West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Jan 1909, p. 1

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1.48 ham 1.98 1_48 tar " 7.35 " oes ' 1 26 ' 'tii, iii aily 285 1e ham 42. " am no write m 5110““! at J. than 0-3!- Ar 'or The House h'y,eytyhy,yAxx':eiag=tyagafiiitxty=gayggkiiii (i'i?ill 'li4'MtxlXlNegggoag iita=lstigesatxtitiieriiii) C',', X I 53.; January (it Fil Bartraordinarv, because the price reductions are ii made on staple lines of year round usefulness, M as well as on seasonally goods. Fil Extraordinary, because the reductions are extra- li) ordinary, and are made on prices originally low. 'iii,i,i,ii:'.,stock = Taking Ttth REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT, The no”; VOL. XXXII, NO. 2 THE DURHAM REVIEW, ONLY $1.75 $l.00 to Jan. I 1901 I which appear in “in WEEKLY 50ti. The Sun is the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for 5Tb; Sun to lst January, 1910, in combination with To A" 166m in (handgun will and THE REVIEW from now to Jan. I. 1910 (almost 13 month" tor 1 dollar. Talc " vnnuqn of this remaruttu'otrer or are that your friend or neigh- hor does ref-mow is the time. The Store Program for January is to reduce stocks as much as posmble regardless of profit Than is the emphasis of this advertising-- crowding prices down and goods out. You can tell at a glance we “wan business, with something more to bank on than the cry of cheupuess. This is how we go about it '. We do not resort to price juggling to make this Sale seem more than it is. It is great in itself. Scum mi. es are half, some more, some less, but ev- If you keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive I here Is Money in Farming Many lines will be cut in grice An I.i.rtrypt1ijpatcjearing Sale for quick clearance Thursdaz 23rd value quoted is honest, every reduction genuine. We wish all our Customers and Friends a very Happy New Year James Ireland Our Holiday Goods were never so fine, our Prices never so low We shall carry nothing over "that low prices will move Come and see for yourself what we call values. H. H.Mockler MARKET REPORTS in THE WEEKLY SUN. of Quality Sale autumn. if. l i'e,y;sa iiiirseoWrtiitlia g tiiiaiiiiiii8lTdll To-dav. Wedtymday, the Mecca of the Curlers In ergus. where I mam- moth bonspiel is taking pinto. A rink from Durham i1 rumpoaed of John H. lluntrr. J. U. Telford, Wm. Glider. Adam Brown. We hope they wiil conu- hnmetiHvd with glory and their share of Ion lbutgis' prepared tor the tmnqtur', THE GO-AIIEAD Wtttyr.--we were de. lighted to receiye last week from Mrs A. U. Beaton, Slrnthcmm, a superb (‘hrlshmu numher of the Edmonton Bulletin, much olila interesting con- Ientl relating to tho grout nit-st and me makerg of the West. Since our recent. Western ramble, such a num- ber, tinely illuntrnted, is like living it over again. Many thanks, STABLE AttosrstoDArtoN--The Dur- ham Melhodmi church on Monday lent begun operutmno to Adapt their sheds for farmers and when coming to town nnd making a brick slay. It; appears the Open sheds in connection with the Middaugh House were wired up but week and this step has been taken for the henvm of those who can hrlng their feed with them. The manage” ot the Pieuhytmian Church have a similar step under consideration Frotnlfur Alaska comes up reciation for the Ritew. Mr Angus Tlltfd'4 writing on a, December says: Your [ml-Pr indeed glyes very interestin News. there id nothing omitted. f read mls and all. Further, I mrght my I am getting along very well in this t'uuntry mu employed with the Trendwell Hold Mining (Jumpnny and am working in a large stump mill. We have had very good weather the fore parts of the winter with little m- no wow yet. but of cum-u- hare had Iota of "in. Mr Jas. Wilson in one of the most mulling " live stock buyers. both cattle and hugs. On Tuesday last Clerk anlelt weighed for him90hngs. for which was paid to furnwruhr nice little lmn " 81229.40. What with hugs. horse fairs. and horned mule farmer: should feel good times. ALL BY ACcLANA'rioy.