West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Apr 1909, p. 10

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Bâ€"ing a Lacensed Auctioneer for the C unty of Grey 1 am in the feld for his senson, and am prepared to act a+ Auctioneer at all Sales at moderate Pates. Parties may make arrangeâ€" ments with ime direct for dates of gales or arrange for same at Rrview Office or R, Burnett‘s store, Durhan I have decided t« be in the town of Durham on Wednesday and Saturday 0! each week during the fall and winâ€" tâ€"r term, to arrange for sales, Any person or persons wishing to see me for the purpose may meet me at J. Ma dock‘s impl=â€"ment rooms on those days in the afternoon, Sales promptâ€" ly attended to and prices right. For further particulars call or write to Mixk: Kexxy, Edge Hill, Auctioneer for county of Grey. in Canada‘s lcadln{ school of Shortâ€" hand and Business. You Can Enter Any Time Durham school igs, we., lor tuil Junior Leaving iow work,. Yhe foilowing com wlb olnaitige a B AddAN, rmn-lr!. 1st Class subjects : Science, Euclid, Engli Bookâ€"keeplug and Writing. i3 DONALDA McKERRACHER, uate of Queen‘s University. Laiiu, Freuch, Algebra, Arithme s aMY EDGE, Graduate ot the A. FLEMING, Principal in Telford, Notice to the Public and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" ly at his own desk,. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2. W. T. CLANCY Principal, Day and Night Classes. > WALKERTONH pUSINESS COLLEGE mullve lown, making it a most desirable ar residence FEKkS: $1 per month in advance. «ling students should enter at the begia ihe term if possible. _ Board can be ob il reasonable rates. . Durham is a healthy 7 ) NORTHERKYZ / Z?A//{/zjjé%yfl uo ?:E Fresh Groceries always on hand, often the fi Cheapest, always the best Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, mm Ho Business College Aig HMybs Lo Rowt. Bricuary, Allan Park Notice to Public. i: LADIES‘ WINTER COATS § (emen oo rrurrteresemes | staff and Equipment. )i is thoroughly equipped in leuchin: chemicat aud electrical supplies , lor fuil Junior Leaving and Matric k. Yhe foilowing competeut staff MT. FOREST plug and Writing. _ uy .DA McKERRACHER, B. A., urad Queen‘s University. Bubjecs cuch, Algebra, Arithmetic. UuE, Graduate ot the Faculty of 1. _ subjects: Literature, Compoâ€" ography, History and Art. THE PEOPLES STORE & We have some fine patents, Kid and Dongola Blucher styles, in all sizes, Our new Prints have just arrived and a number of Dress Good4s . A few snaps on Men‘s winter Suits to be cleared out, to make room for our pring Suits. mal To be sold at half price y here is your chance to save money, these are all new coats and must be sold this winter No trouble to show them. W I YOUR COURSE airman antage to ROBERT BURNETT Teachers . Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. UND. ( TTO siness will Special Bargains on Furs C. Ramage Secretary 10 Owen Sound Boots and Shoes nclpa ertificate. Grammar bring iou establishâ€" ol. _ Winâ€" gue free. Agent â€" â€" Durkham lar Only Through Service to the West COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No Charge for Berths Low Cplolllfll Rates will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY in MARCH and APRIL Special Trains For NP â€"=â€"â€"â€"= TQ cm=â€"s MANITOBA, ALBERTA S ASK ATCHEW A N By Canadian Pacific direct all newsq Pumtibe wtany stenune Jeend, Leorest o ion an: n Sn :»1:‘.‘.1?.’.7?.?.""' postage prepaid. Sold by \ Fall Wheat ... \ Spring Wheat Outs..s:.. z. Trapc Manks Desions CopyricHts &c. Anvona sending a sketch and ducngtkm may qmckl{ ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably &L mwommuulu. tions amot.!