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Durham Review (1897), 25 Feb 1909, p. 4

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an ii'iii)lt'A3rt.oiit-, 'ifiHdr1'i'ecr1'rrszxxxt (e Taylor & " p. 3: A HAPPY is." We wish to thank o rt: patronage (luring tl " one and all the 1': !2 No More Fowl Je". too cold for shipment, s'l4 quality dressed. (ft In Men's coats Fi' stock we have had as ye tc fore your size goes. Pr ts" ii rm ‘ S 5.; Makes cne think of the ik", Mens we have them fron if; A beauty,; furlined at iii collar with curled lining X Bring us your produce X est prices. if """"------ tll' . Don’t Page! Bring us your produce for which we will pay high- est prices. A beauty,; furlined at $30 and Also in Ladies' collar with curled lining " $22.50 Makes cue think of their fur coat or Mens we have them from $20 to tax ",'e"w5"a'5s'wsrssrmsrmsragzzxrv, X Taylor & cu, Dromore N: ihtos,y,,!.f,!.lifayg,tt.iit)gipp.ggiir" 1'i""'""l""-- L3 Nervous, We Guaranloo lo euro " curable cm: of 'tritttsre, Varlool llamas nanny, Blood Folsom, Ulla! Hummus. [Mn-y, Bladder and Ill-luv Mans». and all Diseases Pecullar lo LI and Human. A HAPPY NEW YEAR 'e wish to thank our patronage during the one and all the se; k we have had as yet." - 0 your size goes. Prices $7. Men's coats we have the best "'" h.,,r.at,.,.n -.-. - . n ERVOUS WRECK Here is a chance for you to buy a stylish trim- med hat for very little money. We are selling the balance of our stock trimmed Millinery at cost and less than cost every hat must go regardless of price. More fowl _Takcn Alive Bargains in Millinery '. Michigan Ave., an} a,aTsi. We are clearing all Winter Goods at Sweeping reductions including Ladies' and Children's Mantels Furs, Skirts, Overcoats, Men's Knitted Top Shirts, Ladies and Children's Golf Jackets and Wool toques Don't Forget Cash cm S. F. MORLOCK Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing fl,,',,, f Consultation 9 J, FREE. If: ii; , Question am Special Bargains in Winter Goods DRS.K.&K. tor Home Treatment an! FREE. Jri Fees for ur many customers for their re past year and extend to season's . compliments. Diseased Me,,.,,,,. I“.cu nave as it is but highest prices for good ESTABUSHED 20 YEARS Come and get a fit be- fd $rso to $10. X caperine. In fur E! Headaches from the stomach are I I absolutely unknown where this eifee. a. I Live remedy is used. Diapepsin real. E , ly does all the work ot a healthy i stomach. It digests your meals when X i your stomach can't. Each t. lungule X [ will digest all the food you can an Ill and leave nothing to ferment or sour. X Get a large 50-cent case of Papa's Diapcpsia from your druggiat and X sum taking to-day and by tomorrow " Ir'?, " actually_ brag about your M w“ - --------=u= - fl" __..' ...... - uvcry- ~vo-s Allah " I'll I0. every , thing you want ipitfiiii'l'G slightest 'pf,Uzt.'t,2,t, "iiii'ii,i'i2ii'f,tlt7i1, ‘mm as the Best y discomfort or misery, and every para John G. Head for tbat mecca. No ‘71an sub. .1 tiele of impurity and thu, that is in one on the executive board In more A'd'A'rex 3 your stomach and intestines is going closely unlisted with hum than the . ‘ to be earned away without the use editor' and he therefore knows whew- ct laxatives or am other assistance. o.f he "will 8min; In Mime '----------------uL" 313% utarr my". “‘5: Paw“: owsxsovxn.om a a " was our . . Farm tor Sale. IT/tld. Lion tay t,trph_tttoeterTiaT. 4h"ll'tpg'eit,aru, 'l,1tsreiiritg,.trt Lot. No l, 8th ton. Glenda. 50 um 3'11; 1"Ja'tthh,tg? Ttttttt ttlt'ratd.uii2iiiii' 'Pt."'"""' haul bush and 60 acres cleared. Apply to in in . a! tb ”but: mm o, A. O, l me. WnB.DIIPIIl.. 