a? No Nose Fowl Taken Alive gmmmwmmmmmmmaamg ii' Taylor & 00., Dromore X E. WERIWGELE MllliEli1 .‘n " v. q f ' mu ' J." "o/viii-nk "eodiaiiiia" -iiiaii;iTat"iiV 'ii,1Cot 'frdC','.'lt. H»; i bdR HUME 1‘an [MEN r. We wish to thank our many customers for their patronage during the past year and extend to one and all the season's compliments. HA8 YOUR BLOOD BEEN EHSEASEE? A HAPPY NEW YEAR Here is a chance for you to buy a stylish trim- med hat for very little money. We are selling the balance of our stock trimmed Millinery at cost and less than cost every hat must go regardless of price. Bargains in Millinery We are clearing all Winter Goods at sweeping reductions including Ladies' and Children's Mantels Furs, Skirts, Overcoats, Men's Knitted Top Shirts, Ladies and Children's Golf Jackets and Wool toques yo NA'MFU"D..wrr?r.tUY 1r.ttro.H 90mm, PRIVATE. _tio mm. Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. N" NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITI'EN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. S. F. MORLOCK D PM?“ 1:39 are than most premium und must nationalism-*1. Many: th, rm: ul of tho Viullm and unleu entirely .mdicated from tho-yuan. will cause germ: mum Beware ot Human. It only â€ppm-cl the "ruptom.-our bin ".' rurecul bland (ll-cues. mm: MIDDLE AGED ','fth-d,"gtge"f, act. or but am have ',-rrar; 'or r-svem. You feel the Iymp “In; our Lou. Mont-:13. rtolsi ._I 1,tlir you are not the Inn you and to be or Ihould . Will you heed m Special Bargains in Winter Goods Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing no you n victlm? "no you but hope? Are you Intending toypnrrt.' Has your Mun-I been diseased? Have you My wattleâ€! Our NEW Ply-mum u "I run-v you tt hat " haadom, fttiothqra "will do for Jou. Co-ltaeio, 1-»"1'r who has tram} In". write for an ham opinion PM " Churn. "the GoldeuMmsitor," t uW)me-olx-n. K. I hm l, Headuchea from the otomnch are absolutely unknown where this effets. tive remedy ig and. Dinpensln rul- ly does all the work ot I honlthy stomach. It diam your malls when your stomach can't. Bub mung ale will digest all the food you can " and leave nothing to formisnt or oom- tlet a large 50am one of Pupe’l Diapepula from your drunk: and start taking 30-day and by tomorrow you will actually brag thou: your healthy, strong Smut. for you than can on: anything out! every- thlna you want “than tho mum disco-{on or whoâ€. and - pur- uolnollmpnm, mo.- Mil- yonr mi and but. . going to be nun-lad any qetthoqtg an no a unan- at m a). m. Your meals will taste good, and anything you cat will be digested ; nothinx can torment or turn into acid or poison or staunch gun. which tsamseaBelehintt. Dizziness. a feeling ot fullness after eating. Nausea. In. d lgestinn (like s lump of land in atom- aeh), Billlomnou. Heartburn, Water brash, pain in noth und intestine: or other " mpwma. You can an anything your stomach craves without tear of a. case of Indi- gestion or D'yspepoin, or that yunr tood will ferment or tour on your stomach it you will otstsaaiopttlly take a little Diapepsin alter eating. Eat Sausages The Bible class met at the home of Mr Wm Sultana“ Sunday notwith. stnnding the Inclemency of the weath- er. Quite a number gathered and spent I very profitable time together. We wonder when the girl; went Saturday night ' Mr b. McMurdo he finished draw hm buy from the farm formerly 0c oyed by him, to his new home. Mr Wm Suslastt and Mr Neil Mo. Fuyden are busy drawing ties to Proton Btation. Mu J. L. Ferguson Visited friends lround the corner Friday afternoon, as did Mn, J. Smith’ and Mm Edna Love aleo. Miss Margaret McDougall was ex- pected home on Saturdny but was un- able to come being ill. They expect her home nenSuurdey. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr Geo. Witter’a little boy is istsifer mg from an sheen under his chm. We believe he is lame better 1nd hope he mll soon be wall again. Mr Sandy McFayden met with I painful Accident last week, While trying to pry up the barn door to get the roller on the track. in so domg he raised no too high and it came off entirely, shovnng him down off the gnngway I dint-nee of eight or nine feet. He 1m badly brmsed and shaken up bat no bones broken. He is otlo no ho out and ogain around. Mr John McLean of Munoz Forest Basins-o College. Ipent Sunday n " home. We tsontrmtaltue him on " progress and wish him further good luck. Weddin Belle, Min Celia hits. Lean daughter of the late Alexander McLeen of Proton, we: united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr Wes. ley Snell. son of Mr Geo. Snell of Egremont, at the Presbyterian meme Priceville, by the Rev. Mr Mathewn. We wish them I happy and prosper- ous voyage through life. We under stand they intend residing in the netghlmrlurod as they have rented the Donotld Ferguson F um. Wedding Belle again but this time they sound laint and afar " " we have had the honor of having a Golden Wedding in our neighborhood " the home of Mr Donald McCannel. when they, Mr and Mrs MoCannel, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marr‘ege. The old couple look hale and heartv still although they belong to the first pioneers of Egre. mont. Their family were all present. except one daughter Mrs Gilbreith of the West. The presents were coat- ly and numerous. Among them be, ing a gold watch and gold headed one to the aged groom, while his aged bride received a gold brooch and ring. The older people enjoyed the eternoon while the younger folks gathered in the evening and cele- rated in the good old lashioned wed. ding etyle. We wish them many happy years to come. Mrs C. Smith and Mrs R, Myer: culled on Mrs Geo. Stolen Sunday. Mn Wm Snake" spent an summon with an Hugh McMillan and We no plant! to hear Mn mum-n I. Able to do her own work. Wedding hell. are ringing (loudly) Where ? Mn Janos Wilson and her son Sundy were guests ot Mr Ana-n MUhautall Sunday atteraoou, Mr and Mn Geo. Lune spent an Afternoon at Mr Dan Iclnnu. Mr Witter, one of our 'snusrprisintt farmers, adhered some m cutie in Holstein In: week. Mn Jamel Renwiek end In Wm Baotou visited the Ledy’e Initiate meeting at Dromore and report e [use number of ladies pro-en: eleo A nice time. We can't see why more ot she lediee do not attend u it in both instructive and entennining. Well It Editor We have had eome verv cold weather lately. Bus it doe. we been so 1T,2'g'tLt' you; left noun u q I number trMttgtl " Bandy IeFeydeu'e In: edneedey "tft taking well tttled beaten. " t we“ surprise party ie must he" been a Iuoeeee " the young people all rem good time. Jock ind Bondy were the two lucky fellow. u going home time. Since Junk but so: eoqnainted he mum he made n hit bat he 'I wrong Bil along. Sackett’s Corners. Th is Week's Budget. or New Bread. THE BUREAU =1:an W Mini Mini. 1Grstsatt in It present hid up with Pneumonia Ind with the Dawn's can to hope tone-reflux speedy "new. In John Mom E'f,tt Thus. a, Moon with "at, Grunt. We no lorry to bar Mm In. Wuuon in Improving but slowly since her aetrWnt. A number of young people from this pun mom In: Friday evening " the home of Mn R. Mir-hull. Dur. ham. Mr Ind Mn R. Moria. and daughter E. B. upon!» but Sunday with Hump- don Manda. Mr I!. Hemmer nod fund, an on the sick hut " mount. Mr Jun W. Brown of Lam-den. But. who is visiting hit father Mr Thou. Brown of Holstein, visited Mr and Mrs John Morin. Wodnudly and Thursday of last molt. Sorry to learn tint Miss Ethel Greenwood. umber. in " the present tum, unable to utand to Iohool dutiu. North-East Normanbi' hire Jus. Ferguson has returned home from visiting her daughter Mrs, M. Donnell! of Allin Park. In sickness. ifs certain hidden nerve goes wrong. then the organ that this nerve Controls will nlso surely fail. It may be a. Stomach nerve. or it may have given strength and support to the Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr, Snoop um firtst pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop'u Restorative was not mule to dose, the Stomach nor to tempormh ,stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That old.fstsltioned method " all wrong, Dr. Shoop's Restorative gue- diraolly to these tailing inside nerves. The re- markal-le success of this prescriptiun demonstrates the wisdom of treating the actual cause of these (ailing organs. And it is indeed may to prove. A, simple five or ten davs test will surely tell. Try it once. and seal Sold b†MucFurlans * Co. Charley Petugrew left Tuesday morning for Lumaden, Bank" where he has neared work for the summer with his uncle John Penigrew. Dr Loosen drove Monday. J. W. Blythe, Robt. Petty and A. MeChnton attended a sale in Holstein Saturday. I MrJohn Unruh, who rented Mr Mr tri""' farm, has moved in this lwee . Sacrament. Will be 'diapenud by Rev. Mr Jameson at. next Sundly morning service. Mr F. Benton took charge of the League service Sunday evening. Mr Alf McCabe "sited his brother Frank in Holstein Friday: _ Mrs Jag. Brown of Craven. Sunk, renewed old Icquaintunce with Mr and Mrs Juo. Mario a couple of ar last. week. Threatening feyoriihucsn with child- ren is quicklv and “My onlmed by Prevention. The" lime Candy Ord Cure Tablets should alwnyn be " bind --tor promplneu is nihimporhnt. Pre- vention contain no quinine. nothing hush or sickening. They no,indeod. " the twitch in lime." Carried in pocket or purse. Prevention are a genuine unfe- guard again" Colds, Ma. Sold by Mae. Fnrlune & Co, Mrs Robb Watt of Durham, spam. New days hot week with Mrs C. T. Leeson. Mme Rachel MeKinnon visited Mr and Mrs Dan McLean, Aberdeen, aster end of last week. Mrs Wm Morrison entertained her S. B. class ot little girls Thursday afternoon. Mr Mac. Mchchern, visited Glen- erg IriendI last Week. Wedding bells are ringing so we hear. Mia McKianon. of Walkerton, in the guest of Miss Flora McDonald this week. Miss Florence Bonrne returned to her home in Grand Valley. Monday, after a month's any wnh relatives ltere. Miss Agnes Ramage spent Samar. day and Sunday with Mr: McClinton. was McCallnm received another new selection of Poet Cards thin week. Mr Will Brown attended e party in ye editor’s town last Week. What a certain party would like to know, wheres“ the young ladies merit going one evening In: Week. A party some where Eh ? Min Lillian Wslker visited over the week end with her friend, Min Ethel Houghnn. - Mr Geo. Brant" in somewbut under the weather with . slight attack of rheumatism. We are pleased to see Mr Will Henghan home again. Mist Cahurlue O‘Neill, Hunover, winked friends here for n tow days In: week. Mr Will Fulton spent Sunday with Bampden friends. Miss Mary 3100.11“: and her niece, Ilia late Phillips. spent mn. day with Mr and Mn Douala Mc- Donald, Lamluh. . Mr Will Brown bong): a fittey driv- " from Mr Dan Camp ll, Aberdeen. Will in a lover of taat bones. Glad to bear It Sammi- Ible to be Mound unto. It Ind In Join Uditttttmtt, Pinchor Creek. Alberta, were we Cr,'.', of Mr and " Alex labould week. (the latter . liner ot Mr Udinttharri0 Mr James Brunt. William-oft. was a guest at the parental hone Int week end. The youth and beauty mound here attended the Box Seoul " Aberdeen. All upon having bed I good time. Mr and Mn Joe Rear and funny gundsyod with Mr and Mn Win row). TORONTO Varney. 352$ Mulock «you to Mt. Forest a '.'agn 'at1uL?1t tt't 'ltd tt o t 'lgt'l'll'ld mm 'raf,'t'," e In. B, It Bum 17;! we at If you would have , “to yet certain Cough Remadv in the home. in tre 8hoop's--" but once. It is thorough- l unlike my other Cough prevention. 'd. mu wall be entirely new to rott-- unleu it in shady your I. vol-ion Cough. Remedy. No opium, chloroform, or eny other emffying headlong. no need. The ten or leave- of e humlesn. lung-hallo: mountainoul Ghmb. me to Dr. Shonp'e Cough Remedy m wood- edul our-two propertieo. It is ugly I no“ cumin end Mammary, m- utiplion. Sold by leol’erleoo & Cir. " Jon. Campbell we regret» hear died suddenly in Toronto on Sand-v Int. She wu down for " mention tttyt it ditrnot awe her. r ration but it did not owe her. 