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Durham Review (1897), 4 Feb 1909, p. 7

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'Alt Till IPION" In] GASOLINE JGINES 'tetttty Go. CASH , TRIAL BY Hum: Warm so“. Jot don’t 1909 thv " N EWFOUNDLAN D NOT SATISFIED 0M Animosities 'uviveti-Gh'ttutn Squadron Cudered North. Enchavorin' to Obtain M.dttuatuets in “sharia Draft Truly. hind“. Feb. L-tt in stated “It sewiourtdlartd is endmmring to ob lnin modilicn'wm in the fisherie. drntt trmty. While Secretary Root and Am- has-ado? Beyer, to enable the (one: to bring the "any biomny helm the Senate [mule-I to his “pawn, " tarkrd their sign-two- to sour-ta cop- iw " the Irony. this in ttot bhtdintt an my." party. no ham Government mum not agree to any arrangement which did Int mot NewtinmgraAt',' In" at approval. Iw'wn l hili and Punt, ‘ignulizml by the withdrawal of Sonur J. M. F.nchinqtte. tho l hiliun Minhwr at Lima. has arous- o--l more or lee excitement here, antinu- uld animosity between the two countries dating hock to the mu of 1879. and the consequent occupation of the Panda» minute: at Tun and Alien by "iii, in" to a certain extent been revived. " is deehsred tree, that the Chilton wank-on. and" Ad-inl Wilton. m in (In and: of Magellan, ha- been or demo] In“. DEAN GALBRAITH'S APPEAL BE FORE ENGINEERS SOCIETY. The Fisheries and Forests-The Pru- ent Policy in Regard " Them is Extravagant. At but the fire died dawn and hut report from the overheated ridtten had died away in the n Flynn and Nelson rautionnly went t kid's blackened body. Seeing that darnter was over. they rapidly hm dunking and ”he: from the body, Werdeiluett was dead. Braide- the Ir? fired be his mm hand at leart other shots had entered " neared I vulva”. Then. Inning middle of the yard. I up haying from the centre which mu Man-d up I hardy. Ind a nharp expl '"mttttasteottnty told the Nippon"! revolver slum: “on. At in: the (in. ' . MM a teetire it," " No. As the dete lml's name . "that shot Fl “M od the h "Nu "euvti, hurl a come III pt! haunt narggeg Illade windov und-t Inn-.Igu. ill., Feb. t.-AMe of the mod wectturttlar unit-ide- on the record ol the Chicago police nee-nu] 1m:- day. whrn Neeosteen-year-old Moi). Wtrrtlerit.sarh, enveloped in a “a d tlamess, from which came a constant (It- Illadc of bullets, prrUhed “I!" the Wmllmv of the brother. whon ilk-god unjust aecuratiom, drove him to look Cartridges Exploded With Real, Keeping Off Detectives. ml Had Been Accused by His Relatives of Stealing My. Chicago You!!! Shoots Hindi and Sets His Chilling on Fire. OUR RESOURCES. s brunt. At mind of tb a and Flynn, of e station. ram In own life Yuung Werderitseh not-rated his "then with kerosene before firUtt a wolver into his. breot. The nrhimr uwdur itraited the oil. the no.” MIN box of carlritlgeu which were in Wer- 'ritsrhu pocket to the pom o! uplo- nu and then the ballet. began to ny. The boy had open accused try relative. stealing a small amount of honey hm them. Werderitneh insisted he "9 Vincent, and when he was threatenod th arrest he walked the struts for w. darts and nights. moron and fear- I. Then he came bark to his bonding "tw. took a position hennth the win- w n! his seeming relative, nodal his nth-n in nil and fired his revolver into SURE DEATH FOR HIM. CHILI AND PERU palm Then of the “ho! [Natives Nel- 'nn, of the "lldwn avenue po. n. ran toward the lodging u 16 Him-mile 'street. mam worn approaching the run-loved bodv a mam-l "-- nun-loyal bodi a mom! re. mng out. Another tollowvd. Imlleu whistled (lung-rowdy m: Flynn'u head. Safe luv- rr of a building the dc- m-d, drawing thrir mm H'- n. pom'ing nut toward th. e yard. at splatter of mparlr, ' the t'esttre of the fire, Man-(l up above the Ind', I sharp explosion occurring 4 hili. diplomat ll Punt, im " where ttil' aet nally can" l. I. __ The I'ehtioni be. mlizml by the I. [minimum Ba, has arous- here, and the two countries 1879, and the the Panda» ' at Umvwa H mpm-ity a: ('nnndinn So Th. unnua Ur la ware url ot. annual ot the morning, tmsting ant sub. Mouth-d night fl the but bul- two the th, th the art JI Waterways Agreement to Come Before U. 8. Senate To-dey. Washington. Feb. I.