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Durham Review (1897), 11 Feb 1909, p. 5

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t'ttrt ay m an 'm ECaI‘Ving Sets SlQazorS §Scissors i Pocket Knives Lenahan tily, McIntosh. HARDWARE FURNITURE Economy is no disgrace The Lenahan 8' McIntosh Wt Mllary'slihe11 Stoves & Ranges with his Mt we is amazed at the cheapuess, but when we tell her th stock of Dress Goodsin Panama“: and Lustres and that we l’mmmus at 490 although the regular wholesale price of it is do it P" In reply we say Good laying means Good Selling “1- cordially invite everybody to examine our stock. FEBRUARY ll, 1000 (m w” lines of WINTER FOOTWEAR. These r,j'iwl, Lumbermen's Rubbers, ()vershoes,Card1gans Fclt Hunts. Slippers, &c. Also Mitts and Gloves away (1mm in psice. Custom work and Rerturhttt " lint! " Down Town Shoe Store Agency in Durham for celebrated Kant Inch Lutntrermen's Rubbers. r lines of Hardware, Oils, _ ale complete. Among _ sptccials you will find ex- tra value in flt1 W IN Jutlery of all kinds. a Tomatoes........., Good Currants always on hand. Pe as Men's Beaver Overcoats. .84.48 Boys Suits.... . . . . . . . . ......81.60 Ladies Rubbers..... ...... . .... 550 Boys Rubbers o.....................' Lmubermen's rubbers. . . ...l.69 Men's fine Shoes. . . . . . . . ..1.50 Men's Felt Hats............. .... .85 Mens lut)tstt lined underwear 89 u UIH‘C visited by an aged farmer and his wile and the artist after getting tt1ro11gt1 , mun: stylish loosing customers asked them in a dignitieil way, and with a twinkle N"' if Hwy had seen anything new amongst the paintings. The lady replied that Iiu- painting of a. cow depicted as rising Fore Legs First and that she never saw mill); in that way. No argument of the artists could convince her that she was Lei mm: experience told her she was right. So when we tell such alady that we Reduced Prices 2: G. EflMcKECHNIE The Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs HEADQUARTERS FOR studio of a Celebrated Artist “f wnmm FOOTWEAR. TI. Er” J. McKECHNIE . q lines of .......7c can .....6c can . . .60 lb. 23 lbs. granu) 8 Bars Comfort Soap for 2 The Ostermoor Patent Patent Elastic Felt mat- tress, made from the best quality of pure raw cotton covered with the finest quality Sateen Art Tick- ing, is guaranteed never to mat. pack, get hard or lumpy, and to give you a lifetime of satisfaction. 4 ft, 6 in wide by 6 ft, 3 in long. ' . . -.15.00 4 ft wide by 6ft, 3 in Iong...... .. . .th00 Prices as follows : made in 2 pieces, extra. . . . . . 'e McIlraith Mattresses corn..........-..---. Select Raisins................ ...... 23 lbs. granulated Sugar for Men's suits.........,..........--...;) Men’s Rubbers.....................................69 Youths Rubbers........ . . ............ . . ....45c Mans Felt bhoes............. ...r.. .....$1.75 Men's Fine Shoes. . ... . . . . . . . . .1.39 Ladies fine Shoes................99 10 by 4 Flannelette Blankets. . . .1.00 Ladies’ Underwear..... . . . . . . . ...... . .23 tell her that we have just received a new and that we are offering the best quality of mice of it is 50c. She asks "how do you a, (my: Barham 32mm Toronto, larch 3rd and 4th, 1909 The Annual Meeting of the Ontario branch or the Dumluion Alliance will be held in Elm Street Methodist Church. commencing u 6 B. In}. on Wednepdny. March 3rd. Every Church congregation in Ontario every Tempernnce Society. only "ligi- on» organization. every body of citizens. desiring the delivennce ot our land hem the awlul evils of inumperunco. is eeruoetly requested to nppoinl delogueu to the Annual Meeting of the Ontario branch of the Dominion Alliance, to be held at the time and pine above named. 