West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Feb 1909, p. 8

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3) §THE PEOPLE'S STOlQE iilt --gi---l-"""---S.--"."-""-r---===--r----u'-"- ill Men's Overcoats It OR RECT DRESS is easy to ret ognize, yet m C many men iust miss it. T Too often an ill-fitting gait or Overcoat is the fault g = A Suit or Overcoat that does i't fit well, a and is without style, will ma: an other. MI wise perfect attire. We claim to ha " in stock a a line of Suits and Coats that is sure to please itt anyone. They are made from bes: materials a and are right up-to-date in cut ind style, (lil! ROBERT BURNETT a mafianamaeaawwflmm --'--." lnm’u: lent ledger lull and vhnrgr. n MM system, And all mmofu de- ' ins lumwn to hummus ac newn-nre mil. dupnml of MM students consequently husim-ss mun-u ot lending Funadhm um! Amado-n I Una tbr" "tslots' loudly for our ans-mum. lunllvldunl Instruction. Inter (\llylhl)" U.nl "ourscm «hull maul tur partwulttrs. ace-WALKERTOH BUSINESS COLLEGE Great h hpuutlon, Results, In dance 11! Thorough am! Newt-tn, an. to assume powlu In Shaun-ad orBuslrteg' will Ming roll ttent who II when u our old '.'l'llUlrl ed Ind 1WD” nlhble whool. Wh- tenu- but». Jan. But. uni-loan. lm. Dims: All-16A! Bramnncmua: Y. I. C. A. Bulldinv, Toronto M and Equipment Th tooiustt-hi a! nu m .Ju'lt,'5'll cut-1w and 'ggg'trr'd'll'iti 1'lt mung. a. toe mu Jule! mm um Mum, am Gia: In Idiom column: "att no u M u “lol- ALI-Al "not ' 1.00M cattle-3e. 'an, '. dun-co. Bur, mm 0mm Mud WIN-u. M158 ttoaaJa2a ”ml-ACE“ B. A., out up a! M's cum-my. sum '. but. man. mus. Adm-cue. 31138 A]! MI. umthnM, at nominal m In“: m. Coupo- sldol. My. It!!! and aw. In.“ sud-anon: an! u “out“ ua7"tTidyityjer.t1eP. laden-boob iGaGViiyeet"1ef, mm- . I my '.trdlfAB5hqiCrahiirriai"""'" “can”. nu: n - - in unnu- /jiiiiili'iighiife Telegraphy AMBuxnuolold - to lay undo: can.” tor 5 tents It the no 3nd 'Jiri - lot ions-Me en loyment. 'uf 'lelpJt,'hrl','hf tl,r2'lle1l'ri?,ill?h'.i Mu Madman analogue 1- 1m. Write to' me an!” ieirdeyytet"d at my claw 0 0150.0!) 9" ammo In “if", "nice. You an mom-a A loud operNo, ln 6 months I on uudy m In. Cal-mu Telegraph, School “and as. B., 'l'otonto. The an“ some mung. WHO. toe puns-ulna. W. ll. DRAW. PM. TJJOHNSTON. Business College Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, British Canadian Bus. College and In placing nil in undo-WI. Bub It “dent. in “an!!! “punte- Iy a ttitt own desk. Trial lesson- tce one week free. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2, - W. T. CLANCY Principal. Day and Night Claus. aauuierg in. "e, Fifi I on" scnoou ml Durham School MT. FOREST w w" ".'* -Ti. J.7iaaorm You” 5 Alumni! ms. hi “TH -RE0EN'I' BPANO' lish."t-1'1;ywa; Vcomfonable and cas y pocket book. "" BUSINESS TRAINING !ORONTO. ONT. YOUR COURSE ow ”mus. Fund?“ at renown prices. sun my time. the shoe fit, don't go in your stocking feet. We sell the IMPERIAL MAKE, have you tried them? Perfect in fityand always sty- Cor. You” & Bloor Sm. Highest Prices for Batter and Eggs. Oentlemen's Footwear G iiihiiunmni PM “W ltt"tt ‘3’}! In In. any my and Suits iGrurW Other communications Were row. Imoux them the bliomng ; Application from Lieu-Col. Clolnml " . grant of 350) to the 8Ut Regiment Letter from Middlebro and Sampson to pedtuen'u license to Peter tlmitts of l’rolon. Petition ol rat -pnyera of Owen Sound to have vermin had: taken from Owen Sound and attaol ed to Sydonlum. Petition Agnes, by 284 rumpus" ox Bluuko uglinsl {do Gtorporniott of mud yilhgn. The upon. 0: upecial Cumminooto 9min standing committees wu then presented. The third me tin: of the union was held Thursday hunuon. 'No clerk preroMud some impart!