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Durham Review (1897), 18 Feb 1909, p. 6

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If?! 'r'.'""e"-e '7 It seemed like 3 miracle. he aid, that M then“ know of lemming which lilht wit his honored young holy. By . “nor (airman, . Ind that daughter he taught and hi- Ld dries up it he could find a travelling "IP fun the child, tor m n. little more, found hem" none in her nonow; he! thought. new to Lord Lynne, and the long” in her rte! for I kind, nym- palhizi: word ton on who has] been isfri-r,ttuthe-dertoslgrt. SM lend In In muted. and “to aid to hem" bitterly that he in hppimu and prosperity had forgotten her. But to continue at Lady Blake'n was in impou- uszy- _ - . .-- . 23:4; foe hm" ml in two "Find me uomtthing to do." Iho erird. " will teach, work or box, but rennin with Lady Blake l "amt." Signor Bun-hi was too wounded for open-h. When Int. he had mu this young girl, Ae was mistress " Sev- onoke Castle, tt who]: retina. of wilt he culled "pa-I red moulds” at In" 90-min]. Her me In fair, and bright. Ind bountiful u a fresh June mu. Sh. w upliinmly cine-ed, and bore has!!! with any dignity. Saw the (air you. hoe In: pale and tear obi-dd; no Invy mourning dim wan with" - not hero-inc: arrd to couple“ a. would. the and into” bin, b...- hu. hindlou. pen-ii“- and "king for lb aid to pin . 1'1"“th Hie know when her old ginning In ter, Signor Buchi raided. In in de. mpair she went to his and asked it at than". 7 No wonder that he ntood for none no. - in silent wonder, too mod to wait, and then with; the little white Dildo. that he had we - ”was... with kick, bathed tit- wlti honest, ”up-thaw turn. - . Br. - ,,e__J, L- ..:A AL-L "There in no help for lt," said lady Flame. "1 ma" do u outer girl. it" done before no. I - won: for I, llrirtg." . on! Then the poor child I went to Indy Blake, end begged her to nhein from e "abject that reused her no and: palm Her Myebip'a Inger at what ehe wee {and to can each inpemnent inter- vene we. unbounded; she spoke an el," st poor lady Florence, tenths r with her dependence and her pov- Lady Blake ottered the Maudie-I or- pill a home; but the Mend ot dead: om in provorbially bitter, aid that of Lady Blake mu ot the hitterest. Years Ind Pars 330 she bad imagined haul! "cumin some business mutton by m. out She had never lamina him; Ind the toand no better subject of mutation with which to entertain :No unhappy daughter an the constant 3h” of her father's memory. "w: father, nun." mm trtoit n any huh tum: Ind insult heaped up on him. "a. in dead; they might up.» him now, " lent," .htttud to hot-elf: _ Summing like pity nixed him when he saw the you" girl bid {and} to the stately home when she had no long reigned " queen. But the panned out of bio lite. and he we: t"di, canceled tor the slight ptip he suffer . . lad Florence endured It for n this, hit 'k tad, may lov_od ttil P'", who“ lob had bun I ds-ii- and Ila-n [or I" connected with hill. And this he did in the presence of the child who had newer known anythin but in. damn“ 1nd tandem”. from LI' male mm, and who had loved him with all the warm}: ot her young hurt; to that, when the young earl offend to my Florence I may. income trom the estate, the hails-nanny refund it, and told him that the would rather an” than be under my obligation to the nun who had nlaldend her hunt. " was. this Inn-t that tortured him) then .ll other! when he cute to " lane. but he was powerless to help “new. It we: then too late to unto :he evil he had done. The leet few “the of his life were embittered by chi. knowledge; it ehortened Ne thy-,I Ind lady Florence knew nothing of thea lurk tutu" that Iey before her until she: 'tood by her father's death bed. Then he I :onteeeed his folly and his crlme; but‘. " new not where lo turn to ttnd 5' 'I'ieml hr Isis unfortunate thud. HeI tad not one. Men had drunk and pm- aled vith him. and had taken his money at deb". but there was not one among Ill old comp-mum to whom he could my turn in hie hour of bitter “ONLI lady Florence was even more Handle”; I the led spent her lite at the Castle, end I no one melted there. The only relation I the led In lady Blake; some distant I - of the eerl'u were still in Err I lend-the Dudley: of Mouton-but they I re!