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Durham Review (1897), 11 Feb 1909, p. 6

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"To he sure he it," said Inn. "I re- lie-her now, you asked him. Well, he In: not be selfish, and let Agatha be always sarritired to our friends. Thy um both go. I In nothing again: it." "Nor do I," and Lord Lynn. "But l “I, Nam .10." that I b” " "Of course he an," replica hoe Imo- hnd. “But t forgot. though-your Mold, Cont Bin-Mo. in a; go with Ps." "I will be all dirwretion and wimlom," he replied. styly. "I think." uho' continued. "nay, I an nun. that the Manual: of Hortingtton " .inn Agath- wry mun-h. It would he an uwllent match for her." "I nhoultl think it Would." interrupted Lord Lynne. "He 3: one of the best young lullow-u I know. and he will be im- namely rieh. Do you really think there h unythlng in it, Inez'." "t mu mm that it he saw more of in. he would soon pmpon to her," she "plied: "that in whit I wanted to speak to you shout. Philip. You must Invite hi. here. We always hnve a has» lull ot visitors; but t do not think we consider Agatha enough. She does not care about those foreign!" and rid. erly people whom we find useful. Let hum every word or look tint iould div m give a dinner puny Iltl invite Lord ttortirtgtton." “I will do .Iything you wish. darling," eel-l Lord Lynne, ndmirinyly. "What . w'me women at the world you an.” "Anotherthing I thought of." sold his wife; "than tom-I dinners are very well but for reel lutlucy tore in nothing “he thou petits may u you like " Inch." "You In time to an Lord Noni-[ton no.1.- lino to-day," she continued; “Ink hi- to join our party ud go to the some" with no. You will tind how as. erly h lccopls the invitation. Then -lty, In it were, uk hi. to return with no when the concert is not. ll. can have I orat in our mrriage." in» a. true." said Lard Lynn. with nu " of pvolound wisdom. "You mun n maker, Philip," s that: pro-tin t all, it I MI yol thing." do. the accepted thr otter Ill-h - ee-d laugh“ the!" hull»: and. in a oer poor girl looked nut for and nation u travelling run-pal Elam“! sump month" ago, who. he deter-ted - was no enrngou at r "W""" ' . . . _ the condition in which he found the ei- l 'dl', 2",tt,tttA"rt,'.'t m dos tutu. that even in the pretence of Lady ”mil-f . . . n . . No h k ki dl u h Could any one Imagine, she and to ' m1; H'" e "'0“ un m .3 l " her-elf. "any creature no entirely with- ' Is no Housed her pn e, that out toot. With one kind look and . when he relm-tnntly offered her I small C few kind wordo, A who Lynne might nullity from the "tutu, she prunily Ibo Marehioness of flJlu'dl", and Lhe n!“ it. neither gives one nor the other. Did "I like her tor that." interrupted Inez. we, . girl throw nway well a chance!" "Tho only "In." tshe had W" . dit. I All unconscious of the interest, the tant emmin, Lady Bloke. who offered “my“ and the jmuousy she wwg causing. hor th ttome. Not knowing what else to 'Ap'tha was wishing that the concert do, Ae nmwd the "tter., hut Lady lWIa over. She had nomething approach- "like - Wind i',',"'::":,',','.",',',.':',,',' her fa- ling tear for the count. None of the (huh hula; Ind, in a eer diigunt. the l terrible thing: that tnea had prophesied poor trVl looked out for and found it mit. lnhunld come true if she could help it. nation in trusrllintt run-panlon. and left [she would thaw him decidedly that his [aloud unmi- lmmtlu ago." attention. were all thrown away. For "Who told you nll this?" naked his the Marquis nhe had a quiet kind oi tile. liking Mid home little pity. He nu so "The lawyer who nmnnued the poor Lind and ingenuotts, so nimplv and unaf- old onrl'n “lain; and, by the way} hated, she could not help liking him; mntlnuul Lord Lynne. "I shall note that at the tune time aha wondered why he mun. He had tears in his eyes when he [had not had tho sense to choose some woke of Lady Florence; and I should l brilliant bountiful girl, who would have imagine such . thing In tt 'lgwyn'g lreturned his love, instead of herrrli. She teln’ to he n wonderful rarity. She eould never "hrtt for hip. She 1i.d not n... dropped her title, and has gune|know that that gory tttet constituted "road with name merehant limit“ I her (not chum In the eyes of the gun he “gay lyoung man who was sought after hy 'ti" up..." uhlv" .nm [my run... “It ia my manoeuvring mother in London. "In: had she no relations who cmlld have adopted her no friends who could I." helped her.'" naked Iner.. . "None, it appenrs." ropliml her hull hand. “She had npent. all her life utl Severloh Cutie; um! the poor. ruined, F0631] url had few friends. The man who succeeded him- a distant relative. When he detesrted--m" no ranged nt the condition in which he found the pr l tutu. that even in the pretence of Lady Florence he spoke moot unkindly of her father. Thin no ground her pride, that when he reluctantly Mined her a "nall unity from the "tat", she pnudly roha-d it. " like - tor that." interrupted Inez. "'No only r.intive ehe had was a dit- mu cousin. hay ttlake, who altered. “What in tho mutter. rim t" II. said, gently. "Why If! you 'i'l','lt'i so Ind!” "I an "led with lynch, Inn.” In "W, Hod-g the beautiful tner, " any. so high an! loving for Mm. "Life in he. to brilliant and plan-t fur In. it“), that I I.