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Durham Review (1897), 18 Feb 1909, p. 1

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Durham " 1909 Feb. l3 “51"?1965 urnam tWS " will 00 00 (I) "a "J "'4 :~;_~:%__;:_;i;;::-::-::-::-::cx:c3¢cx:z:<xxx§:33333§ 'i,f,a't':h1re'e/are'xgoiaoax aiexagxxxriiiigsiegTs, VOL. XXXII, N o mt REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT, 75(: to Jill All 5c Walt Papers go with a rush at.... t .. ....._.....w. .....q........... 2le per roll ititttk Walt Papers suitable tor bedrooms, dining rcoms, halls. kitchens, a]. pnee.. s, per roll ba Grand assmtment of Papers, suitable for Parlors. halls, dining moms, etc., worth 20 cents per roll, all 10 ll tugoatthe oneprice................ c perro best papers in the house. suitable for my mmrs--trrmsd mutant of coiors,-browtvs, greens. drab, creams, reds, &c, worth up to 35c per roll, all go in the great sale at.... .... .... _..... ...... ...... .... 15e per roll These M theiat aid ibu’ll not be disuipointed if you com} here expecting to buy goods cheaper than mrerltehtre W Thi Come at once as we will clear our whole stockof Wall Papers out in We will be blazing 'awayight, 15 slays, frgmthedrop m 15.000 Rolls of Upeto-date Wall Paper almost given away il, mv .uldrm b 06“.. Siaughter Sale oi New Wall Paper R. BIKEELER 2t SUN lr, ics' Coats==New this Season Out go all the odd prices Midwinter Activity if " settil mummy (tom ‘w toJm. l, m In)“ u mm; for 750!“l Take " HI an» " this remark-dime!» st't' tlt n your Mend or neigh- rdoe, to. NOW its the that. an TH hmsts u um O Ever Known to fhe People of )zlrlmm and surrounding country a: Dress Goods-Reduced Hrs corsets 01.00 for 49 cents each adies' short coats at '1---the" are I colored. James Ireland It i wu one or more rooms that will need Pa- 'ing ? If you have, come to Keeler's Rush E 3m um buy papers here to do the job for a s' long loose ulster: $10.00, now “.75. lots were 98, now $2.50 the winter goods. This is a rc choicest things are hint of how we're pri N, etc GREATEST best be No.00. Prevails J." " ill ht directed to the clearing out of ,5 swcutcrs, mcn's top shirts, caps, gloves As fur prices when you come to theater: and satisfactory. I910 NW nor cloths, new styles, regular 912.50 to Bargains in Girls' and Misses‘ coats, reg hcavy dark gray and stripe frieze rain This is a time for .utviftcing prices are slated to go-worthy though they pricing things for this month ; cvmn stripe, colors navy, brown and gulur $1.25 and 01.50 for 81.00 1fP'k"e'1 tufis, Mums, tales. Throws, Cap- a lot of short fitted coats in COME ! COME ! COME ! iitirittttrgit PRESBYTERIAN BocrAL.--rt we- a metre evening the members of the Preebylerinn Guild and their friends upon: at the manae laetFriday. A new feature was introduced. that of the promenade, which created much eujuyiuent tor the large number of yuunu ree present. 0n specially repute programe. the name. of le- l'J/2','l' partners were written for e rnnmmde end this form of entertain, rug with Rama and social intereoureo. we. indulged in the greater par: of the evening. Ten of the young ladies rendered old-inn accompaniments. Interspersed among these were some taking mandolin .rimttiotts by Mr Ralph and eolue by Menu Sinclnir. winding and Pntterion, which drew totttt beau-I1 applause. Refreshment- were serve at the claw. The Guild are indebted for the unreserved free- dom of the meme tor the Iochl reth- erlug and much appreciate the k ndly hupimlity of Dr and Mn Fun-guber- eon and temlly. GASOLINE Ptmvtirc--Mr Chatter Bmittchas negotiations pending with the inventor of a plough run by asu- line engine which up "really gram cuts and designs we gave wen has great possibilities before it. The ne- gotintiotv, may lead, likely will. to theturtnufrurturie of both plough and Pnginvin Durham. He is expecting one of the engines every day. and he has wealth of blue prints fot his guid- ance. The plough is capable of turn- mg over 12 acres a day, at A moderate expense for gasol'ne. More power to Mr Smith, who has the most active, mechanical brain in Durham. A NEEDLE P0xtrrvme.