“ to “knowledge the prodlpl peer I lull. his lite, and they refund to uni-t , lie tHartthter after " death. The next I Mr, the preeent Earl of Wynn), we» I you". end e men, perelnonious die- I pith. Hie P",',?",",'"',""',',', upon‘ “Us. ”nee-ion o the tltle end net-tee we. deer and hitter. He he I ed the let- eer u of en _ies'iif?ii'ii., Mt gag who had wronged " rid, he”. all who. Of his but foe. ruu nothing round. The auto, wild In entailed, was already plunged into ION Ind Millennium The male of every Inna-l “(on he had in the world would not do" it; ma], wont of all, In pro- vision had been made for his beautiful roan. daughter. At his death, when launch Cut]. pulled into the had. " bl. Mir. the poor girl would be home. enq and pennllen. _ . flrent and mterowNt chm had by M to lady Home: Wynne nine. to stood on the unlit In" oi Sam- nko Calla, fudiu the wldte doves that hound nrmmd U. New: 'un’hk-onlnllol M Kunming-hon. in.» win In lid“ of unbounded “lung-u ad all.“ Mull-ea. the had never .m- . 79-h mum. Tho In. all an] but . prodhp1 all his life. The inhuman be kept up st the can]. Us. -itieent. The" was wholal mop ot Matte "wants, and car. “Min! hone: limo“. without 'l"ll' i I"; I who mind alike in t c all and trim-hen; no one ever looked l Jar Anything; Inn] of this cannula Jul ”Hand Mullah! lady Fianna: ml bu! lob minus: “no“ trotu the; an» the but“ we to walk. g 'hno, an; In a and, old house- "ep, an no not. won I butler And ' award; brat the ebb! oeeupatiott of A. must- " Sevenwlu Csatde “and o be, in -lain no! perhaps Ira-own! 'tritt.r Enttithh, what in [unruly may" no “fattening their on nest." Thom! of " euear in); at Int. “a hard Wynne ”who from a long drum (to!!! ptsd [lad-w, At “an I'm-gel! The ml limo]! seldom, if "or, etMr" to Swatch; to tet" engaged in n round " diuiuuon and plenum that "up!” ti1eetriilud eoffem mpidir. _ HIS L0lltDSNPt ROMANCE CHAPTER XXV" Gi me chief point i. that A. would he ttttt refined mud wall bred," [he said. "My ,m..a daughters, moving no they do in the m. I highest miety, could not endure Any- i thisg a..." . . l "You will "Gi object, Min Wynne," ', said tho Indy, " Florence You to take I her leave, "to {Mu my (Ingmar: u lit- F tie imtmcuon in Italian. Unlortumtely, , they know nothing ot it, and no I am ' obliged It take n ttavei.iryr comgfnion." I Miss Julia looked at the companion's exquisite toilet with something like dis. may. Tho dimmer was good, the table Well Appointed, the tenants welt traia. l ed. With sharp, "rutinixing eyes, Mule. I and Julia watched the newcomer. amin- fbly aaxiao to detect the smallest trace of alanine houte or ill breeding. But i't'l,',' nut that the beautiful, graceful 'girl baton them Tt't" evidently Locus- l'tomed to high society. The evening was t long sud dull; sad in comrliznce with I Mrs. Oldwoll'l requeLt, F' ounce mug Whuever were the trill: nnd diffi- culties of her new lite, Florence ruched to but them Navel}. The great sting of .11 vu- "moved-no one spoke ill of her dead father. Her warm, loving butt was not wounded a hundred times each dny by situation to his halts and the 1991 build dole to everyone. WM um,“ ,lA _._..|.| L-..- iri'/h' Mrs. l‘ndwell she" would have been. compuutively speaking, happy; but the young India were jealoul and union. The journey to Rome was not unplnunt. To Hermes it wu one dream ot delight.' glue forgot tho petty vesatians, the little mueries ot hr every-day lilo. She was redial-g one ot her with“. hopes; she Wu mu tt that “Ind of beauty sad at of which lie bad drama] from the time when in m boon a child. "at!!! Rome in "My. Man Itat.: vote there, peoplo of an: an ' Mm.9dmll't hurt 'e "You Girifiuii' out! myself to marry well," continued Main. "You are taking us ubroad, hoping we shall marry there, and you engage that girl to so with no. Do you know what. we look like beside her? What chance nhsll we have In" hat? "I new " thought ot that," replied Mo. ttdwelt, nervously; "she speaks Italian so well." C Glad " aha-um! the long I'll ot nob]. an". v-uw--.- .-1..-_ , - - tom. operatic um. The girls were both min: sully " being eclipsed; they could neither play not sing so well In tho companion. it won not clean o’clock whorl tho candle. were ordered,trnd Plor. ence, wmried and displrlted, retired to her room. "Momma: said the eldest Miss Cad. well, solemnly, when the door was cloned and they were alone, "were {on mad when you engaged that girl to in with -usua, my dear," aid "no, what mnryguumun BU It‘ll. "Of course she don," "toned the daughter, with . we"; “sh. dug: and plays no well, too. What mm in his unu- will look It as when the in brt" "But, my den,” mid the mother, meekly. "you forgot her position. You no heiress-I, "member, while she is only a companion.” - -- _ . .1 -_-‘ 5|.