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Durham Review (1897), 14 Jan 1909, p. 8

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QC '1? ail a: FEE if! Tigr" " a If Felegraphy ji:, muaswu. wan-"r ----" _ _ V mum. my”. m an An. [nu-ml Madam would an! " new um. arar-r' palm. nomin- bob cumummem mrn- hum, .ud mun so". mm " n not! an» pluck! who” “8- u an mall In m - and (gulp-am The ubool I. thoroughly .an pod In was 's,'uliirirt chemo-I And decal“) l'i%8, n d'lIII‘I, can for full Junior Lanna lune umuo- work. The louowlnu coupon! ml an» m churn: “105. ALLAN. Mada]. In Clo-o Contact”. tttttit ; Ink-nee. end. “than.“ 400mm Writtrtg. ----_, __-- - A ' mum. Winter Term opens January qttg Arrange now to attend the an“! was DONALDA nominal“. B. A., on. M cl 'tue"', cgtivegattr. mum-z Lulu. much. Mann. Annuals. wuss at" loot. Guam ot when!” of Education. Intake-2 um. Coup -. -__‘n.. I‘m-JAIL Stcnogrnphy. Telegraphy. and Comma-chi Courses. - Bugmnss COLLEGE British Canadian Bus. College “a .wgnxzxrox o “(-0.000 per .muum In "Gr, um“. You u won as A 4ood openlot In I month: " nu .u Iy m rue "emu! l‘elqnphy School T -.-r srt is. It.. tomato. Thu Imus Schooi an“; Nun tor parltcuhn. I Ar. " SHAW. Pt". T.g.gottNimU, Plin‘ #323 Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewrifttig, Commxcial Haw, Com- mercial correspottdHtce, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, all III-I "All - It " THE PE0PLE'S STORE tr Business College Day and in placing all its trradaat"S Each stud-mt " taught separate- Iy at his own desk. Trial lest-on. h"- one week free. Visitor: welcome. Durham School w. J. M. - a Manda a W|NTER TERM OPENS JANU\RY 4th 2t new at in M BEST BUSINESS TRAIN“). TORONTO. ONT” MT. FOREST my tmslte an Men's Overcoats ml manom- muu-u u... -- -_- “i an. mall with. loudes- boob a anon-bl: um. burn-III In . My mauve will. mm it a not: dumb]. wt residence "Is: at not month I: ma. OR RECT DRESS is easy to ret ognize, Jet C many men inst miss it. S" Too often an ill-fitting Suit or Overcoat is the fault ste A Suit or Overcoat that doesn't fit well, " and is without style, will mar an other. wise perfect attire. We claim to ttt vein stock a line of Suits and Coats that is sure to please anyone. They are made from best materials and are right up-to-date in cut and style, " THE REGENT BRAND” W. T. CLANCY P F' the shoe fat, don't go in your stocking feet. I We sell the IMPERIAL “I, have you tried them ? Perfect in fit and always sty- lish, they are comfortable and easy on the pocket book. YOUR COURSE and Night Classes ir': a: lil carries'.'.-'.--""'..'-"")'" '.tlli'i'8,'ilt,lM,tilll 1tiift " Insoluble prices. sun my time, ROBERT BURNETT ED tWOT r a! Cor, Open D, Oentlemens Footwear Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. stB"d.q or Runnels I1 mum q 99r t may Yonue & moor 8w. nu Baum Mb. undo: " Begun“ l A. Bulk!!!" Sept PEOPLE day without . m- .NrtVry all college. "Minna: to be so he! our cut-lone n. See tor yum- dolng and the ud- Tu -“"' for your- Farm cont ail ‘ng l cps. consist- 1oitrg andthe ttd- It of Lot No. I? in U ss-on num- . ‘, her mm the Tm mahip gremonlq ””13"”, m lthe period of th tenancv run ftom N. I (tttree to five yeasts from the Ist of _____, April, 1909. ----., For further pa rticulnn a Iy to The h In. an: and Toronto Gene"); Trusts Corporation. 'pTght,"g"sitfo1l Administrator ' t he Itt,t of the “I,” mm”. Yo.u. ‘late J. W. J.Ste 'henson, 591 age bl. not m a month: it Toronto. hind”! tnn my other mun! min-m I, Prh'ute m- Ttte "abom- "uh-m ”new: We lnvne col!