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Durham Review (1897), 25 Feb 1909, p. 8

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'ljIlllliyllf'flllllil (lhl,,,liii, WW mmmmmwmmmmmmm "VI l (XS PAS, _ A .'s " - c, " Cr, iff it s: " iaitalil8italiti fwa ”and, [Law 1226345; , Telegraphy the opening day and every day since. S d (heat 2% mtg: J,'grff, Leads in Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business yifr.iting, Ornamental Writing," r and in placing all, its graham». Each student is taught ”punte- ly at " own desk. Trial lens-onl- fcr one week tree. Vititon welcome. Open tbept. 2. W. T. CLANCY PM . '.. by and Night Claus. Business College $2.50 fine shoes 75c pr Women's Me laced and bmtoncd boots, oxforda, odd sizes and. has, but were priced up to 2.50. per pant . . . . .... . . . .186 Big lot of high grade shoes at 'l.00 pair $l0000.00 in choice Dress Goods, new stock for this Spring, sacrificed \PIVWVoW Ill wuv-vv -- - "m""'"'"'"'" ....v -- ._ - - - We do not pay any outside concern 10 per cent to run this sale; we can't afoul it, cutting too deep _ urn ......A- “4.." anrln AF Ara-n l 150 yards of _dottt?its Width 550 yards choice suiting; Needs. venetians, pmumas, serge: etc. reg. up lo Thu. a yd, sale price A9 All tltut class up-m-date good fittimt clothing $10.00 suits for.. g “a SALE CONTINUES TILL MARCH 6 Overcoats in) 00 Ovarcoats tor 15 pain worth $1.50 tor.. ......91.00 impairs worth 2.00 mr...... ..sl.25 25 pairs worth $2.53 for, ... ... .1,98 :5 pairs worth up to $350 for..2.50 25 per can: " in. that is 912 No Old Trash Youthi' 8.00 coats for REMEMBER we cannot afoul to take any chances, we cut the prices. 100 prs pants below cost H. l MOGKLER, DURHAM MT. FOREST 'ositively no credit given Cash or Produce "il/ highest prices paid “My“ ”any"... Gun-Iii- but!" Cor, "qt.&Mottr ata. Clothing Butumat1 mum. The people Tags on everything indicating price: cut to almost Me '.'.lc.0.a.t.s.fo.r.c.r.r.4 98 'Entire'sho'e stouio be cleared for what it will bring higher priced cloth suits for.. om r"i.1rtWr,9i; say they are surprised and delighted the: everything is exactly as advertised. was empltt our and t n 'eiiEf:ii!ihili't," “P , ',u',t'l 1it't "m" Giaiant' h damned "mu? m Mum duh. We "aist our mm toto the betrt widens hriiGrG-comtnerrw, manna-why. 5nd Tam-1pm. In] counsel. Enter my day. mm tdr mun. wrung?“ 30mins tonne: tigigg to union. nos-m, In finance AQ W! .To,rtsxttiti-taeu" pop-1hr In Shaman.) aiming. will mill:b 2lll but nun-1i mm u our old on: Inh- rd sud thaw-my nibble school. Win- ter an: begin-1n. tth. (xi-lotus inc. Dunn Amen mm:- Conn: Y. M. c. A. Building Into-Io 150 yards, ouhmerea, pop- lins, urges" New, Weeds, etc, reg. price a. yd, sale price at) More clerks wanted to wait on the crowds of use: buyers. A GREAT “I001. l YOUR COURSE Gm SW3. niacin] 1mm of ripe scholar- 'ttip, wide leaching aad bur ineu experience in lending cumin um America: cell'- $1.25 Shoes for 30c pr 50 Pairs Ladics', Misses and Children's shoes, mostly oxfords. per pair 89e Print: lo a yd 500 yards print reg. prices up to 100 a vd., in pinks, dark ind bright 5 reds. lilaeete, tor..,... .. .... . ancttel " 1 yd 350 yards all choice designs and colors regular price 10 andl2% T centesale price. .1.. ....., ...._" mandates Se 3 yd 500 yards good tlannelette in both dark &light patterns, worth 8e li a yard, sale price. .... ....... . Splendid 12pie value, yd wide, pink and blue stripes and dark pat- 81 terns, sale price yd.... '..... ,. 2 Good Factory Cotton Set ya the blushed Cotton 9e Regular 12yits value lor.. .. ......0e Cream Flannelette reg 12bts. . . . . . . 