-. gin r3. “I 0!", I sump-nu... “I shall take good one that she we members her position," said Maria; "those kind of peoplo "a than pre- mming. Now. rommbcr, mm, the must be taught to know her place and "in; iieGLe -iiietared fer ,rortspseo to do anything that Mrs. Cudwell de. tired. She noticed the Mart of surprise that Mrs. Cadwel ltried to conceal when she entered the drawingwoom. She intro- duced her daughters, Maria and Julia, and then offered Ionic ma of apology haying they were too busy and upset to dress for dinner. Mrs. Cndvnll wu pinnled Ind surpris- ed at “in Wrvern" behavior. She manifested neither ttlt not ombu- numant when that la y waived her In the gnaw manor in a dnwiu-toom that nosed one but. od gilt and mir- ton. She passed her enmiutlon audit- ably, flu-Mn. the while, ttl' child! at tho “any. nations " ed her. She could speak grand: and Italian lhontly. She had never filled 1 “mil" Polition; Ind aha Wu 13'1qu at present with . din- un: relative. w en she said Ionian? about references. Mm. Cndwdl smile ' and aid that Signer lbcchi’n word was quite .uftieieut. ' --. . . . I a __Ae, -AA..-:I.. I Tho intdvkw ended "tutaetorilr. Mrs. Cadwoll would start for Italy on the thirueth. " Min Wyseree could join " ttro days previoua to that time, it wguld be quite iutttelent. "I think I have made a bargain there," said the ututo lady, n the door cloned upon, her vim". “She will take .11 the trauma off our Unds--teaeh tho girly, and be ot grant me to me. The uni thing u, that Maris and Julia any thin her too handsome; but they mutt be reasonable. Otto cannot have every- thiatt.", - _ .. - At the ”pointed time Miss Wyverne msdo hot twat-Ina. She brought with he! to Hyde Park Square two welHillod boxes, for the had drau- in abundance. The first t','elt1't', that occurred Wu her Ignorance ot t e euct position of e trr','): The young Indian Were not vii-lb . when she nrrlved. Mrs. Cad. well received her kindly, and informed her that the dinner hell would ring in half en hour. Although the house we: Ear-tinny upeet. and the young ladies unily engeged ln packing, Florence nev- er dreamed that they would omit the ceremony of dyes-in] for dinner; accord~ ingly, the quickly nun-toned one of her huh”, end took out a dinner dress of black crepe. uqninitely made and trim, med. A jet brooch with n tllsmond in the centre wu her only ornament. The rich runes of her golden hair were neat. ly unused, end Lady Florence looked what. she Wt"---ont, of Nature'e own gen llewomen. _ . . The naming matte! smiled " he con. templated the ml he" of the Mine: Cadwell and remembered the hit loveli- neu oi Lady Florence. Mn. Cadwell begged that the young lady would cull on the following Gr, no, in compth with her wish, the young irl want. only in the afternoon to Hyde KL' tNet., ten, who were going to Ital . The lad In In. Caldwell, the widgw of a at city Icahn. It was agreed between them It',', " nor MN nhould In” Mu. yum In . Mi in every wuy united for what Mn. Ct dwell required. My Florence begged him to his". - title, end not to mention tanking of her nuk or her former life. "There will he no need," she aid, gently. "No one will writ. to H0 one know: anything shout m, or am whether 1 un alive or dead." Mrs. Caldwell V“ such rinsed with the ulnar: dwripllon 0 Min wr venue. it CHAPTER XXV"! y” the poor Indy; . "It may have been given to her, my dear," remonstrated Mm. Caldwell, milAlr. _.. . . - .. "Well, if I must. I must," sighed the mother; "but the is really very useful. But say nothing uhout it to-day-- we are goingith the Godwina to the Col- osseum. re it until this evening, and I will Ipeak to her then." Satisfied that they should at length get rid of a rival, the Mine- Mwell were restored to somethinf like god bu. mor. They said very little to lorence when she returned, while she, who had often been puzzled bi their conduct boo fore, wondered " t e malicious yet triuwant looks with which they re. grrd her. Pttnetttelly at the appointed time they called at the Gmlwins’, and then proceeded both. Pete. ' "The best re,', now in Rome," said the Honorable ll tr. Godwin, oraculnrly, “an the Lynne-Lord Lynne, his wife, and sister. I um told that Lady Lynne has ensued Tm. n furor in London. She is wonderful y handsome, while her sis. ter is the very ideal of a graceful, pretty English girl.” "I am wre, momma, that an is not as it should be." concludwl Maria, after relating the Jory of the dress and ita magnificence; "neither you nor 1 our had anything like it in our lives. Doeo it stand to reason that a young person in Mio Wrverne's position could purohue mph a (you t" . "Nonsense. mamma!" cried Julia. "Who in their tenses would give a dress like that to a companion-it is fitted for a ducheu. Depend upon it, there is something wrong about her; and you Lil1.,,"'r'"'t it if you do not get rid ot er.' Thor-elderly ladies seated themselves near one of the