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Durham Review (1897), 11 Feb 1909, p. 2

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H nun-aw to tlre Mruialnhip of Janus. Nome think that the term "raised up" "my!“ merely that God had sent. Juana into the world. y" .lew, -.\ "irect and lulu] charge of Inunlc‘mu-t guilt. Peter H‘PIIM‘II intent upon mowing the awful- m-~< oi Hwir min. until they um Lumxlul to roponuncc. Men must firmt frvl ttrrir guilt. before they will be in. Minn] to wk the Lon! tor lorgim. a unwind; ha, reterrnee to the no“ on which think was erueifird. Gt. ex- oltrd By his "quantum and ttMtett- non. A Prim-o and I .Havior-He In sum thr lJupphnnet they had called him. tte w.“ mu guilty " diuoyaity to God. tti, o-xalutiun proved mm to gin n- po-nunun -Thotnth nt-fully treated while he walked among Ion. he has pow- " to 1mm, and offers - to his lur- nlonn. 32. so in Ilm the Holy 'tbrat--. T be "oh Spirit wit-rd, through their works that an truths wm preaching the truth. that otrry "r-.u R I. tr"'r.i.tuer.iumtrtt-iti. gho- to than uh. oh, 00d. “l g2Attg, (n. ma). “NI l 'n I t m "MOI, can“ and "for: 2g,S b '" no ”my. " Mai. ll in It Ian-L u. dirretly to Abraham. Isaac and Jaeoh-"Ge Fathers" Ii dill the hitrtt prMNl.” "1mm". They wracked no ,'trange God, and he who so highly hon, "red the patriarch. Mam-s and the pro- phru. had yet more highly hunted .haqtr. (MM: (lulu. raised tte-Peter again Sudan on the resurrection as a witmmn to the Mmiahchip of Jews. The Apostle: In.» 'raened.-Acts "-42. K. The. the Hub 'eusst--6ai.phan, m 3... who "rated this“. The hub! of the Illtitlden (n. is, I.) il- conud the when“... and when the, an such you III-kn added to the fill". ther “CM It ”bible to "In, out the In religion. mt at the Mottt----The Saddam: were opposed to the speaks beans-e they "clean. the "sanction. man: with jubmy IR. To-They new envious became w! the "Ink-Me growth of the new reli. gion. Jnlomy and envy led to the "etttt nl Jesus. and now the use a iri: Musk! it pmsiNe tame the death arm. dim-ml". M. an the 'spo_---P'otr ahly tho rnlire twrlve "a now wind. PO. an angel til. V.) <ln chap. I): - II In have the ntrnunl of n ulnilar dulivo-rnner. num- iully "Ian-d. "There " no ponil-ility ot nplaining Luke'. wurnh into nnyllnng but a niruulmn 'blivrrancr. Me Fives no word that. um b" “than! mm any other lwur my." Cam. Bib. 20. g". . . "ek--rit're u a ”minimum from Jehovah; Hwy I..."- nulhinn to [our fun high prints or ~nnhmlrinu. Tho-y In". to link» to Him: to rum-oval momma-Iv", hut were to otter into the n-mple, llw wry phwe “in-n: they new urn-usual. and prmu'h an before. words of this lite-The words mum-min": Jenn Christ, hi. III-all: vml reuurrertiou, for thruugh him we have lmth ~piriluul and eternal Mr. dl. rntvn-dhurarl) They Ind. no Iinu- in "Going the cunlmaml given by it; scum-L hut ut .l’uln'enk they wer" ' mahry.~ t. The Jpn-tin hprh orted and linen-loud, deliu-ud (vo, I: 24). Lino" vn...su. u. in. I Not hy binding In, Tho-y had help- ;uul ulpplied their “we in uympnthy 'upular iavor in a " to main use ot it it, in it " _otntttt M " dand- my Ship to Leave Brooklyn for China With "" Corpus. New Regiment May be Named "Cameron Highlanders." “milling, Feb. 8.~The formation of a Highland regiment hero in believed to he almmz an aeeompliUted tart. A meet. ing i. to be held to-morrow. when the project may take tangible form. R. M. Tl"tntertt. a prominent barrister, is like. ly to he named tor lieutenant-colonel. with Major Hugh E. Marlena, formerly of Toronto. an major. The name for the (‘orpi most Favored in the Colman Highlanders. land it r. aid Mr. D. C. Cameron Inn promised a donation of “mm it hit clan it thus honored. Nvw York, PA. fl. Five lhnuanml Chine- corpses bound for their rr"al ruling places in the Flowery Kingdom will leave Brooklyn next Wednesday on the Humor Ski-mu. The bodies of the "rad humus were disintorted from burying grounds all our the United states ma placed in Mad caskets, which in turn wen enclosed in pine hoses, each Inhaled with the Dale and history ot' its silent 001‘!!th ttttd "ored Inn-tween aim-liq on the "ip. I).) ”haunt 11'tt222ttdr, no! In bout In than; t We.“ n sddrsss (vs. 85-80) which ua tho M. feet of guts“ the Ssddmss semis! and 'l'a"fl"Sl,',"t s compromise. After hosting the s "In, probshly with rhirtynlm- lungs. thr mus! number , among the Jews, they let them go. They "eparted from the presence of the eouned with rrioieintt and mmimml to presch .Ir-m as before. The Rodin]: received nevere contus- ion: and the princess' face was out. 