‘y, :‘on'ndent ,fi 00 on Patents sent froo. Oldest agency for securing patents, _ "atents taken through Munn & "'2“’3:““" Without charge, in tfo, or Settlers travelling with livestock and effects at 10.15 p.m. reas... Barley . A similar summer school will also I‘lw held at Guelph for teachers who |are now in charge ef schools,. In all | cases instruction in methods of teachâ€" ’ ing will form part of the work, | _A novel feature of this step for the | raising of the standard of rural school teaching is that the Government will pay all the expenses, rallway transâ€" portation and board of the studen‘s during the course, and for this purâ€" pose a sum of $7,000 has heen set aside. Patents taken thro: Scientific American, Provision will be made 150. / A radical change in the Normal | School course goes into cffect on the first of April, when a large number of students will pack their trunks from Toronto, Ottawa, and London to Guelph, ‘ At the Agricuftural College they | will be aiven LhFe® WAKKRKGE: BE ecauter instruction in agriculture, borticulâ€" ture and elementary industrial, ‘rainâ€" ing m order to fit them for better work in rural schools, _ The course 8 limited at present to those who hive had some experience in teachâ€" ing, but it may be extended to the ‘ to nearest agent for full information and necpyof“sawo\nd."ov-mn. L. Thompson, D.P.A.. C.P.R., Toronto K. MacFAKLANE Durham Markets. ou, To Teach the Teachers. Durnan, Mar. 31, 1909 e Agricuaftural College they ;iven three months of special SETTLERS‘ T RA LN $ ewt... 6 00 to Fexirans 3 to vxx‘s sx+s * *Sor t Tourist Sleeping Cars Regular Trains leaving Toronto 10.15 p.m. daily Settlers and families without livestock should use :+ .. .. $1 00 to 81 00 «.... 1 00 to 1 06 c.r..‘ 4080 .. 45 x+ * i9‘ â€" §g8 55 to 57 ..... 7 00 to 8 00 i+« *A 18 «<«<«:" 30W * . 16 45 to â€" 50 1+ # 1010 8 2 275:0275‘ sex« K RortD 1 CO at Guelph for 7O 25 bâ€"auty is so marred that it can never be restored, and when a young girl throws ligh:ily aside that sweet and modest reserve so becomiug to a maidâ€" | en, and which so eleyates her and enâ€" | ables her to command the respect of ; all, she loses the great charm, arnd becomes rather cheap and common to use no rash terms, Flirting may wem to the giddy and thoughtles girl, wonderfully amusing, and sbe miy get the idea that she is fascinatâ€" n«, hute it is a most degradiog thing ind she should be frowned upon by every young lady who has an ambitio». tc become a worthy and chf-llgl young woman. Gircs Dox‘r Fuint.â€"The first quesâ€" tion a man asks when he sees n girl flirting is whether she is respectable or not ; it raises a doubt at once. This being the case no modest girl can afâ€" ford to indulge in the pastime. When the down is brashed from a peach its The friends of this paper will please hand us news items when they are fresh. _ We prefer not to publish a «irth after the child is weaned, 1 merriage after the honeymoon is over, or the death of a man after his widow «s married again, A Wostax‘s WiITNEsSs.â€"For one day in tke month of May, the Montreal Witness will be entirely run by woâ€" men even to the Financial and Sportâ€" mg pages,. The profits are to be apâ€" plied in a propaganda for better play grourds for the city. DvCrâ€"DYCRâ€"At the residence of Mr George Dyce in Proton on March 16th, by Rev. J. Little, Mr C. w. Dyce of Jefferson Co. south Dakots to Mrs Andrew Dyce, of Egremont. GILLIESâ€"DYCE. â€"At the residence of James Dyce, Maple Lane, on March l7th, by Rev, J. Little, MrUharles Gillies of Gladstone, Manitoba, to Miss Elsie Dyce of Maple Lane, Egremont. Rev, Dr. Farquharson went to Torâ€" onto, Tuesday morning on Church duaties, and will of course be in attenâ€" dance at the great Missionary Conâ€" gress, _ His sister Miss Farquharson, went alorg also, as a delegate to a meeting of the Women‘s Home Misâ€" sionary Society, timed to meet this week* Mr N. W. Campbell and daughter Miss Islav, returned Saturday last, both looking invigorated after their trip to and tay in Texas, Our readers we are sure will wish them continued good health in the glow of pleasure received from reading Mr Campbell‘s fine letters, Messrs W. Irwin and Peter Ramage attended the 51st Annual Meeting of the Press Association in Toronto last week. _ Other editors present were Messrs Mitchell, of Hanover, Rutledge, Markdate, Lambert and Wright, Mt. Forest, and Rutherford, Owen Sound. mir C. Ramage and Mr W. K. Reid are, respectively, representing the Missionary Societies of the Presby. terian and Methodist Churches of Durham at