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Durham Review (1897), 4 Mar 1909, p. 6

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u*4 eet t dn on l pved se oo B ol d se pa o m ied ioi ie ah nant s Taylor & Co., Dromore : s Petor E. Summers, of Kalamazoo, Mich., a relates his v({- rience; % 9e . > "I was troubled with Nervous Debility wA & °N for many years. 1 lay it to indiscretion S 2/ 5 and sxcesses in early Youth. 1 became i M very d.-sroudtm and didn‘t care whether ¢ f [ 1 worked or not. d imagined everybody |, s W m who looked at me guessed my secret. A «m f Imaginative drenims at night weakened ; 59 42 s P . meâ€"my back ached, had pains in the $ &A f back of my head, hands and feet were |;, JA y eold, tired in the morning, poor al(?)e'ilfl. £ £ fingers were shaky, eyes blurred, bair ie by ye loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in & the fingers set in and the doctor told me w c 64 € he feared paralysis 1 took all kinds of > t medicines and tried m.an firstâ€"class 3 43 M ;)hymci'ln!. hwortn nnc el;fit 5. belt ;or 7 12 M hree months, went to . Clemens for ] @EFORE TREATMENT . paths but received little benefit, While _ **"*" *"**A"*t"* at Mt. Clemons 1 was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, though 1 had lost », _ @ll faith in doctors. Like a drowning man I commenced the New Method Treatment () _ and it saved my life, ‘The improvement was like magicâ€"â€"I could feel the vigor going w2 _ through the nerves. I was cured mentally and physically. I have sent them many © _ patieuts and will continue to do so." E CURES GUARANTEED on No Pay We treat and cure V ARICOCELE, STRICTURE, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD : __AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all & Discases peculiar to Men. & CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for a Question "|â€" _ Blank for Home Treatment. 6 7 CC ® ¢ ike x S ho t cy>>* e W & « x Â¥ We % 2B 1 A 4 D k e n $ b f d C | j Pivg fi hy t E1 * t §¥ 7 i & PP i: M\ ecsrone messmmmr * 6 e $ steck we have had as yet. _ Come and get a fit beâ€" fore your size goes. Prices $7.50 to $10. a1v AA0lL i UWA AdARLIl ALLVL as it is too cold for shipment, but highest prices for good quality dressed. In Men‘s coats we have the best No More Fowl Taken Alive Makes cue think of their fur coat or caperine. In Mens we have them from $20 to $50. A beauty, furlined at $30 and also in Ladies‘ fur collar with curled lining at $22.50 Bring us your produce for which we will pay highâ€" est prices. We wish to thank our many customers for their patronage during the past year and extend to one and all the season‘s compliments. vot T A Y L O R C‘ S Here is a chance for you to buy a stylish trimâ€" med hat for very little money. We are selling the balance of our stock trimmed Millinery at cost and: less than cost every hat must go regardless of price. We are clearing all Winter Goods at sweeping reductions including Ladies‘ and Children‘s Mantels Furs, Skirts, Overcoats, Men‘s Knitted Top Shirts, Ladies and Children‘s Golf Jackets and Wool toques Bargains ia Millinery A HAPPY NEW YEAR Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. S F. MORLOCK Special Bargains in Winter Goods Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing t MZF THREATENED WiITH PARALYSIS. Don‘t Forget Cash Coupons. I turns to the body Irains ceaseâ€"no m al and manly. Y« FURS, qo w Cy [ .. b & f w Mase 25 24 “\ .,.e‘" d . so. _ He furshe. stated that while this prescription is often Erelcribed in rheumatic affiictions with splendid results, be could see no reason why it would not be a splendld remedy for kidney and gurinary troubles and backache, as it has a peculiar action upon the kidney structure, W these most important organs and helping them to sift and filter from the blood the toul acids and waste matter which cause sickness and suffering. Those of our readers who ?uflmn make no mistake in giving t a o *% bus‘a and 00 arres Services were conducted at house and grave by Rev, Mr. Jamieson who spoke