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Durham Review (1897), 4 Mar 1909, p. 10

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(British Canadian Bas. College OQ.‘ !IC Telegraphy can become good operator in 6 months Te ts Hronn es n Canada, Writefor particulars. sunoes arovs us oc n o c ENE IOz Great Crowds Attend ,Store jJammed LNQUIDATION SALF s s tR K n NA cA cX and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" |y at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2 W. T. CLANCY P Day and Night Classes. Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, Business College theiopening day and every day since. 15 pairs worth $1.50 for.. ... ... $1.00 35 pairs worth 2.00 for ...... ..$1.25 25 pairs worth $2.50 for, ...... .1,98 25 pairs worth up to $3.50 for..2.50 REMEMBER we cannot afford to take any chances, we must realize on this stockâ€"â€"â€" ecut the prices. $10.00 Overcoats for ... Youths‘ 8.00 coats for . MT. FOREST H. H. MOCKLER, DURKHAM All first class apâ€"toâ€"date good fitting elothing $10.00 suits for.. & Q@ 100 prs pants below cost $2.50 fine shoes 75¢ pr 2% per cent off higher. priced clothâ€" ing, that is $12 suits for.. @ (MM Overcoats Green Tags on everything indicating prices cut to almost 50¢ on the dollar. Entire shoe stock to be cleared for what it will bring Women‘s fine laced and buttoned boots, oxfords, odd sizes and lasts, but were priced up to 2.50, per pair ........... . M€¢ Big lot of high grade shoes at $1.00 pair 550 yvards choice suitings, tweeds, venetians, panamas, serges etc. reg. up to Toc a yd, sale prl%e '” $10000.00 in choice We do not pay any outside concern 10 per cent to run this sale ; we can‘t afford it, cutting too deep SALE CONTINUES TILL MARCH 13 No Old Trash ositively no credit given Cash or Produce & highest prices paid hs‘ 8.00 coats for ... ... 4'“ Clothing The people say they are surprised and delighted that everything is exactly as advertised. More clerks wanted to wait on the crowds of eager buyers. Is the first step| ) Telegraphy lay . Wike for 1<»â€"WALEERTON pUSINESS _ COLLEGE . Bach student is instructed privately _ 8 his own desk. _ We assist our graduates to the best positions Three coursesâ€"Commercial, m«‘: 7 , and Telegraphy. Mail Courses. En p‘h“ In Shorthand or Business will mou r results if takenâ€"at our old hâ€" and thoroughly reliable school. Winâ€" ter term begine Jan. <th. Catalogue free. Batisk Awzaicax Busixzss CoLLEGE Y. M.C. A. Buildin#, Toronto 150 yards, cashmeres, popâ€" lins, serges, lustres, tweeds, Â¥d, sa YOUR COURSE GEO SPOTTON, Principal Canasdian and American cen~ 1 by our chain of High Grade r..‘nflt up & upuzr unapâ€" Teachers of ripe scholar Ship, wide teaching and bu iness experience in leadin: . price 60c a $1.25 Shoes for 30¢ pr 50 Pairs Ladies‘, Misses and C hildren‘s hoes, mostly oxfords. per pair 39¢ Prints 5¢ a yda 500 yards print reg. prices up to 10¢ a yd., in pinks, dark and bright 5 reds. lilac etc, tor............ * Wrapperettes 7c a yd 350 yards all choice designs and eolors regalar price 10 and12%4 7 cents sale price. .... ...... ... * Cream Flannelette reg 12%¢.......8¢ Heavy Linen Towelling worth 124,8¢ Good linen towelling worth 8c....5¢ Fiannelettes 5c a ya 500 yards good fiinnelette in both dark & light patterans, worth 8¢ 5 a vard, sale price............. * Splendid 12%e yalue, yd wide, pink and blue stripes and dark patâ€" al terns, sale price yd..........,â€" 2 Good Factory Cotton 5¢ ya â€" Fine bleached Cotton 9c Regular 12%¢ value for... Forced Dry Goods Rubbers less than cost new stock for this Spring, sacrificed COn the return visit of the Walketâ€" ton curlers last Friday, the Durhams |evened up for their previous defeat . being 8 up and almost winning out in all three rinks. Both the new and old rinke were utilized, WALKERTON DurgAM G. Mason O. Hahn J, 0. Harstone