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Durham Review (1897), 4 Mar 1909, p. 1

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Â¥ 25, 190) Al List idlaw me Directory. excep= nomy \ASSel s ea h New idea Patterns all 10 cts rt 1.98 49c 2.19 39¢ 50c lans ild R. B. KEELER & SON ;__James Ireland § _-j Ein oi i eP P eP Pe naP, PaP e Ne en nae Pas naacnlecelecetoe en 24 ;:;:;x:m:c:m:c:-:xx:xmcmm&&msg : We offer you the z2 greatestpossible values § VOL. XXXiI, NO. 9 THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT. T5¢c to Jan. 1 1910 This is the order of the day at Keeâ€" lers. Be on hand and grab up the Bargains. Sale starts at once. This wholo stock m ist be sold in short time and we will give you the gonuine bargains that only come your way whon a fellow msaus everything he says. See cur windows and you will plainly see we mean business, _ This stock consists of watches of every description, hundreds of clocks, hundreds of solid gold Nings, Lockets, Chains, Bracelets. Again we say Come, Come, Come. Everything goes and everything will go at the Slaughter Sale Hund reds of pieces of high class Silverware, musâ€" ical instruments, China Dinner Sets, China Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Fancy Goods of all descriptions, Books & Statronery. Come Come Come ham. W We are leaving Town sure pop And New Spring Shirts & Neckwear To anvy addre«s in Canada, w# will send THE REVIEW from now to Jan. 1, 1910 (almost 11 month=) for 75 cents. Take adâ€" vabtage of this remark «ble offer or see that your friend or neighâ€" bor does :o. _ NOW is the time. rices, Boy‘s Suits 2 Newest shades and handsome Remarkable | serviceable Thousands of rolils of new WALL PAPER itylish two piece Nortoik Suitssâ€"We consider this suit one values we have been able to show our customers and one e excellent satisfactinn h L1 Norfolk Bias Filled Corsets !o not intend to move one cent‘s worth )ls anl wo shike down upon you the mmins you ever met with. n xclusive patterns with all the improvements prices but an extremely broad range at $1,00 KWEARâ€"Newest designs in plain and stri riges, 23 and 50c. vith good quality olk Suits, material is a t green stripe, ages 8 to 1 value in a boy‘s double breasted three piece suit of tweed, dark shade, strong Italianâ€"cloth lining, shoulâ€" sizes 26 to 31, $5.50. Thousand Dollars worth of the newâ€" â€"t Stock to sell right here in Durâ€" ip all sizes in our w ills and Jackets and it WA strated beyond the led to fit every styl 50 and $2400. satisfaction, » ewest Models made sh (s, material is a wool tweed in a dark, grey stripe, ages 8 to 13, $3.75 Two piece suits in tweed effects 20, $2.50 to $4.00. i Convert to the creed of high grade overalls. op made ‘overalls won‘t do for the railroad AAAAAAAAAAAA es in our well known Railroad King and Jackets and Kentucky Jean pants. n VWodels made of fine white coutil, meâ€" d back, deep extension skirt well boned ‘tached prices, 70¢ and $2.00 r $1.00 and $2.00, the shadow of a doubt that Bias style of Agure, They are made effect, sizes 26 to 31, $4.50 all the improvements known to stripe effects, , Sizes 22 to by Mr W. Caldep of this town. Since that time be has formed a partnership with Mr H. Carveth, of Oshawa and the old stand will now be run under the firm name of * The Central Drug Store." _ Referring to Mr Calder we need only say he is well and favorably known as a successful business man in other lines and we have no doutbt he will display the same energy in the new business. _ In regard to Mr Carâ€" veth he comes highly recommended as a firstâ€"class druggist who has held imâ€" portaut positions in Toronto, Orillia. and Sudbury. â€" The drug department will be entireli under his charge. The firm are thoroughly renovating the store and will nd«{seveml new lines to their stock. _ We hesperk for the new firm a fair share of the patâ€" ronage of the town and district. Do you w THEs®k Books ?.