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Durham Review (1897), 11 Feb 1909, p. 4

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Ill, if; ifi Tay x, ifi A iii If: We wish YI patron ti on if, No n It too cold f ll4 quality a X' 5.; In Me M stock we and fore your ll' lil g Makes cu X Mens we A beau collar wit] Brings est prices "tir-l-t Ill iii' gxxmxxmmgsgxxmmzmmmmg-g IN 'iti Taylor & 00., Dromore gli ':"if!.N7iiiMjiEEi?I2jii[llljifiEl BLOOD DISEASES " you ever had any contracted or hereditary aim blood disease, you are never safe until the virus . LI ‘ - or poison has been removed from tho system. ' La You may have had some drsease years ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Some _-'" poison still lurks in your system. Can you atford rd, _ to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- : . I ing as the poison multiplies? Beware ot mercury 'T or mineral drugs used indiscriminately-they may J I _ ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the ' , treetrnentol these diseases enables us to prescribe? fh i specific remedies that will positively cure all blood ‘ f T,) diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad ‘ , effects on the system. Our New Method Treat- ) 51% ment will purzty and enrich the blood, heal up Ts? ' ' all ulcers, c earthe skin, remove bone pains, fallen co " out hair will grow in, end swollen glands will re- crxt Ei turn to a normal Rendition. and the patient will Cd feel and look like a ditferent person. All cases we accept for treatment are guaranteed a corn- plcte cure it instructions are followed. Reade. if in doubt at; to your condition, you can consult us FREE OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 years. WE CURE Nervous Debillty. Varicocele. Stricture, Blood end Secret Dbeeaee. Kidney and Bladder Complelnte. Consultation Free. tt use.“ to out vane tor a Question Net to! Home Treatment. ,7 _i. G b -- Fit.% ‘ 'l u i I 'ii;i'i-i-_'i-'il4ilit,j': :3 . - I -qmrrh s . - Cl I d E 'ff.?,') ,r,j,t' i' - __ i' We have just received a lot of Brand New Goods for spring wear. Now is the time to buyfyour sup. ply of Cotton Goods. We arc..phowing an extra large assortment of NEW We have just received a splendid stock of Ladies' Ready-to-wear Whitewear, including White Under- skirts, white Nightgowns and Corset Covers. They are made from nice fine Lawnsdale prettily trimmed with Embroidery, Insertion and Laces. Call and see our new Goods. We will consider it a pleasure to show them whether you buy or not. A beauty,: furlined at " and also in Ladies' fur collar with curled lining at $22.50 Bring us your produce for which we will pay high" est prices. stock we have had as yet. Come and get a fit be- fore your size goes. Prices $7. so to $10. no more [DWI Tale]! Alive as it is too cold for shipment, bat highest prices for good quality dressed. In Men's coats we have the best fy] No More Fowl Taken Alive Makes one think of their fur coator caperine. In Mens we have them from $20 to 86o. T i""ii"io"i7'ii"is, slii, We wish to thank our many customers for their patronage during the past year and extend to one and all the season's compliments. Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. A HAPPY NEW YEAR Ladies ' Hiehitian a Griswold Sts. S. F. MORLOCK NEW GOODS Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing Prints, Flannelleees Ginghams, Drees Duck Lawns, Embroideries Laces, Whitewear Detroit, Mich. Mr and Mrs A. Byon, of Bognor. spent abouts week visiting their rel- slives, the Byers families here. Mrs Henderson and Mrs A. Fulton agent an ntternoon last week with rs J, Cooper, who is slowly recov- ‘ering from her long illness. Mr and Mrs Cherry no visiting Mrs Cherresy's sister, In Furzman. near Hanover, " present. - . Mr D. troar G, been busy haul- mg gravel this week. A -- Mr and him Jae. Mather and Mr and Mrs D. Gilmonr spent Wednes- day evening with Mr John Cooper