“ documents, one ofwhlch It.» In upp|icuuou from the township of Lormnnby for refund of “remand an at rllullou with the town- nlnp of Garrick, in which we mm aoml naked for amounted to about 01100. chorll from I, ll Burgess, iurpector ot schools In " ant (he) um] Sumnel 11uth inspector It r East Grey. were both bulky document , “Mug much Ichool iuforasattou, Reeve Saundt rs of Durham, wrote. "hung that the th unty minutes 011W debeutnlos of th. town of Durham. The Chatham ~Zollrmue lnlmme tor. warded n bill of 83.40 tor students who bud attended it I. )m Grey Co. Business men t " Durham "commend- ed Arthur BroJmn appointmom M county constable. Dr Mums, oi Asked for "(and over by urbnnac Mackay, Trlfo toluene» County r, F'allWheat......,....i, Spring Whent.. .. .... . o,scs.................. Peas................. Barley........ ...... Hay....-...-. Butter.........,...... Eggs Pouloel perba;t...... Flourper ttwt........ Oatmealpersacc..... (?.,".'ng2"lii'iiiy.', Live ampere”... Hideoperlb..... .... Sheepskins........... Wool Tallow............... ill NEW QUARTERS County Council After two " ms in business in Durham I thank heartily the manv former: Ind other! who hsvdavored , no with tuir trade and hove Plan are in announcing that I w ll in the {aura have have plea-ore in mm in more t.oeerf,tli'1T,,'llt"' all my old friends and mm many new ones. Prompt no. omit-1r dul- ing will continue to be my mono. Your-Ho: bushel, Durham Markets. McIntyre Bln k-Lambton " Barclay nu Iain ad and DURHAM. I', b. 3, 1009. l sums, chairman ot Education. I relnnd ol certain money pond urban so cu! sections. ay, Trlfo d and Grub wrote in a to a ceVIaliou in the Blue. line at il . novel. Continn rd neat week CARD " THANKS B. loLellan. t Ind west. Betore ally who“ )our co-op nee in transaction the nut]. Again I thank by 284 "PP"'?"' of a tlie 3 90to8 . 90to , 35to 82to 48to .700to, . 22to 40to 40 260to325 275to275 125toi60 665to600 re read. 45 to 23 to 5to M. E. Stews". traveller. better ‘nown as 'Dune' Stewartof Orange- Vllle. who on. injured, in the dreadful Hasledon wreck. Rot judgment, lately from the C'. P. R. for 811.5(llund cosh. Phi. was the 1erttest snug ijd Ir, a: RULL Fun Nom--" has been al 'untom wnh the railway companies In)!" away back to allow clergytuep a MR Hducllun on tickets. On the tiret 'tJanuary this yea the practice wan ",.cotstinued, and preach-rs will now nave to pay out 100 cents on the dollar when they go traveitttw.--Ex. Couuxsslonns MAY t9o.--dt is an- nounced by certain prominent Cou- er'VIthE neWspapers. Lhatlhe govern- ment will introducv legislation to wipe out local Incense commissioners. and "ppuitrt a Uglntml board will}. head- 35 70 About forty of the business men 1'l Orallus have tortued " syndicate and I mule ' over the Duly House from 1 Mr. M. Wnners. Ttus Wns dune p.an- ly to help out the shed "ccouuuodation for {urine-n1 lean” and partly to have avcoumsodation for the public. Mr. N. B. Tare, who has much.- a uuccess of lhe Orchard Point Inn for the past three years. has been ungaged as manager and took charge on Sutur- dag, It Is intended to spend shunt. 32.00 in new funnishings and (hangs no [but the huuee will lw in Haul-claws shape. Thin In mud to be ttto n-uull of the ncliun of the hotel keepers in closing their sheds and mixing the rates tor sluhling mud "Walls. Great. watt paper male on at Keelet'l. In sickness. ifa certain hidden nerve I now wrung. then the orgnn that. due; name controls will nluu mnly tail. Ill may be a Stomach urrve. or it may have given “numb and nuppurt to the Heart or Kidnap. It was Dr, tilsoopl that first pointed to tins vital truths Dr. Sliuop'n- ttmrtortttivt, was not made .0 do.-o llw Summon nut to lelnpomnh rtimulue the Heart on Kidneys. 