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Durham Review (1897), 1 Apr 1909, p. 1

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H -25, 1900 re.Durham :lves ook its at 'rice Durham ad Eggs. HIM. FOR sx1LRDAV _ .f IS: '.rp 7c l0c Right "has! Ln l.98 ll Tt "t h ih sun. ods 5:545:xaaaxfixflmmmmmfimfi 5.; Railroad King&Mechanic King Overalls '14 Boys' Spring Suits 25 Collars 33 Men's Shirts Well""'"'"'":", i1ill=ail1il"rrtri""iii 5'; April and Easter g are Here Till: REVIEW. DURHAM. ONT, VOL. XXXII, N0. 13 75c to Jan.l I90 ll B. KEELER 8: SUN seiiiiiiuiu, Neckwear To an address in Canada. '0 will and THE REVIEW from now toJan. t, mo (almost ll month) for " coma. Take ad- vanlaqe of thir remarkable can or no that your friend or neigh- bor does eo. NOW is the time. Men's Fit-well Hats The Overalls bearing this Railroad King ticket are the only Overalls made in Canada of imported American denim, last color acrlpractically nun-shrinkable. SOLE AGENT in town We h; ve 0 med tl a mce line of Nor- folk Sluitsp... ..p. ..... .... .... 3G0 to 4'50 llo) li' three-piece Suns, handsome-shades well tailored, beat trimmings; you will be pleased when youwelhcm ..... ...... .... 3 75 to Slit) Men's fine Linen Collars l Black, Tan in all the newest styles. &Oxblood.. We want to show you these new Ties. Fine silk mur. in-hand, correct width. fancy light or dark patterns Great line at 50c values in the new stripes and colors finest imported English and American mks. each. . Wash tits, lour-in-hand. splendid range of newest colors to match shirts ....., .... ..... .... ...... Our line is comprehensive. You will find practically all the styles in general demand. These shirts have behind them the experience and pre tige ot the moat snemslul makers in Canada. The brand is a guarantee of style and finish that ever , well-dressed man a , reciates. Most up-to-datP hat in the market. Men's & Boys' CAPS in newest shapes and colors FOR SPRING IN me MENS DEPARTMENT NEW SPRING STYLES -----NfiPARATl0NS James Ireland The popularity of the Keeler Sale is evident from the large daily attendance which speaks for the quality of the goods and the lowness of the prices. Mr Keeler announc'es his inten, tion of giving up business in Bur. ham as the head firm of Keeler & Son of Welland requires his per- sonal attention. C The Sale will be continued every Wednesday and Sat- urday afternoon a: n1 glut. This is an excellent opportunity to procure many lines of highclass goods at your own prices. DURHAM Men's Shoes m 3.50 to 4.50 25, 50, 75c 2'33 327% l is? 25c 500 25c El itttlitttti, Review. SALES Drum RECORD URowrr--The ttwareofMrtind Mrs Hahn's intentions extraordinary publicity given my asto the future, but we are sum we the opening of-‘the special sales last vorce the sentiment of the town in Saturday of Mc-Kechnie's. Mockler’s Wishing them success also. During and Russell’s. especially by the first Mr Hahn: occupmcy notable ia:. named, who billed surrounding tow nu 'tllc:",',,',',':,'.,': were made that "dded tc and villages, hid the eitect, of drawing - appearance of the town aud the using crowd ofhuyersto town. Lea- ”an?" of the travelling public. myd. the Merchandise Broker at Me.. f1edit should he trter'tt Mr Hahn for Kechnie's whv'is fertile in advert itsints this P/T"? even though it had its novelties, art-thaws store concert on :zndxf: m ttl',yi',ed" .of (l'.,',',, ltar, Friday night ibich took the popular y y. cons: ere mor "MIG" tnsie. “Mach. the young Hanover under the License Law. We are sure artist. racer. ae., contributed agood the Tf?' of the hotel, f" a hotel, deal of fun with his drawlngs and is ri? tstill le simple. to me'de B good employed during the sale in making living and interest on the Investment various designs, fancy work on poet made, eepccmlly since the proprietor cards, Arc. be. Theother 0'03"! werelo, the other tu,tel chooses to keep his also imported and appeared in comic door closed. costume. Learoyd claims this sale " GIVE AWAY. in advance of all previous ones. and Friday and rdar during the Russellanll Mockler raw results also hourly Dress ll Sale, Picture from their special eirort. 'There oer-most Cards and c tr cards done tarnly was a. crowd in town end an“!!! _ Indium!