appr priately trom Ps. 122 :; 2, e giyeth bis beloved sleep," _ She was a member of Zion Methodist church and the large turn:out at the funeral spoke of the respect of friends and neighbors in no uncertain tones. Six of her grandsons acted as pallâ€" bearers. Mr. and Mrs. Redtern ot 0O Sound, warm triends of deceased atâ€" tevded the tuneral. Miss Clark of Walkerton, is the guest of Miss Valerie Edge at present. We are pleased to notice Master Jolun Weir back from Fergus after a cond operation and doing well. Miss Maria Ritche yigited friends at Jessopyille last week. A wellâ€"known druggist here at home, when asked regarding this prescription, stated that ths ingredi ons are all harmless, and can be obtained at a small cost from any go.d prescription pharmacy, or the mixture would he put up if asked to Figaid Excra Dandelion, oneâ€"aalf ounce ; Compound Kargon, one ?unce; Compound Syrap Sarsaparille,) three ounces. Shake well in.a bottle and take in teaspoontfual doses after each meal and again at beatime. daughters. who will always cherish their memory and the bero spirit that enabled them amid difficulties to raise a respected tamily and acquire a fair sbare ot this world‘s goods. The daughters are Sarah, Mrs Win Cook, Crawtord ; Ellien, Mrs Geo Ritchie, Edge Hill ; Katie, Mrs. Wm.Cook, Zion ; Lizzie, Mrs, 8. Patberbough, Aberdeen ; Fanny at home. _The tive sons are John, (Conncillor) Zion ; James on Lambton St ; Joseph on the old homestead ; Wm and Robert in Saskatechewan. The late Mr Robt Eetor was a brother of deceased, anâ€" other brother still lives in Detroit. What will appear very interesting to many pe(igle here is the article taken from a New York daily paper, giving a simple presâ€"ription, which is said to be a positive remedy for backache or kidney or bladder deâ€" rargement, if taken before the stage of Bright‘s disease. , A namber of the young people of this visinity spent a pleasant evening at Mr Wim Falkingbam‘s at the Falls last Friday. Mrs. McNally was born in Ireland and came to this country about 50 years agoand settled on the farm on which she died. _ Her hasband preâ€" deceased her two years ago ; to them were born a large tamily of sons and On Monday 22nd February, there passed away Mrs John McNaily, one of the wellâ€"known old residents of (Glenelg Township at the ripe age cof almost 70 years. She died suddenly and from no known cause. _ Her daughter, Miss Fanny came home from a ncighbors‘ the night before and found her in goud health ; in the ‘ morning she was found peavetully in bed bust the spirit had fled. j The Dromore Branch of Women‘s Institutes heid their At Home in Russel! Hall on Wednesday evon'mf of this week. _ Will tell you all abeut it next week. Mrs. Neil Ciark mouarns the death of her brother Mr. Neil McLeod ot Minto, who died suddenly a few days ago. _ He had been married 9 years and wite and two daug hters remain as chief mourners. A number of the young folks of our town spent a pleasant time at a party at Mr Robt. Kinnell‘s last Friday night. 4 Congratulations to Mr John Eccles and Miss Mary Bunston, who were united in the Holy Bonds of matriâ€" mony last Wednesday. ‘The happy couple are spending a week ortwo with friends in Toronto. Amos Choir spent a fileaum time at the homeot Mr Wm Ramage last Friday evening. Mrs Colin McMillan yisited her mother who is very ill in Toronto, last week. Mr James Baird, Markdale, is visiting friends in and around Droâ€" more. I: is with much sorrow we speak of the sudden death of Mrs Charles Meâ€" Kenzie last Saturday. Mrs Mceâ€" Kenzie seeined to be be in her usual health till Saturday morninf she touk ill and the Dr was called in but thought their was nothing serious wrong. _ In the afterâ€"noun death came very suddenly. Much symâ€" pathy is fels tfor the sourrowing husâ€" bana and.daughters. The bachelors of Dromore are holding an At Home in the Hall on Friday night March 5th. Messrs Adam and Rob Eccles, Galt, attended the wedding last week. Mrs Isaac, Mt Forest, attended the wedding last week and