the Laymen‘s Missionary Congress in Toronto this week, Messrs W. Irwin and Peter Ramage wl ud B sn s Ni ns n 2 Mrs Robt. Petty, with family, of Varney, who has been visiting her relatives prior to leaving for the West, intends leaving Friday for Broderick, where her husband preceded her a short time ago, Rev‘ds, Matheson, Priceyille and Kendall, Dromore, and Messrs J. M, Findlay, â€" Dromore and 8. Putherâ€" bough, Aberdeea, are attending the Missionary Congress in Toronto this week, Mrs (Dr) Mahan and little daughter, who have been visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Mclotyre, of Durham for some time, are leaving Wednesday for their Western home. Mr Wm. Morrison, of Varnev, who soon intends to go West, moved his family to Durham this week to Mre Male‘s house, until he gets a home ready for them in the West, Mrs Chapman returned to Toronto Saturday after a fortnight‘s visit with ber father Mr Hugh McKay, â€" Heis not improving we are sorry to say, Mrs Jas. Marshall, of Normanby, returned Saturday, after an enjovable week visiting with Mrs Andrew Marâ€" shall, of Durham, Mr Will Stewart returned Tuesday to his home in Orchardville from Portage La Prairie and will remain for a month or twe, Society, Miss Hastie, of Crawford, went to Toronto, Tuesday, to attend a meetâ€" ing of the Women‘s Home Missionary Mr Julius Ceaser and family moved to Bognor last week. Mr Brandon, the new stage driver, is occupving his house. R®, sh Mrs Alcx Binnie and Mrs Thos. Turnbull were visiting last week with their sister, Mrs Moffat, in Bruce Co Mr Allan Bell is in Toronto for a few days and will take in the Layâ€" men‘s Miss. Congress, Mr Fred Kelly® left for Saskatcbeâ€" wan Wednesday and will spend a day or so in Toronto en route. Miss Alice Ramage visited Toronto friends from Friday to Tuesday. Mrs John Dunsmore is‘ visiting het daughter, Mre Johu Quinn, of Holland Centre. Drand Mrs Pickering spent a day with Mt Forest relatives this week. MARRIED Annual Meeting ;f ch its nevir m-.fi&-f“;â€"m_‘ uy l-m! NO CHANGE oF cars _ll“-b:i n-d-.u-w Earty :application must be made 48K rom Honesccacas‘ PAMPHLET L“‘._-dfl information. . _â€" pecial Zrainsleave Teronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 0, 20â€" way 418 _ uici,.1n.» ”""&" AUG. 10, 2¢ _ sEPT.7, 21 Hhfl.bâ€"&nfi.fl-bw Northwest points at LOW ROUNI;;IRIP R.A."I'E. and return $3; 4 to returm rrere $ imce TOURIST SLEEPING cars én ol excunists (CamborLL L_A_ bm o 20 R. MacFarlane, Agent. Durham M. GLASER, Durham Rag and Metal Denier I would be much obliged to th» people of Durbham and surrounding country to save their iron, rags, rub ber, copper, brass, horse hair, shee} skins. unwashed wool, till I call, 1 will pay the best prices going, Fugin !'vgf' Lot No 1. 8th con. Glenelg, 50 acr bush and 50 acres cleared. Apply to A good comfortable house with hard water inside ; rent $6 per month. â€"Mr Dancan Marsbhali well known at Thornbury and at other points in the Province was successfal in carry â€" ing the district of Olds in the recent Alberto elections. We expect before long to be writing " Hon ‘‘ to his name, his friends the Liberals having carried 37 out of 41 seats. under carpets for 5 cents at the Re view Office. A. H, Jackson has a number of houses and yacant lots in Durbam for sale. The actual addiess was taken home to make some alteration on it, and was to have reached us ere now with more details, We deeply regret its nonâ€"appearance this week ’ The large gathering was a fine mixâ€" rure ef old and young, show ng that to the generation before him as well as to that coming on, the departing friends were dear, MrSmith and two of his sons left on Tuesday for their new home with a car of stockand other things. Mrs Smith and the othâ€" ers will soon follow and the REVIEW joins in the chorus of mingled regrets and good wishes that have marked their departure. ‘ McMitchel! Williamsfora, and others. Along with regrees of course were mingled good wishes for the future. The evening wore on into the night and at last the final good byes came from warm lips and bearts. We solicit the Spocial Trainsleave T. An