ruined Arches, overgrown with grass ond‘lhrubs; the younger ones not with them for 1 time, intending to uketch “toward. The ronversuiost, as usual with the Godwin, turned upon the aristocracy then in Rome. Florence soon tired of it, and wondered some little distance to the entnnce of a corridor, and stood there, leaning against the atom. Min Cedwell smiled contemptu- omly to herself, thinking her companion was "sttitttdiuizing." Florence, owing to the good nature ot Mrs, Guam-ll, had 3. little room of her own. The sitter: intruded there tomo- times, under diffrreht pretexts; they were in reality very curious as to the contents of the boxes that the young girl always kept. lot-Bog. -- One morning Mn. Cadwell naked Flor. ence to go to the bank for her. The girl. did not know the Wu att.ent, and went to her room for their ItttlUtt kl- Ion. They nprd, but no answer came. Main. opened t 0 door, sud entered bold. ly, saying that Min Wynn: ought to be ready for her duties at the appointed time. The room Wttq in its "out! tidy state, but one of the boxes always kept looked was half opened, and from it there hung sonnethini that looked like a mixture of exqttisite lue "tin and white lace. "Where could Mis, ll yverne have found the money to buy this? I tell you what, Julia," continued Maria, solemn, ly, "there is something not right, about her; I have chm}: felt sure of it. I shall warn mamma, instantly, and she must get rid of her. Come with me now." The dam:- lhtened intently and revrrently. They loved many tulip, but nothing no dearly as 3 lord. They did not know one; they would have given anything to be able to speak, " Msn Godwin did, of lords and ladies-men. tioning them with I. familiarity that till- ed them with awe. To be really intro- dueed to A,lord, to speak to one, wu the high“ end did aim of the C'ndwell'g existence. (To In anti-ill.) Maria looked um] hesitated. Julia looked too; then both sisters gazed at each other. They were half "hstned ot the curiosity which actuated them; the lace hung directly over the lock of the When you ask . chronic inn“! how he in and he says he ean't complain, he must be pretty sick. "whatever that is," will Marin at lut, "it will be quite spoiled. I will re- ttt it. It is not often Miss Wyverne eavel things uatidy." Sh. mica the hl'ne satin; it was the sleeve of . richly-trimmed dress. Maria forgot all else. in her curiosity she drew oat the remainder, and found one of the most. elegant evening dresses she had over .eett, trimmed with seed-pearls and point lace. She held it up before her astonished sister, and they both gazed tor some minutes in unteigned admira- tion. "What in the world." said Maria, "ran a gill in Miss Wyverne's position want with a dress like thin? It mum have cost. a fabulous sum." It had indeed; it was one of tho lust presenta which the poor old earl had made to his idolized daughter. She had never worn it, and did not like to put with it. Thoytwo slots-rs went immediately to Mrs. Cadwoll’s room. and celebrated nun. 8h not .m- “a in on of tho bi" at not . ionhie put: of lane. Sb had one letters of introduction, and tho with her Mex, dour-incl to pin A mm. in t Very but today. “Nothing mini-neg “at," said Maria, who mm the lending spirit. of the “my; “remember, everything depends upon the at we get into tint. lt must be . good one, if we unit six months.” Both than and mother mood in this. Their brightest hope. were pitted n n the Hon. Mm. Godwin, to whom $2,, bore I qteeinl letter oi introduction. She received them kindly, wu civil to Mrs. Ctdwell and her daughwn, but. seemed to grow tond of Florence. But Mrs. Cum" liked the beautiful, gentle girl, who Wu Always amiable 1nd plemutt with her. _ - _ "How beautiful! how exquisite!" vrim Julia. "1 never aaw anything no He glut}? “Yo; might really hare found n. oom. panion, mamma," wu Julin’n dutiful n- mark, "who would have been useful to us from knowing other people. Many ladies, highly connected, nnd of good (wily, would be glad to enjoy the " vnntngen Mi- Wynne does, and they would have introdueed u- to their friends, you know.” Day by day Maria and Julia disliked Florence more and more. They (“liked her bee-tune of the attention she excited. People tr,'"',,'.'), her looks, her manner, her voice t e perfect can And fluency with Gia; .he Ipokc 1mm. The Min-cu Came", in their own minds, termed her designing and under-bred . They remind- ed her cumtnntly of their difference in position, Ind spoke of the "dutiW' ot "persons of her clan." But the "ret., until-i patience with which the bore it all 391211. pave diurnpd them. rsnion with some relative. Mrs. Godwin ooked thoughuul, and