-The village of Neuetvit has Axum elected its mun- icipal mPn all by nreltsmmtion. They haven't had an election down there yet. and when The POST enquired of Mr R. W. Walden, the clerk. no to the "mum. he Mid " we're a penceable people. " However it wiil all come in time. Some time ambition wili swell up in several bosom: 'sll at once and then the fur will tir. Joseph Weber in new. and N. U. Clemem. Louis an. Daniel Lippert and Charles Widmeyer are the Cpouncttlors.---Post, An to the truth of the meat storms and 40 to 50 degrees below zero trm. peruture in the Wet we are not puc- pared to yum-h but, our Ontario :wir- tersotar would be hard to Lent and we pay it this cumplimrnt hoping it will ioatrp on behaving so st'etuly. WILL REMAIN IN Cmr.-.--Brus. mater C J Nickle of _Chetiley who was rucemly appointed the Judgehip of Else: Co, took a trip to Windsor lately to look over " new situation. hutdw-ided It wmm'tu to Uheslry. He will rennun there 'nll%G', he sac- ritices a $3000 pvr your position. SAW Loos WANrrtD.--Pine, H em lock. Spruce. Balsam, Cedar. To be delivered at. Smith’s Foundry m which good prices will be paid. c, SMITH &Soxs. Tutu & Poms wayrr,D.-Hemtock, Cedar. Cherry, Elm. Apply to JNo. N. Muttooctr, Middaugh Block. We invite th Indie: from the wr- rounding country call and bee the unexcelled bargains Millinery when in town on Fair Day, nunry 19. 1909. 3 DICK The Aunlul Meeting of he Share- holders of the National Portland Ce, ment Co., wall beheld on the fourth Wednesday of February. In Toronto. Shareholders will be notified of place and hour. Maa.trtt A MiNItrrtrtt?--H, mil he it the wishes of a large number of prom- inent. citizens in Grey. Bruce and other counties around are ttratitied, A ptt- ition to thr Wilfrid Lutrier is in cir- culation asking him in the event at a vacancy in the Ontario representa- tion in the Cabinet to appoint thereto --the versatile member for South Grey. No more aceeptaulean appoint- ment could he made to o very large area of the Province. He is clean to Me and habits. clever and clear " a speaker and delnter. energetie and thorough in all he undertakes. He h ll already in several instances been in strength to the government, and hid |-Ivicee and influtmcett as a mbuster would he for the good of all tinned: sud thin Province in particular. We no okoeping " mum" till a contem- p may let the cat out ot the bug. GOOD Gamma Sim NT.-Wtuttett at once. Appl: to Mrs.' . If, Morlock. Don't forget Durham Horse Pair on Tuesday next, 19ch " my. Whoopi ough emedy at Mac. o,'lei.ettsrsuhregt Try it. .A. T. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar Huge Licenses, Durham. Ont,. THE STANDARD BANK EatNiGed 1873 is a Bank of age and strength. It has a re of M years of sound and successful business, in resources and banking experience. $353313: Baum. In xcwuxxca - ."--H -. We invite you to join the large number of prudent. successful people who have found banking relations with it both agreeable and prrditatths _ - ., _-___-- --. ...... am... it Wu: "B'"'""" - ,-...., - If you have not yet begun to save your spore damn make a start_to-da_y by. depositing One Dollar crumb DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY 14, 1909. DURHAM BRANCH ’0... -. ”M we: and: Ar Wu. OF CANADA strength. I _has_ a trv,ttild, it A Fun: EN'mertrAtNir.-TIte Presbyterian Sunday School was greeted with a full hall last Friday night, ,'"/,'p,tt"d chiefly of pin ents and friends of l e schnlurs. on the occasion " their annual concert. From first to last. the audience were kept inter- ested by the olden lime costumes and pleasing choruses. duetts and charact- er solos. rendered by the acholnrs. and some of the elders. Per-ham the host taking feature of the evening was the dance of the Brownies pvrformed by several little boys. while the fairies with their wands. was ADO her well liked number. Of course the whole cantata ted on to the wonderful Santa Claus. who was huiled with delight, while John Bull and Jnck Frost came i I for second honors. The accompan- ist. Mrs R. McFarlane, did her duties In unsatisfactory manner. A vote of thanks was named to all the helper. NH?) aided m "rakinttthe annual en- tertainment a success. SLOW SOUTH 1stte.