impromptu program wae carâ€" ried out, Rey. N. A. McDonald preâ€" siding, Many kindly words to Nr and Mrs Smith were spoken in the brief uddresses made by the pastor and by Messrs Hay, R, Corlett. Sr., Alex Mcâ€" Clung, Hugh Riddell, Dr Smitbh, Mr A Big BUXDLE of old papers to lay What wonder then that his coming remoyal should call forth sentiments of respect and love, revealing itself not only in kindly words, hearty handâ€" shakes and warm good byes, but in the more tangible form of a handsome dining room suite of furniture, which will tell in coming days of neighborâ€" ly regard and respect, ’baod he grew up among them, reâ€" spected and honored. In a sense he formed a link between the past and the present, The best years of hbis parents‘ life were spent at Dornoch, all his own years were spent there, there he was married, and there his children were born. For long he has been prominent in Church circles, his shrewdness and good judgment comâ€" mended him for the office of Magisâ€" trate, whicn he bas filled for many . years and we think with acceptance even though his dicisions may huve‘ ruffled at times, J Fe solicit the business of Manufacturers, neers and others who realize the advisabilâ€" f hr't:." Pt')_:ed;’ ?ntent.dhqsintess tunhs:cted rper climina: ‘vice free, Charges rate, flq:mz Advisersent upon reâ€" . Ma & Mar.on, Reg‘d., New York Life Montreal : and Washington. D.C.. U.S.A. The separation of Dornoch and Donald Smith is no common affair as was shown by the entbusiasm of a last regretful reminiscent and loving gathering. From childhood to manâ€" Thursday evening last, 25th March, the home of Mr and Mrs Donald Swith, Dtnochk, was invaded by a host of friends, in number believed to be over 200. They bad come to spend a few hours with them for * Auld lang Syne, " before they moved to heir new home in Kent Co., nea Valetta, where Mr Smith bas bought the old home farm of Mr Donald Farâ€" qubharson, who is now Collector of Custowms in Chatham, and nct unâ€" known in Durham. ho EXCURSIONS Address and Presentation. Farm tor Sale. House to Rent M. GLASER* To Donald Smith, J. P THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO . WEIR. Durham War. Larptaw, . Alberta acres »ninion line .te.fi.’fiifi.'ibé'é."i'&"!'i'- oce«n liners. _ MacFARLANE &Co. tea down read up[ ~mp.m p.m. a m. 430300 _ Walkerton (0 55) 1 11 J.55]:t5,’leave Hanover ar‘v, '9.3]‘1255! 1.06 3.36 Allan Park Ifl.w 12 40 / 7223.»| â€" * Durham ©9.04/12.21 | 7.334.08 _ McWilliams~_ 8521212 ; I47 417 _ Rriceville _ @9811 86| 8 mil.min.r've Baug.Jct, leave 8.2511.45|â€" Conneciing with trains to and fronm. || Toronto, (}nly one change between |4 Jurham and Toronto. Speed., comfort C and safety, 1 Come to us for tickets and informaâ€" t tion. We are also agents for Allan und | 1 Phe following timetable will be effect until further notice * Orders for new connections, changes of firm names, changes of street adâ€" dresses or for duplicate eniries should he handed in at once to The Bell Telephone Company of Canâ€" ada is about to publish a new issue of the OrrIc:aAL TELEpHoXE DirEcrory for the District of Central Ontario, inâ€" cluding Durham, Bell Telephone (World for 15 mos.) _______ Other combinations made known on application, Combinations of three or more paper | 8. 8. NO 1, NORMANBY. b5th classâ€"Lizzie Burns, 4‘hâ€"Myr. tle Caldwell, James Marsball, Tomumy Wallace, Arthur Morice, 8r8rdâ€"Jean Morice, Campbell Keir, Mary McAlâ€" ister, Neila Marshall, Elmer Fee, Grace Mountain, Waiter McAlister, Harry â€" Caldwell. _ Jr_ 3rdâ€"Melville Morice, Lestie Morice, George Webâ€" ber, Henriet a Kelier, 8t 2n4â€"Mabel Waliace, Staniey Mountain, Albert Sterrit, 8r 2nd Bâ€"Katie Kerr, John Berr, J. Burus, Arthur Mountain, Jr Z2nd Aâ€"Margaret Petty and Zetlta Berr, â€" equal, Sr Pt 2udâ€"Dn.wmn‘ Marshall, Andrew Marshall, | . | â€"Through the courtesy of the C, P. R, | and the Peterborough members, the | Association, again accompanied by the ladies, enjoyed a trip to Peterâ€" | borough by special traim Saturday. ; In spite of a furious snow storm the | delegation that morning were shown |through the General