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Durham Review (1897), 25 Feb 1909, p. 6

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m Something like A M of ”no!!! went through the hearts of tho HM Cadwell u they remembered bow my had treated their commit». What In. tho think of them um .11 “My III all at in “clan" and hee "po.itiot_st" I“. M {no [name um non "I a .0 W ot many such wot. “ d and. than. "it fou up wi-e. you will not allIdo to that." replied the woman of the world ."or ire; will know It one It. vu new. t you have "and I" khd. ly. the will repay TOM, ttttd you wlll to “in a footing in the vary in: today. A """.t.?rttittate thing could not luv. "It in a mm! thing for you," said Mrs. Oahu-ll; "you will be quite sqttght after when it henna known that" the Lynn‘ Mud. Lady Florence Wynne, in tidied you." - A "Naa bod our co don, you um,” Intonnpud limit. my. “I 1m tony to lone her." high“! In. Cadre"; "out is the most "liable [M t "or know." " knew she was In arktoemt the first moment I an her," “it! In. God. Witt; "nybody teen-toned to good ood- oty would know that at once.” "An our: daughter!" aid Maria. n she watched them disappear. "Well, I nlnys thought. there In something very Mutin‘uinlml about her." It was with feeling. of envy and won- der that they aw tho Lynne. disappear, taking with them tho wry comp-ion who“ "speetabilit.r they had that morn- ing doubted. “an." of no. but do just n she likes.” “You an very kind," all! My Lynn. "plying ivr her husband. "it Lady Harem you with Ill now. she will return this evening. Am] timorrow-if you will nllow ova" will all upon you Ind arrange for the future." "(.‘nrtu’nly, my lord," maid the poor Indy, who” ideas were all disarm-rt. "I hope Indy Florence will make no “In." of use. but do Just n she likes." “You In very kind," laid Lady Lyn-e. replying tUr her husband. "it “In. t‘ndwell," ah! ha, "this young Indy, I ttmt, in been walla-ding. You nun! “In an to Introduce her A. Indy loam Wyverne. Lady Lynn. and "an." ho continued, "ham bun nook- " all over Rome for her. We hand It. "1 have, and now that w. have {and her, I am nun you will nllow u. to Jttrto,lle her Y the day.” My Lynn. m" moat gruious. 1nd he: smiles bewildered them. Lord Lynne Tit very procuring for a few minute. . at Don. um! t en turned to Mrs, CWO“ my: . polite how. tated ”I, and inttodnced them to out W Id mpodng it. Mrs. God- win want then? the cacao” like n Indy; the We]. won mom. They had "tained tho and cud din of their "Hettee st last: they were Introduced toys yul_ lord and his Indy. __ TUn Indy-Florence brought Lon] and Ltd, Lyn-o up to tho ttuttered and atti. tated. my, pad iatr/tdueed _tltent to I lady hoase. to go out n compul- ion." “It is aboard, indeed.” he replied. dry. ly. "W. nut ulcer that. I will make it ”with! ygu It cafe." - A _ _ "No," at. cried, hastily. "But, Lord Lynn. I all up." Mu wrverne--to to that people. It IOU-ed no “and for "Am l to take the hor into my own hands, 3nd introduce an." t" to um, with I we. "Do not mi Bo, Indy Florenee--rott horrify me," Med Iarrd Lynne. "intro. dhoo 'tLt your Manda, um] I will u- t." a. noted the half-reluctant oxpnuion that - our her two. and all“! u he did no. “You In var-y kind, hdy Lynne," re- plied not”; "but I m "prod. my “no In no longer my own. I wil tok for the day, but I am not quite sure if I m be spared.” “00.0 with u: tor tho day, " but," an“ my Lynn, washing the ”out ho. to " alternately tty, And plucked. I "We an M for h tutu". I am _ stray!“ to part wftét ygu." , “I an tanning coulpaniun to three Indus." mend Florence, with I smile. “W. are staying in the VI. Gregorian.” "You lint go home with us," cried 1411411... "It you only knew how we " "out“ for you'. We will not "Mt', of you "nin." . did you not write to met" aid [and Lynn. "peoaettftttly. "Wu I not you 13M: friend? I cu: hardly for. alum" _ _ _ _ A A After that a you-cu Indy. with I was. fair be. And you“ hair, who: Lord Lynn. introduced u his an", " Mb an", welcomed but 1.»: " kind. ly, w o the look-won '0" petrified with tum-cut. Tho Lrms--the but and loot admin pooplo in Ron. --l we" tg,"":,',,',', in upturn " muting will t ir companion! -ealtittg her My Hon-ct, too! What could it meant HR. l M of lightning tho "concede: " tho magnificent (inn run through M5 mind. What It, that all, I 0; w.rqrtsutahen,asnd we deophod compan- ion proved to he s "lady" Instead of an “Vanna! They hum! every word of _ tboyojue. l Then . “than. lady, with an sir of duty, cuppa! low-rd, Ind 2tttt no you; girl In her "an, “and h wally, uttering, in u sweet, muted web, the kindest. of greetings. can, I uruinot u on my do!