--Mr A. B. Mc- Donald, of Btrathmore, Alta, in M- ruining for the Review has some racy observation: which are worth noting. -" We look forward each wee} to re. ceiving the Review. " there in so much of the South GreK new. to in- tel-est us. and it was " Iy gratltving to see that our constituents were so sensible u to elect Mr H. H. Miller to: the next four yea". We were in Calgary the night of the election. hearing the returne. and while we twere delighted with the result of the election all over the country no a ; whole, we had the fact proved Without ‘n. doubt that the people of South Grey were the slowest in the Dominion. as their returns were the last to come in. We are having excellent weather in the West just pow, _vety little _enow.- The an uni meeting of the South Grey Atrri lturnl Society will be held in the To Hall Durham on Wed. neadny, " 20 h, " 1 o'clock D. m. for the elect in of unicorn and general business of t county, All parties Interested are madly requested to attend. A di or’l meeting will he rtimid at 10 o’clock A. m. at the sum ate, Gun. Brsrmr, Pres. U. 1rmrm Secy NoTrce.--At1 outs ding recounts of Alex Ruaull‘u mm be settled be. tore January 20th next. or they will be pincod in other hand: r collection AL Rvsau. Shocks of earthquake have taken place on the Paella coast in Wishing- ton and British Columllin. windows, roofs and water pip" being bl oken. Sucrnment of the Lord'u Supper ml! be administered in the Durham Prev bylerinn Church on Sunday. 24th Jan. uary: Preparatory Berries, on Friday plenous. CHASING THE Ptrtar.-Durhttm Hoe. key Club ll chasing the puck to some Advantage this year having already beaten in two opponents once. Hum- over in Durham, the other Mlldmny. In Mildmay. ll [hex keep up this winning slrenk tomig t, Wednesday, in Hanover, it will give them a lead not easily overtaken. The score in Mildmay Wu 7 to 6 in Durham's favor During the onth trt Jnnuuy we will “in 3 big r ction on Dry Gond- Clothing, Boots & on. Rubbers. &c. C. L, GRANT. PRoatr.--Ptx our taxes at once and save coatl._ - ___ Mac-Fuhno'n an decided to chu- out their stock unnamed Jewel- lery It. lull price'. Every urticle is marked in pluiq Bttttrts, but plenty ot good ice and lots of skating. The Irrigation Scheme has been t a means of bringing in A large numher of settlers to Alberta this season. and numerous town are spring- ing up all along the C. P. R. where a {on or two ago there was nothing to e seen but barren prairie. Wishing the Editor and hiunumec- 2 Grn‘n bones " con It Mad?"- 1ane'e, aho umber of teeorda. on: rude: New Year. TRISH}. Yours tyuh [iGi.cirroiireios" and happy ad h, thJAcmsom i, and is strong urs an”. A. B, CUONALD, SIM 1tgittt). Reeve Saunders introduced the re- duclion of the consmllle'n salary. for the'reason that the duties were now light, the town being quiet and well- behaved. This View mu concurred in by ma or and others and tha- reduction carriecfon adiviuiun. We nrejusutivd in cuncludingthis is a trihute to Local Option, Without saying that we are in favor of the reduction. The result of the hy-luws mu that c, Elvidge was appointed Asseuur at 875(1). two membeu of council “Jinn torJotsn H, Hose; Jun. L'atautt WM n- appointed Uonslnble. at reduced salary ot 875.001he council _dividing on him and Jan. A. Leuuhnn by 4 to 3; Wut Johnston, Sr.. was appointed collector ol.overdue 1908 tnxe, at a commission of'd percent; Jun. Davidson was ap- pointed Town Hall caretaker Without opposition, at old ml” of 38MB; N. McIntosh and 11. It. [{och were up- b",'.,"),") auditors at $10.11) each; U. right. culelnker of whom, was up- pointed lrunnt ofticer at a salary ot $5M). Dr Hutton is Medical