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Durham Review (1897), 25 Feb 1909, p. 7

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'ED. If lit “HUM u Warrants NT, ”as main, ' P9“! :.h.)....r.3 ASH iii“: Ity Go. Itch rm get In " I. III. le,titt 0d. " "T" “I "red. Prof-or C. L. Hark in itt a hwpital in a "ritical mmlition. The men took a Imb-slml nut on a hill and were riding down on the muw "mt. At the root ot the hill Proiensor 1 lurk lost Coll- trol of the sled and it plunged into a river, Hunting the men again“ “I. “one uhutmoms of a bridr." Symcuac, N. Y., Fob. 22.--Mntth" Dwyer, thirteen years of Me, died tm day from injurim rm rived in a coasting accident. but. night. The lad was unable to ate-or on the glassy amino of I steep lull and his arleel gtrttctg a use. HU nm was broken. choir. crushed and he re- tt'tvrd internal injuries. A ‘lnputch from Home" "As the result ot N was at Alfred but night six , pludentn in Alfred l'livu {Ln-d. Prolnumr C.' I. 1 Eta] in a eritieat romliti too a bub-sled nut on I ”Hung“. Fri». S..'. lulwin A. Brown, of Denver, brother of the President rt the New York Central, his spent a night in the Chicago ninicipd Mung bore, no one of the leader- of n ”we. - in " home city to out.“ - m “as”: lodging. lie undo the n- pori-on here to gain in“. kin-lilo ho cl what Chieago does for her poor. In say. I. I. found not. "-itnrict Inc-M in Chicago this that a in m. Passes a Night in Cheap Munici- pol Lodging “use. yr Olga. in eommand of Captain William 3togg, wlm left Port Townsend, Wuh- inmun. in June. 1907. on a whirling trip Ihrormh "nexplored regions of the Arc. tie. Mr. ts'teiateon writes, mule-r date "I Neptember 23, I908, tbat Captain Mogg and hiu ('rrw are mate, but that In will have to abandon hi1 ship. which is 'roBen in the ice three mile, all llulkett, new Point Barrow, Mann. Mr. Htelanysun and Dr. ll. M. And"- non left New York in April last to spend Boy Killed While Gaatirw-6ix University Mel Hunt. about to b,. "" Duke suddenly to the proievt. With; Schooner Fast Near Point Barrow, Allah. The unthmity tor the July is a high judicial "Hit-int of St. l'a-tvrslurg. Ae. mnting to this individual the “hit wan mmwrrnl in connection with the revel, utimin rum-twining tltr Azet and Lop“- kim. comes. While investigating the re- lation betwven Arc-l nmt'thc traction. my orgauiaatiomq, Axel, who is the Ian him Win "omlemned to death by the or. xntuir.otion tm-aum- of his imaged train-h- "ry. the promeetttirtg department of the Ham-mm-ut found illdimltinns that the organization mu cii-mtisliml with the pro-writ "touorate policy of thr Iain-m- Inc-m, and iii-airing to slilmtitute u m qua mir Alexandr Ttse an“. judicial um rattling to t "Munro-d r, Ilium tNMte m. Peter-burg, Pet Mary "I I n-aclimm limp-rm Nichols” u gravy in RIM-sin is I retardant-g tmluy i the new". death of A PHILANTHROPIST ‘5, COULDN’I STEER, no Duh Did Suddeatr all Inna-mun. Puat-gtoEatabhha Cull Duke Vladimir Wu to Take the tun Place. TO DETHRONE THE CZAR. FROZEN IN ICE. lllK xmmml EMPEROR NICHOLAS "than. Fob. 38-A national a rmu-timmry plot to ttrthroese. Sirlwhn and prochtim u Fr, tttrua is luring related in St. rg to-day in connection with " sleuth of “rand [hike Vlmli~ ramlrovitvlr, the Emperor's rld- an of a can " night six Alfred l'uive nun " h. l eritieai rottdil Jul nut 0n n on tke snow lanai: Rush. in Vladimir" Intake" when tlied. Thin I! metimmry regime, 'stardiUt u n-gvm-y Vladimir. Whether mum-Int forth, but t why that a l'nivriaity '. L. Hark a. t ing prom R. M. Ander. I last to tspend ' wars among A the G ut an arvidlmt son and won- im 'ther the ef thin P "iiieial ran-II of r an! e uphgiu wa y's had A Luwlun. ont., drawn-1.: ('apl; A. W. l'ovtc, ot' Unkvillv, [armor managing din-c-tnr of the Toronto Biscuit Company, obrrttrr of King and Itathurst streets, dropped dead in front of the residence "l his sister'. Mrs. George Brickenden, 11mm} awnue, at 0 o'clock this even- ing. Mr. Porte was w-lking with a young Indy. and was apologizing for walking slowly. "My heart it! bad, ind it is llnnmrolu tur nae/to 'Ilk npidly," Ite said. With those words he pitched forward, dead. Ono Man Killed And Another Injured Hoar mama. A Strathroy, Ont., (launch: John R. Danni-3 was instantly killed and James Lyons is building from . broken leg as n result of n and]: n. a gmol pit " Konood, six miles went at here, to-day. i Both In, with mm] others, were engaged in drawn. gavel Juan I pit, when the - mud, evutpletely burying the two 7mm Dunning Fag a married mg with I small “may. - _ Finn-n vilhrgrs nre- known to have lu-vn wholly or partially alerstroyeul, aml it h estimated that the total number will