West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Feb 1909, p. 5

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tht rt', new Wag.- bu dnesday th inst. , ii pm. JiER castra- LANE 1909 nary "I E Pun urn ks MP, 'ur (I) m re ers " .1 in Economy is no disgrace Lenahan ify McIntosh HEADQUARTERS FOR HARDWARE FURNITURE Lenahan lib, McIntosh. Ladies' Frillings complete. Fresh arrival-t of groceries daily. The quality is good and the Groceries prices are right. We cordially invite everybody to examine our stock in every department, five minutes inspection is better than an hour's description. and Cutlery of all kinds. Cl th We have a very fine stock of cloth and can have a suit made to order on tt very short notice and Will guarantee a good fit or the purchaser may have it made by any tailor he may see fit. We have the best tailors to be found anywhere but h'1rott must have the TORONTO M\KE of clothes we will Show you the celebrated hands, "Broadway and Fashion." We have Marge stock suitable tor Winter, Spring, and Summer which we are offering at low prices. . Stoves & Ranges A wry large stock, tho latest styles and neateut yuttems on the market. See our d'splay of them on the second flat. Our lines of Hardware, Oils, "tc., are complete. Among our specials you will find ex- tra value in Carving Sets Razors' Scissors Pocket Knives McClary'si/1t'd Our new stock of Dress Goods and Prints l is very fine, the newest and best procnr- l able. See our Pausma dress goods, they Goods, Boots and Snoes, Wall pager. Gene? Agency in Durham for celebrated Kant met Lumtrermett's Rubbers. On all lines of mum FOOTWEAR. These include Lambermen's Rubbers, Overshoes,CardIgans Felt Boots, Slippers, &c. Also Mitts and Gloves away down in plice. Custom work nu Repairing " Dual " Down Town Shoe Store . . G. (h, J. McKECHNIE . . FE BBUABY 18. 1000 always on hand. Reduced Prices The Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs GdiyJndeKECHNIE JUST RECEIVED J. S. Mcliraith 4 ft, 6 in wide by 6 ft, 3 in long. . . . ..|5.00 4 ft wide by 6 ft, 3 in long...... ....1h00 The Ostermoor Patent Patent Elastic Felt mat- tress, made from the best quality of pure raw cotton covered with the finest quality Sateen Art Tick- ing, is guaranteed never to mat. pack, get hard or lumpy, and to give you a lifetime of satisfaction. made in 2 pieces, extra. . . . . . Prices as follows : Mattresses A fine assortment of the newest trilliings for ladies' collars, the neatest and best we could get. '"iius/are eye openers, See our large stock of Dry Gene's Furnishings and carpeting. It is large and :3 Dress Goods & Prints of cloth and can have a suit made to order on 5;; Window Curtains 250 acres on the Gurafmxn Road, 200 clear. 50 acres hardwood bush, well watered. first, class buildings. Will be suld cheap to wind up estate. Tenders will be leceived by the un- dersigned up to and including Febru- ary 20th, 1900, for the raising. ovovmg. stonework and extension of the Agri. cultural Hall. Holstein. Those tender- imzmuy tender for the raising, mow ing and stonework separately from the extension or may tender for the whole work. speeiilteations nny be seen at C. Mc- K’unon's grocery star-P. The lowest orI any tender not necessarily accept- (‘I . 150 acrés in Bentinck, buildings and sod 3003, everything in first class shape. Price 'Colo. W. W. J. SHAHP. Sea-Trans. Hulstein. Felt. Ist,. 1009. 100 acres in Bentiuek on Oaratraxa It WI "our Durnuch. good buildings. price reduced from $3000 to $2300 for quick sale. 250 acres in Beutinek. Five miles fmm Durham, fiuo buildings good land, with a quantity ot timber. Must be sold at once. Price 80000. 118 nerve in Egrrmout, good laud, good buildings. 