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Durham Review (1897), 1 Apr 1909, p. 9

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SUE NO. 13, 1909 9.909 FIFE-FE!“ ’- - " r'.tr,',1's,y,ti'.rt/t"g'rtr2 'gil-q .m- xlunu-X( Una-did pr-Jm,. matured. mud/m.- "181. .rarq k A. "ROOT co. loch I "iiiiGiaiciiiai'iairic,Gcaait "immune" rum; Agent for Canada - IONTO rm Fe.fleh4l3i. ----------H. 14...; HILL run HALE-III "on: up! mun 4min- bull“. tn “his 10: -gai.E M, 1 ar 'Alm ron SALE i .s':, MPION” aching, Icahn" WANTE SOLD 0 M p, RICK muot a". sad.- s and BASOUIE :uamu in 5.4. an Inn. p “My “a" l. Vim .u ever below h ot vigor tte ruum ot 1 slum wood"- t pack-'90!” .ml nu: Mint. ~ork N TRIAL you “I". ”(and lob-.08. J colds. M ILL m. Any DMD. ”PM” Makes AND TOI- I’rfu, 810.. To”... re nil v o).- um.- unint- h . uat and actor; nerdy t "It!" up: a?" " ' um Id, to who: " [ that uldn'l nun.- nun. Imo- t To tabla Fl RBI) 1 an rum oqo Indy " baht Raul MIT. the tho bar- mu ILL And " church of which he Wtti4 rectnr. llc took hit trxt Irtstu Jo,htva, 1-5 and G. "I will nut. fait thee, nut inrmkc thee; he uirottit and oi u gnml couragc," "Nu-p lhtMuulin ska-who'd what he called the three living organirm_ of the old llc- brew church. all ot which led up to the coming of Jt-MH Christ. In all th" [wr- inch they would ofrmerve thc two clo- mcnti, corporalc line and 1uuttinuity. tVhensoever in the holy war " man fell down, another 'eterrped forward in his place and the line was: intact. In many primirl centrcs the line could be trueed hack ourtecn or fiiteen humln-d years. lle npoke that in no mutating scnsc; when": the church of Christ could be lound, it could hc traced bark to Jean-a t hritt Mirna-ll. In the Canadian church they could be said tn follow the leach- ing of the New Trauma-m cw" mnrc ".91.", than in England. The role "I. the etergy and laity wa'. takon and tho choice lcll on lilo Alumni.“ oi the mo- ment. . REPLIED DIRECTLY FOR OFFICE. eongregauon Ursterred intently to every word of the stately ritual appointed tor the oeeuion, so that the den, reactant voier, of Bishop Hamilton, of Ottawa, and Bishop Dublonlin, of Niagara, Were not dint-red in the hintth degree by any shtattmtit of feet or other uneasy movements or the inattentive listener. The 1eremony ot enthronetnent in St. .Alht"t's. Cathedral " night was no less unprenmve. Directly alter the eerelnony yester- day morning (anon Weleh, on hehalt of the mumbled clergy, presented Bishop Sweeny with an episcopal ring. Blahop Nweeny, in reply, mid he was more thankful than he with] expreu in north that he had been appointed the head of a dines-w so well known and so dear to him in that of Toronto. There Were nine bidhopa present at the er"tseeration eerentony. These were: Senior Biuhop of ottawa, Biahop llamih ton; Bishop Dunn, of Qnebec: Bishop Farthing, Montreal; lib-hop Milli, on. tario; ninth-p lhthlonlin. of Niagara; lii~hop Williams, of llttron: Bishop Dar- lington, of Harrisburg, N. Y.,. Iii-drop Stringer, oi the Yukon. and Iii-hop Itreve, of Toronto. The Provincial Gov. ernment mu rt'pt'emeuted by LeutAlov. ernor Nixon and "on. Mr. hlntlteson. the city of Toronto by tho Mayor and other olfivinlt. Bishop Sweeny wad at. tended by ltr. ltronghall, him emtnining chaplain, and Canon Dixon, the, Bishop of Ottawa, and the senior mum, by t'anon Welch, bin examining ehnplain. there were repreuentativeq oi the clergy and Fairy from the tlioveses ot' Niagara, Alumna and Huron. The judiciary Wit-t reIrreo'nted by Chief Juntire Mow, (hit-l Ju~tiec Mae, luren and Judge llodgin-i. The dioeetuttrctt'Wy ruin-d in the who“! house and marched don" to the earthe- dral under the eanopy that had been put up overnight. Primltop Hamilton. of autumn. the with” hiding», the itiultnp‘. their chaplains, the ottielak and other laymen prepared in the sotttltweut vest» tulle. At live minute past the hour the procession entered the cathedral by the neuter" door. Ilireetly after the toretrt Alt-aim oi the proeewionnl hymn. "For- ward Be Our Watchword," had died away, the wninr lGhop, PGhop Hamil- ton. of Ottawa. :ulminiwtera-d the enm- The BUhop tin-n addressed hinvielt directly to the 1tishoetect. He said that Bishop Sin-any had been pre- pared directly for the office in which he was to be presently inveuletl. He recalled quite clearly when he (tho speaker) Wan a graduate at Montreal, at McGill'u tamous university. As i-xamining chaplain te the Bishop of Montreal, he mammal the Biihop- olect for deacon'» order: and found him well grounded and well prepared. “I recall." Wm" on Bishop DnMoulin. “your faithful work in that diocow. until 26 years ago, when you came here to tlu: charge ot gt. Philip‘s Church, and parish. You have work.. ed for 26 years in as hard a vineyard in "or laborer plowed and planted. You have worked continnomly foe all thou years in the midst doodle- diaoowragemenis with indomitable and Godogiveu perseverance. Along with all this you have been mailed.