-whue carrying in wood a few days ago. Muriel, the 9 yr-old daughter' of Mr and Mrs Jno. A. Benton. Pomona, had the misfortune to havenneedle pnnrtnrp he: brunt and a piece of it menk " De ManurIn was hastily called in my} vsl'y' sqclcgssfully 'yt- [noted it worse. Quite a e mmn occurrence to find a Bug slung er Sale of old stock in plogless, bu when a stock of such merit. M th of " the House of Qualitv " ('0an ing of the choicest of "pin-date mere ndise is put on sale for what it will ing, a chance pre- svnts Manhunt m only occur once in n. life time. See d, Rev. B. Perkover and Mrs Owen Hitchcox. on behalf of the Dominion Alliance will f""il'e"d the Baptist, Pres. byt.erian and Min odiut pulpit: on Sunday 28th inst ' and address a mass "mating in the Presbyterian church at 8.15 p. m. MrJ. P. Telford received word on Tuesday that Mr Murdoch McQuurrle. who was untii two years "go, a handy and uhliging [nan-of-all-work round Durham, had died on the I0th of February. at Munising. Mich. He was at the home of his sister Mary, but no ntrther details have reached us. NEW T'suotrrurm--Mr Jae. Garner has been appointed Treasurer of Ben- tinck in place ot Mr Wm Irvine. who resigned after 26 years of faithful service. At the last meeting of coun- cil they wry flitinxl, placed on record their appreciation of his services, i tututg'E . r 5‘ "tdi" p We have a most int: resting history of Edits Hill school section in type, and intended for this issue. hut pres- ume on our space compels us to hold over tather than divide It. The com- pilers have viewed it from several standpoint; and all most interesting. Miss ff, Hutton, formerly of Ben. linck. has a case entered against c, ms T. Leeann for branch of promise My marriage. It has been given a prelimlnuy heurin t Osgoode Hall. The Annual Oyster; upper of Court Durham. Ill, I. o. F. ll be held in C'aldet's Hull an Thurs y evening. Feb. 25th. Good prom " Every: lmdy welcome. '1'icketsi3r, a. The Value of Economy Moved. seconded and carried unan- imously that the thaoks of Upper Town deutlians be given to Robert Scott £3- the excellent rend: he and his snow plough have made. STAGE LIXE Borax-Arter running the DNrh,urchatsiGrtii for a year or two, Mr Julius Caesar had sold out to Mr an(irn of Holland. He lakes pussvssion March lst, C , 100 beautiful tramps given away. one with such down cabinet.- " F. W. Rusty. Artist, Durham). Mr Cano'h. Oahu". has tnkvu hold of the Drug business in the old Darling _ and in the Calder block. \VANTE Good general in small family. rete Ices rt- aired. Address Mrs Thus. E? in, 116 Madson Av, Toronto. New " and chiffon hil1iptr wh in and ere: New collars, stock. ae. " 0mm. _ Children',, Wool N cts.. cleaning at. 15 etc. THE STANDARD BANK Mair 9 I Read P page 8. , New amid" a 3nd D B. P. yon-Rock’s. '. ti. Mclghg'm. War, Jouh'rnx We have EthA6hsd w, OF €ANADA , .!.!tIKiAailZiir] [tci::,',!--:.,!-.:,.,!,, ones The resth in a few years will probably surprise, certainly may you. Stat 1 Savings Account My with Ttie practice, once tth, of laying aside a portion of your income, no matter w small, every week or month, will soon become 1 Axed habit. ' Many people, fail to save, because they do not realize the iggportancg of stnal1eetytomies. . DURHAM. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1909. .. .‘,_:.,.V....., ru- The littlegill " none the I Read Pember’l " on 'm BRANCH " Monmcx on. rrgular 26 Linens at I Flumur. tith MArtcm.-On this date, Troup moe., Lot ir, Con. It Proton, will tell by Public Aucdon. without user". valuable Farm Btoec, connin- in: of 7 horses. and mum I" young undlikrly. cows and other young Cat- "0.15 sheep. plan And 3 ew imple- ments. Term-z .5 and under cub. Oven-Q5. 18 mm. credit on unmoved not", 6 rant fer anuuuu " for goal). Bar-.1 l Isle' get. Thursday. 25 Fehxuary '09, Geo. Me- Williams, Dromore. (Lot 17, Con 17, Egreluont.) will sell by public auction Farm Stock. Implements and house- hold Furniture. No Reserve as pro- prietor is going West, Terms: 10 months credit. 0 per cent pet mmum off for cash. Bare at 1 o'clock. sharp. D: MCPHAIL. Auetioneer. Tnvnanu'. 4th Mataag,--0n this dale, William Backus, lot 70, con 2, Bentinck ml! otter for sale. without reserve Farm Stock and implements. Bee hills ind ad on um page for full pcrtlculnn. WEDNESDAY. 24m Fan. -On this date John Muldoon, Lo 17, Con. 2, qlenetit, mll sell by pubhe Ruminn" Farm Stock and lmplmnents. Nu Reserve. Bee bills for particulars, Terms 85 and under, cash. Over that umount 10 mos. credit on approved notes. 5 pH cent, per annum " for cash in lied of notes, unim's full h d hard. one half mil-a north of Hula: in, takes place on Bat- urdny. Feb. am M. one o'clock p. m. Thu! herd conlni nineteen registered Shorthurnu. yuung stuck tracing to Royal Ptaat.riioper1rteo wwmr of seven championships at tho Royal Ag- tteulturtuarid lending shown in Eng- land. Mr Nuismith Intends moving to Alberta. ‘ White Lonnhan McLean Hutton Lnunt Hunter, J, P Robertson, skit; . Calder. sh 8 Andorson . o. Hahn MacKay Ted McClocHin Morrison N. Mclnlfyre Collins tsk, 20 J. P. Tel ord 10 Mouon W. C. Vollett McNamara McGowan Pengully J. H. Hunter Huston uk. 13 J. U. Telford 20 Walkerton Anderson Mat-Kay Morrison Collins, sk 19 Thompson Monet * Hat-ton Pengally tek. 11 Robertson Scherer Richardson Lippert 9 H. Laudtrrtdfiiic%iriii','" X. H. Jackson, Dr. Hutton. --'. yuan ..'P...%F 13-.uuu1u5 LI'U. “'Illl 9 shots to the good, the best record they have made this season. The Durham men were Ham. Allen, N. Mt-Intyrv. Gear Hahn, Wm Volletl. J. P. and J. 0. Tvltord. Jno. H. and Jan. P. Hunter. Wm Calder. F. Lena. hum-John Mcgoyrap, Thou. and A. W. The following are [be only details we have received t Monday afternoon sixteen of the curling ambush-ts of town boob train for Walker-ton and bud an afternoon nnd evening at the "rmuin gemm." They came hpme ngtorioup too, with 1 C, 6, P. ANqutN.-Coutrt Durham, No 419. U. . F.. will hold their Am. nual Ban t on Friday evening, February ft' . in Ca|d~-r's Hall at 7 p. m, lhe in!) Chief Runner will he present. and ttood program is he- lng prepared ulsnion 'o brethren iiOe, including wi or lady friend. JAB. LLo D, Chief Ranger. BAD PALL..-W e skating on the link Thursday night last Miss Jenn Ireland had an accident which enfur ces her remaining m the house for a while It seems sumo one Cine in contact with her with a rude jolt re- sulting in falling, with one (on: going under and the point ofother skate pro- truding the ankle SAW Loos 1YAttrrm.