'llml ehrttanoned method is all Wrong. Dr. Sheep's Brslomtive gncn directly to these {ailing imido nerves. The re. markalrle were“ of IIIIB preseripsiou demonutrales the wisduui of lrenlmg ,tlio actual cause of these [ailing urgau". ‘And it is indeed easy to pruVG. A simple fit/rr ten (lava test will surely Ml. Try it once. and new! Sold by MucFulane & co. " District News. Slaughter Sale of New Wall Paper HAVE you one or more rooms that will need Pa- pering? If you have, come to Keeler's Rush Sale and you can buy papers here to do the job for a song. These t’rlces will make Things Hum G' EEK; 7.5133 1m 20 15,000 Rolls of Up-to-clate Wall Paper almost given away All Sc Wall Papers go with a rush at . . . . All We Vol! Pope" suitable for bedrooms, dining rooms, halls. kitchens, al. price.. Grand assortment of Papers, suitable for par rooms. etc., worth no cents per roll, all l to go atthe one price...... .... .... .. : Best papers in the house, suitable for any room of coiors,--browo, greens, drabo. creams, to Mc per roll, all go in the great sale 1 at.... .... .... _..... ...... ...... ..-.. Come at once as we will clear our who“: SLOCK or Wall Papers out in 15 d We will be blazing away right ays, from the drop of the hat and you'll not be disappointed if you come here expecting to buy goods cheaper than ever before R. B. KEELER & SUN Ever Known to {he People of Durham and surrounding country GREATEST DURHAM REVIEW DUKE” TORONTO Jewellery Sale In order to make room for our large spring stock, we intend to acrifiee everything connected with the Jewellery trade nt cost. We are not fooling when we say cost which you will fiud out by; giving us 3 att will clear our whole stek_of dies' and Gents' Go Chains and Silverware WATCHES, Clocks, Rings, Brooches,, Bracelets, Jtrt?1rete; La- The above goods will be sold this way only during the mouths of January and February. THE JRWELLER Graduate Can. Horologica1 Inst P/0. A. Webster Duly nrvice of express mini by the most direct and Interesting route. THROUGH PALACE AND TOURIST SLEEPING CARS From Toronto daily at, 10,15 p. I The Canadian Way to the Canadian West Everything goes- See R. KcFARLANE, Agent. Durham. ftparloty halls, dining aT/tir" Gad Watch The only 15c pd roll We pe'r roll --graud assortment reds, Ike, worth 139 le per roll & per roll COME ! COME ! COME ! m. t Mr Archie McLeod. who cunn- from \hnitoha to attend his sister. Mrs Mc- Cumig'a funeral, left for hie Western name Monday Miss Fraser intends leaving Dul- ham soon fur an extended Tisit Io Cullingwood friends and relatives: we hope not permanently. Principal Allan had to give up his duties on Wednesday owing to n 'hteutened Attack of pneumonia. He iuitpproved at last accounts. Misses McWerracher and E129 are kindly mmhining his class with theirs in the meantime. BAmm.--In Durham, on Ian. 28th. to Mr and Mrs Otto Bauer. . daughter. RIDDELL -in Bentinek, on Jan. tith, to tdr and Mn Hugh Ridden. a son. BngPttoN.--In Durham, on Jan. 80th, to Mr and Mrs Henry Simpson. a daughter, ARtrtyrrtovo.-rn Benliuck, on Jan. 31, to Mr and Mrs Elijah Armutrung a son. ANDERgoN.--At Colman, Alla. early in January. to Mr and Mrs Andor- BOO, (nee Ruth Johnston) a. son. the motherhss family and father In thmr sad hereuvement. On Suuduv 3rd January. 1000, aha! e was horn to Mr. and Mrs. McCuzug l fur n, week or ten dN's tite uev_er ttit 'u-ttcr on such occasions but "tut" the hitter was near the sweet"aud she took a turn for the worse and all that friends and physxcians could do was applied, without any etfect and she mlmy fell ween on Monday morning. 