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Durham Review (1897), 18 Mar 1909, p. 5

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1 € ‘rost Cream onlectionary cos & Vinegars mily and Pure nitoba flours TTHEWS â€"AT MER icFARLANE RCH 18 Produce W anâ€" ioâ€"deâ€"Letts yodaks& upplies H, BEAN & CO ed & Groceries new $4 Camm- i x 414 pictures. rieg try a free sam. W ve med â€"skin, e roughest n good conâ€" t the least 5¢c a bottle 1gap ets Here, 1 and 4.75 pr 1,.35 to 3.00 ea nellette Blan« Â¥ .. .. 1.20 pair »oksellers 0 you the the best in Monâ€" for $1 a show vou ‘ms now n ress Goods D 1. 00 quare gd ... 25¢ yd Block, 1,00 ea , 75. $1 25 en 10 ea you «ol £4\ ’ A complete and upâ€"to date stock of all lines of Furniturs always on hand. Pictures framed on short notice. Room Moulding, Curtain Poles and Window Shades al« ways in stock, The Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. Mail Orders (C G@., T 174 TCM Wall Paper Window Curtains Carpets and Linoleums House Paints Large Sales Lenahan We have just opened a new stock. The quality and prices speak for themâ€" selves. < We are continuously receiving New Dress Goods but the Panamas take the lead. They are plain yet neat and have a fulness about them all people admire. nop tm aoMowennane ces â€" dn in n ce Bs t Rex Sugar Food for Horses, Cattle, etc. cannot be equalled. Money refanded if not satisfactory A full line of Builders‘ Hardware, including glass, ° locks, hinges, nails, etc. always on hand. It will pay you to try _ a pacl PRATTS‘ Stock Food & Poultry Including Canadian and American Coal Oi", raw and boiled Linseed Oil, Separator Oil, Aarness Oil, etc. in abundance. GRANITE amd TINWARE of all kinds Lenahan On all lines of WINTER FOOTWEAR. These include Lumbermen‘s Rubbers, Overshoes, Cardigans Felt Boots, Slippers, &¢. Also Mitts and Gloves qway down in price. Custom work and Repairing as Usual at Down Town Shoe Store Agency in Durham for * e celeprated Kant®rae« _ J. 8. MClIrgith Boots & Shoes Sap Buckets, Piles, etc. for the Maple Sugar seaon. FURNITURHE A few lines of McClarys famous and Heaters still on hand. MARCH 18, 1909 Agents tor _ National _ Portland Cement HARDWARE On the SECOND FLAT and you are cordially invited to have a look through them before buying elsewhere. Pricesare low and qualities good Dress Goods AND HOUSEâ€"CLEANINCG Reduced Prices fe Are now the order of the day. G. & J. MeKECHNIE in abundance OILS C dn acP ND clntosh. Stoves, Ranges clntosh. a pac](age Of Fresh Groceries arriving daily. We keep none but the best and the prices are right, We keep none but the celebrated brands, Broadway and Fashion. It is the newest style and wellâ€"made. Give us 4 call before buying. We have a fine display of g Â¥nvom Kih e AGaco Groceries Clothing jof the most important Convyentions ever held. It will have a unique place and influence in the awakening of Christendom to its world opportunâ€" ity. _ And it is sure to have a most \important bearing on the future of Christianity in Canada. The eyes of Christian l2aders over the whole world have been turned upon Canada, on account of the reâ€" markable Missionary interest which has been taking hold of the men of all Charches in all parts of the Dominvion. For the first time in hisâ€" tory, the men of a nation are coming together to define their national misâ€" slonary responsibility and lay plans for its adequate discharge. Are you planning to be at Toronto, March 31st to April 4th 2 The Canâ€" adian National Missionary Congress, which meets at that time, will be one Laymen‘s Missionary Movement An Open Letter to the Christian Men of Canada. The Hon. J. J. Foy bas at last inâ€" troduced bis longâ€"lookedâ€"for law reâ€" form measure, and while it does not go as tar as many people could have wished for, so tar as it does go, it is an improvement on the present conâ€" dition of affairs. _ Its rincipal proâ€" vision is one reducing tge number of |appeals, The Divisional Court to which ail appeals were formerly sent in theâ€" first place, has been wiped out altogether, while the right ot appeal to the Privy Council has been considerably limited. After