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Durham Review (1897), 28 Jan 1909, p. 4

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E; Don‘t Forget Cash Coupons. Cl be T L 0 3 &T AY L OR S! en arovorarone mmmcgé " Taylor & Co., Drecmore & Bring us your produce for which we will pay highâ€" est prices. A beauty,; furlined at $30 and also in Ladies‘ fur collar with curled lining at $22.50 Makes cne think of their fur coat or caperine Mens we have them from $20 to $50. sR P‘ eme@\| stock weltiv ehad as yet. Come fore your size goes. Prices $7,.50 ; too cold for shipn;e;x't,- quality dressed. ww peill oc 0 0 0 CRCCT WHO Has treated POny TTXE PSF am uest opinion Free of Charge. â€" Charges re somable. . BOOKS FREEâ€""The Goklen Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of Meu, ESTABLiISHTD 39 YEARSâ€"CUREs GUARANTEED. TNo Treatment sent C. 0. D. No rames on boxes or envelopes, Everything coufidential. Question li:t and co:t of Home Treaiment FREE, '$§?s. i £* kue i. 6 We wish to thank our many et patronage during the past year one and all the season‘s co A HAPPY NEW YEAR BEADER her DISCOURAGED MEN | Men‘s coats we have the best or. Michigan Ave., and Gris We have just received a splendid stcck of Ladies‘ Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Whitewear, including \hite Underâ€" skirts, white Nightgowns and Corset Covers. They are made from nice fine Lawnsdale prettily trimmed with Embroidery, Insertion and Laces. _ Call and see our new Goods. _ We will consider it a pleasure to show them whether you buy or not. More Fowl Taken Alive We have just received a lot of Brand New Goods for spring wear, _ Now is the time to buy your supâ€" ply of Cotton Goods. We are showing an extra large assortment of NEW $ | NEW Goops | 8. F. MORLOCK Ladies Whitewear Sole Agents for Progress Brand (lothing 18 LIFE WORTH Living Prints, _ Flannelleftes Ginghams, Drees Duck Lawns, â€" Embroideries Laces, Whitewear CONST LTATION FRCE. Xo maiter liave yor lost hope?t Ars you intending to blood been «diseased> Have you any weakness? ure you. What it has done for hundreds of EMA Mmatr aron rees _ 1 1 * Sea®btdl EAZLLVE as it is but highest prices for good many customers for wiswold St., De roit Come and get a fit beâ€" $7.50 to $1). ~WnebetirefPeminh itdus s 10 2 uh. despair, You ge: nervous and weak, have little amb tion, pain in the back over kidney s, draing at night, hollow eyes, tir: 1 mornings, prefer to be alone, « strustful, variable appetite, looseness of hair, poor cirâ€" culationâ€"you have Nervous Debility, Our New Method Treatment is your refuge. . It will strengthen all weak organs, vitalize the nervous system, purify the blood and restore you to a manâ€" ly condition~, Pay When Cured. customers for their ar and «xtend to complin ents. MEN, you bâ€"come disheartened when you feel the symptoms of Nervous Debility and decline stealing upon you, You naven‘t the nerve or ambition you med to have, You feel you are not the man you ought to be. You feel like giving up in despair, You ge‘ nervous and weak, who has treated mable. . BOOKS Mich In triends to contrioute towa s burying Pape‘s Dia urugxx;“mac yor want +eHH8 °0 COontridute towa yin ape‘s Diapepsin, use you wan; him beside his father ind mnaadt oR thoroughly cured of intiigestion. I ue C atomony. oo We in his latter days for d sojourn in the House of 1 constant companion was He bt:ing desirous to get a Ks ob d k nal wis t | _On another cceasion when he was travelling he happened to get into an old Josh house where a lirge numâ€" ber of faise gods were on shelves in a corner of the small tenement and some wine !eft near by for to appease the gods‘ thirst through the night, but Allan being well aware that the dumb things would not trouble the wine and he feeling thirsty throug h | the night got up and drank the wine, | So when the worshippers arrived in the morning they tound that Allan bad been tampering with their gods‘ drink and were going to kill bim tor his act. _ He miraculously escaped by getting out through the chimney which was not very tail. He escaped that time as well as on preyious | ad yentures. 