“ been loath“ who" I ought to I." boon in” "Toll no nil nbout it," she add. ”TI-t I will," he replied. “Then it noun. like owning om'n halts cordinl' U. 30-. you. "" I know the Earl of Wyvuu. I met him abroad, and he took . (rest taney to me. I went to Visit Mm at Savannah: Cutle. You re- nu-bu you will. u telegram to me than!" "I remember." nhe said. gently. “Mo had only one child." continued Lord Lynne. "n bountiful girl of Bewett- tool; mad he wu puiomtely fond of In. a. could-d ull Mo mm. to me. I“. one (rut grief was. that at his dull this would child would be left [DO-lilo... I aid nothing to him, but in my own mind I rnolnd that my mother doom heMunl Lady Florence. I never Maid of the our“ death. whleh took blue but yen: Ind I am told that his all“ daughter " nut in the world. phi“ her livelihood In beat the cur." poke 'Whu m t to dot" astmd Agntha, topical]. " wish I" wen huh all: u lgnowoldp." “You can do nothing,” aid Lady Lynne. “but Mall, in him. no not talk to li- nen thnn you can help. Do not mile and look interested when he epoch; tsroid “In. his em as luck as you an; but mind, thi- must be done gradually; it Wonk! he dangerous to tgrotMdt nun-Melly the In." or jeelouey of well u mart." "I new“ mun tn we him Kim." said Agatha, he" impatiently. "W nt have I to do with him, or be bith me, that I should lent MI?" "What, imkedt" sighed holy L Inc to Inn"; then the that.“ Ch. “like! to that of - Diner’- has. “a felt " "sde-iuble "not. Atter nil, it link!» nu that Au“. did not. like him. Ind would never [on him, he could not Nun. be: for that. He Would simply (an " attention to none on the. ”urn ot her tank In; neeomptUhed. Lady .ynu In". to look for her bur band. He ms. in the library, wearing what for Mm WI: . gun " not gamm- ful apt-don, um! she rum! bu mu ”mainly round Lin net-r. 7 A. ht mi. in Aei'r disgust, the oked out for and found a sit- :nn'ellina companion. and left um- mmus ago." H you all this?" ukul his 'yer who mnpaucd the poor HIS LORDSNP's ROMANCE , flat" h out in the world. iv.littood " but the ear." Ae no relation» who could d her no friends who mum her?" naked Inc-2. . app-u." replied her hm- hul want all her life at In!" and the poor, ruined, tot think me . luau-Dr aha mid: "and you Inn-t to keep my "cut faith. m l have "bu-nod we he! in her never rest t her; and must “an. i When the concert. was over and Lady _ ' Lyirnts's carriage was announced, the linu- “his, by an admit movement, mu the 1 nut to tine and tiller his escort to At ‘atthu. She accepted it, and Count Rinal- lo followed With a. lowering face. He [fancied the young girl was cooler than ‘uaual to him. “hell they reached the home he was the first to descend and utter his arm to Miss Lynne. She rein:- ed with is graceful gesture, and passing before him, tripped lightly up the “)9?" iyet be would not heiieie that she had lpuryoaely alightul him. When they ”earned the drawing mum Agatha tuck “men-don ot ll preuy lunnging chair, Lm-r favorite seat. The mum tolloweu (rd, and hunting our her, begun wine plight remonctrunce “pun what he mu pleased to call her cruelty. She made him wine srttrht, laughing reply, and, ris- ing immediately, erosaed over to where Inn was talking to Lord Lynne width-e marquis. Then the face at Count Riml- i dun nu not pleasant to see. lie saw Lady ‘l.ynne intently hatching hint ,and it jatrnolt him that nhe had perhaps been lwarning her alder against him. "She 'would not dare me m tar," he said to hiimell. "She would never be an blind to her min interests, or so null." But the eonviction grew upon him. Agatha 'tras neither nneivil nur pointedly cool ltu him; she did not attract. attention ’either by her indifference or any ex. hibition of her real “clings, still, there [was something, an indefitsable some- l thing in her manner which clearly pruv- ~eu to the t'onnt that she wag aware of 'his li'rbtr for her, and wished to show him quietly that it wag all in vain. Once Lady Lynne "usght his eye fixed upon her with a glance that, brave and fear. lesu an she w”, seemed to freeze the blood in her veins. As he was leaving Count Rnialdo drew near her. "You must nee me to-morrow alone," be "Mm be bl aha had, "It w . i e," r . drawing back pm. . - , -- "lt ion are -wise,%uly Lynne," said the count, "you will not trit% with A degpergge man_. Epic-s“! see you to-mor. --t" will not. be later." - row alone, I shall seek an interview wig: ypm: hysbond. Be If. home " three She looked It. him, and in that mom. ent Lady Lynne would have given the whole world to (lure and defy him. He read it in her haughty glance, and smile- ed contemptuously upon her. It In Ill any matter to secure I totem-ten. but Inez revoked mph-t the patio- for her interyiew with the In“ 0h. debuted. 