“ at unit. you " C,11,1. mad - "P. eare.d Pf. to.rytd ”"53. "my Flaunt!" "M ttfe an... "adrr.it and Mrs. Godwin in on. Month and in on key. while Mu. “than no: tot. d!-_yod to ovals. - "Nor" wind tho thu India, with was“ the I pa " the dash]. "ru, an coma-3’0 In!" cud Mn. Mia I- put. "edt-at. "What an it It. t" Wood» no {ugh to de ict the m- ph, the thing.“ “Matron and not- tituation at b t-ttlod panama they can Lord Lyn-n, with s bat-1n. In. All and“! mumr, but": to the amp-alo- and clay her had in N: on, Prue, n " did no, 'uegr. t'lorr know "0. an; certainly,” an” poor Mn can“, with the no" an“. of nuts, and without :5. Ian notin- of his! In. Win “In. "My, that in strap!” odd Mn. Haida, with l nib. "trre" of - you "Iv-her the old t'.t.TI'i, Then an the Lynn! on: t to. In: tht hm Itch, when, that tine shrub grow. " Oh. not lovely? Why. an, In. deI, the In crossing an. 'hTiirttd ho Xnoi. lui" smiling and excl ed. Do yum “Do th- Lym .0 out noel into ... dotyf” aha Julia. Mot " yuan," "plied Mm. God. win. "ud, Lynn. to in deheato In“; Laid-u, you but, they 3:. no very “than" any hind in tho h " ... .. a... n... "* mm... huh h has. to; weak! km. 'Nir are the are do I. e"tne, you under a...) " ‘m: no you gluing?" asked Lord HIS LtyitDstttp's ""'"I All that ch thy hum upon the “Mandi-o, 'ihiii'i?. tho moot. hw- h m in: an and “an n. Not one mud . o d at. my to than of the unpleasant.- l 'l.' ries of her punt lite. Slur upoko of i'li1'i r the con-kn: Mada.- of Mm. Oahu“, Law" odd but mm of her aughum. filmy would my: Mar of my return to 1.; Z t.baat Wr. sm1Utt ter. +strt. My Mer husband in never Inn of her. m found relief in the “varying sweet- nou of Agatha. Lynne, ad the Might. chum)! units-hot my Home. Tho two , I won I: "tnaked to 'dl'"h'h','ld "animal in an! thh--ahe van hit. but in Lord Lynne could not quite under- stand his wife. He was proud of her, and fond of her; but he wondered why she to frequently seemed to lose all with and strength, why thou hidden and mysterious tis of illness and her, why at timo- oho was her own brim-at, bright no", Ind will no and and spirit- lul that he hardly knew her. m Wu - eeruieg of her; it he luv her in the Darling Ind felt 40qu beam uh. mud bright and happy,in a lewhoun than“ the would be In}. and aunt. Yet no we.“ over who" to but her "It.' an Iran!) " did In. Lrmre., Alas! the we. too sanguine; us well hove to divert p. tiger from its helpless prey, u expect Count Rinaldo to re- linquish any plans he had once formed. She had not quite regained her old spirits and brillitutey; and there Were time. when her cheek wu pale Ind her eye! were dim; but as days wood on and no news came of the man who tor- tured her, the begun to take courage. The danger was not meant, end IM (and it less, They had now been three weeks in Rome, Ind Lady Lynne wu twinning to rewver her upiritu, nothing wing been heard of Rio-mo. "He will see," she aid to herself, "that than u no chance for him, and he will be satisfied to leave us Alone.” I Lady Florence admired the suporb ”Ill“, of Iasdy Lynne. She tmderntood row much the graceful, dignified Ana. luliln loved her hut-slum. Lord Lynne was kind and courteous to her, u to every one, and she was wonderfully hoppy in that new home where every loving me and attention Wu hushed upon her. A correspondence was opened with the Earl of \Vyverne. Lord Lynn. refund to listen to any ”nutrient Flor. once brought forward, and declared she must be guided by common sense, not: pride, and that her {miner‘s doughterl should receive a suitable provision from| her fsther’s estate. I Both Atpthn and Lady Lynne had the kindest uffection for the beautiful young [kl who seemed to have no friends. She w“ happy with them; but Ihe never felt quite at home with Lord Lynne. She had not forgotten those few days at Sovarnoke Cutie. when he had nomad to can so and: ttbout her. l "I col-elder myself her rdian," he lcondnued. "t We. her 'MX intimate {hit-ad; and Ledy Lynne whim» her to fluke her home with us at present. Some nrruhgementn will be entered into with the lyre-cut Earl of Wrrerne, who to bound to allow Lady Florence an in. come from the estate. If you can thui some one " substitute for her. Mrs. cum, you will can!" . Feat favor upon my Lynne and "use I." "I "nHois," returned the lady, "a more fortunate thing never happened to ”you." “You must not think," said Lord Lynn, with the kind courtesy that ever Immunities! him, "that we intend to deprive you altogether of Lady Flor. ence's Iocioty. I hope you will some- time. call " the Pal-no tliorni. We shall be happy to see you." It wu n triumph to be nble to tell Mm. Godwin that they were invited to visit lady Lyme. Lord Lynne explained as much a. he thought Proper of the circumstances that had canned Lady Flurenm to act u do Md don. The day {allowing Lord and Indy Lynn. called upon n. "dwell. Thy Hula knew the pnpanuonl “at had boon and. for that event-how mm, draw the girls had tried on; how the union had been Htanged; how the tsard.bnaktrt “1| wooded ot all obnoxi- ous and commonplace lumen. Ind the Hots. Mrs. Godwin’a cud placed when it wu sun to Attract attention. Mn. Godwin '." homo very plain hint. that the comidcrod the ought to be - M. the intorview; but Mrs. than“ dhcnuly ramped to undenuud It m “6mm My much Julia and Maria lound to pniu and admin in the young ef, they but previously disliked. The W le waning wad spent m dis. cuuin the warning} adventure. Tho T,t'df of the pretty menu-d billet, with I won“ upon the envelupo, won but another charm. anid Mt, AM “a " to hear her hui.' bud and slow strongly prohibit any Inch Inc-nun. A polite note mu ture tore written and (la-patched to Mrs. Cadwell, who had not expected to m as? In. companion min. will. no can“ not IIAVOI‘. lad W2", #5. P‘“?".“'."" 'lll;lr,, Lid?, in "er, bat gin rtnud."ufiU Lord Lynn. looked; and than, to Na wile'a turbo, cried Out, “has, that u Lady Fianna Wynne. I an truly thunklul. Lu no go on: to bar " onus." m'y paw. What a this): am. would Put I an" aw n more esquuita when lady Lynn. 1srud, “Hump, Took! than k I Mun! Do you no. that. boul- tiful, sol-1mm (can. girl Inning “an: 950ng qtoneqt It I had by; tttttt Mutton at tho (:th ol and arch” und corridor! ont- (mu with “who and gm: 1'lltt tttren lady_Lym aid, " iiip, kr, Ono no? Apt}: mud I l to the tate,! Sh no lowing no iF. my_w9nt,_ Ind way p} 'M to do“ hat, LriudrLiirdir" at" dumping}. .. _ (on to Rome. - - In“ and an more A. and: inter- ned in “hm her no tho you. load than". A. soon " my Lynn. had some!!!“ "sound from the and" wakncu tut pro-tutu: her, they went out "or rm the differ. ont Pure of We“ mummy, Ranging cm I the a. u one. ti,'i'ftsir:e,,?it'lliiyit m. It v“, too, the W. a hot spot when "Mart Rinaldo would tkink of loan“ "" than. Not on. word had Lord Lyn- - of their bunny; no one know “an ho had you. At Paris he td m ho thought Rom. would be I to“ pine. for he: to heat in, Ind qtse use-cod duo-mu in his duhion. at: but o (not chm for Agatha Lynne. The d., balm. h tuned, Lord 1gsutr, who nud- coutoat Inquirlu chem. Lady Florence, heard thit Mte Podgon'fm'th loam {mu-yum»; 1.arrdamd_uit-dtte- lure M- in 3m Mes w a 'lMArTERXxIx, duper u of the In Min. Lym "spun-lo: of n more BU had I capability and aural “Good 1 pound I from his in to IL visit Nf I an {on it in " in vain," the replied, “th "Bths loves some one, else, ad that hp: Imr is here in Rome; what mu Loupr " dot' l "Be Rumble, Inez,” he said, mote may “and you will have nothing to fear. 'r can not wait long in wtpome. Thin very waning you nut begin the We!!! I w- w. you lo w "Then, In reality, my fnte ties in my lister’l words, not yours," she replied. "If the “up" you, I an and; it Ae, relau- you, 1 am lost. 60 be it. I Would nth" take death from her hind: thin life from loan.” There w“ . an.” pathos in her tone ttpt, might utt ugved__n Aeart pl iron. "I qhtrll not repeat all I said before," he continued. “I never ehtutge-ttty pur- posa is inflexible. I am here to runny your sister, by your help and aid. Unlus you give that to me, and use your influ- ence to Inch good Purpose u to persuade her to tempt me, I shall tell I“ I know to Lord Lynn, an! chin you and your fortune {row him." "You thought yuu had cue-pod me," “id the count, " soon as they were Alone. "Bow foolish Ind blind you are, my Indy! You cannot fly ‘ron your fate" "80 I begin to perceive," she replied coldly. She might drend the danger, but (no to he. with it, Lady Lynne mu no coward. Lady Fiorente hastened to comply with her wish, and then Inez found Ilene]! nlone with her enemy. "h'lorenee," Illa