- ly prepared toe the high office to which you an to be concealed to. day, and that by do“ contact with the lat. thhiahop. You won a but Mo - you! know the due- and the work Ialinzuy. too have hon a carom that“ all then years, a unlo- worker. and you an a godly and well-hand wan. What ahall l aay a... you but the and!" "ring, 'dir, b, I as with ya. alwaya'f'__ _ The clinic "Tre-ttttmi" from norm-1 th Harri-0mm. N. I. The “MPH l hum, of Qlu-M' Malt. “viii. Is drains of the ward Be Our avmy, the m-ui ton, ot Ottawa amnion which [Mindy on the elose of Binhnp Modif- Ienmn the “pales-t no mud to the senior Bishop. “a, Indium, of Ottawa, by Iii-hop In" and the Buhor of Onmio, lav. Dr. Hills. Format ceremonies, in“ the administering of the on“ d Canonical obedience to do - - won than uni-d out -rrGUroa re-ltd, an you no truly and to admitaiatoe the Utairs a“. my “my. Jot!!!) IN THE WANT. not [allowed the Litany, in which the who). o-tio" mt put. ad by In. Ono- Cayloy. an: which the mint “up and no ciao-- PX “It“ " the Duly-elected yesterday on the ceremonies here "onttrrgation liulened intently to word of the study ritual appoinl the amnion. so this the char. res Toronto D-teh-- Al the MI" ol the 'itateV Isa-monies yesterday at St. Jamen' and St. AIMII'I CttthedraN, the 'light Rev. Jam Swot-lay, M. A., D. D., is now duly connect-tn! and enthroned in Bishop of Toronto. The attention of an ecclesiastical (hand: was centred The Story of Common and the Set-on brTtiNrNtkdht--Nine Cert-uni” at St. Jalu’ all St. NEW BISHOP INSTALLED. ' Cumin]; My. Present. m, .-v..,.V..., an tinny rohed “arched alown tho mummy ti night. P6hop senior "wimp ind. the "moi: and in the am tho Antrl hunk-r. th . It mu I lulu and w ul by th l nulim n " " prewnt at . Them, were: Bifhop Plum“- l. . . eh"'"'"' m " .." "'""", .4 y'i1,'ye.yd) l"vTcal his rgratiiivation 1 t'vtut 'iii;',, having)?“ m Miran-bu The rnlv "I. Im- ot hump!» ot Hm I _ I "." ul-‘u thankful In tl kim. oml tlus flit'll‘L, brr their rougmtu l m the tttfr wi~hc-, and for the gifts all for thvir pray-n, which l " OFFICE. inundation on which he mig oed himieit Ysnrd ttlr,?, his Iv':,",?,'",'. lllilgl . In III ttttur pm 'eIs or " . JIt flufa was able 30 make u If Niagara; "ishop Dar. Y.; ni‘lmp ml Rivshop mg. Bialmip was more us in wank the lread of NO dear to tlw only " (hutch Ilinhnp of Tim,, iii., ' Iii-Imp ntinuity. mam fell ll in hi; In many be traced "t year... The TIW. (‘LOS‘IXH SCENES“. Addressing the assembled congre- gation in a iew words, the lliihnp ox- prim-ml Iris gratification to God tot. having mt't'tt m to call him to tho of. tics. of "imltoit ot' thi, dim-M», [In ",ts ail-n thankful In line prnplv. hi, flin'mL. tor their rouxrutnl.”mm, good wiUs,rs, and for ttte ttiits and, ubove all, fur llu-ir pray-n, which were a sinful foundation on which he might “and. Me 1rvggetl that his people might be uncons- ing in their pruyels for lulu. Even 'ts “ml mu able to utake of Moses, the Itammcrrr and stutterer, “is blesed mouthpiece, and of Amos the Prophet of the Most High, even so Bisho Sweeny hoped (and might we him as Iris in~tru~ ment. _ Thu Berwdiction having been ro. noum-wl, all proceeded to the Millp- ter home, where all the Canons, spiritual and lay, and all officers promisei true obedience to the Bishop in these words: "High! Ru. Father in God, I promise to pay hue and canonical olmlioncc to you as Hi~liop at Toronto." the lurlur ot' the pari‘nnu which was hand tlw rt‘nmim oi a Roman building hum “hick it Wit4 taken. l'hi~ building mu in exiuenee in the (unlh r [nut of the fifth contmy and lurulmlnly murh earth r. and tin-refute brings thr c.ou'uedral eloiely into tum-h with tm- :nnyr who-e nann- it beam. and who “.u put to death at St. Alban's (then called by its Roman Impr der . ith mul viee. In addition to the tionml. tlsere were ttetlyu'tu'utetrsd “Ml vludihg tlu. in mum- m-ulnn‘ If Prince George Quits Alexandra Will be Made the Heir. Servant Wu Killed by Falling Down Shin, It is Said. ht. Alirun', ('ulhedml mu filled to tho door, in the evening, whw Bishop Sun-"y “nu installed and enthroned in the rpm-opal chair and inducted into [ummsiun of the Biahopric "I forortto, which ceremonies were per- formed by “Hum Hamilton oi Ol. taua. Promptly at H oVlock the Bishop MN n-st-iu-xl " llu- door ot' the (anthr- dml hy [hr rhzlplrr and rlmir, when the kiln-n ot' cousiration were sleliv. ertul In the 1'hunrellor of tho eathedral, l'rm‘cul Ilaeklem, immediately after whit-h the dignitaries and eletp,y and (-huir. clothed in their I‘nik'i of "Him. M r t pray: st' tlge "ehgrade. March 20.