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Durham Review (1897), 14 Jan 1909, p. 2

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of rnttehliUtittg the Menie'tanie kingdom put-m concern in tlrits. "Mk-ip'ate ' in the earth. were uptized---.u a tin wry busy "a'iott. and Aiteet to haw that they had accepted Chrut .1 their their show running to the fttllent eaode Savior. lie all. tur--While three in in a few wreku. ”an um added to ttro luv-hr Thu relation" between the iron work, of (Mb-Ham in one day. it does not any 'n and mouidols unions and the pm. that thin number can Minimal in on players is moat cordial. which make: nu any. three thunk} Th'm was . dot- outlook tor the m exceedingly brlg'n. At. then- Immediately, at the rlone of tho wrmnn. "A prompt tu'"rptarttre of tue word is tho humming of true mn- vrrwion."-,Rtarke. that rem-ind his word at. \'.)- AOile “gladly" is omitted in the R. Y., ret it is true that those who coup to ' hrint should my» gladly, "Io-joking in the privilege of becoming "vomited to God." Receiving “his word" 'mplle. that they received Jenna Christ as the Mental- and accepted his teaeh. in.» an authoritative; that they were ready to so foeth and obey those taut- im and devote there to the w-ork to mu- tlwntselvo from the condemna- tion pmnnunvnl again-t that wicked and Mo's-Mun nation. “which but! upon it the auilt of "sod crime, and a doom ot modal tientruetiotr." "Man " mm M. t'trwt in I crooked ttenemt'ton and MO kept “night.” Tum-bu". Ill. The lint "rutiar, convert. (n. 0 47). the “ginning at the christian Chureh-Aets 22 22-"; Act. 2: M. l numnuty '" I. Jews Christ is shown w in the )Indiah In. 2123“). Prt"r F, "a" that Jam Ind proved Ilimwif l. u , Cw, Bic-duh luv H.» "sino.lem. His Jun-w that Jam had prosed "5min" t n 1.: the Mani-3| by It: mind". "in Hui.” were all-o "estabttutresi in the tul. i.trtrnt oi rumba-y. 32. [lad God raised up The "owning root of the “uninh- ahip oi Jam was» his "mtrreetiott from the and in harmony with the prophecy oi David (v. 3U. Are witnvawn-quu In! typo-ml to For: and the spawn " varimn than during tho forty (by. "WWI-9n “h -trrertioet nun-l nmminn Ga. Exam-d» The apmtles Were also " new“ oi "h reunion. Having lea-iv rd. Pte. Jam hm! mid tttrnt (In! thr Falls" would ".ttst tbo "My Spirit um". rv, t6. 2B: Aets t, I), and in intmnny In ‘: t6, 20; Jon I. 4), ith that promise lh h t. Vp. what may mm wring. M. "avid no: "" Mun-MM 'tato Inn with hit but". on here eottld not ( u mud away to w ith himself David I. u. I. The Lord Jet LESSON ttt.-,tAtt. IT, ma. In had told thrm t I -mi tbo Holy spiri het, I. 4), and in I "nine Ho bad "poll". ', they m-re than M's: “avid nos-mini not ded inn. tlt.. any is lath". m that v Mild not :pply to ole to the .Ueidalt. id not npply t y to tho xiv-Hi. David laid this rm] Jehovah. Muumh tha Ipmtles Were also " anion. Having lea-iv nl mid tttrnt (In! thr I tbo "My Spirit tJohn t, I), and in htmnny "tr had "ponnJ forth" r \vrro- thou nrvintt and , aqeenderi not l R. V.) uh." It in INaln Said mm " am what. In him-w" Toronto. Jan. 1l.--The big foundries um! I'm-huh" arp inereasing their My roll, in (-0an Hem-P of the rw-Il of orders (or iron :zomL. Managers of "fry im- prrt mt Poneern in the city anticipate a Tory busy "'.Puttt. and "ttret to haye their mam running to the fullest mp“. ity in a few weeks The relatiom between the iron work- ‘n ttnd moulders unions and the em- ployerg it mt cordial. whit}: quake; ttte Rus hot Onion for Iron Good Sign of Good Time. an“ in thw M tit. torthvomins,r ptabl't, mgiun ot' m-w text hanks." lln- Minis. h r oil .1. "The Dominion Government tsi-ly nlu-nml it t"'rc'r"ar.V to adopt a unnthtrl. nuJ-Untario will likely bike the. -um- mink-n." Aw. to what the plunder of the chanson might be, Dr. Pyne mid he can“ "tty nothing at tlre present time. "But in contrasting the Emma}: and Ameriean spellingn.” in“ he, "remem. bor that we are Brithh." hm: mm ttte the Nut church the dimple: would be "only man:- aged. BoiN--Ptrraone. This wu tho “to: din-ion of the Holy Spirit ttAr the preaching oi the gospel, and " than thnt such we»: are to be “posted in the church, and that the ml is fitted to work a rapid and mighty clause in the 1mm. of "tem-B-. “This was an amazing draught oi fishes on the put hi Peter." 