and his sister. Mrs A. Fulton spent a day last week with her sister, Mrs R. Johns. ton, on the South line of Bentlnck. Mrs Johnston is tsonfined to her chair with a lame knee, which we hope will speedily improve. The mill-men have finished taking timber oat of Mackie’s and F. Bromi- gam's swamp for this year and in- tend starting in their own when the sieighing improves. Mr James Hanna is havmg an Anc- tion Sale on Feb. 11 and will move into Ayton at. once. Mr Hanna has been a. resident. here for many years and will be missed by his neighbors. It you would have a safe ret cumin Cough Remedy in the houMr,try Dr. b'isuoplt--t" least: ones. 1.t is thorough- ly unlike any other Cough preparation. Its taste Will be entirely new to you- unless it is already your favorite Cough. Remedy. No opium, chloroform, or any other an: ifying ingredients no need. The tentrer leaves of I harmless. lung-healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. 1elhoopu Cough Remedy mu wond- erful :nratlve properties. It is truly a moat certain and trustworthy, pre. scriplion. Sold by MacFurIune & Co. Within the last week Miss Annie Fettes and Miss Sarah Fettes have given up the store to Mr Edward E. ockridge. who purchased and moved into it. He is preparinz to put in a good large stock of goods ind we are expecting him to do a good business. The two Misses Pet. tes are going back into Egremont. In the meantime Miss Annie Fottes has commenced to teach school at Swinton Park, the teacher there be. ing sick. The Misses Fettes Were highly re. spected here. they were useiul mem- bers of the Esplin Presbyterian church; both flnttneially and help- ing with the Ladies' Branch. they will be badly missed, but our loss will be a gain to others. In leaving here they carry with them the high- est respect oi all the people here and will be long remembered for their good traits. Your meals will taste good, and anything you eat will be digested ; nothinr, can terment or turn into acid or poison or stomach gas. which eattsesBelehing. Dizziness, a feeling of fullness after eating, Nausea. In- digestion (like a lamp of lead in stom- ach). Bil1ioatmoes, Heartburn, Water brash, pain in stomach and intestines or other symptoms. Potatoes perhag...... Flow-per ttwt........ Qatanealpersttek..... ftitE2"'giria::: Live oalpercwt... Bidemperitt..... .... '1setrdkitrs......- You can eat anything your stomach craves without tear of a case of Indi- gestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food will ferment or sour on your stomach it you will occasionally take a little Diapepsin alter eating. Headaches from the stomach are absolutely unknown where this effee. tive remedy is used. Diapepsin reel. ly does all the work ot B healthy stomach. It digests your meals when your stomach oan't. Each trinngnle will digest all the food you can eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour. The Esplin congregation had their annual mutating last week and some changes in offieea of Management. electing only five instead of nine formerly. Are good members get- tinit scarce ? Get a large 50-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsia from your druggiat and start taking :0ng tnd by go.morrow Mr Wm Dezell is fixing up a new sawing machine to cat wood here. I do nut know what son of power he will have to drive it. Will is a push. er. y It Will actually brag about your healthy, strong Stomach. for you then can eat anvthing and every- thing you want without the slightest discomfort or misery. and every par- ticle of impurity and Gnu that is in your stomach and into-tines is going to beearried may without the use ot native. or any other nuisance. Mr and Mrs George Sturick gave the young people a grand party Fri- day night. About 75 of the youth and beauty of this neighborhood were invited, but the weather turned out bad and not as many turned oat. Reports say a good time was spent. Tallow... Mrs E. E, Hockndge here has her mother, Mrs Weary ot Dundalk, to help her superintend the fixing of the house here. The big Orange County meeting held in Dandalk on Tuesday, the 2nd, was attended by one of our vil- lag? 13590.