-As soon at Crown Prince George informs his father, King Peter, that it is his irresoenble winh to renounce his right of succession to the Sc-nian throne, the King will as- 'sent and will " parliament to sanc- tion the proclamation declaring bin sec- ond son, Alexander, to be heir to the throne. Directly the chant was finished Bishop Hamilton placed his hands on the head of the kneeling Bishop-elect, the remainder of the Bishops standing all round the two, In this position of benediction, Bishop linmilton read the stately null solemn words of instruction in the latter part of the eomeeratiott nervice, Afterwards, one by one, the rob ed figures bent forward and touched the bowed head in token of brotherhood and blessing. The choir broke ink u chant. and the group of eeelesaxtieal dignitaries moved slowly up to the al. tar. The procesuiion flowed down the wntw aisle and out of the west door to the triumphant strains of the hymn "Saviour, Blessed Saviour." 'l'lll'I F'.NTflll)NEylr'.NT. Alexander spent some time at st.Per erururg n a student and is an intent gent and soriops-mindedr youngngan. . The whim-t has issued a statement that the servant. Kolabrviteh, for “hose death the Crown Prince ms aid tn be respomible, snorted when he was brought to the hospital that his injury had been tamed by falling down thin in the dark. The body showed no exter- nal injuriu and consequently the " thoritin have no new: to puma the matter birth". In the "out of new fact: being Movers] than will be fresh 'tt'rest'q.uaar. During the voluntary following Illa questions to the Bishop-elect, the Bishops present grouped themselvn around Archdeacon Sweeny on the chancel steps. Then followed the sweet strain: of Attwood's "Veui, Crea. tor Spiritua." At the conch-ion of the questions the org" breathed out a gentle an: lude, while the Bishop-elect rd ton veitry to array himself in " robes of office. THE WORDS 0F INSTRUCTION. "Will you deny all 'tteluate" and worldly but and live nobody, righte- oluly and godly in the pro-Int wotld. that you my show your." in all thing. on example of good work: to others, that the advenaty may be ashamed, having nothing to any against you?” " will do so. the Lord being my hdper.” replied the newly-elected Bighopi of this diocese, “cording to the will ofGodandtheeanoatsottuCure1t of England in Canada?" In the rust qlegtion. . . ' " a tiran voice. Other rittestimo lollowcd inquiring about the newly-elected Bishop's fdth in Holy Scripture and his deter-lul- ho- to no exercise him]! in the h4eriptures and tench 3nd induct. “a Church in holy doctrine to witth all [ainuyerm libh‘ "tvi' ma! mu. SERVIAN THRONE. family shop Iva, eomluetmt to tlw vpmzupau throm- by Weleh, “widen; of “h Imus-ll, o-nthrum-d and BiOoy of ttttawa. TIN nu pvt-muted to the I M. ‘lnulwirk, 'l‘rvauum al. After thrue nt Him: a r hook "tthtulr “I vevnlamiump, in' “LPN." III the reply, Aiter thse cel wunnics tl" Hing prayer w m to the gifts already mem " were pnmmlted to tlr, trd Hi-hnp other gills, in- w; of annotation robes by of the late Arvhhishnp, a prayer bank " his pop and an ol‘iivial seal by the Ill l III from ml sch . Alum" 1'athhirar, n the stuff and My hool, and a pectoral congregation ot tlw rttto' i, "1. gold m‘t ionally “no mph!- -_'_- _ g - he llishnp "x" t' to God tor m lo tho " a tiovvier. Ite " ‘n- pampls'. hi, " Lllllllhl, good f ad, nub-m- all, g Wert' a c,ot.id ll the fourth Cleveland, o., March 2tt.--J. l'. Whitlu of Shawn. Pa., father of Willie, the cen- tral figure in tho kidnapping case, did not rt-lnrn to Sharon with the other oemhi, oi his family yesterday. Ilc -uted 1w is in Cleveland to clear up ‘(HIK' private law affairs. Charges against Ihryle and the woman who claims to he hiv4 wife are. expmtwl to he lunch-d down by the grand jury to-day. Further ot'iorts to obtain a withho- (my ideutuication of the woman in tho mu: will Jre nsade Unity. Thoma" r'. lluylo. of Sharon, Pa., n brother of the man undo:- urn-mt here, arrived in Cleve land to-day. He lma asked pormiddiun to "Pt' the woman detained " tho Cyn. tral Poliee Atation, and he may h." "frle to throw damn light on her identity, To the Aiouaitisul 1he,s Mr. " hilla slid he and Mrs. Wltitla have the highest appro- c-inlinn oi the rmh‘lant activity of the lmlivr all (no-r the mnnll'y. "No nndvhlumlin: an to prnsoeutirrn hm wt iwml rcavlwd," mid Mr. WhitlJ. "We want ill-ti: 4mm the minn- w ii.vlvauia, we lwli. plaee in which to trial" Sharon, Pa., March 2fh--A “What might haw luiplwnml" air permeates the Whitla kidnapping vase in this city and vicinity 10-day. The sonsahnnal Jio elosurvs that were oxpeolr-d it is appar- (nt to-day are not going to materialize. The kidnapping raw. was oxciting, but tho development; hinted at yesterday “mild hare boon sitartling if they had Po1ut'. The womnn under arrvst in the paw is not the one whose identification would have mttrsed the great sensation. It is believed now that she is some we-tern uomun, who was married to Boyle, and is unknown to members of tho 10itla family. It has now Irven onlnhlislmd without a doubt that, she is tho came woman who armmpnniq-d Hoyle to thi: oity ha m-nily tor the purpmo of attending the ioeral of John Hoyle. owner of the Slmnungo homo. an unolo. At that time