42. they eontinued steadfastly-perse- venue? i, the result of a fixed P"er: Prrter Wart definite in hi-i prtaetintr.7tte 43.tear eame--Awe and reverence look the plum‘ oi human philosophy. No frivoltutq mnvor-ation had plum ulnomg tlion, but rather a pious, deem tional ultimat- possessed them. many ~ign~n and wonder: wore done- Not hu. mun P\l)P|’imPnlI, hut divine operationt through men devoted to the serviee ot 42. they rontinuenl .tea9stls--Perse- vert0we is the result of a fixed rurpose. Poter was tic-finite in his punch Mg. The pl-nplv were definite in their decisions. in thr apostle-5' aetrine---ht the doe. trim taught by the apostles, winch they n-I-riw-d of Jam. and preached under ttu. impirulion oi the Holy Spirit. "Any attempt to edify without instruction and doctrine as the basis, is neither in accordance with the example and com- mum] of Jenni. nor with the practice and prineiyles of the npmtles. and is thrreiore Grsvangelira1."-rLsytry and telhtunhilr-The spirit united them in tl.e bonds at put-e. in breaking of Month In token of their love and unity .u the iamily of God, the brethren of mm- Parent. in mayor» Cnited prayer ~trn-ngtlwntd the tie of Christina broth. vrhoml, and kept them baptized into one Spirit. - . . ___ -- l -er---.ro.- FOUNDARIES HIRING MEN olu, in hi, sumo". and 21q .H from Joel 2, 28, 32: Pu. I, I. The words used in ri" wiptnrr are ninety-one, and g words have in them th, aa'pture. tta went perfmne's Inn." Th. iairirit "mum-4h “In-w ttw w ml ot' tlod is . (“hung these Chris 21, lt'rl. but they dh l, u‘ oce.vim r9 lad their lrms toss , were without At'lsat shall m- G. 30). Prtt-r‘s iv. IN). " tlr" "gm to m't-I‘y In Men lint nualvm -in .2.'t TH P given bounti- oly un- rd with know The thirese Irgatinn and the Lega. tium seem to he tasting each other’s tt mm". The L"gutim" are about equal. ly dimkd upon whether recent events hnvo vmlnngorod peare to the oxtent of unifying the eolleetive notion of far- rign Govrrnmenta. The ("many awaits run-hull)“ for furthtr and of the Prince Regent, which may reveal wheth- " hi: course " dtte to persona! reasons n hymen“. Ofiicil of the Cltimse Government haw intimated that inquiries eoneerning Hu- treatment of Yuan Sinai Ki on the iort of the [amnion would be unwel- Pomp. and that, moreover, the Chinese Government in not prepared to revolve 'vprrreetttariost_ trom foreign Govern. mrnu an the subject. Foreign Representatives Told That Inquiries Concerning Treatment Mend Out to Fallen Statesman Would be Unwclcome. RUMOR THAT YUAN SHI KAIE IS IN LEAGUE WITH INSURGENTS. Port Said, Jun. Hc-The 1vartlts'tdpm Crvrgio. NMY .lvruey and Nebraska have armed in‘ro. The Virginia and Louis. iant have prsuteelvd to Beirut. Syria. ('airn. Jun. 7.--Reair Min-ind Wm. l'. Potter, mmvnnmlm- of tlu, fourth division of tin» l'uitnd Same! Atlantic ileet, and " number oi hir, oifiecrs oi tld, diri<iun paid an "file/al rim to tairo tio-day, un-l Wt't'e reeeivvd by tho Klmlivv of Fan)! and Sir b'ldun Goru, the British diplmmuiv agent in Cairo. Spanking fur Admiral Sperry. [Boar Admiral Porlrw pre-trural to tb. khe. cliw Ibo I‘t‘wpwii of l'rNMn-m "INHI‘VP". oar" the “at. In rnpl) the Kin-livo M- guru-rm! hi" gnarl plo’nunri- at "H'Oilllg m- ul'l'ir-z ". . The viuitsu'i Wtt't' olvrtained _rtt The viuiiotw wu'u oivrtttit lulu-hm“ by Sir Fydca (Em-4. n awning they will Iso th" glued-s kltedive at n banquet in tho Pulace. _ U. s. Fleet Officers Having Good Time at Cairo. If mu stated that um is the first conviction for false branding of luttter whieli hm noon made under the not. The man mu finally run down in “mud Yule-y. and alt-cording to the trowtr the fraud Inn lm-n going on for .iu'nr". Tlie tiotirnee was a stubborn one, but the "Home. the Magistrates bvld. WM clvarly prawn and a stiff fine Wits im, poru'd, with Hut-4 "tntmntinp,r to ovvr forty dollars. Sam Duck Sold as Creamery the Ordinary Farm Butter. Rein-mentntive- Cuprou, of Rhode G. lam], expreoed a wish that the same tent might, be applied to members of Cotntres, whereupon Reprewnutiu Prince, of Illinois, suggested that the secret service woald take care of that, an “that ii what the president wants." frratigeville (Imlmtch: Sam Duck, of Grand Valley, was tried at that village lwfnrv Magistrates Richard-on. Tateaml MM Iellaml .xcMerdrty and convivtq-cl and fined for an infraction of the am. 1'0- >pwtiug the ritrwt'vtiotrami scale ot food. "some old colonel had to have I mui on each side of him to also that he stayed on his horse," A! this point Representative Parker, ot New Jersey, was moved to say: "You know we have desoruted forty old tel, lows who arc no ood but who no brok- en down with drfnk, and that will save the government A lot of money." he aim marked St inn. u butter. I “Iwrn M' run-d. I raw. Congress-en Han Son: Pu With Washington. Jan. H.