25th January. To the here wed hus- band and family We extend the deep- est sympathy of all neu- at, hand and Mar " and more especially those who have. experienced the same trials will I nalurully feel mole keenl the tmd i and hmly condition of him who il‘ lelt on a aliip tossedott the ocean of Me laden with precious goods l so Is Mr McCuaig left lonely Ut take charge of a large and partly helpless family, but under the circutmwattees Mr. Mc.. Uuuig is blessed with good children. and those dour daughurs who have come to the age womanhood will have to act as both sisters and motherlo those “home yet unable to take care of theunelvcs. To the hon Findlay, the eldest of the fumilyr, who was laid up with u severe mun-l: of la grippe " was at trying event that he was unnhle to come down stairs to view the re- mains of his dear beloved mot her be. m-o she was; placed in the. conveymzce that was to teary her to her last test. mg place. . . ' l The funeral “huh took place to timeliie's canevrry. Dulhnul road, G'lenelg, on Thursday the 28m Janu- uarr. was the latgist ever sewn in ttus paltfnr years. the procession being about one mile lungand a large num- ber who came a 1mm din-“mu want home from the house, The Rev Mr Mathew". derensmn’u [nu-Ion waisted Iy the How Mr Berry, prmcrhml the funeral ousvquies, M r Matheson took lot his text, 1tevelatious '2lvt chapter and fourth verse: “And dud shall Wipe away MI tears from their rye». " and on risnng to 'tudivrts the audience. he said that he Was attending {unen- als for the last eleven years in lha weisrritorho.od, ttnd um one. that he "eit his painful duty to conduct, was _ the saddest during that tune. . .After expounding the text very suitably for the oceasi m, be made beautiful refu- t-ncestothe life and Christian unr- acu tr of the depzu‘ced Wife And mot her, [he Rev Mr Berry led in prayers and u!snspokc from tha mum- text. mak- ing some vety unprvprioue remark- .,uitahle on the solemn nonunion A- mong than. who amended the funeral from a distauuce were, All-x McLeod and ton Alex from Stayrwr. uncle and cnualn of deceased . Mr Arch. McLeod " Gamma. thtthl. t-rothvr; Mt Alex Mchnm-I. of Eldn-rslio. cumin; Mr sttd Mrs Neil Mrthuanel, of DI r- bnm. cumin: Mr John Mch-en, of Durham, cousin: Mr and Mrs N. M"- Vlilhm. Swmtnn Puk. 00mins: mam Christan»; and Ann Jane McPhail, at l‘ounto, News: Mr Dart Mt-Dnumtl. of Mulm-k. a friettd, and nmuy other trom ditretetit parts. The pull-boners ere mum-canned i Juror Mathew. Neil, Arclue And w. McLood, David Hindu, lu-nl lwr-in-luw. Neil Mcthutnei, cumin and Alex Mt- tunttel, cousin. The undertaker was Mr Colin McMillan, Ul'mlml‘v. who was tulled upon to ”tend to tour fun. ruls in one week in this neighbor- hood. A tmnutiful wreath by the triend~ Was plncod on the eofBn and another "enniirulone by Dr and Mrs Hutton of Durham. Jr tth-John Gmsluy. Willie Edge. Jr 3td-Btewatt Lit-Arthur, Mae Mr Kechnie, Sr 2nd--hbtrl Vessie, To" (h'tlihY. Alumna Mckttltuie. J: p, 2nd .-hinhel Grnshy. bl bst-Cantp- hell Mitchell, vVinnie Mitchell, Brim Vessie. Jr Ist-iron \ert'lhur. L. H. WALKER. Teacher. SUCCESSFUL socrrrt-The annual meeting of the Attemeria Agricultural Society was heid in Unton hell on Wednesday. Jan. Nth. Several mem- bers who intended the Gillis funeral that afternoon could not. be present, l but there was a fair attendattee. and A penceful and enthuniaslic meeting Wm: conducted with the president. D, Me. Millan, in the chair. Dr. Dixon, one ot the auditors, tend the report, which weaned to be entirely GtisGetor . The remembrance of the excellent tif; hut fell. the present long roll of mem- beta, $33.15 paid "grim-e in 1008, And . eurplue of $131. In the treasury seemed to make the otBeem nnd mem- bers present feel determined to make next fall's show no one better null. The omeers for new are as totiow- Pteetdent. D MeMitlan l let vice pred- tent, W. J. iiaii'i: , 2nd vice ore-Idem Alex Muir: ditecmre, M. L. McIntyre. D. lint-ow. T. J. "the. Geo Campbell. D. L. Sinclair. John at: Arthur, Thai. Nichol. I A. M. Fm eon. M. q,orr. Audltore. Dr, I, Dixon and P. It. 