--.U agreement unu- n-nchml nmmxg the Senators to-dn, for an amendment to the Celt-dill wet "vc.'", treaty to satisfy the contention of Senator William Alden Smith, of virhivut. that the treaty should tix a division of the waters of the St. Nerf. River fur power purposes between Cor "la atul th" Unitol Slates. The exact Imus of lir- 'lroytimed amendment of the fr-...Iy haw mt been determined. The Manly wilt again be considered " an ex- w-uliu: session fu-momm. Queer Judgment in the New Bruns- wick Court. man I I “hirh l rlmut fl-Iulault J. It. Ray's Excuse for Setting Fire to Bans. Mu LOVED THE WIDOW. tt, to Inlu- pGdin Collingwood, though Mr. J A. Paul, the tail hm-n given warning. the clothe: <veuretl from hu messenger at t tion. tthere he was indueed to prumiw of the money. There i: for ulmut forty dollars at the , ton Hutvl, nor was anything D TREATY WILL BE AMENDED. applia n man from St. I Brooklyn . . . New Orleans Philadelphia Pillsbury ... M. Loni: . . . Hartford . ' . Newark . . . Cleveland . . . .'ipringrteid . . Detroit . . . ' Sr-rnntnn . . . 9?. Paul .p. Baltimore . .. Sim Franc-hon Buffalo ... . Milwaukee . .. Providence .. e oitier 1 Mr. Soft] AN man. population of the twenty l (was in the United States i: New York ... ... ... .. (Mango ... ... Ht H Porto Rieo. I" the grand tot l'nitml States pared with 1: tunier the Br population of he FYI'IIY, uelplv. I SMOOTH SWINDLER. H.235,45] Roman Catholics in the United Rum, weanling to the Mum-e sheets of the 1909 Wiltarius Official Catholic Di. reetory, ptiblixhtut in this city. The oaititttie, are furnished by the urch- Ili‘llllpi and Iridium of the United 'itates "iter the taking at a comma in all dio. h Census of “a: sum 14,235,451 in United States. ROMAN CATHOLICS. ung Man Mic-pd to Have Made 8 ram; tt, Hank. St. C mm» for $300 " xptaintul that a " Ming nu bran Wm St Tool oi a Toronto Inventor Named Sof'lcy, and to Have Swindled a Nun-her of Guelph Business Men. E. PRIME ARRESTED ON THE EVE OF HIS WEDDING. um i'riu ll il waukeP, no, AGENT FINED. ' I. C. ll. station agent, 1 hit}: violation ot' the Scott Act, lg " comirtiun against the dc- . 1'rocetulients were taken under odnwut to the C. T. Art, prohilr n- sittpttstun of liqnur into Scott ftl ding ok ding to tho ”.235 "Put Catholics in {Ivy bud issued otlwr rlu-qm-s trvngth of this one.but was able them in time, and to give warn- w tramwtions tlollats' worth of clothing mu in preparation for Ink wtuldittg, place in Collingwood, and al. Mr. " A. Paul. the tailor, had I'll warning. the vlothm “no. from hid messenger at the am o furnishings. {my u known here in a Inui- 1. ond WM evidently imposed the plausible young man. min rlmr Ind total of Catholien under Ntate, “an to EAT-3,440, a: r with 1:115:54»: Catholic sutoj the liriti-sh flag. The PM] :;._amlA "athiirn' iuauil my Att Eur "nab-r tal "l he not by relutiv Ight lvack mm". going in for $800. tor M his, rlu-qm- on the Mer. . St. tic-arm. on the 20th $34K) “an gin-n iuUvad, and that a 'lvlay would Pnslw, no branch of the lmnk Inc-r9, t until u (-0"va of clan)“ ago found then, wc-n- no funds. MM run-m of " good family. I inwntnr named Sunk-y in tlu. Hhuhtono Home and r good impression that they Hun-lph togetho-r to launch a ny tor a patentwl military m other wan opened up. but took nick and tho young,' patch: That McGuire, an n dawn he M burn on the nwmhip. ieor In) and " Centre {H "r tsten mrgv, was towing arrest- of obtaining mum for " {also prutcnum in I(' not been stopped, in 'I-lativu-u in (hwlph. lie back here fur trial. I u young man oi good ot h That It you" tlenlm tch.. Police Ivervd judgment for fire ward. in ', and advised not "y, MM Lu-(lny lg" Huuhwk In Al Prim". He is and lu, cottiessed Feb. L-there an: Prim. barn on Jan w walla love " that when 451 the numlrr UH tilt-A Ph)lipirii" fire to McGuire our: man of he lea Welling- pa id for Hinguwmd as follows.. 1.219.920 1,150.00!) M0.000 700.000 go on tt hill Jin. ninja-rs Ca t hallo ing dim 3-21.00 32.1.! " I , 13.10)!) 2:73.000 3tl 1mm 363.000 330.000 3-1.1 I 21 an " m 263,000 9501“) 233.000 2301000 24 1.739 P..'? 5.000 2-3.5."00 Hung ng th, ml An idle rumor ir%G currency, which is more than an idle man can do. Wa.,hiup,tou, Feb. '-Ntltou,r,rlt the tariff funnel“, the Reputation: numbers of tlw House Committee on Ways and “mm. hzlvz- luv-n wnrkinu diligentlv in been reached, Lurlort. Fol». l.- Mr. w. ll. Trot. lrr unwed a protest today at the Labor party's confun-ncc at Ports. mouth "gamut the Jitlvation Army's Cunedian immigration operations. m said that it anyone started a competi- tion on the but way to premrimtte, the .wvtlvats'on Army's (-mignubion giro- gramme for 1901) would obtain first prize. tLaughter.) Every statement made by tun Salvation Army erttet'fied arm-sh the Carpenter of Nazareth and placed Ananias on a pedestal. There were many thousands at unemployed in Canada, yet the Salvation Army props- mi to wild out 8M pooplr. 