--share eriteion of the u. S. "my and its management in being heard about the eorital. Some of the most pointed remarks have been publinhed in the official record of the testimony taken before the home com- mittee nn militnrv affairs in connection with the army appropriation bill. It de- veloped that $10,400 had been expanded for mileage in connection with the home. manship tests ordered by the president. This money. it was “Plum-d. wardin- hurued in order to assemble the officers on what In deemed a proper course, such as at Port Ethan Allen, in Ver- mont, and Fort Myer in Virginia. U "That $10,000 in a useless expense," declared Representative Anthony of Kato sas. “Those (eats could just as well be taken at the pods where the officers are stationed." Chairman Hull. of Iowa, came to the rim-no with a remark that produced laughter. He suggested it would be well to have the officers ride in schools with ,0ttte one to watch them 14 he under- Mood that at the last ride at Port Myer, WMMI-toliup _ Duck .whrnw. "Yes or riding around a tair ground." angst-ital iteprerentative Maiden, of Tum-i. FRAUD Ill BUTTER. VISITS KHEDIVE. A REVOLUTION. HELD HIM 0N. I had. it was said. a get-riehNuiek a No "at quantities of ordinary which he branded as "rettmer.T; t mevut'tul u supply of wrappers so I. “Ilh'll lw muptrlied to iarmerd and " driving trade wad 11mm. The Inn-lb" fuuml its way to Toronto, wine ot' it was owntuzllly eonti.ss, hul the hralmlur WIN hard to lo. the ll. s. Amy. untrrminml at 'mr-l, and this " 'rgttei, oi the in tho Ahdin Berlin. a-ln. H.--IMvid Jayne Hill, the United States unbuudor, paid into the Zehnndlang Bank today Andrew Camo. gie’a gift of 812S,000 to the Koch Inti- tnte for tuberculosis research. Mr. Hill also tsommunicated totthe president, Mr. Carnegio's cordial wknowlodpnent of the gratification he felt on being elect» ed an honorable member, and his good wishes for the mucosa of so bimeticient a work. Carnegie Gives ties," to Help lk. Koch in His Work. COVE!" Wiudmor, .lnn. Il.~~l"rwl MHIIn-nnivk. of St. .luhn's, mun, vi-iting his hruthvr in Hurting”. Ito., nurrumly amped elee. [rm-Illiutl v,hile "xuruining a burst water pip" yesterday. (urryiu;r an olvctriv mil lump in his hand. Meuhennick step- ped into a puddle oi water on tho eel. lar floor, thus completing tlve circuit. Inctantly " hotly became rigid as stone and he was trowerleo to move a mmele or pry out. Ile stand for nearly half an hour in this pmitiml while all th" time the electricity canned through " body. Finally. lacing oonseioutstterru, he fell to the ground. The lamp was torn from his hand and the circuit dim-on- nected. His hands were terribly burned, but the uhork to his system is the moat serious remit. Duetors may he will re- Quebtc Man Nearly Electrocuted by a Dangerous Combination. Wimlsur, Jun St. John's. 'lo Hustingu. MO, trocution u hile pipe yesterday mil lump in hi, ped into a pol lar floor, thus Donaldwm In": 1huivhill for Fullerton, llu- f.utln-~t point north in Canada in, lnthitu! hy white men. to nun-ct lnqwclnr Peliicr. "otlt partie were to ra-turn to Lluirtrhill by Srptn-unlwr 1-1, but an 3-4 have not shown up. N-I‘gl. Dulmlulmn was in Plunge of n ,t.ruttul of four. 1'orpotvl llvever, and ite L-rprvh-r and two Ksquiruus. They trav. "hul in one of the .-!nnll eoait Meatttetu, {mm Hott Clmrehill, and it is tlmnghl Hml this ve,iel may have mqmizml in Hm "who" Bay. A party wzu ~t-nt mu hum For! (hurvhill on hovemluu. 22ml Ity Major 1ltrosly In ~.";Il'rll for the mioi. in; nu-n.m:¢l will go north to Fullerton. "llmlmll Hay id almos open." will Mr. Murirr. when u-levd nlmul navigation on llu- My. At ('lnlrr'lill the ice left an July hula. and it frozy nwr again on .Noxentlusr lhlll. The “INF?