836N, IN acres in Proton. near Swinton Park, fair buildings. Kood land, well dramod. well watered and well fenced. Only $3600. In order to make room for our large spring stock, we intend to ttcritiee everything connected with the Jewellery trade at cost. The above goods will he sold this way only during the months of January and February. Jewellery Sale We are not fooling when we say cost which you will find out by giving as a call. WATCHES. Clocks, Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Lockets. La- dies' and Gents' Gold Watch Chains and Silverware. THE JEWELLER Graduate Can. Horological Inst. P. (i. A. Webster Everything goes-- Tenders Wanted. Farms For Sale. w. F. DUNN. Solicitor. Durham, Ont Careful buying means economy 72! Miss Rebecca Nichol spenta few days last week with her cousin Miss Lizzie Park at Carlsruhe. Mr. W. Snider left on Wednesday morning for Guelph to attend the fu. neral of his mother who died on Tues- day February 9. The quarterly observance of the Sacrament of the Lurd's Supper will be held in the Ebenezer church (tonline Egremonc and Glenda), on Sunday the 2lst inst., at 2.30 p. m., the Rev Mr Berry, Pritsevilie, ottiei, ating. Mrs Jessie Bradley spent the week renewing old ocqnamtanees along the line before taking up her residence in Owen Sound. The many friends of Miss Lizzie Diebel will be interested to hear of her marriage on Wednesday, Eeb. lo to Mr Wm Miller ot Gleneden, Miss M. Leesou spent the week end with friends at Vamey. Mr Ross and Mr. Green of Hanover were guests of Mr Wm Sharp between services Sunday. . Mr, Wm H. Sharp of Shallow Lake spent several days last week with his uttc.CA Messrs W. Sharp and James Hanna. Mr and Mrs M, Meams treated the young people of the line to a party on Thursday night. Mr Robt. Baxter returned from To- ronto on Friday last, where he had been in attendance at the deathbed ot his sister Ellen. Many here will remember her kind and jovial dis. position. We extend our sympathies to the sisters, most. of whom are Cour. lortnbly settled in Toronto, and to her brothers here and Richard. Colin and Archle, who are in the West. _ We notice the bills are out for Mr John Calder's sale on the mm of March. Mostly all the proprietors mules are going west. Julm We hear us capping we chum): by going to tar away Alaska. His many friends Here. while regretting to lose hm), man bun and his partner Wary success. Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs Jinn! Watt. Mr. Green of Hanover conducted the services both afternoon and even- ing, Sunday. owing to the illness of Rev. A. L. Budge. Mr. G. Nichol has tired of keeping Bachelor‘s Hall and has rented his place for the coming year to A. Fai. ton Mr. Thos. Byers has not been well for sdme months and thus: two weeks his condition has assumed an alarm. ing aspect. We sincerely hope he may improve soon. Mr. James Watt intends to have a sale of stock and implements about February 24. Mr. Geo. Schillimore spent last week with Stratford friends. George " going to help Mr Byers cut wood for a month or two, Mr and Mrs it. P. Legato. Ceylon, visited Mr and Mrs Wm Haulage on Friday last, and an. tho home ot their tespcetive parents on Saturday Cfldsi. neck. He is going out to his new town of Cadogan in Aibertu where he has been appointed as Postmaster. lie has .ukuu up land and the astral pi‘c-cmpiionturniuxselt and his two SUNS, one of whom. James. is acting as Assistant postmaster there, and Cecil, who accompanies him about We titlt ot March. Us is havingu sale ot Rollers, Wheelturruws and manuizwturcd articlcs on Monday, 22nd. J. MeBeth, was. at the last Ununcil meeting, awarded the making ot the tile for one norm end oftne township at 25 cm per toot all round. The storm of Sunday lass did not prevent the Rev Berry trom attend- mg the meeting at the hall, thuugu only some twelve Were there to hear him. _ Miss Mary Brown is at present stay- ing with, her miel " Rob: Henry at Mr Philip Lawrence lately sold a home to Mr Buck. of Durham, " a good prime and bought. another yonng was in Bentinek, Rant) P. o, has bcen visiting since Christmas with her parents. Mr and Mrs Jun. Lawrence, Sr., and other relatives and iriends about here and Durham, leit here Monday to return to her home In the West. Council met February 8th. minutes adopted, an nccuunt from ll W Nich- olson received regarding laying tile along and across Lot 11, con 6. Coun- cil was not aware of this. Iranian - MuAnhur -- That the Clerk refer said account back to Mr. Niehislson to be oertifled to bv the C anmlssionur instructing him to do the work. Carried Hanter--Lrrtritur-TPat the appli- cation of MI Snzer tor a grant to band s wood fence along Sligo Road be laid over tor tyttyrr oj1rt1ifle10..t,t W lulu V'vn nu --e'-'" The tender tor fresh cement tor tile was awarded to Chas Drumm at $1.65 per bbl. The tenders of Geo Hamil- wn M300 and 25e for tile marking and John McBeth u 256 all round was ac- [septed.