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Durham Review (1897), 18 Feb 1909, p. 3

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LI 'i'Ci'ii"ii'"i"ii'i,ij 'O MARKETS. DINING lulu” 1.1.7 A *an atraptos. Moa.. "rr, rallpiro has Gere, " .l. Beam, od u naming birds, '” a banquet to I07 Humming Itdpe.' with", ll ARKETS. ADS REVIEW my. main. II - impound - ..attttre ’ , ”In” ' are I'M have I - Hz: 'rt no , Wk“ - fairly H: \\\ "In." hie"... un M u nadily , td M and... to!” DID“ im" BMW .1.qu Taotak 'tret 7n 7.3"».- arkeG " ikrn MM Ki in: ll'l U'd"li b.7009! " an! unl- mom." ma of 3- Donald 5.50 to hr yhtrby lowing _ "ttttt Pwt.: 33 fl" Inn-w! " DU. " im Nu Nu r lull Mull.- 1M)" [Mr Sll M , ttly “I t th- 3n on our on ill “I tttt Ot 4S P.t 10 m Implied by heavy “a hog, thou-IMO of mum in Man! Kill-ore, nem- Bu l‘mlwuy, boa-n moving c I... wild {null and foot oi the mountain. Early on Monday momi Euly on Monday morning When .urs. Manin owned her front door Ihc found the homo surrounded by liquid hog. She nil-nun! her husband, sad it took their united efforts to than their children. All their stock had to be nbamlonni._ The my“! blocked. A train no held up " In. on the trucking - of um The curing“ we" .tetumbeated, twenty mill." were short Th railway "Hiei" Suppl“ and that unblo- they mid " Mr. D. Mepuii. I -ntter, , a In” ulna sad . bottle ot vi: In... Ghana! it with his a.“ had " bagpipes, too. In! til the nigh: played with“ airs. mulling the thin "nntttud to s cumin 1,300 feet above the I when the truck Wu min bloc The gingham: did his beet Vim-Mu: Invent“, some u I mova I ct"e of “usage. from and sooked them. They were k4 all night. till - of men In " mum cloned the drift. Ho violent m the blizzard "ersfield that Moore, . player fr, in A northern football lam an in have the held wlth a from yams oF' MOVING Bl 'aioants of the th hon-u narrowly amped um had an! time can (Londo- lhily Mail.) A {but blind no" Donn, Devo- Somt, Wuhan, Inna-hire, Yorkshire (In “on!" country Did the went of Scot- land dating the tattoo-l. , able Stung. letters were read at In in- - held a Manchu“! on Monday to-min. the deal: of John Bottghtort, and thinv-nine. A school tuchor. of built, thuws, who shot himlell. In . latter to a friend he wrote: The upiritualiam I thought such . blotting In turned out a cum to m. "I In“ been urged into this for the In: twelve months by the unseen world. which I wish I had never found out," " wrote to his wife. To his in!" " wrote; "This would new: In" happen- " If I had um. bothered with Ipiritu- TU death ot Mia» Elizabeth Canton, 3 1mm M. the Liverpool Royal Infam- ury. who was fatally burned at. I fancy duo- party, Wu the will"! of an inquiry by th- Liverpool coroner. The other night a number of the 1mm held 3 :urprise party in their sitting mm It the itttirausry, the sur- prho element cumming of the style of fancy cuntumc to he worn. Mis. Cray- nton appeared as "w-ou," her cos- m-n eon-dating oi cotton-wed. After I whim. drive Nam Cur-(on, who had been warned about. the M!- .ou0 chm-tor of her attire, w" stand- a---- ---- ' fir" win-n a snark flew out of 1b house with his (Mail "shad, Ind had no that t nix bond of not-k from In a haunt was .hurtlv mu en Th- eabi McDonnell “RINK 0R BOER.' Aeeording to l’rolmor Wallace, ot E'dlnburgtt 1JniosHty, the Briton cannot. lungs the, South African not“. I. well .1 the Boot an. no read I - on the agricultural alumnae: of Rhoda-i. before tho Ror al (‘olonhl Institution tU other night, wroto; "Tr " lt I ha Mrs. m up spirits mod to had often lit. “a l I. should unto the t timed hinged 3n mu mt the ll an] munl In oeuiataly an" ”in. Grittitt - I rug ol “Who'd the an. no badly The Jury n- ma! death. The cabin of In old wanna mm eDonnell ii ratimly submerged, only no chimney swearing my. the "trt es. and it is feared that she was un- do to coupe in time. No truce of her m be toundl Seven! of the small farmers Inn lo" I their stock. 