'lhey were forced to remain in the desert till 4 o‘clock in the morning, and the ladies suffered from exposure and rhock. from Cairo says: The Khedimh, lkbal Harlem and Princess Nam-ll Hanan: were injured in an automobile accident on Saturday. Tttoy were travelling on the SW: road when their car fell into a ditch a3 a wheel came off. My Fell Into Ditch and Princess Also Iliad. tool. Mr. Ludlm': "a'.'.ttm' intnn-duhl in enmm‘ “In-n [ht- uuilny maul “rut went Huang)- Kw'II-lnlrg. and fur tlus but four yuan hr ham eritwrimvnted with the "WIN. Judge John E. I’m-tor " acting AN Mr. LunH‘mH repn-wntauive in the rnatter. One M trr, New York mmerm has already oiiered icu.000 for the dis. l-uwry. Negotiation" have been opened “ill: tIre volrpt'r tmls for the sole of H..- lull-'1". uhioh " Mon applied for. IV. Preaehing. The false prophet "1l1lli\~' "mt." much prople after him"; th, lttte prophet war-(.1 "not to teach unl preach Jesu, Ihrist" (v. 4!). "Fr aching r,- not staturtucsa nor bright- m~~. lmlimvs- unr piety, goo-luau nor l'.!l'lM~lll."~t. erudition nor vulture. It in ill“ ”My Spirit ”waking through human lip-t in wank that 1rtvathe and thoughts that burn. " mnnnt he taught; it must le, rut-Wed. " mums not naturally nor by hovrity; hut us it came to Jenna .au-l " 1lisviples, mo it mums to us wtrrtipht trom on high, like a dove IMatt. :2: lti).or a tongue of tire" [Add 2: in. A lady cum said to Joseph Parker. "tl hat is you hobhr."' "Preach- ing. madam." ot' Spnrgoon it has been will: "The amt and (-ulutaut tool with which Iw worked mu the glorious gospel of the grum- oi' (ind. a tool be had a run- an ot' keeping sharp. Me now-r of the gnm- of (ind. a tool be had a run- an ot' keeping sharp. Me now-r houtnts iormal, commonplace nor dull, but wan always fresh and vivid. This prulifil-nv-u of view wan hid genius; his mind koew nu rul-; repeatedly he pre- wntul [he bann- truthu, without mono- tnny nr repetition." l hrist in the centre m' vll wripture. To him the Morin of the towient patriarvhs point (Gen. 2: 24: kph. G.. Ill-32!: Gets, ee: 8; 24: 4). V. Peridsing, enduring. The false pro. plwl Inn-q mri~h and hic adherents will be "Jain" u.r "muttereui" (v. 3:5): the luu- pnxplwl -lmll "sine tics Ilte stars for. ...w and H'n' tthtn. l2: 2), many) in the Lingdum vi the Father (Matt. 13: Discovery Made Tempeting It for Use as a Culling Tool. PR.V TU 'A L APPLICATIONS. The False Prophet and the True. I. mung. "The fake prophet the. up by his awn impale, an did Thendu and Judy. was. 36. 37); the true prophet is rah-NI up by the Lord God" (Acts 3: 22). The prophwcin of one are "brought to "Might" H. 30): tu. prediction: of the other "an” minutely tultiBed. M. Boasting. The false prophet boa-(s "himself to be wmehody" (V. as); tho Hm prophet giw all“ honor to God "vwrmetl, dermal, In imprisoned, oxikd, xtw of Hod occupied my In uml atnzngly that it u to think of anything w my soul absorbed in I .m-l turn run-um] to e to on!” rubber”, and {In KHEDIVAH HURT. tite them in a new posdttiort relating , “ml. ‘1 can“ behold naught out of M; t i.eheld all thing" in Him." Our y ml trial may light 30“)“ one else to k' Prop. There ttte like-Mum to nGt “hid! can never he won exeept the gluw " the furnace. IV. Preaehing. The false prophet REFINES COPPER. urn strum] to elos. of hr nhjevte, and to In! ' exclusive int"mett- of Hun. This immersion ml all thing-t that it, them in a new posit WINNIPEG KILTIES. A GHASTLY CARGO. Preaehing, The 1 uwny much [monk w prophet way-(.1 ' "vaett Jesus (hr ring is not mumm- win-r " am! Ilka! useful Inullur: " : um.- k. PM». 'A--.Veoruing to Ute tin-day, Citatlt" Ludlow, of N. J., 'a.v4 htf has. diseoverel u-rvl-v Copper P.trt be refined. coplwr P.trt Father (YIntr. I A. C. M, t “on M cable u culling Among those prone!» " Government Home were the Maharajnh and Maur. ttttee of Cooeh-Brhar, with their dingh- tere; the Maharajnh and Nahum of Burdwan. Colonel Sir Portal) Singh. the Muharajah ot Bikassir. and many others of the flower of the Indian nobility. The health of the bride and bride- The WCFIIG‘ at the “monument House nuptial: when the bhtropean gumrtt' were joined by out a Nmmand members of the Indian nobility was picturesque in the extreme. The public. pntluuiasm displayed was an unmistakable tribute to the personal popularity of Lord and Lady Minto and their daughters. and evidence of the tar" that the reign in India ot Lord and may Lanudnwno it not yet forgotten. The crowds in the strata were modly mun an the