â€"Ey. eryone thinki of going out West sbould rerd the Kree booklet, "Sâ€"ttlers‘ Guide " and * W&stermf® Canada, " pubâ€" lished h{ the C. R. They containa mine of informaNon regarding the Northwest, crop figyres, lands for sale firming notes, good lnaps, freight and passenger rates, antQ parliculars of settlera‘ train servicetduring March and April. Apply at octe for copies, to R, &CFFI"HDP, local ent, or_diâ€" rect to R. L, Thompson, District Pasâ€" senger Agent C. P, R&., Tornto. New Firx.â€"A short time ago the stock of J. A. Darling was bought in JUNIONS DEFEATED.â€"A Flesherton team came over last Friday and gave our Junior nockeyists an exhibition game, winning by 3 to 1. The yisitors were a heavier and on the whole, larger team, and after Durham scorâ€" ing the first, had it their own way in the scoring line. Qut boys‘held them even the last balf when neither side counted, _ Durham _ lineâ€"upâ€"Vernon Elvidge, Foster Saunders, _ Merle Whitwmore, Robt, Ssaunders, Camphbelt MceLachilan, Mack Saunders, Arthur Hutton. Tur Laits Jou\ MUxRO,â€"The fuâ€" neral of this gentleman whose death we recorded last week, took place on Saturday last at 10.30 a m, The delay was in order to allow of the arrival of their son Douglas from the West. He arrived on FBI'Id? night. _ Rev. Mr. Farqubarson conducted the services. the pall bearers were Messts Wm. Irâ€" win, W E McAllister, Walter Buchan, Jas R Gun, Joha Kelly, 8 P Saunders, and many friends from town paid the last tribute of respect, 1yPORTANM AxnxouscrnEext. â€" We bhave just been‘gompelled to receive a large consignmdpt of High Grade Corâ€" sets contracted \for some time ago, Thez are the newsest models of the celebrated L+ De‘@gse Corset and we place thein on sale inthree lots, $2 00 UCorsets for $139, $1.50 Corsets §$1.15. ond $1,.25 ones for 80 Ncents. Greai Liquidation Sale, HANJL. Mockler, CHANGE oFr UaRS. â€"GoiRg to the NortRwest lq the Canadian Pacific direct Yne. Trains ke fast time, no change%en route, n(':qunufem or cusâ€" toms examinations. The route is atâ€" tractive ak@d interesting. Being the short tine, Ne C. P. R. sets the standâ€" ard for lo ates, Special settlers‘ train service ing March and April. Ack R, MacFaRtax®, agent, for parâ€" ticulars. A Is it balmy Spring we have with us ? Or a makeâ€"belreve ? March has come in like a lamb and if we‘re to have no more snow, it would be pleasant if it would stay §0.â€"Laterâ€"Wednesday p im. â€" Now look at the lion! An easterâ€" Iy gale accompanied by heavy snow reminds us we are not yet " out of the wouds." Box S0CIALâ€"A Box Social will be bela in La.ona Public School, south of Doruoco, on Friday evening, March 12. â€" Au excellent program of dinâ€" logues, recitations, etc., is being preâ€" pared, _ Admission 15 cents, Ladies bringing boxes free. T C OE TTEIRELY: 40NNUIEID * J, H. " and * M, " on each side of locket., Finder wi blige by leayâ€" img at REVIEW Office. Nteward giyen Everything Non our bills on sale; Thursday, Frid and Saturaay, exâ€" actly as advrertise Big Sale of High Urade Teas, 660 lbs. M less than wholeâ€" sale prices, See ad. eat Liquidaâ€" tion Sale, 3 Mockler, Preraring ror tur JuB EE,â€"A meeting of elders and Managers of the Presvyrerian Church is to be hela this eyeniug to discuss methods of observâ€" lug the jutuiee of the church which period will arrive this summer, BUSINESS CHANGE.â€"Mr John Murâ€" dock has sold out his in plement business, Pianos, Organs, Robes, &c., to Mr John Snell, who takes possession in a week or two, LO8T.â€"In DuMam, on Wednesday, l"«lb. 34.'.:! ('h‘lill“ @ locket. Initiais Bills are out for the March Horse Fuir which is to be hel4 on the 16th inst., in Durham. Get ready ; likely to be the biggest yet. 100 beantiful frames given away, one with each dozen cabinets 1t F. W. KELsSEY, Artist, Durham. he peerless Overalls and Jackâ€" ete at Grant‘s. They are what their name imWies. Will be glad to show them to yo Toretes Tegwalier ‘provicing tor Infereet urham Re RECORD OF BUSINESS The Standard Bank of Canada from Sist January, 1908 + â€" .