Doyle introduced her as his wife. Attmnpta werp made this morning to establish a relationship between the Woman and a prominent family in this city. The Sharon {unity own a large department store, but when a member Wlli asked if the woman was a relative he denied it very emphatically. The man will he Brought'to Horror rounty and tried for abduction. The woman, it is said, can be tried for con- 'rpiraey and used as a witness against London Fire-m: Fatally Injured the hum London, Out, Despatch- Assistut Firé Chief Scott was fatally injured to-night hy falling down an elevator shalt during :\ fire in the fur store of Edmund Bela on Dundas street. The tire, which originated in the base- ment among some rubbish, filled the whole building with don-1: smoke, and it " thought that Ficott was Minded by it. " was his night oft duty, and nobody kurew he was in the iiihiiiiii until his ales fur help brought his comrades to his revue. '. . Its. Pm a wife and three Imal children. han luluugnl to line brigade tive you“, and “an appointed AsiUttttt r'hiot {nut nmnllu ago. The stock was lutlly slam. ngml by smoke and water. TOUCHY FRENCHMEN Ge Postal s1,irii'i' Paris Mar be Paris, March 29.-A renewal ot the pooh! strike is unnamed. After re- aming work the employeeu plmtded the city with a notice thinking the " lie for the limp-thy shown them. gh- utieo, whie wu not turned. Men“ to “the malevolence. ride-eu- and Hate. potable mantel-lulu- ot Under-Seem Boyle said the woman " his wife. The police. have no min-r identification of the couple than the "ttttte given. S.) fur as the man is concerned the policu Iutlieve the )mnw is eoryttt. Movly i, said to _ plumber by " widowed sii'm'. Th: with being KIDNAPPERS IDENTIFIED. one uho cued for him at where Ise Wttq detained, and the part of a nurse. Clevland, o., March 20.--Wiitie Whit. la tn-ddy identified the man and woman held on suspicion by the Cleveland po~ lie? in the person: who kidnapped him from the school at Shanon, Pn., last Thursday, and held him for the $l0.000 ransom which was paid by his father, Attorney J. P. Whitla, on Monday. Willie Said the man who gave the name ot' James H. Boyh- “as the one who took him from svhool and Latr- Iiml him through a tortuous route to 1'leveland, thou to .hhtubula, back to this city, and placed him in tho house in the mat end where he was held until the monoy was paid. Willie also tleelurvd that tlu, wmuun “an the FELL DOWN SHAFT. Wow Suicides Who May Hue Been Mixed Up in It. Knew Antecedents of In Best Not Sm About Venn. Wiiie WWI: Knew The. When He Saw Tun. WI LL] EN FATHER TA Lliti, WOMAN IN THE CASE llw nann- is can-wt t rumlv in Sharon by traO. Ile is s: While on Duty. in: tts to prn~ooutinn lwd," mid Mr. WhitLI. :- iuhniuiitered, and, u committed in Peru" It' that is the prnpvr bring the criminal-a to the hottie who acted #5515913} ' iii"iaiq" ' . burban Rullnav asked for an extension of time to-day. I'he road will run west to Brampton, through Pot-l, Wellington and Wentuorth to Port Colhorne, and continue from Lamhtnn Hill: to Hamil- Ion, tlwtuu. through Wentworth and Linmln to Niagara Valle. They asked for a tivevear extension at limo, hut Hon. Frank Cochrane n-t'nsod. Mit grant- ml it on condition that the road In: omn- meneed in two yours and finished in ttvo. "We are. doing public bus-inc“. not company business," was his comment. The presence of the bombs tirst be, came known when one of them explod~ ed this morning. It was " first report. tssl that two boys who found them were injurvd while playing with them. Later it was learned that two men were in. jured, and that they have been held as suspicious elutraetors, One of them is lo years old. Tho ruins of the old Auroliun wall have been used as a shelter and hiding place by criminals. It is believed that the bombs were manufactured there and that one ot them exploded while it was being handled. Two uninjured men who were arrested insist, although they were present at of scene of the explosion, that they know nothing about the bombs. The two who were in. jured are unconscious. Tho bomb thnt burst was loaded with it high explosive. It had tt metal shell and um fitted with porcunsion caps and tow. Artillery export-x are of the opinion that either of the bomba, had it exploded in a crowd, would have played great hnroo. An inquest. mu hold on the scene of the explosion. Artillery officers ex- ploded the second hmnh. The explo- sion shook the neighborhood and threw the tower oi Bellisnrina into the street Int-low. The power of the bombs proved to be great. The men arrested insisted upon their story of the acidentul diseov. 'O' of the bomb-1. Explosion experts are mnvineed that it would have been impossible to explode the lnmnha lllllt'“i Bridgeport, Conn., March at.