1'ttrfvttutlly It the time "pointed he was ohown into the dnwing-room. when she received him with‘tbq artitr. " a queen._ "Let there be Bo mate of words be. tween no,” be aid; "I mm here to warn on. I love your mm; her fortune in it“ "" 1_ require, tl I {Quad to Thin time Lu? Lynne made no pre- nm-aity. Lord .ynne was from Lime, and would not return until dinner time; spun ,only too planed to enjoy 0 low houn’ quiet, had gone to the lib. rary wit) on! of in [Home boqks. I "So tar, well," "Id lady Lynne, en die notched ber hub-M In" the house. "You will find your opponent worthy of you, (bunt Rinaldo. and in the end I shall win. When did I ever fail.'" I Agatha felt that an, the troubles in ,0" world were heaped upon her whey , Lord Lynne unnouneed that the Marquis 501 "orthsttton mu going with them to mama Hon-r. _ _ .. .. 'C'Aiiiei,ir,):.etlr,, both be there," she laid to herself, with a: deep nigh. "What shall I dot I wink I were like Inea. Nothing troubles her." CHAPrER XXVI. I The concert. at Uiiord Home In a brilliant lul't‘rll, tor the elite of the 'hnhiomble world War: prreertt, um! the l nutsh- wan the best. V It w“ eei, thing in her forcibly; his "sarked and thought ot there things before. I will drop in " the club this morning; I III Inn to meet Remington there." “1 eGtseiruiaIrtutrou were soon made. His going abroad caused no surprise; the season was draw. ing to a close and people, were all leaving town. No one-not even his wife’s con- fidential maid, nor Agatha herself-- knew their destination. '"l'hat will du," tshe "replied. "And, Philip, promise me you will not tell one single creature where We am going, or that we are going, or anything about it will you."' "Not against your wish, oertuinlv." he said; "but tell me why." i "if you talk about it,' 'she said, “pew ple will try to persuade you not to go, and you will give in to them. Promise me, Philip, that you will not tell a single creature; it is just the end of the season, and every one is going 'utmewhere." To please und cunsulc his wife, Lord Lynne gave the promise. "What about Agatha. and Ilortington?" he said. "Our going will interfere with that arrangement." "There's nothing in it," replied his wife, wearily. 'Agatha does not can for him; and, oh, Philip," she continued, earnestly, "mind, Agatha must go with us. I would not stir without her." Owing to Lord 'ar?, good mange- ment, all preparat I tor the journal An though one could fly from trouble, or from the consequence: of wrong- doing'. We may cross un- and rivers, pass mountains and hills, but travel u we may. conscience and memory go with um. The keeping of show goat- is now very fashionable in Englnnd, and no wonder, for the winni- nre both an“! and or- nnmonul. They are pie-uni pet. if well kept, ad . big billygont in u strong a a Pony tad an draw a consid- enblo weight. Showing the. at dairy ltd agricultunl shown in I Profitable Milne-I. A great many well known lad. ies go in for this fancy, some being ulna known in the doggy ,rorldt-r'rmn the Lady’a Pictorial. --"F ...._ ...n., eagerly. He smiled as our humming the cup- rim of u sick child. 'lhut would be too anon," he said. "You would not have time to prepare. If you like, We will go alone as tir as Paris on Thursday. and the servants cam follow us with the luggage.” um craving for rust. Take me away where no one knows m. I shall die ii I remain here." "You shall go, my darling," he said. "I should have been more careful of you. You Were used to much u quiet life. I blame myself bitterly; but i will do all I can to atone for it. You mall go M won as you like," [he looked iith wander at the wild agitation shown in lrer face. "I will do anything and "ver.vtlting you ask me," my dear wife," he amid. "I an: wretched ubuut you." "Take me abroad, Philip." she whisper. ed. "1 aut ill and unnerved. All this excitement has been tn much for me. I ler as ihey bent mar the pale, stricken girl, so unlike- the radiant and beautiful Lady Lynnr. Lute m the evening, when Inez was alum: with her husband, she threw her ”In: around him and drew his face near her own. "Philip." ahc said, "my husband, I have loved you wry much, and l lune never naked one favor tron you. Will you grant me one now, at any risk, at. any trouble, m. any tcwritiecr?" Agatha