0m- man had to rush out The “my lamb: Happenings Reported From Great Britain. NEWS FROM THE OLD LAND Cagl1si0)llii..irI1_il))tot1cl1itis PERI] FANCY DRE SPIRIT u A Ms.u "S CURSE." bagpipu Breathe Catnrrhozonc " Cures Quickly Ighlun said her husband took Itsttt three years ago. and it upset him a you dent. He threatvned to uh Ili- own um "He had "geted um both take poison or both go v" and drown ourselves.” , found that Hangman com- vide while his mind won un- " his r 3nd dr [and th any tloods behind it n gurus in size, on Mount nelr Dolby-r. County moving on Sunday und an and hamlets at the MOVING Bot rutn IRMA-31W Jinan! at Rad. 9hyer from York Inc match, Md tt (mun mu. me neighboring' with their lives to dress them. but for the of whom te- from the ml we kept: in 'tt from an no" In": 1050. u] to rush out ly prunimlly m “has his mthouse. The mun named when Mrs ' the found im I New Health Ind Strength Can be Had Through the Use of Dr. _ Williams’ Pink Pils. l, To guard against u rum "lawn in had“: the MI l knpt rich and red and pun- medicine dues this ho tsell liwls’ Pink Pills for Pale toedieim, actually makes blood, Ittengthons the 0mm the appetite and I organ healthy 1nd toned w and .lmy- tut. when but they can keep their The Boer makes the null" leu- Duteh, um! given Mn order. in that III- page, while the Briton "in to 1dek up n muttering of kitchen Iattir, and "not imminent” makes himself ridiea, long by reciting omen, euraeteristie0y pointed with thong lump. which he does not more than half understand. "The change from the tron rule of Imbonguln to the lmralyzing policy of liriti-h rule has been too sudden. The native an subjected to no disciplinary influenee. Their own sweet will is their only guide." Profeoor Wallace believes that Rho. dedn in to be one of the great gold- yielding countries ot the world. It ttsai 3 great future as a mC'J/e".i,/,u'l"gl country, but the complete tlt..".'.??,'.?:"')'.'; of the big gum: and the damping out of [ lions are nrA?emM1r, for the agricultural! improvement of the country. ' WORK AND WORRY WEAKENS WOMEN in which he pointed out that have! nhow more respect for Boer tttan foe British masters. it is useless to tell a hen Woman to take life casily al worry. But it in the only mom to saw her strength In possible; to take her one ly as may be and to build t nun-u the appetite and keeps every organ healthy tutd toned up. Women calm» shay- rot when they would, but they can keep their strength and keep disuse away by the occasion“ we of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, which have done more to lighten the care- of wank women than any othrr modi- CHIC. King Edward Tired. King Edward, even [mm his earliest years. was thoroughly taught the mun- ing of the Constitution ut England. Daily in WM questioned on the subject. until he grew to dislike it moat heartily. One day he openly rebelled. and said to his tutor: " hate this duty, sir.' It', too (rightfully dry!” "Oh'." replied the .hoeked tutor. “but it ls very important that you should know all about the Constitution of the country over which you will one day in" to rule!" "Yes, sir." mmintly replied the prince; "the English conuitation is most im- portnnt, I know, but how about my con. ititutiont" I suffered nation t palpitatin no sppeti Penelope was spinning the shroud. “Ulyucn will need it if he given me that doubled at the otiiee story ngaiu," plu- nid tenely. Alman. Ag the medwm taking worm-d to do me lumbar“! got a suppiy of Pink Pills. I had only the pills for a couple 0: I neeaned to fool ”mum this rneouraged me to trrument. From that r s.rrrsdutslly but nurrly rm -iierliitt, ai, wound the cuckoo clock --New York Sun. Mn. Ward and g Pink Pills a tair t will send new Mom the with and bring energy to the Weak ter Trouble Mrs. James ll. Wand, Lord’s Cove, IS., up: "About two years Mo "uttered an much from nervous mow Mon that I was little better than helpless wreck. I unlined from Nachos and a mnamnt feeling ot 'zinena. The lea-a unmuul anon: than I had 8 remained aunt "tor Cured by "cATARRriozoNE" Every sufferer from coughs, colds, bronchitis and all throat end chest ailments med; a soothing, healing medicine which gnu direct to the breathing organs in the cheat and lungs, attacks the trouble at its Btrurer', disperses the germs ot disease, and curve the ailment thorough- ly. And this medicine in "Catarrhozone." The gumkilling. buluamic vapor mixes with the breath, descends through the throat. down the bronchial tubes, and finally reaches the deepest air cells in the lungs. All parts are soothed with rich, pure medicinal essences, whereas, if a liquid or iabiet remedy were and, the “fee-ted parti could not be reached. and harm would result through henumbing the stomach with drugs. Remember thir. You don't take drug. when using