-- Fanny Crosby, the blind hymn writer, observed her eighty-ninth birthday on Wednes- day, when she was a guest at a recep- tion given in the home of Mrs. Orville Rector by the Fanny Crosby Circle of King's Daughters in the afternoon. In the evening she attended a reception in the First Methodist Church. Extension of Time Granted the Toronto Snrbnrlnn Railway. She wrote a special hymn for the evening occasion, which, not to familiar mmic, was sung by the cgmpaxgyf _ _ Miss Crtmlr.v, who has been blind al. most from her birth, mu born in south- eastern New York. She was a pupil in the New York Institute of the Blind, one of her teachers being Grover Cleve. land. She was afterward I teacher in the institution. [My were ignited BLIND HYMN WRITER Receptions in Honor of Miss Fanny Crosby Held in Bridgeport, Conn. Smith's Falls Despatch - Andrew Mc, Guire, n prominent farmer 'it Wolford, nwt within tunic death ghig mgrning. He, loaded his gun with tho intention oi going out to shoot cmws in his yard, but a short time later a member of his family had occasion to no to the wood shed and was liortified-lo find McGuire lying on the noor with [milk wound in his bend. It"is mrtroeit) that he stumbled on I block of wood which Inn qtettr him, enticing M an: to din-large. Mugged In " ygljgd or: T (in Which He Wu unnamed wicide b1 tiling arbolic acid. "Attastauittta'taU-ttotbe barn ad hid her. father what she Ind done, dying ten minutes lam. For mule reason the plot miseasried. In apwamum the bombs are like the wank-r weights mm] in baramOgheavy hanging lamps. The palioc arc- inn-ali- gating the affair, found a haudkereliief in whioh gunpowder and nails were tied near the wot at which the bombs had been found. Rome, March ah--- Tho accidental dis- covery Parly um morning of two bombs hnhlon in the Aurelian wall near the Dorm Sun Lorenzo is reported to have brought to light an Anarchist plot to kill King Victor Emmanuel yesterday on the occasion of the opening oi Pats liamenl. One of the Bombs Explodes, Fatally lnjuring Two of the Suspected Manufacturers of the Missiles'-- One Prisoner l9 Years Old. Minnie Patterson. nod It“! later of Daniel Putnam. I #mrrr,Iur fl',;;,',',', A Bowmanvillo, 0nt., despatch.. The Montreal flyer ran into an engine and caboose, returning to a siding after tak- ing on water, about 300 yards wed ot the station heir, about. 1.30 this morning. The fyler, which was about half an hour late, does not Mop hero, and therefore haul Hm right oi way. Engineer David Moliihhin. of Toronto, applied the brakes, but could not. avert an accident. Notwithstanding that his engine was tnrnml over on its side, he can mi un- hurt, but Fin-man Almon Arnold, who jumped, was badly cut about the face, one ear being almost cut vii. h'otty u: the Franny-rs warn injure-l. PLO T TO KILL ITALIAN KING WAS FRUSTRATED. M. Mum, n Sochlint Deputy, in- terpennwd the Government on this de- cillml, “lung it n violation of their pledges. A committee representing all bunches of the postal service. met late tomight and decided not to withdraw or modify their plund. Engine Turned Over on Its Side..-. Fireman liar Cut. The Cabinet not and decided that the reference to M. Sinyln vu intolerable and ththoue responsible for it Ihould bt "Executed with the View of their dis. tary Elana," Ibo, it in aid. the pooh! employee. no longer recognised " that head, " they had method a ruin that his will“: work we dilap- pear. Toronto Despatch - The Toronto " STRUCK BY FLYER. FATAL STUMBLE. BOMBS FOUND. WHATS THIS ? Ades Killing Farmer. l'atyk was tt brothcr~in-law of In. l'eirog. They frequently quarroled he- muew Patyk had deserted her sister in Poland and is alleged to have gone to live with another woman in the Polish quarter. Only a short time before the crime was committed, it in said that Mrs. Peirog received a letter from her sister, who was in need of money. Those intimate with the family say that Mrs. Poirog berated l’atyk for his al. leged infidelity and neglect. Kiugslon, nl)l.. March I) .Two 'whool boys, aged 13 and 11, were, on the or- ders of Magistrate Farrell, whipped by the police this, morning for truancy. 'rhoy attended Catararpti Public Schml. and were mm» or losn muspicuous by their absence. The older confound to breaking into tl", school house the other day and stealing a large quantity of lead pencils. At the clone of the hearing lhe chairmu- of the Board of Education announced that boys under fourteen years of age who were found peddling bills during school hours would be pro- Patyk was confronted with the boy, and stoutly maintained his innocence. For the rext of the day he paced his cell, muttering: "He tell I kill her; me fix, me tis." scented The boy says that Patyk threatened him with death if he told anyone of the crime. The boy identified the blood- stained coat found by Detective Cats mody as that worn by Patyk, on the night of the murder. What, with the threat of Patyk and an turcusation of theft, the boy was so much frightened that he run away from home and went to the home of an uncle. Kingston Police to Do the Whipping ---Plared Hockey. THE INtlih0N00alI'li London. Marclt 2.9.