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Durham Review (1897), 18 Mar 1909, p. 4

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44 >00600£0000000000000000000® i e oi )«. XENNEDY &KENNEDY ‘vrs. Kennedy & Kergan Millinery Openings AEKNEDY &KENNEDY 5. AECINY S. F. MORLOCK 19 Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing an &Ave. and Griswoid St, i for Hems Treatment Sent on Requect and following days, when we submit for your inspection a wide range of Fashionable Trimmed Millinery in the leading New York, Paris & Lonâ€" don models, and Millinery Novelties. We extend to the Ladies of Durham and vicinity a very cordial invitation to visit our Millinery Showrooms on Wednesday & Thursday March 24 &25 TTHOod TREATMENT s inf:%euce the brain becomes : at Nocuatter who bas treated you, write for an honest oninion Free ©: Charge. BOOKS FREKEKâ€""The Golden Monitor" (GMustrated) FX W ~V YRMEATMENT alone can cure ycb\li and iake m Lacuce the brain t c!rn.n..!-nc:ive. the blood purified so that all «*s disappear, the nerves become Strong as steel, so that nerâ€" c noadoncy vami~n, the eye becomes bright, the face fuil and Lady, and the moral, {;hyticfl. and vital systems are inv‘gâ€" more vital waste from the systemn, Dont let quacks and fakirs l «loilars. We will oure you or no pay. housands of youn y and midd!e aged men are lnnunl!;lswept {> a premiature grave through KARILY INDISCRETIONS, EXCESSES AND 3L,00D DisEASES, If {ou have any of the (llowing syziptoms consult us before it is too late, _ Are you i rvous and weak, despondent and floomg‘ specks before the yes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irriteâ€" !~. palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediâ€" coonlt in urine, pirrples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks «oworn expression, 1pnor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack nersy ard strength, tired mornings. restless nights, change» N le moods, weak mankood, premuature decay, bone pains, hair ose. sore throat etc, Blood Poisons BLOOD POISONS f»iri==: bâ€"avalent and niact aartaus Mesnean 0 tm ol veid TWhenintiine s Sa NERVOUS DEBILITY °HOD cures them Blood Poisons are the most LOOD POISONS E. valent and most serious diseases, They sap the very life 0d of the victim, and waless e-t!rcli eradicated from the weneration. Reware of Mercury. It only suppresses the Spring suCccEssons To ware of Mercury. It only suppresses the DETRONT, MiSH hHaXzF A wellâ€"known druggist here at home, when asked regarding this prestription, stated that ths ingredi ents are all barmless, and can be obtained at a small cost from any good prescription pharmacy, or the mixture would he putup if asked to do so. â€" He furtsher stated that while this prescription is often uKl'«cu'ibe(l in rheumatic afflicticns with splendid results, he could see no reason why it would not be a splendld remedy for kidney and urinary troubles and backache, as it has a peculiar action upon tho kidney structure, cluna:’ these most important organs a hdmho- to aift and filter from the | the toul asgids and waste Flaid Excra Dandelion, oneâ€"half ounce ; Comé)onnd Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrap Sarsapariile, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful duses after each meal and again at beatime. What will aeppear very interesting to many pe(isle here is the article taken from a New York daily paper, giving a simple prescription, which is said to bu a positive remedy for backache or kidney or bladder deâ€" rangement, if taken before the stage of Bright‘s disease. Miss Fettes, of vhe 11th Con., who was in the Guelph hospital, is home and better. _ * Considerable moving about is being done by our farmers ; the Troup brothers got tired of batching here and bave rented the farm to Dougal McColl, who has moved from the Seriminger farm to their farm, many others renting and selling and going west or north. Horse buyers yisited here last Satâ€" urday and bought some horses. The people are raising good bhorses now. Mr. Joseph MeArdle made a busiâ€" ness trip to Mt Forest last week, also a trip to Keldon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dezell are