Caurrhorortet you simply inhale a healing vapor that cum every type of eatarrh; ronehitin, ammo, throat and new norenesi, and irritation. No medicine bring: such prompt tenet, exerts Inch an invigonting 'tttttrenee or no thoroughly amt speedily cures throat trouhlee u ' nrrhorone." Doctors, hospitals, trattitdriumtr--all say that for the. who suffer from changeable weather, tor the. who are rampant! to entarrh. lung trouble, deafttre or bronchitis, no treatment is Io Itat.. pensnhle us ‘Catarrhozone." For certain can. for relief in an hour, use Catarthozor, the only direct, bruthnblc medicine. Two months' treatment named; price Von: smaller size 50v; at all dealers, or The 'Ir/Me,',',',,',' Company, Kingdom Ont. for the Much Enduring, n well usewnrl a to do me no good, my I . a nnppiy of ttr. Williams' I had only been taking l, a couple oi weeka when lt feel sum-what better and P A Breathe-able "Direct" Mechlne me tell a hard working I, easily an! not to ' the duty or may " nrength as much ke he: cures u light- to build up hut sys- ‘musunl duamnds. " we” and to In: bua. 'numn, able to do and feeling bet. for years. I have and I feel that l .mph-lc break- blood must be Ire. Soother continue the I my strength lrued. and in as Dr People. new ll my chart u! little or tk that t .vselt about :work. In urnhhe Pon- Gd been hm bum was up " il. Tina red l, Lame Back Cured The farmer, the mechluic, the man who workn at hand labor, ia-Iuhjecz to the harmful influence of dampness, tog, and inclement weather. It's hard for him to escape pain. What he needs at home is a bottle of Nerviline, which gives instant case to every kind of pa'n. Nerviline is About tour times as strong as the ordinary lininwnt. It gets right at the core of pain and cures it u no other remedy can. So ntronq and con- centrated is Nerviline. that une applies. tion is always in good in six ordinary rubbing-i with other linimr‘nts. Try a large 2lie. bottle. Sold everywhere. Just rub tho painful spot with Non-i- line; nut much rubbing, incense Noni- liue it mule to penetrate. You'll not gutter long after Nervitirte is applied, for it nets like lightning, swift and sure. Nerviline it good for anything 1 limneut ought to be good tor-wherever than is pain. Apply Nrrviline tttrd the pain dis. appears. "VtrrGasro, " thoroughly cures lame back, um joints, sore mum-l", lumlrago and cold in the chant u South American Not Impressed With Business Methods in Now York. "Yo many folks who visit South Amer- min countriea," said the man iron: Co- lombia, "will talk to you about the lati- nws of the Spanish American and about the munana habit. I have been doing hasinrsn in Latin American places for many “an mm and (duo l lune haul some experivuee in the United States. I mun, to say that I haven't observed any wry great amount of hustling being done in the United hates of late. "For innianoc, a mam in business here guts to bin office about ll o'vlook and you out to lunch at noon or so. Then nitor he comes hark, Mm ”tending a fair mnuunt of time at luv. meal, he is pursued to quit work at 5 o‘clock. "Now, down in Botcga, tor instance, folks get to woyk in their offices " 8 o'clovk and they my there until 6 or later. They don't take so very much time for lunch either. No man in Bogo- ta thinks of making an engagement for dinner until well along toward hull- pust sew-n. They do u lot of real hurtr ing, Nerviline "A Sunth American came into the ot. tice of a company here one day when l was there and asked for the price of . certain commodity that we handle. It happened that in order to be sure about the terms the factory had to be con- quHed. That man romplained to me of Hm leisurely business methods here. "Ile said'he thought, the information should have been in the office, and fail. ing that there was no reason why he should have to wait two weekg to hear from the factory. He mid the process mu like this; "A My n: so Mter he asked at the " fico a letter was sent to the factory. That letter was put on tile and unawar- vd in due course. probably three or {our Java later. Then it was mailed and re- twivpd in the office the next day. “Than afar othnr letters ahead of it had been attended to it WM "opted for him. The next day perhaps it was mail. ed. and the (lav after it got to him. "Altogether he figured cut that it {on}: ahout two weeks for him to hear n! it. He wasn't inmrosaml with the huutling uf the Americans." Civilintion. Missionary-You claim to be civilized and yet 1 find you torturing your up tive,. Native-Pardon, but we do not call this ramming. now. We are merely but ing him.