was seriously she considered a wuu illness. Many were tlr exchanged between the ter as they bent. mar girl, so unlike the rudi- l.udy Lynne. "Oh, Philip'." she cried, "is it you, dear! I have had such a frightful dream; it was so dreadful that l tainted in my sleep." "My darling!" cried the bewildered husband, "what is it?" His passionate caresses and loving words In‘uught back some color to the pale face. A startled, frightened ex- pression was in her eyes as she opened them. All that evening he mt by her, every kind word, "very proof of him love and devotion stabbing her tn the heart. Agatha was arrinuily alarmed at what she considered a n-Iuru of her sister’: "Inez," cried Lord Lynne, as he opened the drawing room door, “are you here?" There was nu reply; hut, looking into the apartment. on a muvh at the fur end there lay my lady, with a pale, still face and rigid lips. Mm had Iain there gunne- kuu for hours. He did not “mi-r. J an} inure, but Ir". her with those but. wards ringing in her can. ll hen Lord Lynne returned he hust- ened first to his ladyk lmuduir; 5hr was not there. He rang the bell, and asked ber maid when: her mistress was. "My lady mm in the drawing room an hour or mu ago," replied the girl. "I have not, Been her since." V - "Inez,” cried Lord Lynne, as he opened M: might lun- pleaded to u rock with us much incur-u as to : man whose heart had for yet.” been hardened and cor- rupted by selfishness and wardlineu. He lUtened to her in gloomy silence. 'tt is too late for this sort. of thing, my lady," he replied, mommy. "I must have your Iiuler'I turtuue, and, a Ihe goes with it, I mull. have her." "But," said Lady Lynne, "she does not love you, Count Munldu. Believe me, it you knelt to her tar-clay. and prayed to her to become your wife, like would re. fuge. I know her so well; the u gentle; but she is firm, she does not care for you.” _ "That is what I tear," he replied, “and why I ask your help. you have more influence over her than anyone, and you mun: persuade her. In three weeks from this day I shall ",k her tu be my wife, if we tefuoes you know the cumequelwe. Du your but. far um, and remember, l never fail in keepiug my promise." A "range, wistful light etbttte into his dark (yet "H. “mm lo me," the continued. nmurnlully, "that my tate, my Itory would Innu- the hurt ot a stone. What hate t douo that I III] an surely tried? Rinaldo. be put. bo tuercitul, and lave ttte in pure. , on have wrought Inc evil enough." ,v... ....._..-‘,. .-- -_- -e' u ',ire"iiiii%GiiirGitietaaed..'.'" you thwart me in this, you know the eon-queue"; Agatha loves you. the in young, easily innueneed, gentle and yielding ---it you add your entruliu to mine, your intlttenee to mine, I know she will mmtsettt and will be my wife. Then all will be well; if you refuse to help me, you lose all that you "re, mount." we "Ia lulatl, cum r."- -..v.. ,-V - bitter than And may 1 pound through when l read your letter and found that l was but the foolish dupe of . clever, wily mun! Hove you no regret or re. murse for the youth, the trust and um. you blighted um! alvw when you killed my love?" "-i'-"r _"-" . _ new and “range softness in her mnner. "Have you no regret, no pity for the blight and ruin you have brought upon my life.'" she said. "l WM 3 child when you lured me on to love and marry you; have you no pity for the sorrow you brought upon me, the fever of grief you made me suffer, and still more for the have tried to ptelufiee her mint me. Now. beware in thrte; you In“ no your inffuem' toy me flu in pr favor: ,w u... .... ...... __-. ___' "Rinaldo." she Iii, gently, “hve you no many for met" "t have learned to not and care for myself," he replied, wondering It the new nod strange witness in her PM? Let u; start to-tnot-row Goats the Fashion Now, (To he continued.) _ to me," uhe cantiuued. "that my fate, my story the lwull ot I alone. What that I mu m surely tried? just, bo merciful, and have , ml hive wrought use evil dismayed looks husband and sis, she cried, To All Women'. I will lend tree with full lnnlructlona. my homo numont which pottivcly cum Leuoorrhou, U1eertsttott, Dugrttseemottttr, mum; ot the Womb, Pam- tul or Irregular ”nods, Uterine and Ovu- hn Tumor: or Grown", also Hot Flushes, Nen'ouoneas. Melancholy. Pun. la the Mead, Buck or Bowen. Kidney ind Bladder troublel. than caused by Ivonne. peculiar to our tax. You can oonUuuc mum at homo " n can ot only " can“ . week. Mr book, “Woman's Own Medici] Adviser.” also not (no on mum. Wm. to-dar. Andros. In. M. Summon. §o_xAH. It, Window. Ont. about "r5G. but I caught lt from n girl the» aunt trurrried a “REL- A Minard's Linlment Cures Diphtheria "lkve you ‘Love Letters ot Wise Men'?" the and tlmldly. "No. min." remponded the clerk In the book department. "And why not?" “Bee-nu wlu men never pubH-h their love Intern t illllilWI 0lllt'S APPEAL hs Statesman The Old Maids' Chance. "Do you ever lose that umbrella of yours?" naked the maiden. "No, I don't.” replied the mun, Morn- ly; 'the person who [alum that umbrel- la will haw tn tak" me." . "Do I understand that to be a pro- posnl of marriage ur a threat t"--Yonk. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. "m-Buk in a pure herbal balm, and cured cum. burmr, bruises. aim-ow, alum-s. enema. .0111) cote-5. ringworm. cttapped hands, cold- sore“. troest-blttr. hind leg. 1nfhuned pun-bu, air. It ulna cures piles. Lied as In embro- calion it will be iuund to remove rheum- uiMu. wiaiim. and neuralgia. All druuim and More. sell u 50o a box, or root tree from anruuk Ctr, Turyuto, tor pr ce. Their Birthright. "Why are some people so t'otteeiied, Edith?" “That's so (any. Javk." "Is it?" 'Wes." "Well, I don't hear your answer." "Because they are ruen."---5ashville American. "Every mother who om? proves the tsll. round value ot Zamruuk will never "I“! be without It," "A third Instance ot the healing power ot Zun-Buk I" provided when my Hula boy had a nuaty tall. He u ttee years old, Ind we.- blaylnx on. day when he felt. HU head Mruek on a nhurp stone, which cut 3 mt)’ nah. As soon ls l haul washed the out I applied Zulu-But In the usual way. Ind It was really wonderful how quickly " relieved the mus fellow} pun. Within a week the cttt--a deep ontr--WT" qulte healed. "I have 1mm nan-But no my lat-Yul u I Mturettoid bum that I van! to can: It: marks um more widely known. Sm eight weeks no my brother, Mr. C. Proctor. hun- nonad I sol-Iona “seldom. While It work. a “my lull venetnlod the palm of his right hand. The run ot the mil poisoned the "all and lntlunmltlon Bet in qulcily. 1!. not to the Oneal Mann-l and con-um u doctor. who advised pouldclu to draw out the wllnon. Thu: wu mild. but who there was no Improvement arm a few days, l Dunn apply hm-Buk balm leaving off poultieeg. "Ms week- no my uranium. Mr. C. J. ltehm. whim ramming trom work quite has In tho evenlulk was bitten by n cox, tho dorm teeth manna. the new on Illa mu: mu than: the knee. Dlroclly he Lamp bye Zulu-Bu A, tlimGriliuJGoGif, will: u tew my: the screw Nu who and the would thoroughly healed. "The after! was almost mulcal! Zam- Buk toothed the pain. draw out the when. an Mun-l all lnrhmmulon. Healing than (unmanned. Ind In a tem days be was an. to mm work. Hero u just on. "lull-won of the wisdom of troe#itttt . box " Zun-Buk than had}. " M I true record of the various In. to which his nut balm wu put-with highly utklaotory remit: In every Ct-ttt Jul! one tawny. Ind during a few month.- only. Mm. C. J. lrlltn. ot 907. wmmn Avenue. Winnloex. nuke- tho report It (allows:- 33M! for selling only 21-2 dozen - c Thrld l'lllilt inkiess Penn at M. em h. Thaw pens write I? _ beautiful color 't 'lptplydhr. ( [HIV in Witter. Peeltt will. we will send pens an big premium "a. in it short time you can win this "F.'lectrie. Sparkivr" and also an eieputtvUMu. QUEEN CITY SUPPLY co ' “Opts 01 io%utG,5h'se ---. "I woudhln't be no conceited it I war: you." “I luv. had the monks." "t don't no lnylmnx 1a that to be proud What Zia-M Did in a Western h MOTHER’S TALK TO MOTHERS. FREE TORONTO Althoulh tho game seems rather suit, Don't be a doubtful doubler. There‘s always one more inning tt You‘re not I dawn and outer. But tortunc‘s pretty nuts to tlee From folk: content with alttlu' Around and ttayltt' Me‘s N. G. - You'vo .0: to quit per _q_ultt1n'._ You Inn: to quit u-layln' down An' "rin' hope is over Beau“ (be Held: are bare tut' brown Where once we llwd in clover, When Jam-d from (he I'ller can It's pulnful to be mum Tlte earth; but nuke noun-r start, Cheer up. au' quit tour qulmu'! n nlu'l the ”Hares he umy meet J That knew: a man from wluuln‘; ' It'g the ducourMttsueut compute ' That blocks a new bexlnulu'; You wnm to quit )our mm bad And when tho: shadow: Illtllu‘ Malta we new: worthless like and at! You want tu quit your quittla'! “Madam!” " , 7w mum "If!“ MATCHES “NEVER STIUCI thm-rNe.inGnnboahtieBdér'"atth" EDDY'S ark "SILENT" _iiifirji, MATCHES t i" Bi Till PAVORITIO 1iiulitbiHllDliS A H igh-mnod Illness Why Thi) Are Wise erto for Weekly Price um. .GOWGANDA DIAMOND GOLD SHELL RING The Quinn JOHN HALLAM at Waatiinuton Star, Mrs. Grinushaw (while tho visitor is removing his wraprw)--A0at did you bring that man out here to dinner for. when the house is all torn up and fall of the tstnell of paint? “maiden. you've told Inc a thousand times that he's a bore and you don't like him! Mr. Gr'irnsuaw- l know it, my dear That’s why I brought him. Chimp Tri. bun. MIn-rd's Linlment Cures Distemper. Ethel-- Didn't it seem an age from the time you were engaged till you We-re married.' Maud-Yes but Jack and I manager! to squeeze dimugh it.