8e Heavy Linen Towelling worth 12y,8a Good linen towelling worth M.. ..5e Forced Dry Goods" Rubbers less than cost Make this up Here is ll simple homemade mixture in given by an eminent snubority on Kidney diseases, who makes the state. ment that it will relieve almost any one of Kidney trouble if liken before the stage of Bright's disuse. m lulu such synapse"): as lune beak, pun in the side. frequent desire to urinate. especially " Ulghl; painful and discolo cred nriualion, are [andin overcome. Here is the recipe. Try it, Fluid qu-act Dana-lion. one bill mmce ; Compound Kargon one ounce; Compound Syrup ttarsaparilltt, than ounces. Take It teaspoonful one: each meal. These ingredients are m harmless and easily m sod at home by sinking wolliunbonle. This mixture III. I peculiar healing Ind soothing em up- on the entire Kidney and Utility “not. Bro ttrrrr.--A ”who: ttte " Black Watch, " the 42nd Hixhtandm-whlle pulsing 3 prin ot the " Badman. ' stepped bonny, and perhaps unintan Homily. upon the foot of the latter 17p not“: " Bosnia." " You stepped on my foot, , be biased. 'gtorsaeintrtr, Jldidmyhutto lap out It.” - the manna". " we . Mann I. only humm. _ " no. lug-mo. " um. and often overcomes the want (onus of Rheumatism in just I little while. This mixture in aid to removo all blood dime": 1nd cure Rheumat- ism by lowing the Kidnovo to fihor and drain from the mood 1nd lynch: " mm Mid and foul. decompoud waste matter. which an” that "1ietions Try it if you IIOB'I well. a". the pn- scripuoq. 250 yards ofall sorts of dress goods, many short ends and "lliirst class goods, sold at 50ea yard,saleprice " must realize on this stoeir-We're bound to on the dollar. At Your Home. f T 'g, r:- Wr,:,", ..m $2 shoes for 60e pr. ivomenu fine Shoes and slippers up to” per pr...... ...... .... . All other tirsea, udgcgdtxl THE _ BUREAU REVIEW Half Price Ladies' 2 only, coats were 14.50, now..$7.25 3 onlv, coats wen. $12, now .. ..6.00 5 only, misses coats 8.50. now. .$4.50 3 only, children's coats " now $2,00 $10.00 coats far $1.00 20 coats. slightly out. otatyle, but with altering wonidbe OK 1 M coats. worth up to $10 for I ittrr' oGGruii%a%toetc Splendid Remdence Property for Sale in Upper Town I the well-known McLean was. All conveniences, Brick venue tsomfortatsie and cosy. ,0frerr from intending purehaners' re- ceived at Review other. U. Runes. Agent. Valuable farm in the Tp, of Glenel comlfosed of Iota 22 end 23, Con. a N. . R.. 100 acres. Poe-cuion given forthwith. Title perfect. For perti- culm apply to J. P. 13mm). Durham. Good nine-roamed house. Furnace heated. Good garden. out-building- tnd yrtre table. Will be Iold chap. Apply fo I. m.” "I! In M tlilif, am." an 'itl,iqill,S4iti't?, h"irill"iGi'iE no mum calm. as a. n on!” n no: an: moh- W. 'Neit(hutttBltlt, Etqttgttamattt- iii=iaiiii _ tTiiariihTtfiir" "W 3133.1:ng 'fthrh%W: "tuttt mm. mam-n. um I" "m . "-"iisirimey2'.""-. c. L, '""U,-. c. a 150 yards of double width dress goods. bought to re- tail " 250 to 306 yd ', many different patterns -j as: the thing tor children in TORONTO m magic-{L hllll'ttltAtttd1rB'A',tftt't Durham School Town Residence to Sale. Mantles Lands For Sale SM and IQI|MOIW riiiiRCiiiii FitTi." 7iaif Karii'TC We“ Duh- h ttttltr in”; - It.“ W. D. 1111.111: PM Bale. iiGrh, Durham. ‘, wotth .10 SEW ttt “in Edith Grant. ot Iooreleld. - our the week end at home. Mrs (Ruff. B. Farr. of Corrie. ii Vilma; her brother Ind lilterl here at present, the Elu ghee familr, “in “tunic left Tue-thy. to en- ter a. nurse in 3 Detroit ttorpltal. Sho mil be may mined in wwn. speck!" in Methodist mulled emu-I. Mr mi. Merutrre, of Bradford. mu home I few days the beginning of the week. N i" tad Mrs Levine Ieturned Fxlflfy from Toronto, where they were visit. ing but week. A _ CWt, “my Mr and Mrs C. Reunge visited her parents in Egremont tho beginning of the week. “our: Dug.” McKinnon, Sullivan, end brother-its-hor, Alex McGregor, Beminck, were in low Tuesday and favored the REVIEW with afiiendly all. Menar- Calder. Rename, T. Allen. Irwin. G. McKechnie. the members