this the appeal to the Privy Council can only be taken in cases where the amouat inyolved is $10,000 or more, whereâ€" as at present the limit is $4000. The Jarisdictiion of the County and Disâ€" | wrict Court is enlarged to cover cases lwhere the amount involyed is $8CO under a contract, and $500 in the 'mujorizy of the other classes of cases coming under the jurisdiction of these courts. Finally, it is renâ€" dered possible for a solicitor to enâ€" ter into an agreement to carry on a client‘s litigation for a fixed sum inâ€" stead of being paid by the present indefinite fee system. These agreeâ€" ments will be under the control of the courts, which can enforee or nulâ€" ’lily them according to their being considered fair or otherwise. The increase in the jurigdiction otf the County Court is a good idea. It will relieve the High Court Jadges of a lot of labor, and will give the County Court Judges a litle more exercise, something they were badly in need of. â€"Telescope. â€"Britain‘s naval program contemâ€" plates an expenditure of almost $15,â€" 000,000 more trhan last year in the building of new ;Dreadnoughts, crumisers &c. Australia is building two destroyers, uther nations are not idle and the great waste goes on, some day to bring upon the world an irretrievable calamity. â€"Mr E. M. Lewis, M. P., has inâ€" troduced a biil in:o the Dominion Parliament, +‘to move the usual hours of work an hour nearer to sunâ€" rise " from the 30ih of April to 31st of October. This is modelied after the British Bill which may pass into law this year. This will enforce the carrying out of the old ditty : **Earâ€" ly to bed and early to rise. " Chke Burkam Revtew THURSDAY, MARCH 18 TOPICS OF THE WEEK, ++ t es Small Profits The reeve and commissioner of diâ€" vision in which work on bridge costâ€" ing over $25 be a committee to overâ€" see the work, and no farther expendâ€" iture be made on new bridges except in cases of emergency, save by resoâ€" lution of this council, and that a byâ€" law be prepared and submitted at the next meeting of this council. P I Qain t90 HBC P i w tds 1P c un d a and the members of this council are appointed commissioners to expend the same in their ret&octive divisions th is npgmpriatlou not to inc‘ude work on bridges costing over $25. The said commissioners are required to submit sheir report in writing to this council of such expenditure before being paid their commission ; that the sum of $125 be expended on the valley road between Louck‘s mill and the townline of Kaphrasia, and the reeve expend the same â€"Carâ€" McKenzieâ€"Carsonâ€"That $1240 be appropriated to be expended on the higiways of this township in 1909, as tullows, said sam to include work on town lines ; Div. 1, $300; Div. 2, $300 , Div. 3. $340; Div. 4, $300 ; and the members of this council are Wright â€" Duncan â€"That in the upinion of this council the time has come when this council should invest in a stone crusher, and the clerk is hereby authorized to communicate with differect manufactures with a view of purchasing th6 same.â€"Car. McKenzie â€" Duncan â€"â€"â€"That the reeve and Mr. Carson examine the railway ercssings on the W. & L. branch of the C, P R. and forward a eopy of their report to the chairman of the Railway Committee zhro,ufh the township soli¢itor by the 14th irst.â€"Carried. The C. P. Railway Company‘s en gineers served on the council copics of plans of railway crossings on the W. & L. branch of the C. P. R. for approval or objection within ten days. P eleniP inntiliBsndinied Sedvtens dilth. s 4 Carsonâ€"MceKenzicâ€"That Mrs Mc Arthur be paid $8.90 for gravel used un PPad, as certified by oyerseer for 1907 and 1908. â€"Carried. Artemesia township council met on the 6th with all the members present, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of session of Feb. 6 last were read and confirmed. An account from Mrs McArthur for grayel used on roads was presented and read. Messrs Mcâ€" Kenzie and Carson as a comumittee to inquire into the treasurer‘s securitics presented their report. The securiâ€" ties consist of a bond of the London Guarantee Company for $4000 with premium paid to February 1910. Byâ€" laws 711, to appoint certain municipal officers, and 712, to amend byâ€"law 7TIO, were introduced and read a first and second time. Bvâ€"law 711 was read a third time and ordered to be aignea,m sfaled and entered on the Byâ€" ln ur Duncan4Wright~Tbat the comâ€" mittee report on the treasurer‘s securâ€" ity be received and adopted.