--Pitie. Hem- lock, Spruce. Edam, Cedar. To be delivered at Smith's Foundry for which good prices will he paid. 0. Sun's & Sons. G last an at a loan to make sure of the let Liquidation of H. H. Mocklor’u rue amok of choice mox- chandi . ale opens Feh 20m. Great, crowd will lend. Not a sale of III stock at a creed L"qu'datron Ede. a... - I The, Auctkn Bale of D. M. Nai, Prom t gym-nu powerfully lease publish: . [one renew. p Big redo ions in Ready Made Cloth- Ing " B. P. orlock’n. . A. B, be son has I numberof bonnet and "out iota in Durham for sale. R031. Brigham, Auctioneer. Sale Register. It," MOPEIXJL. Auctioneer. M. KENNY. Auctioneer. um AFTERNOON EVENING Curliana. Durham Len-mun Hutton Hunter. J. P. Calder, " lo W. U. Vollett McGowan J. H. Hunter J, U. Telford 22 O. Hahn _ Ted McUlceklin N. Mdntyre J. P. Telford sk, 20 Silt-i- " I The home of I! and In T. Chilled. F Ceylon. Ont., in the scene. Tneodny . morning. of a hafpy "out. the nur- tUge of their . an. drytthter, lurk F. Isabel. and Dr. (home Emu 501m“ F l tl Owen 60mm. The parlor. win-re a caveman In Wand. In is "can, ml.“ with and“. cam- atlom and Will. and lighted by 1'.adg't'it1 ‘w" 06:0 'h'Lt'ttf of Pt; u I In. mu... tap-3:: at Pamt'/a . w- 'qttegsd the at. . at. It. fe, Ram The Mayor inttmated thnt the coun- cil intended to uppnint In Indmlriul Committee of six. 8 from council, tt from the citizens. but thought the delegate. should mute 1. written re- port. (in thought the meeting would appoint. someone to meet thet council and after some further sale, on motion at 0. e,t'."at,-t, . Brown. ing, Dr Jlmieuon. In Calder. A. A. Canon and A, H. Jada-on were Ip- pointed I committee to meet with three from council aetd the meeting adjourned. Helook occasion to point out thnt the Report made by Mr Canon on nomination night of their mission mu "ttttcient, seeing he had whoequenlly placed all pauper- in the Clerk'. hand». and took no blame for deny to the manner. Mr Cdlder made the best contribu- llOII from the audience. agreeing with Mr Ball. that. the present building was much too small. He knew of no more legiliumle industry t they made specinlnies. but by the thousand. The supply of run material needed WM not huge. as m a Furniture Factory. the "when“. would never become 9x- haunted. he Would invest in it, if. a charter Was taken out but the initi- ative must, come from the cunncil since there was no Bd. of Trade. Mayor Laidlaw thought the town would grant exemption and might give a loan, He was sorry it had hung ttre so lontand he asked for d union. Mr es knew of two Itil who would each put ml) into a stock company of gay W or8a30N, on condition they were made unnum- er and traveller respttctirelt and the oaiuouu guaranteed for 5 vears. Mr in“ would "nest, all the amount, paid In good will in slut-K. Canada gets awny with 85000 casters in a year, yet, that tinn make: only 20NO the rent, Imported. shown“ room tor rxpnnslon I their nun was to heyes everylhmg made in Gunman. The machinery dies. (Len are expansive and cost them $1MJUUMU, bu running ex- penses are uql high, and they have "every t been able cu tret, a supply on hand. so great is the demand. They tind " cheaper u, gel. steel In Bu ming. hum [bun in the States. They hm placed an oruer tor 5mm ligumu vitae wheels lately, hut as um tropigal wood cumes m duly free they Were unfou- mg 10 can: of It themselves. ' hey also did nickle-plating, brazing. and such like pron-asses. and altogether the-la won the potisibilitiett of a grow- mg [mum-us, Other plums Were wanting them, he could get 'a)000 In one day In Wood- “out, out they would expect. tum to my: it attention. " a proper mun was in charge he would leave money in it. He quoted Pt was of ruw mater- miund seliutg once. “10me a. good profit. He employs 20 hundl a pleuent. but in present cramped gunners has um mum to expand wnuuut budding. Never had lruvdleru. "war shut down name than a. Week In 6 years. and pre- (“tiled that the metal business, was the coming one fol Canada. Mr Ball isn lawyer, has his hands full. and lbough not forced to sell would like to have the we of the in. dustry " his hands. By thte tiuent way he talks of bl! machinery mu out- put, tuettrods of manufacture. etc,, be Is u-mm tut more chm: as lawyer. He had tugged sump!