- Boston Trang. erfpt. The banking (-apitalizrd strength of the bank. of the Pittsburg dislrivt in “In 'tsted to be $5,000.0(KL more than the cmnhimd capital of the Bank of Enxlund. all the organized hunks of Scotland and Ireland. the lnnmria! Bank of Germany and tlu, Imperial Bank of iltoins, and mmmnm greater than the rapitul and surplus of the. banks of (‘hivagu and Baltimore omn- bined. (bur banking capital and sur- plus an- 4ti per (MIL of our drpmiia. and our bulk resmgrem $1.3m pet' vupitn. rid nf the \iru With regards unu-n-s.e_ Oak Lake, Mum, Dec. ard, l908. Dr, Mc1'aggurt, Toronto. ont.: Dear Flir,--l am oneloMng $l0 for as many tolmcco eureg as you will send me. I saw the effects of your dure on my man lust spring, which freed him of the habit in mm we. k. I am mulling this so that I van make mum Clrriuma.i presents to sum:- I know. and will. I trust. at-wpl it. and Ire rid of the \ia-u by 1909. Allegheny county covers a lune am, valued with improvements for aneu- ment at over 'i,000,000,0o0. Its popula- tion is over 700,000, and there an ss,. 000,000 people within one only}; ride. Our fuel resources and rail and water {Mil- ities are unparalleled. more coal than underlies all England and twice as much mined in it year as in all Russia. and 2,000,000 tons more than the production of France. The entimated tentre of 50,000 square miles of coal. Fourtewi railroads cuter Pittsburg and five great trunk lines centre here. The clouds of smoke by day and the flaring furnam by night stunt the gummy; of our in. dustrien. Gigantic and stately public buildings Show forth the faith of our people null the performance of our mm? munity. Miles and mile. of lmulevurdi and paved streets, and 250 miles of elev- trie lint-s. 1,000 miles of mum! gas Pip" lines, and over Low an” of park pm- vide civic eonveuieme nod comforts that are unsurpassed. At the l'nion nation it is said that a paw-nun train arrives or departs on an averUge of about awry two minutes eavlt 24 hours. The total Mord is 1.000 paswnger train: daily in and out of Pittsburg. Uur total annual traffic by river and rail for "tor was estimated at MO/too,- ooo tons. In 1906 our freight traffic, eulusive of inhuman, required 3,300,000 cars. an average of 10,000 per day. Combine the tonnage of New York, London, Liverpool, Hamburg and Ant- werp, the world's greatml ports, and still Pittsburg is in the lead. (Pittsburg Pres.) George Washington. then 23 your: of age, located Pittsburg 153 yum ago as the "gate of the west," and prophesied that a settlement built here was bound to grow and t'lourult beyond the imagination. Traffic dy District Bends that of Five Lending Supra. With most iypewriurs this is I period of transition from the old to the new. The Underwood is the pioneer visible writer. It Is long past the experiment-l "no. It is sure: to buy an Underwood. she um: I merry, mowing maid, And ho a any young nun; Belle-(h I Nth uucltaoglutI wreath or minutiae she run. Cryintt the while with roam-h In". “wound that I'm your Mater!" The problem rund- like thia, I III-- should he lave klned her.' - UNITED TYPEWRITER CO. “I" 7 Adelaide St. East, TORONTO” TORONTO, ONT. I hula! such a nice time; I tolled them I would Mar; But It the very bales! part, I vented right may! And I was In the nura'ry, The very next I knowed: How do you t0osttt I read there? Where was it that t god? I wound on In snow-Mme: l malted there in spring~ With (dries dam-In: all around And me lnsldo the Hun! I mud In a " vUlr; l chatted up my eyes; And when I opened them awn. I nnded I surprise. Trying to Shake Him Off, Shlpmonu Salton“. PITTSBURG. A Golden Age Where Was It? . Tix? bifl, r _.i(ici,)) ¢ ' th am, you“ I rul A Query [Mat '3. Bmith New York Sun C. M. PLATT ill wry Lawyer-You are willing to to bait for John Jones nnd otter your him as security? Hun you any incum- brancc on it? &nith-Oh. "eHnr old woman. Minard's Linlmgnt Cum Gal-got In . Sonic people ouneriiiir Iindl no often than they eventually war then out. Finding the lump again forming in my throat. I hauled freely with MIN. Alllm Llh'tMF..N'i', and, “turning a cloth with the liniment, left it on 1” night. Next morning the. swelling w“ gone mm I attributed the wading off of an attack of Quinny In the free use of MINARD’S LlNiMENT. "This in I one-horse restaurant, mon. nirur," explained unreal). "You (in have u handled: in any style. How would you like yours t" SomP time ago I Md a bed attack of Quirk.“ which laid me up for two weeks and cost. a lot of money. 'What kind of In eating house do you call this?” asked the man from Chi. cago as he entered a qtteer-lookittg el- tablistunent in Paris. 