« + $61,902.00 Fipancial Statementfor the Year Ending 30th January, 1909 â€"PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTâ€" ~OW MNkBz ZOPICS DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1909. xC «8 â€" GENERAL $1,166,967.00 16,014,207.92 cpats® on Wm. Moore, wood for office.. $11 83 ++ ** Hall... _ 6 65 W. J. Ector, work............ 1 00 W, B. Vollett, sal. and Ptge,,.. 30 17 Catton & Calder, expense to Woodstock...... .......... 11 05 Orowlez & McDonald, bal. on DrIdGG .+. ; «: »2+¢11.+1+«+ 1+ ~C60OG Wm Kingston, to balance bill. 50 14 C. Ramage & Son, printing acet â€" 11 75 A number of accts. were held over. A decision was reached to secure a coat and cap as uniform for Constable Carson, and also handcuffs for the other tellow. After routine accounts were presentâ€" ed and ckecka will issue as follows ; TATEMENT â€" A long list of arrears of income taxâ€" es were ordered struck ‘off as being now uncollectable. Also tazes wmt fully charged against the lot on whic the Mayor‘s residence stands. Met Monday evening. All present but Ccuncilior Oochrane, Wm. Moore, wood for office The business was got thro on record time and before 10 o'eloxb At a meeting of the South Grey Temperance Association held _ on Tuesday night a proposal to buy the Hahn House was discussed, A comâ€" mitrce was appointed to bring in a reâ€" port with a view to the formation of a Joint Stuck Co. to accomplish the purpose. Mr Hahn we believe is willâ€" ing to sell and already, offers to take a generous amount of stock have heen wade. The scheme is feacible and with a good man in charge there would he no difficulty in financing the runâ€" ning of it,. iiinian i sare Seaada basy :o c C d to Officers‘ Ponglon +0 k o% Trans erred to Reserve Pund _ â€" _ .« â€" .« ty_-;;:ul-nr-lt-h*- _ DirEer\ro WESTERN CaNapa.â€"The Cunadian \ Pacific *" Winripeg Exâ€" press " leaking Toronto at 10 lsrx. 0., daily, carriks through standard and ourist sleeping cars for Winnipeg, the Northw and Pacific Coast, This is the o direct, throughâ€"car service to Weshern Canada, traing run the entire distakce through Canadian territory, and the time made is considâ€" emhlfi t{uter thar by any other route, See R,. MacFARDÂ¥4NE, town Agent, for particulars, mittees and I on three. Ox Four CommiITTees.â€"The stand. ing committees in the Provincial Legisâ€" lature have been nmnfid, and our member, Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P., has the honor of appearing on four of them, Privileges â€" and Elections, Railways, Private Bills and Municipat Law. Hon. A. G. MacKay, ogcpoomon leader, and North Grey‘s member, is on nine comâ€" The last home hockey match of the serson comes off Friday night when Walkerton makes their final appearâ€" ance here â€" They gave the Durhams a hard game at home, and forced Hanâ€" over to go the limit to win out in Hanâ€" over. â€" Hockey lovers may expect anâ€" other _ such interesting game as witâ€" nessed previously between the two teams, ProvINCIAL Pquc.s.l?:‘ Ontario Government has in view thimformation of a Provincial Police system for the more efficient protectlion of both urban and rural districts. _ If it can be made as efficient and useful as the North West Mounted Police, the sooner we have it the better. More prints reg. 10 c¢ts. reduced to 5 cte. a yd. y other lines reduced, more thread in k at 3 cte. a spool. Great extra effort\ Come in the mornâ€" ing or lou may miikthe best bargaine. Great Liquidation Sale. . H, Mockler. PROVINCIAI: Porice.