1'el"atiih'tn2. . . - wool 2335 ig floetrahtrtt "ovum-um, "‘TTHEWS . 'orc- mum ' sea. um e sin real. "er 5tl.lflr. to "wt-m my hudnhlo T ll .... ..... ..... Pare Ho 'ptaAiie, i! ly does all it: uwork of ILpnealchy :3;°;I::,:;§°‘:::“altfihze‘é‘fix‘dzf slellef,'.Ciiicc,ccccc: ow . - 5to 5 ji'iiiiii'ii'ii'iiritiifiici"c ' & LATIMER , I stomach. In digests your meals when m ded h 'wii"iitiilh%1"i?irl'l with '"'a=---'-me"-"-'"'-e-"use-e-t--emeseueea-_, “as ‘m 'tttf '; your stomach ean't. Each tlungule tel','.")',',', 1UJl up reudi to keep the For Bale, ""hSi,iriiriiiii Ill 'uatr, "ed,Seeg C Groceries I will digest all the food You can all _lrt.ll.rotlimr. John a. ead W" the On any terms, a brick store and ”We. l and leave nothing to ferment or Mmr. 9rttrimMor' “Id VFW." of "1930mm! dwelling in Priceville. opposite the! Armstrong and Tudhope Outta” 1 t ' Home Do. Arociauoa, an "air that Comma-rial Hotel. Apply”) Bell &Th0mu Organs and Pi For ) .Get 5.1”“? 50-tsent case of_Papea G"ll,',','dtr Hudwn more than say. mu, S R B Rudd Harness T to ”m. Dim-pm? from your drums! and thing ulsetlnu. has htppeyed in ttalfa . iiii R3355; Ra mond & k 'Ar/ll . a”... Gr l sum Mung to-day and by tomorrow century. Bung made In president. V . B Y 9' I has Sewn” ocer es [ y.u will actually brag about your which once he held " lboumo of hi. “mum" ~C . Marhinee. , New I." I rhealtby. strong Stomach. for you 'e'tt,'.h"attte oat to 'pgttut,tiif %;‘&~=-=:-;. gamnglcgm Silurian! "I ta i . ' - can. a t Inn-o."er was o ' an I: ' :23," a: tlltntTitt'1"tu',"1,airii' Weil 'Hrnre, but mrrhspa m g, m mm as the Best .ill'l;7'.cl'l1'lttd'a,t 'lttze 0...... autumn» I di g y 3 know how much we no indebted to _. _. nuuu- - - - ' l lscomfort or misery. and every par- John 0 Mad for that m " w........_ ‘ tiele of lmnnriw and an n... a. a- . Your meals willtaste good, and anything you eat will be digested ; nothing can terment or turn into acid or plisun or stumuch 2.5, which causes Belching. Dizziness, a feeling ol fullness alter eating, Nausea. In. digestion (like a lump of lead in Mom. aeh), Billidusnoas, Heartburn, Water brash, pain in stomach and intestinal or other " mptoms. You can eat anything your stonmch craves without tear of a case of ludi- geazion or Dyspepsia, or that your bed will ferment. or sour on your stomach it you will oeeaNopally take a lime Diapepsin ulcer eating. Eat Sausages Mr Dm Firth, of Jessopvixle, "I yssuing friends around Edge Hill. Mr and Mrs Sutherland, of ' ford, Were guests last week of Mr and Mrs Thw, Banks. Mr and Mrs Hope, owaen Bound, are vniting at Mr Thus Banks at present. The Lord's Supper was adminisr tered to a large number " Ebenezer- Glenmount, last Sunday, the 2tst inst., including many young people Mr Wm. anage and daughter gave good help in the service of song which the congregation and pastor appreciated very much. A trayer meeting will D, V. be held at the home of Mr Wm, Tucker's 22nd of Egremont, Monday the Ist of March. at 8 p, m. Mrs Allred Hineks' who has been seriously ill with bronchitis. is we are pleased to say. slowly improving. Mr and Mrs Switzer, at Nurval. are visiuing at the latter's uncle. C. C' Jamo, Esq., and other friends in tlu Se parts, A Sacramr-ntal Survice will D. V . he conducted by the Pastor. Rey H. Berrv, at Sale-m. Swinton Pare, next Sunday the 28th inst., at 2.30 p. m. By another C'ortwrponrlent A large and very appreciative c'or'gregation growled she pastur of we Methodist church here. Price- ville, Sunday morning, the 2m. And It is indeed easy to sample five on ten days ten! tell, Try it once. and see Mat-Furluue & Co. In Sickness, ifa certain hidden nerve goes wrong, then