mid nothing. In her own mind she had shady condemn- ed the Cuban: u puvonua, and de. cided that Bounce haul been ucuatomed to_the best Ioeigty. "Who in the world is that eompanion of yours?" the said one da to the mer clnut's widow. "What . Llama], pm trieian face the hast When did the come from'." Mo. Cadwell uphincd with some lit. tie glide that Ill. had bone recommended to er by Signor Budd. She mu m orphan, who had been living u oom- “Look- worae. I think, captain," said thtAithop. _ _ . -- .. "cotshtis't be much Worse, bishop," re, pireArorettyrp. A Half an hour later the steamer was diving Under the waves in it she were I submarine and leaking like an old door. "I shall be happy to nxpluin, young man. The word .aetor' was inserted by the proofreader, who thought I had omitted it accidentally. I shall uke cure that it damn} happen again." Identified Easily. "This," remarked Mr. Cane, “is my photograph with my two French poodles. You, mqnizc me, tlcC - - "r thGk so,” said Miss Softe. “You are the ont with the hat on, are you ttot?"--"')" Inquirer. Art Awful Jolt. It w“ It p. m. and the Conversation bud began to lag. Finally the spirit 'ertd yaw Staylate and he. said: Whereupon the young mm in the par- lor 009110 suddenly remembered that his mother might be unensy about him and proceeded to fade lway.»Chi°lg0 News. A Clerical Amblguity. Capt. Foretopp tells a story of a cer- tain noted divine who was on hiss steam- er when 5 great gale overtook them off the Oregon want. "Wt m'ust trust in Providence now, buh/rp,", “awe-ref! Foretopp. _ H "oti, I hopo it has not Gme to that, piped the bitshop.--Tlus Wasp. Minard's "Oh, I don't know," rejoined Miss Wea. riun, u Ibo tried In vain to tstrangle a 3'". "they might be worn." "Why, how could theyt" be liked. “They might be night sitters," she re- plied. "It 105k: pretty bad," said the bishop to tle ggptuip. _ - _ - _ "In your paper this morning, sir. you called me a 'bum actor.' I want an ex- pl-tion,", 7 Ohio. Mailed postpaid -viiarir"GiarrGtiiill- Ham m a badHot, aren't. they"." _ --_-_ --- It's the disgruntled old maid who claim. that all men are alike. They probably all look alike to he: _For a free illustrated booklet en- titled "The Truth About Peruna," ad- drosa The Peruna Cu., Columbus, The Nova Scotia "Lumber King" says: "l mmidcr MINARD‘S LlxtMEhn' tlw BES'I‘ liniment in uni. I got my tout badly bathed it well with NEXT and it mu as day. A GRIP " PREVA- LEN T AGAIN. A prompt remedy is what every one is looking for. The efficiency of Peru- na is so well known that its value as a grip rem- edy need not be ques- tioned. The grip yields more quickly if taken in hand prompt- ly. If you feel grippy get a bottle of Peruna at once. Delay is almost certain to aggravate your case. FREE OOWGANDA DIAMOND GOLD SHELL RING oitit tor selling t'2 21-2 dozen Gold Pom 1 less Penn at M. each. These pens write 3 bountiful color bwlmply dip. ping tn want. rite PIN an we will send pen- in hi premium list Ttttttshort time you can wn this “Electric Bpartler" and also an elegant chin. noun K,',?. SUPPLY co ' pt. till Toronto, Ont. "tteat-ttto-ret" " a pe "lt am "In" HATCH” YOU EVER STlUCI than min. In thsaHu" at tte Bay'- Hatch EDDY'S ya "SILENT" MATCHES ttITT, Till FAVORITI. WANTED IMMCDIATILY. w: ALSO BUY OTHER runs. ttttu-te-rod-tro-ui-El-the V!!! I”? - of luv Fun in Can“. mm tt mama. I! Mttemlh% . m co., mm 1 F URS mHIDES RAW FURS TORONTO 100.000 MUIKIAT 3.000 RID FOXII Write 10: Weekly Polo. Lluu. JOHN HALLAM . Liniment Cures Distemper. Setting It Right. Your, wry truly G . Me “ell aux errr next jammed lately. MINAliD'S LIN! MULLEN "What I particularly like about you Americnm u your naivete. Thrq naNet., often makes selfish train st'vm quite charming. Fur inManee: “l lunched the other day with a Drank- lyn woman. After luncheon. u we took our coffee in the drawing roam. my hunt- eus' son, a little hid in white, came in. "He talked to me politely for a while, then he crossed the mom to his mother. " 'Ma,' he laid. in his little hard. nasal voice, 'did you buy Harold a birthday present when you were out this mom- ingt' Expected Pacification. Mrs. Henry Human, the wife of the noted “tenant, said in an interview in New York: ' . Right then and than «be dismissed all the pupilq, and quid she would not tearh in the school until .he trustees cleuuel it up. Then the truatees not tugetht and liked her to reliign. The reiignntinn will take effect in 30 days. The trouble “use out of the recall municipal election. The sch-40mm.» was meal for a voting poll. After the Ohm tion the school Wu left in u routewhtt dirty condition. The plucky schoolmjl'm “Red that the ("HUN-i haw, the sohool cleaned up on the Saturday :1er th: eleetious. She m.