'ik In a sister ot Wm., John and Robert MoNnnuy. and lave: her husband and one son. Thou. " chief mailman We take the “beâ€; ot extending the condolence of irlen and relatives of the late Mr John McArthur ot Dar- bum. in this neighborhood to the widow and family of the demoed in their and and sudden bereavement. l Many there no that could give ew. preuions to their feeling of loneliness as did Mn McAnhnr when leaving the church after liltening to the tine (1mm by the Rev. Mr Newton and as the was supported by her son onone side and daughter on other the gen utterance to the warde. " Must I go home without him, must I go home alone." Yes many a one of both one: could give expressions to the tune word- Ilnu the beginning of winter ; him 1 go home without him or meet I no home without her. A. Mr Newton pointed from the text, "Although dead he yet 'ltettt:", Thu, the body laid in t casket “or. to upset he would tell the .puker not to npplnnd him and to tel! " tnendl not to weep tor him. . Mr Malcolm McInnea In; In Toron- to last week with a out load of stock. Mr Arch. McLeod who was attend. ing hm aunt's funeral, the late Mrs McCuIig. returned to his home at Carman. Mtnitoba In: week. We are pleased to hear that John McInuea who spent a while with Mend: bare arrived home safe to his family " Midnupore, Alta., over a week ago. Mr Robert McLachlin who spent a month or more " the old home north line, left for his home at Calgary on Monday tho 8th inst. Mr. Robertson of this" Jil"' present spending a while with daughter in Toronto. Many will be aorryto hear ot the death ()me --- (Jennie Ross) lately of this town, daughter -t Mr Ross and sitter of Miss Alice Ross, latte teacher here. We forgot her mar- riage Dune. She lived down the lJoumry. Her father and dmghwr ware " her bedside at her death." We are sorry to hear that Mr B. Hintord had a bad kick from one oi his horse. lately which disables him for some time. Mr Hartford has had a lot of troubie betore as his house is quarantined for having Scarlet tever but we are pleased to hear the family is getting better now. The Ive thaw put a Mo to In logging u Inge blame“ 'Je'Q done in t in line thitt winwm Last Suuduy was Gaelic day in the Preebyteriun church here and " usual the attendsnce was small. It seems .thut the good old language that we learned from our good old mother: " first to going to be put out of existence with the present old generation unless tome of the younger men take hold and for the sake ot their dear fotheru and mothers up- hold it by presenting themselves to an up the Vacancy thll is in our church on the firBt Sunday of every month otherwise it is sure to die. In Joeoph Cempbell in in Toronto Genenl Hoepiul for tgeetment. Bug underwent a very entice! operation Indie reported to be doing as well u can be expected no tar. Mr Doneld Gretna: Jr., is visiting his father MrD. Greham Br., of this town. We are pleased to see him look so well After a. spell of aickneu before he left Vancouver B. C. Mrs Neil McKinnon of the Post tMitse " Toronto at present attend. ing to her Ion Hector who in attend. ing Normal School there, no he had a slight “tack of appendicitis. We are pleased to hear that he is getting better without In operation. Mr Aldoorn luggped e cur load of potato“ mm to orooto. He has eleo !mproved " warehouse by pettingenew frontage thereto and ocher Improvements Intel y. “in M080: salealady " Mr Ald- oorm bore was laid up for the put week with An mack of Quinsey or healing throat. We are pleased to hear she is better. Her ulster Lizzie is substimde tor her " present. . Ptkeville Intended for tttat week. The qrtmther took “other change Ind took the snow nil any auto but we aw u but Both at movbirds and they xenon-Ally indium 1 storm of some kind. Mn MoCnnnel Sr., of Durham is " Mr McCain's yet as attractor the baby till It gets a lime suunger. Meters J no MeArthttr and eon Peter, bought out the hardware business kept by Shirley McIntyre of this town during the do: your. while we ere lorry to late