- t, lumen by All bring Gl'. old "Dbl ih- whool. Win. »ulouue tree. In (‘olleu and and Sitits ‘n-cipa ILLIGI Tomato H Ladies and Gun. men Home accep my h' . for our com-Wm tr . [“4le expreuomn- of I behalf of my olecl n. obligation to yuu t e l I count. " being I Ainu tht of le,'d'h'l'ir'd,l', i t ret m You all a puppy and " I Year, I remmn i Topclitr. Jan 6, Mr Albert Dunsmore. of Hamilton. "9 visitintt at the Greenwood's and other friends Mr T, Green mod rchued a pm:- bred Aberdeen 1'C2',"i'f/ from Wm Ishe of Behring , “In. Mr and Ms Wm Cnmerrn of Dakota, no visiting at Mr Thus gyeenwood'l And other relatives near Ion. The Annual School meeting passed " quietly. Mr W. C. 'Caldwell it trustee and Mr oandels Marshall gm the communal s xpplying school wand, Misses Maud Thom n and Till" Grierson lento: the 'dth City last week. Success girls. Miss [Jamie T 'att and Miss Blanche Reid, of Egremom. visted over the week end at. hit GeorgeiWatt's. MissL. G. F, ' spent New Year's night with Mr and Mrs J. Mekeelr Die in Gleneig. Mr C. A. Am ar is engaged for the winter months with Mr Landuls Marshall. Mill Annie Ieaton, of Strathconn. Alta, visited .riends around Edgt Hill Ian week. Miss Lizzie )rierson retnrned n her home in A ordeen, after spend. hug several mo ilhs with Mrs T. Mo Niece. North=Ezzst Normanby Mr;Waltcr Ferguson ha, beep busy the past week taking out nmhm for a new driving shed whiehthey intend to erect next Inmmcr. Mrs T. MeAllister was the guest at Mrs W. C. Ctsloell Inst Wednetduv. Mr and Mrs Joe Lennox, of Ezru mom. visited Hr and Mrs S. Cald well one day l: st week. To the Electcrs'ot the I hare decideu tc be In the town of Durham on Wes, (lea-day and Sal urdu} of each week du: ing the fall and win. terterm, to arr -.nge_ for sales. Any person or persons wishing to see mi, or the Pnrpou may meet me at J. Mundnck a im'plo arent rooms on those days in then terooon, Sales prompt- ly attended to and price: right. For further particumrs can or write to MIKE KBXNY. Edge Hill, Auctioneer fo: coutstrofGrey. Dunn“. Jun], Fatlwttetst.... ......8 Spring Wheat. ....... onto.......... ....... Flourper cwt. ..... Ontmulporuck.... ftttE'2"'o'iiGi:: Live on per ML. Bide-porn)... . ... SM’IIDI....7..... Durham Markets. Notice to Public. Edge Hill. Cara X Thanks ep my sincere [halib- "Ut "autumn and an- of many more on 'lect l Feelrng my nu t e greater on m- rinu the 2r,'/),'l'i'2,' tret m an wishing 'and roweroua New It‘wnsbip of Glenulg 40to 40 260to325 275to275 125tot60 565m600 70 The many friends of Mill WInneMn Qinvpr, who has bum residing in Bur. full) for the past few yum: with he: 'ttother, will be intereMed tohettr of her nmrrmm- to Mr P. M. Wilson, 'ravolle-r. of New York, which touter, nlme on Friday, Jan, 15lh. M r Jun. Aldred. of Aidred. Sank" i. wound the old home in B. Dentin-"l at pretwnt. II" and his ai-trr Mn Fleming cnme home owing the ill 'ttrt" of their alarm- in Burrie. Mu t',orurtatrle, who has paused away. Mr thired looks well and is making his Way in the Went. t,txruc---vostnE -At the manse. Dur- ham. on Wednesday, Jun. 13th., bv Rev, Wus. Favquhmsun. Wslliato Waller Clark, to Minnie Juckwh Tessie, both of Bentinck. “your Stomach. Heart, or Kidneys ttre wonk, try " least, a few dam ouh of Dr. SIIOOIJ'I MsIImmVe. In five or ten days t"ilpgt.'e'rt1illl, wtll surmise you. A few cents wn cover the cost. And here. is why help come: so quickly. hr. Shoo? doesn’ drug the Stomach. nor stimu- Ute the t mm or Kiuues B. Dr Shuop'l Restor- ullvc tres Idlrrctly I' the weak H9 inning Mr A. H, Jackson want at Walker-mil on Tuesday munding the funeral of n aunt, Mrs Wm Collins. Hvr hm ound, who died manv ypars ago. on me of tho earliest teachers in Duv- ham school A family of eight Iom md daughters survive her. .1..." 