- A _ Eat Sausages tiampdert Iiopeville. or New Bread. THE DURHAM REVIEW 26to 25 40to 40 260to325 275to275 12Sto160 tr61rto600 " 70 The Dromore Branch of Women’- Institute held their Feb. meeting Inst Wednesday afternoon in Bone“ Hall. Weather and roads beintt fevornble 301ediee were present and a very itnereatintt meeting was held. The topics discussed were t Bread making and Home Ammmentl for the Young. Miss Belle Lothian tttWe an excellent purer on her own ex- patience in brea making. - Mn Rob: Renwick Jr Ind Mrs Lester gave good gape“ on Home Amusements forthe oung. Mrs Awhison entertained all with a pleasing humorous recitatlop. The Ladies purpose holding an "At Home " in March, when they will entertain their friends. Miss McKenzie. Holstein and Miss Jean McKenzie, Newtonville, visited friends here on Monday. Miss Elim Wilson who was ill with the Grippe last week, is we are pleased to say, able to resume her duties again, Mr Colin McMillan and Ema visit. ed Priceville friends over Sunday. What might have been a very serious accident happened last Satur- day. Tom Carson and Alex Ile. Williams were cutting wood [or Mr Leash. Mr Leask was hammering in a wedge with back of the ax, miss- ing the wedge, he hit Turn on the mouth, knocking one tooth out and bruising " mouth and nose. Mr and Miss Smith, from Coon, visited at Eccles on Sunday. Mr Harrv Sterne visited It his homo here over Sunday. Miss Mary Bunston is visiting friends in Mt. Forest. Messrs Will Hunter and James Lothian vlsited Pricevillo tnenda last. Sunday afternoon. Threatening foyerishncss with child- ren is quiokiv and sutelv calmed by Preventics. These little Candy Cold Cure Tablets should always be at hand --tor prompiness is ttil-important, Pre- vention contain no quinine. nothing harsh or sickening. They are indeed, " the stitch in timm" Carried in pocket or purse. Preventics are a genuine safe- guard against GMs, Me. Sold by Mac- Farlnne * Co, Congratulations! Miss Annie Petty and Mr Alfred Vollett were quietly married on Wednesday last, the 3rd, and are on a little wedding trip to friends in Elmwood. Rev Jno. and Mrs Ball returned Saturday to their home in Markham, alter a week's visit with relatives Mrs Hunter. of Egremont, spent Sunday with Mrs Clark. Mr and Mrs T, McNicce Visited their sister in Varney Sunday. Mrs Jno. Carson visited over the week end with her brother, Rubt. Eden. here Mr Chas Crawford, of Ingersoil, visited Dr Leeson a. few days the first ot the week. The Women's Institute social " Mrs D. McCrie's Friday evening was a great success, in spite of the inclem- ency ofthe weather. over 90 were present. an excellent program, and sociability abounding made one teel that the Institute was-a " grand and glorious thing. " In sickness. if a certain hidden nerve goes wrong. then the organ thst this nerve controls will also surely fail. It may be a Stomach nerve. or it may have given strength and support to the Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr, Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Sheep's Restorative was not made to dose the Stomach nor to ttnnporarilt stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That old.ttusbioued method is sll wrong. Dr. Sheep's Restorative goes directly to these failing inside nerves. The re- markable success of this prescription demonstrates the wisdom of treating the actual cause of these railing organs. And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple five or ten dove test will surely tell. Try it once. and seal Sold by Muchrlaue e Co. History of the Laymen's Mir sionary Movement. It In: no orgenizstion and from I general committee. with hequmtetu in New York, meeting twice I veIr, Ind In Executive