Health otBeer, Ind Jan. Carson, Health In specmr fur 19W. Mnyor Latch"! opened a. prucucul Addteu by trontrrausutitttt bl. col. lenguee on the coutiaenee ot the town Which had reeulted in their being re- turned to repreeent it at the courted board. Hui tirtrt word to than wnu that he had no with that. there should be e one-tuna cJunctl t he wanted thetr contidenee and would give them his freely. That buetneeo might be ex- pedited he urged that committee te- ports, especially those of the Ftuauee Committee, should he reudy at 8 o’clock. properly .. o. KU," ununlfnt account: being presented to whole council. Appltcntwnl for grunt: would he considered only on recouttrtetMutiott of Finance Uumuuttee, He wanted to make it plain that the Culldlllou of the town demanded that we guard Well our linemen. they had to start thh much [on money than lent yen. He expected hll luhurs u preetmng omcer would be light. no he hoped lulu ot order would be strictly attuned, and u they all recognlzut the hand of (ind in human "thurts, he had invited the clergy ot the town to be present and asked one of them to open this titat meeting with prayer for Divine gum- End's Newton, Jamieson and Falquhursun Were present and um "ttertrcut the plnrtortu-couucil and Citizens "atnding-- in upproprlnle pet " uom asked God’s blasting and guid- ance on the council, and on [but dehpemtious for the good of the town. The accounts below wete then pau- ed to the Finance committee and checks ordered to be issued. An ac- count from solicitor King-ton was not taken up as it would requile consider. able looking into. and some other accounts that might prove conten- tio us, were also left with Finance committee, There was also enquiries About. the Woodstock industry. but they could not be proceeded wi.h till Messrs Calder and Unlton had been heard from. The hy-lawn for the yanuus town otticiaU were theme read a first time 5nd accepted an read . wound tune, and [mated to Com. of tlte whole. Reeve Saunders in the Chain. FrNANctr-S. P. Saunders, (chairman ) A. Robertson, T. R. Whelan. BOARD OF Woams--T, R. Whclan, ‘chairmam T. C. Morton, A. Mc. "achlan. FIRE AND Lmtrr--R. Cochrane, (chair. man) E. Kress, A. Robertson, PRomett'rY--S. P. Saunders, (chairman) T. C. Morton, R. Cochrane Prusrmo-A. McLachlan, (chairman) T. R. Whelan, S. P. Saunders. CHARITY-Wm. Laidlaw, (Chairman) S. P. Saunders, R. Cochrane. BOARD tttr HEALTH-\Vm. Laidlaw, SChairman) A. C. Wolfe, R. Aljoe r., A. Catton. Conn or RtrvurtoN---Wm. Laidlaw, (Chairman) A. McLachlan, T. H. Whelan, S. P. Saunders, E. Kress. Monday evening last Unrhnm'l new council Ind their ttrut bmunes. Session 5nd uquitled themselves well. Esther m the «whey had met and taken the t'll'l"'l'"Ji', declanuom and up- pointed a d urihuLiou committee to “like the standing committees for than“. _ Th9 remit. is given below. First looting opened with PrtVttr-Btu. lnels awaited. Councll mourned " 10 p m nuns otllces med. Durham Town Council COUNCILS FOR 1879. Dunn“: Mayor-U. J. Middaugh. Reeve - G McKecbnie. U'ottneillorst-R. Horn tt Bull, J. H. Brown, H. Rose, N. M c Intrre, B. Storey. R, Muanrlnno, W Audenon. J. Burnett. BENTINCK Reeve-D McNichol. In D-p. Reeve -w. Laldlaw, 2nd Dep. Reeve-John MeOnihun, Uoune0lors--rruwtt, H Willis. Reeve-Jas Mal-dork. Dep Reeve-- D McCornmck. C'outteiuors-- W Law- rence, N D McKenzie. -- Uxult1eld, . PROTON Reeve-l. Middleton. Dep, Reeve-. S F Fleming. Councillor: -J Agnew, J Abbott, Robt Muck. Gamma Reeve-. P. Meme. Dep. R--T'. Davis. tJounemora.--Patrkk Neil, John MGMIUIIJ. N Dunsmore. _ NORMANHY Reeve-kettle. lat Dep.--Geo, Schenk. 2nd Dep.--H. Meal-hon. Councillors-John Blythe. A O'Fu rel! 30 Years Ago. From DURHAI‘ REVIEW, Jan.1879.) SAW MILL mmNRD.