“ thiu was not done, She told them to do it next Sutunhy. Again it nu not eleaned um On Monday. Jan. 25, all tlu, pupils as- semi-led, and when Mia-n Cunningham ar- rived she found that the who"! room had not been drum! up " 'she had or- dered. Ind an is require-d by law after an election. T. 'Yes, dear,' said his mother. " 'And, tua,' he went on, ‘what did you lu., to payin me 'enuse it uin't my biithday Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. Essen School To.“ teoiirfoT W.“ in Dirty Roam. Essex, Fob. tu-Ni" PM», Uh.) has teen school tetuher ir. (“than egeettme No. J. Maiduone tonnhip, about a In": from this town. for some time, " a tr.- termined young Woman. when she [ts her was?” up. She tlsorotsghty demon- strated this to the [mum of Est urinal. with the outcome that .119 was asked to resign, but not hefrm- ut: quit of h‘r own accuum. This schoo. .mw In: In traeher. and owing to tle icarrity of auilahle pedupgun there will undnul-L edly be troulsle in [imiEug amnthiw ("adv er. S” Washington. B. c. and Return. VII Philadelphia. Prom Suspension Bridge. Fridav, February 19th, via Lobigh Vallee R. R. Tit-hols good ten days. Partieulavn, " King street east, Toronto. Ont. A Sharp Retort. "My dear," said a thin little Brighton man to his wife, “this paper says um. there it a woman down in Devonshire who goes out and chops wood with her husband." "Well, what of itt I think she could easily do it if he is an thin as you are. I have often thought ot using you to pool potatoes with." . The" thin man laid down his paper with u sigh that sounded like the squeak of a penny ,rhinle.--Tit-Bittr. - Pale, weak and nervous people and a tonic that ll u u will build them up end nuke them well end . “was. Celery King In the tonic that will do the“ thlngs. Largo packeco M cents. at tlral. '" an or hr men. B. C. Wells k Co., Ton-emu. I know her by the violet veil That softly doth en!old her; I know Im- by the to.» pals That, He “mm her would"; I know her by the song we dun Emu once. then .ottly our; Ta In. what memories it bring-s; And or. 1 In" her. I know her by tbe uurlly That flood- Lhe air Around ber; And by the way she mm: to me When I have sought and found her; I know he: by love‘x mud sutst, Nor “I: tuna! eke to prove her, For ihe has thspu'ed “You." to-nixht And o.' 1 km her. .--Etheiqrrn Ulthrldu In Town Tot I know hr by the hand Ike lay. An but")! In my keeplnuz I know her by my {oral that sway: Must my Man's mm lupin; I know her by (he crimson cheek: That nuns but I dlscuvu‘; I know but u the breathes or watt AM O! I love her. TORONTO, ONT. 50.000 COON 80.000 IKUN K Bhlpmonu “Helm. DISMISSED 86.001. " n Masquerade In Town TOMCI. Are You Thin tuedier-go the moths caused the Ion of your spring overeat? 1Nrduir--YU hey no u hole :11th the ticket. MI on Account of His Mm. U-Fm-How did Guile a brand ot pro-he nit "tint that gt, MI can. out? attarr-auy his!“ n- cut oe-rt. M inn-4's The German naval constructor: have recently turned out a peculiar form of dock-ship, intended particularly for the salvage of dlaabkd submarine- and tor. pdoboata. It comma or two hulls re- sembling all" linked together, fore and aft, high above the water, by ml gluten made up of angles and plates. A torpedoboat, or "ttsmarinr, can “can between the two hull. and than he lifted by crane- and tackle- nutil it rut: upon a platform formed by Ill-gel Ire." mkcthg_acrou tron one hull to the 'ottier. 'isriGpiiiG" aai"iii the door-hips no damn by elem no- tom. Mlnard's Llnlmoot Gum Colds, Son water " a curative for certain kinds of disorder. of the skin in one of the late methods of treatment that In. 6Nrtn4t to this country from France. It The impector was examining sund- IN! I, sud a" the clan Ind been apoc- ially told beforehand by their muster. "Don’t annul- unless you In Almost. cent-in your aunt-er in correct." History wu- the subject. "Now, tell me," said the iuupeotor, "who was the mother of our great Soot- tUh hero, Robert Bruce?" Gold Laid Watch BAB'YS OWN TABLETS A BLESSING TO CHILDREN A medicine that wilt keep We: and young children plump and good "mural, with a clear eye and may akin is a Housing not only to the lit. tle ones, but to mother: u well. may. an Tablets is just nut-h a medicine. They cure all the minor Ailmenu of children and make them at well, sleep well mud play well. 