Committee ot 21 memben moehng eIch month, Three Sonata-in (in their whole tune to the work of tin ”new 'tor-nh Wei the Denom- The short career of the Laymon's Missionary Movement, which 18 to hold a national missionary congress in To- ronto, March 313: to April 4th. is full of Interestmg Incidents, and the Movement has shown a moat remarkable growth. It was organized in connection with the Centennial celebration of the Hay- btack prayer meeting in New York, November 18th and 14th. 1906, Fol- lowing the“ meetings more was a group of laymen who met for pray” in the chapel of the f1ttls Avenue, Pros. Church. continuing all nfternoon Ind Waning. and cleaning with resolution- eovering the iollowiug points t The work since that time he: taken giant strides, and quite a number of iunorninusona1 Layman'e Movements he" been organized. The work in the Ctumilian churches bu been partattuiar- ly “tong. though the churches in the Southern Sum hove their denomin- lions] org-airmen: very complete. The 100th anniversary of the flrat American Foreign Missionary work finds the door at (new nation open to the Gospel; the organizations at work are doing excellent service; busineee men are taking a vital intereet in ever) form of church Work, and such men have been very successful In the men- agemont of lugs busineel end politicel enterprises ; a committee ehonld be ep- pointed to cooperate with tho Mieeion Boards for three pun-pone l to project 1 umpeign of education among hymen: tc devise a eomprehenuve plea looking towards the evengcliution of the world in this generntlon ; to endeavor to form through the church bonds A oommieeion of fifty or more hymen to vigil the mir Lion fields, end report to the church of one. TORONTO Dromore. -------i.- Varney. 0--.. men Scuoot. DEPARTIENT. Junior Tstusherts-Brts Benton, Win- nie Binnie. Form III-Edith Allan, Agnes Me. Girr. Jr Hatrumlation-Erts Renton, Winnie Binnie. John Bantu, Fanny Eetor, Wallace Findhy. . - roan 'n;v.aa;."eudweu. Beth Jamieson, Catherine Mcuougall. Jam- ie Farquhnrson. Arthur Btsctt", ._ Form 1-Annte Clark, Willie Petty, Mary Backus. James Count. Carrie Jamieson. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. S: 4th--Derems Warmington, Trem McKay, Kan Lenahun, Florence Bry- an. Bessie Saunders. Jr 4th-Frank McIlraith, Lance Mc- Girr, Irene Lawson, Charlie Har- bottle, George Kreu. - - Br srd-g2net Marshall, Sadie Mc- Donald. Edna Patterson, Ruby En. tricken, Ella Carson. Jr 3rd--Lillisn McCrie. John 11ar. bottle, Cecil McNally, Mary McKech- nie, Louisa McAnultv. Br Md-Charlie Havens, Jack Bryan Nellie Fluker. Doris McAuley, Wil. fred Campbell. _ Jr 2nd-John Duncan. Lorne Jack- son, John McGowan, [em Mitchell, Willie Watt. Jr 2nd B-Arthur Ramage, Charlie McDougall. Hilda Bloch, Harper Me. thrr, Alex McQueen and Robln Far- quharson eq. - Br Pt 2naLVera Allen, Maydee Mc. Auley. Henrietta Havens, Percy Mc- Kechnie. Eddie Hayens. 7 _ Jr Pt 2nd-Harold Ramage. Ethel Whitmore. Jemima Lawrence, Marie Realm. Hazel Hutton and Eleanor Hutton, eq. Br [st B--ve1erie Moran, Lorne Smith, Ralph Catton, Louis Ectol and Clarence McGirr eq., Raymond Search. Violet Snell. Jr lst-Annie Smith, Sarah Donelly, Flora. NAchol. Adeline Graham, Ruby Carson. A-Jerome Morris, Frankie Burnett, Bryson Morlock, Eddie Hilde! brandt, Neilie McKecbnie. A-Irene Whittaker. Edmund Mor- ris, Earl Grasby. Br 4th-- Hazel Barber, Ella Ember, Annie Pettigrew, Margaret Kerr, Bert Barber. Br 3rd-r?loreuee Kerr, Margaret Leeson. Oliver Morrison, Allan Pettigrew, Stewart Grant. Jr 'mi-Rom Morrison, Willte Hutton, Laura Pettigrew, Willie Eden, Mans. field Leesun. Br 2nd--Ueeil Blyth, Percv Barber, Clara Pemgrew and Gordon Grant “1.. Janet Kerr, Cecil Barber and Willie Pollock eq. Jr 2nd --Edna Mcllvride. James Leeson, Wesley Pollock. Pt 2nd--Altna Ptsttie,rew, Audrey Roy, Robbie Clark Ist-tlamp/ll Grant, Ivan Kreller, Campbell Clark, Robbie Morrison, Madeleine Maurice. Average attendance, 39. STANLEY M. MCNALLY, Teacher. a. a. so 3. nun-max. Br 4th-E Ooutts, B Wire, A Wise, R? Aleamnder, D Donnely. a Easy. Je {ch-E Derby, I Hopkins. Alc- Lesn, 1 Derby, N McBonle. L Torry. A um. Brad-A Baby. fit B. s. No. 9, GLESELG. 