-cuveitdAeader, Thu Matrimonial Spur. 1.ong-To what do you attribute your great busing: succqs? --. . .. Patron-Me you the proprietor? Barkeeper--1've only worked here an hour. Give me a chance. __ Shout-To my wife canary tor me to en Boston Transcript. NO SO MUCH HUSTLE HERE. WANTED MORE TIME ire. She made it ne earn more manna-r Salt and Alkali Sale From Boilers Used in Parts of Kansas. The farmers in Nutml Ramon. an well as the people in the trrwns. have been interested in govd mam for \PVPHII yearn, and in this part of the Sub- “up an ace nlmnAt any kind of a tttmlm mml. At one or two plaes in this onlmtrr there are short roads where Uranium Ill! been given that in similar to the pavement on Douglas Menu» in EIU. worth. Here there are two Mocks that fool four-fifths of the vinitorl to the town. The treatmcnt of this street was teommenced ghoul: No or three you" ago. consisting of course and tine eindetu in luau. then a earning surfacn of "It and alkali "ale. The water in thin country in wry hard and in all the steam boil": at the "tlt mills and other factories a sort of alkali form which mmt be removed {Numb ly; and thin, with the salt and a‘kali scale that forms in the salt pawn. in used on Douglas- avcnln. It farm: a hard c1 wt and makes-a most axr-r-llent Itrwt. " is a snot-oaq on the must luv-v thnrought'are of Uni! town, and if tha supply Wu not an limitd the farm" would new it for the rural road!- and more of the qtreelq of this city would in paved with it. The salt and alkali mm rm Douur'ar, art-um " nnw alwut threw inches thiek. and this lira an thrue inchea o? t'nibrqp cinxleru and three inehen of tine eiruieru. It link" a pretty ,.4reot, in appearance being like an asphalt, paw- ment before it become. otv.--F.INwort'it eorretmdenee Kansas City Star. NEW KIND OF ROAD MATERIAL They Cured His Neuralgia, Cramped Muscle: and Heart Disease From Which He Had Suffered for Two Years. St. Paul de Moth. Alta, i'els, 8.-- (S'peeial).-"Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for me all that is claimed for them." So says Joseph Mackliu, a well known farmer of this district. "I was ill for over six years with Neuralgin, Cramps in my muscles, Backache and Heart. Disease. I called on different doc- tom hut got no help. I heard that Budd's Kidney Pills were meant for just Inch can“ an mine and bought eight boxes of them. Now I feel just like a new man. I recommend them to all as u sure, cure for Rheumatmm and all tro_ubles arising from diseased Kidneys." That's What Joseph Macklln Sly; of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Thousands of farmers all over the went rel-to similar experiencn to that given by Mr. Macklin. They find that Dodd'e Kidney Pills do just what is claimed for tu-ttrt, all diseased Kidneys and All disuse: arising from diseased Kidneyu. DO JUST WHAT IS CLAIMED fOR THEM (Toronto Suturdny Night.) At a. meial gathering of neu'ipapor- men, Mr. Frauds Nelson, the sporting editor of the “lobe, told three excellent storied picked up on his tour with the Canadian Olympic lumen team. One of tho trains on whieh the team travelled in [rel-mi was exttsperatittiy slow. At the twelfth stop-which hap- pened to be at a village station-- the famous Joe Lally. of Cornwall. stuck his head out of the earrings window and asked of a railway gunrd: "Say, old buek, when do we gut to In Dublin the Canadian visitors Were driven around the city in jauntiug can. One of the drivers. pointing to a fnmoua brewery, asked his “fuel” if they want. ed to go inside. It was worth visiting, he said. They declined " mention. "Well." he will: regretfully, “Wm sorry. I tuk a par r'ty ttteeeritrterday, an' th' "mung-r av' th' brewery Axed me in, too." Then he armed. "Well, wilt“ happened t" ukrd one of Slip?" On the instant can!» the ttnqtver.. “Im- mejetly after th' on-gine, IOU." ully Inked no more questions during the remainder of the journey. Mr. Nelson's final story was thin: Wink. who lived with his mother in London, stutterml badly, being almost incoherent when excited. His mother was trying her own method of curing him. She sent him down the cellar one day to bring up some potatoes. lie re. turned