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Durham Review (1897), 4 Feb 1909, p. 4

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iii M w Ln It?! We have just received a splendid stock of Ladies' Ready-to-wear Whitewear, including W lite Under- skirts, white Nightgowns and Corset Co, ers. They are made from nice fine Lawnsdale pretti y trimmed with Embroidery, Insertion and Laces. Call and' see our new Goods. We will consider i a pleasure to show them whether you buy or not. iat,_.i,ss.Kiii'iiNiEimaM9uEmf We have just received a lot of Brand New Goods for spring wear. Now is the time to buylyour sup- ply of Cotton Goods. We arc showir g an extra large assortment of NEW S. F. MORLOCK Ladies' Whitewear Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing NEW GOODS] Prints, Flannellettes Ginghams, Drees Duck Lawns, Embroideries Laces, Whitewear gaff; Ouccoaec 'a to MS. KENNEDY & KENS“ t arrld his folly and mm? to n: '. Om treatment positive- m men i y overcoming and rm '30“ mm- Indlscretlonl C s 'S mt., drains, and quickly mu , whvtayytv.reit.tte.ttded- mpv man l lth physical, men wer com, eta Hoar. I Ia. It. a K. hav- pt! "ii/ii" LGGi fa. K. a K. have 033 .060... O" wometru t disease that is . uur IH‘nlth consult who do not have to rm: ttttttt all other :ee um vlcuma ot " ol the tsa0ow, ed Pym "moving tt. playful. menu. l Headaches from the stomach are , absolutelv unknown where this effee. , tive remedv is used. Diupeuein real. ly does all the work ot a healthy ‘ stomach. It digests your meals when your stomuch can‘t. Each trl-ngule will digest all the food van on out and leave nothing to ferment or tour. Get n large 50-cent case of PapeU Diepepeio from your druggiet and: our: uniting to-dey and by tomorrow y u will usually hug About your healthv, strong Stomach. for you then on eat em thing and every- thing you want without the with“ discomfort or misery. and every per-l tlcleo! impurity and Gee thot is in your stomach nod luteuinee is going' tot-rue, away without the me Mhrxattvartottr- other unusual Ynur meals will taste good, and anything you eat will be dimmed ; nothing can terment or turn into acid or poison or enumnch me. which cause-s Belching. Dizziness. a feeling oi fullness after eating. Nausea. In. digestion (like a. Inmpni loud in stum- nch). Billiisrtanoos, Heartburn. Water brash, pain in stomach tutti intestines or other Ivmpmmu. You can eat anything your stomach craves without tear of a can of Indi- gestion or Dvapepsia, or that vom- tood will ferment. or sour on your stomach it you will oeetusionally take in little Dinpepcin alter eating. Wonder what ls wrong with the man: gentlemen around here. as some of our mung ladies are com- plaining of being lonely Sunday night? The Rev. Mr. Mothesnn paid a friendly call at Mr. Geo. Sackett's lustweek. We are pleased to hear that Ma. Geo. Wiaert babv boy, who has been ill, is improving Also Mo. Geo. Sackeu. Mrs. James Renwick gut a hand organ. which helps the singing in our Bible class greatly. Some of the young ladies from our burg spent an enjuvablo evening lam. Week. we are not sure w here, but came home with their pockets fall at gum. Mr. Wm, Sneken is engaged in cutting wood with Neil Manydcn. Little Miss Janet McDunald, of Boothville. spent last Thursday even- ing with Mn 8 McMnrdo. Eat Sausages Another wintermmnh has passed away, and we will hr waiting to see it the bear sen-s his shadow Tuesday. Friday evening Same of our 30mm ople gut up a surprise part] at Mr. r,2', McDmgall‘s. The night being stormy. the tall crowd did not get there, bntull present seemed lo en. joy themselves. Mr. John L. F'ergmrm sold a h me at a high price. and dvlivered mm in Dundmk lust week. I It you Would have 1 safe yet cumin fouo Helm-(iv m the homo-.1” Dr. tshoopU--at least, once. It is thorough- ly unlike any other Cough preparation. It, hau- w.” ha emirer new to you- uule s it " alrmdy your t', vuvue Cough. Remedy. No opium, ehloro'orm, or nny other stupifging mgrrmenu am; used. The lender leaves of u. hmwless. lung-hunhnz "iotut1utnrtT, rhmh, give t, Dr. Shaun's Cum.”