â€" e Ontario BaxgUKt aAND CONCERT. â€"A Rflue affair is to be held in the Town Hall on Thursday, l1th March, when under the auspices of the B. Y. P. U the Shredded Wheat Biscuit Co, will zive a banguet and concert. _ Popular prices, See later annogucements. Great e tice cnttln? Thursday, P‘ridaz and urday, br stock of Tweeds on sale, plete clearance of Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Clothigg and slashing reductions in fine Ta nen. Great Liquidation Sale, ts The Kecler Furniture Sale on Saturâ€" day came off well and brought g:od prices. The firm we rea:_t to hear have decided to concentrate their energies on their Welland business, and will be leavâ€" ing town in the summer. C. Sxuirru & Soxse. A meeNipg of the South fln; Rifle Association will be held in J. P. Telâ€" ford‘s officen Saturday, 6h March, 1909, at 8 p. m,,Â¥or the appointment of officers and trai tion of general business. The latest to date Men‘s new spring shirts at t‘s, Open air treatument is ,ood for conâ€" sumptiyes but bad for farm machinâ€" ery. t Saw Logs WANTED.â€"Pine Hemâ€" lock, Spruce, Balsam, Maple. To be delivered at Smith‘s Foundry for which good prices will be paid., Notick.â€"All accounts owing to John Murdock mus settled by the 15th of March withdut tail. May Buy a Hotel Town Council. . B. Lucas, for East Grey, n Murpock. 30 17 11 05 21 06 50 14 11 75 124 68 ockler. unal The chief business of the afternoon apart from the discussion of the Reâ€" ports was the fixing of the Salaries, The expiring board had a byâ€"law drawn :rtor sanction making giaum- er‘s saliry $5000 instead of $6000, f)irecwn zwu.w instead of $500.00. Treasurer‘s $200.00 instead of $500.00, This modest reduction was entirely at variance with the temper of the 200 or more shareholders present. Mr Calder introduced an amendment making the salaries, $2000, $10 a day and expenses and $100 for Manager, Directors â€"and Treas.. respectiyely, This was like to be amended in various ways, so each item was taken singly. One man made a threat that unless the manager‘s salary was $3000 he would demand a vote by stock held. ‘The manager himseif announced he mould accept that sum if the old Board was reâ€"elected. Finaliy Calder said he would compromise at $2500 which the manager said he would acâ€" cept, if elected, and no conditions, and this was carried by an overwhelmâ€" ing vote. by showing that a tazation of $163000 .hzdthstonlv torcehoolpnr:o:-onu million dollar plant was not excessive. The other charge he met by poiating The yote for the Directors was fxed at $10 a day and expenses, and the Treasurer‘s remuneration is to be $100.00. _ Attention was then directed to the auditors who are paid 8225 each, Mayor Laidiaw presented the names of Messts alcintosh and Koch, town auditors, who he was sure would fuinish _ a _ clear â€" and _ explicit statement and would do it for $100.00 each. Six or seven other mdu.ins pairs were named but all went down before Mr Laidlaw‘s nominees, and we congratulate our young townsmen on their appointâ€" ment. To Mr Hoyle was allotted the task of replying to Mr Calder. We have no intention of _nproduclnmtho perâ€" sonalities indulged in, but Mr Hoyle evidentuy thought this necnur{. Calder was blamed for cxcessively tazing the mill when Mayor, for hav» mg been a failure as a salesman, &c., &c. _ The first charge Calder refuted ie Hir Hoyiy mt qaoied vnly Mr Calder was the chief critic of the afternoon and showed a comprehenâ€" sive intimacy with the affairs of the company. . He was able to lay before the meeting the rreyniling sentiment. as be believed, of the shareholders of the province, and that was that there should be a new Board elected. He was still of the opinion, backed up by Mr Woods and others that there was lenty of available marl in Wilder‘s Lke. He also condemned the abâ€" sentecism of the manager, and brought thhom wbst rntleman & sltatement that he was in no way connected with Americsn enterprises of any kind, but had travelled to get new ideas, some of which had been of great value to the sharebolders, Points objected to were,. reckonin as assets : the "Goodwil!," 248 thous;ng dollars, which of course must be the