5.... ........, w _ w, - nerves Eacitorgtsu hm: its own controlling nerve. Whru these nervvn fail, the depending 0min: must of necessllf taller. This is plulu. yet vital truth clearly te lg why Dr. Rhoop': Restorative Is no unh‘rmlly sueeesutul. In success " lend- ing sirugirishs everywhere to sive it unlvenall prdorcncc. A teht will surely tell. Sold try MacFarlane v co. Eur sale or Exchange. A tine two storey brick dwelling Hume. large brick amides. on Main Six-vet. Durhmu. Will he sold at. a Immuin, and would accept other property as part pay Apply to Going out of Business BORN tNmpmgoN.-In dlenelx. on 6th Janu- ary. to Mr and M rs Adam Anderson a. daughter. “(Guam -[n Glonelg. on 8rd Janu. nry. to Mr and Mrs A. McCuaig,u (hulghler. Suits and Odd Pants, laments Umbrellas, an: and Caps, Shirts. Collars & Ties, Handkerchief; Su- penders. lose and half hose, Under- wear, Sweaters, Oven“: & Smock- Boots and Shoes UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Full line of Catholic Rub” and black and white 0an for aged people. Sunburn!“ I. Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Emma-Next to Swallows Bar. In t three-cornered tfoe the Revamp. Corbett W“ m ttrot In oe. her Shop. -, _ _ L,ny. itptgigl'tfattlgaiht,'rsTllht', , Having decided to give up the Gent's Furnishing Business in Durham my entire amok will be cleared out at cost. price. Fur bargains in Men's and Ba 's and evervthios in the Gent's Par, nishing linethla is your chance and you should take advantage of it. ARTHUR H. JACKSON. Durham. J. B. Rose A BELL m------.-------- MARRIED DURHAM WSW 250 acres on the 1ururtrzrs Road, 200 clear. 50 new. hardwood bush, well mum-ed. first clan buildings. Will be nold chap to wind up eagle. Tennyson and Longfellow could l take a worthless sheet of paper. _ write spoem upon it and make it worth $65,000; that is genius. Rockefeller can write a low words on a sheet of paper and make it worth 5.000.000: that's capital. England can take us gains of gold, stamp upon it 'Kitq Edward VII' and make it worth $5 ; that's money. A mechanic can take ma- terial worth $5 and make it into watchspringe worth $rooo ; thst's skill. A woman can purchase a hat for 75c but prefers one that costs $17; thats foolishtteaa. A ditch-digger works ten hours s ds and handles several tom ot earth for 1.25; that's labor. The printer of this can write a cheque for $90,000, but it wouldn‘t: be worth we ac/es in Benlincx. good land, "gcellent buildings. 16 Acre- hardwood "rely Email payment down. Price 150 more: in Bentinek, "nl good, everythiutt "tape. Price 350m 100 acres in Glenelg. excellent foam. mu- buildings. good Inner. nopleudid arm with A few urea of good timber. Price 84000. Will exchange for Town moperty. r’u,wv, nus H. "van...- " "eve."- a dime ; that's truth. But when n m or we.” - nut-cm: Junta-y or Sher. ware. they gate New; Dum- hun, Ont; an.“ con-on can 100 acres in Proton, near Swinlon Park, fair buildings. good Inn d, well iramed, well waleled and well fenced. July $3000. loo ncrea. The celebrated Aldred "um in Bantinck. land u good as the was: in the County. Price modernle. Three 50 acre tarms, well located, n-m- Durham, for sale I-pnrahly. Al. i-t 26 acre property on the ouukirln of Durham suitable for retired hum-r. W. F. DUNN. - Lot 6, Con. Iti. Proton. containing M) acres. N acres cleared, and in good mate of cur,tivation, about 8 acres of 'II‘K‘dWUOd bush. On the plunke- ia viewed a. barn 44:03 with stone aub- ling. Good hog pen and hen house. Comfortable house. kitchen and wood- "hed, also orchard. 