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Durham Review (1897), 25 Feb 1909, p. 1

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Li, YAY need the pi... trder to ma. . is DD to-date, Vorything mu. ORE pr s' List I 18, NS economy 0-00-06 excep- mart was; _ Ile 2.15 Mk 7.35 1.98 0 ttsell '0 I prices new 1... P I. fem each. " '?','yyAylys'x'x'h""'rllfllril8X mammamsg 'i':i: We offer you the MI j)..' greatestpossible values g VOL. XXXII, N0. THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT. 75c to Jan.l I910 .;:_:::_;;; 1::.-:1-:5-:figfiimi-CDfim-CEEEEEEEEEE tuning! New Spring Shirts & Neckwear , Two piece Buitts in tweed effects, sizes 22 to Boy s Suits 25, 92.50 to 04.00. as? New Wall Paper edoes Slaughter Sale me Thing G mks 15.000 Rolls of Up-tOe-date Wall Paper almost given away ll Cumc at once as we will clear our whole stock of Wall Papers out in d We will be blazing away right T IF. ayS. from thedrop of the hat and you’ll in! be disappointed if you come here expecting to buy goods cheaper than ever before ll, ll. KEELER & (MI Heweat shades and handsome Mteet, sizes 26 to " 31.50 {ICES Ever Known to fhe People of Durham and surrounding country um " St James Ireland EC. KWEAR-Ncwest designs in plain and stripe ettects ur prices, 25 and 50c. " r"ll one or more rooms that will need Pa- ll",' ? If you have, come to Keeler's Rush ,',1 1 an buy papers here to do the job for a Bias Filled Corsets o AL Suits, material is a wool tweed jn a dark,grey tgrccn “ripe, ages 8 to 13, 83.15 _ .ro piece Norton: Suitu -We consider this suit one "e have been able to show our customer: and one nt satisfaction, Illuc in a boy's double breasted three piece suit of weed. dark shade, strong Italian cloth lining, shout. izcs m to 31, 15.50. TS - Newest Models made of tine white coutil, me. lung hips and back, deep extension skirt well boned supportcrs attached prices, 75c and $2.00 yrsris regular 81.oo and 82.00. nonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that Bias added to flt every style of figure. They are made ‘r, l.30and .230. GREATEST at 3d quality N n " puttcrns with all the improvements known to t an extremely broad range at '1,00 axes in our well known Railroad King and , Jackcts and Kentucky Jean pants. convert to the creed of high grade overalls. >p nmdc overalls won't do for the railroad 0|!le l til, per roll COME COME COME Children'. Wool quee. "gular 25 as" cleaning at 16 c It. -- ll tire u COIIIIIH ummrrmme to tind a Big Slaughter Je of old stock in progress. but whe' a stock of such "writ. n9 that td,' " the House of (gm-lay" (muslin-g the choicest of up m-date melclmndi is put oh sale for what it will bring, a ehance pre- sents ilselflbat may 0 y ocmr once in " life time, Nee ad. New netNnd ti,','ltfri and cream. New Collard, Gmnt's. A Owns Sousa SOON TO , A Lhrt- Tliis action “NH advise by Mayor [lain-on in bis inaugural address and at last Council meeting, Conn. Ruth- erford moved that steps be taken to secure Owen Sound’s incorporation an at city. Even if the newest, it will by no means be the baby city in regard to population, for with the newly-an- m xud portion of Brooke, IM00 inhab. itauts at e claimed. N . R, t'2,s, .. . P. Monmcx. 100 beautiful frame given away. one with P ch dozen cub ety at F. W. many, Art t, Durham. WANTED.-- ood genera in smal family. l'varen srequired. Addresl Mrs Thus. lirki 116 Madsun Av., Toronto. The Annual 0 rtrtet. Supper of Court Durham, HI, I, . ' will be held in Caldet's Hall on T rsday evening. Feb. 25th. Good p mm, Every- lmdy welcome. Ticket " on. J. H. MclLttsrTH, Wat, usa’mx. Mr D. Leith, Nonnunby, Pho for a year on two back has been working into thorough-bred stuck. sold a. pure- lned Dunlmm bull recently to Mr Wm Wuhan. of Egremont. at a sausfactory fume, Good stock always finds a In.” ket even though pricesare druggy Um‘uLI-t WEtsDtxo AT HAMPDEN.