3ir. Aiu'ynv. "I may have the ministry. All the talk about boxing glnw-s is not truv. Tlum. is nothing to that. The wary did nut want the gloves and I simply told the boys not to “:13 them. "My rmignatiun was not naked di- rrvtly. but was only suggested as a way out of the disagreement, and I took it Republicans Working " the Men:- ttre-Nothing Settled. Pu gramme for 1909 Severely Hand- led by W. R. Trotter. up fur Sunday school boys have bro nlrout the resignation of the RM’. r Alle.rno rector of St. Edmund's Ep pal (much. The Pow. Mr. Allvym- was once English mum! lieutvuaut, and his 1 wu atnl‘im were popular with his , day whunl Iro.vu. But the stock 5 run out and in the next best thing he hit upon boxing gloves. The gloves "VWt' bought, but after the boys haul hammered much other for about a week member. of the rhureh objected. The congregation took sides and the dis. ugrenu-nt resulted in a Vestry meeting at which the n-ummtion was accepted, to tuk" effect March l. "I don't know what I shall do," mid Mr. Allvynv. "I tttttV leave the minislrv. Pastor Who Was Popular With S. s. Boys Quits His Church l'urunlu nlv-iulhh: Bernard l". thvg- nry, familiarly known about the city as "Cotmt Bertie" Gregord, in in trouble. Gregory Was arrosted on Yongo sheet by Detective Kennedy last night in a warrant charging fraud, the complain- ant being I'. Fl. Mnllett, of 382 College street, in drtregitst. Detective Kennedy took his prisoner to Court Street Police Station, “born he r-lx‘hl the night. Gregory, “hum: rial name " r‘lirl to be Grevuhaum, is alleged to have obtained 82 worth of drugs and $8 in money from Mullett, recently, by means of a Worthless cheque. In addi- tion to the Specific charge on which he was arrested, thc police any they have scvet'al other charge; to lay against Grew”): Katmai (it): Feb. 1.--Charlet, Nerd, formerly a Ruins City real estate dealer, has been placed in the county jail here on a charge of passing a worthlms cheque. 'l he police seiz.ed Nora's trunk and found several hun- dred letters from women in various parts of the country. These letters in- l variably refer to Nord in terms of on- doarmont, generally speaking of a com- ing marriage, and in each case men- tioning loam, of money alleged to have been made by the writers. 'l'ln' Ivttora disclosed bear the follow- iug signatun- sunongt others: Jean Ida Bell, 1railv.vbury, Ont. Hm- writer pleaded with the man to "vfl his oificv furniture in Buffalo, N. r., oud mum- to her and marry her. Kind claim, to have lived in Chimgo. and rays In nwl mud of his wnmt'nl orrrisponderttr, there. m declared 11-1 day that ill‘ was innocent of anv wrong. h Toronto Man Arrested on Charge. S. A. EMIGRATION. .uilrva ul, BALKS AT BOXING. Women's Letters Filled Trunk of Man Arrested in Missouri. V "e'-"..-.". ..0 at"... an the plant is complvted the wmpany will start work on half a dozen freight. "Is. M largo as any on the lam-a, to be u-wl indepenOuttv in lake tratlv. The city tum-vs to oxrmpt the t'ttittt puny from taxation for 20 years. Work on tlu, plant is to be commenced early in the wring. Nearly a thoumnd men will be Pin. ploy-d. -----_---- HEART BREAKER. “urn [no shipbuilding plant and entails tho expenditure of millions. it is re- uurtlmi as the most important in the Ills- tory of Canadian shipping. " John o'Roylo, a member of the firm having the contract for building the dock. "tyn it will be 620 feet long and will Pon half a million dollars. As soon Sault Ste. Marie, Feb. 1. ments made by the Board I gaming the dry dock dea scheme is of vast proportr rlmlu-s a new line of lake l *ith'n the shipbuilding plant tho expenditure of millions, “unit-ti as the most impurtan tory of Canadian nhinnino Millions irill be Spent by tht' . . m (lo-pay at Soc. ' U. S. TARIFF. 1N TROUBLE. BUILD SHIPS. Fe b, outvnunt, and his 'lvep popular with his Sun- . But the stock soon the new: best thing he slariv, Feb. I.-9nnounee, y the Board of Trude re- try dock deal show the vast proportions. It in- I Mr and marry her. have val in Chivago, I Hunt of his “mum: here. m declared io. innocent of any wrong. {using glove; have brought lake carriers; be tall dn," mid the ministry. gluw-s is not Episco Fraud Opinion Prevails in Britain That " Will be Mr. John Sinclair. London. fob. 1.