1n issuing this invitation. the Execu- tive Cemmiuee recognizeo with gut:- tude the splendid victories that hue been Won by the united tsfrertg of maul reiurmers in this Province, in their on- deavurs to banish the bar-room temp- tation. The substantial success [but has been attained is an inwimtion to re- newed Wort, and an example that " helpful to out co-workers in every part ot the World. This annual meeting is now fully ro- e ignited In Ontario’s Provmcinl Pin-lin- menlot Temperance workers. It unite. all AenoTi.uistiotvt and classes and agent-lea for oommltattou, decision and actiun. It voices public opinion. It weaks mil: iufNeuce and nuchonly, and it limo been the directing agency, that on behall ct the people. has secured our advanced legislation and dirnclod the grant movement which has made that legislation Flo pun-casual in the overthrow of the bur-room muse in many localities. This year's meeting will be one of the must interesting and important that has yet been conycned. One of the distinguished visitors who will take part in the Convention will be Hon. b'coborn Wright of Georgia. the leader in the great campaign tlmt rm united in the carrying of his State for Prohibition. His presence mil odd much to this great meeting, in which other men of wide (xperience and high ability will take pan} Let the gathering be both large and representative. so that such wudom, enlbuninam and unity may govern our decision as Will ensure the sounds“ policy, the most pelfect plans and the greatest possible success. Tenders will be [waived by the un- dersigned up to and including Feblu- ary 20th. 1909, for the raising. movmg. stonework and extension of the Agri- cultural Hall. Holstein. Those tender- ing tnay h-ndcr fur the raising, mov- mg and stonework separately from the extrusion or may tender for the whole Work'. The Alliance Secretarv will cheerfully £uruisli additional copies of this Conven. lion Cull. credential forms, or any other information in his possession. Yours for God, Home and Country. Bax. II. Swarm. Joana (Mason, Secretary. President. t4pecitir'ations may be seen at G. Me. Kmuou's grucery stow. The lowest urnny tender no: necessarily aeeept- ed. w. w, J. SHARP. Sea-Trev. Hnlstvin. Feb. Ist,, 1009. On any “THIS. a brick stone and wr-lling Cut. fricgvilIe. opposite the ourmerial Hotel. THURSDAY, FEB. li, Call for Convention. Tenders Wanted. ist after getting through way, and with a twinkle The lady replied that t and that she never saw Hotel. Apply" in Mus. S. It. BUTTERS For Sale. Careful buying means economy ...6c can .... 50 lb. .....$1.00 17M Robson tit. Vancouver. B --A treaty, 11mm cemin to be ratified, between France and Canada, promises, to have the etfeet of in. ducing American industrial» to come to Canada. --rhm. Wm. Templeman. the only memberot the Ministry defeated in the recent election he: been elected by noclemation tor Comox-Atlin, B.C. --Oregon, Nevada, Nebrasks as well " California are passing anti- Japanese legislation in spite ot Presi- dent Roosevelt. They are daring the little brown men. --The Local Legislature meets on the main“. Hon. A a. MscKny will lead a small but valiant band of Eben]: against the Conservative out; Canada’s credit abroad is good. The loan recently iloated by Hon. Mr Fielding has been absorbed by the investing public in England. according to the London financial papers. This is very satisfactorv coming at a time when the English papers have been tall ot misretprev sentstion with regard to Caua ian people and affairs. The tact that the Grand Trunk Paeitie is completed in operation for 1,000 miles is ot itseli the est evidence that Canada is use- iully employing the money required for public enterprises English in. vestors cannot fail but remark and be tsatighed with the large reduction in the estimates and the provision made tor reduction of the public debt. It show: that Canada has capable men at the head of aifairs. Liberals and Economy. The careful manner in which the Government conducts public affairs is amply demonstrated by the estim- ates for the coming tiseel year. The amount involved is $19,296,398 less than last year, and the total amount required on consolidated fund account is a little over 880,000,- (LO. While Canada did not Mtffer from the widespread commercial de- pression to the extent experienced by other countries, the Government considered it wise to exercise the greatest economy consistent with a due regard to the public service. and the estimates for the coming year have been framed accordingly. The people oi Canada will appreciate the wisdom of this course. Advertising Himself. Mr