--- Tie movement in both Canada and Australia to buildn battleship of the Dreadnought type for the motherland has been wel- comed with enthusiasm here. The Australian people are urgin. the Com. monwealth Government to reconsider its deeision not to otter u Dread- nought to England and in the mean- time they are starting public subscrip- tions for the construction ot battle- ships... ._ .... . Considerable doubt is expressed here. however, as to whether the "do: of both Canada and Australia will not be dampened by Premier " (Exiting reply to New Zealund saying t " the immediate position in "amply secured" and postponing until next. year the acceptance of the ship which New Zen and apparently wanted to have laid down immediately. “He was gone about iiiC"inimttes, when he came back with a revolver in his hand. He looked at it to see if it was loaded. Then he turned the won- an over, I was looking in and I “W him take a knife and out her several times. Britain Enthusiastic About Gear-- May Not be Built. bshand and Wife “(My Incl Educ [Inf-g. - “She came out of the door with her right arm up," the boy continued, "but she had nothing in her hand. The man struck her on the right arm with a knife, and then picked up this thing (a lumping iron) and struck her over the head. She fell, and he dragged her into the house and then went any. Essex, Ont., despatch: About 1 o'eloek this morning fire was discovered in the res-Hence of B. F. Wink, " the south end of the town. The than In quickly given Ind won the tim department at- rired. but the {lumen had [that such head-1y than most of the charge was ditected (ow-rd- nviug none of con- tents. The Cue in (“would Ctrut by the you, who quickly and the (any. andmnetoom.utbaapottb He said that he saw Patyk strike the woman with a butcher knife, in the shed. The blade broke off, and Putyk picked up an ax and utruck her down with that, using the blade {int and then the butt end. Then Patyk "tttte out of the shed and warmed his hands in a tub outside the door, tho lad said. Coroner tiartt, with District Attorney Ackerson, summoned the boy at thi, morning‘s senaiun of the inquest. tie hull been at the homc of his sister in Pit. teonth street, when he was told that yrs. Peirog wiuhed him to help her with the chores of the place. It was that 8 o'clock when ho approached the Peirog house. He saw Mrs. Prim; entering the place with a nil of milk, and immed- iately afterward heard her scream: The Sankoski boy was “rested this morning about 9 o'clock by Patrolman Reilly in East Falls sheet on oomploint of his father, on the charge of running away from home. On the wt to police headquarters the lad told Cg,' that he knew something of the murder, and to Chief Lyons he told the tale vividly and convincingly. Terror alone had kept him from letting the police know the story. “Beware of God! What are Rug?" A Niagara Falls (it-spawn: George Patyk trtauds “clued of the maiden of Mrs. Tony Peirog, by Ronni- Suka- ki, fifteen yen: old, who up that he Wu " eye-witness to the murder in the Bogart homestead on Sunday night. Be- fore Coroner Walter A. Scott 3nd Dino trict Attorney Fred M. Ackemn the boy this morning recited the details of the crime and when ooAotttad with Patyk boldly held his ground, shouting in his excitement: "You did kill; you did kill her!” . BOY SAYS HE SAW MURDER Cane Patrk heaued of I.“ of In. hing. Wm ilad Just Cone in With Pail of Milk Wh- Attaeked. Accused Mn Thule.» Valence on Boy For Telling. FLED FROM FIRE. TO WHIP BOYS. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO you do- Railroads Obliged to Pay Out Millions Every Year for Damages. It in said that the amount. paid out by the roads of the United Statea in 1907 for freight claims In 324300.000. There claim. origin“ from varioua cam. and: u defective can, eureka: employ- eea and incorrect classification. but one agent says that on his road impm per handling in responsible for about 22 2i. cent. of money paid out for freight c mum. “Another feature contributing very largely to the amount: we pay out for lou and damage," said the cleim agent. “is defective an. Our rule. may that each agent must inspect the ml. Now the term inspection covers I multitude of features It does not menu that the running gear of the car ordy is to be in. upected but it means that we went to “tidy ourselves that the body of the on Old the root of the car are tight en- ough to carry the load without damage by water. " have in my mind 3 contain agent at a flour loading station whom I found on top of a box car, end in f,'ltl','d' to my inquiry ac to what he was ing up there he ndvieed me he will examining the root-and I want to any that agent ha been promoted became he wan the proper link in the chain. 