-Between 12 And] o'clock hut Saturdny morning. Yeovil - mill was destroyed by the. We have not heard patticulsn but the 1099 til1hutttenetlr. on the propri- éarlvir ty.' Hanna. iho may both-e- build. The country around also will halo-en in tho want. of the conveni. Town Committees ‘VIV I HHIU 'qTqEor'uoLts TORONTO Eonnmox'r Mr Wm. Black. the energetic 80cm- tary, in In eortttuutiieatiort with buyers attain, new men are expected on this occasion in Addition to some who were here before. and we hope the enter. prise and the. effort being made will result in increased ulu at profltable prices. All horses should tie in con. dition and through! in well smeared. The following books wen placed on the Library shelves a few months ago: i09K--Lart Chance 170K-hiaater Hummer 171K-Prinee" Pane. 17'gts'-ahe Younger Bet 173K -rtts, Renders INK--Ttte Mystic: 176K-ahe nght Riders 176k--The Port of Mining Men 177K-uarsisom, Finish 178K -l:iouse of 1000 Unndel! l79K---A Walling Urntlemun 1NK--Tt"s Longest Journey 18iK-Broakemi Ahead 182K-Aiice for Short. llrilS--Joseph Vance 18ik-a Pou. of Light WE -l1'tse Rond 'd6tE--0ut of Door, in the Holy Land Writ?-.- inlkl of Borneo Ws5F--tiiamtarde of Public Morality MF-Nutes on Ingersoll tk57h'-aot Trenlure Gare 9ii8K--0ttie Unman- E8,Tri,aytran the Mingo 1lt!1r--young Heroes of Wire and It Jr gti8F--in the Line gum-w Night. In a Bar Room inue'-l'he Outlook for the Avenue Hm _-. --- “w...“ Man 97W--a'tte Other Americans g72F--tlaunusre ot the Silence: 978tf--Picutrem every Child should Know irutr-thn and Society f00A_--Ktugdom of Canada 609B--tftutibus Men MOB-Lute ot Rev. Jno. Wataoc--Un McLaren 1350 IWU-tittakeepeares'. Hamlet. 1if7U--t_ of a Sourdough 96H--iteiw'un and Medlcme 487 a ““94me INK-Sow”: Seedsiu Danny 1"iill.Clf,CMlt','il lih5K --Blavk 1Arrow 18Ntf--Biyrchdy of the Guides 90lF---Weter Wonders 1lujlt/-Upsiising of the Many 'rtt'--hvinuitlk Out 1ltkW-1ulet, of an Ea ineer ae.!?,Hyrirsr {spa Fog: of Inland There are pomtulitiea in the bone industry that this district bu so In failed to reach and after a few hi". and interview. between buyer. and seller. a knowledge of Whlt ls wanted will he secured and farmers sud breed. er. cm intelligwnuy begin to enter to a protitolt, market. 'too-Progress m Aiironomy wU-GeUlUKiL ul Sketches A. H, Jackson has . numberof houses and yacunt lots in Durham for sale. The Annual eating of the Grey 599 .Breee! Nutyy fire Inluunce Co. will be held in Mill _ Hall, Humour. on Sunrdny [he an: Jununry iW9 at. 2 o'clock in the " n. A By-Law to reduce the nut r of Din-cm" from 15 to 6 will be in oduced It thi, meeting. New books received at the Library ready tor issue Thursday night t I&'iK---aums the Adventure" t86K--Ttu, Soul M Dominic W7K-- Mr Urew's Queer 18Nf-Holy Olden-u !y..o.i,9-.Tue .Prytltete Next Tueodny. .Mnuu-y 19. " the date of the second monthly Home Fair And it in to be hoped tho ttue interest shown in the December fair willgwt only be equalled but. eareeedod in t in. Dated the 7th January ll [also wish to call the an tion of a number of unbacnhen who re over- holding hooks. to return um tonco. Other .uit.swribers are Willing r the very hook you have failed to re m in pro. " lime. 1l0K--1'rutl of (In: Lonesome Pine WK-The Shuttle y35--Pt Man item. Brgdneyl Traders' Bank of Canada If you feed stock lend at lowest rates. We discount sale notes it for you, pay highest rate rf Publish] Weekly' n 01.00 . you. NGGiGG "Sign“ New Books at the Lirrrry" Specialty is the business of Farmers and Drovers Annu‘l Meeting. The Horse Fair liscount. sale nous. If you have money lying idle we takejcare of w pay hitthest “ta and ndd interest 4 times I yen. DUNCA human!" Manager. .._.. no. TICE. Ida-up cum: and Reserve, $6,350,000. Luca over" DURHAM BRANCH t an an mt now no nutter it be only a sun“ one Linguine“ and require money for that {purpose we have it to the Average THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT 0n Hominy lost at his home A few miles east of Durham, the obove gentlemnn posted any aged about " years. Hie mute. the third death in the than“! of late. " mother end brother A err. of Durham, huving died within 3 your. and. some-hut sin- gularly. " about the some hour of the ly. Interment