then continued. gently, "Lord Lynne and Agatha are over there on that lune tenure. Will you be kind enough to to" them that the Count Montaitl is here. I am so tired, I can [a no further." in of My 'Lynee complied with hi: wish with}: very 71117.net" "it will be so for my friend," he laid, Ineeringly; "but I am forgetting. My Lynne. I must. ask fur an introduction to your companion. whose face seem! strangely familiar to mr." "How unpleasant!" um Lady Lynne, coldly, seeing that ho stopped and unit- “I, lser rew- "I only arrived this morning," he ro- plied. "I left London hurriedly and on important business. I found that I friend, in whom I had placed great re- liance. had deceived me, and played me false." ' There was a dark frown upon the couut’l face. but it vanished when he "w that Inez was not alone. He bowed most courteously. "I In 'egg to find you, Lady Lynne," he aid. " our servants, when I culled, directed me to the villa.” "How long have you been in Romet" the asked. With il desperate etTort Inez recovered herself. "I am faint and tired," she replied; "do not say anything, Florence, nut one word. It distresaes Lord Lynne and Agatha. See," she continued, carelessly, as . gentleman sauntered slowly down the path, "hera is one of my husband's Iriendl, the Count Rinaldo Montaltl." -"DUr Lady and, "are you I ttll/utr/rms “That would he Impossible," she re- plied; and then she sprung to hoor feet in terrified astonishment. " A change, almost ghastly, had come over the face oi Lady Lynne. Her eyes grew dim and full of horror; her white lips parted and quivered. "Dear Lady Lynne," cried the young trirl,.."are you ill?" What is it.' Shall "My but wish " yml, Florence," she said, “In that you may he happier than l am," Florence did not detect of the ltutpth In whkh her tlultred. They laughed at what they called her indolence. and then went away. Indy Florence begged that she might remain with Lady Lynne, Inez uni tithe feet of the statue. and Florence gazed Idmiringly at her beauti- fulernilittg face. "How Inihpy you an. l, think no one In the world you." aid Florence. "I am tired," said Lady Lynne, wlth a smlle. "It you will pom-It in going over those terraces “gain. Agatha, take Philip with you. 1 will rest here, at the foot of thin sumo. You will know where to find me." All day they lingered in the gar admiring the relies of untiqulty greeted the eye It every turn: the terrscel and the beautiful views trom thm. It wu n bright, cloudleu day, such " on. only noel in Italy; the sky wu blue, the sun bright, And the gardens we" perfection. My Florence lingered, like on. iminated. by the lid) of Inez. she had never seen her look no landowne- und no bright. There were numerous stung." in the autism. and many were the ndmiring “have: that followed the beautiful Andalunlnn. She had thrown off her troubles and cares, and given have]! up to the charm of the any. Her husband looked at her in tuimiration,her glowing beauty, gay spirits, and musical luugh, all seeming to have a new and, more potent inulnntlon for him. They) wen " happy as children. No one could have gunned that over one among them than hung the Mencken: rloml and the moat bitter Borrow. tto Lord Lynne left orders with " unaut- that if any friends camo front England, they Inn to be told Lord and lady Lynne were at the P-mlm Dori; Tio, And lakes) to follow them there. "There in no certain time fixed," uld Lord Lynne. "Whenever we go out we must leave word " to our ,rhsreabouta, and they will follow All." "They are like “inland, Inn,” In aid; “you will be charmed with that. \Tha out: and - the. met overhead, And form bountiful green Inlet, dam! which you any walk, lost in dreamt. The rippling fountain. and the muniti- eont unluc- Ind am In lull hidden in the luxuriant foliage. Would you like ter; go there?" _"Abore all thinga," replied Lady Lynne. "But when Are the Leigh- coming!" Lord Lynne proposed that they should viii: that day the Mutual palm of the man Doria Villa. Her spirits to“ ttfi' would be happy, There wu radon in the pre- rm, and n pro-poet of relief In the uture. "if that only happen," laid Lady Lynn. to herself, "i In and. It Altnn can“. and they are engaged, Rinald: would no it was of no an to torture mg, and I would be left in we?