“ May -:o.um-r Prlivan mu at Flinn-hill in Aug. n-l. In July it mu t'uul up at York Fain tory for luvlw days on 1200mm! of iee in llu- "mull: of the river. The nnlv plum- where <eviou,, tmubln would he oi. val-.nlnwl would he at the Strain. where the in- Mark: up. but there ii will to ln- an 'ietl ehannel through this. I 1elorm, who llllH} been working al [wit (hm-chill, fur some muntlu, the latter two being ulgagrd in haying out " toum,ite them under the direction of Iin- Dominion Government, arrived in Winnipeg this manning after all sn'dnmn Hip my dug train. All three Krt't' clothed in tite :qunnnux garb ttt window skim. 'rirv.v" bring the Itttli"g intelligence that two patrols oi mounted police have been lost in th" \iciuity of Chure'uill and Fuller- MOUNTED MEN SENT OUT FROM FORT CHURCHIL~. Feared That They Have Been Drown. ed in Hudson's Bay- Arrival of Party of Surveyors at Winnipeg by Dog Train. "Count" was not known. Human is nqu pcnnilems, acqurding to " secto- tary, who further Mates that he had lost 800,0oo in recent operulium. nus cant ~Hmmm. his dashing "mu -.---- .2 ' _... . -- Chin the Palm, Alias “Cont" Halon, a Fugitive. Paris Jan. n.-K%nt Louis Hamon, formerly 101an in America and Eu. rope as Cheiro, the Blimid, Ind be- fore that as plain John Warner, is a fugitive from Justice tan-night. and the entire English and American colony is 'ruypstsuthis most mysterious career. liamouvis charged {vim embankment and his sumptuous officers, where be edited a noispapor called "The Ameri- tan Register" and eonducted a bank and other aferprse,i, are bare and empty, scores of cledilors having descended cud seized everything. The mmplainnnts are Mrs. Julia P. Nowell and Mina Jasephipe Pomeroy, formerly of New York, who claim that they sent to Human stocks valued at $500,000 on which Human agreed to raise a loan. They allege that Human neither negotiated the loan nor returned the stock. "union. upon learning that a war- rant wan about to he issued for his arrest, left for London. ms Men-- tary declans that Hamoa's deals had resulted In heavy losses owing to a break In tho market. Everybody talked of the mysteri- nor, his beautiful aparhnoutz, his homes hi»: vast business: ventures, but "union's life before he came to Paris Watt a great mystery. It was known that he had been "Cherro, the palm- M," who, it was suid,'lmd acquin-d a fortune in England y,.'e, America. but how he had acqured the title of or whether it mean- t) clung!- ha the geerrl [-qlioy ot tho Government. - Althnu'gh 'numemm etuue' ttave been assigned for the tmtmnt of Yuma bhi Kai, tte motives uc not yet understood. It now Inputs tint the composition of the central Gow rrx.ment will he permanently changed. judging from the Rogelt's selection of friends and advi-‘ern. Prince Filing. PIT- uiilent of the Foreign Board. is: not yet in oridenee. Two of the principal mem- lurn' of thv Grand Council Irv out, lon- ing Milly three working members. The ro- wnt appointment, to offim- indicati- that tln party ot tu. lit-gent is to Ire mm- powd mainly of Manchu; IT POLICE MISSING. TORONTO BAD MIXTURE. innilw A GOOD ACT. FAKER FLEES. Jan m. ll. ".‘h'rnl'e. ll, and Ii. Morrier, Ivaxe been wurkiug train. All thru- t P. qummux garb ‘l'lw-v bring the that two patrols for Fullerton, in Canada in. "va Inqx-clnr ' to ra-turn to A, but as )vl Morrier, eur " m3. is ghead ot that of . year no. ttttd in who linen. no]: " jewelry and fancy goods, it in reported the do“ was for a hettoe cl.- of M. This is London-Loudon cables fur cattle are steady at It} to H l-2v per pound, drou- ed weight; refrigerator beef " quote at on to {us-Sc pvr pound. Bradstreet: rude Review. Montreal-Trade during the past Week u“ had very much of a holiday nature. Wholesale business is quiet; traveller: ‘are in and retailem are reviewing the results of the holiday business. Report. from nearly all puts of the country confirm ntntements to the effect that the business done was of good volume. The excellent conditlon of country route has lamb helped and collections and re- mittances show further improvement. Travellers ere getting randy to go out again with spring “plea. and the gen- ernl feeling regarding the outlook on confident. Toronto-Wholesale trade here in Ben- eonebly quiet, and most of the hotter have been buy toting stock and prepa- ing for spring business. In My all lines of true there u maidenhle at. iet'ection “pleased with the we, in which the holidey trade ended up. It y nn"; ee Iut the vol-u at WiNNiPFTt WHEAT MARKET Wheat-January ”83-k- hid, $1.03 hill. May ',el.0'21-ti hid. (Int-‘January MG-tle lrid, May to Oats-Januhry 3455-80 bid. St. lawrenm- sugars are quoted as fol- lows.. Granulated, $4.50 Irer ewt., in bar, rels, and No. 1 golden, “JO per out, in Inu'rt-ln. TIN-so pricus are for delivery lterv. Car lots a. Ion, Hay-No. I timothy, #10 to $0450: in ferior, *3 lo tlu. Nlruw- Range in from $7 to $7.50. ac mrding to quality. Pork-Short cut, $22.50 to $23 per bar, rel., tttei, 819 to $19.50. Lard- Strong: tierees, 12140: lulu. 12 HIV; pail-. 