- One of tho line old honws of Norman- by assumed a very festive air on Wed- neaday, when Cupid's ways had reachn ed a climax It was at the residence of Mr and Mrs Matthew Mearns," brother of Dr W. A. Menus Humver and one of the hest known farmers in the township. The ocsuuiun was the mmringa of Miss Eliz'sheth. the eldest daughter, to Mr Thomas Park, ot the Neastndt road, and Miss Margaret, who has been teaching‘in the Went to Mr Alberta Six of Stettler Alberta. The wedding was witnessed by the relatives alone. as n rousmg good par- ty had been given to the many old teiends and schoolmates. just a week ago. Rev Austin L. Budge M. A., the pastor, conducted the ceremony, sharp at six o'clock and then the happy company pat-took of real " highland hospitality. " Mr and Mrs Park will reside on the above men- tioned farm, while MI and Mn Six will " tro west" to their line prairie farm in Allin-tn. The happy event. has cnated comideuble interest In theeohunuaitr, and uhowm of con- gratulations are Lsthntt upon the hop- " eoupts,-Poet. PRUMINENT CLERGYMAN PASSES AWAY.--rtevr. It. N. Grant D. D. of ()rillia one of the best known minim-n " the Presbyterian Church in Canada died Saturday. He was a frequent contributor to the Church magazine- under the pen name ofpKnoxoniartt and in his earlior life he served under the Lute Mr Gordon Brown, Ott the Globe stat! of write". He was It lworher.in.law olSen -tor McMullen, of Mt. Forest and the grandfather of the two little Grunt boys, who lived at the 'Hvdges' here dining the holidays each summer. His death will be mourned by a wide circle of friends all over Canada. A W ELCUME Vrsrron.--0ar thanks arr due Mr Peter McKechme, of North Dakota, for his remittance for anoth- " yPar and klnd words of apprecia- tion. Ile says; " We are always plemed to no: the REVIEW coming to the house, but it causes sadness when we read on its pages, the obituary of so many of our hiends and old neigh- D-uraiu (Hanan; and Artemesle, We are having u very nice winter here, " lhnugn it was very cold for a couple of Wet ks at New Years, 'i.is-,iciMiiit,i? ow IPA' siicijii'aliiiiii)8lTé jltit “coho-mm!“ . . . . MI 'pdtta"Taht,tt : . . . . . a: «mud. . . . . . . m gauge-mum RECORD or wellness The Standard Bank of Canada DURHAM, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY M, 1909. it'ii'ii'iirhie'g Ptgmneut Shoo-oat forth You “In; '0th In”. I” -.PBOhX AND W ApComrY-- ham: and Dress Linens It W a 2P, T (1:5,. . ri . 2 "tter, Jl.tat , 1"" I. _ c.e. m. i " . , > _ , ib,.ij7sihii'gy2B' , " w It' .% iliitiiii, Ihaiittjo. 'tilling white Mk. ac. " tttuse G'uygr'lfwgw , . M. tit,i7 m. m Goods net gt. at a his to "who sme of the q! lck Liquidation ot.H, H. Mockler‘s rge stock ot rhoice mer cltaraiice. ale opens Feb. goth, Great crowds will tend. Not n sale of on stock but a orced L'qu'dation Bale. Bee ad. - SAW Loos WANrttD.-Pine Hem. loch. Spruce. Bauam, Maple. To be delivered It Smilb's Foundry for which good mice: will Ie paid. ' C. Sun-H & Sons. A meet ingo he South “my Itith, Association "ll', he held in J. P. Tel. ford‘o otBce, rday, 6:h March, 1900, at 8 p. m,, to: he appointment of omcers and tram lion of general business. " Mmlitchcox is the most successf u temperance lecturer that has visited in Toronto in year-Mail, Toronto. Will assist in services in Durham next Sun. day and at mass meeting at 8.15 p. m. Pulsar“. ASKED TO 1httnos.--AO meeting of Orangey'ille Public School Board held last. week 3 rpsolution was pussed asking for the resignation of M. N. Armstrong. who Irate been prin- cipal of the when! for the put twenty Feats. l APPOINTED SBCY- TREas.--At a band meeting last Thursda y, Jos. Brown was unanimously elected Secy-Treas. of the Band, replacing W. C. Livingstone, late. 1y moved to Tiverton. A STRONG POPULAR SCHOOL -" In union (hue isstrettgth, " .. In a mul- tidude of counsellors there is wisdom.' There are two of the many reasons why young people consider it best to attend Canada‘s Greatest Chain of High-grade, Modern, Actual Business Schools. The Wrukerton Business Collage, whose new advertisement appears in this issue. is a worthy link RUN LNTo.