“ With I rapid [knee Inez noticed the fhmh that Tard her sister's (ace when the beard mm. She did love Allan, than, and that was the "non Ibo and nothing cit or for Lord Hitt- ing”: or Count Rinaldo. has." brtttbtennrtdheeufro6a door: and not. plan hu. " - of tin can: m an 'tngaeteiiired In. Lyn-e. the do“ tr tho nah. expo-slo- of k blight tut. Sh. In tit l'r, 2tt1tt2,%tt,','A'teet not. not. , caper capability of loving; III. VII In. patient and amiable. “Good Iowa," aid Lord Lynne, " he panned u long and closely-written letter from his mother; “the Leigh. ll’e com. in. to Rome. They has our address, nn_d___w_ill all first upon us." 3 on a, ox dot" 4'li to ma.) CHAPTER xxx an. Lady Lynne! " so happy as ihe bitterness: companion in. Jht gardens, that long "on "It's always the bold Ind tackle” "dunner who is drowned," observed It" Wise Guy. "Yes, eipeciully in the "tt of matrimony," added the Simple Mug. Teseh--Now, Willie, how many months have was“? Willie Wise-All of them. RAW FURS mHIDES Wm. hr Woolly Polo. um. summoni- swam. JOHN HALI‘AM . TORONTO, ONT. - , Stt tl"ettirtttton, D. c. and Rattan. via Philadelphia. Prom Suspension Bridge, Friday, February link, via Lehigh anley B. R. Tickets good ten days. Particulars, 64 King street east, Toronto, Ont. “What. am- you looking at, boy.' I. there anything funny about met" "Not. yet," replied the boy; "bat than“ be a whole circus full of tan when you get up. Them bench“ has just been painted."~-’l‘it-Biu. After n while he began to be tut. noyed by a small boy, “he persisted in staring at him himdily, At last the man demanded sharply: lento-l himself upon n Much in one ot the public Squares. drew forth a new.. paper from his pocket, and was soon absorbed in reading. Wm. onto-pie. our. oiiirt 'tre'" " Eat. To n the only Gasoline Engine that you an try More you buy. I know what the ”Chm- nlon" will do. and 1 unit. you to In full} "tutlesl with it before you pay tor lt. Tho price In low. Full particulars tree. William Wuesi, is ma. {PM inr---rrom the Logan Democrat 'tLfijr"d'iihNftrttytrti lt'n a matter ot coure we have all done things we should not have done and un undone thing: we should hue done, but nevertheleu' that does not {:11th I minister of the (impel to pm in neighbors Ind not speak to them. Daniel Manon in sick at this writing. Uncle Tom Steele went to Logan lint. Thursday for the first time in twelve months. Uncle says that Logan looks more like New York every day. William Wuest, is better at this writ. T. c.. got. down to business and don't keep the fair use: in alt-pens: any long/or. The only thing A lay man on: do succeufully is nothing. "dual-om" V l N "-iltmtattmtttmrtmmatshottt ' thm-rrhaotuuuaruoensusa. wa m. (‘hafiu an}: mu Rootdo Hall wore fut. walking but» Sunday. Look out, J.UL, for . Backup from I couple of girln. They say they are - ing _to lend you _ ptvir of cox ! (Jive mm! peoplé their pick and they wig pick ly" _ every lime. Who In it that went {inking Sandi! night_nnd tusryt tt string of much”? In the West Virginia Mountains. Hello, deer renders, here comen little Chatterbox stein; hope the is welcome. Courting seem to be all the go this week. tijbbi?'s “SILENT " ti, MATCHES (t For an no», throu, lungs And bran. chial tub”, Gammon“ is unrivalled. Try it ,otpraelt9oth plenum. and Mlle. Two months’ treatment guaranteed to cure; who .1; medium size, 60 cents; small trial ll", M cents, It all deithsra, or N. C. Poison a Co., Hartford, Conn., U. S. A, and Kingston, Ont. Whiting for the Last Act, Not long ago a portly gentleman 9tttt rgvomfié’ Rollmo no Dunn-Provonu 3nd Oun- Qulolxly. "I inhaled Cau'n'hozono ten miiutes every hour, and by the time two bottle- were used I van entirely cured. i am as free now trom “than u If I never had it. My perteet recovery In due en- ther to Csturhozone. 1 prize my Cat. nrrhozoue inhaler next to life itself." "I am now in my eighth“ ear, and eannot recall the time when I’m" free from the asthma. I had always a shocking cough, feverishnus, spa-ms, ditfieulty in breathing, heathen and nausea. My druggisl advised Clank- olono one day, and I bought A largo outttt. It gave relief in tire minuten, trnd helped me very much in one der. Mr. Fannie! given the (allowing ttttf- ment of her one for the be.eitt of out. era who are sunning from asthma, aunt hopes that man will follow her example and use 'd/tr/IU,'?,',',.'