'fit,'",',,'; 2t meeting In nmtmoul n procu [overn- i meat judge for It" mi. Thou. New no x. A, I. Fm were Nichol' 163 T. A. M. Ferguson were elected delegate. to the Pair. Amine lion in Toronto 'lert mopth. The hi! shovi will be held on gum]; au Friday. Oct. 7 and s, 1 Puma. Continued from page I u. a. s. BENT. & GLEN. Obituary BORN Alex. Russell, The Big Store, Durham 9 Garafraxa St. Near than“ t goon-000W no. we Alex. Russell, The Big Store, Durham 3%“ Where the Gog! It is amazing to see the swings in each ll been thrown on the tables of the " Store rather on our stock sheet Shetland Floss. all colors, worth " and So for. . . . . . . . . . White Bed Spreads, just a few left, worth [.50. ... .... .. Men's Socks, 3. sperm! lot, 2 pairs for.... .... .. .... ..... 10 dozen Ladies' Cashmere Hose, worth 35c, to clear at. . I Ladies'Astrachan Jacket, worth 35.00, for.... .... .. ... I Man‘s Australian Calf Coat, worth 33.00 tor.. ' ' .. ..... l Ladies' Sable Collarette worth 13 tW. for. . . . .. . . .. .. . I Ladies' Astrachan Co1larette, worth 8.50 for. . . . . . . . . ., 5 Men's Suits, worth 10 oo to [3.50 for.... ......g... ... 5 Men's Suits, worth 7.00 t09.5o for.... ...... .... .... .. Februgliy Ming Our boot and shoe department is ' pee-hive of You will find some new pried. Many hues of this mean big savings for your summer needs. 4 lbs Raisins (best quality) for 4 lbs Currants (best quality for 7 bars Comfort Soap for. . . . . . Extra special Savings for Sat., Feb. 6 23 lbs best Granul med white Sugar for . ' . .. . ' 5 lbs best Black Ceylon Tea worth " to 3oe for 51bs best Japan T: 'a, worth " to 3oe for.... ... 4 packages Jelly Powder, Ioc size for _.. . . ' .. .. 4 bottles Flavoring Extracts, we value for . . . . ., For the Fall and Winter Trade we have added sev- eral new lines of Boots, Shoes & Rubbers to our already large stock and are better prepared than ever to cater to the wants of the public in our line. 21 pair Mon’u "navy Rubbers wu 83.25 for .. " pdr Boy's Huhha rs regular $2 00 for. . . .. . 48 pair \Vuuwn's Oval than rt-uulnr ”.25 for 21 peir Boy's Hhoea. regular 81.75 for. . . . .. . . Hand Made Boots and Shoes a Specialty In this Department you will find tho prices intending. FALL AND WINTER SHOES AND RUBBERS THOS. McGRATH, During Stock-taking Here Are Some Bargains Boots and Shoes Hardware 1Vpatrittg done quick- ly and satiatuwdly. Groceries FEBRUARY 4 which lave i enter them bargains. stock will tr, 25c 25c d 'r-tP- $3 The House Ladies and Girls W half _ 2 Buckle Rubbers Big Discount on LOMBERMhN'ti I B $1.60 for they and they Wer villa and alum e all tielusta to tshut uh! if any could Durban. Thelldlr and sweet-ml tln line is web IMiI' I But "" th"urccron sometime. "rt' In“. In Lle- (but it " In. I nvlroadu. and “at If ti and and on anoint-.1- I In othu way: do am: the "ilroad. my the., 'ut they in clever licked. The story i occurrenoo In winch and two Jamaal-I thture (teamed into Allan I'm Recently M It» you" the ruin. When min they and tttep 'r'l‘n _ Tilt. and “the ttond y.' Ladies' Dress lio .8, Ladies' Coats==N VOL. XXX“. NO iiatoi/xEiiksryororo, EMidwint b,',': Pp of Quality THE REVIEW, DURHAM. o $LOO to Jan. I I9 Xalh"lhlh'lX,yr/Ayr,y,'.'y,',' " to.25 per cent To av “ in Cumin. " " and THE REVIEW {mu m (min). I, {IMO (ulmmt ll mouth-I) for I dollar. Take " Vintage of this remurk‘hle "In or no that your friend or newly but“! so. NOW is the Lima Out go all the odd p: . In fur an cr"teHome and mitts. (n details will I Our Ft Underwear amen. " inches Fitted and Loo "8.00. now 38.50 t we: a to In. all red 4 Ladies' long moot, um No.00 " Ladi black and c Out tro all I and many of th be. Home is a I The Hons OTHER LINES 6 3 odd Jackct " pain cor Sale wad If RUB ames " 'wtn they " " n it“! is tttl

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