â€"Car,. law Council adjourned. Dyspepsia o "Iâ€"xâ€"n'l-i;;;tit‘); Pape‘s Dispepsin is a cer al) somach misery, becan take hold of your food an just the same as if your stom there. & Actual, prompt reliet stomach misery is at yo waiting for you, These large 50â€"ceut cases contain more than sufficient to cure a case of s Amooopanmi lt‘ e y . If your meals don‘t tempt you, or what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartbarn, that is a sign of Indigestion. Ask your Pharmacist for a 50â€"cent case of Pupe‘s Diapepsin and take one tringa‘e after supper toâ€"night. There will be uo sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fulluess or heayy feeling in the stomach, Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will be no sour food leit over in the stomach to poison your breath with mauseous odors, Every family here ought to keep some Diapepsin in the bouse, as any one of you may hbaye an aitack of Inâ€" digestion or Stomach trouble at any time, day or night. This harmless preparation will diâ€" gest anyt.hinl:g you eat and overcome a sour stomach five minutes afterwards Phirdâ€"That you make the Conâ€" gress an object of special prayer for the fallest blessing of (God upon all of its efforts. Yours very sincerely, J. CaxpBeut Warre. Second â€"That you use lyour best endeavors to induce suitable men to become Commissioners, â€"as one of the surest ways of influencing them to a dogxinating missionary lifeâ€"purpose ; an Firstâ€"That you attend the Conâ€" gress yourself if you can possibly arâ€" range to do so. In view of the infinite possibilities of this Congress, I venture to appeal to you along three lines ; er at this Congress will be to receive probably the mightiest spiritual inâ€" spiration which has ever come to your life. Handreds ot men will be revolutionized in their thinking and lite.purposes by the influence of the Congress. influence and significance of this Conâ€" gress in the deve‘lopment of Charch history and the extension of Christian Civilization. _ By special invitation, some hundreds cf representative men trom the United States will attend the Congress. _ Over two thousand men are expected from outside Torâ€" onto. _ Massev Hall will be crowded for four days with the largest, the most representatiye, and ( the most influential assembly of men who bave ever gathered ) for so subâ€" lime a pu To be a Commissionâ€" er at this zggngreu will be to receivea J It is difficalt to state the ible flgence and sigvificance of t Con Artemesia Council No Dyspepsia meals don‘t tempt you, or you do eat seems to fil you, $ & lump of lead in your & |l. you hbave heartburn, epein 13 a certain enre for misery, because it will your food and digest i; t reliet for all your is at your Pharmacist, or Indigestion THE DURHAM REVIEW stomach wasn‘t pase, "fate inaldionn: good. nnd, well , fair ngs, drained, well watered and well fenced. 250 acres on the Garafraxa Road, 200 clear, 50 acres hardwood bush, well watered, first class buildings, Will be sold ch .p to wind up ertate, 1:10 Acr;: in Belt‘i:‘)ek. builg:ug: ::: sor everything in t c shape. â€" Price $5000, # 100 acres in Bentinck on Garafraxa Road near Dornoch, good buildings, price reduced from $3000 to $2300 for quick sale, 230 acres in Bentinck. Five miles from Durham, fine buildings, good land, with a qusntit‘ ot timber, Must be sold at once, ice $6000, 118 acres in Egremont, good land, good wuildings. $3000, desirable location. The farm conâ€" sists of 85 acres of rich cultivable land free from stones and 15 acres of bush, Price $4500, 110 acres in the Third Concession F, G. R. Glenelg. This is a first class farm with _good‘%uildin_gl in the most Valuable farm in the Tp. of Glene] coanm-d of lots 22 and 23, Con. { N. D. R., 100 acres. Possession given