quickly, and greatly agitated. “0-0-0!" he began. "Now, Willie," said his mother, "you know wot I've anus told you. Don't. try to speak when hexited. Sit dawn and sing it." Willie sat down. "oiy--tn-rnuu," he began again. "Stop'." eried his mother, sharply. Willie closed his mouth. "Now," she went on. "sit you still till you are cam, Willie." The boy waved his hands, shuffled in. feet and tried once more to talk. The driver smiled. "Oi drunk nivin pints av porter," he replied, "an' Oi end A’ had me fill av ttt if Oi had been want- ing to." the Cumin“ "Don't hopen your lips ngnin till .sft can sing it, or I'll Hare-h you," bis mother commanded. An interval oi Iilem-e. Finally Willie, with his land: tightly clenched and his feet drawn up, burst forth into song: _ " gon-What is t%tion, pa? Ptv--Any story that ands, "they mar- ried and lived hnppily ever after." "iii", iiiéihérThe warhled, "the house- the house-is on irre-riire.", Finn“. Mm. Jenner Leo omlego--Row have you nmnngod to keep your cook to long'. In. Gadnbotrt-My husband has a nil with the police department. We {an the Madman: otfisrr on the force national in our street. . Mguplrruh Hut the moat plou- Ina ”pension you can assume?" sRittee---Yes, sir. Photograptwr- Than for htavettlt uh, glue ferueiouniy at we!” FRANK NELSON’S STORIES. Any Chung. an Improvement. FATH ER KN EW. All skin diseases such " pimples. originate through failure of the kidney: nu! liver. All taint: that hlock the avenues of health, must be removed. Dr. Hamil- ilton'l Pills do this quickly. They cleanse the syntem, make the skin smooth, restore roses to the cheeks, and give clear dainty complexion. DR. HAMILTON’S PtLLS Por good looks, good health, and good spirit: there is nothing so sure " Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Me boxes at all dealers. The greatest oil fire in history is supposed to have been the (in which by I conservative eatimai, destroyed more then 5,000,000 barrels of oil host year in the San Geronimo field near Tampico. Mexico. The oil stratum was struck at a depth of 1.840 feet in a " inch cased well. The torrent of oil burst forth and was quickly followed by I, blow out of gas which opened a. big oritiee in the earths surface, swallowing up the derrick and whole drilling outfit, including the engine and boiler. The gas and oil were ignited from the fire under the boiler and the great tive may in this manner started. it burned ior sixty-two days. The vortex or crater through which the oil poured was gradually enlarged ~n- til it was more than 500 tect wide. A rim of rocks and earth was formed around its outer edge resembling a volcano‘s water. According to the Technical World the blaze extended to n height of from 1,400 to LSOO feet and the eolumn of black smoke rose above it to a height oi about 9,000 feet. On top of the Minolta res-ted it great white cloud ot vapor which was estimated to extend skyward to an additional height " 70m bet. Tho blaze could be seen 200 milea. blaze could be seen 200 mil“. The great oil fire Wt.'; .s;t:ngui.~hed by means of six centrifugal pumps which were kept constantly bury for weeks throwing mud and wat, r into the crater. Heavy diseharges of dyri- unlite around the rim of the orifice also aided in the extingui-hing work. Shortly after the flames were put out the oil burst forth again in greater volume than ever and its output was estimated at “30.000 barrels a day. It has been n difficult. problem to care for the oil. The Mexican (tavern. ment sent several hundred soldiers to the wane to assist the owner: "t the well in building earthen r ,rvoirs for temporary storage of the product. The oil overflowed these reservoirs and large quantities escaped into the San Geronimo River and Lake Tnm. iahau. There may have been many "signs" of death-so some people believe-- but one described here is probably new to many. Mr. W. B. Cooper, of Chelt. Onhum. tens of his father being ill but not confined to bed, and one sunny day in June when he walked across the garden another man. the tncsinrile of his tether, met him and “apprently Paced int.otuum" More proof that Lydia B. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound cures slck women. Miss M. It. Morin, 33,5 Ontario St., Moqtrealtwrites to M_rs. 1'.inkh,ae: .. l was in very poor health and doo. toral for months, receiving very mu. benefit. 