11 If Allan‘s life and trayels were all | ; fublisbed it would make a bouk as arge as Webster‘s Dictionary but we ( may say that he had mune ~. _R I Â¥ In the year 1850 his stepmother J Lady McKechnie offered him one of J |the finest farm on the 11th CGon of | ] Vaughan, County of York, if bhe i would stay bus he would not hear o _ | the offer for he preterred sailing trom _ focean unto ovean and for years and _| years nothing was heard ot hm till finally be made his appearance some â€"U years later and like cthe prodigal son he returned to the place he left and would gladly accepted the offer made at the time of his departure but stepmother was gone to the land beâ€" yond. _ The farm changed hands aud poor old Alla.; was shifted trom plase to place till some 10 years ago he was taken to the Newmarket House of Retuge. It was amusing to the little boys to listen to Ailan‘s stories of his adventures in distant lands and of the narrow escape of beâ€"| | ing often slain by the natives. As| tor instance when travelling.in one of | the uncivilized countries he took up | 1 his abode in a sepoys hut to pass | , the night but to his horror he found | f out betore being long in that they | c were cannibals and looking for an opportunity of killing and eating | v him. As one of the natives was in the facs of feeling his condition in | 6 fatness Allan kept viewing him with I ’me corner of one eye and when the | q Seapoy was about to draw the harchet | ;; on Allan‘s head he, Allan, quicker than lightning drew his dirk from b his hip pocket and soon laid tne 8e | poy a liteless coipse. _ The other 8e hn poys got so oewildered that they fled M and sodid Allan get away with his d lite on that occasion as well as on] many others. 2 o2 " C OO P ie accidently happenâ€" ed to come to the old home the day his uncle died _ Nei] MeLean (son) of the $0o, was also in attendance. DEATH OF ALLAX Bax. Many around Darham and Priceâ€" ville will remember Allan McKeep. nie better knowngas "* Allan Ban * who tor a long time served as night watechman for Mr _McAllister now the Halhn House. _ Poor old Allan is no more for he died at the House ot Retuge Newmarket on the 15th Jan. at the age of 87 yoars. It is im possible to begin to give a histo: ical sketch of Allan‘s life tor he bas been In every part of the Universe boeing a wWanderer on earth. To the bereayed family we vouch the sentiments of all friends in this part in sending condolence. Hxscror McLeax. This week we again feel it our duty togive & short obituary of the death of another old resident and one of the pivneers of the township of Artemesia in the person of Mr Hector McLean who died at his residence one and eneâ€"fourth miles from Priceâ€" ville, south line on Wednesday morning the 20th inst after a short iliness from heart failure and other troubles at the age of 76 years _ Mr McLean was a man in the days of his youth that was hard to excel in strength for he was both able and | willing whenever his services wore required. _ Mr McLean was largely possessed of sympathetic feeling for bis house wa«s often a house of refuge to shelter the poor and needy and if| he had only one loaf of bread he| would share the half to teed the | hungry poor and we youch the sentiâ€" ment of the whole neighborhood that a good and obliging neighbor and friend has fallen. _ Mr McLean leayes to mourn his death a lonely widow eight sons and one daughter, one brother Mr_Arch McLean and one | I sister Mrs Henderson of the Weat.