is visitâ€" ing with her daughters here Mrs Morrison who has been wito ber sister Mrs Brice, in the West the past six montbs, returned to her home here this week. Miss Belia Garson is visiting friends in Osprey. Mr Jacob Halpenny is home on a visit from British Columbia. Easily Mixed Farm ftor Sale. Edge Hill. Dromore. Kidney Recipe. aiu remouy B. in 4 culiae action | dalk and o iegouad |toaa d d filter from|many ye is and waste | popular : THE DURHAMK REVIEW B. in Dundalk, Samuel near Dunâ€" dalk and Charles in the North west and a number of grand children. Her husband was Reeve of Proton for many years and wus one of the most popular men of his day in Proton, Mrs MoDonald was well liked and her funeral was on SBunday afternoon to thke Esplin Chureh. ‘The Rey. Mr Buachanan of Duandalk officiated at the bouse, and the Rev. Mr Gibson at the Esplin Charch and grave. miles and was t geen in Proton. She leaves behind hber to mourn her loss two brothers, John Dezell of Hopeville and Wm Dezell of Osprey. Four sonsâ€"Joabn in the States, Wm Died on Friday 26th Feb., Mrs Wim B. McDonald at the home of her daughter Mrs Webster near Dunâ€" dalk. The deceased lady‘s maiden name was Miss Mary Ann Dezell a daughter of the late William Dezell who came with his family to Proton over 50 years ago and settled on the 10th con near the Egremont line. Here Miss Dezell married Wm B. McDonald, an industrious young man who is dead some years past. _ Mrs McDonald was past her 70 birthday. John Teasdale is speniing a couple of weeks with his brother Ralph, in Paisley. Jobhn likes to turn his, face towards Paisley occasionally, it has its own attractions. Jas. Stinson, Jr., accompanied by his sister, Mrs John Sherman, spent a few days of lass week with Owen Sound friends. Mr and Mrs Savage and family, of Chesley, spent last Tuesday visiting thelr friends at Dogald McDonald‘s. Miss Kate McKinnon is epending a few days with friends in Walkerton. Harold «Teasdsle has exchanged Crawford for Elmwood life and is working at Blacksmithing in tha; town. Geo. Haryie, we are sorry to hear, is laid up with muscular rheumatism, but we bope under, the skilful treat ment of Dr Smith, he will soon be around again. Miss Melinda Fischer entertained a few of her friends Tuesday evening. The eyening was epeny in games, music, etc., and a pleasant evening was spent by all. Miss Honess, of Walkerton, is spending a few weeks at her brother John‘s, Lelping to nurse their mother who bhas teen sick for some time. Have you a painâ€"of any kind, anyâ€" where ? Siop just a minuteand think ! It matters not whether it be womanly pains, beid paine, or any kind of a pain, one of Dr, Shoop‘s little Pink Pain Tablets will surely stop it in 20 minutes. Formala fill'\nly printed on the 25¢ box. Sold by MacFarlane & Co. Mr Donald McRae, we are sorry to say, is not improving any, and ‘s still confined to his room, Mrs J. Turnbull, of Vickers, spent a few days last week visiting her par ents, Mr and Mrs Hastie. March is in without much sign of the lion, but we hope he is tamed for this winter. A number of ycung people spent a yery pleasant time at the home of Mr Dan McDougall, Friday evening of last week. _ Fortify now against the Gripâ€"for it comes every season sure ! Preventicsâ€" the little Candy Cold Cure Tabletsâ€" offer in this respect a most certain and dependable eafeguard, _ Preventlcs, at the "sneeze stage" will also surely head off all common colds. But promptâ€" uers is all important, Keep Preventics in the pocket or purse, for instant use. £o€:of 48 for 25¢. _ Sold by MacFarlane 0. Miss Liszsie McDougall visited with Dormmk h and Welbeck friends last week. f We must congratulate our worthy trustees on purchasing a new stoye for the school. Mr John Beaton spent a couple of days last week with Mr and Mrs John McQGillivray, (the latter a sister of Mr Beaton.) A number from Ebenezer attended service here Sunday evening. Miss Hazel Marshall, who was the guest of Mrs Wm Brown for the past week, returned to Durham Monday, Miss Kate McKinnon