--Mr Alex Adair, of the Pollock farm, Egremont, had In un- fortunate experience a few days ago. While driving on the 2nd con. with a team, he heard bells behind him and thought he was simply being overtak- en by another sleigh. However it was a mum-way horse with empty miter. which dashed into his cutter. Imashinx itand injuring an erely one of his horses, which may die, He re- cvived some injuries, but happily not serious. We did not lent-n whose was the runaway. om? A numbering of the parents and friends of the pnpila of Mia: Margaret Gun were pleasuully entertained at n recitaigiven in the Granville Home school yesterday afternoon. The pro- gnm was it very pleasing one, all of the youthful entertainers performing their parts most ercditably and re- ceiving unalinled applause. A large number of pupils also took part in an interesting demonstration of clans work. After the programme tea was served, Mr, Auley Moulson being in charge of the lea tabie.-vaneouver Daily Province. Fcuxnvnz Co, PURCHASE PRO. PErrrt--Acting for the Furniture Co. Dr Jamieson, M. P, P., the President, recently completed one of the largest real estate transactions of the county. They hare purchased the llockvale Mills property and Limhcr limits coo- nectcd tharewith. consisting of 800 acres of Curly good hurl and adjacent to the mill. 700 acres are choice, un- culled bush, almost a1lhardwood and very suitable for the manufacture of furniture, Thic property is situaud five miles nut-meant of Ceylon. on the Golliugwood “and. and on the mill site are a dozen subitentlal buildings The demand of Dulhum furniture hes leJ the Company to undertake this deal, the purchase price being about. $37,600. With such an extensive limit, the Co. are secure for some lime from a log famine, and are to be congratulated on its acquisition. Investigate and sec fo yourself the Art covering in Wigs andT pees. Prof. Dorenwend Patent Toui are now worn on over 90.000 heads by' 11 classes in all stations of life. In this particular structure the vcn- tilation is perfect ; as light as a eather ; is securely adjusted to the hea ', they make any man look ten year: anger, besides the protection you ge from Catarrh, Colds, Neuralgia, etc Call and see them at Hahn Home. thi am, T'uesday, March ttth. 'rAmmt2-. |9d_gl_~'¢|h . . . AB4LMt P,iVfiiSiraiUTr. "E"? ". pr, Fovrm.--Applr at the Review Gentlemen “ho (re Bald. - i“ “I, d . . 'ltel!,tltetirtr. : : Namibia-Punk..- Monday evening the church was itll" with an appreciative audience not a few being from the sister congregations in town and nix safe to any they did not go home disappointed. The choir were in good form even though Mm Newton's absence is felt, and they gave several appropriate selections in a pleasing man. ner, the parts being well balanced. - Rev Mr Newton was in the chair and fittingly introduced the lecturer whose mysterious topic had been puzzling the people for some days before: .. The Man with 3 Eyes. " The lecture was not long developed the play upon words was seen the " I's " being the initials of the three sterling qualities. Industry, Intel. ligence. Integrity. Under these three heads he developed a fine lecture which all who heard could profit by and regret that a wider audience, especially of young people, could have come under its influence. Very powerfully he showed how the possession of these qualities built up the individual ahd through him ultimately the nation was uplifted. He showed that they had a commercial as well as a moral value to their posses- sions and drew it fine picture of Canada's future, if the inculcation of these quali- tics were constantly impressed on the young. " The