122540. Snmkml and dry mltml meats _ Long clear Ila-on. 1034 in ltv. mm and mum; hams, large, l2 l-f.’ to 134-; "mall, 13 le to Ho: harks. I6 to M 1-30: illolll- duh. 10 to 101-20; rolls, 103-4 to lie; In'mukl’auL bacon. 14te to 150; green Inn-ans out of piekle, le less than winked. TORONTO SITIEAR MARKET. Prim»: in ear Into: on track. Toronin, are. -Iio.tversh... ... .......030 035 Chickens, (In-neon]. “L. . . ' 0 12 0-13 Geese, lb. .. .. .. .. ..010 01:! Turkeys. lb... .. .. .... 018 020 Cabbage, pm- down .. .. ..0 30 It 50 Celery, dozen .. .. .. .. can 040 1htious,bar...........tttr, 000 Potatoes, bag.. .. .. .. 0 65 0 75 Apples, barrel.. .. ... . . .2 00 3 50 Feel, hindquarterr, .. .. .. 8 00 9 00 Do., totmiuartrtm.. .. .. 5 00 o 50 Do., clmice, can-aw. . . . . .7 50 8 00 In... medium, caravan. .. 5 00 6 50 Mqun, Pe-' rwt.. ...pr. 6.39 800 Teal, prime. per exrt." .. ..8 GO 10 00 Lamb, per cm. .. .. ....9 W 10 Mt sl L Prim»: at country points: Aluike-- Hum fanny lots, $7.50; No. I, 36.75 to $7: No. p., Mt to £515.25; No. 3, $5.75 to Pt', per bushel. 'l'ir3.oth.v--i'rieenw are from $1.30 to 32.1%; pm nun-MI, m-vurding: In quality. Iled "loser-tcy, to $5.25 per bushel. Fancy lots a little higher. London, Jun. 7.-talcuttn linseed, Jun. 4.G EM per 412 lbs. Dressed hogs are unchanged at $8.50 to 88.75 for. heavy, and " " to $9.25 for light. Wheat, tall. bush.... ..8 0 94 ' 0 00 Do., goose, bush Oats, husk. .. Barley, bush. .. Rye, bush. . .. .. Peas, bush. ... . Hay, per ton ... Straw, per ton .., Dim-sued hogs .. . Butter, dairy ... Receipt: of live stock as reported by the railways for Wednesday and Thur!- day were 136 car lmtdq--t,6N cut-k, 4.187 hugs, L526 slwep and lambs, with 6l calves. _ . . The offmings were modevate to-day, and prices ruled steady. Wheat un- changed, with rules, at 200 Isudteb of full at 94c, and 100 bushels of goose at Mo. Barley sold at 560 for 200 buuhelu of maltin quality. Oats sandy, 200 bushels selling at, 43e per bushel. ‘Hay in fair supply, with seller; of 35 loads at $135 to $13.50 a tou for No. l, and at " to 811 for mixed. Straw nom- inal at $12 to 313 for bundled, and two loads of loora, sold at " in $750. thl tiederui, 800 to" MN) ltm. oteh, at $3.10 to $3.65; bert smokers, 000 to 800 lbs. uu-II. at "to $3.40; mmmon to medium. W2, yr $2.510. Milken and flpringers--There was a fair delivery of milker-x and siirringers. The demand “us a little 1setter, and prim-s ranged from $30 to $00 each. with one extra ohoiee quality row at $70. The Imik m" tire n at mm m 1345 to #50 each. Yral 1'alvv--lteteiptts light, with prim-a firmer, mugging from $23 to $7 par rwl. The weather having become cold caused trade to brighten up. and the offerings, although lune, were all bought up at steady prices. Mote prime cattle would haw found ready sale at prices quoted. Exporters-Exports steers sold at " to $5.50. tho lam r prive being paid for 36 ehoiee steers sail by Corbett do Hall; hulls sold from $3.75 to $4.50, but few got the latter price, the bulk going at Do., crcanu-ry Eggs, new laid "TE-7"" . good. quality of fa It cattle was fail m gnu! 1mtelwrs' sold Ell $4.40 to medium hutclwrs‘. $3.00 to $4.30: mun $3,510 to $3.80: an“, $2.50 to canurrs. 'l.50 to $2.. $4 to $4.25 Butcher»? Prime picked steers and heifers. 1.050 to [.200 "rs., sold at $4.75 to $5. huf wry few at latter prices; a few tsportetui, weighing 1.300 Hm, were mid for butelwrs' m"POM'r' at $5.23 to 35.50. hut not nmnv. in will he Men by wire (wand. bought them» prior-u load! at $6.25 1 au) INS f. to drown -iiuGi "rn/Stas-ers-ite-st feeders, 900 to 1,050 Hui" ugh, at $3.00 t? b4; Show and Lauthr-- Both sheep and Limb" will at highvr quotations as fol. huts.. Emu, $25.50 to $3.75: mum. $2.75 to $3.25 pcr ewt.; lambs, $5.50 to $6.25. Hrqr-- Mr, Harri» quutml prices steady at $6.25 for selects, ted and watered, ulrl Bt', f. o. h. our! at country points BRITISH CATTLE BALI-II) IIA Y OTHER MARKETS. l‘A