umlnubmlly be. mun- than fifty. Smm- villages disappeared eompletely, and Ho Inu'c um be found of the ham. h-h of Hahn-m and Lelsen. It appears ll-ut not tt ~ingk- mul belonging!" these mmmlmitiu was left alive. and only the rive-rs. mountains and broken alleys remain to tell the tale of this fearful convulsion of nature. Capt. Forte Walking at London When Call Came. The iaet that there were no foreign I'UIIMII! anywhere in the neighborhood ttrtottttts for the delay of R month in the reeeipt of the mm here. hum. Thrrte, who was “landing the truttish Rite reunion in this city. was one of the bent known naidenta of Lon- don lit-for? tin remova l to Toronto twelve year- Mo. "a was manager of the McCormick Bison“ Company and n-Pnshknt of the Western Fair Board. He was about . years of age. VILLAGES VANISHED. Not a Trace Left of Hamlet: in Western Persia. to “in! again“ Pliat‘tl phwwl i of the viivet, a mim- nwnsnrc had been urged upon Sir Oliver Mowat for some years. Me was dolngcd with material showing what mu Mug done In other conn- tries. Towards the rnd of the ses- Go" In- brought lhiq butt-tin! to me and said: "Gibson. I wish you would got up an act." I said to ttir Oliver tist day: "it you will lct me have till nc\t mun-lion I make you thqprom- ist. to bring in tt bill that wot dcal will: thi, in n eotttprehoqive way." I‘Iu- old maxim that a tttanrs honm- in hi, castlu- wax not in toree now to the "N.tent that at man could brutally ll'cnt hi‘ childrcn and yet my to the lmlicl- oifirwr, "You have no right to l'I-lup lu'l‘r." The ehild unable to tukc cnx'c of himself had civil rights. 1",vcryonc Tau-w, too, that the child uh" grrw up with parents who were hauling criminal firm, was bound to imlvilw the utmosphcrc of his unr- vumulingza A great dent of patience mm im-m-“n'y whrut you mutually dealt with childrcn. You were sometimes, to nu- n slung phi-aw, somewhat up ngnimt it. Ile, win n little Bur. Inised that so few chihlrcn had been plum-d in [auto-r humus. "no good side of the society" work was thc salutary rill-ct on th" parents ot knowing they take $'ttt'e at Everyone " uho grew up lmuling Mimi irubihe the at 'rntndittm. . wan mew-Hy with vhildrvu. to new a mu again»: it. “GIT thr. lumrul, min] the t'lrihirvn's Aid Suri- utg u.” nut "Hugs-Llu-r :1 NW why-ct to him. ttrut he haul been making up lm, mind (“11' "invr. IM- mum to the city that In would informally drop in and are what wan going on. In regard to tht, children” in" the adoption of mm" nwusurc had been urged upon Toronto despateh--. Illa Honor the Lie "umtut"lovermor, mounting the wtrtir< io tho large rognn in the new wing hf tlu, Children', Shelter yesterday " hrnmm, mu trreetvd by the Antionnl .h-llu-m """b' by the eitrhtrett of the ‘llrltv-r. wlm were grouped ulmut the top of tlu- mtaiv, drum-cl in white. The lA't’dsile nun thy unnunl man-ting ot the Tumult” l lllloll'vn'4 Aid Fm'll‘t)’. Slr. tiihmu. in mminu the report of tins. board. said the 1'lrihirvn', Aid 500i- :23 “as nut altogvtlwr a nun why-0t to hint. and he had been making up his mind “or "iura. lu- will!" to the city that ht. nuuld informally drop in and see what wan going on. In rvgurd to Lien-Gov. Gibson Tells How Came to Fume It. WM Kit-Nth s M to eon-onto: the net-rel resourc- of the timed Stem, and: end Katee, museum ol than - emmente in .11de to my of the leaders of the coneerutton mount in this country, gathered her today in attendance upon the North Amen- cen commtton m. The tNeg') which we: untied by IPrersident ooeevelt, assembled in the ‘eeet room of the White Rouse, where they were received by Mr. PPe:rtlt, preliminary to holding e two den uernion at the State Department. "t feel," said the Prestdent, "that this eonterenee in one of the import, ant stem that have been takea ot rot-em years, looking towards the harmonious co-operation between the nations of the earth for the common ndvancemern at all. ‘ “In international relations, I think) that the great lenturo of the growth of the In-t century hor, been the mutual recognition of the fact that instead of being normally to the in- tcrest of one nation to see another de- prmcd. it is normally to me Inter. erty of each nation to see the others uplifte'l. I believe that the move- ment whirl: you to-day initiate is of the tttret inumrtunce to this hemi. -'pherv and "my be of the utmost im- portance to the world at large." Key-cu of Ms Spud c-tia, Calm. DROPPED DEAD. CAUGHT BY A CAVE-IN. CHILDREN’S ACT. HELP OTHERS. watuen h' He at Good Flow of Comma-cit! Vain. gt Depth of 8. Foot. Ottawa. Fi'l). 'e.