is spending a couple of weeks holidays with friends in Walkerton. Mr Jim MceDougall bou1bt a horse from Mr Jacob Nubn lately. Mrs Marshall and daughter Miss Zetta, of Durham, spent Monday evening wifkh Mr and Mrs Wm Brown. Tie Assessor, Mr Hastie, Louise, is making his rounds this week. Mrs Reid and family, of Hanover, bas reuted Mr Unruh‘s house for a year and have moved in this week, Miss Jennie Beaton, Bunessan, wukthe guest of Mrs Will Fniton last week. Mr_Robert Stinson, of Aberdeen, passed through our burg Sunday last. Mr Will Brown purpeses attending a wedding in Normanby next week. Miss Catharine McDougall, Durâ€" l:am, spent SBunday last at her home ere. Mr and Mrs Gowanlock, (the latter nee Miss Lizzie Forster) spent last week end visiting friends here. Miss Jean McDonald, Lamlash, ;zpem Baturday with her friend, Miss ate Phillips. Mranud Mts Robert Britton apent Sunday with Hutton Hill friends. TORONTO Hopeville. Crawford Mulockâ€" was near 10. h we haye yet On ersy terms, a brick store and dwelling in Priceville. opposite the A failing tiny nerveâ€"no larger than l the fluest silken threadâ€"takes from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regularâ€" ity. _ The Stomach also bas its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who first told us it was was wreng to drug a weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, His preseriptionâ€"Dr Shoop‘s Restorativeâ€"is directed straight for the cause of these ailmentsâ€"â€"these weak ! and falcering inside nerves. _ This no doult clearly explains why the Restorsaâ€" tive has of late grown so rapidly in popuâ€" larity. Draggists say that those who tert Restorative even tor a tew days Boon beâ€" come fuily conyinced ot its wonderfal merit. _ Anyway, don‘t drog the organ. Treating the cause of sickness is the ouly sensible and successful way. Bold by MacFarlane & Co. He was surrounded on his deathbed by eiach member of his fumuty. He was a consistent member of the K. Catholic church and hi> remains were laid to rest beside that of his wife in the Catholic cemetery at Paris and is followed by the silent prayers of his biographer. J.S8 R It was orly two months before his death that he paid his annual visit to Glenelg where he passed a week with J 8 Black and other friends. _ He was married to Miss Sarah Johnston, also a kind hearted woman who preâ€"deâ€" ceased him a number of years ago. They are survived by two sons and four daughters. _ They are ; Neil, of Thorold ; Lochie of Rrantford ; Mary, Mrs Joseph Biack of Onondaga ; Effie, Mrs D Anderson of St George ; Sarah, Mrs McAulay of Hibbing, Minnesora ; and Mrs, M, McLeanan of Brantford where he died. parents in 1851. The Buffalo, Brantâ€" ford and Goderich Railway was then being constructed, and he worked a few years on that road, when he moyed with his family to lot 22. con 8, Glenelg, where he farmed4 for a few yearsâ€"or until he learned fbhat the raising of a family on a third class Township firm in Glenelg withâ€" out getting into debt was oneof the roblems that was beyond his yision. rt. was then he made up his mind to move with his family to Paris where be entered the employment of the G. W. Rulway Co., where he served faithfully for many years, Many of the present residents of Glenelg will remember when Mr. Mc Innis‘ Louse was the headquarters for stray barvest bhands hnd the easiest way to insult him was to offer bhim compensation for trouble and accomâ€" odation, _ Some few years ago he reâ€" tired from labor after accumalatrig a good bank account besides keeping; his family, Mr Marcoum Mclxxis Died at 231 Rowden St., Braniford, on the 4th of February, 1909, Mr, M«lâ€" colm Melunis, a former resident of Glenelg, aged about 76 years. Mr, Mclonis was born in Benbecula, Invernessâ€"shire, Scotland in the year 1833, and came to Canada with his I; is now some time since the events of this stirring little burg have been recorded in the press, not on account of the scarcity of news, but, because so many important events have ocâ€" curred that st