Foster has advertised himself a at the expense ot the county by giving notice in parliament ole large number of motions, covering every possible subject. Pew of them will ever be debated but they will always be on the order paper until with- drawn and from now until the close of the session they will have to be called in their order. It would ap- pear as if Parliament meets for the express purpose of affording oppor- tunities to Mr Foster to air his partir culars hobbies. The House is tired of the man, he has become wearisome to both sides. IIe assumes to project himself into every discussion as it nothing Were complete until he had expressed opinions upon it. There are so manv new men in the House, that the prominence Foster gives himself has been the subject of uncompiimentary comment by members upon both sides. They are wondering how they will ever be able to do anything for their con- stituents it Mr Foster is allowed to absorb all the time available to private members There should be some limit to the number ormo. tions any one man is allowed to make during the session. and the work, ot the House would be greatly iacili- tated. Must Stop Obstruction. The Government should take earl y steps to regulate the debates and put put a stop to the modes oi Mr Foster. whose aim in life is to embarrass and obstruct the Government. The man does not realize that he can never be a Cabinet minister. The Conserva- tive party may use him in the House as a inutrslintter, bat they will never permit him to take a prominent part in a general election and prejudice tho chance oi the party in the aim to secure power. That the convenience oi so many should be disturbed by one man is an intolerable situation. and the Goverment cannot amend the rules ot debate any too soon. The period of fimsneial depression has happily passed and Canada has passed through the ordeal with credit. The Government has given evidence of their intention to be economical, and the national credit isgood. The people ot Canada are to be yongraullated upon the present condition ot affairs. They have placed in power aGnvernment which appreciates the magnitude and im- portance of the task which has been committed to them. Make this up Here in a simple homevmade mixture In given by on eminent authority on Kidney disease-s. who makes the state- ment that it will when llth my one of Kidney trouble if taken baton tho stage of Bright's disease. He sum such symptoms no lune buck. pun in the side, frequent desire to urinate, especially " night; pninfnl and lecol- cred urination, no readily overcome. Here is the recipo. Try it, Fluid Extract Dandelion. one mur; ounce ; Compound Kenton one ounce l, Compound Syrup Sarsepsrills. thrge‘ ounces. Take a teaspoonlul sitar egch meal. These ingredients are all harmless and easily m xed at. home by shaking well in a bottle. This mixture htts . peculiar healing and soothing effect up. on the entire Kidney end Urinsry struct- ure. and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just s little while. This mixture is ssid to remove Ill blood disorders sud cure Rheum”. ism by loreing the Kidneys to filter sud strain from the blood and sysosm .11 uric Mid end foul, decomposed - nutter. which tatMHt these emotions. Try it it you sten’t well. Save the pre- TOPICS OF THE WEEK. NOTES FROM OTTAWA. Canada's Credit Good. symptoms " lune buck. pun in do, frequent desire to urinate, lily nt night; pninfnl and discol- million. no readily overcome. “he recipe. Try it, d Extract Dandelion, one half l Compound Ramon one ounce; Jund Syrup Bstrsaptrrilltt, three " Take a teturpoohtul after one!) ht Your Home. THE DURHAM REVIEW Dr. Ego. phyeieien of the Home of Beluga preeented e report for the put you. There bed been 18 deethe emong the innate: end the euee which were given showed en ever-go of 71 you-I. There were six over the more mark. After heering the list of deethe reed. e member inquired if there wee lay in. melee let! in the inutitutlon end wee in- formed that there would be plenty of evidence presented to prove that there Wu a considerable number, Willinm Kerr wrote I lengthy docu- ment on Lho subject of tho county we pointing