-- Scrum of the money. lenders who figured in the recent trials for usury in Ottawa are to be mule deft-inlunts in new prosecutions in the civil courts unless they refund the money mullet-ted in illegal interest. The Civil Srrviw,Asetsocitttion has been active in securing evidence to convict than who prar-tiscd usury. In some instances, it is said, considerable amounts ought to be recovoml from the loan sharks. The evidenve given in the police court trials revealed that the lenders ox- acted inn-rest ranging around 60 per wont. Anything paid over 12 per cent. is rvpoytslrht under a clause of the money Estate of $42,300 Savings of Twuiy Years at thah TIL. Cooksville tkspatch: A My flow of natural gas was struck today on the Roumegous farm, at a depth of no feet. The strike/was made by Expert Cox. of the Toronto Oil and Gas Sindhk, who reports that the well is penectly dry and the - ot com-"dd value. It is intended to drill to I depth of In! feet. lenders' not is um- hour and fon.vmis minutes in'ltvr thm the Lusitania's best time mn- tlw vnyagu. Another aehievce. nu-nt of the vnyngu was a day's run of liTl knots, which breaks all records for n 2Honr run. The one 1lisappoiutttteut oi the voy- ugl' ml" the fuilnn- of the whip to arrive in time tn came uylo hy- dock to-night, tlu, fifth tlay of her wyam- from Queens. town. Wireless reports of the marvellous sptuul tho mammoth stonmship was mnk. ing on the trip had been received here. and it was hoped sh? would dock bs niuht. therphy establishing a lsomy fide five-day trip tor her passengorn. As it, mu. Imm-vvr. lwymul establishing a w" mm]. nothing was gained, an the ship "trel-l mush]? thr- hor tu-night, and must wait tor daylight Getore nth-unlit- in: in navigate the clmmwh loading to lwr pirr. Ottawa Civil Service Association to - Prostate Usuen. New York, Feb. 'e.---A dupltch to the Tribune from North Adams, Mum, says: What cwnomy will do WI. Illustrated hero fo-day, when the inventory of the estate left by Mrs. Ann Collins, s wulr woman. was filed in the Probate Court. It is valtted at 842,300. Mrs. Collin was left a widow and pennilcss. with six children. twenty years ago. She nup- ported the family and saved her com- petence from her earnings at the vul- tub. Nvw York, Felt. Le..--), turbine flier 1laurvtaurr, of the Cunard Line, came aheam of the Ambros: Channel lightnhip at 10.215 o'vlock m-mght, thus completing a Y"yu'ge in which amoral new ocean recon-4h Won- mtahlighul. The steamer not only broke. hr-r own record over the long winter course of 2,890 miles by two hours and 1wertty-tive minutes. but she also hauled down the figures held by her sistvr ship, the Lusitania, and has set the New rc-mnl of four days and MW- vnh'un hours and fifty minutes, which A Toronto tlvsputrh: From Mr. I’. tt. liowyvr (East Kent) comes the first private hill oi the session, one which will receive considerable support from tho rural districts. It is in the form of an amendment. to the Pharmacy Act and is intended to give rural store-keepers the right to sell harmless household remedies. Formerly all but qnulilicd druggists were prohibited from selling poisons and later a ‘t-lmnge “its made to include all drugs ‘und medicinal remedies. During the past your an agent of the Ontario Pharmaceutical Association has travel- led throughout the countr enforcing the act and this has resulted in the lining of several country storekeep- ers twenty-tive. dollars and costs for the sale of a few cents' worth of some harmless remedy such as quinine or suits. The storekeepers promptly discontinued carrying even the sim- plest things and to-day Mr. Bowyer says farmers are compelled to drive ten or twelve miles to drug stores for anything they may want. His bill is aimed ut correcting this. He claims thut he has several druggists behind him as support. -----9 Hr------- l FASTEST STEAM-1M Turbine Flyer Mauretania Has Made New Record. ', DOWN ON AUTOS. STRIKE GA: AT OOOKSVILLE MI to Permit Conntry Storekeeper: to Sell Tum. Tomato, OIL, d-teh-. Prom pm!” indications it looks as Waugh automo- bite ownrm will get mine unfavorable attvntion from the present Ontario Par liament. One member, at last, Mr. Dun- can C. Ross (West Middlesex) is " 1 work on a bill which, if earried,will give inlatomobile driven; a may “we ot it. The hill is of much the same character in one [in-pared hy Mr. Ross in collabor- ation with Mr. Donald N'tttttertttttd0st year. It provides that rural round; when" be open In nulmlmhiles on certain (hiya oi tlte week only. The ehauffeur wall lmw to stop dead when he meets a huh-e; will haw- to notify the driver when he widnes to p.133. Moreover, there an- impriumnwn: (imam added to the “mum to be irtqroned hr violation. The intumu opposed in the automo- bile bill will Irrmont n lengthy petition um! list data. containing alt. accidental which at'" ~uppmml t n have been due to‘ earplmrismm-z on the part of the molnh‘ M". The.vvlaiva that of the 3.600llcenm-q i.,.uvd luv the Provincial y:'eretaryu IK, portment, n thousand are in the hamli of nrmuwsidents or United States citi- 2PrtR, A SNUG FORTUNE. if; mam M Rubi. All” Inuktitut on aatt-.