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Durham Review (1897), 14 Jan 1909, p. 5

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"tart late- nuts ‘ure " "rn " in st de w m 'car " , (r MacFarlane & Co. F, X? al + 9r i? is /i?9salfs9s easiys4sqssiisghqsqu6qsiN4sqsiis All goods bought may he returned, if in good condition, except goods cut. MAIL ORDERS carefully filled. Table Oil Cloth per d. . . .... . . . . . Fl:mnelette l yd TI. . . . . . . . . . . Linoleum 4 yds wide. . . . . . . . . . . . . Men’s Working Shirts. . . . . . . . . ... Men's fine Chambn o............ 10 x 4 Flannelotte 'iiiiiiiii: . . . . , In Clothing 'lil CHEAP GOODS to us. We are anxious to sell and it means “DU” Goons at low prices to you. Our stock of Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings, Clothing, Boots & Shoes fresh from the hands of the manufacturer, and we are selling at such prices as . CAN NOT BE UNDERSOLD Nun's Black Beaver Overcoats 53.. .1. '8.t, :41 My}, _ a J, Fiid ‘r 'arm We say what we mean "crs/'r'r'eeirab*sebiirsieiirirseirrttrtio,,GiJi,-,i, l, unis For Sate J AN UAR? 14. 1909 Brown For 15 Days Grey Tweeds . . Blue u " H " The Balance of our Stock of Holiday Goods will be offered at cost. " u " u " Only JOHN Mclsszs. Midnnpore. Alto or to C. Runes, Agent, Durham. The John Mclnnis farm on Gravel Road, two miles west of Prieeville Station on the C. P. M. School. Church and Market convenient. 100 acres, well watered. Dean-ml: loca- tion. For terms ae., apply to Good Farm For Sale. Dry Goods 1 00 85 448 475 850 448 4 7b 700 600 750 498 20 12 l 75 39 we have the celebrated Brands, BROADWAY AND FASHION 11 x 4 1i'lannelleUe Blankets . . . Men's Fine Hats .... . Suit Cases . .... ....t Telescopes . , ' . . , . . Ladies’ Jackets at . . . . . . Men’s Sweater Vests. . . . .. t. Serge suits............... " Fine Serge Suits......,. . .. " Extra Fine Serge Suits. . . . . Boy's Suits in different sizes. . . . . . Men's _Water proof Jackets (wool- lined...-.............'...... We have also common Tweed suits irom2.90to............... 'Wi Mr Renwick bad a very successful *{wood bee last week, but the boys * I failed to finish it up. sil: 1 Oar Bible Class is progressing nlve- 11y. as quite a number attend regular- * ly, Mr Renwick deserves credit for ' " the interest he takcsin it, f First reneion of the L'entiuek Council [for the year 19w, i The above reunion of council was held i“ Lamlnuh on Monday thallui Jen. H909 according to statute. The follow. ing gentlemen viz . J. S. Wilson. were, j.) 1" Dodsworth, don. Reeve. It (lriereon " Wrlson, W G Lunney, councillors and lwho were duly oleetod as such for the _Towuslsip of Bentinek for the your 1909 we: at the above time and plnce and after making and subscribing to the doc- laration of qmutfietttsott and office took their seats at the council board, The ! Reeve in the choir. Minutes of Decom- iii meeting read and massed. Bylaw tNu 1 fol-1900 appointing certain oftitmm Pt the corporation for the current year iwu duly penned viz; Thou. Clark and ‘J W Vickere , auditors, David Greiger member of the Board of Health. Baht. Urierson com for Rd No l, W tl Lunacy for }:1) 2, A, Wilson for No 3 and J, F. Dodsworth fur No 4. The Reeve and cocci-ii oommis~ioners to bare charge t-"brilum, Duncan Campbell clerk. and Wm Irvine, treasurer. The assessors salary for current year was placed at 890. The Reeve and miditcr Vickera were appointed committee on treuurer'al swollen tl Wilron-LtanneT---Tuat the depuly returning offieors at municipal election be Patti H each and no“ clnks two cub l Therein) quuinine, nothing whnever harsh , or sickening in Prevenliun. These little Cnndy I Cold Care Tunic“ Act as by magic. Afew hours t -nnd your threatening Cid in broken. Cindy- , like in tune. I'reventlcs pleue the ettildgett-. inml the, break the fereritihneim, than. And Jean o Bll is the ecomony. A large box-48 Preventictr-25 rents. Ask your druggin. no I knows! Sold by MucFurlance a Co. A couple of weeks ago two young men Irom Hampden were the