“ will: tum of a dul- en or more antler-elm kinda of cat-tern. and besides. samples ot door cum-has, locks, answer pulls. springs, ringer clips, washers, ac., Ac., ac., some of .hem ordered try thuuuuda, some of Lheuuuule uulv by this ttrun Lots of work If gone after. Friday night last a me'eling ot citi. lens was held in the Town Hall. called hy Reeve. tiaandere a. few days previ- ously, in absence of the Mayor, to Conilder the proposition tot which M can: Calder and Canon were sent as delegates to Woodtstock before Christ- mas. There wan fair bug not enthus- I-ulic unendmme. Mr Lees. a represen- tative of the Lau had been it, town a few days and discussed matters in- lurumlly with council and citizens, but Homing was done till the (main. about 9 p. m. brought. Mr Bull. the Prcrpneusr, and also Mayor Laidlaw, who was at. once made chairman. The funeral on Sum-d“ to Durham cunwter wue very large-IX attended. Rev Me k'Jr'C'gl2on' con acting the mortuary services at house and grove. M use ELLEN BArrnu. Saturday’s Toronto pa era record the deuh of this lady in ted cit , M. tho age ctw. The cause of deal we have not learned. Deceased was a sister of Mrs Wm. Renton, of Gierieitt, and of Messrs Rum. and John Baxter, of 1.s3treytynt. Five Ot six other broth- ere. and sisters are. in Toronto, Bath- lo. and at Western points, ---- o ----- I Deceased leaves a wife and one daughter who well deegly mourn the loss ofa loving husbm and father. He was a. member of the well‘known Rilchiefamily of whom mm brother- still survive. Thbv are Ilium. Geo" Audit-w. Gutes, Samuel. Thos.. John Dqud and all - at the funeral ex- Irpt, John, who in in the Jhlest sud William. (if Bentinek, who is in very poly health and could now-emu? out Us“. Enema. The community was In ‘dened on Thursday but. when it mu lea-nod that Chas. Ritchie Wu no more. Fat tome time hack in poor had“), yet was not the end expected so suddenly and a Fer wide circle of relomvu and friend. ,'l'h mourn his demise " the eomparativety early age ef 40. That Woodstock Industry. TF Gut".: Bout “sum. ttyme ml Obituary ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Traders Our Speck“, is the business of Farmers ad Drovers Hyathedltock and uire non for that' ur new: hneeitto “ultimatum; “I ey p po OfFarmSlock and lmplem ants to he held on Lot 70, Gun. 2, one mile west of the Gautier“ Road in the Township of Bentinck (the old Aldred farm) on THURSDAY. RCH 4th, 1909, commencing at one 'clock sharp. The following : Marv. rising 7, pponed to he in foal, mare. 8 years tld, general pur- gose horse, 2 cows WI h calves at foot, cows in call. 1 you a furrow cow. 6 steers rising 8 years. 2 miter: rising 3 yum, 55mm riain 2 etrs.4 heifers 'd.i,',T, 2 yearn. 2 'll,',1,V,l rising 1 year. 4 we Jared Lieceuler ew a, 2 Yorkshire brood now- due March 1 "ut: av- eraging from 75to 100 I " l 1 young lions, Platte Cream Be unto! con" pull y 400, nearly new top buzuy nearly new. Massey-[h drill, tutu. her Mignon. good cooxin love neur- laonew. Daily churn No g , new. able gettot heavy h ' Single out of lumen. Taeer- riu Boot Pulper, good wheelburo ' torkr, chains, and a number of oth u 1tcies, too numerous to mention. 