forthwith,. Tile perfect, For partiâ€" culars apply to J. P. 1Ecrorp, Durham. Splendid Residence Property for Sale in Upper Town : the wellâ€"known McLean cottage,. _ All conveniences, Brick vencered, comfortable and cosy, Offers from intending purchasers reâ€" ceived at Review Office. Lots 6 and 7, Con, 2, N. D. R., Glenâ€" elg, 100 acres, good frame house, and ot%er buildings, well watered, OQwner going west, A bargain, Lot 6, Con. 15, Proton, containing 100 acres, 20 acres cleared, and in good state of cultivation, about 8 acres of hardwood bush,. _On the premises is erected a barn 44x60 with stone stabâ€" ling, _ Good Bog pen and hen house. Comfortable house, kitchen and woodâ€" shed, also orchard. 3 neverâ€"failing wells, _ About 1} miles from Church School and Post Office, _ If sold, wili be sold on easy terms. w A fine two storey brick dwelling house, large brick stables, on Main Street, Ducham. _ Will be sold at a bargain, and would accept other property as part pay. Apply to D, JaAMIESON, Administrator Sparâ€" ling estate. _ Ja% mt B The following must be sold at once ; New waggon, new iron truck wheel waggon, a number of large egg vats, (would make first class cisterns) 8 or 4 thousand fence posts, lath, shingles, lumber, _A quantity of wood near Weibeck P. O., will be sold at fifty cents pet load. For Sale. Good nineâ€"roomed house. _ Furnace heated. Good garden, outâ€"buildings and large stable, _ Will be sold chesp, Apply to _‘ _ °_ _ On ersy terms, a brick store and dwelling in Priceville. opposite the Commerrial Hotel. Apply 10 Mrs. 8. R. BuTtrErRs 1781 Robson St $3000 buys . ne of the best propertie ivo Durbam, nown as the south half of the Kelly Block in Upper Town, Newiy flniaged i ato two good houses. worth from $10â€"to $12 per month each, One frame house worth $7 per wonth, Easy terms, Apply to J, M. LATIMER, Durham, Thoroughbred Bull for service at Lot 30, Con 7, Bentinck, for terms and partiâ€" culars apply to Wiruiam Bamey, Mulock. The undenigned offers for service at Lot 9 and 10, Con 2, W G R., Bentinck, a thoroughbred Durham bull, 1good pedigree, and a Thoroughbred Tamâ€" worth hog, For terms and particulars apply to _ C Farm For Sale or Rent. Eor sale or Exchange. Town Residence fo Sale. ArTHUR H. JacKksox, Darham or to DavID KiNXIE, Duarham, or A H,. JACKSON, Durham, ARTHUR H, Jacksos, Darham, Farims For Sale. L nds For Sale ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Call and see us ; we are here for business. and all lines usually carried in a Drug Store. We are daily adding new lines to our stock and intend to make this a model store in every Department, PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED on Short Notice HAVING bought in the stock of J. A. Darling at a rate on the dollar, we are prepared to offer cut rates on all kinds of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Druggist Suniries, School Supplies Ohe Central @rz/y dtore Announcement / . Stock for Seryvice Bull for service Ducaro Frreusox, Swinton Park,. For Si#le. W. D. Miuus, For Sale. Hexry AuExaxpER, Dornoch, urkham‘ s For Sale. or Sale. C, RaAMAGE, Aget Box 73, Durham, Vancouver, B. 0 DARLING‘S OLD STAND A Bio Bur pux of cld papers to lay under carpets for 5 cents at the Reâ€" Potatoes per bag...... _ 40 to _ 40 Flour per ewt........ 2 70 to 3 25 Oatmeal per sack..... 2 75 to 2 75 Chopgercm......... 1 25 to 1 60 Live Hogs per ewt... 6 00 to 6 50 Hides per lb..... .... 3 to 3 0 LICWD .e us e 4 w e e 6 e e a s s n n# 42 VC PoRB.:.s: ¢sx:*xx cix es 82 to Patlicy .:,.s ... +««; . .+ 0080 Hay .+. .++.« .,.