“ ken Artist, Small pox of a mild type has been discovered in variom puts of Ontario lately and this week Durham was surprised to hear that there was: case near town, Mr Stanley McNally, who contracted it a! his school in Norman- by. The case has been comphtely isolated of course. and nothing further hats sprung from it, nor Is likely to. All the some the one certain preven- tire, vaccination. should not be nog- lecled. It Is deplorable that in the light of abundant modern evidence as to its valency. there should still be found a few who are opposed to vaccination. must have benetitted. Mr Jar. A. Lennlmn has been ar- pointrd Inspector of eonstruetion of the new Armory in Durham, the work on which will begin as soon as spring is fairly opened up. Mr Hugh Me. Donald. a capable man. has the con. tract. and Mr Lenahun being a practi- Cal man in masonwork, woodwork, painting. ac., the Department may feeltnttisfied that a good job will he done. .. Reuben and his Sweelhuurt " by Patten ' Perry drew a full hall last Tuesday night. They have an vxcrl- lent orchestra, and first.ehun, new", but 'ths play, while well presented, would be greatly Improved if non). of the strong language indulged in was entirely eliminated. The syndicate stallion " Cnpon " owned hya Company in this vicinity, of which Mr T. McUumh Will the principal shareholder, was taken want Tuesday by Mr Geo. Twamler, who was one of the old company ALI: trr FistsueD.-ur Jno. Me. Donald. assessor or Glenda, who has been in the vicinity of Durham, the put week, informs us he hm only 4 or 5dayslett near Markdale before tln. ishing. He seems to he giving gener- al satisfaction. Th' Standard Bank pays interest on " .113 Bar k deposits from date of dppn to date of withdrawal. Every do r of (In deplsit. earn interest for very day it rem-aims on deposit. THE STANDARD BANK Miss J. J. Allan. night Special ht. will be at the Ha House, Mon day, April ii. HoursZt mm. A few pails of Sta Food left tet the Central Drug Store. clean out at 83.50 pail for 82.00.. 31.00 per ha at Gum's. u mntu., Buy you Id and garden seeds from Manhawukjmer. For Warmth Wall Papers tro to Ma N e's Drug More, Becket silk. 40iuches wide, for "htihH 1873 If you have not yet begun to save your spare donut make a start to-dny by depositing One Mrormiu our Saving: Detariauttt. DURHAM BRANCH John lolly, "aa-gt- We invite you to Join the large number of wildcat, successful people who have found banking relations with it both agreeable and profitable. is a Bank of age and strength. It has a record behind it of 35 years of sound and successful business, and is strong in resources and banking experience. Shirts, Hutu and Tie: for men DURHAM, THURSDAY. APRIL l, 1909. we. Al.” " MOI. OF CANADA I: A Talus-r IN THE HAHN House, lit V. Hahn, has tented his hostelrv to Mr hochie McKenzie, who takes charge at once. Mr McKenzie and Mrs McKenzie also. have experience in this line and we have no doubt will make a success of it, We are not ttwtureofhirand Mrs Hahn's intentions as to the future, but we are sure we voice the sentunent of the town in Wishing them success also. During Mr Hahn's occnpmcy notable ine. provements were made that added to the appearance of the town and the comfort of the travelling public. (audit should be given Mr Hahn for this enterprise, even though it had its foundation in the profits of the but. -by many considered inordinute-. undel the License Law. We are sure the protius of the hotel, no a hotel, will still be ample. to provide a good living and interest on the investment made, especially since the proprietor of the other tu,tel chooses to keep his door closed. while you watt Gumsm Fun“ Gaza Ives,..., ’Mr (hm. Twamley and family of Glens-lg left Lhia‘ansdav for Wehh, 8auratchewan, with 3 cars ot settlers _etrrcts, his son and Wm Wnight assist- "tng in the charge. This community Is sorry lo part with such entelprislng men as Mr Twamley. and his neigh- bors and friends and brother Forest- ers voiced this feeling by presenting him and Mrs 'l‘wamley with an ad. dress expressed of much good will and pulse. with other useful attic-Ion. The Foresters gave Mr Twamleva locket and chain. and his son Albert a chain charm. each engraved with Forestic emhlun. Dornoch and vi- cinity. " the way. are loslng thtee of their best men. two for the West, Mr Boyle and Mr Twamley. and Mr Donald Smith for near Chathnm. _ It is a satisfaction to know, however. l that Canada letains them. _ A Timur IN THE [nus Io::::;-) M, V. Hahn, has tented his hostel” .n M.. 1..