7 "llorse'iu any style, oh! Well, up pone you have mine rurried." Alex. Ron's Fate. (Toronto Globe.) Let young men think tswll of the some in Judge WintherrterN court. It Wu the culmination: of the life of one whom the love of pleasure and the nntipcthy to honest employment had destroyed. How much of the pleasure which he wor- shipped was his? Hunted like . wild beast, and at. length like 1 wild beast confined, there is more. real pleasure in a day'n work well and honestly done than was granted to this unfortunate youth during the whole of the My! that sue-led hin tint criminal not. It in an awful ending. and surely speaks trurupet-tongued to young men every- where to get true ideas, of what Ml enjoyment is and from what bounce- it springs. Minnrd'q Liuiment Co., Limited Gold Laid Watch The commonest thing in the world now for people to do is lo borrow and lend jigsaw punks; and so, with occasional or more frequent additions to the stock in the lgony prolonged; no does the mad craze sweep on and on. "Say, when-you come up bring Along a couple of your jignwn. will you? And we'll lend you I couple of ours." You do up a couple of yours and take them along; and before you've got fairly but down your friends no It work on one of the puuln you have carried up; such is the fuwination of the “wed up pictures When you come any you bring back the two that they hue lent you, which you tall upon straightwny u noon as you get home. _ How One Snwad Up Picture I: New Made to Craze Many People. The telephone bell rings, and you hear your friengl up the line "rar: - From Suspension Midst, Friday. February Poth, via Lohigh 'tlley R. It. Ticket, good ten dayn. Purticulau, " King arm-1 rut, Toronto, (Ont. Stt Wishbone”. o. c. and lawn. via Phllalolphln. "Not a, loophole," raid the tairGlndys. "And your fulwr'l holdings in Amal- uuuutrd Whalebone. American CM and Macaroni, and Tin Soup plate I). have not been effected by the recent depreoiont" _ . A Noble Love. “In ihe (-anlru-t of. down properly drawn up, signal and witnessed t" asked the (mm: of l‘asllv-nn-llw-llum. "Tess." sighed Gladys Golden. "There are no loopholes through whirh your wise lawyers of Philadelphia my crept" “Then I love you." said the noble count, and two food heart; but. In one. 00 OOOOOOOOHOOWOQO"... Iso, dearest." umwered Miss Golden firmly. St. John 9¢owoumwuoouooo Who- baby um. I“ .". In Ind crown mother kuwn In in well and happy. “he. he in cm», trrttttl um alt-epic“ give ma, {rectal and simple“ ttt him . dose of Baby's (In 't lot. And we Imu- Hreediy they will dump him to a harm,“ mulling child. The". Tablets mm: all the minor Illmont- ot dullllllood and bring balmy. mutual Urep, hat-nun they ro- mow the mum» of Ileana-mu. " the little teeth are comlng through they help them dong taittlerr,ly. Mrs. Oetave Paulin. t'uraepret, N. B., says: "I Imu- fovatd Hall)": Own ”If.” a aplendiol medieine for “munch and bowel troubles. and to pro- moto Meep. I strongly ttdvise mothers to me than wltett their little onee arr ailing." rold by medicine (li‘lll'ra or by mall nt 25091qu box {mm The ltr. Williams' Medicine Co., ankvllle, (but. A LAUGHING “IV THE JIGSAW PUZZLE INCUMBERED. In ray Pun Bikini. u". G, F. WORDFN “There's no Immune at m?- ‘n ' Anyhow." he laid, "uni I'd mum um- my data ali at once and hate it "\er than to linger along for your: an . mom- bet tt A poison squad." But Him. whoTirpaid by m- "no. workod I. thie Iimp‘c ittrid m1 il'o A gory of aver-.1 thousand mud» P,lii, mod do In to write for a treo box the remedy which has been mu l J In my hand- to be gin-n gum . 15.an um one box will f."'lurri',,t k,, dour fr ttte others. . " lo I Ill“ he happy mt! you will be cured for 2c (the we! of u pout-co lump). Your letters held "oHt, dead-I’ll. Write to-du, tor my free ltr v many RS. P. E l'et'h"tha"r"i Windsor,or.i, Am you discouraged? In your doctor'" bill a heavy 'ttttuMtttit load? In your mm A hen/v physical burden.' I know mm than mean to delicate women- -I haw hen (ll-com too; but learned he“ to cure "ef wont to relieve our b, l- dent. bi, not end the man and, stop 1M doctor'- itt I can do thin tor you and 'Ath.t' you wt]; gum me. Socrate- had jut swallowed the he. lock. but. ii aaiGi7erooirrrur-atuu, Venus All “out on the Drtmsmriiar. Road nbuul " o'clock on Tum! gum“ Welcome Change. Chin“ Nerwr--Now, lsere Ii a Piece of goods,” aid the vuluble Idedady. . "Thnt'g " right," "joined the morn nun. PAO wu_d<_n’ng a mapping mun. A wanton: paper whinin- the quUulug “Hutu" WW. I female who In. I hue-led” d 'tttua been ot . pod mar-l chums; WW. . young Inn lo tun.