6th--E McGirr, R Lindsay, V Alim, A Bell. Br tttr-M A Ritchie and M Hopkins eq., N Collier, E Atkinson. Jr 4th-N Crutchley, J Weir, M Mc. Wire, R Lawrence, B Mathews, It Mathews. M L'rutchler, T Bell, M Mathews. Br 3rd--W 1Veir, M Pat- temon, L Aldoe, J Allen, A Alioe, J Bell,J Atkinson, E Noble. Jr 3rd--R Meenn, C, McGirr, Jae Mathews, W McGirr, E Atkinson. M Mathews, H Atkinson, I Ritchie, Jno Mathewc. Nd-E Patterson. E Lindsay, G Noble 0 Whitmore, N Lawrence. Pr 2nd-- M Lindsay. E Meena, L Aljoe, W Mathews. M Lawrence. Sr lst-J Meena, E Ritchie. J Bell. Jr 1st--M Atkinson. G Bell. s. a. No l, GLENELG. 4th Cittats-3ohtt McKeown, Ruth McGiIlivny. 8rd-Chnriie McFarlune Sadie McGillivray. Alex Metfarlane, Vernon Pennock,8ilns Edwards. 2nd -Neil McFarlane. Emma Arnett, Allan McLean. Viola Pilkev. Pt 2nd -Edmuud Poole, Matt McKeown. th. car Pennock. Tommy Edwards, Flora. McFarlsne, Arthur Pennock. Howard HeArthur, Myrtle Pilkay. Pt Ut-. Dan McArthur, Leona-d IcKeown. Mary Edwards. Angus Mchlllyuy. Willlo Pukey. B. s. No l, NORMANBY. 4th elasm--Mrrtle Caldwell, James Marshall. Arthur Moriee, Tommy Wallace. Br i3rd--Campbelt Kerr, Mary McAlister, Elmer Fee, Grace Mountain, Neils. Marshall. Jr 3rd- Jean Morice, Henrietta Keller, Walter sdeAlittter, Harry Caldwell. Melville Marlee. Leslie Morice. George Wet" ber. Br 2nd-Mahel Wallace, Stanley Mountain, Albert Sterrit. Jr Md-- Katie Kerr, John Beer, J. Burns, Ar. thur Mountain. Sr Pt 2nd-MarRaret Petty, Zeta. Berr, Janet Mountain; Jr Pt 2nd--Attdrew Marshall, Dawson Marshall Jr li-Wilma McMiwhell, Iva Marshall. Tho-e present every day: Myrtle Caldwell, James Marshall, Arthur Marlee. Campbell Kerr, Mury_ MeAl. later. Jean Marlee, Melville Morice Leslie Marlee. Andrew Marshall, Daw. Ion Malshlll. Highest attendance 28. Average attendance 24. Those present Pvery day l It Lind- any. E McGirr. M Hopkins, M A Ritchie. U McGirr. R Meena, IV Weir, E Patterson, M Lindsay, E Meena, J Meena. Average attendance 38. T808. A, ALLAN, Teacher. Durham Honor Roll. C. D. FAnQUnABaox. Teacher. E. R, GREENWOOD. Teacher. Adlun. I Put (eq.), E Hemm'l‘ l Corbett, E Park, B LiVIngItone. I Mather. Jr 3rd-..B Park, I Hopkins. GTurnbull, RLawrence, A Tumbull ‘andM Merton" (eq0, A Buy. ’1 iMather, U Rear, Jr 2nd--M Adlum. (ii Murdick, E Millikan, E My. 1 [Barking M Adlam. Br Pt 2ud--N Turnhull. B, Adlam. G Johnston.E (fil.'i'e'lll Jr Pt 2nd--I Reny.GH 1Torry. a Hopkins. R Mighton, a: IGIierson. Jr lat B-V And V Reny. ‘M Bailey, J Millignn, T Corbett, A ‘McRonnld. Jr 1st A-CI Reny, H iroiCi'ifif. Average attendance 46. Who Wouldn't give 25 cents to stop I pain 20 times? Just one little " Pluk Pain Tnblet "-Dr. Bsrop'ts-or'tll stop any pain in 20 minutes, suré! Bend the formula on the box. Doctor: "' it can't be battered, Checks womanly pains. head pains, any pain. 20 tablets 256. Sold by MncFulane & Co. When you cannot get what you want in any other More, call at the store where you can get anything troma needle to an anchor. You are sure to get what you want in Scales. as we keep in stock the Even Balance. The Handy Kit- chen. The Beam, The 240 lbs. Plat- form, The 1200 lbs. Platform and the 3000 lbs. Platform Scales. Buy Skates for your children. so that they can enjoy themselves. We are selling skates lrom 40 cts per pair upwards. Also skate straps and ankle supports. We are sePling Hand Sleigbs at reduced prices. Some for sg cur, Any Woman, Man, Girl or Boy can get suited in a pair of working or street. Mitts and Gloves. Every tanner should procure one of oar Vices. when he can do consid- erable Work " home instead of log. ing time running to the Blacksmith Shop.MRauging in price tram 25eta In Tubs, Tab Racks, Washing Machines, Wringers and Mops. we can satisfy every person. to $1.00 There is no establishment in this northern country that carries the va- riety oi Chums that we do. Comm January 5. 