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Durham Review (1897), 14 Jan 1909, p. 4

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" llil " "V v -- - E5 itiilliGlrQiillfitXlMgtglKiltMilMMlgligtgtFiigtiagtgy"'gron, tl4 t4 H if:Ammmmsssmmmamaxmfi iii Taylor & Co., Dromore ii Brigg us your produce for which we will ray high- est paces. TAYLOR' Makes cne think of their fur coat or caperine. In Mens we have them from $20 to $50. A beauty,. furlined at " and also in Ladies' fur collar with curled lining " $22.50 stock we haveh ad ii 377m- fore your size goes. Prices a. a. T?et'f"ll'liTlrr--sariz-pama--rn In too coldfl'or sl quality dressed No 1 moon IESEASES (iiiiiiiii" We mu NE: BLOOD. sum: '" utua "a w... We wish to thank our many or patronage during the"past year one and all the season's co: A HAPPY NEW YEAR Men's coats we have the best urn I,,.,.,,,.,,, -.. ---= r. - We are clearing the balance of our stock of Overeoats and all odd lines of suits at cost and less than cost. We are showing an extra large range of Men) and Boys Clothing in all the newest styles, They are made from the best of all wool mandala in Tweeds and Worsteds lined with firtst quality of linings. They are tailored in the newest ft shion by expert workmen. 1:103erpr .Taken Alive at NERVOUS pr..ItuTY, St' and PRIVATE Dirod, S. F. MORLOCK Don’t Forget Cull Coupons. A Clean up in Odd Lines Sole Agents for GREAT SHOWING OF en's 8'Boy's Suits shipment, biiirgTist “I runs, many customers for Come and gitViit' ic 8rw to $10. ’rogrcss Brand Clothing customers for their ar and extend to compliments. iiiii' Jil mu snexgmng is very poor; the M high road isnearly bare and some X at"'" north and south are drifted n ' “I The new Council is meeting today g9} Hominy in Hilton's Hotel. I I tty Mr Geo. McLeach came up heref X the time of Mrs Gilks funeral and m has made I visit around some low! M acquaintances since then. 1 Messrs James and John Glemister lil ot Toronto. formerly of this place tdl have been here since Christmas View, N ing wish their Grandmozher and orherfriends. l ti: Mr James Fullerton has moved to! DQDnndnlk. l " Some of our people here attended E'the concert " Dromore last Friday nlgh; and report a good time. E1 The aleighmz in Very poor ; the K....... --- " . _ The new Council is meeting to-dsy Monday in Hilton’s Hotel. Esplin Church has not yet secured s stationary minister, but depends on 'lnday supplies, with no pastor e balanei of the week. Croup positively stopped in 20 minutes. with Dr. snoop'l croup Remedy. One tut Alone will surely wove this truth. No vomiting, no du. u'ess. A safe and pleasing Brrup-60e. Sold by Niel-inane a Co. Knox Normanby Sesaion and wives visited at Amos manae Mt afternoon. for iiy. V-.- - .wwuwu, “In " eu. nesday. Mr John leand. Toronto, is busy painting Mr John Garson’s house. It was with much sorrow We learn. ed of the death of Mrs Patterson last Sunday. Smeare sympnhy is ten {or the sorrowing husband and tam. Mr and Mrs John Rice, Holstein, visited at :he home of John M. Find- lay, Monday of this week. Miss Hattie Watt, who has been in Toronto tho past vear, arrived home tor , two Week's vacation, last Wed. Among the many guests Were a, sleigh load irom Priceville. Mr Will I and Miss Nellie Kinnell, Dundalk, Miss Jean Brown, Miss Grace Reid and Mr Will Johnston Durham, Miss ' Hattie Watt Toronto, a number from Swinton Park, Holstein and Hope. ville, Perhaps we were R little tired the ', next day, but We had a good social nightaud went homo feeling We had I a real good jolly time, , The Foresters are to be congratu- l lated on their successful