1 have in mind a claim presented for damage to flour by water when the agent declared poni- tlvely that the inspection had been pro- perly made, but the defecta in that mot apparent at the terminal point indicat- ed old breaks and that the car was not fit for flour loading. Thin he may have considered a small matter, but it coat the company 8276." He Wand Ravage. Johnny utoniohed the "tttily in the country one day by announcing that he wanted to go home. "What'g thatt" demanded his father. "Want to go home t" "Yep," mountain“ the boy. "Well, that'n very funny. It wnan't two thy: ago that you wen be ing In to stay up on this farm until $10M): Are you nick?" “New.” “Got the blues'." 'Diopt." "To6tuehet" "Nope." "Mad homun- your mother won‘t. let you go swimming!" "Ni" “All! I think I understand,” aid Ini- father with n chuckle. " hqsrmrt to hear you outing that Inmat'n boy yu- terdny out: Matthew“ In!” " led to Ice in you on your lung.e Did it hurt much!" "We": cheer up, my boy. We I" have our up: and downs in thin world. What gotd. wyruhi it do. yo_u to go been!” .. _ - "tf l were only home, pap," replied the boy with I longing gist, “I could knack the Itutliu‘ out of Sunny Green, an] then I'd feel better." _From the January Bohemian. "Whenn,romGuseaherdogin We. to hee husband." mark- td. tte 9mm} Bee, “1.3“" "Beauor," asked the report-r. "what do any late kennels-t may for now?” Ottawa, Man-h 20.---The exportation of natural gas will be discontinued at the end of this month. Hom Mr. Tem. plemnu has come to the conclusion that the time hu come to take adequate steps to conserve for Camuiirtns alone the supplies of natural gnu still until- able. Last war the only company hold. ing a iieense to export gas piped alrout gamma» fort to Buffalo. The license given the cnmpnny expires at the end of this month, and “ill not be renewed, Cttsaers, Mexico, March 29.--Tiw re. ttent earthquake cracked the wall, of tho counter}! and exposed the Indies of many Victims of t'ae cholera opid-mic "t 19.“. The dimeavety twin}: cauwd much consternation. In Iit.u' nieallu from chalet: were no numerous that it was found impossible, to bury Ill. Many bodies were sealed up in the niclu-i in the walls. The people fear A u-vulrem-e of cholera, hut physicians dvclu-o all danger passed. - A do any-on haw-Int uni-Huh. foe n law ”an, " ai'. etrettts. WW the nun-cut of Mr. Ion up!“ rm no the M - of inm'hu (- our Gov- ern-cut." - Earthquake Laid Bare aura Vic- tim ---Uideatie Feared. No More Natal (in For Expat Into the ll. s. The police here teeeived A letter on Wedneuluy {rum Madam:- lhme Lung- vin, of “.3 La tt'auehetiere street, Mont. real, alking them to march for her sister, Elilenlh, who when five yrau old mu kidnapped from her hotne in Mammal. twenty-five yours- nun. Tho hunt mu kept up for ,.ix year-a. Mrs. Janna Warning who " thought to hum been the One kidnapped, was found by the South thing“ police early this mulling. She said that her mum was Elizabeth Condon or ('olbornn. sho eou!d not I'ommnher which. She mid that she was stolen when she wad five years old and taken to a farm. Lntcr Mv., wont to New Yok, and than to Lenox, Maw, where (she met her hm- Isatui Chicago. March M.--A kidnapping which remained a lnyatory for a quarter of a rentury apparently was cleared up here early today by the finding in South Chicago of Mrs. Jason Warner, long sought by members of her tamily in Montreal. father and mother was made with dit. t'iculty. and both wen slightly bun-d iIMI'OIL Atewottuesat-t.ot the first floor were and, but the tmud. Ittriytttotaiwveee. Thu-notch M is who'd; if“: tirirGiitiiF. igggd ip I III-met kitchen at the luck ot the Lou... iii uairi"ti"ci Tiii ot imdiuism. u than had hm: no fire_ in that part lately. Partly eovered "Well you lull," said Senator Kie. per, Warm; mg. T dott.'t £11.93 well! EXPOSED BODIES. ursheerutainaieUs. insurance. LONG MISSING. UNLUCKY FREIGHT CUT IT OFF. Folk. hunter Men 'ue [OOH-h enough to think that they can get ott hy giving only . [mt of thet-tus. That'. " old trick of the adversary. Man cannot be divided - it in all or nothing. If you so into sin the whole nun goes-tttttet'-, memory and " it you come on board the gospel nhip you Inn-t come with pour whole self. Thin u true on lhe other side of the question, if you want God you must have Him all. He an- not be divided. All or nothing! Me In" from hell, He "ver. to heaven. All through ticket: on thio line of nil- uny. This it not cold truth, hard as iron, unlundlng u eternal luv. It in warm and \w-Ieomo. Eat of this ioat' and Fott live tor “or. Drink hove and ' on um er thirst. A man ("we mid to luv, "l mu justi- fied, hut 1 mm not summed." Non. ueme! Dirstly you come on board the min-I nhip you have all; heir of on things. heir; of God and joint heir- with (hi-int. Yet are dead 3nd your life is hid with Chritl in God." You hue all and you hue it hate, right. here. and now. "Now in the moped time, and new in the day at adv-non." she mu tt parka ship. Murine archi- ttcts do not fail to admire her propor- tion, of length, and depth, and breadth of beam. She was not built for calm-em, but for ulution. She II the boldest type of 6',hriat in the Old Nu- ment. "Come, then, and " thy homu- into the ark." God was there dread}, and He wants w" people to be our Him. The one nttraetive word today to old and young. to sinner and aim, it Comet You have iturt to come. _ "Come. ye ainnen, poor and wretehed, In}; and wounded, bid: and non." Just Mme! Nothing else. just cone in- side the bulwu-h. and rest your bones the responsibility to bring the Gospel- sl.ip into port. "Our little town in boo-in." In” sum, proud] ' "domt in on: W tactics I sua . coupl- ol trawling all.” talking that it 2lr, nth-.5- "tleoy."