-.h. pei-east and Fine. MUST DlSGORGE. HARMLESS DRUGS. w Oak'- Bars. It 'jkr,'jAgtStiittt l'A',tWi V m1: q t. k a 71%?» ( ' ., .m‘ PL' - an»; .- , . 1Ati R47???) . ik.,'sctN ‘ IBM VO,', _ a lit' i aha-“F: aft » a _ MqEtSa ' . I Pain, Feb. 22.-i'outtt Bon' _ we was. . lane has appealed from 'telitist,',"),; , In respect to total registered tou'nege the French court handed down Dee. 3rd, (Jude ranks tenth Imus the maritime that his three sons remain in the cus- "WNW" of the Wor%. . may of their mother, the present him .ru report shows Mtt _mreleu sta. cm Ile Sagan, who, before eke married hone now operated by ly derartment 1). gnaw”, from whom .3. Iceland . on the Auntie and Paeitie coats. They diverge, we: Min Ann INmht, ot New sent over 651100 *""N" during the You. It is an mt the Cmt’. pur- 'ear. . l a , intryhrtrtare-ttti-kto -t-r--tr--' V. 5:?! the De - to can. to . pri- “Mb”. , vate nettlelpent.‘ The De than: no " WW3: yet - "aattrd by 1',g.",f, “"P8,W'¥ new. They In, that “on cycle-e? . hey a". 'uitrhtgSttmer to tux no Car. Thr-ah- I tan [and it yet.-- kilns-.3 dtyts." . _ . (Well lauded ' j l U. E. Gillvn, superintendent of the middle division, gave some interesting stutintics. Cattatla had one mile of rail. way to "vt'ry 280 people, or to every 161 squarv milm. in all MUM)" miles, of which twin} were in Ontario. Theme car. rivd NAHUM”! Pat5'"'ttW'th' annually and (HANNAH) Inns of freight. Their not ruwmlu was $46.0(li1m0 with 3.66 p"r .u-nt. profit. "ll the iuveMutent. In On- tariu, within 20 miles of Nttattford,therr were daily 158 mm-ngor and 200 freight trains, or 6.000 mm a day. Some 36 trains startrd from. primed through or Wt'ro 'letititwt1 for Stmtfurd. No other city than Sirntfurd had a better freight “Irvine, making it ideal for shippers, but the railways were not infallible, and all they wanted was an honest ututeinrnt of dvteets and than would be etrrnestty considered. ',carnia, Out.. despair!” William larw, ry. about 35 year. of age, who furmany 31am had been anluyed in tlie Imperial Oil Wotks here, was drowned early this morning by fulhng into one of the un- duground tanks. No one witnessed the accident, but it is evident that while changing the lines to the tank he slip" ped and fell into the oil. He We: miss- ed and the latch of the tank being found open, search was made and his body w“ recovered by the other em- ployer-s. Lowry was a son of the hte Warden Lowry, ot Lambton. Messrs. Davis and Loud renponded to the toast of the transportation depart. ment. Others speakers were Menus. Robb, Patterson and McLann, and Mayor Stevely, of London. Fell Into " Underground Tank Full of 0.1. . Esau-vor Gordon protroscd the toast of the G. T. R. Executive, which was rcipondvd to by Mr. Fitzhugh, who re- form-d to the great strides made by the. G. T. It. since Mr. Hays became gen- eral munngrr. He lit-stowed great praise on Loeal Muster Merhanic Patterwn in ttecotnplishing the task of constructing the local shops, while at the same time the old buildings were being removed and the general repairing taken care of. Walls His aildmv-r.- Wife Pain; "is Doha. Mr. Hays paid n. tribute to the hum. blut milm-y men in the service, whose integrity and faithfulness were unsur- passed in any line of activity. Coming more directly to the question of a new station for Stratford, the speaker held out tln- mlnmnition, "Come, let us rea- son tugetlu-r.” In due course the sta. tion would be forthcoming: but modem, tion in immediate demands was neces- Bury. Wor.;Utoek: B. v. Hole, London; non. Nelson Mo'lteith and J. P. Rankin, M. P. The toast of the King being honored, ex-Milynr Ferguson, during whose term the arrangements for the G. T. It. exten- sion were entered into, [impinged the toast of "Canada and the Empire," to whieh Mr. J. P. Rankin, M. P., respond- ed ip a rousing: patriotic. address. Mayor Dingman proposed the toast of "The (trawl Trunk Railway," remarking that though conneeted with the city for half a m-ntury. this was the first ceca- sinn on whieh the general manager and ‘stnff paid the city a visit. General Manager Hays. after briefly expressing: his thanks for the entertain- ment, paid " high tribute to the motive. power department, mentioning Mr. Robb and Mr. Patterson, local "ulster me- ehanie. to which latter gentleman the greatest eredit for