- Kenneth tb, woud trrtul Jitpativtt plug-t'lhuh. it I lrulu a moat comma and tun-(\vuvthy. pre ncnylipn Sud b, Mucmeue & Co. Last week the river here had swol- len with the rains till it had almost reachrd the high-water mark of the spring Ireshet and at the mill ran over the mad. Swine were afraid the bridges were not safe. Mrs James Hanna had a quilting bee on Friday, at which quite a num- ber et her trieuds and neighbors gathered. Evening Service will be held at the hurch on Sunday, February 7 at 7 30 p m. An epidemic of toothache seems to tohave come Hampden way. Bat We just blame it on the weather. Mrs Robinson, Sr., and Miss Bella returned to Ayton Monday. Miss Ettn Anderson tsuffered Iron) a badly swollen face for several days, bat ls qaite her cheerlul selfagain. Mr Samuel Robertson was some- what under the weather the begin- ning of the week, but is about as usual again Mrs Robt Nichol s at last week with her brother, Mr lil',',',,.' Park at Carlsrnhe, caring ior his daughter Lizzie, who has been ill at La Grippe. Sackett's Corners. Guru we better all get vaccinated. Four ones at small pox in Mt. Forest. Mr Wuher Hustle was in Owen Sound last week, attending the County Council. Tom and Sandy are hustler- a: caning wood. bat Art and Bills" tg, will hive to nae early to beat t em. The Young People’s Minion Band will meetSutmduy memoonin the mam All young people no invited a: “and. Mr Stephen Boast, who he: been under the Dr's care the past couple of weeks. We are pleased may in re- eoVerlng. Mm Lumley from Walk. enon arrival on Sstnrday to help nune him. Wonder how manv Cot their noses frozen on Sunday. heard of one case Poople all mung about the very cold weather and feeling it too I gum. Perhaps this In giving as a taatat ofNorth Went weather. Ilia Phemie Boole: who bu been Itstmsintt the drain-making: in Ms. Fore-r returned home In t week. was Alum Renwick ls visiting her brother Tom in Palmerston. Hampden Dromore. or New Bread. THE DURHAM REVIEW A. B, Jackson has a numherof houses nnd vacant Inca in Durhnm for sale. Who Wouldn't give 25 cents to sin" a pain 20 (inlet? Just um “We '. P'nk Pain Tablet 'u-Dr. 8ltoopu--win stop any pain in 20 minntnl. sure! Read the formula on the box, Doctors say it can'n be boner-d. Cluck: womanly pawn. head pains. any pain. 20 tahluls Mo. Bold by MncFarhnek Co. We expect Mr Edward E.Hock- ridge to be moving into the store this week. The Misses Fates who are likely toleave here soon Cave the mung peoples fine night's entertainment on the 27th last I: large crowd and ovvrylmng went very nice. Conn Smyth of Egremnnt is working in a wagon "shop making up sane new sleighs tor the blaeksmithir. TORONTO haamberfrom here attr'nded the Sons of Scntlnnd supper at Prieeville last week. They report evvrvihing Well only not as many there this year on account of some deaths. Mr A. McDonald has started draw ing lugs to Miller & Seim We hope roads will imErove as it proves a great drawbae to farmers in gen- eral. Mr Julius Keller nnd son ttre again cumin: a good supply of wood tor Mr A. Marshall. Mr John Moriee has purchased a horse from Mr Albert Marshall . Mrs T. Wallace and family have been on the sick list this last week, Mrs Jns. McMituhell and daughter Wilma left to join her husband In Port Arthur and will visit friends en route. Mr William Caldwell sold a fine ynunz horse to Mr Fortune, of Ay ton, for the neat trum of$l90. Mr Thomas Gndd. we bear, has recovered trom his second operation successfullv and we hope he la on his way to ' speedy recovery. A splendid sermon was delivered in Knox church last Sunday, by the Rev Mr Little, of Hulatein. without I doubt his sermon was well appre- eluted. North-East Normanby Threatening ttryeriUntesa with child- ren is quickly and safely calmod by Proventiés, Then lime Candy Co d Cure Tablets should always be at. Land --toe promplneus is ali-important, Pre- vention contain no quinine. BOUND: harsh or Sickening. 