1 Alt must he sold n th: going wash ' Terms ' All sum! at " an under. cub: over that amount 12 onth'l credit on npproved joint note. r c, per cent off for cash. . WILLIII BACKUB, Ron. BBIGHAI, 7 Proprietor. Auctioneer) Weight" ale notes. If you hue money lying idle we take our of “amply 1utrhestmta. and add imt. Geusmon--Lttutter-Tuut the treasur- er be (an! 0150 "or, for 1906 and 1909 to di.-tho nod. i%uou--arumion--Timt patlttumsters appointed hold ufiiee until the 1stut Jun) of ouch your -Carrml, . _ __ -rl.-...u-.. vaunt- UlluUl. Arum-- our of the township were duly putseed The manor: preseumd their report showing [misuse on hand 02759.23. Report ordered to be resound and puss- on. be pan! their ara; "ri"iui"iiiiii' of 06.00 'tturls.---""-, Met at Lamlanh on Monday the 8th ima, an 9 o'clock In the foreman. Mem- bers all present The new In the chair. Minutes of January meeting read Ind paused. By-mw No 2 up pee',",',?,,",'.',),?:'"',,: Pouudkestsperts and I once Vmweu. Bylaw No 3 Ippulul- ins Wm. o. [have as Assessor. By-lnw l No 4 uppoiminu Jamel Garner. Tram.- I Secy. Wm. Black says no person has to sell under value; because he will buy if the party is determined to sell. The March Eur also comes on the 16m mrl the buying then on the advent of sanity: i1 expecmd to break even Tues uy'e big record. Other buyers present were L. tur. syphthg'gus} T. Uopnolly, Belmgoa; B. McLenAh. inch .," -GG"gtrdsTiG'"r.' inn giving“ Juhu andAlex \Villimu- son, orouto; H. Rose, Paisley. Mal. Mekechnie, we understand, bought two to take west, Mr John Al, dred was similarly engaged. Geo. Campbell sold one ton 8165.00 and R. Noble another for 3100. her father, end took her flue under on etch of smile: and re and white ernutions. where the bridemoom awaited. She wore her trabetiintt are... etyli-h Empire gown of navy blue cttitton hroudclot ' with blue hot. And turned . bouquet. of white rote. and ferns. Her only attendant wee her rousin. little Min Elan 't sudt. of Fleeheroon. who, in e dainty when of white Persist: luwn trimmed with velencnennee lace end carrying a. big beaker of punk rem. tmsdea very retty ttower girl. Rev. o, A. \Voonide of Oman Bound performed the ceremony. In pretence of none hut the Irride’l immediate relatives and one or two moat intimate fliende. After the wedding breeds-t. Dr. and In Holmes left on the eight o'clock train for Toronto nod Niagara. On their return they will reside on West street, Owen Sound,--' The third Hone Fait ms: the moat luccmtul of all. No fewer that-27 traloe wore (nude ranging nu price from 3100 to 3225. At the second Gir u- boutadozen chnnged hands. and be- tween fairs about us many more. so that the 27 of [Monday lust may he added to in the next, few weeks by parties who have "trot onto "some. thing they would like. CREDIT AUCTION SALE. "ydt1ru!-t1muey--rot “ditch- Published Weekly " Successful Horse Fair. Continued on Page an Bentinck Council ikfr'c8,i DURHAM BRANCH t . PP"qoeqitataurteserre,ts,ast,"tt. no w- “Wm-cutter 'iet tr it ll B. M Hat‘s stock placed on "ie foe Maui Ill bring. Don't forget the due. h. 20m. Great forced Liquid-Jinn ale. 3.me must. be “(and in 16 d I. Bee ad. A. H. Jackson In an Issuer of In riattd Deena". Durham, Una. Who wosoiu'thrire 25 cent: to stop I Min BO “was? Jun 000 hula " Plnk Pain Tuiet, "--Dr. Slroop'-ill stop any pun in 20 nuances, sure! Band “I. lot-nah on tho box. Doctor. I! it a." be bothered. Chocks womanly will. hound pains. 