--The Daily Mail drelare definitely that Mr. John Sin clair‘s elevation to the Peerage is more ly preliminary to his appointment as Governor.Gemmal at Canada. This ap- pears to be the general opttiott in Lib. crul eireles. 'l'reves, a member ct the Council of the new Royal British Rndium Insti- tute, says he does not expect there will be any difficulty in getting all the radium required by the institute. The real "men for the smell amount in existence in the small demand for it. As soon as the demand increases the supply wilt surely do the name. He added that it was beyond doubt ra- dium could be produced from the pitchblende found in Cornwall. Some men are they would fight lliavo. Fl“. I. --.1 "movvmrnt ii on fort among the leading retrtatttautte of ( 1. mg" to win tmkt-y on then. menus on account of the high price now being asked for the meat. and it in a possibil- ity that an offer. will be made. to have the restaurants " all of the leading ci- ties take the matter up. Inquiry among the produce dealers, along Water street brings out the fact that practically no turkeys are being offered for sale. The dealers admit there is a corner, but will not confess to hav- ing been caught on "hort deliveries. No Difficulty in Securing All That May be Required. Mar be Taken Off Chicago Restaur- ants’ Bill of Fate. The convention also declared against tho pmpmed increase in number and pom-r of the Pennsylvania coal and iron police to a wimai-tttilitavy body. it de. elareJ that. such forees usurp the powers~ oi lool "tttltoritics. The convention de. manded the “pearl of the laws author- izing the present state police. The n mlutiou “as presented by John T. liq-Hume)", MTI't‘llll'y of the Seranlon- WilUrs'oarre district. Indianapolis, lnd., Feb. L-lt 's x-n- thoritativol.v announced by friends of Thomas L. Lewis, President oi the United Iline Workrrs of America, that the (aunt oi the ballots has proceeded Mr enough to show that he had been re. ts14ttvd Irv a Inzljurity of between 15,000 and 20,1)01Jm'cr his opponent, John Walla-r. of lilinois. Walker, while con- mding tlie cketion in advance yesterday, dram-ml that he would earry the con- vention behind the returns. The 200 Sucialhis who are delegates to the mincrs’ national convention, won u, substantial victory in a declaration for public ownership, simply because neither faction wanted to estrange their mun». lsRe-eiecled President of the United Mine Workers of America. "White fish and trout ought to be cheaper to the. consumer at prewnt than ot any time in the last ten years," the announcement says. "The wholesale deal- on have slaught'mod prices il, the" re- tnilom and consumers are entitled to the benefit." lhimgv. Feb. L-An 0pm winlm' and an unusually well rttocked market in the fish trade in given as the grounds for a big reduction in the price of fish by Chicago wholesalers, according to an- nouncemcut made by one of the largest fish firms yesterday. The hit-graph wrvice of railroads was nlutort hnlwlmsly crippled. " was re- ported that manly trains had lawn alran. slouvd in northern Iowa. Wtrshouty were rn-pm-tml numerous in that suction. West of Rama» City all wire servieo hm! prank-”Hy ova-0d in ttse only hours of the day. Open Winter Reduces Prices Chicago Dealers. lumlun , Fch Chicago, I’ch. l.--Telegraph service to points went and north of Chicago was nlmust eompletel.v severed to-day by the War-1 slum! of the ammo“. Score-s of tologruph pole and tiles of wire in many sodium Wi'rc. hurnv down and IN!- dvred uselcs,, by the high winds and the heavy snow fall. Telegraph Poles and Wires Down and Walnut: NEXT GOVERttORA2ENERAL. l The pttrehatse of the automomk-s is not l for vxpvrimetttal purposes, for twat: have [won made in the but six months, and it was merely a question of which type of harm-km whit-ks would be but adapted frr the rough "~60" it will be subjected to in the semiannual round-up of mttk- A special mm-hino suited to this work will lr' manufactured. Colotwl ('rowlvy, 'were'." of the Cat- tlu Rania-IV Amwiutiun, in (la-scribing the “Nb. will: "Cmvloys min drive through a 1Junch of a thouan heud of cattle in automobiles without NH: disturbing a steer. Some of the steer,, may stop grating and stare in wonderment gt the machine, but you cannot stampede them l with an automobile. A man on horse. back mu stumpmlr- n bunch of steers quicker tlmn lightning." RADIUM SUPPLY. Galveston, Texas. Feb. I.---.