RIVERS” MARKET, l'IHDVlSlHNS LI v E STOCK SKI-IDS IND 5T1} A W MARKETS 80943000 ..000 091 .043 000 1300 1200 Ma y 40 .T4e on 020,, .030 050 030 040 s 085 000 g ow, 0751 .200 350f 800 900 u 500 tigolf .750 800 500 “of; use 800 L 027 $4.25; July 13 50 13 00 Mil" 072 33 The French chunber is to. te asked shortly to sanction the [mating of some new nickel coins to the value of M,000.000. There will be two new pieces of tive and ten centimea. and these will have 3 hole in the centre. utter the manner of Belgian nickel coins. Tho mum of the new calm Ind their weight. are still under cm. uidmtion. The hole in in. centre will elfectually prevent my confusion with existing silver ooimr.u-Phmt the London (Hobo. "‘Willmr, dear," she "rid to him, "you mull. not eat your jelly with your spoon." "r have to, mother," he replied. "No, dear, you don't have to. Pttl you: jelly on your bread." - “I aid'put 'it on my M. mother,” said Wilbur, "but it wouldn't my there; it's too 'tervous."--The Deiineitor. Noumac'uny. Little Wilbur I'll sting luncheon with his mother. Presently she noticed that he was eating his jelly with In: 'poll., oceupati'on and Ire jGGT, URL; on the fringe of civilization. rabble at the needy, the ndvratruroilGai the desperate which fqllow the 1min of tuhl its own story and I knew it in the flag of Crete. I knew that than was deep signifi- cance in the design of that unknown flag and the position of the four familiar nut-a that flew below it,for theysigttalird to all the World that the Turk had been driven nut, tHI'er to rrlurn: llutOu-ia- tinnily had triumphed over Mohan- ttctlisttt and that thr no“ had indeed retluatd tin: (Torment; that the mnturioa of massacre were now but memorielz that plane in the guin- of foreign lol- ditry had for a time " team found an abiding plane in Crete. and most, signifi- cant of all, that the strange flag with the single Mar would be uphel dif "“va Mtt'V hy the mixhtioat array of hymn-ta and battleships in all C'hrintendotti. Fatwa. which is the amt of govern- ment. is the must picturesanly comm- pulitan spot west ot Suez. It In equidis- tant from the shoot, of Europe, Asia and Africa, it has a mild and equable cli- mate, living is cheap. there in a large garrison of foreign salutary, thore and no extradition treaties in toree and tmuhlo of one kind and another is al-I “my: brewing. tttrCG7"it"Tiia'itit" l’niun Jack and the Trirolor and the M. nAde’s emu of Russia, and the Md, white and green banner of Italy-but the fifth tug, which flew eomowhnt. higher than the others. was of unfamil- iar design; the single blood red square, however, bounded by the Greek CTO" and bearing the gleaming Mar of Milk-hem, told its own story and I knew it In the flag of Crete. The morning breeze caught up their fulda and lwkl them straight out as though for our benrf it, so that we could make them out quite phinly. Four of them wvre old friends that, I had on. ornmteed on all of the seven 'tmgr--tite tan a“... -irit"u'ree-rBttue" In gourd], no "my. up after a stun-on holiday In: on. Vnmver and Futon-et-at bu- ino- bu been quiet during the put week, but excellent reports nre mtg to hand regarding the turn-lover of goods during the week or two before Chrintmu. Hunilton - Business here in now very quiet, but the holiday trade was "tisuetory, both it retail nd at whole: trade. Olden for expected there will be . good north; tnde in winter lines as retailcrl' shelves _ "urlrven'i" this' wa'umiu my mind, my; a. writer in the Travel Migraine, n gun boomed out tmm It.erutttblintt Igu- "6ttGU-anrtua., business In “it good and was generally ahead of that we not heavily stonked. Collection! fair to good linda-The holiday trade there well and of Int nelson. lint year, Sale of Stock to To the southward, it men clad, snow-cupped mountain.- rising from u turquoise sea, lay Onto, the island of mythology and manure. It was a picture of sunnhiue and animation, of vivid colors and strange hoopla auch as one geldom MMN, except in some gor- 'teytriy Matted eryyie opera. lion and five little halls ran Hagan“: standing in a row uppermnst ramparts and broke five flags. the nttestiott of the sale of the Western Bank Mock to the Standard Bank. There WM oomsiderable diu'umiion It the tttewtintt by several gentlemen re. prenenting Mr. Annilius Jarvis 1nd several other Toronto capitalists, who offered “35 per phone for the Western Bunk stock, but the offer of the Vind- ard Bank of $160 per 'hare was oarried by a stumping majority. Out of 5.550 shurra repremetrted 5.300 were in favdr of the Standard WHEN offer. " Talus That Many to Run Small But Turbulent Crate. (men. Ont.. Jan. ll.