-”; .- " _ deposit. h Prints tie a yard, tory cotton Ge tt yard, dies: mus-ding. tnweilmg 5(- a yard, heat thread 30 tt Ole, yard wide fiannelette 8lo, grind :mneleltefx-n yard, Drugs Goods half rice. cottons md Wash goods also. tr, e of Burton Spence (In ' Toronto, Ba rupt stock at H. It. Mockier‘s Durh m. Dotdt forget the place. Big ' een Sign. Liquidation Sale. Come on n. de Miss Bugg ha emoved tu,rhsimn. ery parlors to car’s Block. one door north of the wt otBee. Re. membertocall at the rooms for th newest and prettiest " illinery. T Standard Bank pays interest on vines Bank deposits from date of de wit to date of Withdrawal. Every ollar of the deposit earn: interest r every day it remains on Great Sale of the Ban mpt stoc} Burton Spence Co.. onto, I mencing Saturday. Mnrh th at, H Mncklvr's. No fakirism t draw cmwa. The prices at whic a p are to he sold will do all that, a We have may i of lh ugs, PIC. nt Me Cigars and " l last three week " tstore, Durham. Our New Spring ta'?) rived. Call and lee whn showing in Suitlngs and Gen ishings. H. A. Burnett. T Man, 1 would be much otut Dedlara of Durham to I name instead of Glaser with the public, N r Anot contingent of beautiful Enter P Curd: juat arrived at the Central Dr Store. Durham. 100 beautl frames given away. one with each zon cabinets at P. W. " Y, Artist, Durham. Ev person should hare a Bank Accou One dollar start: an tur count in a Traders Bank. Domain received tor hildren. A " vou m tPew Dreae the new": bins: in u Grant's he h hem. Many . "im, ih Me Suits at 8.F. prloek'a. 'tly _iit Pen a and Boys gely increased our stock 'nt Medicines, Tolmtcoa, key Goodl during the P103! in Linings go d, Iksnnd Gen Furn. Burnett. Th Men's SIM lee wha‘wa are the Central brag d to the rag Ielheir own hen dealing BER. ‘3 rd have ar Goods and 'IIW tho P. goods #ee ad. Mr Guides was born in Krosuthnrn. in the parish of Dumfriw. Scotllnd in the year 1881. In the year 1868 be untried Janet. Carson and the same you: emigrated to Cumin with his then young wife landing " Hamilton the time at tho grout colliny plum! when he renamed but I low yam caning to Egremont " years Ago In. (all and scald on lot aoreA on “1016111000 when logothor they toiled boning their .11er of the mm, bud.“ and "salt, of the pioneer seniors. Thom vu bow to than chm Ions soul "to dumb. to" only thre- of whom naive namely William in Hubby-in. Juno- nl Dream “(I In Go. Bum. 'Leu.. In. " That engine " A daisy," was A common remark and compliments were feely paid to Ute Brigade for tut. tiring cieney. U3 JAs. Grouse. One of the most emu-med pioneers of the townehip oi Egremont was removed by death in the person of Mr Jas Geddes It the home of his son James on lot 17 con Ito, on Tuesday 25th inst et 11 e m. It the age ot 77 yeers. 4 mo: and 7 den. The deceased had been suffering from en attack of is grip end had "tiitrienhly recnvered to be about the house ; on Tucedey evening the 16th While sitting It the table eller partaking of egood hearty rapper In! shred with e pere- Irtio strouc disabling one side and lose of speech and alshongh receiving the bell medic-l eid and tenler nursing by his femuy But" friends " seemed an- eble from hie age to shake it oft. The morning of " death he loomed quite any and fell into e enlm end peeeeville eleep in which condition he eroued the Greet Divide elmoet unnoticed by thou eronnd him. Truly we may oxelelm. "0h Death where is thy victory." The origin of the fire is unknown. No fire had been used theday previous in the building, and the mystery has led to a petition asking that a provin- ttiaNetective be sent here to inveltx- gate. There seems an urgent rim-enmity for a pumping station trehiud the old Innis Foundry and more altentiun will h we to be given to keeping them free fiom snow and ready for emer- gency. Apart trom the loss to the pro- prietor», it is well the buildings are gone without endangering the com. mercinl centre, There are yet A few tlretrap' on our front street, amongst. them it must be regretted being our Town Hall. We hope the day is not distant when