'aut", 20 tablet: 260. Sold by Utah AGO. l As an evidence cf the enthusium in a town over the excellent record to date i ufoua first lam-key mum. 10thypoportem accompanied the “sum to “Manon ('a12','lll'; evening. A manuals run [bum wuys mm a We rate, Art-inn; ihume an: r nudnigm. Once more the JU-Irlmnns WU" on superior -"g'"'!rt' i'yel" by a rlose score t--a, he (referee from Unrrislon did not put in [In appearance on acheduhd that. l'.11'ttqyeuyv It was 9 o'clock before the game cototenced. Ag ii mun! lii'irlf with the Hummus. their op- l pollen“ secured the opening goal. but when-11y uflel'w-u'ds Gown evened that [More tor the \‘lallOl‘s. The 0mm I home wen put. a telling uncut M lauded by strung defence?” [Mlle counted unuthel. wmlel elm-e t..- lwvre blanked. Wasting-nun chi-Cd another bu! it was duallowed. In. l'iiiiirCu; we mar mention mm immune played by Cowan nod break. whom the home wwn Agreed were the Hum! men on the ice. Halt time. Our- lheun 2, Walkerwu t. Durham 9 l Houmvel " 4 Wulkvrlon 4 4 Muldmny' I ll . Have defaulted. Standing No. 2 Dish, Nor. H. (aqua. Each side added two in the second pm ind, ”laugh one. allowed for Anue. mun. was the (min of m energetic (“mute md mould have been thrown out. it. was deemed a. (on. und'the umpue removed. One ot the Will?!- ton players wu Indupo-ed And Linna- stone dropped " to own up for a: few minutes. 1'tte game was an unable ending to our team and Accompan- irrg unppuuefu. In It practically settled the diauict. Wulkerton - in Mildmly Inst week by 7-2. I The lint but mu- m the mun. a. Voumle to the home lulu and ended 8---1, The Durham gun the Dutch boy: a new In the mat lull. when they mode " 3--2. Ind Wth 00117 minute: to damned the score. lt looked on an on when recon] for the Inn-Hora. but Gluten)" Wu penalised Iuut baking Nylon-go of lulu the home (mun Inn-med strong. Winning out, with 2 more gods. 'i'neliae-up tLknovert5) Dal-mun (8) Urrulzer goal Laidhw ammo-k point Cameron Klemmer nun point Comm Lucas rover Sounder- liiett centre UHugswue Nichol right. wing Luvelle Scum-fer " mug Becky ttcteree--tt and ot Che-19’. Since our hut “we. the Darin.- have pluyed twu uw.y-fgum-nome hockey gums-n and broke even. ' oven-hm. Fruiay um um menu-- od ,our mung ”puma tor the [hue an. ‘mis season wueu may upturn! 5 ac- Gil' tu'ut"couttsust much when by the score at 5 to 3. Although a. thtteru amending w.“ uoped for " w“ not altogether unexpected. lt is v prouable, uuwcver. mm. the CR would tttee been reversed had the Durham hue-up ”an. neon slightly " organized. Wtiasim, we impugnlme pom: luau, hm] been (albumen " the doth)! to Mun: put. consequently Unmeron was moved back to an In. than, and u ttroee up the (at, for, wuru cumhumtmn play the Durham): have Lately developed. Saunders took thunerouu pace M raver sud phyed An excellent, game. THE REVIEW, DURHAM. Bill. had just. been issued foe the Illdnn-y “lune hem next. an” mum wnen word came that they In" annual: tor the cruel: and no le- .ult, Dun-unwise: wul lave the plou- ure ot wlln “In“ only one more home awn-wt gunk. mm. ot the pmcponed “we quill-L Walkerwu. Pruimriir “rung mdwiuvuly. the harm- hnve developed greatly Ill wan play by ttuttttut pr"cuce, null has every "9an to be proud of their mun unowlug In league company. After um couttAeuou ol the munch schedule they meet the wumen ot No.1dlo~ In“. Northern Mocicey League, when we hope lur an equally uuueusl'ul re. com. Durham Won all Last. luau-.1 datum and the Bttgttatttg . are cumin". Have Won the District The Yellow Label tell- ti dune to which your out 't,',t'kie", bu been paid." an} uni lug tut In this week cot- cunning the. nu thin week cou- uocbd up to date. if your. in not correct, kindly noun u. at once. We dunk att who In" renewed the put few week- but there are ret may other. we will: to but from a once. th BAXAOE & SON. PM!!! um Puma? of Hockey Sanding. Games ma. Won Lost to play for Add; 8 l , Gl 8t goal point cot et rower "i! M" Iii

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