8 never-{Ailing wells. About. u miles from Church. School and Post. OtBee. If sold, will He sold on any terms. THE JEWELLBR Graduate Can. Harological Inst. P. 0.h. Webster Address all communications to pro- priotnr. JuuxA ALDnnD. Aldred. Battk. Known as the Aldred Farm being lot 70, Curl. 2, Bentinek, conlnining one hundred awn-s more or less. The place " all well fenced and in a good acute at cultivation. On the premises in a frame burn 00x00. with none Bubbling. driving shed, sheep pen and root house ineltuive. A concrete house with frame kitchen. Summer kitchen wood shed and cistern, Good hard water close to home. Large good hearing orchard. This farm in known " orte ot the best grain farms in the "ouuty. Two and one-half miles from the. Town of Durham. This, farm is otrered tot six thousand dulllrs, one hull done, Glance aw per cent interest. Lot No 1. 8th con. Glam-lg. 50 um bush and 50 acres cleared. Apply to James S. Wilson...... Mark Willie........... Good nine.roomed house. Furnace heated. Good garden. otrGltuildings and large stnble. Will be sold chomp. Applylo -. - .. Ruben Gtieraon.,.. . Alex. Wilson........ Wm, u. Lunnoy..... Gumm- w. Hurvie... George H Noble..... Hui-rt! Lama... .... John Muudock Candidate- Bord, John A........ Muir, Alex............ Wright.Gm.............. 47 94 " " 56 " st, a Dumun. J. MCE........... 14 a 49 a Q " 50 a) m 1huson,JohnA............ IO u so 73 a: 81 41 " 89 Bvu'.l£obort.............. an as a 40 40 35 tit' " " Mounnbry.a.n.......... as a u so 81 to " is m Pullinu Divioion No. l " Omar Valley. No. I Bowman. No. 8 Proton Bu- tion. No 4 Ceylon. No 6 Pncou In. No0Nandetettr, 801 Enigma. N08 Peru... FOR DEPUTY.RmMrtb- A Valuable Farm for Bale unmet...“ as HOL........... 0 FOR C,OUNCuaAtR-- BHiRL......... as BAETZ......... no uENNA........ a BARBER....... a Plain Facts TORONTO Farm For Sale or Rent. Muir) rity for Mr wuttlf? Farms For Sale. CAND!DATRI Farm tor Sale. W. D. Npaar DvuALn Fanauscs, Swinmn Park. For Sale. Solicit-OH Durham. Ont WM. wrrm. Durham. MUNICIPAL ELECTION FIGURES. Bentinck fold: Echo Valley Fa: m Box it Durham. in. building! mud in am dull Misha COUNCILLORS Ar Foed'e 11et It Mooeie 9.1!!" Div.las4so 3310119159153. REEVE Amnesia FOB REEVE. l The rm» Star's amu- 18 An epoch In Ontario -er?e do Se',' ha been "etreded “an! an nu when The Toronto Daily tttae jun.“ Into In. plan in 0"“ mm. ',iicigiiii,t,iif'hirtt,ierp to . “and I" to un- pmllolod in tg,'li'l2"l,'d,u'll'f. " in "ir aim yum ”“9"" Human unlined cabal. At ttrt an. the pupa Ind h an", emu»;- oc mad woo: lot Ib- 1mm” tt "on.“ vol! out ",000 " . "t. rm mmwmunm on “a "in. on [will]. In than by the fort e.e the has“ of 1908 our 1001 In ‘ovn 0.” up“. daiir. In in 'ttttue', Tho Mar bu mind . "you tor no“, .ud him... all while it In. It“. - n no": bonn- Ihou when viuu no dtirorettt. Whoa it mo- 00 nun-“ulna“! The Stu on -or be it-fad are". to bu! tho In, in onurprir. In. it don not up". "ttOtt" in “will; ttq tendon in illlmnud mm than during the you. I notable illuunuon bola. on the moo-lion of tho Olympic 'tBrr"h when it not" . rumba of in M Iron Toronto to England to - than uni-Hy by cable Ind Utter toe The Stu. Th Mar not only - the but new. but it dram u " no u to mum in mu height and kttmttdr o. h in a firm believer in the "In. od 03min. . Then no non. of the nuan- win The 8m in now supremo in In mid. One ot the Inuit future. of the ptpor bu boon I uric- of utiolu on neutrinos. which bu boon "tesetine very w”. attention. Thu. attic!