Electric Co‘+ plant and the Canadian Cordage works there, both of which proved extremely intecesting. _ Dinner was provided the visitors at the three hoâ€" tels, and in the afternoon all had the pleasure of seeing through the mamâ€" moth Quaker Oats factory, from which we learned forty carloads are shipped daily, It was most interesting and enlightening to watch the different steps in the manufacturing of the breakfast foods from the rawâ€"material with everything possible being done by machinery, Betore leaving the visitors were treated to a dish of their own make, wheat berries and cream, It was much regretted further time could not be spent, especially to see| the famous lift lock. the largest in the world and other industries there but time at their disposal was not adeâ€" quate, The visitors greatly appreciâ€" ated the hospitality of the mayor, council, editors and citizens during their short visit to this progressive city of 17,000 inhabitants, which has a | manufacturing output propbrtionute-' ly greaier than any other city in Can,. ada, _ All returned Saturday evenâ€"|. ing delighted with the outing. Review and Weekly Globe. ... .$1.55 Review and Farmers‘ Sun ......1.75 Review and W,. Mail & Empire..1.50 Review and Montreal W. Wit, ..1.80 Review and Family Her. & Star.1.80 Review and Daily Globe...... . ..4.40 Review and Daily World ...... 2&)1 Wm. Laidlaw, Local Manager I Thursday evening, in company with the ladies, the members attended a fine banquet given in McConkey‘s, the Idinner being followed by toasts to the King, Parliament our guests and the press. These were proposed by the President. Mr D. Wiliiams of Collingâ€" wood and yarious membeas and reâ€" sponded to in brilliant addresses by Bon, Mr Hanna, Col. Hugn Clark. M. P. P., Messrs G. T. Bell of the G. T. R., Geo, Ham of the C. P R., Hawkes of the Can. Northern and Nicholson of the Northern Navigation Co., and a number of the prominent editors present. can also be made at reduced rates EtHEL R. GrrExwoopn, Teacher, On the 51st occasion, one. of the iargest continuous records of any orâ€" ganized body in Canada, between 100 and 200 members of the Canadian Press Association met in Teronto last Thursday and Friday to discuss probâ€" lems vital to the publishing interes=ts, and incidentally partake of social fe«â€" ‘ivities, The meetings are usually of wreat beneft to the general public a« well »s to the editors, as various new deas to improye the putblications, are, among other questions, presented and imbibed, ‘ Yearly Clubbing Offers,. March Schooi Report Press Association Meets. ' # 2. Garafraxa St. Near the Bridg, t “Mm gCG@@Ce#00 *A th <\r :* & © 5* dn > as & vpressesefetas qegueccus; ®: tEntints*s*s*, CaA® HeSSseited, #00008060600060900986 06000006 Call and inspect our stock prepared to show goods. Gond r: for men women & children tnat is on market at the present time. _ Fitness, latest style & best quality are thirgs that attract the eye, contents the nind, considers the purse. and make the foot focl com:â€" fortable. for As our 15 days sale is now over and we l our stock in first class shape we are prepar bring to the front at lowest wrices the hest li» ALEX. RUSSELL, â€" Durham Come with the Crowd and purchase Summer needs at slaughter prices. See the large Sale This Big Sale will be continued every day untill the entire stock is sold ALEX.RUSSELL, The Big Store,Durham The Big LOOK ! THOS. McGRATH, Handâ€"made shoes always on hand. Heavy Boots and Shooes Proved a Wonderful Success Slaughtering Sale Advertised for Saturday W inspect our stock, We are alway show goods. Good repairing a specialt S5 »nape we are prepared to lowest prices the best line of Sheet for Prices as LOOK ! APRIL 1, 1993 1ave t Railroa |efee® ale ol ale" olce = Boys‘ S * Men‘s â€"® Men‘s » Collars %83 "o haile THE REVIEW. VOL. R. B To any a now 10 Jan, 1, months) for 50 vautage of this or see that you! bor does so. M will send Neckwe l to We ha folk 8 Boys‘ t (n’mm;i when Overa Men in a Our that « P rice Great finest Most stvies We W Il NEW FOR ldres THI Of B Can XJ u

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