-~Mm-h interest was taken in the special meeting of the shareholders of the Western Bank of t'anada, held here tordav, .3” '...yttidt_r Rubies Spread in Pennsylvania Towns Through Kissing. 1'ittslmrg. Pa.. Jan. ll.- " quarantine to hut 100 days has lm-n phteed mar #pringlmru. (‘umu-nulvillv, Memhillv, li-nnkrilhl, Linen-ville and other small Pitt-churn. Pa.. Jan. H.--.' quarantine to but 100 days has been placed mar hpringlmru. Comwautvilie, wMeadsiile, Brnokvillv. Linesville and other mull (mum in ('rawiurd and adjoining mun- tioa Ireeatttye of the prevalence of hydro- pholria in the weMertt part of the state :nul the prewnco of (lugs main! to he at'. i'ceted with minim. ”up are bring uhot on the stmts an [My alt. um. and ou-ry prmwutiuu u being taken by the “midi-uh of the rvmnmnity to prrwnt. tlie diam-o from sl-rvgdihu more than it already has. "no death Inn already (manned. -nnd the little I‘m-tour Institute at l‘ittshurg in overcrowded with xixteen dangerous pa- tients. and nlmut twenty are waiting to come in. More than one hundred permms in the Joy" infected eonuties have been bitten in the but ten Jays, and more than five Itundrrul does in three culmties' have been killed. It is aid that "may persons are tevelopiug rubies through Inning Riva-d thl' who was affected. Role in New French can WESTERN BANK. too BITTEN BY MAD by a [menu Majority. UN DER TWO FLAGS. we in the guise of foreign lol- rl for n time at iat- found an plate in Crete. and moat signifi- all, that the atrium- flag with Lau. collections m tsp" fire a the out into of “a of at; omw of the schooner Al In“, low It lnuiulaurg, N. hi, wm drowned Mt the timing huh. "ch11. I ion you with my whole hum "Rodney. " ll Ill-slenuflc. as u-u 'str, Mllr. to loan the an ot “(onion in In ' ". but! " MI I muecuI-r 'trtidu h m DUI-“ll " (in rue of MWULH all.“ - our-cum . Imam.- to huh “so We. any mums, an“ J ll were or it." W's only “our to that was In rm» hee - " " brunt. . “v. on." do my by way of Mount!" not. - “I! dletlttrtV tqet Us Inf-H tatm u the an of ulnar,“ turn.» a H. ...‘ usus, "" overcoat in the next loam, his Mon-hm in the third. and, continuing, arrived at the bedside in ordinny indoor cumin-u Me an down liter walking every few yards, sud every eight steps in going up- suils. From the [nation's relatives and every one else in the house he required sluolute silence until In spoke to them. when his questions had to be nnnwvrr-l by "Yea" or "No," and nothing moron -e From the London Standard. mus mod in Mosmw and left nwr 122‘“. ttoo, was noted tor his mimic ms‘lhnvlm When puma-oiled to attend Cur Alexa" der III. in his last “luau, Dr. anmm requi'ed the “In preparation for hi. vUit to the palace u to any of his I...- tients' honing. That is to say, all d..,-v4 had to be kept out of the Wu]. atl clock "'oppert and every door thrown wide, open. He Icit hi: fun in the hall, his overcoat in the and tom, hi: (do-Inn in the. thh..t nut. --se_, . ’ The {unwa- 1 has died in Mo: 000, was noted When pummon: ....... " Pal; ox mm norm m a pl‘oprxl) lulu-cod carriage with a nutficiency ot spring: were 'rhotiy misleading. if moi” "sio.sable.--mom the London Maudasd In. order pronrly to ttndcmtand 5mm of the conditibm of run! life in Run" it in account, to tune! in the simpl- _ manner of the native; our implmiua' or the am mad when we returned hr kind a pair of fine harm in a pmme balanced carriage with n nutrient-y " sprinp were also": mule-ding if nu.“ The “my now lay over “ha! aru- lol'; "though Vi“: "' roads. These, tt.t' r'., ply I traet crumb” Earth bond on one, anemia" on both midr- by rough ditch. and only cum-wint- damn " (intcd from the surrounding arable L. by the surf-cc being out up by Mum instead of tslow-tiii the Russ-inn pl, hurdly can . deeper (arrow in H ttle than wheeled traffic on such The high road to Run was iu a a of up. and down like an nu! "twitehuck," yet the “jnmshik” tu' er) never once allowed his hone. to the last of I declivity to carry tl up the next rise, but kept th, y study up hill or down, a negulcx r of one vent in fire minutes. Wr in, ed several (inn on giving thc p but“; . few yarde an a walk, hm Int had to “alliance in the "mum the mil-try. with the mule 11m Bun it mum! brftet. to take an”! team {or the remniniug (on: m across country. It! '- Far Away Eula-1| Ire, Rim Here in Toronto. Speed Proportion.