'they are indeed, " the stitch in lime." Carried m pocket or purse. Prevenllcu are a. genuine matc- unard against. Colds, Me.. Sold by Mac Furlune & Co, Mr Dan McDongnll attended the funeral of Mrs Arch. McCuaig and also visited Priceville lriends. We are pleased to report that Mrs Hector McDonald is able to be a- round again User a severe attack at Rheumatism. Mr Sam Vickers is eontined to his bed with blood pdsnn. Under the skilfnl treatment at Dr Gun we hope w see him around soon. Mr Duncan McKiunon conducted the services in the Baptist Church here ihtnday last as our Pastor Mr McLennnn we: unable to be here on account at the sturm. Some people were propheaying cold Weather war the thunder storm and their prophesy bu proved true. as we are laying a very cold amp now. Mn Alt Redlood spent. Thursday afternoon with Mn Alex Trayn r. Seven! of the tumors were busily engaged in Blushing u couple of days In: wee and report the land in uncommon tor such work. Mr Spence Hopkins. who wok the comm of puma: in the school wood in new Wily engaged hauling it. . Mr Inc. Hell-chem intends visit- mg Crawford friends this week. Mr: Irwin Brown is " present laid up with an attack of La Unppe. Mrs Robert Hall has rety.rned.t.o her home, after u lengthy visit mm her daughters in Toronto. Toronto Daily Star ”in - and . 'Tornnfo Daily Star" feether for on. "ar-te. " 0W Fountain PM aim! for Me. added to abon when)“; New There is not a dry line in it---yet it is not sensational or in any way "yellow," Just good, clean, wholesome, well-written accounts of everything that is going on that's worth reading about. Subscribe now and take advantage of our present rate of The "Toronto Daily Star" is strong in special features for Women. There are the daily Home Pages-the dailv instalment of a good story-the Social and Personal columns-the illustrated daily Fashion Hints. But tho "etar's" strongest appeal to the wide-awake woman is the unusually interesting" way in which it presents the rays of all the world, day by day. Hopeville. Mulock Most Interesting Daily $1.50 A Year ”9p "Always Prompt. Never Negligem." yuu'LmL burrow edeaii.ri,C'" _.*ru6. Debts Collected. No charge if ttoth. mg collected All kinds of financial huninesx~ carefully and quietly atten- ded to. Monéy to Lend at lower hillway and Steamship ruidi, In H " "oveliie" Td "oi'/ori'a" 'i/il' Ottice with daily mail. Brick hon-a. {mule bank barn. great “nap. und [any other Good Bargains in Fa, m and Town prune-Hy. H you want inlay "Sell Ro to Miller No charms if nu Dimmer-s done. The Hanover Conveyanccr, otters; 100 acres near Allan Park-- splend d huudiutrs, mlUing tine farm, chenp. 40 acres extra good land near Allan I‘m-k. very cheap. 