--rerritt! Yeas ' Wamn. Hunter, McArthur, IUatitt '. Nay ; Ivttuan--MeArttuiy - Whereas a prut .9: has been made to this council reepecting the limits of R. C. Sena] supporters in this township tthat the Clerk confer with Father Kelly ask- ing him to show how the distance. as required by statute we: arrived at in claiming the following lands viz : E57.con3: 58con.2: W. 59cm. 3 end B. con. l Ez't. the reeve re- ported that he had examined the record-oi the nee-era's emanate 8. Grey Registry tWee end found that no cheese had been registered "nine: eny at the properties during the put your. ifuui-tret--lr?ete, Room - . ____h --‘I “All-D‘A- h- L whim. 'ifiL'r-TiGor-'r?e, the Bowen upon bouquet and him: he Mt am) Mrs $911915 of Vton ,pent Mrs Guthrie, of N, Daly/tty Mo North Egremont. Egremont Council. tiampden THE DURHAM REVIEW Tim. O'Neil was mid $3 for of council room . Lothian - McArthm' - That the clark pn-parea by-law to refund to the raceptyers intereeteyd,etttslt sums as ens: as eulpius on completion ot Dm'ms 110's 2, 3 and 4. Said by-lew to be in strict. accordance with the statutes. Carried The Auditors presented their report It was gune over carefully by the Reeve and Cramsil. -- Mid 5150 cost of ward) and Reeve be paid $3 for his servxccl. Carried. Lothian--Wtuum--TUt the Audi- toi' s Report b, adopted unread and they teeeive $10 each lor their ser- vices and the Clerk have 250 copies printed tor distribution among the runnepavcrgz M . Carried Bf-law No 229 to appoint an asses- sor was passed the name at Walter A. Reeves was inserted in By-hor, Walkerton, Hartley House. Feb. " Mount Forest, Queens Motel, Feb. 19 Durham, Hahn House, Saturday, Felt. 20 NOTICE l Important l THE PEOPLE'S STORE OR RECT DRESS is easy to recognize, yet C many men just miss it. T Too often an ill-fitting Suit or Overcoat is the fault me A Suit or Overcoat that doesn't fit well, and is without style, will mar an other. wise perfect attire. We claim to have in stock a line of Suits and Coats that is sure to please anyone. They are made from best materials and are right up-to-date in cut and style, {‘THE RECENT BPAN0' Men's Overcoats il I? the shoe fit, don't o in your stocking feet. I We sell the grAira'l, MAKE, have you tried them? Perfect in fit and always sty- lish, they are comfortable and easy on the pocket book. REMEMBER THE DATE t The man who wants an open-minded discussion of politics, the steady support of right, justice, and decency, without cant or bitterness, and an unpre- judiced, common-sense treatment of public affairs, will thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Daily Star The Star is not tied to any party or any "interest." It has definite opinions of its own on political, social, and moral questions-but it recoguixt the right of others to hold exactly opposite opinions without necessarily being mandrel: or fit subjects for abuse. The Star’s editorials are broad-minded, honest, as keen and clever " some of the best writers in Canada can make them, and always Fair. The Star is published for fair-minded, intelligent people who take an active interest in Canada and the world. Conuquelltly n Has More Readers The. Any Other Pepe! In Ontario. This mu and the "00170 tilu" I"! W In! mun, 82.20. Omit-M Fania-him all“ to “on "um m ROBERT . BURNETT 0entlettten's Footwear Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. 