'l‘llouunds of mothers use the Tablet: and prune them. Mrs. Lorenzo lime, Luke 'Ihlon Que., Rays: "t cattttot Icy too much for Bab)”: Own T'trtsleta. I in" prov- ed their value in colic. communion and other childhood trauma." Sold by medicine dealers or by null at " cent: a box from The Dr. Willllms’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Unt. is hoped that it may supplunt the use of nr-enic as a remedy for Inch die. orders. The muer is taken " a dis. “we of forty or fifty mile. " so: sad u from a depth of thirty or forty feet below the sunken. The-o meantim- are taken to inure u nupply free, “on possible contamination tad the water In further subjected to n prom of Iter- ilimtion. It is injected into the tissue. of the patient. He pointed to the top boy, then mun: the clan. There was no gunner. Then at hut the hem of the (Heller of um class leapt with joy /lhe boy who wu standing " the very foot had held up his hand. works "Row on Birbh could I do that.'" -u dies' Home Journal. "Well, my boy," aid the inspector, encouragingly, "who was she?" “Plane, sir, Mrs. Bruee."--PhiUdel. phi. Inquirer. Not a Retrospectivo Render. Two Irishman were aivttssing the up ions books they had road. “Have yau lead the 'l-Ltenul City?" "I hue! "Have you read Marie Corelli'. "Have you read ‘lxwking Back wards'.'" Explannory. The great noun liner wa- limping into port. "You no," lonely explained the ap- iniu, "the injury " in the ship's fore- foot. It got on the wrong tack.“ Soowling at the reporters who land come on board from the tug he nerv- ously [mood tho bridge. tttter the winner a! all great -uyra., _ ‘l have that.' t T, , ”a, WI'?, PLACING THE BLAME. Sn Water as I Cur-tin Tl Pacullu' Honing Dock. Link-not (hares Diphtheria. Bruce's Mother. til, no"! 70.8013". 'tIii?,',','.,",',?,!, “no. pt l."," 05mm, Ogtt. - f -EWro7aHi'ir, 555.1":- l5: Gold 1tikuid Pass" at be. and: Thou t% who u bmustifut color yam?! Mp- plug in Int". No ll my ipsiimt. wan to-day. we that you with tU rem, all than and mum t a honey and win thin ttt2% W! IM 0 you" 1uur ti'2,tre. I, ate. "Ccptail" he 'hotetod--tor the roar of tho will"! VII defmtirtg--"tu enemy h- on- nice.” vfdllU,', W. “(lune 1M lick." he growled. 'Wow can the cook get dittrter."'Curound Lender. t'lthti),t'g'r'.rr?ds'ty, 't dqtttHIt . Write I moat. 138.52 E m on mm? In our doctor's " a Il'l hunch! w,' 'd your pain a navy - tr t I know win the” mean u hue-u Trttmen-1 have begun 413903“ top; butjearnod how to cure welt. I in: " FeiiCvCvihrr' Bu}: _ mm and the pin “19“” the doctors t I an do this tor you and W..“_!!'_!!! qmtyt no. . A - "I under-1nd you have imam! n: aiet'It that won't tip over." "M I. I] belief." "plied the eau. tio. hunter. "At hut it qvov't tit we: will. on the ground. And it hum"- bul any“ clue .vet."--Philadelphi' In!“ '"llf, you - nun me. . ' V't1U',t'Sfglh,tgpt,'htue,r,u,ttt box an rowdy which bu been placed iEFLMA‘LQLN Kim "M- Prrluuo In my hand. to be given an“. pm...” an. on box will carom-It as done so tor m " t all be happy and r1rtyritCttqt? tor 'e_ceiit ot . Spanking does not Cure children of besdaretthqr. There in n constitution! - for thin trouble. Mn. M. Bum. men, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will and flu to any mother her mecca-(u! home hut-eat, with full intrutionl. Send no money. but write her to-day if your eAtidren trouble you in thin way. Don't blue the: child, the chum Ire it can't be! It. This treutmnt ulna cum adult- 1ftl'id people troubled with urine dut- fieutties by any or night. The lioutennt ruched to the brides and "lasted. In. Olllouplo. Dept. " from It. “It. In m only Gloom. mun um. you on an More you but. I know that the "CHIEF an!" will do. ind I uni. you to bo tum -ttaeted will I. More you my tor n. The "In In l... Full “only! tree Tttr. "CHAMPION" In“ With X-Rny Syn. A German Ickntiot hu dimvend that may insects. and: as math: Ind butterflies, have X-ray sight. Thin mum.- that the eyes of tttew ittsutt. can new with something similar to l my; "injects invisihle let human own Huh-u aided by a fhtoroscots'. " cmiinuy sunlight has ”tough of the X my in ti, for the butterflies to we clearly. the world tun-t be a stung: night to ”mm. This Ideal“! believe. that they (in if: through the cloth sud flerh of human luring: out behold m walking about in our dictum“ dad in I nucluoom cm wing of flesh. C an.” €341.12 10 mm. um: an u wanna uod buy In even _ Ant! A M Tyler. London. out. STOCK rm «on IINT~A ”NI m tum ot "r. mm. {In all“ north ot M. on Prool Us. rod: (and opportun- tte tor run oerty. Emmi" Wm. 81mm. Arm P. o., on. w: WANT “an“ worms. ALL out - u work [or u- dun-In. their out. In". telling our high and. POI-tun“. fond Rout-mu. Ten. Cotton, etc. So “prune. hwy. Work tlttt but Bad tqatMtttemttVe. The Home En mm co, Tra- Avenue. Toronto, Cu . FAR! ll MANITOBA ran PROPERTY In Ontario. fUOtter sun». "' Tuba: “a. ration. mn. ft I'll: CUR! FOR THE NEXT THIRTY b In": em; on. but result)- Wm cur. "I but.