valuaoon which he held it was obliged to do, W. N. Chisholm and Adam Brown wrote in reference to exhibiting county 22 n the Provincial 1sortiottltuml I ow, Geo. Binnie and J. B. Rowe asked for reappointment as auditors. C. A. Flem- tug also "plied. Reports of committees were presented from Fimmee, Education and Home of Refuge committees Among the account: was one from Brmskeubridee & Son: of $49.40 for for- tutttra, tor the judge's room Ind “other from Neil McGilhvny for keep of Goo. Roy, who figured in the House of Refuge iuvestigation. The chief item in the flatutee report which was read by Mr Hastie of Egret. mont, was that the application of Col. Cleland for grant of $500 helnid over for consideration until the June aeuiou and that. Col. Clelantl be united to state his reasons why such a. grant should be made. The usual motion to adopt this report was passed Withonta question. The report of Education Committee presented by Mr. Wilson of Bentinek, recommended as its principal item that the petition from ratepayers of S. B. No. 7, Collingwood. asking that arbitrators be appointed to settle the question of forming a new school section, be granted The clause Wis discussed in committee " some length, during the course of which Inspector Burgess was called up- on and gave some information as to how costs of arbitration would be paid. The report as road was finally adopted and later in the meeting aby-law was introduced for the appointment of ar- bitrators in accordance therethh. The report of House of Refuge. re. sented by Mr McFarland of Markdlzle. recommended payment of ecoounte totalling 5809.85 and also a. second list of $213 M of later items presented by the manager. The receipts amounted to $260.66 including one item of $72 paid by an inmate for meintonance. covering most of the present year. Hardwood tloors had been laid over those of cement in two rooms which were not considered comfortable for the inmates; storm WmdUWS and fire ee- capes had been provided and it was further recommended that two addition- al radiators he put in to make more per- fect the heating system of the institu- tion. An account from the manager of $37.10 for expenses in taking inmates here and there on various occasions was also presented and an option from Markdale tor the pnrcheee of five acres of the House of Refuge farm for the sum of 9500 was appended in the re- port. It was odopted Without much discussion. The County Council adjourned Saturday about noon, after a session marked by strict attention to the business in hand, and entire absence of anything approaching discord. So noticeable was this that the Warden took occasion to make it the ground of a special compliment to the coun- cillors. Saturday was closing day, and was mainly occupied in straightening out any little matters that needed at- tention. The application of Col. Cleland for a grant to the srst Regi- ment was brought up by the Warden who mentioned that he had been in conversation over the phone with Col Cleland, who asked him if possible, to have the matter reconsidered. The regiment goes to camp before the June session I and if the grant was not forthcoming at the time of camp a great deal of extra work was invol- ved in sending each man his share. The Colonel had asked him to say that the grant went to supplement the pay of the men l not a cent of it went to the officers In reply, Mr. Hastie chairman of the Finance Committee said that the matter had been fully discussed in committee, and he dV not think they would alter their decrsion. For his part he thought they had been pay- ing that grant too longi. br. Mearns' request for refund of moneys improperly paid by urban school districts was xeferred to_the Eriliiy Treasurer, to be reported on at the June session. On Friday the Owen Sound and Meaford railway was before the Coun- cil, which was asked to lend a hand in obtaining aid from the Ontario Government. The following resolu- tion was carried, on motion of Mr. Legateethat the Warden, My. Has- tie and the mover be a committee to draft a memorial asking the Ontario government to grant a sum of money equivalent to that already granted by the Dominion