|t Six of the sons were at their father‘s | Y funeral but other two were unable to |" get here being in a remote part of Montana. The funeral on Friday the | i 22nd Jan was largely attendea. [The Rev. Mr Matheson preached at the | e funeral obsequies at the house and grave. _ Mr Neil McLean a nephew | .. ot deceased from Manitoba, attended 01 the tuneral as he accidently happenâ€" ed to come to the old home the day his uncle died _ Neil McLean (son)| * of the $0o, was also in sttendanea d We notice trom the death list in the Daily Globe the death of the above estimable lady at the home ot her father and mother Mrand Mrs Angus Cameron of Eyeret Ont. Miss Camâ€" eron had many relativos in Glenelg on herfather‘s side _ The McLeans and McDonalds near Priceville and others. p To the bereaved father and mother it is a source of comtort to reflect upon that although their dear daugh ter who suffered long from thâ€" pangs and pains of the body that now she is relieved and is in possession of the jJoy unspeakable in the home of many mansions for she had made her calling and election sure while in life and at death the realities are experienced. Mixxie CamErox Priceville ing neighbor and Mr McLean leayes 1 a lonely widow ne daughter, one the House ot 10 15th Jan. ‘s. It is im a historica} he bas been THE DURHAM REVIEW Padh dutadic < harls. s l Absolute relief from all S!omach’ Misery is waiting for you as soon as you decide to begin taking Diapepsin. Tell your druggist that yoR want Pape‘s Diabenain‘ m .2., . _ ) O Ww ' Why not start nowâ€"teday, and forâ€" ever rid yourselt of Stomach trouble and indigestion ? A dieted stomach gets the blues and grumbles. Give it a good cat, then take Pape‘s DiapeE- sin to st@rt she digestive juices workâ€" ing. There will be no dy spepsia or belching of Gas or eractations of andiâ€" yested food ; no feeling like a Iump of lead in the stomach or heartbus n, sYck headache â€"and Dizziness, and your food will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. TORONTO Anumber from here attended the * Rally " held by Sons ot Scotland in Priceviile on Monday n:ight. They ’all report having had a splendid time. Our population is lgcreasing, a baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs Harry Sterne, Jan 15th while a fine healthy boy came to stay at home of Mr and Mrs John Sinclair last Sataurâ€" day morning. Congratulations, ' The Dromore Branch of Women‘s ‘[nuitnte will meet in Russell Hall, Dromore, next Wednesdayjafternoon. Topics are : Games and Home Amuseâ€" ments for the Young ; Bread Making. All ladies are invited to attend. A fall atiendance of members is reâ€" quested. _ Miss Edith Henry, Bracebridge is visiting her sisters here. The choir gave a few selections during the eyening. After the busi« ness was all settled, a social lunch was served in the basement. Mr Ramage gave Choir Report. Mr Renwick gave Building Com. reâ€" port, while John M. Findlay was elected Treasurer, The three new managers for 1909 are Robt. Issac, walter Hastie and John D. Drimmiec. Mr J hn Eecles gave C. E. Report, reported 46 members on the roll and showed how our Endeavor is in quite a progressive state, they raised last vear, $109.23. Miss Ella Renton gave Mission Bana | WiBte ‘s work will not suflice to b:ii & f Report. â€" The Mission Band of Amo?. order out of the chaos, was just organized last Jan. and is| For a few days last week the logs has done much to incalate a Missionâ€" | Were being rushed in to the mill from ary spirit in the children, they raised | all sides, many coming even from $22.45, just free will offering from | the Old Survey. But the thaw beâ€" the