Rally of l 1909. . t Dromore Branch of Women's In- I stitnte held a very interesting meet-I ing at the home of Mrs John Renton. I“ last Wednesday alterooon. Though h the day was stormy and roads not,a very good, fourteen' ladies were pres- S ent. Miss Mary Taylor gave an ex- cellent lepon ofthe Convention held G in Guelph' in December. It was de- st cided to hold the February meeting th in "Russell Hull. " fo Ar Ian(l_ Mrs John Rice, Holstein. fo l The ladies all looked lovely, some dressed in white, some in light Colors and some in the darker shades, some Wore roses, and some ribbon bows The gentlemen also looked well. Interest was kept up till well on in the morning, even Some ol the older folks slaying. yes and some of the very young talks too. l Mr Alex Richardson, Mr Ainsley McPhail. Mr Troap and Andrew Hay, each took tneirturn as caller (off. Mr Will Kinnelland Mr Robert Isaac took turns on the violins and Mr Geo Haw on the piccolo, and so gaVe the others a chance to J in in the dance. Miss Agnes Itenwiek ac- companied on the organ, as did also Miss Shaun, Miss Jennie Knox, Miss Flu. Watson, Miss Eila Kenton and Mr WillJohnston of Dmham. A little after midnight a secondl lunch was Served. i item me cuuple or excellent recitation. Miss Alma Renwick. one of our young ludicu,‘ in "Daddy'is little Tom Boy Girl, " pleased all present. Miss Blanch Reid gavea splendid recitation which was well received. The Olchestra gave several fine selections, About eight o‘clock the concert program began. Brother Walter Hastie made s very able chairman. The Hupeville String Band aelilaeh. ern’s and Shaun's) supplied the music. Miss Jean Brown ot Durham, who is always Welcomed and very much appreciated in Dromore gave three very pleasing solos. A recitation was given by Mtss 8wi'izer which was enjoyed by all, later on she gaVe la Pantomime. " A young lady dressing tor a ball " which delighted the audience. A couple of songs were very ably rendered by Mr Alex I Richardson of Swwiou Park. Miss Essie Swantun as an eloeatiranst gave': a couple of splendid selections. Miss Swanton, has appeared on the plat. turm in Dromore' before, so all were delighted when she tavored us again this year. Bro. Archie Clark gave a couple at excellent recitations. The weather was fine, roads were just splendid. soabom 211 persons were present. An emeclent com. mittee, having a. list of available places tor teams. men the guests er the door of Russell Hell, and helped stable all the horses in comfortable Electra for the night. "t stainin the all there were two no dressing, rooms one for the ladies, the other, tor the gentlemen. 1 On the eveningo! Friday last the Foresters held their "Belly" in Russell Hell. On neeonnt ot the old hall not being lute they were unable to hold their Rally last winter, so this yenr all the youth ofthe oom- mnnlzy were looking forward to it with longing expectation. having ten- ed the fine new Russell Hall the night of toot' bait boy's At Home, and knew its value. Hopeville. rmunby Session and their ad at Amos manse Monday . . a goon cat, then take Pa e's Dis - we “we , little tired t.h? !sin to an .rt .he digestive games 'l"J1". bat we had a good BOOM] 'ing. There will be no dyspepsia or P,"?, hope feeling we had r belching of Gas or emanation: ofnndi- Ijolly tune. gested food; no feeling liken lump of were are to be congraln- I lead in the stomach or heartburn, Sick their successful Rally of, headache and Dizziness, and your , load will not ferment and poison your Branch of Women's In- I breath with nauseous odors. d a very interesting meet- I .1'ape's Diapepsin