A. H, Jackson A. Collins _ N.P. Mcintyre C. B, Lount sk, 11 J. OTelford 10 F. Anderson W.C. Vollet L. McNamara Dr Hutton E. Pengally T. G. Lauder J. Morrison sk. 13 _ W..Calder 21 U, Smith F. Lenshan B. Shorer E. McCiocklin G. Miller ; J. H. Hunter . B. Shorer E, McCiocklin G. Miller J. H. Hunter F. Lippert ek. 10 W 8 Hunter 11 Majority 8 shots. On Monday two rinks of Mt Forest men broke even with the locals, but were up 2 on both rinks. Mr. Forxket DUurRRAM Evans Hutton Gardiner Allen «k. 21 Scotrt McDonald Dale ok. 9 250 yards of all sorts of dress goods, many short ends and ull first class goods, sold at 50e a yard, sale price P@ Curlers Won and Lost. DURHAM Hutton J. Lenahan Ireland Calder sk. 10 F. Lenahan R, Uochrane J. H. Hunter J. C. Telford 18 DuruAM 0. Hahn A. H, Jackson N. P. Mcintyre J. OTelford 10 W.C. Vollet Dr Hutton T. G. Lauder W. Calder 21 F. Leashan _ â€" $10.00 coats for $1 oo $2 shoes for 50¢ pr. Women‘s fine Shoes and slippers, worth up to §2 per pr.................... 50€ All other lines reduced, we will clear our entire shoe stock. 2 only, coats ~ere 14.50, now..$7.25 3 onlyv, coats were $12, now ....6.00 5 only, misses coats 8.50, now . . $4.50 83 only, children‘s coats $4, now $2,00 Half Price 20 coats, slightly out of style, but with altering wonld be O K 1 00 ecoats, worth up to $10 for «+ Ladies‘ THE DURHAM REVIEW * The u mi(gnod offers for service at Lot 9 and§0, Con 2, W G R., Bentinck, a thoroughbred Durham bull, good pedigree, aind _ a Thoroughbred 'Fuu:- worth hog, \For terms and particulars apply to n o Thoroughbred Bull for service at Lot 0:1.%0 7. Bentin&\lor terms and partiâ€" c «pply‘to . X= : 24 19f °0_ A fearfual crime was committed in broad daylight on a prominent street in Hamilton last Thund:‘{ afternoon, Two sisters named Kinrade were alone in their nouse when a man entered, demanded money, got it, and it apâ€" pears, thinking one of them wasescap» ing to give information, emptied a revolver into Edith Kinrade, killing her instantly and disappeared out of sight. Florence, as may be imagined. is in a bifihly nervous condition, and has varied in her -tor&of the tranng’» doings, The father, the city, and the Province have offered rewards for the cold blooded murderer, but the deâ€" tectives so far have failed, 150 yards of double width dress goods, bought to reâ€" tail at 25¢ to 80e yd ; many different â€"patterasâ€"jast the thing for children _ 4 1 Murder in Hamilton. Stock for Seryvice Bull for service TORONTO Mantles We‘re bound to BY ALEXANDER, Dornoch, .10 . Rev Dr Farqubarson attended Presâ€" bytery meeting on Tuesday in Harâ€" Mr Latimer went to Torouto on Tuesday as a delegate to the Dominâ€" ion Alliance, » Mr Neil McCannel and his mother visited Collingwood relatives this week, Mrs McCannel remainiog for some time. f Mr W. D. McKay, of the Traders Bank, spent Thursday and Friday at his home in Toronto. Messrs StanleÂ¥ Thurston, Karstedt, and Bellamy, of Fiesherton, were in wiwn Friday with the Junior hockey team. Mr Douglas Munro came home frow Regina last Friday to be present at his father‘s funcral, and will return Thursday. t & Miss Wright, of Priceville, is visiu ny fnet sister, Mre (Dr) Hutton. hr. Peter and Miss Alice Ramage visited Dromore friends and attended the "At Home" in Kussell Hall Wedâ€" nesday night. Mr Alex McKenzie, Detroit, visited his father and other frignds in town. He left on Saturday for California, where he intends living. Mrs MacLaurin, of Toronto, is at present attending on her daughter, Miss McLaurin, who has been ill but is now happily recovering. Mr Hcbt. Morice left last F1 idu{ for the West,. A large number are leayâ€" ing March 15, when the C. P. R. are pulting in special accommodation tor for travellers or settlers for the West. Mrs Jro. Kilmer, of Vancouver, ar rived in town Tuesday on a visit to Mrs Geo, McHechnie and other old friends, It is over eight years since they left Durham. She visited for some time her husband‘s parents in Walkerton before coming here. SmmtTH.