eggs of prosperity now hatching, will, when developed, produce a Canada beyond the present expecta. tions of its own citizens and would make the American Eagle gasp. " The services on Sunday were welloat- tended and proved stirring helpful and and enlightening. Sunday and Monday lat the Baptist congregation here held it. Anniversary Services in beautiful weather and under happy auspices. The presence of Rev Mr Dayfoot. of Simcoe, proved inspir- ing, and he has made friends and ac. quaintances on this his fttat visit, who will welcome him back at some future time. Rev Mr Furquharson was called upon and conveyed the greetings of the Pres. byterian congregations. He compli' mented the Baptist body under their en- ergetic pastor of having undertaken the erection of such a fine edifice, and on making such good headway of clearing it from debt. He congratulated them on the success of another Anniversary and closed by moving a hearty vote of thanks to the lecturer for his " practical pointed address. " This was seconded in a brief speech by Mr Irwin, who also paid compliments to the clearneaa and lucidity of the speaker and the fine mat. ter of his address. The vote was warm. ly carried and after another piece by the choir the meeting dispersed. We did not learn the amount of the offer. ings but it must have been considerable. Almost 100 of the members, wives, and friends of the Canadian Order of Foresters assembled in Catster'. Hall Fiiduy night host to participate in their annual social reunion. It war A splendid evening outside, and the com- mittee. with Chief Ranger Lloyd, ale to he congratulated on the excellent manner in which they .atutied the wants of the inner mun. following which . inwmting and extensive progmm was furnished. It had been ttteinteattion to hue protein; to nd. dlees the gathering, High Chief Ranger Stewart. but tlnditttt it im possible to attend. he aupplied the local lodge with two able High Court Juicers in his place. In!" W. L. Roberts. nudiwrof Humillou. Ind In. Cooper, organizer ot Stamford. Shortly after eight o'clock with chef Bert Willis in chm-go. n dainty oyster supper was ulyed by 1 number of obligmg waiters, to which the lime assembly dld ample justice. Before commencmg the program. Chief Ranger Lloyd culled Dr Hutton to the chair, who inked all to Join in the " Maple Leaf." The Dr. modestly refrained from delivering no address, leaving um. pm to the uniting broth. ran. lnterspemd throughout the pro. gum, were line solos, by Mill ankinl. Misc Ada Limm, Mica Mamie Munro, and Mr Wm Irwin. I brother at In liver. Mr Funk Irwin nbly rend"- ed . couple comic ulcctionc. Mn Sprout. Mu Blonehonu proud them. ulvu clocnticnistc of no menu ulna. whilc the farmer's cute-limo hush“: delighted Bll with n Mutton nice. For "riot, stop (lacing by - Voila“ and J. Murdock ' ought ' the Marina the nblin auctions cad maniacal by Mann T. Hallows“. R. land In Wait. Min Bah Irwin cocci-mid whitetail, thicnghont. bald.- gain I planning “autumnal. Baptist Annivemrv Services. Belore commencing his “dress. Mr Roberts intimated it would be 0000le to curtail it wmewlnt. owing to limited time. Batm the half hour or to on his Int. 1 In“: of intonation '1: pro- npntod. Then m new mutual, 70000 member: od the Claudia Oedee. tho 8 put you. Mp“ mud 01.9”.- 41836. 891 Molina m put! In. your. in all ”90.89133. At that! a! "Ott, the lulu“ on but! no nan.- can an the - In: a; ”It. The C. 0. F. Banquet. -----+ .