nursing a girl that has come to stay with them. _ Both the mother and child are doiug well. The Revy Mr. and Mrs. Gibson were away in Hamilton for a fow days last week visiting friends. Have you a painâ€"of any kind, anyâ€" where ? Siop just a minuteaod think ! It matters not whether it be womanly pains, he d pains, or any kind of a Pain. one of Dr, Shoop‘s little Pink Pain Tablets will surely stop :t in 20 minutes. Formula plarnly printed on the 25¢ box. Sold by MacFarlane & Co. Mrs Robt. Nickel!l, accoinpanied by ber two bonnie daughters, lnr{)fle and Marguerite, leave this week tor their home in Rock wood after an e3:â€" tended visit with her parents, Mr aud Mrs Duncan Campbell of Bentinck. Haviog disposed of his ftarm, Mr D. A. Smith is l&ending this week aâ€" round Tilbury, Kent Co. with a view to purchasing property in that localâ€" ity. _ Mr and Mrs Smith haye been estimable citizens and their removal will be a decided loss to moral and social weltare otf the community. Suotty, the oneâ€"eyed wonder was disposed off last week for a fabulous figure to a dezler in curios, from one of our Northern burgs. _ Scotty, as his name implies was recently imâ€" ported from the land of the heather, and possesses all the requisites, esâ€" sential to becoming a moneyâ€"msking proposition in some menagerie, for he can perform almost any feat, except climba tree. Mr Mack Jones the genial clerk who catered to the wants of Mr Hunt‘s numerous customers a couple of years ago, came up from the Queen City this week for a ftew well earned holidays. _ Pleased to note Mack‘s econtinued progress, socially and financially. Preâ€"eminently Lropnlnr among the young people is Mr James Moffat, an auspicious youth of Bentinck, who spent a pleasant fortnight visiting friends and old acquaintances in and around Clinton, Huron Co. Mrs Wm Smith Sr., returned to ber home in the yillage a fortnight ago after spending the fall a}d winter months with her daughter Mrs Robert Mills of Valetta and with her son Rev J. F. Smith otf Tilbury, Kent Co. A winsome lady is Miss Sarah Young of Glascott, who spent a pleasâ€" apt week with friendsand acquainâ€" tances in this Incality. prescription pharmacy, or the| Lothianâ€"MoeArthorâ€"That Drainage ure would be putup if asked to| Byâ€"Law No 6 to amend Drainage Byâ€" . â€" Hefursher stated that while| Law Nos 2 8 and 4 be read a first and prescription is often “grescribed sesond time.â€"Carried ; eumatic afflicticns with splendid McArthurâ€"Watsonâ€"That a Byâ€"Law ts, he could see no reason why | be submitted to the rateâ€"payers of the ald not be a splendld remedy mt Egremont at the next Municipal idney and urinary troubles and | Election, re the mndnf of a bonus to ache, as it has a peculiar action | 2id in the erection of wire fences tlm‘ tho kidney structure, cleansing|tbe Mighway at m known to be most important organs and |liable for ! pg them to sift and filter from Minor accounts amounting to $24.22 b::od the foul aside and waste| were paid. l r which cause sickness pg; Lothianâ€"Watsonâ€"That we now adâ€" ing. ‘Those of our readers w journ to meet on May Sist as a Court can make no mistake in giving . of Revision and otlier business â€"Carried Easily â€"Mixed Hopeville. Kidney Recipe. Dornoch McArthurâ€"Hunterâ€"That Juo. Hunt be paid $25,00 for attending on small pox patient while yoder quarantine, also $8.10 to the Clerk n connection with smailâ€"poxr cases â€"Carried Byâ€"law No 232 to enable the Treasurer to borrow monsy for Sshool purposes THA DURHAM REVIEW Council met March 8th. Minutes apâ€" proyed. _ A communication from Rev, Fatber Kelly was read to the Council and Trostees of 8. S. No. 4 and in order to obtain a definite and final settl:ment. It was moved by MeArthur â€"Lothranâ€"That the Clerk write Mr Traynor‘ip. Engincer to come «t once aud locate the limits of R. C. Schooil Bection, necording to the Separate Sch.. Act, and Rev. Father Keliy to be notiâ€" fied by the Clerk.â€"Carried. Watsonâ€"Hunterâ€"That A. Tuck be g‘-id $5.00 for expenses in sending T. itz Simmons, indigent, to House of Indastry.