prm-cuion made in way to the olutreh. But during the return to Government Homa- the spectators din. g-lnyml the grout“: enthusiasm, cheering the bride and bridegroom and the vice- rrgai party to the who along the whole route. After the nuptial benediction Psalm 37 mu cfvantrd by all present standing, and aitetr the final hunt-diction the hymn "O, Pcrivet lone" mu sung. During the sigtring ot' the n-gi-ter the hymn "The King of Love My Shepherd is” was ren- d, ml, the service concluding with a song of thanksgiving. the Words of which \wn- hy the Scottish poet James Thom- mu. Among Hump who signed the regis" u-r were their Excellencios Lord and Lady )lintn, Lord Kitchen", and Lady Lanudowne. "irllnp Cophston" and the clergy and rhnir hut-l the bridal prucvssinn " the wr-t door of the cathedral. and premrded r',irry tiff-wt. Th" sl't'nt‘ in~idc- lin- onlhmlrul. whore flu- many European {Junta Were '.ttCm'Prtt. Med, bun -etri'ely ION-1 Irrilliartt. 'the c.rluune of I'lnrnl demrulimn, uhichwaa in wirite, with the handsome dtvssses of the l:olim, and tho hrilinnt military and pulit'wal uniforms- of the men produced a charming: Mic-cl. The hridv. on the arm of her illustri- out, Lulu-r. the Yirrrny. was a figure of ”(white beautv. 'che wai followed hy lur three dainty girl trridesmttadq, who \wrv dressed in pale blue silk voile and wore liandmin-~ pmrl tweklxcos. gilta Hum lin- hridi'. t Tite lrride mm- a houulilul gown of ivmy satin pharmeu-e. faUened with or- tutment, of pmrlu and silver. The train \‘ulh of wilwr ninth, beautifully embroi- ;li-rml in a (halal! of feathers and ms?“ worked in m-yxtnla and diamonds. Her father WIN in military uniform. it down the aisle. singing "Lead In. lbw wuly F'at'upv." The wrvim was choral, mu! the Viceroy'" luml was on duty in ths. mthmlrul. 'lho bride drme trom the Government Home in a Mute oarriage, aeeorrqranied by tlu. Vim-r"). and vueorted by tt full Yice "gal bodyguard. in their striking uniform» of Harlot and gold. The procession [El-"Ml along the tam. "Us l‘lmwninghi road, the stately build- ing< of which haw given Colattht Il-t tit!" oi the tity of Palaees In thig 'ttri't are the principal club: and "ltoIt% "why ot' whit-h were lavishly deformed. ItAXZl.l.Nr', PICTURE. Th" balmnim and Wind-m" or the lml:~r~ and may point of vantage in the Arr-~14 wwro erowdcd with siglllm-m's nlrm-ml in tlwir my“: and lw-l. 't'lw mnnningling of the taried will)” of (m- l'lll'll (-n-lImIv-s with the suhvr gornumts ci' Hm hnrnpmm and the bright um- l'I-im-z ot' llu- suhliors- prmlm-ml a dag. When it began to gut. dark short. I, after school opened the mum: showed great norvnnsnrss. Sister Baptista, “he has the third grade of boys on the second floor of the build- ing, went out of the class room to get a match to light the gas. 'NK, ing her absence an a sign that the ennthquuko had arrived, one "of the children shouted "KartMuakv," very loudly. That was sufficient and every child in the room jumped to his feet, and made a mad rush for the door. Once in the hall, someone told them the building was burning and they rushed in all directions. Scene of Splender at Caknltn at Viceroy’: Daughter’s Marriage. It seems that a rumor had been cir- culated throughout the Italian section that Buffalo was to be visited by an earthquake yesterday and that the world was coming to an end. The story was talked over at the homes of the children and when they reported tor tschool in the morning were in a highly nervous state. Several of the ulster-s, teaching in the school, heard the rumor but told the children not to pay any heed to it. ling Edward’s Itlessage---The Wed- ding Gifts. 'lhe firil vie-rcgal wedding in Calcut- ta “as velcl,rated in gloriom weather on limltt-det.r “Mk, when Lord Charles F'itrurr.iuritw, youngvr w" oi Lurd Lum- dowrw, mu muniml to Lady Violet El- l'ror, daughter of Lord Mint", the Vice- my, in yt. Paul's Cathedral. 'llu. lu‘ichl proe'viion was wiitteed by all Caleutta. F.uropeaets and Indians ulike an-mnbling to wan-H It. Im- route {mm Government Home to the Cathe dual. a milo long, mu lined by troops or the Wtst Kent K'glmem, the 10th Jun. the Gordon illgllizlntle A, and the Kahuna Volunteers. llllil'alo, Feb. 8.--Seven hundred Ital. ian boys and girls, pupils of the par- ochial school of the Church ot Our Lady of Mount Carmel It Fly and LeContelix streets were thrown into a panic ht 9.