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Durham Review (1897), 4 Mar 1909, p. 7

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the least c a bottle lionary ks & lies 1909 reain YÂ¥ ER i free samâ€" Letts nd Pure flours LANE 10¢ a pkg EAN Groceries inegars for $1 a how you delicious cap d skin. rcughest sood conâ€" ameraâ€" pictures. hi 16 ksellers Wanâ€" n ou the +_â€" best Calder‘s Block, Durham Here, 1Â¥4 on ow L0 Goods a 4 Lenahan & Mclntosh. HARDWARE â€" FURNITURE _ __G é& J. N Lenahan &y McIntosh. Economy is no disgrace We have just received a fine stock of Boots and Shoes. â€" They are the newest in styles and the best in quality. Our stook is composed of Chrome Kip, Canadian Rip, French Kip, W hole Stock, Patent Colt, Velour calf aad box calf, Vici kid and Common Sense. Slippers in great profusion. Now is the time to buy so that you may be prepared for the slushy roads and the broken weather. _ Poople going West are taking good supplies with them. â€" We have the right qualities at the right prices. and Cutlery of all kinds. Our livpes of Hardware, Oils, etc., are complete. _ Among our specials you will find exâ€" tra value in McClary‘s id Stoves & Ranges Carving Sets Razors Scissors Pocket Knives DRESS GOODS We have just opened a fine stock TASHION. The quaiity, price and* bran eyerybody to examine our stock. Gents‘ FurnishiND§$S iyis and the best in quaiity : House Cleaning Requisites We have a fine stock of Carpetings, at low prices. 5 Groceries The Highest prices paid for Butter and Mail Orders Carefully Filled c f MARCH 4, 1909 Agency in Durham for celebrated Kant Krack Lumbermen‘s Rubbers. (On all lines of WINTER FOOTWEAR. ‘These include Lumbermen‘s Rubbers, Overshoes,Cardigans Felt Boots, Slippers, &e. Also Mitts and Gloves away down in price. Custom work and Repairing as Usual at Down Town Shoe Store always on hand. Reduced Prices G.&J. McKECHNIES® FRESH ARRIVALS HEADQUARTERS FOR We keep nothing but fresh Groceries in this line. We buy largely and sell quickly. ; J. s. Mcliraith The Ostermoor Patent Patent Elastic Felt matâ€" tress, made from the best quality of pt:re raw cotton covered with the finest quality Sateen Art Tickâ€" ing, is guaranteed never to mat, pack, get hard or lumpy, and to give you a lifetime of satisfaction. 4 {t, 6 in wide by 6 ft, 3 in long. ... ..15.00 4 ft wide by 6 ft, 3 in Tonug ... ... . . . . 14.00 made in 2 pieces, extra. .. ...+.>dg0G6 Prices as follows : CLOTHING Another lot of those famous Panamas, fashionable, plain and durable & at such prices as Cannot Be Undersold Mattresses tock of Summer Clothing of the celebrated brand, brand speak tor themselves. _ We cordially invite Linoleums and wall paper whick we are selling xhis department is complete. The newest in styles and the best in quality at low prites. 6i Jewellery Sale In order to make room for our large spring stock, we intend to actifice everything connected with the Jewellery trade at cost. We are not fooling when we say cost which you will find out say cost wnicn yO by giving us a call wWATCHES, Clocks, Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Lockets, Laâ€" dies‘ and Gents‘ Gold Watch Chains and Silverware. The above goods will be sold this way only during the months of January and February. Graduate Can. Horological Inst P.G. A. Webster Announcement / . and all lines usually carried in a Drug Store. Weare daily adding new lines to our stock and intend to make this a model store in every Department. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED on Short Notice HAVING bought in the stock of J. A. Darling at a rate on the dollar, we are ‘prepared to offer cut rates on all kinds of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Druggist Sundries, School Supplies, Perfumes, Fancy Soaps, Call and see us ; we are here for business. Ohe Central Drug Store Everything goesâ€"â€" urham‘s VYew Drug Store THE JEWELLER Careful buying means economy DARLING‘S OLD STAND Comps, Bm?lies. Souvenirs, Cards, etc., the houses, exposed to the weather without any protection whateyer. Perhaps after all such protection is not much needed for one couid alâ€" most carry away on a wheelbarrow every article of value to be seen about many of the homes along the way, In the Sunny South. Northern people, who have been accustomed to the fuilness and plenty, to the comforts and surpluses of northern farm life would never be satisfied with the conditions prevailâ€" ing in such districts, though the more moderate climate undoubtedly provides many compensations for the ‘‘roughness of abundance which we call wealth in the north. After all, no country or climate seems to possess all the good things of the world and doubtless it is wisely orâ€" dered that it should be so. The strugâ€" gle for existence in the more rigourâ€" ous climate prevailing in the north, develors a hardy race, possessed of those rugged qualities that make forceful, aggressive mankhood, while lNature produces more sparingly and only after severer toil those bountics of animal and vegetable life which minister to man‘s necessities, or to his pleasurés. Here, on the other hand, Nature flourishes apace. Insect and reptile!ife multiply and grow in such variety and profusion as is unknown in the north. Vegeâ€" table life of the kind that resists drouth, attains a grandeur and magâ€" nificence scarcely conceivable to us. Here it is a common saying that every shoot that bursts the soil bears a flower and in spring, it is said the landscape, everywhere clothed in its variegated mantle of eyer changing bloom, presents a complexity of beauty of form and richness of color as baffies description. That this is true in the mountainous and semiâ€" mountainous districts, I can readily believe but in the more northerly plains of Texas and in Oklahko na and Arkansas I think the scarcity of the larger foliage bearing trees and the barrenness of some of the hills, would tend to make the landscape less beautiful than farther south. When I began, I intended to conâ€" fine myself to the city of San Antonio but that will have to remain for furâ€" ther leisure as this is alread, too long. I may say in conclusion, that I found Islay waiting for me at the station, glad that I had arrived. In her loneliness she could not improve as we desired, so that my enforced abâ€" sence from home was necessary for the purpose in view. Mrs Newton also is well and speaks often of hber home and her work, where her heart must ever be. Therest will do her also much good. Every family here. ought to keep some Diapepsin in the honee, as any one of you may haye an attack of Inâ€" digestion or Stomach treuble at any time, day or right. * This harmless preparation will diâ€" gest avything you eat and overcome & sour stomach five minutes afterwards. J( your meals don‘t tempt you, or what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lagss like a Jump of lead in your stomach, or if you hbave [aeartburn, that is a sign of Indigestion. Ask your Pharmacist fora 50â€"cent case of Pape‘s Diapepsin and take one triangole after supper toâ€"night. There will be uo sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with aci1, no «tomach gas or heartburn, fualluess or heayy feeling in the stomach, Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will beâ€"no sour food left oyer in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous cdors, Pape‘s Diapepsin is a certain cure for all stomach misery, becanse it will take hold of your food and digest i; j;st the same as if your stomach wasn‘t there. Actual, prompt réliet for all your slomach misery is at your Pharmacist, waiting for you. . These large 50â€"cent cases contain more than sufficient to gure a care of Dyspepsia 0) Indigestion. Continued from page 1 No Dyspepsia Glenelg Council am, ever Yours faithfully, THE DURHAMREVIEW or Indigestion N. W. CAMPBELL Company, from the Ontario Munisipa! Association, from Sawyer & Massey Compan, from department of Agriculâ€" trre, from J. P. Telford re arrears of taxes, from W. F Duno re byâ€"laws, from J A McDonald, Geo FE