the organ that this uefve, Controls will also surely fail. It may be a Stomach nerve. or it may have given strength and sup rt to the Heart ur Ki'lnuyn. It was gr, Shoop diam litst pninled to this vital truth. Dr. Slmnp's Ilcmtorrttive was not made .u dos»: thr, Stomnch nor to temporanh "tituulv.te the Hm": or Kidneys. That; old-fashioned method is all wrong. Dr. Shaw's limiomtivo goes directly so tin-He fnilmg inside noryei. The re- nmriialrie sneaked of this prescription .muwatrntcs the wisdom of treating the actual cause of these fuilim-um-m Comrtderable changes are taking place here amongst the farmers by selling out and some renting. Oar new awrekeeper here is still drawing in goods. The Unpeville church people here were laying out the around for their manse last Saturday. They are pre paring for the work. _ Mr Joseph McArdle is home again after his Journev to Midland, when he attendedthe funeral ot his broth- er's wife. There he met many rela- tions and old friends, who like him- self had come many miles to say their respects to Mrs W. H. MeAr 1e, formerly' of Hops township in the coumy of Durham. Mrs William Scott, of the 13th con. here, is on a visit to friends in Hope township. About three years ago. R. W. (Bert) Love. son of Mr Joseph Love of the 10m con. went away to Toronto and was working at. carpenter work. A. bout 8 months ago he got merried and this last fall fell sick and died about a month ago. His young wxaow has come to Proton to stop some time will Mr and Mrs Love. Mrs Thou. McLean who bu been away in the Mates visiting her friends has returned home. The Hopenlla church people no gonng to build I mange for their minister. I The Rev. Mr Berry, Methodist Muvster of Priceyille und 16th cou Proton, has been nround_here visiting up some of the members. Intended for last week. The Esplin Presbyterian Church mnnaging committee is taking hold to work and by uppeanncel the con. gregmon will be improved very much. It " as proper to change the com- mittee sometimes. as it in to chnnge the ministers. T" Edge Hill. Priceville This m cek'a Budget. or New Bread. Hopeville. mu easy to prove, A ten days we will surely ca. tun-l see! Sold by ‘V‘ -. these failing urguna THE DURHAM REVIEW In another column is the Editor's personal an reciution which we give In full: "fa the death of John ll. Mend a pillar has been removed from the foundation of Hudson’s husineu bulwark: that must be Med by name one. or the active life of the village, mil seriou-ly suffer. It is [not enough to an that he did busineuin the town for ' years, but he hu been to thoroughli identified with the proa- perlty of t e whole town that he In. over ready to ”list in my hudnlnlu '.'ly':r.r,',tt. gotten up in the intend: of or... .: _..- --" *LH' . ', He was a public spirited man, al. ways enthusiastic for the general wet. fare of the town and gave: to all worthy enterprises very substantial support. He served repeatedly on the council and school board. He was preaident of the Home Day Associa- tion and worked indefatigably for its success The mantle ot Dr, Rose ers: naturally fell upon him at town.. t anip clerk. The newly organized Men’s Club found in him a very ar- dent, active member. Hie association in lodge and church wan always in- npirmg. because of the ttnt-Init, en- thusiaem. But his public interests did not consume his large hearted. mesa. He was passionately devouted to tie own family and tlraide. Hie beautiful new home. with its com. torus. was the dearest spot on earth to him; and he was an unusually lov. ine and indulgent husband and father.” l The obituary reference contains the Jamming tribute: "There was no