Government toward the building of the missing link con- necting the Grand Trunk Railway " Owen Sound and Meaford. Another matter of interest was the state of the county by-laws, the War. den, Messrs Garvie and Legato were appointed a coménittee to examine the by-laws and ave those that are now in force and which affect the Council printed in pamphlet form and a copy sent to each member of the Council. The Town Council of Owen Sound might well follow the cotut- try’s lead, in finding out, " any rate, which by-laws are in force. A request from local members of the legal profession, to have tele. phone, put 1n the offiees of the Sher- riff and County Court Clerk and in the Registry Office, was not granted. After everything had been cleared off the slate Mr McFarland moved that the Council adjourn to meet at Mukdale on Monday. an June " 7p. m. The mnjority, however, fa- vored meeting at Owen Sound; so on Monday, June " we shall have the county fathers with us again. Before sdjouming, the Warden thanked the councillor: for the mun. let in which they had taken hold of the minus. Old and new membe- County Council ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The members then rose and sang the National Anthem, and the Jenn- ary session was at an end. -thtn. alike had done splendidli. He was proud to preside over we n body of men. than which he thought there was none better in the Province. eith- er in nppeuance or intelligence. Friday of this week will muk the eomgletion of 100 years since the bin of Abraham Lincoln. andtar beyond the bounds of his own coun- try, hearts will warm to the memory of " a man. a mental aunt. with gi- gantic soul, in forefront of the poo le, wielding power as trust (rom Gog.) All libraries contain. or sth contain, the story of his life .. his low- ly origin, his struggle for an educs- tion, his love tor home and stepmoth- er, his physicul prowess combined with the gentlest ot natures. his legs] ability, his fiuratindedrieas, " ha. mor, snd above all his surpassing ststesmsnship and executiVe ability in a great crisis. should be known and valued for generations to come. He ranks smong the great men ot the ninteenth century, by seme sc- eounted the greatest and seldom. it is universally admitted, htwe such surpassing beneileent qualities of bead, heart and hand been united in one man. One hundred yen-I no, to western home. A little child. born to n life ot toil A lite of heme“ struggle, keenest pain. Kl. the elect intellect with Vivian blest, And the bright humor of I mture true. [in the Mout hem tint felt. but feared not From a warm appreciation at him by Camille Sanderson of Alabnma we extract one stanza t . wrong, Hit the amt soul that opened wide its doors Of hope and comfort to eon-urn hopeless one; And so he grew In nature with the years ; In wit and wisdom. it devoid of grace ; In tender-non or heart. if not of speech I For heath unantnly form 3nd rugged {me There dwelt heuvcn's royalty in humnn guise A. B, Jackson has a number of houses and vacant lots in Durham for sale. W0 buys one of the best properties in Durham. known as the south half of the Kelly Block in Upper Town. Newly finished into two good houses, worth from $10 to $12 per month each, One frame house worth 87 per month. Elsy terms. Apply to J. M. LATIMER. Dutham. Lot 0. Con. 15, Proton. containing 100 acres. 90 acres cleared. and in good state of cultivation. about 8 ttCt'em of hrrdwood hush. On the premises ld erected a. barn tix00 with stone stab- ling. Good hog pen and hen house. Comfortable tsotv.e, kitchen nnd wood. ulwd, also orchard. 3 never-failing wells. About 15 miles from Church. School and Post Dulce. If sold. will he sold on easy terms. Splendid Reeldence Property for Bale in Upper Town I the well-known McLean cottage. All conveniences, Brick veneer ' comfortable and cosy. Offers from intending purchasers re- ceived at Review Office. Valuable farm in the Tp. of Glenelg composed of lots 22 and 23, Con. 3, N. o. R.. 100 acres. Possession given forthwith. Title perfect, For parti- culars apply to J. P. 