- "YA," said ctu I; “that the were they In" "welt--. was Idling drett. an! the out I.“ our ttuc'-ahthetu tttagtdard "I Tl... This wonderful ship is yet afloat; just think of it. She- hnd no “in, no anchors, no rudder and no pump. Who nor mm, a ship to so: without. theset Look min. She in. not built to bring gems from the coral “and no anchor- were needed to hold her, yet. she was held; no helm of human navi. gntion was needed to guide her, yet she was uttered; there was never . cry "Alt hand: to the pump," for it WI! newer intended that uhe nhould tint. And yet she mu tt perfect ship. Murine archi- uadnndtuenabe obtainedverr pun. Good hunk of can“ load contain 99.05 per cent. Ind and an oft-n um pm". It“ in thr purist ml which in m commmhlyy._ _ A of tennis. one ssyiag they was sot mt” supported. another that they not tell triad tro- loe; bet I oh- served the gradual retreat going as sad did all I could to stop it. At " it br. name manifest We were falling hack. and as soon as t perceived it, I gave it dim-- tion by the way we cane. and thus we tell hack to Contreville, so-e tour lilel. We had with our brigade no wagons, they had not crossed the river. At Cen- treville came pouring in the coalusod masses at hen, without order or aystm. Here I supposed We should sue-Ne in some order the confused masses and try to stem the tide. Indeed I saw hat. tlt. tle evidence ot being pursued, though once or twine their cavalry interposed themselves between " and our rear. t had read of retreats before, have seen the noiee and confusion of crowds of men at tires and shipwrecks, but noth ing like this. " was as disgraeetul as words can portray, but I doubt it volun» too" from any quarter could do better. Each private thinks [or “use". It he wants to go for water, he asks leave of no om. " he thinks right he takes the oats and corn, and even burns the bots." of his enemy. As We could not prevent these disorders on the way out, I alwayn feared the result, for everywhere we found the people against us. No mm could be greater than invasion In a volunteer zinnyr From “General Mm man's Letters Home." edited by M. It. newdte Howe. in the April Emilia" h it not until; that ml: toy 'hits and your spirit: it doqrn s“ enjoy the an. ot the Captain. lie “lb the power, the tttrhpmtittg ability. Me taken cumulus n sermon with more ilhuuu- u'om, then you will find in Any pulpit in the hind! Come. with In; we will do thee good " God to u- hath dune: Stand but in “h, u then itaee stood, Whose faith the victory won. And when, by turns, we pus “my A. Btar by car no" dint, Mny and: (nail-W into day. Be Ion, and found in mm.” _ . E. L. Rinmnn, of the l'm'venily u Ups-In, claim. to have murmured a new moon- for the Andria-1 'urtmrtimt of aluminum from blue clay, by 'M the coat of production in mind to about. one-qmrtor of tho [tn-amt Into. A new motor-nu. ".lkoAttise," in A mixture of air. nlmlml vapor and acety- lene. running from the Tatt of dihtte alcohol over rah-inn . " prom to be a cheaper fait th- - line, and the nmnry Input“: tot Mich: it. an be adapted to any Hg].- Ipnd guallur tumor. TM speed of tmails w“ ind“ I. short. time ago in Film. Bist do um permitted to curl have. two will: In feet apart. knot“ an int from or.tdrttothenlh,mrd (In! the Ivor-r [an m 'reg-d. TU 1egNTt,tl,','ghtN"'a=t yank an! "r1mtgts, cud it In on It "lube! nail but I.“ Ly: to travel . If? ftr.J?tfttyrtr-tue,- " hula. he. lying in only We shape, and hauled in . hot-dB. way; ty.f1,tlifdidtsoi'iiiiii'iisiriUi'iii/. pmdo. on b- hut hot... waning about riderl... with Hood Ital-h; from their mouth, lying on the Id hitched to ma, sawing their a in death. hatch-y homo-them!!! where RiehetW battery had he.- Chat- tered to fragments, and law the hut- done. I kept uy uni-eat. under cover a. hitch " pouihle. till the last nove- meat, when it became unwary to croo- boldly a ridge and attack the may. by that time pthered in great strength be. hind all mm. of cover. The volunteer. up to that timr had done well, but they Were I nlaed regi- ment by regiment, and I dotting it mu impossible to "and long in that tire. I did not find fault with them, but they tell into disorder-an immnt clamor th-lar-ggi-ae Bill-Idle. GENERAL SHERMAN Science Nous. H. T. Miller

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