. In. In“. " W I.... 8‘0”! " tur LI. ”can“. met Wu 90M Gun! II TORONTO PM. ASTHMA Caiarrlnmae Comet It mun give nth- faction or you don't pay {or it, SOLD ON TRIAL GAS and GASOLINE ENGINES macaw...» Toronto 1S.1,"ft5,yfie' 'r'jjiiiili'i' "I'm going to be a lawyer when Tgrow up," laid Wnlter. "I'm not,” said Jimmy; 'Mn going to keep a candy store, and be rich enough to at it all up myself." murund--How did you dUeover that, "v.t',..t', W-Why, I peoped into Four cheque book this morning and saw you had only mu cheque left !--New York Herald. Wife-t had it in mind to uk you for a new gown, dear, but I no you can’t afford it. The judge laid a hand on " friend'- shoulder and said. "My dear fellow, in there Anything 1 can do to make you comfortable fr"' . "You," In the grim reply. "overrule “all motion!" --Brooklrti Life. Mlnlrd'n Llnlmont Cum Goldy A well-known New York judge invited . friend of his, I llwyer from Boston, to go for a Ihort trip on his yacht. A storm rune up and the boat began to roll nnd toss in a manner which the B... tttt_U1rrtr did not relish. I Owing to the low level of the interior [and the excessive rainfallu, huge arena 1 no merely pent bogs, and one such Iran, 1 the bog of Allen, in King's County 5nd [County Kildare, is over 200,000 new. Vin extent. The Worst bog slide of re- lcent you: happened during boxing night, 1896. when the Knoclmmehn 11,03, in county Kerry, gave way and sweeping everything before it carried ’away a cottage and a family of eight ”lemon. some of “hose bodies were " ', terward found in the Lower Lake at Kil- , llruey.-l"rom thtdvtrstmittster GuettA. _ Are you discouraged? In your'doclor'l bill a heavy tlnatrciat load? is your pain a. heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women-I have been 1"g,1'y."ui"c. too; but [canned how to cure myself. want to 'g2"iutg, bur- dens. Pa not end the pain an stop the ductor’n b ll? I can do this tor you and H it you will assist me. ii rlll neod do is to write for a. free box " the remedy which ha. been placed in my hand: to be given away]. Perhaps this one box will cure La-i',.' as done no for others. If M, I “all be happy tad you will be cured for Se (the coat of a postage stamp. Your letters held conti- demially. Wr te to-dm' for mv free treat- ment. MRS. F. E CURRAII. Windsor, Ont. The bog slide in county (lalway. which beginning “but heavy rain. on Sundny has already overwhelmed the Vin-go of Kilmore and threatens dinner to I whole couptryuide, is unfortunately not . new experience for the sister isle. - owwooooooovooo¢o . . ' " A-Woman’s Sympathy l I I A that, new. an!“ M 1eget in Caulk" by Mr. J. B. no". .8.A..h-hnlniaaned5!w 'M Stock Bunch at Ottawa. It. thtahnnpthttuk‘m practically all the My”? that can- no“ the sheep rain" " . toning":- xineo be my dwell. Afton detailing the ideal mutton than he - I brief, tlmngh comprehend", biliary and dea- rription of eleven of the mnlu' breeds. Next he cavern in a practical Wa_ the ee‘abliabing of a cog-wield breeding flock. Mutton production an a highly upedaliud indn, xx. y dealt with by reviewing the methods in vogue in Great Britain. Nor does the treat.- ment of the "tet stop when the f'."." mal in {attend tor it is followed right through the butchering and curing pro- oeuea until the joint u ready 't.thr, cook. Then come aeolian on handlmgd dippin', wethering. (code and feeding, homing. weed deattoyin', enemies. etc.. l each abject exhaustively treated accord- in to the practice of the moat unoccu- 'df shepherds. A. a practical home doctor book for the flockmuter this work will undoubtedly become a helpful atnndby. A review of the wool indus- try concludes the text of the work of more than Pas pagan of reading mat- ter, illustrated by some sixty beautiful plate illustrations printed in aepia and a number of line drawings. This attrac- tive, comprehensive and practical “Bul- letin, No. pg of the Live Stock Branch" in ready fur free distribution to all than interested in the sheep or ita products who care to apply for it to J. 0. Ruth. "lord, Live Stock Commiasioner. ot. tawa. mmowounmmvooo Not Wlthin His Jurlsdiction Atubttglhsluti.utsedbrthe. Mrs. T. Osborn, Norton Milli, Yt., an)": “I lsave tro henna.