1909. The course. '- (hmacuhli Shot-thud Ind Masts, 'ht than when..." and“ ttgl'autia'. Morn-don ta. 0.}. Imam. PrtttttUN, M lam Embalmtng a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow RooMa--Next to Bwnllow’u Bar. her Shop. Bummer: - Fit-1t home noun: of Lawrence’s Buchanan!) Shop. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Stop That Cold To cth errrlr colds or Grimm with "Premda" menus sure defeat. tor Pin-unmnh. lk, my I cold with Prevaniu is safer than to let it run sud he ohiixnd 10mm it afterwnnis. To besuro. Pto- chtics wiih'ure are" a deeply sealed cold, but MIMI writ-rm the sum-m sta-r-ther break, or #0111103 Hum uriymids Thut‘n surely W- hat“: v. hy the? no ml‘m human. l’n-vmlk-snm we Cindy Fold Cum. No Quin- ine, no physio. nothing sickening. Kim for who ehildren-and thoroughly min too. If you [eel biliy. itgou mm*zo.ifyuu nehe In over. think of E’mmntIcs. Promvtmasa may Ibo ave bl” Four ”Milkmen. And don‘t forget your child. it were“ ivverbhnau. uitthtordagr. Herein prots mum mentiu' trreatm,t Miriam-y. Rom in h- In hr. the parka. qiso in 25t' 1.an ot " venues. Indium Four drunk“ [WW ”I Only a Cold Gum’s 9titt Qapsules DURHAM, ANNIE 0. MAszxzm. Teacher Satisfaction or Money Back Price 25c Preventics Hardware! W. Black Sold by Hurst-lane and Co lf neglected any lend to CBtarrts, Chronic. anchhl Trauma. or Gtmrurrryimt, Me I hwy oombimtion of cold nlpplng tmum-tsetter. far better than quinine . Every box gun-n- Full line of Cstholic Robes and black and white Cap. for aged people. J apes R. Gun Phat-mist A. BELL om sown, dirt' ONT FEBRUARY ll, 1909 Kodak Lovers on Wednesday next, 17th inst. from 2 to 5 pm. BIG f All-wool Blankets, s."3. 4 and Bed comforters fmm 1.35 to "T ll x4 size Flannelleu em. white or “rev. . . .r Lace Curtains“ .2.5e, 500. mu. Luv on Honeycomb wool shawls, Coo 75.. 8l BIA! k sateen Under-skirts. $1. 1.75 ea Men's Cmdigan Jacke Floor Oilcloth.. ...25 Table Oilcloth. 45 in u New Plintn Mud Gitnehattts now in See out 23e and 50c Dress Goods Draggists & Booksellers Ticket Agents for C P R MacFARLANE & co. no. 1 ram!“ and m Manitoba ttotum Ema Salt Farmers Produce Wan- Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Contectionary Pure Spices & Vinegars No. 1 Family and Pure will have the oppor- tunity of seeing a Public Dcmonstn- tion of the Canadian Kodak Company's products at our store Wotsr, reed. Seed & Groceries uy You} Tickets Here, If you have experi- enced any trouble, come and talk it over MATTHEWS a LATIMER W. til. BEAN Zome curly. Bring iilm with you. bTd Be Sells Cheap It" and see 45 in wide For o 4endt “I 00.1 Calder 's Block. Durham qutt, 1m 3.01) " Lenahan ify HARDWARE Lenahan Economy is no disgrace The Oar lines of Hardware etc., ale complete. 1 our specials you will fi tra value in C arving Sets Razors Scissors, Pocket Knive: and Cutlery McClary's 93.12;: I',,'.), Stoves & Ranges with his more stylis ot his eye if they ha she saw the paintin a c ow rising in that wrong because ex; are selling She is amaze stock of Dres Panama at 40e do it it" In ref We cordially invite FEBRUARY ll, 1909 On all lines of “I!!! include Lumbermen's Rubb Felt Boots, Slippers, &c. away down in ptice. Custom work at mm " V Agency in barium for celebrated up! WI Lumberllcn': Rubbers ll as always on hand Pei....... Tomatoes Good Cur Men's Beaver Overcoat Boys Suite"... . . . . . . .. Ladies Rubbers..... . .... Boys Rubbers .....o....... Lumbertuen'e rubbers . Meds fine Shoes. . . . . Men's Felt tGu........... Hens fleeee lined nude Reduced once visited by 3856 HEADQUAR The High urtants o stud Nth , we say he ch wo everybod Fit nd ex Good manual L Putt th the U ll I) MN

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