costs only 60eemu, Incline of 'Mrs John lienzon. [for a large case at my drug stare _ vs av a Yurnnnn "Ava-Al . - - - Dromore. THE DURHAM REVIEW Absolute relief from all Stomach Alison-v is waiting for you as soon as mu decide to begin taking Diapepsln. Tell your drugglsc that you want Papa's Diapepsiii, because you want to be thoroughly cured of indigestion. When Diapepsin works your stom- ach reiM--gets itself in order, cleans lop-and then you feel like eating when you came to the table, and what you eat will do you go d. I There is nothing else better to take Gas from Stomach and cleanse the stomach and intestines, and besides, one triangule mll digest and prepire for assimilation into the blood all your foul the same as a sound healthy stomach would do it. lor a large case at any drug store here, and will relieve the mostohetirr. ate care of Indigestion and I)ptret Sumac!) in five minutes. mumm‘rnanrovujmgg‘nu; ' trereegttttIforCaats. can“... of Scotch and Scotch-Togped Shun-thorn: 2 auttion, without re- serve, among which are bulls. pure Beote and tysot.ehaloppest, from 10 months to 2 years of we. High-clan herd huders among them. The Fem-Jen are Flam. Magnets, Lad; Janes and others, tracing to Bounty, imp" the whole muting an o ering of highcha- quality. bleeding and thunder. va not Mart nor-today, and for. ever rid yourself ot Stomach trouble and indigestion ? A dieted stomach gets the blues and grumbles. Give it a good cat, len, take Papa's Dispep- uin h. a! m» I... :,_,,_.2_., I _. - . ,-V__. “,...l.'....... v'vulu" The Orangemen of the diateicc are holding a box social in the school Pri- day evening. Will sell at the Markdale Home. Jidarkdale, DR. T. S. SPROULE, M. P., MARKDALE, ONT. 3 Tho Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was dispensed at Barns' Church last Sunday" toa large congregation. Miss May Morton, Willscrolt, was home tor the holidays. A sleigh load of the young people went. to Mr Jno. Melieeliuie'i(, above a "nroaden, as a surprise paer, and spent a most delignuul evening, Mark dale Miss Annie Vessic, nurse at Clifton Springs, is also visiting her parents here, Village of Syringe, are vigil l r Jno. Vessie‘s In the v . ,rv, -...-.v.v.-u, Ill - unruuul drugs, mothers should In "My 11rt,p, demand Dr. Shoop's. ttother remedies Ire o ered, win them No! Be your own Judge '. Sold by Macs Furlune & co. The tender knee ot a harmless lung-healing uloumuinoub shrub, give to Dr. Show? Can‘t] Remedy iu, marvelousi curative proper: a. 2t t tickling, or distressing "tl'e,t quickly yiel to me healing. soothing Act on of this splendid pTserlpuotr-Dr. Simon‘s (rough Remedxy. And it is so safe and good tur children. n we I. Cou. mining no opium, chloroform, or other harmful drugs, mothers should In "My Ilwnxa demand Dr. Simon‘s. ttother l'l‘mullinu “A A ”-M- A_8q Shorthorns by Auction _ The remains MM, Wm. Way, who succumbed to the, ravages of con- sumption at St Michael's Hospital. Toronto, were intcrred in the Runan Catholic cemetery here on Saturday last. Deceased was a warm-hearted arruffensive young man and his many triends in the community regret his premature demise. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was observed in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath last, Rev N. A. \chonald officiating. A number he- came members in fall communion with the church. est Mr and Mrs Batshatvan,otaifton wings. are visiting at, her father's. ',. Inn Tr-tp, Mr Jenn Mortley has been appoint- ed Librarian of Dorwch Presbyterian Sunday School. John possesses Ill the requisites essential to performing well the duties incumbent with such an offiee. Miss Lizzie Smith returned to her home south ot the burg, on Tuesday last, alter a month's pleasant sojourn with friends in Holstein and Mt For- Atter a year's absence in New York State. where he has been visit- mz his brother William, Mr Henry Jo.es returned to spend the winter at his home in Bentinck. Mr B. H. Miller, South Grey's brilliant representative " thtawU, was in the village last week and ltransseted considenhle business in i the reel estate line. Mr Wildam Cameron. of 2t,t'tt N. D., accompanied by his estimn le IiIerartner, in visiting his sitter. Mrs R. . Corlelt and other relatives in the vicinity " present. Will's msny friends are pleased to learn he" Dame Fortune has smiled on him since his settlement in the land where 1 Old Glory waves. . Rocky Saugeen FORTY " FIVE (M) HEAD The weather is extremely inor- able tad the Iloighmg is the name at perfection ; but grim old February is looming lag in the near future and ii it doearit ring its usual maximum quota of (roar and - then-ore can listen " my time tor the dime: of the spring poet. Indigestion is TORONTO -----_.-----. ---- . ----- Dornoch ended forever. an. T. B. 30ml. Auctioneer wommly palm. head pains, in [not any plin mywhcre on be g."'ghftg!,r, 8,',y'p,', in 20 min- utes with one of Dr. 8 cop's Pin Pain Tnbleu. Ask your Doctor or Druggiit about the formula. nu printed on the box-4nd it can't. be uttered. Try one dose and be convinced. Box 25c. Sold by Mml‘ulune I: Co. Misses Grace Henderson and Ile. becca and Bessie Nichol spent Friday evening " Mr A Fulton. Mr D. Robinson has hauled the year's supply oi wood to the school this week. The Annual meeting at the Church on Wednesday atternoun Was not very well attended and some of the reports had to be left over for an- other meeting to be held in the near future. Mr W. Sharp accompanied by his nephew, went to Keppe-l Saturday to visit relatives there tor a few days. Mrs J. Cooper is not so well again. She has been ttunfined to the house with rhueumatisu tor several months now. On Thursday and Fridav the members of the congregation gather- ed to-gether and hauled gravel and sand from A. Park's and Jas. Math- er's. It looks as if the church would go up this summer. A few from this neighborhood at- tended the Ball at Ayton on Monday nightlast. Mrs Bratton of Aberdeen. is visit. ing " present with Mrs Wm Sharp. Mr and Mrs Wm J. Dolby visited lricnds on the 17th Thursday. Mr Austin Derby and Mrs Derby spent the week-end with Mrs A. Green at Lamlash. Mr Wm J. Patterson of Stonewall, Mam. spent last week with his uncle, Mr Win Sharp and tamily and re. newed some old school-day acquaint- nnces. Mr Allister Anderson is amazing Mr T... ll..n|..... l-.. _ a Mr Allister Anderson Mr Jag, Mather for a time. Hampden triends send sincerest 'ongratt1Utions to Mrs --- (Miss Maggie Mather) who is one of the New Year brides. relck) who were married it Kytoh on Jan. 6 and have taken up their residence on the 15th Coneesaidn. Our congratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs Oscar Wiprpeyertbrisa Feigk) who were married at Avmn Mr Tom Barlow is the Gest of Mr, and Mrs. Tom Torry this week. Mr. Alex. McGillivray of Chats. worth, spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs John McGillivray. Miss Mary Brown, -Aua,, visiting her aunt, Jirs. W: this week. Mr. Mack McEachnie of Saskatch.. ewan is at present visiting friends around here. Mack looks well and says the West is the place. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson andlittle daughters, Gladys and Willa visited friends here last week. Mr Jas Brown of the West is over on an extended visit to his brothers, Wm. and Geo. Brown of this place. Mr. Tom Torry spent last week with friends in Markdale. A box of clothing for the "Harry- vietor " Mission ot Toronto is in prep- oration. in training to meet the champion boxer. His trainer says Jack .5 as quick " lightning and has the Meant behind it. Mr Jno. Gray, son of sir, C. Get, has entered the lists of spam and In in trainine to mean an. nh-mnilln Mr Jas. Brown, Owen Bound, has rented the "Rbombo ' turn: from Geo. M. Lemon for three years. Mr Murray and htrilp "spent Sun. day aiternoon with Mr Rudd]. Mean c, T, and G. fr. Lecson drove {0 Mt. Force: Friday. Mr Rom. Igtgg win in Mt Forest on business hundny. Mr Joe. Aldred in oompsny with " sister, Mrs Fleming arrived trom the West Saturday night, giving their friends I plenum Int-prise. Mr and Mm Watson, Glenelg. spent over the weekend with the itttterh mother, Mu H. Bennett. Mr and In Adm: fiii,gr; no Sand” dinner with Mr Bo t. Petti. no“. Mrs J. w. Blythe rammed tram Bttrie Thursday evening. Mal-3d Watson of Durham. lpeac Sunday with her sister Mn R. Petty. Min En Burnett is holidaying with her cough: In. Eu Blythe. I“. Earle Moniker visited over Sandsy nth the Mine- Lauder. ' ha entire herd of "amen“ Tuesday, ' R. B. Keeler & Son Jan. 19.'09 at I p. m. sharp. Mulock Vamey. >wn, Allan Park, is , Jus. Wm. Brown ‘->n R. Bdteeter & Son] (Massey Harris HAPPY AND PROS-l; Mowers & Rakes PEROUS NEW YEAR than " 'teidiTi,Nitii""c Jlut'iv, --- waist“ ‘y it iy, Dr. Sheep’s I’if“:;?i?. Rs,ttstr,iiiii\ri; __ - - -.. uuuupB mstomtlvHE a . popular Pererip.timtcii Alena directdi to them I wank bud wasting nerve 'X'd3tatt. It build." ‘ KIM“:"ML-rural.mannivwhmrthelp. I 3')" I you would 2"aiiicii' , .;s, 12tft , sir,'. n When new Jicriv, H rv-csm tglPc, needed. with l J: L,” a _ ';"" (Minus Dr. Shooo S ' . - --.. uuu I." - M. - wmmumz nerves. This clarly explain: wing. in . medicine. Dr. Choop'l Restorative has in t e past done so much fr. wank tr', f/ltr, Being:i If/hifi, tirat Imam , S9utNtof. u n 2,",yrl,1tytur..%iaT,i [uncut diam. 3: shmp'a PytfyiiiG2'tTtli I populn krrereriptiortcti none din-cm; to than no“ my wanin- mm --‘ - - 7 _.. - an». ____, ..va 'tr-TM amine. or Rent Nam v -shnply needs, and must have. more power. mot. I mum: l more controlling. more 'r?tetttind mug. Tthout that the ear: mun continu- to tull, and the stomach and kidneys Also in" than hm: Tmmlline hen-ca. This tth-rt,. -o_ar, - an " Strength. or mart “when menu KIN lirenmh. or Nerve Pt.titii,icrtiii'i"ii,ir' mom. Pu Mwh'. not one we“ heart in I hundred is In It an”. avlunllf dim. It is Almost than . hiddd tiny lttle nerve that you": is all " In“. This ol some news-tho (hr-due. or Rent Nat-n ~simply needs, 1nd must hue. more power. not. gamma. more controlling. mom mt--.-., m" “mum .. no. at: 3"?"th "I'vvly. u Flt. am H?2£‘.-.,Strength Get your horses re of January. If not i some Stock Food. cough use some Dist itchy use some Louse Poidei. Examine our Bells. Such a: Strings. String l and Open Bells. nun a mum sleigh. Make your in. tant comfortable by buying a Child's Sleigh. We still have one Bob Coaster in stock. We have a great variety ' ing Pans. All good. No i complete without one. Do not take a long driu first securing one of our Fa era, which keeps you as a as you would be sitting in tl, Make your boy him a hand sleigh RA..A - - n _ A Extend Hearty Good Wishes for a Have you Been our Bread B Fvery woman that values hcr should have one. Although we sold a mm stoves and ranges last week , still overstocked and are propa give some great bargains in