- tiou in saying um llnby'u Own Tablets saved my Gaby's life and I cannot say enough In praise of thin medicine. He was no weak and sickly that he took no notice ot nuybnmg, and oried so much that. I warn worn out caring (or him. After giv- lng him the Tablets there wan a great change, and he " now tt bright-eyed, laughing baby, the pride of our house." Baby's Own 'l‘u-hlrta euro all stomach and bowel tronlplu, break up mills, destroy worm: and keep little ones healthy and happy. Sold by medicine dealers or by malt at 25 cents a box. from the Mr. Williams' Medicine t'n.. Bruck- ville, Ont. Ireland's Unstable Bog Land Plans for the Future. SAVED IAIY'S LIFE. True Deduction . ate. tmeiterl? . ,4 The tttaber of telephone. in tho who]. world il estimated " 9500M, of “to. 7,000,000 are laid to he in an in Anni- ca, Ind 2,000,!!!) in Europe. The ' try at statistician in lo put that will some on will turn his Jautt to tie number of 'tttly “an“ nude to the you. in " the u- m in I nu its Lon“- don. One night our foreman he (“I " And takes In. of! the herd, And let- I new had try my lar--. He nun; just like a bird-d. At " o'clock I steer gum. “Woof!" And how that than“ “would! I'll bet they wouldn't stirred I hoof It they'd been Old Black Joya. --Arthur Chap-an in the Donn!- M “can. Them’l nothin' tiiikriiiiG tears III.- L_!_' All I n - - D Mlnurd'u Llnlmont isa. ,,__- - UV‘I‘, I." en with the context, WON"! that c m ha- uny 'fght to “chucks" his Wife. tn sentencing Blythe ”nanny we Juk- mado the point quite plain. “It cannot be too well known and mogul-d," he said, "that our law give. l man no tttttm right to mike hi. who than to mm any other woman." It is worth recording ttat mum. in Judge Riddell'a chug: to the Jury tn the Blythe wile murder one could, tak. en with the 4yottteRe man-o n.-. - --- "Oh, I don't know," he mooted, " he extruded an obese billbook from an in. tide pocket and displayed 5 number of $1,000 hills, “I'm not In short." Thereupon the unwary maid tried to fall upon his neck, but he gracefully side. Ite'pped and uh. tell to the floor In I ftcuti.-Ahieago News. lle I'll supposed to be I poor but otherwise honest young mu, while she was _t1pttittedl, a thing of bounty. "Will you mrry me t" he “lied. "No," she answered. "You Are very short," he muttered. "Ditto," she replied. "That's why there in nothing dong in the mama-1m line." here's nothin' nigh Like bein' Oldqlihck - nun we VIII I“ pm" I bl premium 1m. Inn-mu- I ii!!,, tltiRt"a Bustier" 'dlt Itll, e a c n. “I GUI!" toy BUPtbrtto, "I would lay that I do not. know of . medicine that has Mood the hat of an. hke MINARDB LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing randy in our home- hold ever time I on mum, and has outlived dozens of would-ho who“ and imitators." FREE paper in the Kin-Mm. iGiiiid in writ- ing to u- M: gan to talk of .otndtirinGri; PALTERING WITH THE ETERNAL YERI'I‘II'B. The uncle from the west took his lit- tle Boston anyhow on In. km. "Wadsworth," he laid, “on. there was ttatuttt----" Minard's Llnlmoétr bum Diphtheria. " In In effort to "ruese the nine of John Erica-on by that of Theodore It. Timby " the inventor of the tucking turret of the Monitor. the Pttriotic League of the Revolution in dreaming a petition for oignum. Thin will be presented to Congreu aqua-ting that a commission of Innv and any nun be appointed to usvmtlirate" Mr. 'l‘inby'u claim. The purpose of the union, re- work. the New York Herold, in aid to be that the hutonu. of the league in” have the “action of official author- itv. The _pulrlinher of The World's “layman. which Can't Beat Your ww. (Toronto aloha.) Doubt. Erictuns lnvontlon ,mshhiagttetreKthetdtra.. yet win-outwa- manic-um watt Minna-mun lanthanum-to. aowaauou DIAMOND com CHILL RING Hef Fatal Error, JUST THINK, Ram: M's“ PM tn um. tor, min! 0010er '/iiiii GTfi - tn m. tilli,it)',',li1ii),t J..". rat-95-99" u. It2 21-2 can t I leu has II 111mm,- arme- up but Jim's Dhumpor. the-at the lion were to break on“ which would you save first, the clan- _ than or no? Mi-Me. “land's Llntmznt Cum Guru! In Cold.“ city In tho World. Yokutsk. in Eutern Siberia, in said to be the count city in the world. It in tho [not commercial emporium of Elan Sim, and the eapital of tho Provinc- e! Yokuhky. which in most of it. no. of 1,517,063 square miles in I bore desert, the soil of which u from: to I [not depth. Ylltutoky consist: of shout four hundred houses of European Itmtm, landing quart. The interven- III M In occupied by winter yoorts or but: of the northern nomads, with on“. roots. The doors are covered with“? hides and the window: on o . at"! Laid Watch . __ - ”M- --.... N... “no proprietor of the chop, him-on a mm follow, said In lnsWer to I -tiost from the old man, "Oh, I'll trio. you that.' "The old man. who in hard of hearing. at . hand to hits ear, as though In hid t fautlr caught the butcher's reply 'Can't you take 'orrtething off that?' b, asked, queruloudy. “The dealer took pity on him. “You: mid he; Git it 10 cents! “Whenupon the old nun went "my With the comfortable unto of having driven I good lsatitt."