-‘_- Rié ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO After . humorous opening. the or- gnnintion of the Bounty we: discussed by Mr Cooper. In 1879, 400 broke from the Independent Order of Iror- of the World and were made member! without reduction. The bat death claims were pnd from the member's own pockets end It and of you the surplus wee $800. Every eourt should endeavor to pro- moto monl, mid mud intellectual growth. Ind be adviled social enter. tainment After regal“ lodge meetings to inure“ and encounge regulu Attend- Inca. would“ to $101,858.88, put] 3 perl The Battd my“. coat. or one quarter of the dumb alum. l Since 1906 the Inrplu In! incnmd by Considering the’ very mild e 0779.078 thr, 6.886 (wk bertefit "iiie.iiiroiiii'.tto"n1' prevailing Tuna“ we" settled [at yen, totalling 0131872. ing. there was . good “and. leaving a bn'snee at 020000. To show l the would carmrat or the ma “minimum strides taken in this branch it'! Band Mlsoicn. Good band he imbued the fact that In three you". wat, furnished and two into the bulanoe on land Ind doubled ti,','.?.,'.?.',',..','),',",'?. otf, I"" Suundm ow" moo. sz'mm:hs.w~. m. ty A} Mr Irwin spoke for a shun time in a humorcul unin Ind " the clone n hearty vote of thanks w" tendered the two guests for their interesting and fluent addresses. followed by "God Save the King." Monday afternoon hot lhe spirit of the nhoye gentleman left its earthly tabernacle. at er four or tire years of int1rmitn borne with patient. enam- unce. Though long frail, the end came suddenly at last. a sudden break. ing up of the system taking place, Mr Munro was born in Alness, Roe. shire, Scotland. over 70 year. ago and cane to Canada. in 1861. Me taught school It anthem». in East (hey for six months, and shortly after got tk position in the O. ti, Registry Mice where ha remained to: ll yedru tilt the eetabiiahrnont of tiouth Urey Reg- 'rntry oMeein Durhnm, when he w.” tuneful“! here. Fur 30 years he um the duties hexe and was promoted Lo the Dep.-Retfustrtumap, He was an excellent penluan and his duties We: " eMciently done. Only one of deceaaed's sisters, Mm- stret, is alive. and in Scotland. Hit, wife, who was a Miss Lauder, a niece of Rvulutnr Lauder. and sister of Mn Buchan, of town, Mrs W. E. McAllm- ternnd Wm. Lauder, of Vurney. sur- vive. him. To them were born ,s'x chlldren, Lauder, now m Omaha. Nc. bruks. William in town, Dough-um Regina: the daughters are Margaret, Jeanie And Mary. There will long cherilh the memory of a kind and in- duigent husband and fat her. It Matteo adhered Co the l’rezby- teriaq faith, was Conservative in pul- ities, Ind washeurty and genial in his penny days. He was an enthusiastic Scotsman and a. lover of Scottish sung and Scottish literature. He was also an tudent sportsman and from these varied features his removal Will bring memories to n. wide circle of friends Mr Peckover will preach in the morningin the Prcslryterian church. and in the evening In the Biplisl church. Mrs Hltchcox will assist in the oervleeu in the morning in the Baptist church Mid In the evening in the lethodut church. At8.15 p. m. there will be a uniud meeting in the Presbvterian church, It which both Mr Peckover and Mrs Hitchcox mil epeak. At this meeting them will be A collection taken up to defray the luvelling expenlee of the Ipeekeu. As this is the titat Attempt to keep Cunpugn Sundey in Hm town, it in hoped that ell willccmhine to make the effort I success. By arrangement of the Dominion Alliance. next Sunday has been min-t- ed u Campus!) any in the interest of temperattce. in the town: of Palmer- uon. Huliaton. Mount Forest and Durham. The visiting delegation to our to" will consist of Rev M, Peck- over sud Mn Owen Hitchcox. both ot' whom In" won I good reputation as maker: in the temperance cause. Prompt payments powerfully plume publishers. Plea-e renew. Big reduc' I in Readv Made Clnth In; " 8. tr. H KU. W speck“! is the business of Farmers and Drovers . It you feedstock and: uire man for that . ur se we haveitto lend ct lam nus. eq cy P po Traders Bank of Canada We discount ale acts. It you have money lying idle we take care o , toe you, pcy highest rates and add interest. _ Publhhod Watkly' " 01.00 . you. The Late John h. Munro. Campaign Sunday. K1; nu... um I.