- 30 o'eloek yesterday morning when some child shouted 'earthquake." The chil- dren rushed into the corridors and though stairway. to the and. A num- ber of mall children were knocked down and trampled upon, but no one was seri- ously injured. _ _ _ ,, _ _ Only the training of the children in the fire drill prevented more serious results. The entire Italian colony w“ thrown into a panic and more than a thousand Italian men and women, parents and rolntiven of the children, rutrrottuded the school and fought their way into the corridores, knock. ing others down as they ply-cod. An alarm of fire was turned in and the ar- rival of the fire apparatus added ter- ror to the foreigners. thiumtinnnie. Fled Fren Schol in far dan Tl I F. K I NG'T4 ('ONGRATU LATIONS‘. VIOLET’S WEDDING. PANIC IN SCHOOL l “ERIN FUR BRIDAL PARTY, Houw, to the Cnthe. wad lined by troops , Heinlein. tht., lmh A hundred year; Bimini. ripair a aunt's Ion of honor.--ttaliad. "The street was out of repair under the Ontario Act," said his Lordship in giving judgment. "h municipality in hound to recognize the right of the bicycle on the and. and keep the streets in repair for the use of bicycles.” i-was, situated at the rily and ie Yonge street. In consequence of the upset Mr. Robertson's bicycle was wreck- ed, his clothes injured, and he was con- find to his home for ten days. City Must Keep Street; h Proper Repair. Toronto report: Mr. Juitice Britton yesterday awarded Mr. L. ll. Robertson a sum of 8185 damages and costs for in- juries he received while wheeling on Yonge street. It was ahowu that the ac- cident was can-ed by a hole in the pavement {our feet eight inches long, eight inche- wido and eight inches deep. Toronto. Feb, ft. 31:0 “wt, young non," hm for long been the adviee to rising gem rations of the male kind. Ap- lmtently. however, the time has now ar- rited when the adult-r. accompanied Ir.'. a railroad ticket, should be given to tln ladies. Ontario, Ill mmnmn, with tho more crowded centres of home, " differing from an over. wind) of ladies In the we,t nint- ters, aeeording to an “lino-t pathetic letter addressed to Mr. b'. G. Mor- Ivy, Secretary of the Board of Trade, nr.- exactly "porkrte. Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald, giving his address an 1,4l2 Main awuuo, Spokane, wishes the genial Secretary of the Hoard of Ttade to place him in eo:nmunicn- tion with n utatrimonial ageuey. Me is intrrmtul in a developing district oi Alberta. where young men luck the tetiuing influence of the Indies. Naturally. Ming en Ontario nix-u. Mr. Fitzgerald believes that his mother’s Ill- tive Province can supply a long-felt want, hut in furthering his purpose Mr. Morley cannot help him except. in giv- ing publicity to his "eotttrnttttieation. My. Cooper related how on a Sunday last November, after a few words had pant-d, the rccwr had raised the wane alnl tltreatepal to brain him on the spot he stood’dn. Mr. Cooper had replied that the rector was no gentleman for carrying spite into the church. at whieh the clergyman had called him "the son of a scizvant girl." Mr. Cooper demothtrat- tlwitlt the on"? how he had lreen threat- cncd. His story of the incidcnt was cor. rolmratcd by his wife, his sister and Wm. Aitchison. Mr. Meilonigle said Mr. Cooper had ~tattcd the argument, which was the re- in“ of a diupnto (an a tenee. "l heard him ttyep, my name and go on to say I \ra-t bringing malice. hatred and cnvy into the church. llc waa evi- dcnlly quoting tho litany. I stopped and explaincd to him that the arehdea. min was coming: to acttlo the [cum mat. tor. Ile said, " don't want to lwar any- thing from you,' and went on to tell me that I waw a hypocrite, and that he had my twdigrcc." said tho witness, who aim "aid the warden had act-mud hint of Ili- ing languagc which he (tho witness) wrote nut for the confirmation oi tho uragiUrate tother than repeat in court. "I told him h» de-erred tn be knock- od flat whore ll" stood," said the rN'tor. "Who he ~aid , had been brought out front England a paupcr. and that I had ltttut kicked out of the I'nited "wiry Pate. the sexton. F.ileen aud Horold MeGoniglv. children. and Ram. Tire, lrteked up Hm raotnr's Whit)" and " lawyvr, A. J. Andvmnn. argued lint Mr. 1ieGoniple's euUont in (uny- ing hic, mum and raising it if in argu- ment might have Imp" miMaken for tho num- wrinui attitude dtsverilcrd by the waldo-n. Settlers in the West Sorely in Need of Wives. out from England a paupm‘. and that I had lm-n kicked out of the l'niled Stun", I laughed, and told him that 1 had!“ to go to wrvanl girh or their mm to find out wlwthor f was a gou- thuuun or not." WANT WOMAN’S AID. "I do not think," said the Mugislmu, "that Mr. Mutiumglu intended to strike thy, plaintiff, and even it he had, I fancy h.