children out of their own earn» | ginning Thursday put a stop to most ings. uf the hagling for a vime, the concesâ€" Mr J"‘hg Eccles gave C. E. Repor:, | Sion being completely bare. Famirta P su i n acal in d s hss ack ind COmEnY mNUPU here having passed the examination last ye«ar than in any other church in Presbytery. Mrs G»=rson, in Ladies‘ F. M. S. reâ€" port, showed the splendid work done by their Society in Mission work, last year they raised $105.20. Last year 16 new members joined avd we lost 10 members, four by death and six by removals to other places. Mr Renwick also gave Sunâ€" day School report. He spoke of the regular attendance and interest taken by the children. Mr Renwick also spoke of our Teache.s‘ class, more L us L.i ds _ $ & . Mr Robt. Renwick in the Session report, reported 190 active members on our church roll. 82 families. " Amos congregation held their anâ€" nual meeting last Friday night in the charch. Though roads and weather were bad, the congregation was well represented. Mr Kendall was chairman, meetâ€" ing opened by singing hymn 90. Mr John M. Findlay was appoints« ed Secretary. Indigestion is The lovely spring weather we are haying has stopped for a time the bauling of timber to the mills. Last week Mr John Morice Sr., reâ€" ceived a telegram announcing the death of his brother Hercules, in mu_ .k s 2. F Brantford. We [H W We detrbek s --wj“nlx] Auuuli 12000 ampden spent a jolly evening at Mr (x’::rfie Marshall‘s last Wednesâ€" day evening. Mr T. Gadd left Saturday â€" for Fergus Hospital where toâ€"day, Monâ€" day, he uudergoee a very serious operation the second in a few months. We sincerely hope Mr Gadd may rcâ€" taurn in restored health and vigor. We are pleased to. ré;;ort Mrs A. Marshall is recovering nicely after her serious ilIness. On Sunday last Mr Wm Allan very ably filled the pulpit in Knox Church, Mr Kendall being absent, owing to the death of his father. _ Mach symâ€" pathy is felt for Mr Kendali as he has suffered the loss of mother, brother and father inside of a year. Northâ€"=East Normanby aqagl old 0 ECCC AOODINE WHBTVEVET NATSN or |lckmln‘&tn Preventics. ‘flxm little Candy Cold Cure Tablets act as bÂ¥ n-fic'.xAlew hours â€"and your threatening Cold is en. Candyâ€" like in taste. Preventics please the childrenâ€"â€" and me{ break the levefl&neu. always. And fi:n of all is the eeomonl. A large boxâ€"48 ventics~25 cents. Ask your druggist. He knows! Sold by MacFarlance & Co. who predeceased him nearly sixty years ago. We thank WE McAllisâ€" ter and Henry Sealey and others who gave their contributions alread y and we hope some more will do a little towardp':lefuying the expense of some friends at Woodbridge who advanced the amount required for the purpose. This ended the life of another of the world‘s unfortunates. ‘ There is no Quinine, nothin, couple of sleigh loads from Dromore. ended forever. {VEGS extena sympathy ++ <> + 10 ie C CC PORe TTE ea to ,', keep batchelor ball and ut:::s«-me A. Bo Mc{ euafl. t gioe m;)mslflx;d up. . Pout fellow is let s be not lonely elatyre Biock â€"L, beo; «j The sleighing is gone for a while, ) Barclay and M1 ; 3-:-8" whatever harsh The Messrs Fettes have sold out their store to Mr E. E. Hockridge and the change will take place the Ist Feb, Mr Wm Dezell has commenced to keep batchelor ball and has some nice rooms fixed up. . Pout fellow is he not lonely ? Mr William Campbell of 10th cen and h.s bousekeeper went up to Mr James McLean‘s on 15th an elder of the later days Saints Church and had a msrriage ceremony performed and came b.ck man and wife. _ Mr George Fettes went to Owen Sound to see acquaintances and reâ€" turned home again bringing with bim a wite one of the fair youoag ladies of that town and has moved into the