---Hamri" Monthly. " Mun. nun, notorious fur " 'near lieu.” my. I New Englander, "on. by went into . meat uhap in Portland and Wired the prim of a ccrluiu ”up bone. If you tuner from Mug, tubing, blind or protruding Pilot, and me your um... ad I will teil you how to our. yourself at home by the new unorpuou treatment; and will Alto and Dome of am home tmtment free for mu, with retention from your own Joanily if "queued. lambda“ relief and per mmsnt cure natured. Send no money. but tell others of this offer. Write to. dny to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. 9, Windsor, Ont. FILES 1llllEll if HUME ll? " tlNlfPTllllt gtrllllll Great. wan (h. disappointment, there fore, when he reptied, "Thu is the u- Ict point " which an e9eriertord speaker sit. down," which be inund- ingty ttia-Mudge. - N At the Zoological Ono-dons. "Do yo" really wish me to tfo uni" Mr. Slaw naked. Re w" unworod by renew-d clit-ride and more than“ at “Go on." A Barnard Shaw Job. After addressing In Edinburgh meet. ing for ninety minutes, Remand Shaw remarked that the time was a quarter to 10, And he had intended to [Am-h It 9 o'cloek. He did not been: in the lean fatigued; the audience mu aim quite freak, lld when the Iprlkcr “an ubouc to sit down, loud mien of "Go on" Mr“: “ind on all sides. = uoouln of In: sei0areHriirtei// - tor no“ Mather and Otter, Yum. leo" lung. on. Tvsltmor you summmmxo ON STOCK nu FOB "NY-A FINE STOCK lam or tr.5 aura. tive all” harm at London. on Proof Lin road; grand opporaun‘ " tor right only. Enttturo War. strum. Ann P. 0.. on. w: WANT alumna: woman, ALI. our Cu“: " tort (or u during their - hours. mun; our mu pm. Mum. Tone: Hummus. To". Colm- an. 'fe “urban nuts-In. Work plan. All and aiitiGiiitvi. "i'G"iiortirisiLGiriiu 0... Tan” Amuo. Tomb. I'm-u. TePeee m. l nu. m» an to m " 'Mlmlc ram, New“ Intu- than t route a! mum cut- -. Aural Trier, land“. Uar. Hm hggo’pai‘liiihfal’ W. In. "ter.ttoo-agerct' Bunk. " alumna - properly “and Ink. faht arm with pun" 1.1:».th um Alum YiiiittiiiUg Warm: 8460.00 CASH ISSUE NO. 8, 1809 Ho Was Satisfied FAttiTiFiikTii." LAND WANTED. "" WAIT”. roi sift. PAID FOR ' has: a thut ii Gicaget M pd Lodging House. 8311qu, K. Y., I hwy", “lira-en you: any from injuric-r m. amidst but night 1 to out" on the pl-y hill and his sled "rite “I broken, chest l'l veived intern-l injurim A “(III from He "Al the malt of a at W last night dude-h in Alfred l' tlt Pi,',"'.",'.".';;'.,', c. . in a with-all m 'are bob-dud "ttt c (thigh. Fclr. 22 IMUM l I at Denver, hintlu-n ol ilr, " _ I the tuw York Cemttul. Lu In teight in the Chicago "1|qu _ trr It... at one of the husebts 1.x .. u in " h! city to 0.42“,th or. ‘w lodging. il" math tl you“ bet. toga inode kill-I o.' ' for her P""i .1. I. 2ttt Ion human“ new” in Gian.» thats tlwo "AGU. in . '- " to Ws “I k "If 1'ii",'ti'i,iiEi . hi lib . “I I? of u .1“. out White 'ver - I. the “I. d (to put I in pi In I"! the W and . tui- h one to. it. indigut and M soldier- ”taunt, up: It... '50 incur iii-01$ in. the l' pun. - Ilu- Emmimmu rm t.otttrt of th ”out, lunimulm llu- Mavkc-um Mil-m had mu lore Mr. Etc-lax "ppettrvd anon [mum in tlw h your Poiht In Mr. t4tetatw" 'sqttt left New l I year and a the Emmiumu Boy riding down or (he foot d W Iii" Prof trot " the him] an river, throwing lb 210.. nun-mu. of pm. trttrvtor u " Mutual Mi gnu-y Ill " l'fh'l'nbm-H l tire rem-m d 'ttit. Alum-d tt1tottt “Ilka lo tl: kim. "tmes. " In In"!!! him-nu any ‘muiutiuu “in was. couch-n -imtioes how“ wry, Ute pro-tl Govt-mm! [on arugula-{ion “u prawn. Inuit-rut will, and desi Mrmmrluuth-d r 1':an a plum te aim Grand Dulu- G'tatttd "ukv It, tR. PM: “(My of a A'ataperor I gnu-y in I in 'ttttttjoe: n lllv alocttt- a “a Vladimir Wu to the Cat's Place. The MINI" iluliritll oftic rm‘ding to ll "ttrover) in The "it Died Suddeiy IbthtuE-dtolt. h PHILANTHROPI‘ COULDN’ f STEEE IIIIC FROZEN IN ICE lire Mud While Coasting University Mel Hurt. Mdt‘lll EMPEROR N OCH OLAS TMt w to En. log-tyinRuuiu. Schooner Fast Near Burrow, Mash. ETHRON THE tlt " taltr

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