Arrowâ€" smith anvd Jsas Staples application for office of assessor. f y UIMEWU NT RRCCCCCC Byâ€"law No 494, Assesgor and byâ€"low | as follows : 495 Tp Officers was introduced avd | D Sinclair refc read a first and second time, _ John A|John Aldred c M:Donald‘s name was inserted in byâ€" to H o law No 494 as Assesser and it wivh| Mun, World 4 byâ€"law No 495 for appointment of Pathâ€"| The Clerk on 1 masters, &c., was read a third time and| Jas Hastie pol passed. _A committee of the whole| _ Ppe Couzrall council was appointed to examine and report on a proposed Deviation at lot 20 con 7. The committee appointed to| / e xamine the recurty givea by the w'tl:m[l)n p"s“l"“ Preasurer reported ample security and telt mé? .‘1 were paid $1.00 each for their services. ,{s w‘oue, w f o No vomiting, Weirâ€"MeMillanâ€"That the Auditor‘s ) plaasing syru Report a« re audited by the Counoll be | Fa Jane & Co. ysie ho 209902000000004000640€0O€6UO66 &6 ‘% During this visit we will be showing the . f/ ,{, ns3 very latest Parisian and New York styles _ },8; . and you are particularly invited to inspect ,/,"’;';,"‘ t and try on any of these creations. 1‘%(&\‘\ / We give you the same choice selection and satisfaction as you t would get at our Toronto establishments. 6 Switches, Pompadours, Cluster.â€"Curis, Coronetâ€"Braids, Transformaâ€" tions, Waves, Wigs, Etc. THE PEOPLES STORE To be sold at half price ; here is your chance to save money, these are all new coats and must be sold this winter â€" No trouble to show them. for Gentlemen who are Bald, is a maatergiecc of Scientific Hair Construction pe== curely adjusted. Comb and brush /’â€"\ é;j them just as your own hair. . Absoâ€" ’ * * lutelÂ¥ indetectable. Thefi/ protect * t i s3 you from Colds, Catarrh, Neuralgia, ‘_ A etc, and will make you look 10 years 7 e younger. Over 90,000 of our Tourccs Py y + are now in use. Dont fail tosee them LADIES‘ WINTER COATS A few snaps on Men‘s winter Suits to be cleared out, to make room for our Spring Suits. Our new Prints have just arrived and a number of Dress Goods. We have some fine patents, Kid and Dongola Blucher styles. in all sizes, Fresh Groceries always on h;:fi often the Cheapest, always the Midwinter Clearing Sale As we are determined not to carry over this season‘s stock, we have decided to inaugurate a 15 days Clearing Sale. We find ourselves overstocked in a number of serviceable lines, and these we offer at unâ€" precedented bargains. For 15 days our immense stock of will be sacrificed. Evn&thing must be sold and the followich‘rricc in« ducements, combined with value, should appeal to all economical buyers, lzeromensKidBlud\ef.reguhrz.sofor.............ll.m 12 pr Womens Kid Bluchers regular 3.00 for ...... . ... ...82.49 lZeromcmBoxCalf.r:g:rlarz.oofor..........‘.....Ql.m 20 pair Women Grain Lea reg $1.75. for...... ... ... .. . . .60 6 pr Women‘s Gun Metal Shoes reg 3.10 for...... . ... . .$2.49 IZeromensPntent.re(.lt.sofor....‘................‘2.50 wpr.(lrh.scboohboungll.n,odepncc..............ll.lo l&prMal'oPntentOd:,' r1.4.1lfor.................a.w lzpr_Bfl?:hodShoure‘. I:76 for .:« :«‘ s > ++ +s x . «K900 24 pair Urus Calf, regular 3.00 for.......... ... ... $2,50 Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Etc, Remember One Day Only, March 9 Z»x This sale is now on. Take advantage of it and save dollars on your footwear bill. Ginmaaflmnfiu.pectthcvnlmoflmx. Heavy Rubbers and Lum! ‘s Rubbers, all sizes and reduced prices. Handmade Shoes mfiuas‘)ecidty. ROBERT BURNEIT Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. DORENWEND‘S PATENT TOUPEE Spécial Bargains on Furs the Ontario Munisipal ONTARIO ARCHIVES j TORONTO DORENWEND CO. of Toronto Boots and Shoes C t t . > Limited, 103â€"105 Yonge St. of Toronto, the greatest Hair Goods Artist, is coming with will be at the Tues. March 9 _ NMear the Bridge COMING PROF. DORENWEND HAIR GOODS Sn i8 hn Sm oerew 0B »antt odick {;;‘-A?