brick house lately purchased by bim and formerly occupied by the Rey. Mr Gibson, The Rev. Mrand Mrs Gibson a trip to Hamilton leaving on day 18th and returning on P 25nd. truth clearly tells whw ny of * PiM9, yet vital truth, clearly tefls why Dr, Shoop‘s Restorative is so universally successful., Its success is leadâ€" ing druggists everywhere to flve it universal ference. _A test will sure y tell, Sold by mcl’ulsne & Co. laxabatos pas l 4 it THPemE must of necesslt{ falter. This “c plain ‘lnnh, c‘lurlyl te }g why Dr, Shoop‘s R If your Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys are weak, try at least, a few doses only of Dr, Bhoop‘s Restorative,. In five or ten days onli', the regult will surprise you, _ A few cents will coyer the cost. And here is why help comes so quickly Dr. Shoo}i) doesn‘s drug the Btomach, nor stimu. late the Heart or Kidneys. _ Dr. Bhoop‘s Restor» ative goes directly to the weak ano failing nerves. Each organ has its own controlling nerve, When these nerves fail, the depending organs mnst of necessity falter ‘ mhiscs2l2.2 6 Ofgans Mr and Mrs James Charlton and family, of South Bentinck,. spent Thursday evening at Mr Wm Sharp‘s Buyer Lippert, of Neustadt, was «long the line with his buggy on Friday and bought up some good fat cattle. Mr Will Willis had a woodâ€"bee on Wednesday. The miniature cyclone which crossed this part last summeor, lett Wili‘s wood in suen a state that a winter‘s work will not suflice to b:i & order out of the chaos. Miss Ethel Lougheed has been brightering the home of her grandâ€" parents, Mr and Mrs A. Marsbali, late‘y. Miss Madeline Sachs has been asâ€" sisting the ladies at the mill with their sewing lately. Miss Bella Robinson is visiting hber brother David at the old homestead, after a few years spent in Uncle Sam‘s Domain. Mr and Mrs Andrew Derby, of South Bentinck, visited the Cooper family last week. Miss Marshali, of Allan Park, and her brother, lately returned trom the West, visited with relatives about here for a day or two last week. e ienss Oe 0 P PANERY EBSC ACREIETTT ‘Dhrflsl?:'u If other remegies'are oftered, teil ! Be your ! 8 > T arlane & Co.’ own judge Bold by Mac The tender leaves of a harmless lung-heullng mountainous shrub, give to Dr. shoop‘s uoufil Kemedy its marvelous curative properties. Tff t tickling, or distressing eouqnn. quickly yield to the healing, soothing aciion of this splendid rrescnpuonâ€"-l)r. Shoop‘s Cough Remedy. And tis so safe and good for children, as well. Conâ€" taining no opium, chloroform, or other harmful ('i'l;ugns:‘ mothers should in safety always demand Don‘t forget the tea meeting to be held in the Presbyterian church he e on Friday, February 5th. An <xâ€" celient program will be given. Tea served trom 6 to 8. _ Every body come. Mr Alex McDonald had a very severe tall one day lately, breaking some of his ribs, but under skiltal treatment we hope to hear of his speedy recovery, Miss Kate McDonald, of Lamlash, yisited her uncle, Mr Donald Mcâ€" Kechnie, for a few days last week. B: We are B'.:ased to report that Mra Hector MeDonald is recovering, after an attack of rheumatism. Mr Chas. Emke paid a short yisit l&ofriendl in this neighborhood lateâ€" y. We are sorry to learn that Mr Donâ€" ald McRae is under the weather at piesent. Messrs Chas. and Donald McKechâ€" nie, Glenelg, visited at Mr Alex Hobâ€" kirk‘s on Sunday last. Mr and Mrs John Ledingham. of Calgary, visited their relatives, Mr ard Mrs Alex McDonald, last week. Hopeville. ~~â€"~â€"# $ $â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ ++ ++ Hampden Crawford n took i Monâ€" riday, out | Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Cure Dr. Shoon js1 32 7 ~4Ure.. Compare carefu 3?