the low! shops was due. These shops Were a model. The speaker knew of no better. not even in Montreal, the head of the motive power. They would be a training sellool for many men. both on the ll. T. It. and the G. T. P., and would put the Grand Trunk to the lure in all departments. The Grand Trunk had doubled its earnings‘ and irtereosod largely its passenger trat. l fie and mileage during his term. It was . the pioneer of railways in Canada. and laid inert-med the earnings a hundred- fold. but the railwaysc Were like other lrtrt4ineys ertttttrttrs-it was absolutely tuNN'roi"r.i' with them to have the re- ceipts before expenditures mould be un. dertaken. Differing from general manu- factoriei, railways had to be mtisfied with sumller profits. Referring to the agitation fur level crossings, the G. T. It. had 3,000, and to fix these would require an expenditure of $50,000,000, which would take years to provide for. It this money was spent in this way, could they look for runny shops or stations? Covers were laid at the city hall. Mayor Dingmnn occupied the chair, with the guest of the evening, General Mari. uger Hays. on his right, and Third Vice- President F'itr.htnrh on his left. Amongst when present were Mosul. W. D. Robb, Superintendent of Motive Power; W. E. Davis, Paswnsrer Traffic Manager; J, W. Loud, (lenvml Fmigllt Agent; c.. T. Bell, General Passenger Agent; J. D. McDon- old, District Passenger Agent; J. Mark. ty, Manor Mechanic. Toronto; G'. A. Mitchell. Master of Bridges and Build. ings; H. Ferguson, General Roadrunner; Chief Engineer Kelly, Montreal: M. S. Blm-klock, Engineer oi Mnintcmmoo, Montreal: Mayor Stevely, London; Mayor Hastings. Guelph; Mayor Suw'tell, Woccutork.. B. V. Hole. London: "on A Stntford desanh: A Imjority of Stmtforditca Ind their eyes opened to the true importance of the recently open- ed G. T. It. shop- here to-doy, as a re- sult of the splendid building- being thrown open to the public from a to ' pm. The shops an acknowledged to be tho most up to date and beet equipped in Maximum! without a superior in the continent. They were commenced up- wards of a year ago, and the banquet this Warning to General Man-get turs arid staff at Stratford marked the for- mal opening. The buildings cover an urea of several arm, and it is estimated that with a full staff upwards of 1,500 mm will be employed. The coat is in the neighborhood of $1,500,000. PUBLIC WI“ 0' THE I" DRAM) Wilt anon. Civic Wt in Home at the ata. wal “can.“ and His 'tnfs-Mi. Hays Dim the Loyd-crou- inp mt1feutty and the Pun.“ New Station. . “In". -- . F _ MAN DROWNED. COUNT Bon L'y T; .47"? " , v 11”.“:- The report shows 520 wireless sta. tiona now operated by ttfe depart-eat on the Auntie and Puma eon“. They sent out 65,000 nuance. m the r". . I l a .. Ottawa, J'eb. Pt-The annual re rt of the Marine Department for the roost fiscal year, presented to Parliament to- day, shown that the total number of new vessels built and registered in the Dominion during the year mu 302, measuring 38,410 ton: register, with I total estimated value of $1,728,450. The total numbr of vessel. on the register books of the Dominion at 'tuig,ti ning at last year w" 7,528, In itttp 0mm tom. The number of when was 3,007, with I you tonnage of 471,- 795 tom. SANG HYMNS IN MINE Three Hundred and Ninety-Two Vessels Built Last Year. Several women, oblivious to the withering glances ”thrown in their direction by the aggrieved plaintiff, testified That the heels of Mrs. Imer's boots were entirely too high for a about woman. One of the witnesses, asked to illustrate the height of the heels worn by Mrs. Inner on the day of the acci- dent, indicated by her hands about six inches. London, Feb. 2g--iuoeae parties lave sun-(11rd in pom-(rating to all but tho low-out of the coal seams in the Welt Stanley luiuw, nun Rurlmm. where the disastrous explosion took place yester- ay, imprisoning abotr, L50 miners. "Five or six hymm. I don't remember tlu In all. There was ‘Lead, Kindly Light.' We mung that a gnod many times. We did not know it all, but Robert Hender- son did. He is a bit of a preacher. I think it was all we wuld do. " helped to keep our spirits up. Another hymn was 'Crown "in: lord of AW" CANADIAN SHIPPING. company “Lead Kindly Light" and “Crown Him Lord of All." The exact number of victim: is not known. The estimates vary from 100 to 150. One rough miner who m" rescued when asked how he had passed the six- teen hows he was buried in total dark. was. uni with ttttemotional simplicity: “We mm a great deal." A ,ked what they sang, he answered with shy reserve: women's Mums furnished a novel and effective defence yesterday to two suits brought