â€"Carried | _This community was greatly grieyed last week t> learn of the sudâ€" den death of young Herbert Lawâ€" rence. Home for a holiday during a slack season in his business at Toâ€" ronto, and anticipating a pleasant and sociable time, he went out to asâ€" sist his brother in cutting down a tree, when a limb, breaking, came down upon his head crushing his skull and rendering him insensible. be lived for about an hour afterwards, his brother went bhome for assistance, after making him as comfortable as possible, but he never rallied. 'ruj the sorrowing father and mother and family we extend deep syinyathy. ] W. Ramage, when a mutcaily pleasâ€" ant evening was spent. The choirs in turn rendered sweet music, interâ€" spersed with ple.sant social chat and in one or two pieces maesed their voices in grand chorus. At midâ€" night a supper was served the menu includirg oysters and other delicacies and about 2 a. m. a very pleasant gathering broke up. i On Friday last, the 12th inst., Priceville choir, together with some of their triends, mew with the Dromore choir at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm. Born â€"to Mr and Mrs Thos Brown, last week, a daughter. Congratalaâ€" tions. Mr_John McQueen, agent for the Bell Organ Co in your town, recentâ€" ly installed a fine Bell organ in the home of Mr Wim Lawrence, Jr., Lot 6, Con. 21. It is equipped with the fine pipe tone effect. a recent acquisâ€" imion of this wellâ€"known firm. Mr John Hornsby, we are glad to report, is so far recovered from his recent indisposition, as to be out aâ€" gain. Mr John Calder‘s sale passed off very successfuily on Wednesday last, implements realizing a bigher figure than usually obtains. Stock also went high under McPhail‘s hammer, cows bringing an averege of $50.00, one as high as $52 50. He leaves shortly for Alaska, bis wite accomâ€" panying and the community sends good wishes with them. Miss Davis, of Glenelg, visited her coasins and uncle and aunt here last week, Mr and Mrs W. P. Watson. a weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, His prescriptionâ€"Dr Shoop‘+ Restorativeâ€"is directed straight for the cause of these ailmentsâ€"thore weak and falcering inside nerves. This no doukt clearly explains why the Restoraâ€" tive has of late grown so rapidly in popuâ€" larity, Druggists say that those who test Restorativa even tor a tew days soon beâ€" come fully conyinced of its wonderful wmerit. _ Anyway, don‘t drug the organ. Treating the cause of sickness is the ouly sensible and sucoessful way. Sold by MacFarlane & Co. A failing tiny nerveâ€"no larger than the flnost silken threadâ€"takes from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regularâ€" ‘ty. _ The Stomach also bas its hidden. or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who first told us it was was wroeng to drug A number of young. people from this burg spent a very enjoyable time at the home of Mr. and {iro. John Murdick Friday evening but won‘t say what time arrived home. Mr. John Clark was engaged cusâ€" ting wood with Mr Will Fulton a couple of days last week. Mr. MacEachern intends leaving for the West the 15th. We wish Mac success in bis western home. Miss Clara Weetphal, Hanover, is at present visiting her friend, Miss Millie Mighton. Mr and Mra Andrew Fulton, Hampâ€" den, spent Sunday the 7th with Mr and Mrs Tom McRonald. Miss Maggie Ashbury was the guest of Mrs Geo Hendry Friday, the 12th inst. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Donnell, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wm Brown. Mr. and Mrs Jas. Redford returned to tkheir home in Rainy River last week. Miss Mary McCallum spent Tues day of last week with Mr. and Mrs Wm Lunney, Crawford. Mr. John Redford sfiont last week with Mr and Mrs Alf Redford. Mr and Mrs R. Britton spent Sunâ€" day with Louise friends. North Egremont. Egremont Council. Mulock o 4 @ ++ TORONTO â€" Lot No 1. 