“ to Price Paid- "Through Villm" Roads. The Raisin popular idea of mm“; llama is to " them along mm 9?“. mile without a moment's Maxim: men. The speed is proportionate. um. in limits, to the price paid, but 11,-- horse. Ire never " any speed “Um-”l to Men. Under the had at "Deaconl-nr. w the Christian Guardian oi ugh t tell- of the condition of Tthat 11... room danconvpues call “mum of anti-u “games? _ Hero is lle- .1 A.."-""' nun-urn uru' " ttit. (dun: I. The mother of this family ot mg.“ child!“ is a brave wanna. For lImnHI._ indeed, for nearly a year, they huh- In ed OI nothing but oatmeal; not alior. have they land engmgy of that. 2. Here II we enter the hhtirk Tit. greeted by six children. The um... only thirteen years old and thr, 1 nine months. All are dirty, 111';pr cold. Ive Jtytaite, "Where is 1.qu last lull-er the four oldest chihlron spent two. weeks at Whitby. n M. such a relief to the mother to Inn.- th,, burden of feeding four hungry lllulllh~ removed for even two weeks. After their visit to our fresh air humm. thu Picture I'll taken. Some of the cloth mg was borrowed for the momw There are six in the family mm, H..- baby in about two month. old. The intone“ met the mum...» on.- dny with the hwy in her nun n. tlu, middle of the afternoon, Borne mm. trom home and nlmoat hinting with Lung..l “(I fatigue. She hid left honn- an 1'1} ill the morning to walk downtown In H... (notary who". her husband wan mum.” ed, hoping to eollrrt two (lanr. Hunt was due him. She fail"! in My t'lHrt1 1nd Wu walking back all those mu." to her hone whom live hungry mum. waited. We. look around this bare, mm.” shack. Ive [eel the cold Iir mum through every crack in the walk Are "lured more cool and food i, 1.. here than the mother's sunny F'ulr can supply. The children aw 'l clad and suffer from the mid, F need complete mum. before feeling degree of comfort in their dou shack. 7 3.1n the next duck m- enter Mtr' hull children and the father. The tum»: .- Just eottvalesv'atg utter an ntlml. 'd pneumonin. The mother is out 'toilsst; to keep them from starving. An', lu-ru- n we alt up clone to the little Btuvv. w- wonder how a mu in this cumin..." can live, where the Wind at "ver) I.l.. _ sum-pa up thruugh the floor and tlt .u doors Ind windows. Here im ll'n~l fuel, food, clothing! 4. Father, mother and throe c1uilt-n live in this home. Two of the l‘ll‘lllll'll had Outlet. fever, which kept the mum} in quarantine tor nix weeku. ILmn; this time food, fuel and clothing V,r'.rr' supplied by the deacon». "Away iookiair ni work." "Ut mother'!" "She is out washing . ti, The father of this family " of work all summer, but Bum-w securing . position in the autum devoted himself so closely to hi, that he hinted may at his [ms “II "at home by hi. employ, aim-e then bu been under n " are. The noun-r went to work 1 them from starving. She leaves her babe of tin-m» n. " half-put five in tho nfternm-I turning Mlle M. ”van in the n...‘ She works in I knitting faeiory l hours at I stretch. Hoot! after this trouble w“ m “that took ill with tonsilitir. kept him from uork for mail-r weeks. There has just come to this ho other little babe. The father nurse the mother um! kept hm: looked after the children. _ The" family need fuel, food and ing, and will hive to be helped um tetihtgety tp wottk again}. .. COUNTRY DRIVE IN RUSSIA The family i» bully in mm] at An Eccentric Russian Doctor, ARE STARVING Ely-N0! omusmn “an! Rustin: Dr. z-mm} when! but mew-Am the autumn. my to hi, v 't his pun. of (hill “I week Work Ill by rum Tim tir g m and Pded Un. " HI " " In. 00W on." Du", (In: tearing dawn on Saturday night without in. like u mu deruei.w;'. into Faehie ml the mum, h (inn! opus M h H. III! I” he on bee' - new be late , hamper. nm " put his dirty b team. He at NN, Mean: dam!” nukin' I . bonsai: " was In an. tihe " an; “I'm sorry tor 1 "but Mum’n " yonel'. " there the home bmidee "wad-C” "I! “and! will} m "They 'mgetto for cm! pl mm: chlael. In in "n th It MIL. than tht: ' lu- mun IY w. IN l... ttu took MI ‘W M that Mr ll E How " cr " with The Sco ot Sum“ If

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