watered stock given for promotion ; Duck Bags, $24878 00, an asset that could not be realized upon seeing the name is on the bags ; $18540 00, Coal on hand, an enormous amount to haye tred up so long ; $81,494.65 "contract account " was explained to be goods ordered but not delivered, Objection was also taken by Mr Scott and others to baying the :175.001.19 due to the Standard Bank appearing as three items : * Treasurer, Scandard Bank," * Bille Puynblp " and * Bank Accomâ€" modation." _** Unclaimed Dividends," at firet sight a liability, appears aâ€" mong the assets but was satisfactorily explained as dividends that had been allotted on the whole stock, some of which had not been issued. The stateâ€" ‘ ment was ultimacely adopted. The discussions in the afternoon took a wide range,. President Mcâ€" Williams took the chair at the opening and gave a resume of the season‘s operations by reading the Directors ard Auditor‘s Report, expanding now and again and answering the many questions fired at him as best he could. There were very many points in dispute and it seems a reflection on chartered accountants that a report issued l:g them as auditors should reâ€" quire the bhaggling of business men tor hours to find out what it means, The yoting went on but not till 2 & m. next morning was a result arâ€" mved at when it appeared that the ele:ted Directors were Messrs Mcâ€" Williams, Hoyle, McKinnon of Hilisâ€" burg, Seott of Listowel, Dyer, Doolittle ol%rillm. and MacKay, ‘The new members are Mckionon, Scott and Doulittle ; the displaced members are McKechoie, Ratz and McLaren. The absence of all diyidends this year, the depression in the cement inâ€" dustry, uu# the unsatisfactory stateâ€" ment issued by the company had caused all over the Province considerâ€" able dissatisfaction, which was freely voiced at the meeting. _ On the Tuesâ€" day evening previous an informar meeting was held in the Palmer House, which was attended by quite a numwber who thought a chunfs of the management was _ desirable. The meeting voted Mr Wm Calder to the Chair and the discussions revealed that a great mu‘ority of those present were desirous of a new bourd, though some would exemgt McKechnie. The only result of the meeting was the selection of 7 men for Directors, but only six of these were nominated next d:xnnd only three of them stood the ordeal of the vote. The office staff were on hand ai 9 a. m. Wednesday to receive proxies for which a simple temporary receipt was given,. This registering went on till weil on in the afrernoon, but not ‘ till after 11 o‘clock, p. m., were the ballots handed out for the election of directors, and it was then tound that the lists of a number who had been entrusted with proxies were considerâ€" ably reduced, owing to a ch.-m%)e of mind and a later proxy haying been given by the same party to some one else The Annual meeting of the Shareâ€" holders of the National _ Portland Cement Co. was held last Wednesday in Toronto, a large number of shareâ€" holders being present in person and a much larger number represented by proxy. Annual: Meeting of ‘_ Cement Co. | % . \ < C . ONTARIO ARC TORONTO A lenglh{ program of speech, song, and recitation were afterwards given, interspersed by gramaphone selections rovided _ by Mr _ Joseph Harrison, grot. Kyle contributed sevyeral selecâ€" tions both vocal and instrumental to the enjoyment of the occasion as did many others. _ After many well wishâ€" es to the young married couple the guests dispenec; at an “'"'5 hour after the singing of Auld Lang Syne. =â€"â€"â€"â€"# $ 4â€"â€"â€"â€"._â€" It is not oftdg an opportunity occurs at {lour door to the latest Parisian and ew York style%in Hair Goods, yet such is the case, as Pfpf Dorenwend of Toronâ€" to is visiting this Yown, and invites your inspection of thes&goods at his private apartments reservel at the Hotel. These Hair GoodsÂ¥tyles, when properâ€" ly adjusted protect %nd ornament the head, soften and beaullfy the expression of the face, and con: ntly tone ufi an aged appearance. BesBre and see them at Hahn House, Durham, Tuesday, March 9th. Among the many valuaable presents givyen to tha young couple worthy «f special mention may be that of a Bible from Grundfa!ger Bocles and a shaving set to the grooim from some of the pupils of his 8, 8. class, Among those from a distance were Mrs Isaac and her daughter, Mrs Dxâ€" on of Mt Forest ; Miss R. Rutherford, Ad=*m and Robt Eccles, Gait, The dainty wedding gown was of stripped silk chiffon over cream, her travelling suit being blueladies‘ cloth with white silk waist and hbat to match, _ The bridesmaid‘s was fawn crepe de chene with bodier sash and carried respectively a shower boguet of white and piak carnations and maiden hair fern, A dainty supper was served in the dining room which was prelti!{ decorated with everâ€" greens and flowers, â€" The groom‘s gift to the bride was a gold locket arnd chain studded with brilliants and to the bridesmaid afuld brooch, _ They go off un their wedding trip to Georpc» town, Toronto and other points, Promptly at 5 o‘clock the bonme bride, preceded by the bridesmaid, appearei leaning on tne arm of her brother who gave her away, and as they eame into the parlor L{le bridal march was played by Miss Jessic Eccles, A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bunâ€" ston, Dromore, on the evening of Wednesday, Feb 24. when their eldest daughter Mary became the wife of Mr John Ececles of the same place. _ A large number of relatives and friend» w.re present and witnessed the marâ€" riage ceremony remainiog afterwards for the reception which followed, The groom was assisted by his brothe: Dan, whuile the bride‘s only attendant was Ler cousin, Miss Jean Baird, of Markdale wno acted as bridesmad The Rev, G, Kendali, pastor, was the officiating minister. _ The house was prettily decorated throughout and presented a festive and attractive apâ€" pearance, . With the chastening that comes from meeting with the minds of the shareholders, who, in the mass, were plainly not pleased with the m nageâ€" ment, with the substantial reduction of exvessive salaries, with the prospecti of increased industrial enterprise creating increased demand for cemen:, especialiy of the excellent National Brand, we may hope for a betuer showing tweive months from now. The mill, the report Says is in splendid shape, we have now better shipping facilities, we have with us a lot of trained workmen and we should have on the part of every mewber of the new Board the ambition to produce dividends that so the huvdreds of trusting sharcholders may have some return for the meoney they, in good faith, placed in the concern, hlfih. The sufferers by the smoke nuisance will be interested to know that Mr Hoyle rride- himself on beâ€" ing the means of introducing legislaâ€" lation to exempt cement works from smoke restrictions. $6,350,0 00 cash sales and omitted the orders he had sent in Mayor Laidlaw in this discussion let it be known that he thinks the cement assessment still too We are always ready to make loans to responsible farmers at reasonable rates. Open a Savings Account with $1 or upwards. & THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE Have wm' Sales Notes made payable at this Bank. e collect them l{[:»rompt.ly when due, and advance money on them if you require it _ _ Pretty Dromore Wedding. DURMHAM BRANCH Published Weekly] at $1.00 a year, TRADERS BANK Important to Ladies. Ecoues â€"Buxsrox A. H. PRESTON, Manager ES ALSO AT MOUNT FOREST AND AYTON, of Canada INCORPORATED 1g85 ) good | the poorest description imaginable, I They are mostly frame or possibly slight balloon structures consisting of seantiings and one or more lumber 8. coverings or linings,. In any case the majority of thein present the apâ€" pearance of neglect or poverty, There ‘l”l“" is such a want of taste about them, ng u:;i:.uch an air of genial indifference to eldest]| the ordinary comforts of life as we of Mr|know them, such an utter abandonâ€" .