gum of Mrs Sackett. Hope next time they come it will bonicer weather, as We wouldn't like to see them storm ateyeq attain. Hope the sideroad will not get fill- ed up this winter, or we will hue to get snowshoes. With the past oifiee were at the corner. Mr Angus McDougall has sold some fat cattle " . high price. An- gus must be in possession of the secret of fattening cattle p1 ofitatrly. Mr Sun McMnrdo has moved unto the farm, formerly occupied by Mr Haw, and we welcome hlmiu our midst. our neighborhood to reside with " father in Hope ror a time. We are sorry to lose 1 good neighbor and regret his departure from our midl'. :9: he carries our best wishes with In]. Mr Geo. Haw, who'hu lived here for many yam, hm father being one 19t pP.n.eer? of _Egremonp. has left Christmas and New Yuan are M but the enact- still cling to our memory an old Santn WM ttoodto all and Ham were fiyfntt around the comer in grant style. Sackett’s Corners. Tweed Suits. . " Beatinck Council G. & J. 1hiclltECliiiNliE " ......3.75, 7.48 .-tli.hhll " Hal'f price 1 19 Cut this out and preserve it. Good Rheumatism proscri tions which really relieve are scarce. infeod, and when you need it you want it badly, It is and that. a perscn who wotr'd take this prescription regularly, a dose or two daily, or even Ifewtimesn week, would never have action-1 Kidney or Urinary disorders or Rheumatism. As Rheumatism is not only the most painful and torturous disease. but. dan- gerous to lilo. this simple recipe will no doubt he granny valued by many trttffer. era here at home, who shunll " once prepare the mixture to not this relief. Thin prescription forms the clogged up, inactive kidneys to ttltesr and strain lrem the blood the poisonous waste matter and uric acid, which causes Rheumatism. These harmless ingredient: cm be obtained from our home druggiuta. and are easily mixed by shaking them well in a bottle, Relief is generally felt from the first few dozu. Field Extract Dandelion, can-half ounce; Compound Kargon. one ounce: Compound Syrup tlariramtrtlltt, three ounces. Tu relieve the worst forms of Rheu- mauam. take a ten-poonfnl of the tol. lowing mixture after and: meal and " bedtime '. Ihyywortu--Lunrter--mut this conn- cil adjourn to moot It [null-sh on Mon. day 8th dny at February next It nine o'clock in the forenoon to lproint path. masters. assessor, elc and or general business. Wiluru--t1rttmsou-TUt the clerk re- ceive lenders for printing rf townoln'p buslu9ls up to 8th day of February for tho \ear1909. Griertrott--LtuttMrr-Tut the clerk be instructed to receive upplicntioun for position ot "can“: 1nd nun-nor of township up to noon on 8th day of Pets. ruary next. Wilson-tion-That the retina- tion ot Wm Irvine u "can": be no- copted to take can! " soon " accents are audited and n mace-nor appointed. To Ibo mnnioipnl corpontion ofthe township of Bentinek: Gont'omon. I 1oorebyttrttder my animation " trus- nror of Bentiuck " his “but u loan " account. are Audited and a aucceuor ttppointed,--Wrn Irvine. podorortIrrriumi/rut the wet. of the municipll world lfor election m. tianory to the """""P! 812.20 be plld, mlaon-A1rurson--TUt Ed. Patvi; be refunded " on mum labor not. Dodowonh -Wiuon--Tut rig eopiu of the Municipal World In ordered tor use of the council. Wiuon-a--ah" an order be. drorn on the than": for “.02 dlyin ion court can. Swine: one. Lmtter-Doa"rorth--qhat ”count Durham ChronieU of " for diphthuia cards boplid. Wiuon-t1eieraon--TUt net Nor. mnnby conned for 018.50, talt con ttttl- var: town "no Bontinek and Nortnanbr bo_pnid. ._, __ A __ Wilrptt--Ltmner--rhat J. 8. Wilson be mid " toe planning hunch! lute- mont- Two dollar: cub for each polling place and place of nnmuntiou ad " to H Pram. toe daunting ballot boron. 100 Simple Recige 6 75 7 98 6 00 10 00 12 50 l 60 .99 I. 75 5 oo in Rheumatism. Canned fem..:..--........-....])); Gi; Canned Tomatoes............................7c per can Select Raisins.................................... 5c per lb Canned Peas............ THE DWI REVIEW Lumbermant 1 buckle Rubbers .. . .1.69 Lumberman’s 3 lace Rubbers . . . .2.35 Lumberman's 4 lace Rubbers . . . 2.69 Men's Leather Leggings. . . . . . . .1.” Men’s Rubbers . . . . . . ' . 69c Ladies Rubbers........ ... .... ........ 55c Youths 1 buckle Rubbers....,... ........ 98c Youths' Rubbers. . . . . . . . . .15c Men’s pure buckskin Moccasins. . . .150 Boys: " ......l.25 Yohths Are caused by a scarcity of money, manu- facturers are anxious to sell and this means Lenahan 6Y McIntosh. HEADQUARTERS FOR HARDWARE FURNITURE Lenahan Stoves ik Ranges l & J. Maiiih0llllii and Cutlery of all kinds. McClary's $3123: Carving Sets Razors Scissors Pocket Knives Outlines of Hardware, Oils, etc., are complete. Among our specials you will find ex- tra value in " Agency in Durham for gelclgtated nut muck Lumtrermen'a itiariG' We want to thank all our Customers for their kind putrqnugc during the past year and shall hope to merit a continuance otthis patronage for the year 1909. We take this opportunity of wishing everyone the compliments of the season and a Prosperous and Happy' New' War. " e......................... ac perm (i Att Seasaitlie%7asVorai'r-rri"eG Good Buying means good Selling. ----tte pet can always on hand. Cali, CARD 0F THANKS Custom work and Repairing as Usual. Groceries TORONTO Footwear GOOD GOODS made in 2 pieces, extra. . . . . . 4 ft, 6 in wide by 6 ft, 3 in long. . . . ”15.00 4 ft wide by 6 ft, 3 in loug...... ....M.00 The Ostermoor Patent Patent Elastic Felt mat- tress, made from the best quality of pure raw cotton covered with the finest quality Sateen Art Tick- ing, is guaranteed never to mat, pack, get hard or lumpy, and to give you a lifetime of satisfaction. Prices as follows : i. Mcllraith Mattresses Good Currttnttr.,.....-"...,",,"""","v P, lbs granplgtgd Sugar 8 bars Comfort Soap; Boys' Rubbers.... ' ...... S9e Men's all felt bals .. . . . . . . . . 1.75 Men's all felt Congress, flexable soles. 1.39 Ladies all felt Congress . . . . . . . . 89e Ladies 1 buckle Overshoes. . . . . . 1.29 Ladies' 3 buckle Overshoes. . . . . . . . I.” Ladies whole Mock working Shoes........ L50 Ladies’ fine Shoes. . . . . . . . . . . ..1,39 to 2.25 Men's Chrome Rip waterproof blueber....3.00 Boys' School Shoes.................... 98tt to 2.25 Misses’ School Shoes....................l.05 to 1.50 clntosh. We mean what For all Oxford Cream Separator Repairs Barrister. Sollcxtor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. __ Money to Loan. p. MoPHAIL-» Burma. Solicitor. Notary Public. Conveyancer. to. money to Loan atolowmst rates. tttee, McIntyre Block over the Sun o dud Bank, Durham, Ontario. Insurance Agent. Money to Lona. Issuer of Marl-Inge Licenses. A gen- eral Itttyiit] business tratttracted." 0ttiee-ptder's Block, ARTHUR B. JACKSON e - _..n.-. ... -., L. ". It HONOR GRADUATE Tomato t.1ptrmit, GM I.“ no (bl Duh] Surgeon Mum In Thd mam. Univmit ' graduate ot Boyd coiiiii, of Dental gnaw”. of Ontario. Room Over J t J UNTER'H 'tr-. Eo..- Licemed Auctioneer for Co. Grey "rang modente. t',nttr'lt'1t tor ulna u go Plltuee myibgm " we Review Of. " mm. ac., must be and: n the Reeivq, or tuse, Durban. at Correspondence add-ed mm. or to Ceylon P.0., will be promptly “tended to, Terms on Ipplloulon to Upjvmitx DEN TALL iiidiridiiiitiiii Bolus; ”pupa 634mm“. of Toronto ‘Muw .rnl-n C 090 - 1t?rlfdtte"lllt8t 'sThhrctllU. WHO“ - 70.00”“ Conan“.- No. " J.)rlTh0N,M.D., c. I or to c. RLIA'GE: bi, - Ceylon bu nelephone once. users are requested to write D. VICKERS, 605 Parliament St TORONTO, ONT. nice, ow -----.v. “V“. a.. U0. MAM. “to on! a.cp. Nomi-'0 It.” IOOIOA.I. Iouu:{ n. H... 'to 01.x. II , D ""'rat',tt'tg 'glllo my ARTHUR GUN. M N Jury Public, Uo"uttitrsioner. WNVEYANCBI, Ae. Danni, iiirTiisiii7Gi,17i . F. GRANT D. D. 8. MEEICAL J . P. TELFORD V . -7..- - vu|-IIU. l J a J tttiiiiiiriii' New at}; D. [OPHAILJ-(Teylon P. O C. RAIAGE. Durban- W. P. DUNN 'er Gordon'l Jewelry Store .....f.f....’..l.00 ....... . .. 25c Bg pgr_ll_) over Poet one. t N ”I GG

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