- may or he”. " , religious mind. gnomes”. " Front St. E..TOIONTO impact with n “65,156 53? we. in low. Full pinball-n for his better half. "Now, if you will kindly keep quit-t for a few minutes and givethe gooda w opportunity to speak, I'll be ever so much obliged." h an only (lanolin- Englno that you can try “on you bur. I know what the "Chun- “on" will do, and i Bautt you to be fully aw gm: Light. you my tor it, Tho "You ate always trying lo throw mm water on my literary ambitions," growl ed the aspiring 'yfyrr.. "You may it doesn't pay. Look " Charles Dickeuu. will you! He left a fortune of 1401:qu all earned with big pen." "I know it, dear." said his “in; mlr esahtg him; “but don't you reuwmhm that Aladdin could make more than that in five minute: by simply rnhhin " old lamp! I'd so much rather W31 do something of that kind, Willi" THE 't It open» with a meeting tor n-Ir: men and analogical htudfntx, to Ir,. dream] by Rotrert t'speer, of New y, and other lenders, and the regular rim- of the Congress begin “nu evening Mumwith an address, on .. World'. Debt to the Miauimuxy." thum- for the different familial"! Inch u: "The Victorious Program Miuiom,” "The Place of the (1me the Making of the Nation." "How Lead the Chum-h to its Highest Mi-, lry Efrtriettv." 'N anudn'a Salmum! lionnry Policy." Beitdea prominent 'ttitstuomrry lczldoru from (hand: and the I mud b'itttee [ml pronunent returned missionariu, Han-In will be addreaum by a commission of my men from Great Britain. The layman's Manny Muwxm-ut bna just announced the prugrmumu tor the hutioetat Million-[v ("awn-u, to he held in Toronto, March 3an lo um! 4th. A 'Woman 'g Sympathy The luau who is utlufiul “in. hun-.~ hi. . low estimate of other lbmllllx- Knowing that money in the mm ... A evil. most of In are trying to dig lt ul The woman wb, prutenln in halt m. We law nil the time then- is. but ll, Devil tnkes are to supply u tcu “I u with time to burn.- February. 'tusat In"! Outings. Life malt be plant“, in many I complained that it in vhort. The nun who condone: I. migm. sin is often preparing H. mm up "re in Mum-e. ft Ulla emu: FOR THE man L (in: ”.00: one In" res‘uhu' A "I “but Remedy. Bl Klvhumud tttttet, om. w: WANT RELIABLE WOMEN. ALI our PM“: to work tot' tls dun... their in." hours. "Hing our high gram M... Tone: Requima. Tor, Cotter, etc. No nun-m lecemry. Work pleu»~ OI! - 'qettttrtqrutttvr. The Home Sm. ulna 9t. Trashy Avenue. Torumo, (‘Illhdd. Fe,,", IN ”ANITOBA FOR PROPERTY In cum-to. Sydney Ins-um. 4trt Tum. and. m. on. STOCK PARM TO RRNT--A FINE RT (In. of 125 um. tire mile- mm W. on Hoof Hue road: grand 0mm! I" (or not puny Eaquire w. I J Mttt, Ann P. 0.. out. ISSUE 1m. 6, m,” Ftret National Realty Co. Winn“. Inn. retereuc" MI-nvhanb‘ Hunk " cut-mute we“ proporly mm- In!“ sum dun will: mp0"; nun PAID bop. Sun African Volume! mu Wamuts 8460.00 CASH OUTLINE-ID PROGRAMME. Peculiar Advertisement: Historical Footnote FARMS TO RENT, CHAMPION" ti (MS and GASULINE I mamas FOR EXCHANGE LAND WANTED. His Helpmate WANTED To WORK t'P TEA Alfred Tyler, Marlon. Hm HELP WANTED MEDICAL tt - give onio- (new. or you don't ’0’ 'er It. SOLD Ott TRIAL " Sun”. IIIKTV rr.' Tl “I. " X lt bl room and Iml year- old, who y to "our alone. neighbors who m od the rut of t "a“ Sch-f Probably fat hirred at Berlin Crossing. variou- rottelit tire Morn b "may. Mr. Nob“ was lom phi-lug will and crow Ind:- It hum-Apr h o‘clock train from Tom in. Ilia teettt beeame '" the engine ora"sbd in (new dwpnrh: to is" mined tom nu a couple of you mince tint time tm, the Wold- of . dint this Mom: " aid .ratphirr, by Thr. wolf '1.- I fine tony-two prratttdre, n “no inches in heig ttttee [not our ' II ix Milan“ oh killed nearly a "mum ot ‘Np in tru. If the put your. 'Ike llono paid on! over tars at I two-(IniNL dummy“. u (“not whose Icon! hurt u a level croro, mm, and lies at th, Tenovell-OH Cid lakes Brat Fro- Blnilg Crib. To the Candis-s Who Fell in South African Campaign. The Juhml Killed Many Sher; Mesa Tow-skip. in operation expeelod th, aveNttt4', app Ration went morning. 'I an already ward, and s In: {num- on tNr-tts " ”an on tho ',' an. In: in I90 will Winnipeg. IN» I'll-3.500! muuni mm: that Tm between Ind tun-My mil, Mmtim-um WI of Alumna ”nation of 1 eqtgitreed "sets was... work. tier. Frat nk I. u‘l high-u mu the nun-emu the mum. wing in tit, eity. Thet of Mars ha lkmmuml tl. llw fin- depa Id M tr STRUCK BY TRAIN At Nun-ml fort In! ttig nainu Hun-u; “Cy. The \\ beeat for Illil " a ol' h "mum. [ be. owned. h Town Flo-dd and "eds Walled Awry. Mil, Feb. tl Crick; from an all I 'spell ot l (dd-1, on a mu Mu of the I'l Me- In‘ "mm nth-N runny I an ' and l-'II l 'ltlh','. m liw the fmuhet.. "ll At Ila-hen River Ros: T Feet in the Night. Tel PM Dune! and f w Amy at Nordhauul Berlin, (but film-J! burned BIG FLOODS IN GERMAT "a how Lilk WAR MEMORIAL RESCUES BABY. lkod t In mow moo-Harmon WOLF SHOT. tttttttlr r .---- - an: , Md in deli-(0h " KN .00 loot

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