'lELFom), Durham. The following must he sold at nnce: New Waggon, new iron truck wheel waggon. a number of large egg vats (would make first class cistems) 3 or 4 thousand fence posts, lath. shingles, lumber. A quantity of wood mar Wetbeek P. o., will be sold at fifty cents pel load. D. JAIIESUN. Administrator Spar- ling estate., -- -- _ Goad nine.roomed house. Furnace heated. Good garden. out-buildings and large stable. Will be sold cheap. Apply to -- - -. A fine two storey brick dwelling house, large brick stables. on Main Street, Durham. Will be sold at a burgain, and would accept, other property as purl. pay. Apply to IN NEW til1lllrllflll Lot No 1. 8th (on. Glenelg. 50 Acres bush and .50 acres cleared. Apply to Farm For Sale or Rent. After two yesrs in business in Durham I thank hesrtily the menv farmers and others who hevetuvored me with their trade and hsve pleasure in snnounoing that I will in the future hsve hsve pleasure in meeting in more tsorntnodiotus utters, all my old friends and (i trust many new ones. Promptness and tair deal. ing will continue to be my motto. Yours for business. McIntyre mou-uattrton St. has!” sat! Bell's dd mud Eor Sale or Exchange. Town Residence io Sale. or to DAVID KIXNIE. Durham. orA H. JACKSON. Durham. Abraham Lincoln. Born 12th Feb.. 1309. ARTHUR H, JACKSON, Durham. CARD 0F THANKS Farm tor Sale. Luuh, For Sale For Sale. W. D. MXLLH. Dunn) FERGUSLS, Bwinton Park. For Sale. For Bale. . McLellan. U. RAMAGE, Agent. Wu. WEIR. Durham Box 73, Durham", There can e J. G. HUTTON. M. D., C M labor Coll... Physician and lug-on Otttariq oeee, Menu. cue. Queen “a Gas; Sm, on. block west from (no: of mu 10m» our J . W. C. PICKERING o. o s., L o S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Ya't','gq of Ontario. Room. Over J b J UNTER's New Store otBee--Ca1dev's Block. over Post 0mm HONOR flhtl1'o1'ld ""liu'g2l"i'ir,'P and sue a are Jen mean Dalian-y In .le in Watches. ARTHUR B. "arsolt Insurance Agent. Money to Lou), lower of Marriage Licenses. A gen- eral Husncinl business (unmoved. BUREAU. ONT. (Lower Town Barman Solicitor. Notary Public. Gonveyancer to. Money to Omiifl‘. OFFICE HOURS F-tt B. In 2-4 p n. Telephono Con-oath: No. " Barrister, Solicitor in Supremo Court Notary Public Commissioner. - Money to Loan. nuke, over Gordon's Jewelry Store D. MoPHAIL- ’ Massey Harris Mowers& Rakes The Innovcr Comreraneer, 'ttrem.. 100 acres near Allan Park-- splendid 1ruilduw, rattling tine farm. cheap. 40 acres extra gum! land near Allan Park. very clump. 180 acres Benunck -. Hanover. (lose to M Ott1ce with daily mail frame bank ham. Rt't' Money to be Made 180 acres Benunck -- 41 miles from Hanover. slose to school and Post Ott1ce with daily mail. Brick house. frame bank hum. grout “up. and [any other Good Bargains in Farm and Town prom-r1 y. If you want, to Buy or Sell go to Miller No charge if nu hummus done. Railway and Steamship Tickets to all points. Money to_Lena "i, tossTr rule-u than Dem Collected. No charge if noth- ing collected All binds " financial business carefully and quietly (uten- ded to. Licenued At Tenn: moderate. a duel. &e., mus "roe. Durham. " atteuiie W J. McFadden ‘Alwnyu Prompt, Never Negligent.' MEDICAL ARTHUR GUN. M. D., noun:{ 2 vi, c i.E , to o P, I. .- Imam “tendon given to Diana " Women And Children. Or to J. F.GRANT D. 0.5. L. D. B. DEE? TAIL. by Intending lo this advertisement ynu our ls the thing to think of now. Notary Public, Commissioner BON BON ALWAYS FRESH Loan it lowest l' .‘ l ' '-"""Nq tlitiaitil5U2 u- Ceylon bu . telephone oitMe and all kinds of Massey Kurtis implements for Haying and Har- gesting seasons. De Laval and Massey Har ri Cream Separator. Coal Oil and Machine Oil always in stock. Lee. McIntyre Bl dard Bank, [Jul Holiday Baking J. P. TELFORD We have a. good supply of froth Baku": awn-Ion land. Also a good unort- ment of Undies. Nuts nod muses. “a D. lcPHAIL. Ceylon P. 0 C. RAIAGE. Durban: cioNVEYANCER. kc B. B. MILLER. W. P, DUNN Puma: " t swam. W at lower rates than mrrow "isewltere. THERE bed. H unur'o Sun . STINSON An Model Bakery 10A wk over the Matt In uu, Ontario. Mes menu tor “In " an the Review ot. pondence mam [ tsill be promptly Junior: to _,';.::,';,';';-:,,) G may

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