better known nor more highly re- spected titizen of Hudson than Mr Mead, who came here a young man Without means except. skilled hands; but who has by industry, economy, Integrity and common sense accumu- lated n. goodly estate. Since our notice of the pausing of this gentleman. a. few weeks ago. we have reen " recent issue of n Hudson. Ohio, paper. which mourns their lost citizen' --a tine cut or whom "petua-- in no ordinary degree. Believunz that many friends of the deceased round his old Egremont home, in Durham and elsewhere will be interested, we append a few extracts trom ltr. paper showing that, Mr Mead had been a man of integrity, of force ofchatacter, and of a genuine ttnselthsh nature. .- --. ..... '" .. the stitch in time." Carried m p or purse. Preveutus us a genuine guard nuaiuul Colds, 260. Sold by Furluue & CO. Muss Kate McDougnll, of Durham, spent. Sunday at her home here. Bob Bunsen, Aberdeen, visited friends around Crawford Sundny. Tureuteuing feyerishucss with child- ‘n-u is quickly Ind safely onlmnd by Prethlcu. Thong lizlle Candy Cowl Cure Tablets would always be " band ---tor promptneus is all-mayoruut. Pre. wmins contain no quinine. oolbmg‘ harsh or sickening. They are Indeed. Mr and Mrs J. S. Wilson. of Lou. ise, accompanied by Miss Milne. spent hm Fruity eveifng It Mr Alex McDonald'a. Mr and Mn T. ll. Hustle Aero,. ed a few ot their friends on Wednes- day eyonmg. Doug. McDonani, accompanied b his mater Miss Annie. open! the wee] and with friends at. Walkerton. Chas. Emke is taking fall tti.itrt.t- age of the sleigning to rush m hll logs as qujokly as possible. Alex McDonald and Andy Ennis aretakiug out timber. The voice of the forest never calls in vain when It comes to Alex. Miss H. C. Hustle, teacher at Pearl Lake, is spending a few weeks at home. Her school is closed It prea- opt been“. of small-pox in the lec- tum. Mrs Christopher and Muster Erie, of Che-lay. spent n In dry: renewing old mquaintmcea in this neighbor hood. 1 James Smith, nocompanied by his sister Miss Nancy, yiaited their sister. Mrs John McDonald, of Aberdeen. William Lunney, our popular and enterprising councillor. has purchased a driver from Mr Peasdale. Mr Lun. ney knows a good horse when he see: one. TORONTO feet. Our township Assessor. W. G. Hustle. is on his rounds " preaent. Will is a hustler sud does not believe in letting the grass grow underlain Mr and Mrs Marshall. of Allan Park, spent a pleasant evening recent- t at the home ot Mr Dugald MeDon. a d. John Lunacy. of Aberdeen, pllud through our town lot weak on " way to the tunemlot " nephew. Bert Lunney. of Elmwood. George Huvio entertained his friends hm week with an oyster unp- per, followed by n dunes. A very lively time u reported. Harold Teasdale has rented Au farm for I term of year: to mum Loner. Min Joni. Hunt, of Durham, spent In: week at her home here. June. McDougnll had the misfor- tune lot week of losing I "liable young home. m bu since purcha- ed another from Juob Nuhn. Mrs Teasdale ha returned home, utter spending a fortnight viliting friends and relative, In the vicinity of Wnlkorton and Cugili. . JOHN G. Mum: Obituary Crawford They are Indeed: Carried P packet genuine eute- Sold by Mac. Auul'r'. rising nuppnst-d to he in foal, mare. 8 ye rs old. general pur- gose horse. 2 row with calves at foot, cows in calf, I Hung furrow cow. 6 alerts rising 3 yea , 2 heifers rising 3 years, 5 steer: risii 2 yezuw. 4 heifers using 2 years. 