“ We. “M000- DURHAM BRANCH t on account now no matter THE REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT The Yellow Gmseiderttstt the” very mild ell-ale conditions prevailing Tue-any enn- 1tie.theeewaaas good Mundane. at the second carnival of the moon. un- der ”Ind ttutmieee, Good land music was furnished sud two lulu-coding no" pulled on. lack Sounder. - winning the boys' not and Al. Bonn- dem sud Iiu Anna Sounders the team nee. a new future. The other Cotttstatttq in this wow. Geo. Helm- ny and Ill»: Myrtle McDonald. Mr Arnold and Misc Jemima. Bunch“. Among ll) or 40 'wquerademr, them w" gmt variety of costume, promin~ ento- being Miss Jemiun Saunder- nnun. Mm Jessie Union In Flower Girl, Geo, MeMurray as " His Snunic Majesty. " The best commie repro- scntnuon on the ice was Buster Brown and Mary Jane. will: their dog Titre, represented by Misses ChristeneJaek. son and Amy Kelly, who looked and 'tcted lhe part to perfection, but.” there was no class for their entry. the judges could not place them Among the p: ize-winners, These were: Historictu, lady _-.- Jean McGowan. as Queen Elizabeth. HiutoricuL neat - Reuben luck-ch. Hanover. Spanish Cavalier. Valentine, lady-Allie Kahuna. Vulenline. ttent-Geo. McMurray. National. udp-. Bath: tinny. squaw. National, getu--Oeo. mum. Indian. Negro-Ed. McKenna. clown-Ira- Sunder-t. .lfamcy. trirt--lesmie cutom Bower girl. Uotuic, Hooligan Thursday, 25 Peh: umry ur, Geo. Me. Williuma. Dromore, (Lot rr, Con 17, Egreruour.) will sell by public uucnon Farm Stock. [mph-menu and house- hold Furniture. N o Reserve It! pro. prietor is going West, Terms: 10 monthseredit, 0 per cent per unnum at! for cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. shun. D. Mcl’nAlL. Auctioneer, SATL'RDAY. 27ru mm. m.-R. c. Keeler, on above date one: a for sole it his residence. Barnum; tit., Durham, am extensive usurtnwnt of t1rst.cttu" Furniture and Household elfectu Everything for the paler. Dining room, Bed room. kitchen t almost. all new or cleanly new. Term: .5 and under cash, on: that amount 6 no: credit on approved ioittt not... Sale at l p. ttt. See bill: tor the big tut, M. Kuhn Audio-cor. THURSDAY. Ch 11aucu,-.0a this date, William Backus, lot N con 2, Bentlnck mil otter for sale. without reserve Farm Stock and implemeulg Sue bills and ad on thin page for I!" particulars. Rom. Brighun. Auctioneer. FRIDAY, iitit MArgCtT..-on this date, Troup Bros., Lot tr, Con. IS, Proton will sell by Public Aucdon. without tesetve, valuable Farm 600“. conclu- itilT of 7 homes, and mares nil young Mantel}. cows and other young cat. Ur. tlr sheep, pigs and a few imple manta. Terms: b5nad under cub. 0.er .5. l3 was. credit on unmoved antes. 5per cent per unnulu " for cash, Sale at. 1 o'etock. 3M A. ll. Jack-on bu Inumberot home- nnd "can Ions in Durban tor ale. .‘Vnnxusmv. Huron 10,-Dun. A. Smith. lot 2, con. I, Benunck. will sell by public auction Flu-m Stock com pad of horses. mule, sheep. Ae., and implements No rem-I've u farm is told. this at 1 o'clock. Terms: " and under. cash, over this. 10 mot. credit. 5 per cent " for cub. Wu. Iclxmnm, Auctumoer. Wlnsusmw. Mums 10.-hro. cu. der, lot 21. con, 21. Egremont. will loll hy public Auction. Fun-n Stock and Implemunll. Everylhing must he told u ptoprietor is going weet. renn- t 12 mos. credit l tt per cent " for cash. Sale at one o'elock, D IlanAu. Auctioneer _ D, Mcl’uuL. Auctioneer. 'l'cmsu ' lawn 9rm.--Mr Chum Bjyle. of “can. has Iold hi. farm and Will Ito a clearing auction ule of farm an) and implements. Bee bill! Inter. NI. the dateto which h".""gti, ecrifuon In: been pea. Our out ingliet we: thid week cot. rected up to date. It yours is not correct, kindly notify on u. once. We that all who be" renewed the past few weeks bet there are yet mmy other. we will: to but from " once. ' C. BAIAOF. & SON. Punt-I no Palm-In Sale Register. bor-aetuourne McKay, -ot-----

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