n being deluged till the arrival ot hie brother l' illium from the Weet. Hm brother Jumes Wu home about two week. Mo, and will likely he " the funeral. A wife and four daughters renuun u chief mournvre. Pot some yen-s he has been "tieted Inth rheumatism and 'uttered a great deal with Chlislisn to: titude. In. B. Pvt-mason. Very sown alter the death of her sister. In John Allsn. came the summons to Mrs SMulIsl Patterson of the 20m Con of "remont. We have not lest-nod of the cause of death of this estimable lady, cut " in her use- fulness. leaving hush-ad and tnmiiy to mourn. "tir-We lesrn that she had A stroke of paralysis, and though she regained consciousness the end Came. Great nymrthf is felt for line: Annie C. on Bet e McKenzie of their ongy brother. He mu taken Ill only last Thursday in Puebbi. Colorado, and died on Tuesday. Tuesday morn- ing it mange rune that he w“ very m, later in the day that he was dead the trouble being pneumonin. Though absent for some yum. there in“ been on atNetiomd tiid bond between them, the severance of which mil cults deep grief. The remains are being sent to Durham. MRI. Ono. HEABTWILL. We briefly Announced but. week the death ot the above Indy who died near the old home, Scotch town Glenelg on Saturday. tad January. She had reached the. age of 55 years. bat a sharp Attack of pneumonia carried her 6tt. She hwd pnrpmed vmiting Michigan veutires With her braille:- Donald. bat instead. her journey was to herbal resting plure in [luniliuu beside her husband, who predeceased her some yem ngu. She leaves as anouruern, her brothers Mr N. hrs lulyre. Durham, Unmdd on the humu- stesu. Archie in Mink. Angina in California. Mrs Angus Paterson of Flint, and Minnie of Detroitue “Stern. The ndfnurl. Annual Meeting of Durhnm ’uhlic ihnry will be held on Tuesdnv even . 19th anunry. M. 8p. m. in tho Lib' ry room, A full tstteruhutee of (new " and the )uhlir I inyited. The A unl tale a} used magazines wnllnllo e lace. Jno. A. GRAHAM. 'r. ginuun. Mr Thou, Redford, of Buntinrk. futher-in-Inw of Mn Redford of Dur- ham, died on Munch! u the ripe age 0184. He Will one of the oldest mm In the township and om- of the lessen. ing hum of worthy piotreers Wm King-ton u well-known citiun of Glenclg townshi ' " Kingcwn Heights.“ I. dead. We ll'."' no further Earticulars at. thin uniting, except that e died in hospital, Mr Arch. McEichnIe. of B \znnmn. Ronni“. died 2'prettett-it',re regretted for mnny tine qua “in. at the a“? of 34 yum. He mu A native of Proton, son of the late John Mc. Esehme. Hi. wife survives hnn. also I. brother, John, of Baum". Montana. ind m Ontario, ho molher. (our sisters and two Mothers will mourn, Mrs D. Allen of Durham and Mr: P, McEwheru. Maple Lane, Are vision. The cause of death Wu 5 heart "ec, tion trom which he had unlisted for some time. The Annqu Meeting of the Lodges in Durham district was held on Tues. day last in Durham: and the folluwmg are the others for the coming your 2 Mulch-Wm. lint-grave. Den-Mus- ter--0eo. Aljoe. Ghwuitt--Mobt, Brigham. RecMeer.--ahos Ritchie. mn.aesty.-w. J. Ritchie, Tun". A Wm. Ritchie Br., Dir. of (Jerenmmeu .-Gea. Nettle. A tinnttcUt angle between Dundalk and Dun-hum over the "cutmtott of but summer In trtretstttttened out in fa vor' of Durham Lodge. It bus been decid- ed we understand that no u-luhmtinn will be held here during the coming qtmMnsr. Thelocullodge bsnquetted the del. egnm. about ar in number. and I tttte (uterus! feeling exiued. The Yellow medium: no this week cov- receed up todate. Home In not col-mt. kindly n " In a once. We thank ell who have renewed the past few weeks but there are yet mnny others we wieh to be" from It once. Telln the date to which your outs Icrirdon bu been M. Our moi mum wu thigyeek cog- C. 5mm): a son. Adiou ed Annual Meeting. Burt-1L Publlr Library. District Meeting, L. o. L. Mu. Aux McKnrm. In. Roan-r BILL. __._..-. ----- Obituary Kruger AMAOR, -

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