__ A fment of everything that would tend riend=| to ameliorate the misery of living . | there that one is tempted to suspect "‘.‘fge’ adistinctly lower grade of civilization ‘othe; | than in the more northerly climes, ndant | Phere are no barns, such as ours, for ind, of | housing cattle or presery ing fodderâ€" mard. |indeed it would appear that cattle is tbe|can forage in the open during the e ‘;, winter, for no provision is made for ¢ e“ul:w their teed.ng or protection except on larger ranches, where hay and straw onnie | stacks are often seen on certain fields. maid, | To these stacks the cattle have free f ner | access, but unless the winter is unusâ€" nd as ually severe or uuusulllyfl,‘ a "’:'.‘::“l they do not seem to be much used, _|The farm machinery alsoâ€"such as of | meagre supply of implements as are , her | used â€"and vehicles, if any, like those cloth | of your thriftless farmers at home, are it 10 | generally left out on the fields where :‘:‘z:" ’ they quit work, or are scattered near Tusrspay, Marox 9ru.â€"Mr OCharles Boyle, of Glascott, has sold his farm and wih bold a clearing auction sale of farm stock and implements, See bills later . WEepxesoay, ManrcH 10,â€"Don. A Smith, lot 2, con, 1, Bentinek, will lel! by public auction Farm Stock com posed of horees, cattle, sheep, &c., and implements, No reserve as farm is sold Bale at 1 o‘clock, Terms: 85 and under, cash, over this, 10 mos, credit, 5 per cent off for cash, War MeMrronsEuL, Auctioneer, Wepxesoay., Manon 10.â€"Jno. Calâ€" | der, lot 21, con, 21, Exremont, will sell by blic Auction, Farm Stock and Im fl-‘:nmll. Everything must be lnlg as proprietor is going west. Perms : 12 mos, credit ; 6 per cent off for cash, Sale at one o‘clock, D McPHAIL Aucrioneer cash, Sale at Fripay, lih Maron.â€"On this date, Troup Bros., Lot 8; Con. 12, Proton, will sell by Public Auciion, without reserve, valuable Farm Stoc«, consistâ€" ing of 7 horses, and mares all young and likely, cows and other oung catâ€" tle. 15 sheep, pigs and a {rw imple» ments, Terms: $5 and under cash, Over $5, 13 woas, credit on approved notes, 5 per cent per annum off for PHF FWT eZETRET WT WIB date, Wiltiam Backus, dlot 70, con 2, Beniinck wall offer for sale, without reserve Farm Stock and implements, See bills and ad on this page for full Pn uc See bills particul Throughout this barren looking district and indeed through long stretches of 'l‘?xas, the houses are of genial air of the more southern Oklaâ€" homa, I could not help thinking of a good fat parcel of peanuts wiich I received some years ago from our muâ€" tual friend, Mr W, J, Sharp, ot Holâ€" stein. These were grown in Guthrie or near it in Oklanoma, and were the best peannts I ever tasted. Mr Sharp‘s brother, I think, sent him a large sack of them grown by himself and perhaps that knowledge made them taste better and perhaps the fact that they were unroasted, but certain it is that my estimate of Oklaâ€" homa peanuts stands to this day very high, thanks to the kindness of Mr Sharp. South easters Oklahoma is hilly and almost mountainous, the lirst of the kind one meets on the way here THE REVIEW, DURKHAM, home Tnx':rslig«v. 4h Maronm.â€"On this Inspector Campbell ranching in Texas In the Sunny South The Yellow Label Tells the dateto which sub. -edrllion has been pa&o" Our malling list was this week corâ€" rected up to date, If yours is not correct, kindly notify us at onte. â€" We thank alt who have renewed the past few weeks but there are yet many others we wish to hear from at once, C. RAMAGE & sorn, . Prtnrers inp Puosureazas Rost. Brigham, Auctioneer Continued on Page 5 *Â¥ # Â¥â€"â€"â€"â€"mmom Sale Register,. D, McPrarc. Auctioneer. $3 4,000,000 1 o‘clock %$

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