+*,+%+7 O0ro mr 1(8,00 Potatoes per bag...... 40 to R. MacFARLANE Agent â€" _« _ Durhanmn C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen without disadvantage to Special Personal help system ticulars. in Canada‘s Xeadlng school of Shortâ€" hand and Business. YouCan Enter Any Time Only Through Service to the West Al to nearest a, for full information and muwd"s&om"umk L ‘Thompson, D.P.A., C.P.R., Toronte COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No Charge fo: Berths Low Colonist Rates will leave Toronto leaving Toronto Each TUESDAY in | 10.15 p.m. daily MARCH and APRIL | Tourist Sleeping Cars at 10.18 p.m. Fastest Time Special Trains P «u: T(Q) s=mme=â€" MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEW AN By Canadian Pacific direct line For Settlers travelli with livestock and effects Graduate Can,. Horological Inst The above goods will be sold this way only during the months of January and February. P.G. A. Webster WATCHES, Clocks, Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Lockets, Laâ€" dies‘ and Gents‘ Gold Watch Chains and Silverware. Durham Markets. We are not fooling when we say cost which you will find out by giving us a call. In order to make room for our large spring stock, we intend to acrifice everything connected with the Jewellery trade at cost. Jewellery Salle Everything THE JEWELLER OWEN SOUXD, Ont ’ruy Srtore SETTLERS‘ T RA l N $ Regular Trains Settlers and families without livestock should use , Cards, etc., yourse)f Write 5 to Sound by our for parâ€" 70 *Always Prompt Debts Collected. No all pm7||:._- ME m Money to Lend at lower hl]lvny and Stu-sh'i;i‘lâ€"c;e‘t's to 130 acres Bentinck â€" 4} miles from Hanover, close to scheol and Post Oflice with daily mail. Brick house, frame bank barn, great saap, and Many other Good Bargains in Farm and Town property, If you want to Buy or Sell go to Miller No charge if no business done. H. H. MILLER, The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : 100 acres near Allan Parkâ€" splendid huldings, rat UVing fine tarm, cheap, 40"l,cl‘el” extra good land near Allan sSnow Roomsâ€" Fall line of Catholic Robes and _ black and white Caps for aged people, Embaliming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice ber Shop, _ _ 1+ESIDENCE â€" First Lawrence‘s Blacks Money tobe Made Be sure & get Stinâ€" UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director ing collected busizess care ded to. Â¥ou cas G. H. STINSON Model Bekery Cuu?t' Barrister, Solicitor, loug Public, Conveyancer ac. oney Lo Loan at lowest rates, fMice, McIntyre Block over the Stan O dard Baok, Duch um, Ontario, ‘mere, or to Ceylon P. O ittended to, Terms on an Licensed Auctioneer for O Derms moderate, Arrangements fo :0 dates, &c., must be made at the 1 10e, DUFh@M. &2%" COPReshnandana. SsOn S bakery goods and you will always be satis~ fied. _ We have a fresh supply of Buns, Doughâ€" nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always on hand Insurance Agent. Money to Loan, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A genâ€" eral financial business transacted,. ARTHUR H. JACKSON University, graduate of Royal Uoll;“ of Dental gn eons of Onl&!io. lfioon‘@: Over J & J 'fiUNTER'S New Store Officeâ€"Oalder‘s Block Cart Delivers Daily y tite Royal College Dental Surgeon Dentistry in all its vranches, or to C 4#@° Ceylon ONOR GRADUAT m Tib adithe s HONOR GRADUDATE Toronto University Grad W.C, PICKERING D. D S., L D S. !louqx GRADUATE of Toronto We buy our bread at Stinson‘s and think it is the very best too. ‘That is what you hear the people say. J. G. HUTTON, M. D. C M Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Jurt Notary Public Commissioner. Money to uoan, uk. very cheap, flice, over . MePHMAIL_.» Alte ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Puysiciinx & Burezon, lice over J. &;J. Munter‘s Store 8 to 10 a.x. uoun:{ 2 to 4 P. M 7 to 9 P, . lc Wol-en uflhfld';‘o C of DR mt . DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Notary Public, Commissioner C‘UNVEYANCEIL &e. eS MEILIDEC.AL . F.GRANT D.p.s nding to this advertisement hore . P.TELFORD A., BELL cted. No charge if nothâ€" ed _ All kinds of financial arefully and quietly attenâ€" MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 C. RAMAGE, Durham ylon has a telephone oflice, WCmIon 1P.0., will be promptly Terms on application to P â€" First house south of Blacksmith Bhop, THERE‘S »w elsewhere, . F. DUNN Next to 8wallow‘s Barâ€" Gordon‘s Jewelry Stove , Never Neglizent." Arrangements for sules e nade at the Review Ofâ€" Correspondence addressed Ofresponden . over Post Office rates than foor of hill Town 0. Grey

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