- uould not have needed to unit a mm. "Any jury in the land, I think, wan d UM'IIu' Jlr. 3lcu'louigle, Man if he had ,truvk the man, after the epithet that Mr. 1'ooper used, and tells us about in m j.tunty a manner." groom um lde by Lord Ruthen- u, Mr E. It or, the LfetgtettatttAhtmrtt. or, who wan to In" done so, bola. " sent on tour, The wedding 'sake, which w” our Mx feet high, in out with the bridegroom's award with the and core- many. King Edward telegnphed his warmest eottgratttlatiom to the bridal pair. The wedding presents were exhibited in the Marble Hall " Government Home. They included n diamond neck- luee from the ladies of Slmln and Calcut- ta, numbers oi splendid silver bowls, when and 'utpn, and articles of jewel- ry of all kinds, the whole making a mag- tsirteent display. although many of the pie-aunts from Great BFitainAiad been left in bond at Bomlmv, ingmler to es. cape the heavy Cttstotrto dulled. Some Laud Talk [Naked in and Case Dismissed. In addition to gifts from relatives of both families, there were presents from the Duke and Duchess of ('unmmght. the trlmnu and servants on the estates of Lord Mint" and Lord andowm, the Commisiionrrw nf (‘alcutta Corporation, the mmnhets of the Tieeruy's ('muu-il, the m‘clelnry of tle (inwrnnwnt of In- dia, the Viceroy" stuff, the judges of the High Court, the ('aleuttn Trades Ag. snriutiml. the British-India Aqsoeiatlon, and the Bengal Chan-her of ('nmmeroo. The firm part of the honoymnnn is he- ing spent at the l ieeregal renidenee at [Larrnt-klmrv, after which Lord and Lady Pitrnlaurive will pay a visit to Dmm. 'Jht-y IMHO tor London in March. Had Quad With One of His Warden in lsling'on. TORONTO B I CYOL I " GOT DAMAGES. RECTOR IN ROW. " THE WEI)!" ht, GIFTS. Vancouver and Yietoria-h fairly good trade is Inciting in all linen. Retail bus. inesa in now fairly active and wholesale orders for spring and summer lines are looking well. Otebeo--Trado situation in much about the an. " the preceding week. 'umiltmt--mreh varied mm: In. done little to help the retail Dove-alt them during tho pa: week. Tho love- mont ot whole-do lines in moderate, but order- for spring continue hid, (and. Hartline men nu! builders are propu- Winnipee-Bttsine" here and all through the surrounding country has been fairly his? Spring tht put week. Tcoronto-mat little change he tak- rn place in the trade tsituation here during the past week has been in the le of further gradual improvement in the amount of spring and summer busi- ms moving. The sorting trade in not brisk. Untouchable weather bu effect. ed the retail demand for winter linen. but this in not no unions 1 nutter u it would have been had not mailer: or. tiered their winter goods with consider- able cation. trodiu orders are for a. wide range of lines, but retailers teem to be dininclin- ed to place anything like Inge orders at pretent. ---- Moutreal-TIte volume of trade here continue. or. the light side. Spring or- den: no iucmuing in number and size but in no lines are they yet as heavy as they are expected to be. The sorting trade is light and wilt continue no as long u the weather is unsettled. Dry Lyndon-mor sugar. Muscovado, IN; centrifugal, Ila; beet sugar, Feb., Ws; Calcutta linseed. Feb., March, 42: 9d; linseed oil, 215 I'M. Sperm oil, 28 pounds; petroleum, American refined, t 1-8d; spirits, 7 1-4d; turpentine spir- its, 29s 6d; rosin. American, strained, Sn 3d; tine, 15: 3d. 1arudon-Londmt cables for cattle are steady. at We to 13 l-Sc per lb., dressed weight; refrigerator beef is quoted at to I-te to to Ib8e per lb. BRADSTREEI'S TRADE REVIEW WINNIPEG WHEAT MARKET. Wheat-Fel-ry $1.02 bid, July $1 0.5 5-8 bid, May $1.04 " bid. St. Lawrence sugars are quoted as fol- lows: Granulated, $4.60 per cwt. in bar- Iols, and No. 1 golden, $4.20 per cwt.. in barrels. These prices are for deliv. my here. Car Iots, a Imus. Har-No. l. timotlty, $10.50 to $t1; inferior. $9 to $l0. F1trarw-1tautre is from $6.50 to $7.50, according to quality. oau--kebrGry 38 7-8c bid, May 42c bid. Do., some, bush Oats, bush .. .. Barley .... .... Rye, bush .. .. ' Peas, bush .. ... Hay, per ton .. a re fair. Wheat, fall, bus-h Do., No. 2 . Straw, per ton Dressed hogs ' Butter, dairy _ Do., crummy Eggs, lew >laid Do., fresh .. .. . Chickens, dressed, lb _ Geese,lb .. .. .. ... Turkeys, lb .. .. .. ('abhuge. per dozen . Celery, per dozen .. Potatoes, hag .. .. , ()niona, hag: .. .. .. Apples, barrel .. .. not", hindquarten .. Ihr., for-tters , Do.. choice, can-use Do. med., can-use . Mutton. per ewt .. ' Vvul, prime, pm ewt Lamb: per ewt .. .. Slum-p and Lambr--Rereipts of sheep and lambs were light, whieh sold at firm prires. Slump. owes, ru to $4.25; year- ling ewes', $1.50; rams, W to $3.50; lamlts, $5.50 to $6.40 pvr owl. Hog-RAIL Harris quoted the market about slowly at $6.90 for when fed and watered at the market. and $6.65 f.n.h. can at runntry points to tho drovera. PROVISIONS. Pork-Short, cut, 823 to $'24 per bar- rel; mess, $19.50 to $20. Lard - Strong. lion-es, 12%: tuba, me; pails, 13c. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats --Luttr clear bacon, tte to 11 1-2c; tons and cases, hams, large, Ile to 13e; small, 13 1-20. to Me; rolls, 10 1-40 to lie; breakfast bacon, 15c to 16e; green meats out of pickle. le Iowa than smoked. SEEDS. Prices at country points are: Aluiko - No. 1, 87.50 to $7.75; oxira fancy lots, at little higher; No. 2, " to $7.25; No. 3, 86.75 to " per buphel. Red Clover-84.60 to $5.50 per Inwh. Timt0r-81.00 to $2.10 per bushel, acmrding to quality. mun “a"... Veal Calves-A moderate supply of veal calves sold at $3 to $0.50, with a few oi rhuiue quality going at 87 per cwt. "7110113027, Fei. i.-Caleutta linseed, Pebraar.vaatxrh. 4ths 9d per 412 lbs. BALE!) IIAY AND STRAW. Prices in car lots on hack. Toronto, t The offerings of grain to-duy were TORONTO MIKE'S. OTHER MARKETS. FARMERS' MARKET SUGAR MARKET, $100 094 046 n as " 00 1300 925 10 056 " " u " " If. 0 18 u .30 0 M 3 00 fl 50 tl 00 ll 00 I!" $000 1350 ll 00 1100 12 00 1000 047 000 9 75 It " " 35 017 014 075 75 While todar'athoek In not " vio- lent u the one on Slutty, yet many people were actually an.“ from bleep by the diuturlnm. Peepie Amused from “00p at d e'OIeck Yesterday Herein. Montreal. Feb. it.--Attother 'slight shock wee Mt by Montrealere It 4 o'clock to-day. The McGill ale-Iogreph does not show evidence of ~any disturb ance, but it has not been doing III-inu- for use the. Cleveland, o.. Felt. 8.---L. A. mrruy, wantrd by the Federal authorities upon the charge of operating a fake matri- monial agency. was found upon ihe streets here {0-day disguised as a Path- olie priest. He was taken into cllsmdy. He will be held on the charge of wring the mailn to defraud. It is alleged by the anthotitiea that Horlhy advertised for suitors for an orphan girl with a moderate fortune, who desired lo marry. He taxed the applicants " each. and over 300 let. tern were found in Iii. office whoa it was raided last Monday. sir Gilbert, Parker, l’redidpnt of ths. club, referred to the approaching visit of the Imperial premium. each of whom was a mininer of instruction. The conference was bound to lead tn a larger understanding, bringing new" the goal of interdependence. eo-operation an] high ideal, twirling for the good of eivi. '.ization. ORPHAN GIRL AND A FORTUNE Witt Load to Better Understanding Among Parts of Empire. London, Feb. R.-4ionerat Mind. of Australia. speaking to tle Canada ('luh, said tt lretter understanding and boner "Null-x Would follow the inauguration of an Imperial “rm-ml Muff. The etTort,, of Brit-Ii" in conneetion with the terri. turinl form would he watched with the greatest spunpnllly in Australia, where the oitizen, had "eepted the responsihil» ity for the country's deiener. “. fee a and" an». may "do I. “I. - ot you“ no you ml prim AtTgll', hold My. Ltiia-.-l . “no”: cl we bill. u- h on the light aide. _otte-1tttsiean gout-ally than lit- tie all)“ during tie M'woek. London, Feb. ib.---ln In adds-en to the Royal Institution: the other day Prof. Arnold, of Sheffield University, said that within a year there would he on the market a British steel with quadruple the cutting power of any now known. What Prof. Arnold referred to was a product of the Continental Steel Works at Shellie”, just discovered and named “Non Superior." ll. W. Winder, the manager of the works, in an interview to-dny said that the diacovery was the outcome of litigation instituted by the B‘llvlehem yteel Company. which clnims thn patent rights on airhardened high speed steel. Experiments with n. view to rendeling themselves inde. pendent of the American claim were conducted by the Continental Works and resulted in the discovery. . South African States Divided on Cabinet Question. I'oye Tou- Fet, 't.