1 had lost ell ambition, Wu net-mun. and subject to dizzy spells end painfn} periods each xnonth. , m r "A Mia suggested Lydiq lu'. Pink- hun's 2eiii,t,1?'t Compound u this proper m lcine for me. I procured t bottle of this remedy and begun tak. ing, Ind before it wu Brsiahed, I felt so much better that I continued its use And gave lt n thorough test, with the result I um to-dny well And a much healthier girl than I was three years ago. I lure no more painful periods, diuinen or nervous troubles." "Shortly after my father came to mo and said: 'Did you see me go across the garden? I said 'Yee.' 'Well,’ he said, " shnn’t be here long; our lamily see themselves baton they die.' Although I hid seen this, I said, 'Norwerire.' He shook his head and walked away. Shortly after he took to his bed and died on July 5. My father during the few dun he was in bed-we were haymaking at the time--asked each morning. ‘Which field are you in now?' When we came to a certain field called 'Cadley.’ he paid. with a high, of great satiyuction, Ith, l uhall die how.'" FACTS ran sncqungu. For thirty gears Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegeta 1e Comfxmnd, made from roots and herbs, ms beets the standard remedy for female illsi and has positively cured thousands o women who have been troubled with displacements, infitunmtstiott, ulcera- tion, ttbmid tumors, igytielttei.: periodic pains, backache, t at bear. mg-dnwn feeling, fiatuleiwr,indigeir tion, dizziness or ne rvous prdstration. why doI'.t 30.“ try it? .. " , L "cis,. That was that Hui in mind! ~Piiiadelyhin bulge: __ He died the same morning near midday.--From T. P.'s Weekly. PIMPLES _ Proparation. 'I undersilnd that ynur friend in tsktt trrrrtimimtrr ,triy.towyrd..d.iorese." "ttti-. be wao'mariietl only this mar:- ittr.f, ___ __-___'.... Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice. She hu guided thousands to health. Adan-cu. Lynn. Mass. BLOTOH ES BLAZE moo FEET HIGH A Sign of Death ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Coot an Accra. Who KW Her; Mother in a Strut cur " l Bunk is ruled by righmm In". rbr . irony and humor of Bottle of them mum l, hum. to the foreign onlooker. while of mum the RII-sium furl otily tlte whip! hand. The latest Ti"tim of an nnIi-kiu- I ing in publie law in n famous and all too impetuous Rlluiau Jun-tron. Mlle., Trvpoff, who nvtually had the ("unity in kin her mother in u lranu-nr. "no would have thought own I nug- i innate or judge, or whoever admittin- term] “In of horbmakine ot that kind; in Bus-h. would be mount by the MII- . tiful pit-tum of the reunion of a mother. and daughter ”Hunted by a chute. tnlute. but Runni- undnutandu no iokea.: it” the lmly'I Pictorial: the fine "I. ten mules A281 Gd.) fur u kin in public] NHMTyIIIIM. nut-h an railways and; William. was vigorously "tttoreed. I A kin in the street is [mutual to the g extent of sow-n ruhlu IIN. NIL). and. n 'bwlaration of love um by posturd.' if nuyhmly " fanned brunt Dammit to dc" sun-h a thing. it plunislw! to the extent I of Gve rut-In th. Pi.). One would like to know if insult in heaped on in. jury and the fair rut-ipient mullet“! in damage- if the declination ls mu with. out any “hire” to idrntitrttre sender. Chapped From Fingers To Elbows. “Henry work. Wm: In. sum than. rolled un do“ his elbows, Ind main from I mum room to lb. Mun; and. It be WSq obllnd to do. he Rut (he Nora: use of clap- ped hand: and arm I hue ever mu. From in "use" In his elbow. was on. In.» of raw “all. mm bad eraeto here Ind there. Whenever be washed. it broaBht lean to bk .".. the min wu- no menu. In tried scum kind: of "Woe, but nothing allowed him really um“ he Irlod Zun-BuL This balm nee-med to take “my the burning and mar“ In: “mom II can. The craA'd" mu: m heal. ad a few ”Minnow ot [In bum tt you an suffering from badly ohm“ buds you wlll be able to comprehend . mm ot the now much Hoary \anker, of " Manululuren Must. Mot-troll. ondured ho- toro Elm-But [no hlm roll“. His moth-r. tolling of the on. to u Pru- retsresettuttee, “114:- cured hm. " Linda and um an now smooth Ind mu. "We have also used Zulu-But tor other allotments. I autumnal t burn on on. ot my muterr, Zulu-link not the tire out Ind hex-loll up the pore. " rally -u, u wonder- tul houuhold prmnrauon. Boy's Agony Relieved by Zam-Buk. Hiram" - tul Ive-Io com. btuodn, worm. ohlldrm'a " bruloal. It tho rm Ind "ore. Bell a: a from lam-But Co., “New: lake the man that nte the fiat oyster. He was a woman. more thu- likely. TUt in to “y, the was probably I mun. You know, ‘twu a woman ate Women Know How to In Curious, But Mon Make Blunders. IN. Y. Sun.) "Women In vuriou." said Undo Henry, when he "I quite ttttre, She wu down " the other end of the an. "What I mean in they have curiocity. Any fooi knows they're curious, mun- “On one ace-clan my pen Hurry bad " foot frozen. it was \ery qwolleu on! 41-- voiored. but lam-Buk both "rt-Illa: Ind removed the ZIm-Huk In so handy And no to null always hoop a bum Mio Hum. Bertrand. of " "rr.