â€"In Normanby, on Feb, 26tb, to Mr and Mrs Alex, Smith, a son, Mr Peckover is a clever speaker of the lecturer type, with perbaps a litt‘e too much posturing. _ Mrs h.itchco: is also a free ana ready speaker, full of f«ith and pathos, Encr:conlntu- ited Duham on having carried local option, but warned the temperance forces to be on the alert as there was still work to do. By appointment of the Dominion Alliance kev. H. Peckover and Mrs Owen Hitchcox were in Durham on Sanday last and epoke in the Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian churches it the regular services, and at a mase meeting in the Presbyterian cburch it 8.30 p. m, Good congregations greeted them, _ Rev. Mr ?flwwn preached very acceptably in the Presâ€" byterian church in the evening, the pastor being absent in Palmerston on similar business, Mr Peckover in the morning ?relch- ed from Matt. 28 : 18. Herctured the despondency of the disciples after he crucifixion, their hopes of worldly glory dashed, their leader gone, &c. But an exualtant change came when he risen Lord walked amongst them and proclaimed * All power is given unto me in heayen and in earib." It was not possible, he said, to grasp the full meaning of these words, we were like travellers coming to ‘the edge of cean, seeing only its margin, Not only bas He his own inherent nower he has the power of the Father, There is always work to do, if our immediate surroundings are all right, look abroad and be ready for any sacrifice : that was the true Ohristian Spirit, Why, heasked, has God allowâ€" The power of the World‘s wealth is also to be given to Christ, though at times it may not look like it. _ Too often the world gets the banquet, the Christ the crumbs ; but improvement is taking place and the truth is beâ€" coming betier known that " the silver and the gold is mine and the cattle upon a thousand hills," if the spirit, and even of ** more than twelve legions of angels," in fact all the powers of heaven. Rev, Mr Newton in the evening spoke from Phil, 2: 11, prmntinfl Jesus Christ not only as Lord, an Lord of all, but as the all powerful Saviour and loving ()umgnnion. whom we should hive in our homes, in our pieasures and in our hearts and on our lips if we woulid would properly conâ€" tess Him. The Pres Church was well packet at 8. 15 p. m, when other churches send their quota. _ Pending the arrival of Urs Hitchcox, Mr Peckover addrei the imweeting and after a fi opening proceeded to deal the temperance question, _ He began by cuondemning the prevailing subterfuge that many bave of condemning the present means and clamoriog for a method not availatle, He had hard words to say too of the mass of inâ€" actiye power in the churches in this counection dwelling on the force of example, _ *" Life, Liberty and Hapâ€" piness" was the right of every citizen of Canada as of the Sule:.'lnt_llo' little of these three qualities can come to the mother, sister, wife, or child of a drunken man. * The power of commerce is to be given to Christ, as is the power of Literature. _ Though there is much that is rotten in secular journalism, there is gradually emerging from the mass the lineaments of One whose "visage was so marred more than any man," and the power of the Bible was growing. _ Similarly the power of Music, of Sealpture, indeed of all Art, was to be given to Christ, All power to one man? For cenâ€" turies the effort has been to keep one man from having all power, but in this case it comes into beneficent hands, _ He uses it to maintain his church as well as to break down oppositon, for the â€"workers of the church, weaklings at the best, would vever have uinde the progress *hey have without his power, Just .l;i & :it“etd car, i':fll. n;;ged. finely