was impossible to chronâ€" iclle b:)homi all ;dund, to r«;ord oonllle without giving:due recognition to all, would be to incur the everln:l‘:g disâ€" approbation of those negl , 80, under the circumstances, we decided to hold our peace. _ Buat now, since things have resumed a normal conâ€" dition we think it is accordance with the spirit of the times toadvertise this romantic villa to the outer world once more, Nothing in the way of a Cough is quite so aunoying as a tickling, teasing, wheezing, bronchiaâ€"Cough. The quickâ€" est relief comes perbhaps from a preâ€" scription known to Druggists eyeryâ€" where as Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Remedy, And besides, it is so thoroughly barmâ€" less that wothers give it with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Suoop‘s Cough, Kemedy its remarkable curative effeet. A few days‘ test will tell. _ Sold by MacFarlane & Co. Mr. Jas MacIntosh‘s sale on Tharsâ€" day last was well attended, Auctionâ€" eer McMitchell wielded the hammer and high prices were realized, the stcck being in good condition. Mr. and Mrs. W m Cameron spent a few pleasant days yisiting the forâ€" mers sister, Mrs R J Corlett and othâ€" er relatives prior to their leaving for their home at Westhope, N D., the the early part ot the week. After a pleasant two month‘s holiâ€" day at her home south of the burg, Miss Minnic McGillivray left the fore part of last week for the Queen City. Hale and hearty as of yore, is Mr. Edward Bell whois visiting his parâ€" ents south of the burg, after an abâ€" sence of six years in New Ontario. Mr and Mrs Griftich Jones of Walkâ€" ertor sperit a few dags in the village, the guests of Mr and Mrs A. Hunt. She is a lady possessed with a winâ€" ning personality is Miss Winnie Greenwood of Edge Hill, whoaccomâ€" panied Mr and Mrs Cameron daring their farewell tour last week. _ Mr. Jas, Ledingham returned to his bome near Souris, Man., after spending the greater part of the winter around the scenes of his naâ€" livity. The social circles were enhanced last week by the return to the burg of Miss Priscilia Simpson after an exâ€" tended absence in Berlin. Miss Sadie Corlett arrived last week from Chicago to be in attendâ€" ance upon her mother, Mrs Robt Corâ€" lett Sr. who, we regret to say, is very ill at present. Miss Annie Alexander spent a pleasant week yisiting friends and relatives in the County Town. We extend a hbearty welcome to Mrs Alex McIntosh, who arrived on Wednesday last from the County Town to s?end a fortnight. with ber numerous friends in the vicinity. For Sale. Obituary Dornoch A. 3. IRclLella. Machines. National Cream s;{nntors Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Churns, Washers, Wingers Beatty‘s Hay Goods Paris Plows, Spreaders, etc Bissell Rollers and Disc Harrows Adams Waggons and m Barber, Armstrong, and Baynes Buggies. Armstrong and Tudhope Cuttess Bell & Thomas Organs and P ianos Rudd Harness, Toronto Raymond & New Williams Sewing Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Brantford 100 acres in Proton, near Swinton Park, fair buildings, good land, well drained, well watered and well fenced. Only $3600, Peter Hamilton Farm Implements GUNM‘S |MGrto: Drug Store Service "* 110 acres in the Third Concession F, G. R. Glenelg. This is a first class farn, with good buildings in the most desirable location. _ The farm conâ€" sists of 85 acres of rich cultivable land free from stones and 15 acres of bush, Piice $4600. 250 acres in Bentinck,. Five miles from Duarham, fine buildings, good land, with a quuntit‘! otf timber, Must be sold at once. Price $6000. 250 acres on the Garafraxa Road, 200 clear, 50 acres hardwood bush, weil watered, first class buildings, Will be sold cheap to wind up ertate, 100 acres in Bentinck on Garafraxa Road near Dornoch, good buildings, price reduced from $3000 to $2300 for quick sale, 118 acres in Egremont, good land, good wuildings. $3000, 150 acres in Bentinck, soil good, everything shape. Price $5000. Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative If your horses, cattle, pigs, of any animal around the place an&ars itchr, try a package of jJour Louse Killer, W. Black If you intend selling your horse on the 16th of March clcthe him with one of our good blankets and feed him Interngtional Stock Food where you will realize great results. Any person requiring Timothy, Clover, Alisake, or Luserne Seeds, should call early and inspect our samples. We have the quantity and quality. _ They are free from noxâ€" ious weeds. Clover is at present about half the price it was last seasâ€" fn bat is liable to be higher a little ater. It you are short of Roots, buy a sack of our Oil Cake, which is of great value for Cattle. Seeds | Seeds ! stability, more controlling, more governing -u-m-. W thout that th?fiun must continue to and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains whz. as a medicine, Dr. @hoop‘s Restorative has in the past done so much for werk and :mnf Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought cause of all this g:lnlul. ul%&;, suffocat. heart distress. . Shoop‘s rativeâ€"this popular prescriptionâ€"is alone directed to these and wufi;x nerve centers. It builds; gthens ; it offers real, genuine heart help. if you would have strong Eoarts, strong dfâ€" Do not forget that we al ways have in stock Calt Equivalent, which is so beneficial about this time of year. Heart Strength, or Heart Weakness, means Nerve Strength, or Nerve Wenhlenâ€"n%m Posâ€" itively, not one weak heart in a hun is, in 1t self, mu.n{ diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. ‘This obscure nerveâ€"the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve â€"â€"simply needs, and must have, more power, more Heart Strength Promptness and fair dealing will continue to be my motto Yours for Business, Sold by MacFarlane and Co Farms For Sale. There can be no half way standard in the Drug Bu iness. Drugs and Medicines details which SHOTE make up the ce standard set for this business. _ They are apparently small in themâ€" selves but important in this relation to the perfectiOn of our Drug Store. are either faultless or worthless. We direct your special attention to the minute Drug Store Standards W, F. DUNXN, Solicitor, Durham, Ont GUN‘S inerves â€" buildings and in first class Farmers Produce Wanâ€" New Prints and Ginghams now in See our 25¢ and 5U¢ Dress Goods Floor Oilcloth .. ...25¢ a square Table Oileloth, 45 in wide .. .. 25¢ Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Contectionary PureSpices & Vinegars No. 1 Family and Pure la-ito{u flours Fmme Salt Lace Curtaims, . .25¢ 50c, 7 Honeycomb wool Shawis, Black sateen Underskirts Allâ€"wool Blankets, $3, 4 and 4.75 pr Bed comforters from 1.35 to 3.00 ea Lnrfie 11 x 4 size Flannellett» Bianâ€" ete. white or grey ... .1.25 peir Men‘s Cardigan Jacke.s 1.00, 1 BIG 4 See the new $4 Cameraâ€" takes 34 x 414 pictures. Kodaks & Supplies The new _ delicious breath postileâ€"10¢ a pky Come and try a free samâ€" ple. Druaggists & Booksellers Ticket Agents for C P R Euy Your Tickets Here, For roughened skin. It softens the roughest skin, keeps it in good conâ€" dition anda not the least bit greasy. 25¢ a bottle Try it. We‘"‘can‘ give you the Delineator â€" the best Home and Fashion Monâ€" thly published for $1 a year. Let us show you the new plan, MacFARLANE & CO. MATTHEWS & LATIMER Frost Cream W. H. BEAN Vioâ€"deâ€"Letts , Feed, Seed & Groceries Call and sce us He Sells Cheap For d« Calder‘s Block, Durham a % PA HARDW ARE Lenahan Lenahan etc., are co our specials Our lines of H Carving Set Razors Scissors Pocket kniv Economy is no disgrace and Cutlery McClary‘ss:. Stoves & Ran and t] Kip, Slipp gluashs them DRESS CGO eyery body We FASHIO Gents‘ Fur We at low p1 Groceries : Mail Or« MARCH 4. 1909 We Custom work and Repairin Agency in Durham for celebrated Kani Krack Lumbermen‘s RKubbers Felt B iway QoOw cU On a alway W h tra value W compliete Reduo 1 1 GTs LV HEADQU TR U Ww on han roware Hou 1 The 111 n oA WI hnd

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