid was the other det ate at [minted but owing to “lures it the bt niiy he cru- not attend. Some ther I'vlvgzlle will take part in Mt the 1eeth gs. Miss S. Cuulphell will also ddtoirs the own- ing meetings. Mee ngs'omunnence G 1.3) and 7.N pm. "up, 500 pairs ladies fine rib. 33 red hose, special .. .. C 50 white Bedspreads, worth I so, special.. 79C 5 pieces Crctonne, wrath b IOC and 12yic, sped sl.. Alex. Mommas of me W mm} In]! be held Ill Durha I .. 1d on the ulna date, M :2-' A, will address both mart. p. " lbs Best White Su gar for .... ..... 4 lbs Raisins or 4 1 __ - I k‘ e-.." 5-. .... . . V v 4 lbs Raisins or 4 lbs Currants, best fruit. . 4 bottles best Extract .. oii,'idiii, . i/Gi/ . i Womnly was. head 1mm. i has") pain anywhere on be oomglewly nu pod in 20 min- mm with one ot m. a oop's I'm _ lulu Tum-u. Ask your Doctor or Drugs!” MAIN the tnrmuln. " is printed oathe box-mud it can't hr “cm-red. Try nne dale-ad be oouvlnocd. Box 'me. Sold by Mural-De & Co. M V in each box... 1 bottles Shoe PC tor.... .... .... ... 4 boxes Matches, 'o Hardware Dry Goods __,,,-,,:,-,--,, :wa on: SELLING OUT 33$ Groceries The Most Interesting Dally The "Toronto Daily Star" is strong in special Contact for Women. There are the daily Home Pages-the dailv instalment of 1 good story-the Social and Personal cxt1tunn--the illustrated daily Fashion Hints. But the "vrst..r'tso strongest appeal to the wide-1m woman is the unusually interesting way in which it my the news pfp11 the wqud, pay by day. . There is not a dry line in it-yet it is not muons! or in any way "vellow." Just good, clean. wholesome. well-written accounts of everything that is going on that" worth reading about. Subscribe now and take advantage of our patent we of We - and "rommto Daily Star ' tqetftee In on - " CW Fountain Pen aim! for Me. added to do" about“. - Toronto Daily Star Russell, The Big Store, Durham of the Wlmeu's Insiitme olish Produce Taken i? 1.00 while they last. hurry t .cc. v' " Li 15c / $1.50 A Year o IOC The Prices on this Stock quickly. Get our pm vill "idrew in Dulhun mam vation Hanover on " DI . Reid " Hanover n", Cnmp‘wn 25c 25c 1lie 15c JANUARY q, IO Children" Suits worth 3.00 and up: " ',0 pair Men's Pants in fancy stripes, worth .00. 'el,',?',,", __ A . ..3.... " mm of I!!!“ special............ - m pr Meu's Pants plain 1 48 & fancy, worth 2.35. . IO Mens Suits in single nnd dow. ble breasted styles, ' tttt worth 7.00 to 9.50. . 50 Meu's Suits, all the latest styles in Tweed nod Fency Worsted effects well T $li worth 9.50 to “.00, . 50 Men's Suits, fine Tweed: and Worsted in newest styles, worth from 12.00 to ' w 1400........-... . which should send it out in LOT i-Ladies' and Misses‘ Shoes, worth tron tttb: l 50 to 2.00, special.. LOT 2--Ladies' nod Misses' shoes, worth from 1 a 2.001: ,00 . Lol' I.» -Mitstsetr' and ctsi1drers's Shoes, all sues and Mk prices, special. . . . . . LOT 4--Meu's Shoes in box calf and dongola. worth 1 48 2 50 to 3.00, special . 1.0 l' g-Meds best Shoes in box calf and patent leather, worth " $4, 3 50, 2 a Special at 3 98, 3.15, " Boots & Shoes Have you a piano in your Home? If not whynot one ofour Bcll's? We can give you the best instru- ment and make you the best terms. One sold by an in town last week wal tested by Prof. Konold and pronounced excel. Clothing lent John McQueen ock are “twin! it out prices below buying. Notice to Public. 1, THE REVIEW, DURHAM VOL. XXX1I, 9:3 kieci,,.keJ,ry,' $1.00 to Jan. I 'tytgyexy,ptxyta'h' The H THE DURHA h at "deem in Gan will and THE REVIEW low to Jan. l, mo turn months) for I dunu. T vantage of this mnukthl or see that pe friend or bordoes on. NOW in the The House of guilty Extraordinary. made on M apl Errtraordinner, h oiiliuarv, and: This is ho this Sale see Some prime cry value qu The Store 1 reduce stocks as In That is the omphw prices down and m we mean business, than the crv of ch: Stoc An Extrao We do not n is “T Many lin for quick We wish a a very {Ki-:3}: Reel Come win Our ll so fine, M We sh 'that [ MA on

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