8th con, Glenelg, bush and 50 acres cleared, A My barn and contents were complete. ,]y destroyed by fire on the 20th Deâ€" cember last. The loss was coyered by Insurance in the Walkerton Farmers CUentral Insurance Co,. I wish to thank through the columns of your paper, the Manager Mr J. J, Schumakâ€" er and the Agent, Mr Neil McCannel, of that Company for their courtesy and prompt settJlement of my claim, I also wish to thank MrGeorge Camp. bell and my many friends for their kind sympathy and eubstantial ard, Doxoax Sinctain Township of Glenelg. f Priceviile P. 0. Ont To the Editor Dornarx fm comes every season sure ! Preventicsâ€" the dittie Candy Coil Gars Tabletsâ€"â€" offer in this respect a most Certain and dependable sategnard, Preventlcs, at the "eneezo stage" will also surely head off ali common colds. Bus promptâ€" ne?s is all important, Keep Preventics in the pocket or purse, for instant use, Box of 48 for 863- Bold by MaecFavia»a _A number of our young people atâ€" tended Hopeyille ehurch on Sabbath eveniog. ‘The Rev. Mr Gibson must surely possees the power of drawing the young people out as we always hear of large crowds attending the Sunday evening services. Mr and Mrs J. L. Ferguson and Mr and Mis Wm S»ckett spent a very enjoyable evening with friends on the nineteenth last week. Mirs Eva Ferguson of Galt is at p.esent visiting her aunt Mrs Geo,. Backett. MrS. Williams had a very sucressâ€" fuil wood bee whichended up in the usual way and one of our young ladies may be heard sadly singing «* I‘m ower Young to Marry Yet. _ Mrs Fathergill and Miss Leopard, of Euphrasia, were the guesis of Mrs 8. McMurdo last week. We regret to say that Mrs Sandy Ferguson is very ill at present but hope to hear of her speedy recovery. MrS. Williams had a very suczessâ€" We are sorry to hear that Miss Margaret McDougail who has not been very well of late, is not improvâ€" ing very fast, As the larger stars do not always eclipse the smaller ones nor does the larger partics the smaller ones. As those will tell you who attended the welcoming party at the new bride and groom, Mr and Mrs W. J. Eecles. As the young ladies who atte ded from this corner said they had a very swell time. Mr Editor please excuse our laziâ€" ness this last couple of weeks. As the la gripe gave us all a call. Perhaps it took us a little long to get over the Bachelors‘ Ball, at Dromore which was a great suceess and was sttended by all the youth and beauty of this vicinity. Fortify now azainst Nothing in the way of a Cough is quite so annoying as a tickling, teasing, wheezing, bronchi@aâ€"Congh. The quickâ€" est relief comes perbaps from a preâ€" scription knvown to Druggists eyeryâ€" where as Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Remedy. And besides, it is so thoroughly harm less that wothers give it with perfect salfety even to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a sinple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Bnoop‘s Cough Remedy its remarkable curative effect. A few days‘ test will tell. _ Sold by MacFarlane & Co. Mr Smith of Conn, vigited at Ecâ€" cles‘ on Sunday,. Misses Vina Knox and Eya Renton Durham, spent from Friday till Sunâ€" day at the latter‘s home here. Mrs George Cushnie, Mt Forest. is visiting with her sister, Mrs Robert Renwick Sr. On Friday evening Mr. Wm Ramâ€" age ontertained Priceyille and Droâ€" more choirs. _ A very pleasant time was spent in games and singing and about eleven o‘clock all sat down to an oyster supper which was much enjoyed, _ Miss May Dixon spent a few days of this week with her sister, Mrs. R. Renwick Jr. The ladies of Amos congregation purpose holding an At Home in baseâ€" ment of the church on first Tuesday evening after Easter when a program lmt‘el be giyen. _ More particulars ater. Miss Meggie McLean is at home at preseat doctoring up & sore hand. _Mr. John Hay who has been visitâ€" ing at his home for the winter months returned to the West Tuesday, Mr Thomas Ruthec{ord, Galt, visiâ€" ted friends in and around Dromore last week. Wedding Bells are still chiming on the North Line. Misses Maggie and Mary Wilson, Boothville, visited Dromore friends Baturday, Mra Kendall has heen suffering for the past couple of weeks with a sevâ€" ore attack of grip. _ We are pleased to hear she is some better. Mrs Burrows of Conn is visiting at Amos manse. Mr. Wes. Brady, Markdale, yisited at Wilson‘s aver Sunday. Congratulations to Miss Lizzie Laughton and Mr. Jacob Halpenny, who were married yesterday evening at 6 p m at the home of the bride, We are sorry to hear of Mrs. Loâ€" thian being