-) order for ten automobiles for the Ransom and Welluoru cattle ranches of Midland and Crate muntios were placed yesterday. Cowboys lo Use Automobiles Prank Sta-”do. N0 TURKEY. LEWIS WINS. FOR ROUND-UP. CHEAP FISH. BIG STORM. so pngnacious that a gas bill. Sir Frederick for Rome, Jan. 29..--A number at tunn- org of the mnhqunko- imfferhtg from \mundu were waived at the Vatican hmpiul to-day. They trt're brought from Alumina and Reggie by the Sin-lull down-r Catalonia. lent out by the hruttislt guwrnmtut. Edmund Billings, represenutive of the 3Iasaehusetts Relief Committee, travhttt found that the population between Mme aina and Tnonnins was in dire distress, lune been aerating his energies neatly to their relief. Catania. Feb. l.--erlight rarthquake! continue to be recorded dnily at Mud. mr but they do no damage. ' New WiMtuinslvr. lt. C., Feb. I: A Piqnvd hue-muse u roe-HI. (ll-spulch from Ottawa intuuatvs that discipline in the Bullish Columbia Pvuit"ntiar.v was nut pvrfut during bi, trmm- of office, D. ll. Hawk“, m-lh'gnuly Wank“, and tur "mull” 1irtually “malt-n. Inn tsvit'om to thas pl‘vs's'. intimuling that uuhms ju,- lice is done him he will "open up a new field for moral rt-fornu-rs by lulling the world the truth about the escape ot Bill Minrr and three convict oompanionn," “ho levnnted from the institution in August, 1907. Mr. Bourke state. that the disclosures he may make public would be pensational and far-reaching. THREATENS THINGS. Coty Ht. Antoine road, " cettnotutt. Dx‘spitu diligent 'mvvuigatiuns of the Wt .1.an poliev no clue has yet been diumvcred which will lead to the appre- hum-ion of the burglar or burglars. Thru- are no asrmnts in the house, and so far the robbery is nhroudrd in mys- What Vital Secret Does [Ex-Warden Bourke Hide. tery A Mysterious Affair in Westmount That Baffles the Police, MMIII'I'HI. FeAr. I. A rohircry. iu. volxiug the lms of wwral thousand dol. Inrs' worth of jewelry was cummilu'd mun,- time yvstvrday in the ruidclwc of Mn. J. H. Stanford, who oceupies suite ~ixtwn in the tacit-ah».- Apartments, on try. Ordered to leave the town of Rats nia by the police there on grounds tlsot she kept "a disorderly house, Mrs. Law. rence crossed to Port Huron yesterday morning, but was at once sent bark by the United states immigration officers there. As she stepped from the ferry boat at Sarah: she was once more placed under arrest and to-day was again gent. haek across the river to Port Huron. This time she “he not allowed to land from the boat. and may yet have to an. char in the middle of the St. Clair River to escape the authorities oi both coun- tries BIG JEWEL ROBBERY. lk'truit. Fq-lu. I.--F'or two data the United Status tmmigrution authoritie at Port Huron and the Canadian offi. cor-4 at Snrnia have played ping pong with Mrs. Nancy Lawrence, and to-nignt she is literally a woman without a coun- try. Ordered to leave the town of Satu nin by the police there on grounds that she kept ' disorderly house. Mrs. Law. Mary don not soon: to mind it, Int rather enjoy the fun of dodging Um immigra'.i:oa offions. " has lam-n i's'- portvd titat the ('mmdiun officials have pmiliw- orders to dcport her on Bight, but Mary ttplh"ttt'N to Innu- n strong Illa» ing fur Cauada, she has ' known to got by the officers suwral times in disguise. with her skirts tucked up im- dvr a long overcoat, a fur cap pulled down over her ears, and a cigarette at u jaunty angle. ON THE ST. ('l..\lll FRONTIER. t'nlnis Maine. Feb. 1. "any O'Neill, known a. tho "girl without. a country." is making no end of trouble for the im. migration officers. If Mary is found in St. Stephens on the Cnnadian side of the line she is chased new“ the bridge to _t'alais, and it an American immigration offieer gets sight of her he chases her buek to Canada. ' Mary’s who ha,, been referred to (It- tmm and Wanhingtou. In the mean» while Mary is doing a ~hutth- net new“: the international bridge. Mary U'Nl'ill is a sprightly In» of nineteen. and new she um- born in at shack nenr Moi-sellout! Lake. Mary's mother died and her iath, er married a St, Stephrns girl and Set- tled down I; the t'ulmdinn town. Mary and her stepmother did not get on very well, and Mary was turned out. Then her trottlrliv, began. Inspector w. Hawthorne, of the Cum- dian service. was called in by tho. St. Stephan town "uthorities, who believed that the girl might become a town 'lutrp.e. 1htry was eseortetl to tin: bridge and told to emigrate to Maine and stay there. In Calais the city officials called the attention of the inspector of immi- grants, who told Mary that a-he lira-d I in N. Stepheih and must go burl; I ,2er n I N, in M . homo. efuxees in Bistrs--seffere" in Vatican [lupin]. Neither Canada Nor United States Win Own Them-air, in the East Enjoys Dodging the Immigration Officers. HUNTED BACK AND FORTH BY IMMIGRATION OFFICIALS. "I don't believe." continued thc dildo-.5 mat, who is famiiliar with the mwiul HM in all the great capitals, "that in umj other country you will find this temienes among people of moderate imam" si marked as it ‘u’ horn.” ' I London. Feb. 1.