lines, their Everybody is cordially inviwd :v at tend ull those meetings. Meetings of the Wmm-n's tnstilule mil be held In Durham and know: on the “we date. Nuts ti. (hm-plum wilt address both mevtunga. Mr Anton Grab. Preston, will 'uidt- the afternoon meetings: in Durham on "Soil Moisture, mi Conan-nation snd impruooe"; and in Huuoyeron " The umer'c Wood Lm." Dr. Reid was the other delegate appalled hm owing to mom in the family he can- not nttend. Some other dulewue will take part in all the meetitegs. Misl- ti. Campbell will also udle-‘B 'he even- ing meetings. Meetings to commence at 1.3) and 7.3) p m. 3nd in “renown: Hall, HANOVER. JAN. The maul-r meeting- of the above lnotlmta will beheld in the Town [in]! DURHAM, FRIDAY. JAN. mm. 1900 Gun's Drug Store Little colds when neglected grow to large diseases. We have several good preparations for coughs and colds and sell all the standard remedies we have one preparation especially good for "whoopiug cough which is so prevalent just new Try it. Hardware! DAN EDGE. GEO. BO NIB. President su :remry A LITTLE CHILD WITH A LITTLE COLD SOUTH GREY FARMERS’ lNaTlTUTE. to all '. Black customers ses ready for the t9th fnot in condition use od. If thcy have a ' Distemper Cure. If Louse Kille: or Worm Ir variety of Sleigh as Body Strings, Half _ Gongs, Shaft Gongs That's All I What of it! sold a number of " last week we are and are. prrparcd to you as Ct nfurtable- [ting in the house. happy by buyipg Irariety of Roast our Fr, It Warm Bread Mixe rs a..- itchen is 16:b without health or ttt these ,' C. A, Pratrrtrg, I Recognized i None}, F61.“ --'-.. I.“ W M Cream Senator. Coat Oil lad Machine Oil alway- in stock. and ail kinds of '.uaseryrarrie, implements to: laying and Har. vesting Iago-I. Kaille Gk “ml mum-I. not: cement. No charge if not.h: my; collected All bind. of tittaeteint Whine.“ carefully and quietly uten- drd to. 'Alwuye Prompt. Never Negligent." _"----, If la 130 acres H IIIUVe" (mice ui frame In N;)?~'nllirl ltocudence Property for v1” in Upper Town I the well-known 4mm cottage. All convenience. . wk vanes-red. comfomble and cosy. (fun: from intending pummn pe. ivrd at 1teview OMA- --" The Hanover Comm. elm: 100 acres near Alhm Pare-- splendid Immature. ”Wing “no tum. cheap. 40 acres thm good lund near Allan P,0 k. may Che-up. Money to be Made b y , acres uentlnck - 45 miles from l diH'. (lose to school and Post mm: uich dnnlyumil. Brick house, I.I.ne blink burn. ttteat snap, and my other Good Barnum in Farm ml Town property. "lull want to In, 'trSett go to Miller No ' barge it no husinm done. "-... -- - -- J ANUABY id, Town Residence to Sale. l mu Hue Salt Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Confectionery Pure Spices & Vinegars No. 1 Pumilt and Pare Munito a ttottrrt Flour, "itrttttN ttending to this advertisement aunts and Prnt.. narrow Wow your ta, Jai, gt ay. 3t0tea, MATTHEWS & LATIMER Whiter Tenn " (In H. F, mun, McFadden Lend at lower r hon-ow elsewhere, View Ptti7e.' Deputick “Madman no.“ 01‘s Produce mm-. tec. Feed, Seed & Groceries steaaGG menu to wilhel all " num- erous customers a THERE‘S throughout 1909 l Riaraarr, In!" For than )W'a A; r in (‘0!qu N. n. Valuahl ***$*Q°*°RW¥ " In Clo CHEAP C at low pric ark' __ max? " " r' a" J ki I h “a: '.' - '.. "i EN! 1an Ac) Men's L'la " Table Oil Cloth pm Phutnelette l yd wi, Linoleum 4 yds wi& Men's Working Shi Men's fine Clnunbr, 10 x 4 Flauneiette i We say what All goods t except goo d JANUARY 14, ll, L’uuls Fm MacFarl It] For SI Blue irev l weeds Wt The Bat Stock mo] will be fr a rtl

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