“ Remedy. bl Blchmcnd tNat, Tor, mm. on. taau I’an’mu' ' B, A Woman’s Sympathy Amd. mm In". Nun of tarm, Atom“ with red-rat. Io few. You‘ll but but." u In prom-u Th- ain. ho an an true, And than you an. boon mm tor m. Your in“: to mm You‘ll out OM [any live. O' little Marr, pllln of ttseo, With was or had Nut. Donn dee nom- lu-n, 1mm" that]: Wilt [All In Ian with you. Will non you an an very min- “In - has! to an. 1". on and only (It! for him, or In an hooo he will. With who. he will “crunch Your model! “I um, WM who m. and tHath no... Ye mo on our M. WI}! it!“ a can (allow eye- WIII larva It not. at To We any are the bright“: rot. or In in boot he will. Iona mm when you lea-L "pest A 1013 to will nay 4cm. your an: and uln- that Balm to so any . Your we, pun-um. he'll have, Will W " he." to arm And In“. In. for the mm mm (In. or let u hope " will . First National Realty Co. Naming. Ian. peter-c-a-aint,'" hunk It autumn: not" mommy ox- Nsko all! draft wlitt paper. 1.": PAID INS”: South African mm [and Warrants Or let us hope rotiiriy 8460.00 CASH BETTER THAN SPANKING. ISSUE NO; q, “A.” iiEati “dink-s pitta; #323737 To RENT. way in rum. Eli FOR EXCHANGE What Thu-tom. LAND WANTED. MEDICAL. Bad Fix. " must om nu.- 'aetieet or you don't pay hr it. SOLD OI TRIAL Mt and GASOLINE lelIvulo Amen-Ion 3am; 'ie," {Sun'- FO, rm . 4%. Wind-or, Ont man 93'" unit-u ' " oniiumy the h' ray. in it. use clearly. the Toronto $371M " f Tan-onto dtrrita'tct . ot (Ma wi In... to n-phou- I -rmetts of tlw to. many Ilululrw Chr -tiost “n I on It (In maven: ii! ENHANCE , _ 0F FORKS] tbestuuttueteeir1r' “I Forestry Association Input-n Mediu- - hr Sad Grey, Ho“. Fiaher ond Several Others Fry Amriti-m. WI (‘om'ovnhun 'InlI " tenlny. "an I' l t.lit General of Mn izrm:»\ 'tttdirt. mm of ulruinmu th.. l...._ 1tt', [tr-winn- and milking the. N «Hulk. [nun-I- P Mil! mm Irttt, - tb. ibiiiiii' Il ".1. any“, mao M‘npvuls In of you: Iwml' um: ”um... tte mtethiaer1. J: M nun Huh-1‘ Ml'een Hml-un'~ "my :uul 1hr hawk River “awe “two m runny “ml-0r comma-need imam. - a br, din that... "an: Mun-uni thtsutrl: I... tut " clan; m eeow% 'Trntnr up. lk Mm, wh-w tiv. 1 in “It.“ for man hot. wu hum-r I’ll“? land wally doimul l "mu a ahor, distant-q A manila-r m ilet inn with tin-hm ml put. of “w Ihlnini both of Ptof. FTruou "tttto FINN} ot Fr M. thumb". Dun-in of Faro-try. a plea “(in 'ttqNtt""'cs ah foretuaiioet. l’mlh L" tiso "ration ot' u- IW In ttart with u-vnrjmwinu detttat" Thaw way. an "haN tho -irta tic-inn a w. It. Swain“ Ttrem ym-wnl were: Ttim II- Goeerttor, "on. Si “ha-m. 'P-4ttetst of MN. rah-nun. kir. “an. w. I . II. l Hem-HI of Neu "rm III in“ W"! nu .. the Milli. I REM." Hm Hudson‘- Bay mu hub River “rm \w-gn- a- M lung Ian]; (I (M u “MI-r. He land “mind an 'dight uni-um ttits “ml-or "ttttttttmed lo vro imam. - a brood: 'tl din. in“... Ramsay by Mun-uni Hut-mud- hug Ian tut " “on; the liqu- eeow% 'Trntnr up. ulcilu- " nim. when- tiv. l. P, I in mt."- for ntam' TOtt of hm timher. Hon awn. hurl tte-utr." for hi length upon tue I (he nuhjvct “him In“. It“ by all wbo and“ l {tawdry had an iminm “aim-trial and n‘mvulu the an. qtq qtttl an the purple. It Wttm mm ”MN W“... I “flunk damn: "t " “My. hm w '0”:qu drought. andI u: u m In thes hit 81 “mm-(mud in pn-vniIo-d with quv intend. mid. “that "tsl whote vomit-mt the primiplf of tposts to tttow nun-Q drift into There wer 'ttit0A69 um idem. Wuhan of an True. lion Hid-0y Huh: s rd that the mic-nae cl th been "r.keeud, and am no longer tse, wmdrful uml Ila thought. too, tGt 330. more -ewhat dmphn-, Milan Inw- been h-ml " a. [re-teat um L I!“ in the Md. But - lakes "UM. If to in W. nid th,. I im were In mush-m a minivan-or Nana-a! khan! m. II.“ ”who“. a." up: in “My.“ J.riad ef. 'tre/ot/ttf., n gran! I‘m-lag» 1-! all.-. ‘rIm. and Hwy haul Mn tt MM ho hum uncontrolled individual mm and " I-Il’u'ty. or t of we coIIIquiQy he "sitittg n W wllw 1 inn-tuned public um eunu- lmn. the sir," cupid who. Tho In. J. M. Gib- the dome": and gm 1mm at the any... h. I -terr ot the "tttio “will“ u {on-dry I “wt of Algunqm 'treuurg Hrart ot thr " "I? {in W, and (one when Mu w - win land “on: "M. V. I cent-l or " tending par Speaking on orriu" .' Asm After " Govern!!! Candi.- Berg Land MON. slum“ I'l I! an I mn- nrhmu " he um. an: saw. bd ilulnkluul "Ne w un- ”mu Cl“ " 'otagt lat, |M " “| ond “my had I - " “I“ m In In": 1 on tk tLUG m slum " ll nu nu IIIIIIIOI "Ir ”was“. m “In“; a lbw rillmm . tru up” " ll- nus-non to- 90W all In! pt " " that id! ll "

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