--'%lvery WINE!" I suffer hand“. but l have mum! a vur Applied It mum h hula " morning. and 1mm: may all ing queer. "Yes, sir. they never take anything for granted. Men alwny- do, that is, married men. 'Ihoy do if they know what's good for 'em. Yoy hear I}, tr" it, or else she put him up lo it. Prob- ably got him lo "W the "ell Ind than double dud him, same an Eve. “Her desire to know whether it would poison him, together with his dodbut- ed pride, kid the foundation ta the in. mortal oyster fry in . box, of which, young friend. she In: been the midnight recipient ever time. See what I no“? He got the first oyster mad the got tho information and " the rent of the tn, ture oysters. "Now Adam. Of course he wun't mur- ried to start with. He wu merely hap- py. Then the snake gave him eutiositr, which he had no lnuineu with, and he began to wonder what a woman looked lih. One came along Ind hurried him. And marriage then became the mother of invontion. and has been ever since. Get the idea? All the IOIII of Adam no . leech tainted like. “Don't g" by me, can. Look " hil- tory. Hannibal, he had curiosity; the mule kind He wa- itching to use wut to“ ot a collar and elbow cum” Scipio was He wanted to nee Scipio very badly. Be uw him very badly. and he saw his finish It the “no time. Scipio was no "HIM to ... Scipio ', Inc eem voice one from'we lime Will very badly. He new him very My, end I dow. Tttye deer! , "ht' P", tlet th: he a. hie finish " the “no time. i wetter no'w. he ehouled. “this, hoary: “And how 'bout [lemu- Al-Ruchld. _ deer-you " been wheeling new». dial the original Arabian date maker.'" He ell (lie afternoon! Let My hue I tun wu curiom. no you know what hep- Bow.' --Pltiluupttu 'ettefr penal to him, son? No? Well. neither do I, but it wen sure wanking ewful. Gqrrecud. "And Wchard the Lion Hearted, end I “These can ere elwny- mid." growl Peter the "unit. end the peieud red- I ed the ehivering puma. skim who wondered what Billy Pear! “Ky deer sir," interposed e neck pea wanted with their golf “eke; end Wm, lInger. “your Aatemeut in two weeping Riley, end Gen. [any Petnell end Cotton When I (reveled in than can lee! um- Mather, end Agaisssldo--how but 'eu? let they were not cold " ell." RUSSIA'S AWN-KISSING LAW CAUSES: A run down condition of the "can system. poisoned blood. and I'rie Acid. and t.!,ttt, Ki". The joints hen-mm clogged with irritating secretions hm grow stiff, Every moveieutdortageg 3nd raekn the sufferer. Cupe is not pu- sible until the blood is purified. The most potent blood purifier isr Ferrozone. It is a perfect solvent tor Uri" Avid and an antidote for all other poisons liable to muse. inflammation or Rheumativ paints. But ‘Ferrozone doean't stop here. It provides the enfeebled sufferer with an SCIATICA 1y.tnda.nt, supply of pure, invigorating blood. This quiekly resultsin more strength with “'llic'lltn rich! the iiiwu-v, startsarelmildingofthe srstem.odsiropertt1anen1 mix-v. IIr. Thos. Egan, of 92 Pearl street. New York. \lli'l'c'l'ml y... intensely hm... Rheumatism that his friends Ire FERROZONE lioved he would not rw-M'I'I'. "The Rheumatism." writes Mr. Egon. " “u-rippled me for four years. It CUR E s seemed to run to the joints. Whirl: swelled and unused dreadful pain. HANDBOOK FOR HUSBANDB AHEUMATlSM 'tii!i': owszs: A run down mudition of the _ - my! I wasn't Mule to walk and my Mrt-ngth rapidly (loan-hm. Vi, hurt Immune M) weak I had to ire hnlutored up in lu-d. l was at Ill) wita' end when I hord of the wumlvrful cum “I Porrozmw. Tm-lu- boxes cured and I am now strong and perfeetly well." There is no better remedy. Seven costs have proved it unpeu-IMivo to all others. If you want the BEST and mat sseientitie (minim! " Rheumatimt. Gum. Nam-akin. or grind". use Ferrozotte. No use too chroniv. Price Mt com: per box or his. boxes for $2.50. tiold by a" drmpri.rts. Buk both "Moved mo loved the truwttlttriloa. My And no other!” ran up u Mindy handy." mull. rou'r,r1'.'"tt,',," (Ont). er ill pr from Itll uuud a cure In Zm- uh. h lit-I. the Maria by away an the .orrt"tre." Mow m "" for court“. pot-mung, ulmra, ring- Iorn. cuta, but” and mm on... All drawn. toe, a M; or port 1m , 'l‘oroulo. tor price. . an: en nominally "(on ',iiii'ii2';5,': ' I - or It... ' n n 't 111M! _ , l‘lwy_!!xm, 'f/ttMatt',',',.'