of the Cement um. and many other shareholdeu from the surrounding townships, attended the annual meet. ing of the Cement Co.,inToronto. Wednesday, The Wholeule Millinery exhibitions re on Int. week and this in Toronto, and our Millinera are there attending them. Mr Chats. Barber, of the tlrm of Bar. berkSon. Meatord, is in town thil week in connection with the ill-tall;- tion ot power at the McGowan dam. Bo'euattdottter supplies are on hand and no doubt the very tieirt opening of spring will see activity on our river, A number of the youth by of town attended a mu In Tuesday night. Mrs W. Calder is spending a few dare in Tomato this week, We are pleused to hear that Muster John Weir came home trom Fergus hospital Tueadny. grestly improved in health and able to go about. Mr Bert McDonald. of Hamilton. is visuing on parents here, Mr and Mrs Gen. McDonald. Mn c, Rsmnge is Visiting oer sister in Toronto for a few days thin week. Dr Smith. Dornoch, and Mr I‘hue. Pettigrew are attending the annual meeting of the Cement Go., in Toron- to. bliss Amy Meekin. who was engagei it Dr Jamie-en's the put yew, left Wednesday for her former home in England. Mr Arch. Robertson is visating in Toronto this week. Mrs Furneaux was In Stamford Rat. urduy. on a visit to her ttister, Mrs Milhurn. of Rocky Sungeen. who is ill there. Mr P. a, A, Webgter took a business trip to Toronto Tuesday. Mr Gilbert McEwen. Cmig. Sank” visited town friends last week. Rey W. L. Newton will preach in the Presbytexian church on Sunday evening next, Dr Fumuharsou will preach on Sun. day next in the Presbyterian and Methodist churches in Palmerston in connection withCampuigu Sunday in that town. - Mr W. C. Livingstone, teller in the Standard Bank for some years past, was last week moved to Tiverton, where a branch of the defunct Western was taken over by the Standard. Will will be greatly missed in the social circles of "own and in the band and hockey team. where he was also prominent. There is L a possibility he may return to town in the future. It is notoften a opportunity occurs at your door to see t latest Parisian and New York styles in air Goods, yet such is the case, as Prot rcnwcnd of Toron. to is visiting this to , and invites your inspection of thcseg s at his private apartments "serveatat' c Hotel. These Hair Goods sty , when proper- ly adgusted protect and ornament the head, soften and beautify e expression of the face, and consequen tone up an aged appearance. Be sure d tree them at Hahn House, Durham,' Tuesday, March ttth. Who wouMu't give 25 cents to stop I pain 20 times? Just on. little " Plnk Pain Tnblet- "-Dr, 8boop'ts-will "op my piin in 20 usinnteo, sure! Bud we 10mm]: on the box. Doctors any it don't be Uttered. Cheeks womnoly pains. head pains. any min. 20 tablets Me. Bold by MooFulnno a Co. Dn Snow”: TO mrrtmr.--rt is un- dentood that. Dr Sploule, Grand Mas. ter of the Sovereign Grand Lodge ct British North America. will retire from that position " the annual meet- ing to be held in m Thomas in March. lt In believed that he node the cot-ree- pondence and other duties asnoethted with the mutton take up too much of hu time.. The pmbnbte retirement ie the subject of much diecuuion in Ounce circle- in the city. Among the condidetel foe the position should Dr Brodie (Iodine tee4eetiort, are Cot. J. E. Scott. the were: Deputy Grand ;M. end Cot, Bell Bic... of Lind- Lot t, Con. Ili, Proton. containing Wm Nurse cleared. and In good state of cultivation. shout 8 acres of hull-cod bush. On the malaise. is eeeeted than “:0 with some lub- "as. Good bog pen and hen home. Qouglorgablo new, “(gluon and wood- VUIIIIVIWI' ”I'm. IIICIIEII nun woun- thcd. duo orchard. a never-tolling wens. About 1, miles hom Church Canal on! Post ' " told. will In out“ cuy hf... Farm For Sale or Rent. Imroittltt to Ladies. .awm‘h’a be t 1 vi tin in A mo BUNDLE of old paper- to I" 31hr son " 5' l tr Inpderfirpets for Ir cent» at the Re n.