} Shoop g:ckuxe with miu r:hund' \l'u erence. No poison marks ere! Y« elways be on the safe side by demanding Arvol Bs \ We ep usc 22 °P Vo & s"upciying poison. It‘s strange how *&hfl finaliy come about. For twonty years r.m aas constantly warned people not to take mixtures or prescriptions containing Opll& Chloroform, or similar poisons. And nowâ€"a late thoughâ€"Congress says ‘Pat it on thelbhl' if poisons are in ruur Cough Mixture." Good Very good!! Herea tc-rfnrlhiu‘on'mmnm and others, should insist on having Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Cure. No poison marks on Dr. Shoop‘s labelsâ€"and none in the medicine, else 1t n% law be on the label. And it‘s not only safe, but is said to be by those that know it best, a tru} ro» markable cough remedy. Take no chance ILQ. particularly with your children. Insist on having Dr. £hoop‘s Cough Cure. Compare carefully the Dr. Shoop g:;clmxe with others and note the . difference. No poison marks there! You can â€" glways be on tha car. 122088 U P a‘ways heal, sooth chial tubes, â€" Don stupefying poison finaliy come about aas constantly wa mixtures or pres Chloroform. or gim Cough Caution Have you seen whet Mops. Our selfâ€"wring in good one. We also carn y ers. It is no trouble to show you our assortment of Lamps, ranging in price from 25 cts. to $10.00. Our Nickle Lamps satisfy every person, < For Lanterns we excel. Any person that requires to drive after night, is not safe without one of our Dash Lanterns, Stehle Lanterns from 15 cts, up. If you want to make $ you should buy one of Mills: Every woman that makes Marâ€" malade, will enjoy examining our Orange Slicers. Sold by MacFarlane and Co Any person requiing a range cannot do better than :o purchase a Happy Thought,. There has been more " Happy Thoughts ‘* sold than any other Range that has ever been manufactured in Canada, which is sufflcient evidence of i+; superiority . yor., positively never poison your lunys. If ghâ€"oven from & simxle cold’mlyâ€"youlh.m ays heal, soothe, and ease the irritated bronâ€" 1 tubes. Don‘t blindly suppress 1t with a efving noiean . juts 212. 2OAETCSS T Gun‘s Drug Store Goods for babies as well as grown upe, Hardware! Apply it before going out and it protects the skin agsinsi chaps Clear the skin of chaps, roughâ€" ness and redness with our excelâ€" lent lotion. A Question of â€" Beauty Black . BELL lâ€"wring ung Mop is a alsocarry Mop Wring that old pail to handle me to buy a Coal good Coffee, i1 our Coffee L1IOIL J s â€"you 8 1t w &A %’ things rs r.m take ‘ ng Opium, ‘ owâ€"a little n the l.bal, re." Good lonmomer!. )r. Shoop‘s )r. Shoop‘s t mu(:g{ safe, but 1t .u.ruk:.. , F"m&"‘ Pmdu“ w'n‘ Choice Contectionary Pure Spices & Vinegars xfl. ‘ mu d Pllre nfilm{ll.:om JANUARY 2s KA appy and Prosâ€" verous Yow Year Ohe ..’/.?{y PA 7W . K RBean Ticket Agents for C P R Euy Your Tickets Here, Druggists & Booksellers R MacFarlane Or why notadd Clearance Sale Of BOOl(S wishes all his numâ€" erous customers a throughout afew to your own library. If your public of Bunday School 1ib. rary needs replenish. ing this is a good opportunity, Come and see splendid | stoc}; books we are offc at _ng'(‘k sale p 1909 Oflefing € prices Ste the & HARDW Our stock of Furnishings, Wall ing at the popul Seasonahle Ladies anion "*__ all wool « Men‘s plain fle ** Union Â¥4 zero all prices wh it. Why does GOKE DOL hands of a man 2 bbecaus what suits We say what we mean Lenahan Produce take McClary‘s Stoves & R:a and Cutle; Lenaha Carving Razors Scissors Pocket Ki Agency in Durham for celebrated Kant Krack Lumbermen‘s Rubbers Custom work Our lives of Har etc., are COmp]c]c our specials you v tra value C have the LARGES All goods bought JANUARY 2 aiwal edu anc Kepai HFE W

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