9%"3 A Newspaper--- Not An "Organ" ONTARf $1.50 A Year and Suits TORONTO Professor Pember will be in town, and will exhibit and demonstrate the effect of the Hair Goods that have made him famous. His styles. meth- ods and ideas are widely imitated but never successfully. Mr Pember will be glad to meet privately all ladies and gentlemen with any hair or scalp affection and to give advice gratis as to a cure. Positiyely the most select showing of ladies' fine Hair Creations an d gentlemen 'tt Toupees in Canada. To every man and V Wn woman who realizes the importance of preserving their appearance through their hair, the visit of MR. W. T. PEMBER TORONTO, will be oi decided interest Hunter-Watson --TImt we adjourn to meet on Much 8th to consider the grunting of a bonus tor wire fences in comm) locnlities liable for mow drifts, and other Maine's. Carried D. ALLAH, Clerk ., Resolved that the following ach's he paid , Clerk's registration tees, 73 births. 16 marriages and 39 deaths $25.60, Mun'l World School Census book for Assessor“ ; Reeve Com. work on arnin No l, $1.38: Clerk ex- caution of supplementary by-law and debentures on Drain No 1, $10.00 salary $90, additions: wurk required I by-iaw No. 230 to appoint Co lecture was paced t the name ot John C. Adamg vus inserted 4or N. Division, and that of Wm Hamburg for S Div. Mon, “my $5 etch. Bylaw No 231 was 319098;“ to appoint path- mucers for] . List will be pals- lished later. J. G. BUTTON. . D., c. I laud mac-ca. Got. Quo- M a... O EAL, nnv Mark not! has. Inn: a! hill W, C. PICKERING o. D s, L D S. Unlveruty. grad aate of Royal Colic” of 0eattys1etygrtepr_pt Ontario. Room. of Dental Surgeon: ot Ontario. Rom Oval J t J UNTER'ti New Boone oMtse-c'aiderh, Block. over Post 0tBeo “ESE EST (SIRE: Min iiuiiiiii “" Deanna In 'ld in menu. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Home]: GRADUATE Tomato University um um Rnlml no“... “on“! Rum: ln-nrmce Agent. Money to In“. [Inner of Hummer Licences. A gen- eral fttuutcUl business transacted. byway!“ Stat-ship Ticket. to Debts Collected. No all poGo." "__â€"'â€"T, "v-“ ..e - to Lead at lower rate- than you car, borrow elsewhere. ‘Alwnys Prompt, Never Negligent! Bummer. Solicitor. Nona Puma. Convenneor to. one, to Loan at iowest rates. Mee, McIntyre Block over the Matt O dud Bank, Durh nu. Ontario. lumber. Senator in Susanna Court Notary Public Commisstoner. Money to no“. nnlee. over Gordon's Jewelry Store buildings. mtt’ing tioe uraGiiGir. 40 acres Hum good Und near Allun Punk. vet y cheap. at; urns Benunck - 41 mile. from Hanover. (14.517) “1.301153 Poi Ottiee with daily "mil. Brick house. frame bank hum. great map, and In]; gther Good Bargains in Farm D. McPHAIL- A aura Town piuku/rrfT"" W - fl ._ If you wunll to” or”! so to Miller No charge if no human! done. the Hanover Convcynncu', Wm: i00 'Ar" net.A.lurt.rur.k- splgndid Massey Harris Mowers& Rakes cruel noun F-UB. . H p .. Tunic-060.00.00- In. " Monuy to be Made Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Urey Ml model-we. Ammanu lot “In. II todatea, m, mum be en the new ot. Bee, Dun-mm. tar empondenoe M then. or to Ceylon P, o., will he may.” "temted to, Team on app1iesauort to kneeling-Annma- cum orto ARTHUR GUN. M. D., in; trotleerted All bitrderi,'t titttuseia1 statue-q carefully um! quietly Luau- to. - ”FIPF‘Q‘EQJ BON BON AL‘VAYS FREIB TDEMtT'TUS. L J. [GRANT D. tt.S, LO. B. HONOR GRADUATE of Town.» MEDICAL by attending to this advertisement info}? bia- Uafiiai rio-aid Eli ' the thing to think of now Notary Public. Upjmiuioner. BUREAU. ONT. (Lowe: Town G. H. STINSON - Geylou bu n mephone clot. and ail kinds of Massey Harrie jtnpletuents for Buying and Har. vesting seasons. I IOU” De Laval and Massey Bu ri Cream Separator. Coal Oil and Muchine Oil Always in stock. We tt.ave a amid uupply M fresh Baking IIWIVI on hand. All-o a good unort- mentol Candies. New and oranges. “an C Slum". W J. ta. 'Ortqr'q It.” ' I " " A.I. J. P. TELFORD D. IcPHAIL. thaylon P. 0 C. RAIAGE. Durham nan! I',".',',',',"?,).", n We... and c lam. can unucaa. Aut. H. B. MILLER. hllay Baking W. F. DUNN . McFadden "es'itil)j'eifr' ‘ ", Idol , onino TH ERE'S Model Bakery - 45 mile. from school and Post cttartrr ff noth:

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