under the Doctor‘s care. We hope soon to see her able to be up again. _ _ f ‘f Mrs Findlay and Mrs. Renton yisiâ€" ted Priceyille friends on Tuesday of this week. Sackett‘s Corners Farm tor Sale. *Â¥ 0 $ on Dromore. Wa. Wan. Du _ wl _ also surely eolds. But promptâ€" 1 Keep Preventics ®e, for instant use, Bold by MacFarlane the 'anâ€"fur it Review eatty‘s Hav ~a.1. ""_‘ Wingers Beatty‘s Hay Goods P romptness and fair dealing will continue to be my motto. Cockshutt Plo: Co. Paris Plows, Mfim Adams Waggony o. PS Harrows . " 18 Waggons and Sleiohe Peter Hamilton Farm Implements rana wl 0 * fE® Winnipeg and return $32.00; E&um--‘-h. 2.50; and to other . potats proportion, . Ticke “.oodbm:nwidnwd-nhnnu'n“. NPWR 1 1 5 4 Pn e Dss (ec CC »pecial Trainsleave Toro: APRIL 6 29 way 419 dULY 13, 21 Aug. 10, 24 Mdnfidglrgo..,;. LOw Rounoâ€"rRip HOMEsEEKErs EXCU&SIONS i‘fianifl:h §gsh§chnu. Alberta Any person wanting more Coal better place their order at once, as the car of Chestnut at present on the way will positively be the last car shipped this winter. aDi €4 It your horses, cattle, pigs, or any animal around the plece appears i&(;lhl_\', try a package of our &ue iller, To check ear If you intend selling ycur horse on the 16th of March elcthe bim with one of our good blankets and feed him International Stock Food where you will realize great results. It you are short of Roots, buy a sack of our Oll Cake, which is of great value for Cattle. Any person requiring Timothy, Clover, Alisake, or Luserne Seeds, should call early and inspect our samples. We have che quantity and quality. _ They are tree trom nox: ious weeds. _ Clover is at present about half the price it was last seasâ€" (l)n bat is liable to be higher a little ater. Do not forget that we al ways have in stock Calt Equivalent, which is so beneficial about this time of year. Seeds | Seeds Preventics Sold by MacFarlane and Co t XZ Baynes Buggies Gun‘s Drug {tore W. Black $ffareh‘s Rlustering ninds Yours for M.n., y colds or Grippe witl;"'l’lvnn:;du; feat for Pnowmonia, To stop & \cs is safer than to let it run and be \ it afterwards. To be sure, Preâ€" re even a deeply seated cold, bus t the snceze stazeâ€"they break, or early colds. That‘s surely better, r'.}'lull'l' C.:le Phekvie(ll\tlia. K : little Candy Co res. No Quin. ‘, nothing sickening. Nice for the s1.000.008â€" F .8 2. F N That Cold DURHAM. ocket, also in 25¢ Lbié;'éi“â€". on your druggists giving you IG_U* 2.00 p.m. on snfo too. If iéu' '-a' .:'hv‘ all overfi.tfllnk y also save forgct your chlm or day. Kerein prob» st efciency. Sold in stations to principal JUNE 1, 15, 29 SEPT. 1, 21 RATES Fresh Groceries Choice Confectionary PureBSpices & Vinegars No. 1 ily and P -mw{u.t'l‘omum New Prints and Gingh]t&nl now in Bee our 25¢ and 5U0c Dress Goods Floor Oilcloth .. ...25¢ a Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide Lace Curtams, ..25¢ 50c, Honeycomb wool Shaw!s Black sateen Underskirts Men‘s Cardigan Jacke.s 1.00 Allâ€"wool Blankets, $3, 4 and 4.75 pr Bed comforters from 1.35 to 3.00 ea Llrr 11 x 4 size Flanneliett© Bianâ€" ets. white or grey .. ..1.25 pair BIG 4 MATTHEWwSs & LATIMER Ticket Agents for C P R Euy Your Tickets Here, Draggists & Booksellers MARCH 18, 1909 MacFARLANE & CO. e can give you the Delineator â€" the best Home and Fashion Mon. thly published for $1 a year, Let us show you the new plan, The new = delicious breath postileâ€" 10c a pkg Come and try a free sam. ple. For roughened skin, It softens the roughest skin, keeps it in good con. dition and not the least bit greasy. 25¢ a bottle Try it. See the new $4 Cameraâ€" takes 3%"x 4; pictures. Kodaks & Supplies ; Foed, Seed & Groceries W. H. BEAN Frost Cream Vioâ€"deâ€"Letts Call and see us He Sells Cheap Produce Wanâ€" a equare gd le . . .. 25¢ Â¥d 81 Calder‘s Block, 1.00 ea 5. 81 75 ea A CA Wall P Carpet Large Sales Mail Or Lena Room M Rex Suga cannot be \ It will 4 PRATT Including «© Linseed O|| GRANIT Dress Goods lead. They a fulness abo Lena We have The quality selves. metur completd Custom work Agency in D celebrated Lumbermen‘s g U ) inclu W e w ays Boo al A few | wWa vs thr Dr A N €) ull en U l

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