these will be removed without danger to their surrounding-- Norms. A telephone post m front, loaded with wires got on flro and many wires tell. but the post Wu kept standing and held the main cables. The tele- phone eervice for a day or two was in lmd shape, but alt is about right a- gain. The ground fiom, Was occupied by two hutcbvr estabiishmentt, Messrs Ptlkcy and Jones & Rickett, and the elm-k on hand of them- gentlemen, scales. ar., “in he a dead loss as they had no insurance. Mckechuie's we believe had a paltry 6300 on the two buildings. The buildings were owned by the Mt-Kechnie firm and though of no great value in themselves, their de. struction is a Imiousloss to the owner. for they had them rented and were drawing from them ten dollars 1. month and had jmst rented the upper tlat for 81 more. The tiretuea very etBeientV fought the thuuee and it was soon seen that they would prevent its spread. The one opening in the brick ttre wall opening on Telfurd'e stairway was well watched and the hose mu played around it on both sides. When the tire wits thought uliuoet extinguished on important discovery was mude that uhlaze was growing in the Webater cellar and the hope was quickly got to wotk again being taken through the shop and fired down the stairway. Thialiiler five was caused by spark. going through the stairway. [idling on some old invoice and receipt. filet, which Mr A. Gordon, owner of the building, had stored away This fire was also put out and the tired but valiant firemen were given much needed refreshments by Mr Ed hie“. ( . Thursday night of last week, a. little before midnight, are wu discovered in the old frame building just north of the Webster jewellry store. The night watchman was among the that to discover it, and he made tor the alarm bell. The Blignde were soon " their duties, but before they could get to work, it w“ evident they could not save the frame building which burned like tb tinder box and sent out spark! and tlrntr scraps of tire over the town for the wind was nllghtly trom the Northwest. Fortunately. a. recent 1 snow had bl muted the roots or there , might have been another tale to tell. l ONTARIO ABCHIVES TORONTO A Touch of Fire. -----_0i---- Obituary ney. (3) Tan LATE M. B. IrrasN.--We little thought Mat week when mentioning the illneu of this gentleman. that even as we wrote he was passing away. He died on Wednesday. 24th March at the home of his {ether and was buried in the R. G, Cemetery at Aytcn. on the Saturday following. The de. ceased WM in bi: 48rd yenr, and for nine or ten years has published the Ayton Advance which he founded, end in connection with thart he worked up It good business " it land and ales agent. He proved himulfncepnhle ready writer and reflected the life of his village and hll town-hip crediUhtr, About two yen-I ago he Wu unpainted Treasurer ot the townehip, and had hie lite been spared there an he no doubt he could have rendered good eervice for many years. Previous to entering the puhlishiott huei- neu he taught echool, and we. reckoned In emcient tmher. In addition to his nequired ability. he had all Indy wit of ttie countrymen and WM of o kindly. geniel nature that made many friends. Be will be deeply mourned in hie own home circle. And by nanny who learned to like him through his PM?" intercom“. Hon oattt.-th H. W. Lemon, late of M Oren, in again lulled on his hum. i E. 7 and 8. Con. t, Normauhy n is in full possession, and owner of stock. implements ac., that are on t tarm excep. what the new tenant own He " prepared to undertake the Pratt of trees, and other orchard work. dreu Var. ney. (3) A GREAT Hmnsnntn-lt in pitiful these days to we tennis ml men struggling to reach the weigh male: on the hillside. While sleuthing mu fairly good in the eoutttrrand pau- able in the town on the level. the hill is here and in consequence a veritable " Hill DitBeaitr " for I loaded sleigh. The council can not too noon mmove this trouble. Nor BURNED Oar-An imprecsion seems to have trot shroud that Web- sterthe Jeweller was burned out at the fire bust week, Not Io; he was not even scorched. and in doing Lusi~ neu " the old stand. xMorlock. A la stock of m, Mannoth. Alsike. 