Shirley We congratu- late the Home MeArthttr for the m. veetment made by them as by strict “tension to basins! e good trade is sure to be the result. Some of the sick people no gutting bower but quite . number no ya complaining from various um. Fobnury looks more " present "he the Inner rt of [Arch but we hue only ",'iitllt dun ot it I',", Ind mustn't bout too much at unood. For Sale. - town in at her Machines. Mâ€" -v "I. National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daiay Choral. Washera. Wingera Batty'a Hay Goods Promptuela and fair dealing will continue to be my motto Your: for Buiaeaa. Cochin“ Haven. Ltd. Imam Paro News. qeeqdera, etc M Roller: .34 Mac In“... Mee Wynn: and sum "rraririifaitGT"""- - Armsttong and Tudhope Cu tteu Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Hume-o. Toronto Rnymond & lfew Williams Sewing ‘1‘- .'___ Peter Hamilton Farm Implements me livery" woman wants an Ironing Board. We carry a variety of them. You are sure to get suited with a set: of Smoothing Irons, as we have different kinds. Wash Boards from IO cts. to 50 eta. Lanterns from " cts. to "so Horse Blankets from 50 cts. to 5500' Stock Food in any size packages' We have a sure cure for Distemper. Everything up-to-date and in season at The Hardware Store. We have only a few of the bar- gains left in Ranges. Who will be the lucky purchasers ? Also some bargains in Heating stoves. Examine our stock of Brooms and you will be convinced that we can give your money,s worth, Bo not wear out your good car- pet with an old broom, when you can any a Carpet Sweeper so cheap. Rom-ch. tlad their waneâ€, not In the oral: belt. butln the nerve- that control magma. and when men. Dr. Bhoop‘u new vs II I 11?!de uncanny! pawl-9d g pub (has GEE-"766$ tf,Siiilfiit' "_e"e"""' - iiFiii.-t7, GaTiTs, Kidde'yigihéi awn tB.qmataotttrms.anuotmo- Myanmarâ€: oruve-k. "about" ttttidk prut_d-tese,ifroutt-rttvtpmy at '/te.tt', och-r dime-tn: or tuaaerous kid. 201 crypt. tmoot" Reptorpti ve a. mogul: Dr. Shoop’s Bestoratwa "Have yen sein our specials in Silver Polish? Very suitable for Stoves and Ranges. Weak Kidneys ml: to wk kidney J,",',',?..",',','.'. Edy.“ {1:0 the:9rt,.nnd an 9911694 Quip Capsules sum-cue: or - "" Hardware! Sold by Nacl‘arlane and Co W. Black rthlfr,le. triiiG7iiiaiirritFGGuiutFr or fgtttd-rod no wing it can 5nd will " minted may lead to (hunk. lo, Bronchial Nubia. oe my. hum combination ox can upping amn- Better W better than quinine. may box CM“. James R. Gun than!“ -A. BELL ,, IcLellan. EELS oomblnum ot cold aa ..__ Gifreii LI ONT FEBRUARY 18, 1909 Flt-era Produce Wart- th Groceries New Fruit. ieihou. 13ootectionur.x Pt-tees, & Yinepours h. Irma“; and l‘urv Manitoba ttours Flue Salt Ptear, Peed, Seed & Groceries New Plinln and tire nut 2Ge and Fluor Oitrlot h Tatrie Oxh'lalh Lace Curtains. . .25 . it Honeycomb u on! Fritut Blush saloon Undrrski Men's Ctudigo Jnt‘L All-wool Blanket u 57 Bed count-n tttti f: um Large " x4 ~Iz-- Fla: heâ€. “hi'o' or g†BMI (li: on Wednesday next, 17th inst. from 2 t05 pm). Kodak Ticket Agents fo Euy Your Thclcct Draggists & MacFARLAIN)'i & CO. MATTHEWS a LATEMER will have the oppor- tunity of seeing 'I Public Demonstra- tlon of the Canadian Kodak Company 's, products at our Slaw W. B. BEAN If you have ex; enced anv trm: come and talk it CURL early. a. trun with you Call and in Sens C 1 Loers For Ind We. In 500K M tt " B 'x-Ish Lenaha Economy is no disgrace HARDW McClary's Stoves 6: R. Lenaha Ladies' and Cutler} A very large mom puttsrns on the tit on the second thst C arving Razors' Scissors Pocket K Cloth /,t a Our new stock of D in very fine, the ne able. See our PM Goods, Boots and l complete. Grocerie Otsr lines of Hard am, Are complete our specials you w Ira value stock in every dep it nude by any n if you must have brands. “Broadw and Bummer wlnl On all lines of include. Lumber Felt Boots, Slip away down in psi Custo- vork and m Agency In Durham f: each-net my [rm timber-news rIBBUAav always on h Red The lubbe HE tan