again-st the Public Service Bailwny Company in Newark, Ind the evident deduction trom the verdict. of the two juries is that women who at. feet the French type of heel to their boots will find difficulty in collecting damages for falls from trolley can. Encouraged by their success, the lawyers for the defendant corporation made the same plea in the suit of Mrs. Annie lam-r, who asked for $10,000 damages for being thrown heavily to the street by the car starting when she was stepping from it. Lawyers for the defend;nt corpora- tion claimed that Mrs. Dyer In safely on the ground before the car started, but that the high heels of her boobs threw her to the ground when she started to walk sway. The jury brought in a vendict in favor of the railroad company. In the first case Mrs. Annie Dyer uked for $5,000 damages, alleging she had been thrown heavily from I car, which started too quickly while she was in the net of Ilightiug. Lost Two Lawsuits For Newark Women -_ .-_ ...- Wm... "H... Mayor Sutllorlmd presided at the gathering last night in the A. It. P. Hall, at the clone of the lodge meeting. when the medal was pinned on the lit. tle hero’s breast. Addresses in keeping with the occasion Were delivered by Mayor Sutherland and W. J. Elliott. On learning of the heroic art of the boy, his friends brought the matter to the notice of the Royal Canadian llum- sue Society. with the mun that a mod- al was obtained for the young hem. HIGH-HEELED SHOES Finally, the father, with Kelvin on his back, 'started to swim across the river, while Hurry, him" a good swimmer, was leading the way. All went well until the father In: animal with cramp: and went down in can» putatively deep tutor. On the bottom of the tiver he struggled desperately to make his wny to shnllow water. Prom the bank Hurry saw the perilous posi- tion of his father 3nd brother, end without a moment's hesitation he plunged to the rescue. Through his et, forts both were nan-d, but the father was unconscious when pulled on to the bank and he did not revive for reveral minutes. After they had trevellcd for some time, the suggestion vu made that they cro- to the opposite bank. There Ina only one wny'by which this could be Accomplished, which we. by urin- mine. Harry swam to the Tp,i,,t, bank, gathered enough materia from which a raft Wu constructed, and on my their clothes were "ferried" over. No one ever showed a no" heroic Ipirit than did this boy of tender yum. when he plunged into the river end with almost luperhmn strength pull- ed " father and brother from wlnt would but: been tsesrtain death. On an ideal summer”: dny in August. Mr. W. A. Cline and his two Ions, Bar. ry and Melvin, went to the river on a tithing expedition. as Wu their wont oocasionelly This case also went in favor of the ligand! Gupta: --Por his heroic act in mail; his father attd brother from deomuid in the liver Tit-e- aboIt a mile out of but: last Aw. later Bury Cline "a but night pm. Rated with a bronze medal of the Boy I] Caitlin: Humane Astmeiatiots. his“ MWbyl I "ltea'ttld,tg"P"tgttgtt.o"e Edith-m. ttrttishaar-. New York. Petr. T2.--Uiirh heels oNTAtterARe TORONTO on T2ird," nation is thin?” A Jolly train. " on: Mk.” " . v “I am . Itudcnt of rural humor, and u'W,'t,t"t,1'i, can. Jet a..." 'l"t uau is .... .... u.-reeer,e. . “5. tail 1 the l and “It was.“ a he? tmde. Whto - It Jd'lta'llk M, Why the 'Lt"""" shout? I and I - . . trio 'eh'/l,U/f" "I , :‘No int Wt a bone! iaiiiu-tubromro.ereoyt iihf) 'm "e P" 1.arfitq 2tllr It,tltiit""" m h " cold It to um.' new.» and". 'NNW' In -teesd, ‘8'. an a» ----_---- ttitedtte.eyrfyettt9tl?.1e ""I’. to author-I" Jul-on! I iiitli-tdti_tyhtdentoAVr", Munich. 'ftr,PUttt,fT, II 4e/fl2.l'2h1"A' P, has“ 'ri6t. - “Ounwny is "upefied and stunned.’ said one member of Dr. Shaw's church hoard, today. "We who loved and sup- ported Dr. Shaw when he mine here can- not understand it. No other man had ever taken such a hold on the hurts of the people of Onaway. He hnd laid the foundation for u noble work, and the people fairly hung u mu his words." The Migration of L".5k'ldl. has been pretrented to the board. lnlu-riting a craving tor drink, Ur. Shun made the light ugulmt h-m'wr. mm: the battle of his lint. He prom-hurl the doctrine of total ubstiIu-m-v. and for yum; wttged a sum-chm! war Iglills‘l hU groutut. enemy. Then he eapitulated. Dr. Shaw has been in I state of intox- icntiou for a period of three weeks, and is now nearly insane from drink. Rev. Dr. Shaw came from Port Huron It was late when the man in the brown overcoat boarded the South Shin dented train at State street, and be fell “hep limb immediately after taking I an! in the smoking mr. -- _ _ WE; iateknoitsne more until he awoke to the Het that somebody m shaking him. T he sottiebody proved to be the guard. "Wake up, here!" roughly spoke that ofiieiou, person. “We do you “at to ttrt off t" "Thirtymiuth “not." "We, pus-ed that station long up. Thin in Jackson Park." "Well, I'll stay on Md no luck with you." "No, your won't. Y otr'It let out here, tto thumb the ticket Mace, pay your fare. and take due next tnin downtown." A few "mmds seemed to him elapsed In" he sit down when A rude but] shod: him by the shoulder. "mtitt,theeer, Whendoybu “to pt Mft" mm I rude voice. “I'thsniIth oteert," be unwed. "Yar'tt have to get out hem and p Crnaway, Mich. Full. ue. A minister uf the gonpel, "any crazed with drink, nluggcrcd into his own church here and hum: the sermon the" being preached. All northern Michigan " ago; over the fall trom grace of ttev. ti. ti. Shaw, pastor of the kirrt Mountain Church of Unuway, erstwhile secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at I'm-t Huron and former pastor of a fashionable church u. Pullman. Ill. " iET-Iinum but he was teat slap in the amoking our of I (min bound for theeity.", ... . . hem "'Ri"Lii"iii I]: iiiGTaiaiiGia. llymvurda .. . __,,.,-) " Montreal destmluh: Slipping from the roof of the Comma! npurlment house this afternoon, Edward D. Parsons, jan- itor, fell a. distance of sixty feet. strik- ing his head on the hard snow. He was hurriedly removed to the Western Hos- pital, and was found to be suffering from a fractured skull and other injur- ies. Death followed in a few minutes after admisaion. Minis!" Fought 1min; Battle For Tenperuce. Edward D. Parsons Fatally Injured at Matted. Wh"titteg despu toll: The Catholic Club, of which Uorrtelius Euright. the young man who was found dead here ycsu-rday morning, was a member, acting in con- junction uith friends, hats demanded an inqnmt, which the Coroner had decided was unnu-oumry. The cireumstancet, an: at least such as to demand curt-ful conniduration. The dead man was known to h ve had a large sum of money on him to day previous to his death, Gut only riixteeu dollurs wore found in his pockets. Mis fingers were ulso out, us though a razor had been drawn norms» them. This was nut discovered by the police or Coroner until to-day. The body will be sent to his former home at Ren. frew, Ont Supiciuu (Zita-mice: in Flight Tragedy at Winnipeg. Mr. L.vtteia---r meant that a tax on corn would mu grater productive- nou in Canada. Mr. uorrGi--rtten your policy I: more wages in Canada and dearer ood "...ltotttt, (Grant laughter.) Mr. Llo.vd-Georrr, replying. will Mr. Lyttelton sum!“ that a tax on who“ mud mm wank! increase productiveuu in this country. Mr. Philip Snowden (Socialiul) ud- mitted that the recent ConservatiVe vie. toritv were due to tariff reform, been!“ the middle chases hoped to nape the increase in tbe income tax. Mr. Alfred Lyttekon plead-ed (or col- cal-j pnfmm. Dealing with Ill-Mal dKneatttks, Lord Robert Oeit ("th ha Trader) said that if the Ulla-iat- went to the country saying tariff Mot- would be a serious remedy for Inc-- phylum. it would lend to dim. Me wan not mall-t a policy of retaliation under eertain elrettmatatteos. but did - believe in tbe practimbility of a prefer. ence in dealing with omtfederatm. He said ire never would give . plain u. fon-lmml to accept Any policy whatever which the loader of I party might pro' duco. FELL FROM GRACE. Lady. Feb. M tho III-Ia at Contact terdnr Mr. Ante- (hub:- lain mud " of“! mm Jeh- aneodmeut to the when. don-Iain; It to be the Innis on which mid be ereeted a complete sanctum IElillhN0 INQUFSI'. The debate win adllGiiid FELL SIXTY FEET. Nothing to Kick About. ROYAL P1t0GitF9ei SI'UILED. Jordan was due to visit hi,, store mun. Carroll u'ailkd his opportunity and with him were office". Light day- Inter Jor. dnn arrived. His coming was hvraldwl with almost an much eset'temettt among the colored folk an though a king or incident was coming. They flocke4 about him and looked in am- at his out. ttt aad walking atick. His two gold wawllu and gold eye plat-mulch shiny silk hat and his immaculate (rock eoat and light (room were lhingl of un- dnalnod beauty and jot' to his simple. minded friettO. But all, thir, was to an Old when a Florida 'sberitt clapped his hula on Jordan. -diiAii inst night aid that Jordutt bad cum-pd Ink Intuition of making It elu- best of tV wink- attnir. A “I would have felt like tum-r rrturuiu,e bole again.” In- decluwl, with pathm in his voice. "I new-r knew what law-am" of that mammal“! my tatnlt.v Ind to lake good a ' that I]! not door- le, M. Mitt. I loll. the lupin. of “unit-inn III the that and could nut mt. l dil not