139 acres Bentinek Money to be Made unmdrd. I notice In the rolumm (t tlt, press that than» in nu uglmtinn t -ppoml u delecme for llm cmn-ty, 'Hu neon-unity of such an apumnuueul. miqu he well lo consular. I believe lhedm " not far distant. when the coullecllllu "Bk between the pro prroub toWns ol Owen Sound uud Meumd will be rum f {unuess to owl: nzlur. andwith Um unriuluuce ol (mt efficuent clerk and PA. pert treasurer. I tee: eonf1,ieno that th, best material and f1uauevtl mtere~t- of our county wall ba well and curofnlh unmdrd. I notice In the rolummn tlt, press that mm in nu ugllnlinn t all plnnha, Aime Wednesday sesuion the clerk uend the following' addrcot, {ruin the wafden at the [miner's request ; To THE MEMBERS or Tm: COUNTY Cuuxcu. or THE COUNTY or GREY: l 1a'ra'rLEatEs---1 beg to tender my l warm and sincere thanks fur the honor conierred on me to-day, in electing me to the honorable and respoutu'bhs posi. "ion of Warden of .one ot the lumen-i and best counties in the Province of ou. m-io. his an honomble positiots,to which any man might aspire. sometime in his municipal lite. The pniiiiion is not onlvurpreoiatod by me. but by ev. ery cilizeu of the Town (‘f Moatord- which (min I have the honor of rope wining. I realize nn poritiou in tul. lowing such pas: wardens in New“ Btsil,Podsstsll, McDuuald, (in-l others" who have acquitted iltenvelves in such eifitutsut mtu1ner, that retleoted dignity aud honur to 'he [ouiiiom Ithr-re'ivie criiye ynur indulgiiicv, turl trust that With your [Iii-t, municipal experience and knowledge of bu~ineas. and n iipihi ' (nub- .. s ,, I I - - COHIICII than adjourned ull Wedmro day morning. by attending to this advertisement Considerable ditroussior. ind voting took place in the appointment " n can» mines to strike the alluding commillees but it was fitttdly aprovmed on a divsion of M to 14. Among the eorrespondtrnee read were applications for grunt. to tho PriaJan' Aid Society, lhe buck Clnl Iran's Ros. pital I petitions tor and agniust the ap- pointment, of twbibrator,, to form a. new s. S. No 7, Colliugwood and other ducu. ments and accounts. The clerk theleupm declared Mr. Agnew warden ot the County tor1009 and he was escorted to the chair by " move: and seconder when he marked the members pretsentltor his election took the declaration of offiee and, called the meeting to order, Messrs Garvie. Shula and McKnight withdrew and clerk then proceeded to call the names ot the membersJor Messrs Agnew and Schenk. The re- all]! was that Agnew received 21 votes um] Schenk 19. Mr It Agnew of Mouton! wu nomin- Ited by Menu Eaton and Corbett. Mr. S. It. McKnight ot Colliugwood Wu nominnted by Messrs Wilson and Snub. The Jenner, Session of the County eonneil commenced n the court house on Tuesday afternoon With all the forty members present. They nll Ord that "rrutieates of election mu. Count) Clerk Rutherford and tools their were. The clerk having taken the chair Ind explllned the order of procedure tur nummuions tcr the ensuing yen. . Mr, A Sohenk of Normunby was nom- matod try Messrs Shame and Hum. Mr A. Gnrvie of Derby was nominated '-y Messrs D. H. Sinclair and J. Legato. Mr. A. Shuts ot Holland Wu nomina- ted by Messrs Hampton Ind Ellis. Continued on Page #, County Council n. B. MILLER, Til FIRES -- th miles from {glmggland Post her, and with nu- rates than 100 new. The celebrated Aland (Ann in Bentinck. had In (and u the beet in the County. Prion: moderate. Three 50 acre (any... well Mental. no» Durham", for Sale I-pmv-l . V so 26 acre puppet-t, on the" 'i'ili'i'i7a at Durham suitable or mind tarmek W. P. DUNN. comm. Dining; Out -_ "'"w'.. - . w Incl-on or ood ii Price “(In Tvlll 'Ji'll'M,C, for property. 100 acres in Proton, no" SI gawk, hil- Buildings. gm? hind. rammed. we wueud An we th Only an. 100 acres in Glenelg. excellent fences. hir buildings. good water. . Ipleudid tum with a. few more. of good umber. Price 'tooo. Wm -rao...L' , " -- ,_-.,. .v M1 vs " hull). "null payment. down 'than. 150 new in Benlinck. build: ttttti ttood, evpvythinn in th shape. Price cam. an ttrrett in Beniinee excellent building”, 16 m-r 'npr. tttttall “Killian-.0 A, zoo acres on the G irnfmxa I goo clear. 50 not" harttwor.d hush wan-red. lint clan hmldiuu. IV; sold cheap to wind up estate. “In _ ’ Dr. Shoop's R3tptorative manning!