officered and equip roadâ€"bed, &vc., is useless when the power is turned off, so are the churches, however finely manned, without the power of Christ, A Temperance Sunday. Â¥ The Mass Meeting. BORN + <ie + en a heut 1 2.029 y g& . ue S eniieeiing t C " P Nn ie yc 2s 12 P Bp pnth c 0 NCV % s es 2 i esn‘ * i. i itg‘ on en F â€" ts - c E & ' = L d > * §3% from your fellowmen : " Inssmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Mrs HRitchcox dealt with the Safety of the Home as affected by the Lnquor traffic. The three sweetest words were Mother, Home and Heaven, and respect to and for all were weakened by the drink habit. She told a paâ€" thetic story of the sight of 600 young men in confinement, not Mfl. but braimy men, reduced through drink. She gave an array of statistics sbowing the progress of temperance in many States, where there wore hotels in plenty but no barâ€"rooms, others were approaching this conâ€" gitlon and even Chicago was going ry. & In mic')lher ¢ir5c(:‘o: II.I,:‘ showed ow reilways an er corporâ€" ations like Jnuhsll Field‘s in 2::‘:."“' Eaton‘s in Toronto, &c., had a ban lon liquo: ‘w&?:t t?.ouu:ndl of employees, and in wo places the bebasing cigarette was also forâ€" bidden. The medical rro(nflu ton were ranging themselyes on the side of temperance, the secular press, â€"g zines and journals were doing same, *‘ EMJM ‘s coming to our side." ‘Bhe oo«i ::th an m ‘pP.‘I o young men efor w is 'hd‘l:t’. cl':.'u. mflmmd." The benediction by Mr Peckover closed the meeting. ‘ The Big Store, Durham MARCH â€" BARGAINS Below you will a list of Which will prove interesting‘and profitable to the family purse ; 36 inch Black Serge worth 5o0 for.............32¢ 36 inch Navy Batiste worth 356 for............27¢ 40 inch Dress Goods, light shades, worth 60c for 39¢ & doz Ladies‘ Blk Cashmere Hose worth 35¢ for 25¢ 27 inch Black mercerised D Goods worth 20c for 15c 27 inch wh. spot " 6 *# 15e 1; white bedspreads wortn $1.50 for .....>.>>.â€"â€"79¢ Boy‘s Caps, smart and stylish worth 25¢ for. ... 19¢ 5 colored Comforters worth 2.25 for. .. â€"..».>>â€"$1.59 25 pr mens shoes Dongola and box calf 2.50 for 2.:19 WArE all being sold and cleared out at remarkâ€" able savings. best material and strongest make, they the foremost rank i the army of kinds of so called overalls in:fiemlrket. l omce mad: Wmmwdfi dresser. it is made in a variety of fabrics i designs the garments Cut and fashioned in compliance with the carrentatyles." " If you will visit our store we are positive we can make an ideal suit for you at an ideal price. 23 lbs best Granulated Sugar for... ... ... ... . .$1,00 5 lbs best Japan Tea for...............~......1.00 4 packages Jelly Powder for...:..........*.>»*++25 4 bottles best extract for................}..>>> .25 4 lbs soap chips for.......... ,....}0e}6>+>}>+>25 4 boxes matches for............ll..}.}}.0.....0I5 Our Spring model ;, Mens Suits Hardware, Tinware, Graniteâ€" lnthenyolemiaetu.iu patronage is given our Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. Extra Special for Friday and Saturday OVERALLS GROCERIES EePE P CECCOCC ie i7 ces coue s [akad is sasa 2i k vian++!+2§ k ra x xX i xn Â¥xA s aa#s 2 r »» + 20 Fax Carra2eÂ¥i1212% «+ »*»2§ s uskEnCLiÂ¥r»‘s 1Â¥ a 224 is 14 Subâ€" stantial Support SA SK ATCHEW AN COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS _ Ne Charée for Rerths Only Through Servica to the Wost *n prahalp Fut neng * By Canadian Pacific direct line nfimnz.l*u:.-n- will leave Torente leaving Teronte Bech TUESDAY in | 10.18 p.m. datty MARCH and APRIL | Tourist Sieeping Cars at 10.16 pâ€"u. Fastent Timg E. MacFARLANE i WB ..25 . .25 «â€"â€"25 «x5 AUL T DHE REVIEW, PUrHaM 15¢ to Jan will 10 W 8. KFFL until March 1 Sale tl mal a i hne rocure many § at your ow 18 an exC Sale wj aftern EW DU | ) 17 (F W

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