_; k o “fi.":p&: ue m t o k ty + Hahn House, Durham adopt:d and that the auditors be paid $9,00 each for their seryvices and that this council tender their thanks for the great care bestowed on their work and for the kindly expressiouns addressed by them to the present and last year‘s councile,.â€"Carried . Orders on the Treasurer were as follows : D Sinclair refand on ace‘s of fire John Aldred conveying M Maliion 10. H Of (B.sxcscscccvissssesses â€"©$2.00 Mun. World Assessor eupplies... $8.80 The Clerk on salary......... ,....... $50.00 Jas Hastie poker for Hall......... 35 The Couzeil adjourned to April 10t), J. S. Buack, Clerk. Croup positively stopped in 20 mmutes, with Dr. Shoop‘s Croap Remedy, One test alove will suraly prove this truc, No vomiting, no distress. A safe and ploasing syrupâ€"50c, Bo‘d by Macâ€" + ¥¥+‘x ++ + » slii® 3r} Â¥s s . ++ AbaRE $¥¥% 5s 238+ 14 4 dB@ crira‘s +437 » BP ¥¥ x +4 x 4+‘«s BP 1661« §0.72 y uU 3 > J. G. HUTTON,.M.D., C. mouh'ofh“y::uu and Burgeons m m and Residence, Cor. and . iss mdue blogk mest figed ooA ant OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p*m. Telephone Connection No. 10 Pevslciix & SurgEON, Office oever J. &iJ. Hunter‘s Store HOoNOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Smfieons of Ontario, Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store W. C, PICKERING D. DS., L DS. Officeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office HONOB GRADUATE Toronto University Grad mate Roval Collegs Denta) Surgean * uate Royal College Dental Surgeon D.n.flnqlnn.yulu mche-. ART4UR H. JACKSON Insurance Agent, Money to Loan, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A genâ€" eral financial business transacted. Barrister, Solicitor, llot.u;{ Public, Conveyancer ac. oney to Loan at lowest rates, fMice, Mclntyre Block over the Stan (_) dard Bank, Duarh :m, Ontario. Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money to 1oan,. j pflice, over Gordoa‘s Jeweiry Stove O. McePHMAIL_#» UNDERT AKER and Funeral Director Emvalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice sgow Rooxsâ€"Next to Swallow‘s Barâ€" Licensed Auctioneer tor Co, Grey lerms moderate. Arrangements for sales as 0 dates, &c., mast be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham,. +=** Correspondence addressed there, or io Ceylon P.O., will be promptly sitended to, ‘Werms on upplication to D. MePHAIL, Ceyilon P. O ber Shop. wE8IDENCE â€" First house south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. _ bhuidings, ratt‘ing fine farm, cheap, 40 acres extra good land t:lf Allan Park, very cheap, Â¥ ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Money tobe Made 100 acres near Allan Parkâ€" splendid 130 acres Bentinck â€" 4} miles from Hanover, close to school and Post Oflice with daily mail. â€" Brick bouse, frame bank barn, great saap, and Many other Good Bargains in Farm and Town property,. If you want to Buy or Sell go to Miller No charge if no business done. ME TITDLILC.A .L .-.pdnlmfionhfmtomol Women and Children, Railway and Steamship Tickets to J. F.GRANT D.0D.S., L.D.S. all points. Fa Money to Lend at lower rates than you can borrow elsewhere, Debts Coliected. No charge if nothâ€" ing collected _ All kinds of financial business carefully and quietly attenâ€" ded to. D DT oP to The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : ‘Always Prompt, Never Negligent.‘ Notary Puablic, Commissioner, by attending to this advertisement DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town Be sure & get Stinâ€" #@r Ceylon has a telephone office, HOURS Faull line of Catholic Robes and _ black and white Caps for aged _ people. J. P. TELFORD son S bakery goods and you will always be satis» fied, _ We have a fresh supply of Buns, Doughâ€" nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always on hand We buy our bread at Stinson‘s and think it i8 the very best too. _ That is what you hear the people say. CIONYEY ANCER Cart Delivers Daily 5. H. STINSON W. F. DUNN eS H. H. MILLER, A. BELL 8 to 10 a.M. 7 to 9 P, . TUERE‘S C. RAMAGE, Durbam Model Bakery E"; PS

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