- but: In: on of. sad not him" a true dim-e. We chm: ot Dina-In. 1hsarttrum, sud Indi-tiun n ml din-nu. a they no lympha- cameo! a mm are!” Nam Ii+.teec-pqthtii e . It m thin but that this comm-Hy led Dr. Shoo: tn the creation of that now very popular Show 'teqtsdr-K. Shoop'l BeatoraitFi. Going direct to the women now... “one brought that mm ma ("or to Dr. Shoo! and hi: Restorative] With. out that arising] at highly vim! principle, In such _rthtrikirittirTiihiiiGiil wen evrru) be had, For Item-ch diam-I. blasting. bilinusueas, hm Mouth sud "tlow oomflexlon. crr Dr. Shoop'i 'tetorptivircNtiiisti or Iquld-and we for 'our. ullwhunmmd will do. We loll and cine:- Ml! noun-mum If your horse has a Cough. feed him an one ot our Distemper Care, and it y. It Want. w get him ready tor 1eliitlt February, teed him Stock In Horse Blankets w , can satisfy your taste. either tor lice ordinary horse or the muse valuable man in Canada. Indigestion Do not target that we Bell Single and Double Harness. aim 1111er of eVery description. C We can sell you aim ost any kind ofa Wheelbarrow you require rang- m prime front $2.25 to $5.0). In Finn“: and Grr‘uitewnre we can supply Jou with anything you require. Have you seen our Twisting Pans. See our Patent. Nutmeg Grat- er, only one tor e:.ch pu; manner. Come to the store who '1: you can get everything from a sawing to. Wulhpick. Save fuel by buying Some of our Weather Strips; Any person can tuilust it. Buy one of our combined ther- mometers and barometers, when yotl will get alienation regarding the Weather. Soul by Ma:- lirla'm: and Co Good: for babies as well“ grown ups. Gun's Drug Store Olen the skin of chum. rough- ness 3nd redness with mu excel- lent lotion. Apply it before going out. Ind it protects the akin against chap. Hardware! " rimming». wood [win]: we" waletod And well fenced (I). an. The celebrated Aldrm' Ben‘tjnck. had u mood n- .... A Question of Beauty h, BELL '. Black .. m 'iii/Grid C',t's building. ma in tim.i clan ' IPod. land, S'Hllnn sh, we“ Will b. mi}; Road ' Price FEBRUARY A, 1909 tttne But "mer, Pnoduoe Wan- New Ifratta Choice Coatfeettonars. Pu" all”! ' Vinegars No. t ll Md Pure “at. ttottrts Nrw Flint: and Ginghnms nun tiee out 2lie and lioc. Dress G It Floor Oilclolh .. ...25c a squuru Tattle Oilcloth. 45 in wide. . . .23 Men‘- CtudittautJturkrce 1.00. 1 L', Lare cuttatmr.,.Kr. tioc, 75e, 1 lh) o-n Honeycomb wool Shawls. (in; 77. $1 Blrtrksateen Underskirts $1 1 7.3m All-wool Blnnkou. " 4 and l.U, pr Bed comforters from 1.35 to 3 lhl m "T: "[4 all? Flannelleuv Hun- o-h- whivr or ttter....1.2hp,ir BIG f MATTHEWS & LATIMER Ticket Agents for C I' R Euy Your Tickets Hue, Draggists & Booksellers G why not add R MacFarlane Clearance Sale Of Books W. B. BEAN ', PM“ 0 Groceries Groceries afew to your own library. If your public or Sunday School lib.. rary needs replenish- ing this is a good opportunity. Come and' see the splendid stock of books we are offering at said: sale prices Call and see It Sells Por Caldcr 'g Block. Durin- yd vd in do: Cd , undersold. ' HARDWA R Economy is no disgrace ings, Underwear body to exumim The question is nth Beomse they are pm“ quality and we are so GREAT BARGAI We have ju Hottest pattern Lenahan (i: by To people going , ”enchants in the MI All goods 1 the money will be Lenahan gilCClm‘y's f toves & Ran Q bud Cutler We bur care yCarving‘ SC Razors Scissors Pocket Knir Our lives of Har? an, In: complete but specials you SI tra value Agency In Durham for cultivated Kant Kruk Ian-Demetri Rubbers Mo- 'ork and Repainm On all lines include Lumber Felt Boots, Slip away down in I5 Produce taken FEBRUARY 4, 19 6 Good Bu nii Win educ HEADQ ti of wm ou har We ll

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