--The mt inch-nae in luxury here is suhject of frequent dm. allusion. A well-known diplomlt aid: "Up to a quarter of a century ago our habits were simple. Even the wealthy ‘innde no grout show. When I began to iatay in countly houses in the seventies, the nay of living mus plain and unpre- tentiom. Who, nowadays, would hun- the courage to offer his guests boiled rugs and mid ham for breakfast on tt but oi, n dish of cold meats and cheese for luncheon. and u dinner of four or live courses all (old? What woman in society, nowadays, would be content to allow herself £1.30 it your dress allow. am-PY An nunt of mine, with tttte " the grruatert liths and at one time in Gnu-n Vietoria's Ilium-hold, non-r exeeeded than l amount. . i Cost of Living Much Higher Than lt Used to Be. MARY AND NANCY. MORE SHARES. MORE LUXURY. ONTARIO aRe TORONTO to mind it of dodging It has bro French and German Guns. A rvport from Paris states that in the Chamber of Deputies General Pics quart opposed the motion tor the " journment upon the Government to introduce immediately a bill for in. creasing the number of guns with each army corps to I“, distributed in six gun batteries, :10 that the French might be superior to the Germans. The battery of tour guns was an excellent fighting machine, and the immense majority of ottieers favored it. It was true the Germans had now a quick- tiring gun similar to the French, but the superiority oi the 147 German guns over the French no was mode apparent than real. Taken as a whole the French organization was better thaneyw German. France had a much larg number of can: than actually “mound. and they could at least eon- " r themselves on an equal footing. The Minister declined to accept the mibility for such a critical period of disorganization as would came it the when were accepted. “My infant, patina." aid tte lady in .entiment um. u the, has with diguity. "muted old tsill find out I’m clnved your muff not from - vulca- Thr .p‘coplnlu In. Nrt node: the inpredo- that it fact- in We run. was . - ont, a. l have no doubt it nine: of the istrtUV once was." - -Fu~ the [nodal Globe. through the up. By religion the fignro are equally in, tore-ding: The Roman Catholics are of "hutetl.v the slllln' an in the old “mm. the figure in curb case being to. The Presbyu'rian,, number 40 in the new House; last year they had 47. The Methodint thureh is repreuented by GO in the new Home. as against GO in the last Parliament. The (bun-h of England has 4l. us again“ 42. The Baptists numbered right in the former House; in thin they number nix. One addition to the ruligiuns is a Universalist. The Congrrnpetionttlimtri arr- two. the SI-IP as but your. and tlwn- in am- Lutlu-nn and one Furrinudun Imivpettdvnt, jnnt as in the hut House, Nationality and Religion of the Members. Ottawa. l-'eh. 1.--An "nirl,r; of the personnel of the new House of Commons with respect to places of luirth and reli. gions gives the following interesting fig. lll'es: In the lust Parliament there were 200 native-horn tuuudiunn; in the neu House the native-turn: number 204. There are sis linglis~|rborn as emnlnn'ed with four in the last Home. Ireland sent tour 'ious to the old Home. hut there are only two native Irishmeu in the new Home. In eaeh Home the melnln-rnhip included three men who were horn in the United State-s. Sent- land had three representatives in the last House: now it has only two. The new Home 1|an includes one member who was horn in South America. Lulltlhll. (vi-L. deesptttcli. William Thompson, an invalid, who has not left his bed for many mouths, this morning saved the lives of five permit: by his prompt action. He awakened about five o'clock and saw the roof of a neighbor's house on fire. Tlmmpuon become great.