---Oe judiciary of the United South Africa will be situated at Illoemtottttum The oonmtitution agreed on by the convention will be pub. lished on the tenth instant, and will he considered by the various LegMatttres on March 30. The "tlance of opinion at prenent seems to'eyke to the arrangement regarding the capital, which make: Capo Town the legislative and Pretoria the administrative cent”. It is believed this, will make the Government costly and oumlmrnome it not unworkahlo. The aImporters of the division any that the onlv alternative is the failure of the emivontion A tool made of the old high speed steel, working on hard material at Sheffield, had to be ground five times a 'lay. hit week a similar tool of the new process steel was put on. " worked with one grinding for a day and a half and was still slump. Mr. Winder says the new steel will in no way cause drastic alterations in maehin. erv. The officers elected were: Prosiclnnt. " C. Flatt, Wtllgrove, w-e-leotrd by ap- t-lmmtinn: viev-Pre,cuient, " illium Jones, 24-min; 'ieeretar.v-'rtranttrer.A. P. “Turn-ell, Toronto. AWuderfIINwSuel Produced building R solid foutuiatiou fur the lamulinn hog industry. The Canadian farmers ham to [my five tents a pound an huge going into the United States, which they mmomlkd was not on a par with the duty for the same arm-lo ship- pod into (Munch. Mr. It. C. “all, Pro- shlent oi the arisoriation, declared that onis-lutlf of the cured pork comumed in Toronto and other Canadian cities was inqmrtml by the train load from the Un. ired Staten. Toronto report: The Dominion Swine Brrederw, at their annual meeting yes- tuday in the Temple building, appointed a deputation to n’menr trefore the DO- miuion Government, with a request that the tariff on hog-a from the United Status be increasml from two to four eents a. pound. The members were of the unanimous opinion that it the tariff was mixed it would he the IIN'IIMII of building a "olid foundation for the (amulinn hog industry. The Coutdian Candi“ Swine Breeders Wall Further Protection. Companies Must Now Submit Tariffs to Railway Commission. "Haw. Fell. R.-.tn order in eottncil Inn been passed, bringing into of feet the amendment to tho, railway not passed last. session providing for bringing telegraph companies under the control of the Railway Commi-mion. It was provided in tho not that the chum-s plaeing telegraph and telephone enm- puniea under the commission should he brought into effect by order in council. This was done in the ease of telephone companies shortly after the act became law. Telegraph companies ure now plae ed on a similar footing, and will have to submit their toll» to the commission- er~ for ratification or revision. BEATS THE WORLD. MONTR EAL SHAKE" AGAIN Fake Matrlminl Money Un. earthed in Cleveland. lowland, o.. Felt. 8.--L. A. Unruly. li?, by the Federal authorities upon " an.“ -1 A..‘__4:.. - . - IMPERIAL GENERAL STAFF COM PROMISE ON LY HOPE CONTROL OF TELEGRAPHS, HOG TARIFF. ine a fake ma'tri. {oupd_ upon ihe Virtue in it. oGiGGoT, but rim get. not: tmbtkitr. linking the Board. "WUth, the trouble hem” demanded the president of the telegraph column}. “People are kicking about the trervire." "I can't help it," "'ch the mun- fer: 'Ty Mr ya rare holding 5' slow-tine MiGrtiGi.u-LF',, Herald. "all in thy manta-tum at rigzur Cid Warner. in m, Bohemian Mara lilo foe hungry. And speaking of snuff, it is invariably Trrriain. to the hymn: delving in lw bamso to find that the consumption ot Inn“. intend of dying out, In in P" lenrly supposed. in rapidly “creamy A In" century Mn them were only a or'peoplz. Often did we take to th, street in deapair of ever getting th rough the cmwd that wan approaching up. IHi the 'sidewalk.--.; "A tiecottdi'la- Trip Into spin." in 'the Outing Murr uino for February. The streets vary gummy in width Thane that run out from the I'm-4.. do] h'ol-the huge mum in the utiddl, of (he city-oe wide and fairly “r?! paved, but-1n other put. of the nu they are narrow. crooked and very steep The Wide boulevards near the park an beautiful}, and the crowds that tin-um; the. are of every dowriptiun. hud al 'Pm night. or day, the ttttwrt,, un- inil San Francisco Poi Decide to Part I speak of the than»; an if they “w- unique, and ya they are but trmnll tw productions of Paris or London, Mu York or Chimp. 'i'heto wee few gunk diitincuy Spud-ll: for mic. " w..- on!) in the aide street; (Jul we found th, [Ay cloths they lane for 'saddle oloths the nodding Iona-d bail that adorn 1an head. of the donkeys: the straw slippm , that the peasant- Wear: the ”numb. the tambourir.tss, tin! with bright "I and yel!ow ribbons. In Old Madrid. The streets of Madrid. were . 00.1314an "'rrri-rhtts I should say Hm Ip- punnoe of the town as a whole. W.