employ Jordan, and better "u nut "upon-Me for his being in the bunk. The dint-ton declined to uni-t m- in finding the stolen mom-y and altered no rewnrzl tor the thief% "plan. been!» lbw Ind mew-d the money (to. my hulk." A“ - Jordan wnu not in the town, but hi, brother Wtth. bring paid I "Ury to run the tttore. Jordan wan wandering nlnul playing the men, dirkering in real pm- tato, and luring I glorious time. Me wore u silk Int. Mun-l: trock mat and purl navy culled tron-bud. "its “hilt- illll‘l and guld I'yt- [Inn-m; mud: him look like " motor" in the opinion of his all» mulling triemN. Itscidetttall.v it wad learned that Jordan Ind plume-d . t.rie to ('ulm dually and with ulwtln-r mun lml termetged to open a resort in Fun. um for the bearfit at (he (hath-nth " canal employ?!» in the ham of nuns-r- ing in several thou-mud shake]: there. Pttitutttking 1nd (-nreful searching fin. ally led Carroll to the south in his quest About New Year's he dwidml to “0 math himself, and money was given him to go. Jordan deserted his wife “all h- left Turtle Creek and tshe went to Jor dnn's old home in Dob-on, N. C. GEyKRoUs To ms MOTHER. Jordan had gone further south to his aged mother in Aneitia, FU. Carroll leaned thet Jurd-n Ind been tin-re. lb, was in “fluent citettttslaaees by that time, hall tren newton: to bis moth-r and brothers [lid wore the Citterst clutlnm. He had bought property, Carroll hum-d, and was making his friends marvel at his prosperity. But Jordan “was not at Ancilll. lie was etik further south. Going down through the kvertrlads Mate, Mr. Cnrroll finally Ct"ttt' to Put: Pierce. ".buut 24: tnilors from Palm Beach. where he iumn‘d Jordan's real almdv. Here Jordan and his brother lnd "pe"- ed a utol'c in . building he had etveted. "Wm you (at luck that “.703 Iron thy dimtnr- t'" he I'M ' “I don't kmw. I do not know what the legal ststmt of that nth: u yet. but ttev will hear (to. In- in the ant mute.” u... - - .~- -- -. “It no It a bone M. 'WBC'I Bill but“; about? I ”at a - Mend. “lo jut Inuit n home.' 2B"' not an ya- luau-c than t" " a“ It to Int-"m m. .lmdan hung around Turtle Creek for mo$tM' three months still nhuwflu the ul- mmat poverty and distress, and gaining sympathy which be arm-pun] with good grace. Then he disappeared. A you pasred and (‘arroll left his mapluv in Braddock. His lull“: wan aftucted .nul he declared that it would ln- import-dbl:- for him to work until the stigma again-t his mum and that of his relutiwa had been removed. He began to look up Jordan. Suspicion thett fell on the canhic-r. Mr. (‘urroll is A young man at exemplary huhitn and well vomtected. lie felt an" lain that Jordan could toll wan-thing of the mining money, but in thin belief lu- was alone. In lad, the dimwn and him that he would have to explain where the money was, or clue his henchmen would have to make good. They wru- even instrumental in having him arrest- ed. Then hill family cttMe, forward. and while protesting the younf Ian'u inn» teller, rather than have tis, lamdavnen make good, made up the shortage. Catts roll retired trom the bank and has been out of it since. Three weeks after the arrival of Jor. dan at the bank as janitor, “,7” van missed. Cashier Carroll could lot ac- count for it and ttotitied the dimtorn. The only our suspend was Jordan and In- was arrested. Then cm I popular pry of protest. 'Poor Jordan" was heard on "very side. He was. to poor and lowly and so hum-Ill. that it wan impossibk to conceive of any but“ a lining being laid at, his door. "Why, Jordan Would not know what to do Milli go much cash." it “all claimed. Jordan deeUred the unn- and u learn] so hum-rut that when he “an Stl?,'; for a honing he was dim Alarm-d. I PM”, Id. "--Ahre cl the nod. Jenn-hue we. a! chm-sunk! evi- View proving utterly We“ in filing the Mule for crime “a unfolded ya- terday when t'se Allegheny County nu- thorilies Imp: to tin-l work of un- ruvelliq a lay-nary that In: long been troubling the unident- QM bushes in- terest: of Turue tteek M. " wu nil due to (In urn-I, ot The.“ Jor. dan. a m and (other suitor of the First Nathan] M od that W, down in mull-en Florida, and " re- turn to Pittsburg on Tuesday night to flee the charge ot robbery, in which ",ttNt of the bank lu-du were involved. The robbety mourn-d on Anglia! l, 1907. T. w. turmoil Wu cashier of tho bank. Jordan Ind been the janitor for only three weeks. Joni-n Watt " yearn old, a tall, alu-nder negro, who liwd with hi. wife and one child in a shanty near the bank. 'otdlf_"tmtthetuir-itre Mu“ 5““ “On Jul. him-IE. Foul Eh.“ d '"Ulhlhluk. “POOR JORDAN," [HE CRY (at luck that 'Cleo Iron 'ttitat

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