- ly excited and wearing an old overcoat rushed from his bed And climbing to the roof but the flames out. After musing the neighbors and the sleeping inmates of the house he collapsed and in It pre- sent very ill an a result of the reaction. London Mal Rose From Sick Bed to Put Out Fire. "ie, in the “an thtiout'.t Cabinet, and 1loel:uvs Hut Milnz'r's h'u'l‘hli's in Cam Ada served us a public educatiun, Much revived the Imperial cause. "At a criti, cal mount-Ht and upon the wry ere of tariff t-vviciott at Watshington, tlwy anv- od tho iunm-diale situation." "lrttioui,ct" dm-larw that Lord Mihv.w muv has [he hpl'cil'i support of ('amnln. which halds tlw muting rote on the whole lmpt-z'iul prghlqm. Lunlun. Felt. I. "Uttionist the Daily Mail, predicts that L. will In Mort-RWY of State fur Revived the imperial Cause in Can. ada, Says "Unionist." ing ,4"- wus mu0,'t.etctl to on Nu: other tide, had a numlu-r of other m-Il-knuun ln-xqulv ou board. inrlmliug Lord Ash» lulrlcm. "irptdier-tonuuut " “wiry Svymmlr lbuvliuwn, Gencral Fir Tlmmm 1G'llv.v-Ketme.v. J. “rut-o 1-way. ”mir- man of tlt" White Star Lino, and ('uuut Dc Puliprrte. New York. Feb. L-karl Morley. who is on his way to (lumdn lo viut Earl Grey, the GovcriturM.'envral of the Do- minion, was a panwngcr on tlac steamer hlauretania “hick arrived to-day front I.ivvrpool and Qucvnetowu. Tl". Mann-(mun, which was on lu-r tirst trip ,riuve the thorough overhaul. in: ,4"- tras .sulr,vetml to on (he other ”evened cum- to the city yeuo" day afternoon, and, with a mm mm- " C't'utly" Holmes, of ltnmiltnn, whom he had met on the train. regis. tered at th" Clyde Hotel, with Mont. real as his with-Pu. Holmes is an em- ployee of the Bell Telephone Company, and it was " first thought that Smith was aNo, but “one of the telephone mun seem to know him ht New York o. His Thr to Tait Earl Grey. Smith ttic" to Man! the rear phat. form. He war, just able to who the hand rail, and the crowd on the platform prevented him from getting on. lie nwnng around suddenly unnl fell on th, roadway between the motnr and the tratiler. Before he eouldyuve himnell' he was ntl‘lltk by the guard around the wheels of the trailer. A Tomato cit-quick: Harry R. Smith. thought to be from Williamstown, Ont., and who came here to join I gang of lint-men who are to start out for the Belt Telepltone Company, received such sou-re injuries but owning while at. tempting to board I moving car at King and Yonge “was that be died on his way to St. Michael‘s Hospital. The only vilible mark of injury was a tulip wound. SAVED FIVE LIVES. Ho Alto-pied to Board loving Car in Toronto. NEW HOUSE OF COMMONS LORD MILNER'5 SPEECHES LINEMAN KILLED. JOHN MORLEY , predicts that Lord Milnvr 1r," of Male for the co. .11 lfniuuiat Cabinet, and Milrusu wen-nan in Cam Indians; Ill the no“ auburn numlu-r 21M. Inglinll-burn an eornpared Ic last Hume. Ireland to Ilu, old Home. but Writing My old Iberif friend Ind been calll‘d to the recon. According to his account. it" removed the broken patch of skull, rp. Elcing it with the rind of I ("on pump 'm, and closed the skin over it. In A nonth'n time. he "id, the patient wr, not only manhunt. but 'll once Illor' hard at work put-thing his relittiowsro- batic feats, with not oily a remodelled and renovated alum, but em I new crop of hair.--) tbs Your. Coup-ion. “I'm not werqthttt has. an: an no more worlds to mun." bt.bbmed Alexander. Nt'. lam-nu I have a pre- wnlimmt that some dsr Big. Forum will find out I'm walling but I who?" The woman-u. "winning tbe real beta in Use cw. [aw out the “he ver- don of the incident that In. come down I think the old man 'Inuéled Ilot I doubted his skill. At lent he wan til. wnyn holding forth upon the uubjot-t lull ;-onlinu:llv running the stony thst when in Algal: he had been offered a abulom nlnry -the sum varied each lim- tht tale mu told-to remain in charge of ttrt military hospital It Algil-n, nu honor which he had declined. Ms mver tired of narrating the fun Ind details of MI moot "awful "peru- lion, Thrre is I not in Novena: CHM luettttrrlm, who an followers " a certain "int buried new “chin. These devo. to" amuse their attdietee “and thin- "tvea, too, let III hopevby throwing into the " hwy cannon mm. which they allow to {all upon their than. ert"mg. 0n the nee-don in qtaertiott a linoleum Ind unfortunately been unt- hg in religion. power. for the clnmm hall ens-had his aim". Men-dc: the Great wet. "Why than In". your misty?" taked the Imphulu. “Isn't it gory any}! to have 00.30"“! on wand?" t6nderfut Out-guy. Among the Arabs Ind the Moon every Europa“! law-Her is supposed to be u doctor of msdicime and a uurgrun. The 'waling art in the only one upon which they