.' 0..ch ". t, I um “unit“. " um Dummio-Imomu ".' t, l, 'Jl'fN'ttart2thTi'ttt,t,tut,iedtttt'd' . - . . l a use? 'rllk"gMtl.ettd lay an $811139: at. homes. ttrtuse momma. ~PUTNAM'S PAINLESS l r CORN EXTRACTOR l "Thett elm»! The. the has. a earda luumblod up inh- I Milo all got it lewd. At Hut paychulu‘icnl mt, u l tltey any in the cluliu, I be.“ to ion- 3d" why. wherefon And how in---- The iUrt is I began to be curious. l .. 'Wife,' I ny- with difficulty on uruuut of the loo much feed. "rite,' I lay» ‘ucmlul the nunnnm of uy u- xemued eousideration. You In. do“ yourself proud,' I up. And, prithu.’ I my». ‘why this tm-trat but nut de, [enable repute banquet?" I up. mid you expect company?’ I up. “No." the an. ' I didn't expect uny- llhing,‘ lull? says. Utrd tut u jut what " golf ulne up, like that. an of dir ogteeable. 'it may interest you to know. (Henry,' tho ".", like um. not! of dir i, agree-Me. 'it may “New! you to know. lllenry.’ DIN sun, 'that this u our wed- iding otnivetsarr,' she any", 'or it luv mot, now you In" "tett my lovely food and ar- ttot likely lo get any more.' Isl” rays. “Yum forgo! our wedding thy. 1ivisrrrr.v', hurl my feeling- nre lum.’ oh- Pa.", 'mo I nlu'll't forget it over,’ she l an. co RNS $325.52 “See what I m? In} got an bun- nm trying to be onion .mtully No. sir. Now take no. 1'. Int mo" than no no on “adoring that" thing: When I slip ., foot Ind begin [Hubby no!“ I " hint You ken In, um- I get Iii-l plenty. All clriolo. by (tn-ion. and drsirira bricks. That in. the survivors. 'rust Tuesday t think it vs. t own: home ll“. about the regular an: GN.l, ing round abort the maul way. I go. in and uh. off my ohm. pub. on my nh'ppeu nil how ooat and waits fol the dinner hell “Say, non, III. Ind I layout “me that wu ”letting no“ and lobby. 11-. had tint violin tho but rules the world, .11 right. Our cook can with a track an ot Mom that called like cuter-qty exhibits in 1 dieorre mm. She ad Mm in not: Mung: --btrt you cu't rat refers-cu. "But my wife in can: cook Lem“. You know what an ind done? sh. lad elm-sod the cook for (In day and had got up tho whole feed bar-alt. “and. son, I could have kicked myself tot "All right. Pretty Coon it ring. Vp I get: nu goe- in Like that. All _righf. _ _ eating lunch .. ‘Reury.’ ah an. Uit down,“ she uyn, 'sad at it All ttp,' do any... " cooked it for you.' "Well, you know no. I and vith n glu- of um, and I wu going dam; when we - the lat quart with . neu- cup of black cot!“ and . - of pie like mother qudu'! make n she got tho recipe direct from In. (intuit! When I ramped umu the tiaith line with a tarthpick in one hand and n ttn- [or bowl in the other 1 Va no Muted nnd peaceful l mu breathing to an tune of "Now l Lay Ile ”on u, Shep." - “And the won't forget it, enter. Neal ther will I. She) got it in for Inc now for fair. Too and: curiosity, ton. “Tho only safe way for a Inn in to never open his mouth unleu he] eo- in. to put oor'"uti" into it. “a mi» ttte you lot anything out you spoil tbe picture. . “When I nun begin to question. jut that minute make I noise like a goat." Miss Woodtry--Bo Mr. Smart really said he ponlideggd me very (My, ehg Min Knott-Not email; he'll“ be had to [auxin every time he moi you. A young 1mm wu industrioutsly Maul Mr . penmbuhwt “on. the pavement in front at his ruidence. "My dear“ tune a vote. In. " upper window. "“ht'l the nun!” he chucked been. And he went on wheeling. An hour hm the am voioo can. (roll: the name wm dow. "George, dart” "Wrlt, What's the matter now?" he shouted. "ttru, 'loom. den-you've been wheeling [Aide'- dull all the attention! Let hay have a turn now '. "~PluiltddpM‘ Inquirer. How Ho Spent HI. Half-Holiday. NOT EXACTLY. Heart and tte, Kills -rnlh.n_ ttttt "NHV stiff, "I It HOUR. my mun, n" ' I Mk " wile he begin. to begin. to to dinner.

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