“ In boil). quota! um! commonud on our,- whm. “a one subscriber wrote the other day to uy that one at tho ”tide. done In worth h'n whole yur‘n subscription. The Ontario Africultural College l has in press a bul etin trout the Bee- terioioiritsal Laboratory. giving lhe resulta ot work on the inoculation of seed with bacteria to increase the chances of the crop. This work has been in progress since 1908, and has increased the amount each year. It has been known tor many years that the nodules or tubercles on the roots of alialla. eleven. peas. beans. etc, are inhabited by bacteria that have the power of taking nizrogen irom the vast amount in the atmoephere. and storing up this valuable fertilizing element in the plants. thus enriching the soil when these er are plowed under. In the Col ege Laboratory these bacteria are cultiVated under artitie'uItxmditiont their lull power ot nitrogen accumulation being Mtn- aorved. and these cultures. as thee are called. may be applied to the need to be sown. On old established lieids where eleven orall'alla hate been previously grown, the soil ie well supplied with these desirable bacteria, and the use ot artitittiBl in. oculation would be of little betteilt. On new ground. however. or when: the ctootobesowu hasnot been MMF cesslully grown before, the inocula- tion olthe seed anally helps to se- curea better stand. During 1908, over 21molthese cultures were sent to larmers all over the Dominion and to live foreign countries. The re. sultsas reported by the farmers, and compiled a the forthcoming bulletin showed that the inoculation of the seed was ttemst1tua1 in 68 per cents of canes tried. Many farmers tried the ,culturee on old established fields, and at was to be expected the results here showed no increase in the crop from ming the culturea. I During the coming spring. the Col lege will send similar cultures for aliall'a, red, white. and alsike clover. peas. beans and sweet peso. the only coat to the farmer being a nominal charge of 26 centa tor each culture F sufficient for 60 pounds or " olseed. lThe cultures. ot which thereis but one size, are sent in glans bottles with lull directions for their use. " plications should be addressed to Tn BatrrEttrotmggaL Luann-our. O. A.C., Guelph. and should be sent " once so that ample provision may ‘ be made by the College to supply s.l demanda. The kind and amount of seed to be inoculated and ap roxi- mate date olsecdlug should alga be stated in the application. 16 The Inoculation ol Seed. l9 It iiiji6-iriiio 3 Total 31 430 tr TOTAL o- Garth-us, St. New thc'Bridge t two-00000000000 -" Alex. Alex. Russell, The Big Store, Durham A great January _ Stock -tal<ing - h?" - "ca"ttFaieoi - I" - Eli-Fir? MlWllid, In a. It; a... loom-f nun, he! In... than lp Or Donn in. Inn-cu- Juan “cm-nth I pieces 36 inch white Cotton worth 9e yd, January Sale price . 5 piecel so " worth I0c yd, " . I piece as inch Navy Batiste Dress Goods, worth Mc, " ' t piece " Inch Crea n Serge Dress Goods, worth soc, " . to pieces " inch pink, sky & navy Mohair, worth Mc " . I piece 42 inch myrtle batiste Dress Goods, worth 20c " i ' pieces 21 inch mercerized waistings in spots and broaden. worth IStoZOc, ........ ....... .r. January Sale price " pair Ladies' Comte worth soc, .' " pair Ladies' Corsets, worth 81.00 " 5 pieces, M to 12 inch wh. & unbl'ed tablelinen 6065, 75c 46 I piece M inch white table linen worth 50c " t piece " inch bleached table linen, worth 45c " " pair Men: Tweed & worsted pants $1.90 to I' M " 5 pair " .. u " 83.00 " " men's tweed and F'cy Worsted! suits worth up to on " " u " " " .. Wr" .. .. 0’! E. II " BorTweed and Serge Suits up to " .. so Bor' fancy cotton and Flannelctte trp shirts c. " pairs Ladies' Mc laced &buttoncd boots, 1.50 to 2.50" " pain Mines laced buttoned & boots, 1.25 to 82.00 " " pain men'sflne Fox calf & dongola boots 2.00 to 82.50 tg " Boy's strong laced boots worth up to 82.00 " Hardware and Tinware selling fast. Get our prices, money saved. For the Fall and Winter 'l'rade we have added sev eral new lines of Boots, Shoes & Rubbers to our already large stock and are better prepared than ever to eater to the wants of the public in our liur. Here Are Some Burma: 24 pair Mom's Hruv.‘ Ruhmr. mu $3 25 for .. " pair Bay's Ru .ln-rn- regular 82 m for. _ . .. . 48 pair Women',,, ocersltoes rvuu' tt 82 25 for 24 puir Boy's “hues. n-uulm $1.75 for. . . . .. .. lpair Mom's Hruvr Ruh'wl‘s [an 83 25 for ... .. ..... .. . . .. .. . A$2 TU Ipnll' Bny'n Ru 'tro.,-. rwgulur $2011 for., .. ...... .. .. .. . . .. ... 311'" Bpuir Women'. Ocersltoes l‘wlll' tt 82 25 for. . . . r..... . .. .. ... tlr [pair Boy's Moes, regular 81.75tov....., .......... ...........$ L' Hand Mule Boots and Shoes :1 Specialty The man who wants an opetrtttinded discussion of politics, the steady support of right, justice, atsd decency, without cant or bitterness, and an unpre- judioed. common-sense treatment of public "airs, will thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Bally Star The Star is not tied to any party or any "intend." It has definite opinions of its own on political, nodal, and moral qtoestioettr--but it reeogniz- the right of othen to hold exactly opposite opinions without My being mandrel: or tit subjects tor abnae. The my”. editorials are broad-minded, honest, u keen and clever as some of the best writers in Canada can make them, and always Fair. TI. Stu is published for fair-minded. intelligent mic who take an active interest in Canada and the d. Consequently It tug More Reader. “I. My Other Paper In Ontario. mm we» wanna mu "an W ii; mm, [1.20. “Why-Mb Fellini M5... at“ to do" 00W print. FALL AND WINTER SHOES AND RUBBERS Russels, The Big Store. Durham THOS. McGRATH, And clearance Sale now in Progress. A Newspaper Not An "Ormn $1.50 AYear Rep ”ring dune quick- ly and "brututot"tly. J ANUABY 14 1909 The folluwimx mast he sold a: “I f New 1WneKoti, new iron truck “1- l waggon. a numlwrof [urge on Tn" (would nuke “nu clan cisstetnr 3w! ! uhousund teeuee posts. lath, “Hugh“. tmutter. A qnunlity of wnudnm Wetbteck P. o., will be sold at “10' centm pen land. D. 141mm". Administrator 5H! ling "tate., 7 or to DAVID Kama. Durhan orA H. JACKSON. Durham. For Sale. $7.50" " u " I.“ 1.9. "c 1.29 8.05 12 tc 'ii James Xy,'aMlKy,'/htx'h'lyhy,,"Xy, slag: xxx}: y'lh','YD'l, 312-31 if, The Bar ga $1.00 to Jan. I 19l Ttth REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT THE DURHAM Rf VOL. XXXII. N0 2 Buckle Ruhhc: LUMBERWtN'r; I in $l.60 for Big Discount on C Ladies and Girls The louse of Quality If you keep p , week the mos1 (i, There Is Mo To - lddrmw um um! THE now lo Jan. l, ununtlr) fo, l d Vin”! oft one that y (nor does to. January Bargai Women's Stylish fur T use Scotch knit ttttt "811'. TIN-N- g.uuwh 5 Lu: The advantages of a E Ken's Flannel Shirts which appear is the Farmer: The Sun to The House OTHER LINf James Sale 0 RUB NOW " ll ll

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