hon! the-menu, and it in perhlu the "no of which they know the least. Walter B. Harm, in his 'tceottttt of a jammy to Tangier, tells tho story of a wonderful opera-on in ',1'irS'ri, an It Wu reported to him by a nun! octor win was "yelling “Jain con-puny: - - Before being plug-d in the show pen the various aponmen- up carefully wip- ed in order to remove any dust or dint which may hare Accumulated on the plunge. The final ntmtion coll" just before the bird goal before the judge. when the header wipe- the legs with a cloth which Ina been moistened with olive oil, while the head, the comb and the wattle: are gone over with a 'Poento that has been dipped in n nixturo con- sisting of two part- of olive oil ind one part of vinegar. The purpose of this Ipplirutitm in tn brighten tho (and: out! bring out the mlor to the but Multan. All odditinm al attention which in urn-etiola- gin-n consists of applying a little tllcum pow- der to the our ' Breeder- hare, (mad that in shipping bird. to the show room it in but to tune individual shipping boxes otoept in the cue of females, which no to be than: in the sum pen. Experience It“ proved that if than hen. ue "par-(rd they will be likely to fight among themselves when plum! in the exhibi- tion lull. and to injure their pinning.- '"tf possibly (DI-bl. Treatment of rough leg- beg m1 " lcut theee weeks before the thaw hy dipping the bird'u legs into I muhmr in the pmportion of a teupoonfll of catholic acid to a pm of ham-en nil, An old tin vegetlblc can is (woollen! for this PO"t - - The bird's legs are to be scrubbed with soap And water imndhtoly "tor being dipped into the oil, “in I ans" butch, then dried and afterward rubbed with vucliue. It often in "votugrotm to wind the lege with I strip of old cotton cloth to prevent the plum-go from he, coming soiled with the Vaseline when the birth [0 to roost. When visiting the (ruining on... the Invader carries I choice normal of food with which the bird on be ooared to the from. of the cage. In this way I hnhit of stepping (mud in an upturn mood formed and with it the last. stop of training is Accomplished. It nlno improve! the birds to "mile them," so that when being judged they will not act wild and trightetsed. Fer. quont-ly the lack of confidence from not. being mustomed to cooping Ind hund- ling In: can-ed In excellent specimen to lose the prime “uni. One of that "bind- of placing the birds, in the training cage- in to noel-10m than to being confined and to min; mum. When penned in theme our. the birds are visited Imquently Ind tdked to. and as they Income occlude-ted to being Vinita! n cane or n judging dick is used to move them about gently mud is passed down the neck and over the back. Any ding-unified birds are put aide. for it is little- to attempt to {the a bind that " experienced judge is to handle. Wishing the plumage, mum-in; old nonle- froln the leg: And trailing up entirely legitimate And exhibitor-u no Hippo-ed to take advantage of every op- portunity I) itrtptxrve the ugly-argue of their birds as much no possible in this WI". inches high. Etch bird u looked over (or such dis. qualifications u the 'utandard" my mhibib--grather,, on the leg. ot clean rag! votietiu. qrhite in the an ' of with Back- uod in the (am of young birds in the Meaiterranean class. we]: " Leghorn; lineman, and no on. 1 The on?!“ exhibitor keep. I “W t ‘oyeon . exceptional m, . . than: extr- “I! Im- the tine far, hatch, and lacing that hi. ndnlt ethni- tion stock have n good mat and - of tich tstsd nourishing food during the loll, no that (by will not out!" from this drnin on their vitality. They An kept hon-ad dnrin‘ had Weather, too, say- n writer in Suki-- bnn Life, for when the “other. m1 and are dried in the open the may become: faded and dull. lining decided on the binds to “NHL. they m removed to the tuning _ . which are limilu to but 'du/g/lr',', than need at the poultry ion. new cage. should be thirty inches aqua- and twenty-never: inche- high tor females. ha. ad my one: mu. m. The no!“ oahihitoe “do “and! 'rhmthohisrh.ttatt-rthme- ,Pditiei.aruwtu,tu-erto pupae his spat-inca- for the slow I... who.“ it enact be denied (In in even he or three week. an. I ("at Jul on be done to inputs the appear- ance of I bird. COMMON“. Torre-hi-tits-at- ofthe big poultry at... involve. - tmipttu-ett1e-i-i-e Ee, Prru1 'trepeat-dh Vimusly Ttaid, up Brushed and HOW CHICKENC ARE ON“). fpmlu uho-u' be thirtriGL

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