- had haul that " “an a oornturatirely modern city. titat II has! no inh-w:hng uooh like those of Paris or Londou. that, outsido of the glorious pk-luw gallery, them In: lime to be we". Ban lo uts.it {an til .itttereslinir. 'l'ln- built lags in the main MINI; we": lil.,. than of Paris; low after row ot' spam ment houses that seemed pounded rial. I picky, yellow tinge mum than tlse blue [ray tone of Paris. The windoc, of the shops were {laminating full m costly stuff. rich designs, Ind raw or names“. The Spaniard evidently hr an exquisite ere for calm. ther Were Too [of-c For the Tie to [00:10“. Sm Pram-3m. Feb. '.---A. w. “ohm. 1 mantra“ krerrr, is the original trio; marriage Inn, for while other. haw prmlmi We doctrilw he has mac-mm it. Me eluted upon a five yearn' my. tract of Ila-fringe five years ago. 'l'lw contract will expire on Saturday, and on tlot day Mr. and Mn. "Al'tilh “i; separano. There will he no him-nun. no tears; ju~l . IInnd-Imkv and a woi,l of fnremeli. Robin. talk: volOly of the happim that mu his Inn in "et in Ilia dam-rm. “ion not to renew his option. And NI itoirins, it appears, " no more inciin to sign for another five yars' Imm- The comma-L lhonph binding. ".t, t-laulir. When any mulling-envy :unw which was not covered by the original agreement a chum was mldml. liluu: any feature of the contract tuihul lit work well it was superseded by "mun-m On Saturday the ample will n-lvlu'nIv their wooden wedding, and their wpm ntion at one and the wow timv. Hm all" they part, says Robins. 1lte.t “I” not be “rangers. but friends. ah Hwy there before their "wedding," Rubi» Rabin “ya he lived I u-ionlifiv In evolved him-wit into the ideal limb.” He Int-longed to no clubs. When he \w out " night he took Mrs. Hakim allul He never told a lie. No irate wit.» t't greeted him with ilar4ting 03-». and 1'" ed rolling pin. ‘Klnrm'mon and lawyers may \4 the trial muting“. The mini-r, probably sim-era. but as to the law) they foresee a loss ot Inn-dun“. for ' trial Insuring”: thore would lu- Ito vorver." "My “THE and I never had a quurn-I F, slid Mina last night. "Wheneve, I was culled out of town I took my um- Ilong. Now there la were the mu] trl ontorood III-triage 'hows itxelf. “mm! by a thousand different ohlittations lo one Inother tho peruomtl lilo-met ol nun and wife are mueh result-ted, ll, neither of us went anywhere “illluu' taking the other. lt was part of mu plnn to live devotedly, hut it ummmlml to an tUsridgemettt of permits] Ill-0r!) ' Down at Itolrim,' restaurant tl..- tn. ployee- knew of the “range ti,. Ihr, bound the couple. "Oh, they just saw too much Hi to.” another." mid one of the wnitremu In»: night. "Every pluee she went he logged after. They wece m not, on going tlnuu': I lite timether 'hat Mrs. llohith umLut in the lentnurant to be near lu~| hu, band. " they had neted like Win-luv married people and eut out their nun seine they would have heel] all right." Rollin» in about 30 you" of age and his wife " younger. They met in Chic., go and after a short Marlo-hip talked " marriage. Mrs. Robins hesitated. m Ilu. triul marriage pant way-x wtqtpreutvd. l written eotttract was drawn up on " .n nary GO, PAM, and they began their “ml ded exir.tetwe. The eontruet, tlmnph binding. U.t- elmtie. When any eoutingenr) HIM-w HAHN "Trial marriages are a MIN-on. lent l have determined after fix" y»; of contract wedlock that a trial m tine is the only solution oi tho "ivo; problem. “I iiiiiriihinidif. Increase in Use of 8mm. After Fin Venn. in ryitiue a 65,000 ELEI KILLE (By Frat Win. +1: - were kil I“ more Hum pound: of in») and china-d on I one~third mum- third “I! {rum Woot Africa. at Manor Wu um Terrible Slaugh and Fortunes d [Alon-and “mud “on tbe ”film th tmsehup and eieph the Fat.vy "an aim» pile, uni Eu price Pulling an Eton. Many of you lune I ul . dqtaUUt out law In hr“! your jaw in Ian] . iottg root. The tu./ [lb-Ml teeth. and " I than out of I dud el, fitted into I bony MN" I“ .ttttost up lo [hr l feet long may haw In IBM“ in the akin“, mu , her, much In: l dud poulu the aver.“ M. bw awn] It once the he to - to (a " I In addition to th, a... nil pent MM. 1"”. out in Juov .1 t“? Ile- almost u- lb tuck! lhmnuh hol|owed ghoul. but not for." I big Io: "In: Weighing " [Men to any from I to , can In that the to" lbw lien in “do. .In'ppod told um u dew-u , are in loll W In tio. aat in .. Mt' mum - ”It! gunk: and m tvet h “I II” Carre tl Elam-M Meat m Af All Dining Up On tl APM., Good to MI

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