2 he are: rising 1 year, 4 well-bred Liecesle ewes, 2 Yorkshire; brood son's due Ma h lo. lit pigs av- emglng from 75 t.o 1 lbs., 100 young hnna, Melnue Cream Separator cont, pacily 400. nearly ew, top buggy nearly new, Musey- ' ttis drill, luur her Waggon. good co mg Move mur- 2 new, Daisy chum o 3 nearly new, cable settof heavy amt-us. Single salt of harness. Mas y-Harris Rout. Pulper, good whee nun-ow, forks, chains, and a. number (when articles too numerous to ment n. All must he sold as t e proprietor is going west. I Oanrm St k and Tu, he held on it 70, Cu: west of the ‘nrafmxn Township of B stinck (ll: fawn) on THURSDAY. ARCH commencing at e o'clocl 3 The following Mare, rising nuppm foal, mare. 8 ye rs old. 3059 horse. 2 row with ca cows in cull. I out”: fr News rising 3 yea , 2 hell years, 5 steer: risii 2 yew using 2 years, 2 he are: ris fweli-bred Liecesle eweu. "I ,‘ no“, - -I-UH'I'IISI. Uul on this was unfashionnhle decorum she out it out. Her temperature. how. ever, continuing on the rise. she suf- seated dispensnuz with the Bali-u) robe. On raising the robe, P, volley of thunes and smoke shot out which caused the occupants to stare lcck- jawed with surprise. The clothes of the Dung lady were discovered to he an {lyre and before the blaze could he ”unfinished she was badly burned And a most nude. The young man of course came in for the Name. not only at the hands of the girlyhilt of her father, who exposmlutmi with him. thus l '. When my daughter left home with (on, she wan conquped of tiau, and h and. You have returned her In me A burnt. offering." A scorched Isorrre-htanket, and pieces of hurnl woman’s apparel were relics ot thr conthtgratio'u' which were found In th, cutter when it was: returned to Run- nie'l lively on Sunday night. WHEN LOVE WAC mm-A tiger in the hand. of her beau caused a. Walk. et'ton sweet-heart to get .0 uncomfort- ably hot on Sunday night. that she l almost, went up in minke. The young couple had been to Chesley and Were driving home when the aforesaid beau (“‘0de A lighted cigar on a horse- blen at m the cutter. Love being blind and the Buffalo robe thick they did not see the blaze which was areduelly enveloping the bottom of the cutter. As they drove on they began to feel the climate netting sultry. and the young lady be an to remove her 'furs. She. would lflll', to haveL_jumped irtto. , mow-bank but cilE0n1AucmoN SALE Pound 1reepers--Ironee Tie,rim, same " In: yen. Con 14 a 16--Louu Brown, John Kel- usher, Baht Mchslin. James Jackson, George Tolchnrd. C Com". And. Ire. land. John Schilling. Wm Hudgunu. Con 12 a 18--Jtumsa Pepper, Joseph Honey. George Oink. Conrad Sade!- bmer. Andrew Milnejr" Wm Hamilcou John Shormuu. Con 10 And 11-Juhn Urutadt. Chis Klngua. 8am Duckiun.J:.. Louis Uurun L Supemuult. Joseph Teasdale. Hear) Gander. CouBt9-Wm mo, Adam Phdr, Henry Schwinn. Hem-v Alice, Hermap iUhrdinert, Alex McDonnld. Edward Boyco. Allan McDongull, Donnld Me. Kochnio. 1hyttra7-raeorge Henderson. Wm Behind». Wm Owens, Edwnrd Red- ford,1nin Brown, Geo Homily, Neil McCallmn. Con 4 a 6-Amol Hum. Edwin DU. any, Chu Ziumormm, Funk Schmidt. gouge Mon-"n, Tho. McDonald, Tho- ory. (Jon's a 3 N D B-Joseph Wh'mman. Gnu Kobo, Samuel Hopkins, Philip Schmidt. Wm Hula“, James Hopkins hm» Tutnbnll. Con 2 l 8, 8 D B-Edmud Row/11ml, George Luke, J ohn Wylie, George Wil. Ion, June- Whyte, Jam" Mather... hum McDonald. Durhum Itoa4--John H Bulgaria". Mom Juklin. Bra, linker. Robt Brig. um, Funk Wm. Thou Kennedy. ;‘.Con "8, wa B.-Robert Code“. in, Robert Ledingtmm, Hugh Kiddo]. D. McDonald, Arch McCormick, Arch Willem John McDonald. Duncan Mo- Lun. John Lunacy. David Hopkins. Maxi" Grier-on, Goo Nobu,.w Put]. Wm Voile" Gut-fun BoU--Thog McKnight Juno; Minfhnm, Edward Sampson. Dan Wilkio. ohn Irvin. War Lemon. Donald MoArthut, Jame- Bust, Wm Ritchie. IS! k and Iuiotomeut,, to on it 70, Con, 2, om: milr the ‘nrafmxa Rum] in the a, n .,- . ' " Beatinck Pathmasters '/tinck (rhe uldAldn-d JARCH 4th, 1909, e o'clock sharp. t'l'll'llgu'htii ihttgt, a. Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic ken -_"-_ mv-ww III nu] Ito “I. Illn- 't',t'ii'irditi'.ii 'ii,i;.'ilif5i,ti'?ii,'i'iiii' .. "a tttttBatt. exam u no“, mm WtsmuGEd “Wald-m non-n iGiitii1" "HI-ll" In“ pus-w" '.tmtetrtttitdd o wtttieidiii 1mtrrniddii when add-d to Dun run. te/Pe, .l'rte'0lh'lkt, “use Mons In... M I mu- - a” _77- lhavehundntriod Ind W min.“ I mum! Not: mod, that will 'tmirMiifthq 'liri')ytche,hihiiiiii'iiit', _,'ihlgiiliii',5,5ii' in: ON ll e En. I an new sun], ttlit': Dunn and rawt this deplorable dim. s',r',g,atfg't'ie.rrciiriir,t"i,.9rseintt,,at.,,e DrrrnsuidiTct found the In: trt-dai' a which Dr. shoop'l lineman My no ,hati2f1t'i,i'jtitaiiii,i, Mutton. “to: on '.ueettttty and may mmfirkheummm;hum.uhmm lormly cures :1! enable an. ot this tterittiFi. much amused dim... Thu. Ind-11h maul-r Inga». found te'llrpt).f'ililjiiii7iiiit 'tet"2 in an In an or on may Itttry.u Gwyn“: '1... mm M .-.- ---=_, Rheumatism l If your stock -is Louisey try Inter- national Pheno-Chloro. If your horse is lame try Inter- national Compouad Absorbent. If your horse has Haves try I package of International Heave Cure. Silver Pine Healing Oil will heal a cut or remove a swelling on man or] animal. _ ,,‘__- -..... .. VVII‘H U, I package of Distamper Cure, and you will save money. If you are fattening Cattle or Hogs buy a pail of International Stock HA-) If your horse is low in package of International or a package Internal Powder. Sold by Hutu-nae and Co A great number of farmers that have been in the habit of fattening stock, have discovered that there is nothing like International Stock Food to fatten all kinds of Live Stock. We lately purchased a horse from Mr Wm Vessie and after feeding him one package of International Dia. temper Cure and one package Inter- national Stock Food with his regular food, disposed of him and reaped tkl handsome profit. 1 Ottn's 32:33:33: 32‘ Drug Store $13333," . standard set for this Service h usinm, Th... an. {11311319359993 vouch y, . Live Stock Pre parations Farms For Sale. 'e cheIlan. package rtiieGritiiaiirwTiiii '. Black apparently small in them. selves but important in thu relation to the perfection of our Drug Store. standard in the Drug Bus. ineu. Drugs and Medicine. are either faultless or worthless. Drug Store Standards GUN 'S in iietrh try I ll Stock Food , New Fruit- ( Choice Coulectionary PINSMCOI & Vinegars No. Iran)" and Pure haunt}: ttours Fine Salt Fuller. 1 New p, int; Jriin,i,/,t I See mu 25e and {Mr [H- Floor Oik-lm In Table Oilrl tl, Men's thudig"u Jacke _ ly Lam. Curb-ma. . .25 Cit T Honey-mun “1m! Slum i-. Burk sun-9n U: d, tsk tt I ., FEBRUARY 25. 1909 Largo llxl ~12" I‘M... kette “hl'vurgnq Bed cm/ri/ii/ii in; “I Me Sells Cheap All-wonl Bluhkrh. 3‘5. t A BIG f Druggists f, Book» Ticket Agents fur i Buy Your Tickets MacFARLAMS ik CO. The new tkiicr,rs breath postile-- my a rlg Come and try a {my mu. ple. PNdm Wa n- See the new $4 Cam ra-. taketpd x 4311>ic111res Kodakst Supplies Vio=de=Lc {is Call and Fee Us T. BEAN D Ca K Economy is no disgrace Groceries l _ complete. Moth in every depsrt iadies’ Frilli Cloth 3:10 Our tlt HARDWAR McClatv's IA Stoves & Ran )Odh' Carving Se Razors' Scissors Pocket Kniv senanan Lenahan etc our s Our 1i nd Cutie Agency in Durham to: celebrated Kant Kract Ltutstteranen's Rubber: I) FEBRUARY " l alwat work and I tal The High: tr S J'Ott W il ll Ill JU II HEADQ ducel ll " re, lk' WIN'I ll in;

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