-.- a and beauty m Mt Forest view 03169. ' otvrr' ”-2 if”? _ f, . : um'? Iii"iiit'iitijii'i'iil _'gtq" MANITOBA. ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN By Canadian Pacific Agroet III. Take the shortest rou_te .to, gammy For Saul": trialling with hunted: IM CM Special Trains will luv. Toronto lull: TUESDAY In mcn and APRIL a I o. I I p... COLONIST CARS 0N All. TRAINS ttfWtR Only Through hula to no In! 'tr'2lt,,ngte'Nit1'atMt,'Jhttt'.e jg... 0.9.1.. 0.9.x. Tm "iardware and Tinware at excep- tionally low prices. BARGAINS IO piecesf colored Dress Goods worth tom sec to 7lie for............- ak 5ol No cm. In Iodi- Low Colonist Intel THE BIG STORE Bec.aecttheyMa-ereyliether man: beat thank. tr WHEN m4 mange-t nuke.” occur the foremost raul, I the armyofkindu of-ooalled will! in t e market. Once uscd Gif armiv tit “a. slimy: used. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY Ladies' List l Gents’ List Our Spring model in Mens Suits 'l,i'i', B __, “at j), by buying your home needs It Alex. Russell’s closing-out Sale. We be" reduced the pricvs to the very lowest extremity in order to mnko " quick clearance. llt'g,ti% is unto-date, genuine goodir--no old stock. verything m m. ked in plain f1gt1ress and all goods marked re- gardless of cost or former selling prices. f"ii"ii"ijj] RUSSELL I Will cumin“ satin! the Wendi dancer. 1 i made in ll iqtyof fabrics 't'ltUl'ft,l'e"lttiGtt 'git the tfait; are cut and hiohed in ',it'Mtrgt with the ciietytrhtt. ”and: visit our mm m pod we can make " deal aluminum“! price. In the My of ever increasing patronage is given our SETTLEBS’ T M I I 8 Soul-n Ind In“: without EM "rrirt-rte0os hula; Tomb I0. " p... “I PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. OVERALLS r! m L , Sulr. stantial jill Support " Men’s Suits worth 9.ooto u.snfor.... " Bor' Suite worth l _ My: r , ND. Ken _ any link I wont: from l One frat month " pr Men‘s Box I goia Duets. w 2.50 to 1.75 for "'uriosooror-. [can I pwee' Men’s Suiting, wonh75cfor ...... 49C soc limit: Carpet I yd will: tor............ aplyWoolCntpetworth 75c tor,............. Tho Bell Telephone Con-mum- Ma it about to publish a lu-u of the Bell Telephqne Orders for new cotsrectioti, t n .n ltd Bras names. changes of 3: r- i' M or fog duplicate onlrim 4. be handed In " once to Oman. Taxman Dun l tor the District at Cemm Out eluding Durham. . H}. .neof their-q [m ',, "ow" n- the M...» “K Block in UNI-I I ' his edl ototwo “and t worth Inn .1010 " WT IIIIH ,) One fume house worn. -' month. Buy terms. Apply to many " 1903 Wm. Laidlaw, 'tt Box Cal}: and I) m Li's???” 219 tf.?.'.'.'.','. if! 39c or Bat c. kl. LATIN“: I! " ,rth 7.35 Director). LOCI! Mama I New Idea Patterns Ill " ct: tll Me 1.98 2.3km; " ' ar- VOL. xxxu, NO it Fe glytMWggyex,'geytyxrtt Iii" We offer ye M greatest p0 tf Boar's Suits Rift; Ttth REVIEW, DURHAM. ONT, g James 1r8r31s%M'gxygy,','x:v::/ to an addreret " "umdn, w in! and THE REVlEW (run no. tobo. 1. ID“) (i flu) [or "vents. In.” " this mulrk of on that Four trieud bordoee w. NOW’ is 93. L KEEL of these i," greatest bar dium Ind t We are Town s This is the orders: lets. Be on ham Bargains. Sale st And have Ten Thu!) :1 lt " est and Chou-(ax! Stock t t... We do “In! HIM-n your way when it Ailed C tiHil shirt crat ttt ou Come CO we Wt Kcmarku load sen-men den well pad New Spring Sh: mean every ground v Hand reds of piers ical instruments, l Sets, Toilet Sets, F Books & Stationery. goes an TM Prices. " lid gold " hanic K Kem.estamadesaaatsaaaa. Coulis NEW NI to Jan.l 191 See This h " 8L0: r. co Thousandd of new WA tit our windows 'd sinesn. This riptiou, lulu {SETS __ N Bias Fill 0 :w (an .Inuwt " Take ud- or nodal the time slle Come, m “my DO n W1 14M "

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