5ettMt, All Alta Clovers: Timuthy d I speciality. Pure Seeds. Clo pricel at the Central Drugstore. U am. If you want be well dretr,ed buy one of our New Pt Brand Sum which have just “Ti . The funeral took pines on Thai-Ml". the 25th.}The body cu Mun to Amou church. where he had gone nanny. mlny tunes unaided and at And intend to the "pounding M divine truth. now all silent m death. His punter. tho Rev Mr Kendnll preneho-l I very appropriate Ind comfomng wrmon. “be: which the body was concede! to its In: routing place in Reid'l century. Holstein. Thalia-go prooeluon “In follawod the remains bespeuh the high "teetn In which the deceased and - us hold in this community. Wop” join in u- teudlug our lympnthy to the brand cues. In which Mr. Odd“ wu I strong Pronhyteninn being ot the than few who out and bond and holpod Input tho old log church on the hue line a Bud'- oometery when tho] worshipped God in the bounty ot helium. The old church hem. pnllod down may "no Mo a new one In built in Hot-tom in which Mr Guide. was " active older for runny yarn. After coming to Bro. more he ioinod Amos Church where ho has been. regnlu stander. Seldom was hit out “cent on the Lords Day when able to Attend. In Politic: Mr, Guides Wu uretormor aud wu our pleased when discusrmg public ques- tions taking on mauve part in me P. . run movemont. In the ”"1894 he untied Mu, Honda-on of the 10th eon. Eminent. and cum toliu with his son June. when they have lived continuously up to the time'of his death. $6,350,000 $34,000,000 Commercial and savings accounts solicited and beat terms offered. l Geddel products“ him “on" you'- ago in the yen 1889 “to: which he ("a up the (an ad toe I limo mu around Among his family. A la stock of lsike. 'et He. All imbthy d . " WIS. C'lo priren rug Store, U um. THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE DURHAM BRANCH TRADERS BANK Published Wukly' st 01.00 I you. duarm'mm Arron. of Canada INCORPORATED 1835 - THE REVIEW. DURHAM. 1 FRIDAY. APruLitru.--gtr Wm. Har. grave. lot 18. con. = Egrenwm. will [sell by public auction "Junkie Farm I Stock And Implemenu. Eyerylhin. , mutt. be oold.’ Bale at 1 o'clock. Term-u ' 12 mot. credit. 5 per cont discount. t D ManAIL. Auctioneer. Tuna". APRIL 1'.h--Nr Dan. Mc, [At-Mam. lot 40, con. l, ti. D. tt., Glen- rig, will .ril by Public Auction. Farm I Stock. Implements and I'm-Minn. )lec " 1 o'clock. No We. " non. credit I 6 per conc " for (huh. I D. IIcPuAIL. Auctioneer. At Wilder's ke in the Township ot Egmont. antly occupied by the Demon Co any. Size mm with “when l ' awry And on" high. lubed and pl red um! in Rood condition. Tenders 'ill be xvceived upto Ari! the 15m. Home can: he moved any perm purchasing it, tdatl 'lea,!',, to . The Samoan! Port]: Cement Co. Dur ' on. The very latest art shown in our Show R Mr John Meagher, lot Ili, Con. 4, N. D. R., Glenda. in today, Thursday. April l, selling stock and implements. Ho- "thm, 9 mm. credit and 5 per cent per annum " for Cull. D. “(Plum ll auctioneer. " J. H.1lunu-r " 0 B. Home A. H. Jackson F. [radian W, Calder skip ll Durham curlers took two nuts down to Shelhurne Friday “(autumn last furlhe return Rune. hut mung to Ihe limited time before the arrival " the night, train, the games Were than. Our rink. appreciated the hmpiulity of the home Mayo-H. a: d look format! with plenum to mother serie- wlth them next season. Dcmnx Slxuvnx: W. C. Vollet A. W. WHOM: J. Leash”: J. Milt, A. W. [nu ler Dr. Frank. Among the lame but. for only Spring we”. no one amicable for in Incoming outline ind beautiful ukulele! blue and tan, The upper rim and ctowtt of mu And talcum of Alice blue abound well the trimming of lug. how of ribbon at left and In" Alice blue wing coming over croWn and drooping on rim at right. Another most striking hat, in n Btuait munhroum. Wag in a beautiful allude of grey mohair. The rim mu made ot did: of huid. loud with ulna ribbon of the “we shade. The trimming consisted of one Inst-rose u left with mono and foliage in wreath round ierown and loops and ends of ribbon faltine at left back. In. DICK The lunch Openings have Intro- duced come radial Chm in Millio- Cer Ind eome very unusual feature., The“ in o decided fume over the new Turban. They on huge. heavy laden Alain. of the Remy of Navarre etyle. one in brown tux-bu: done in hum ulna and a band diepluy of brown ribbon. Ont-large blur-t hat that at. ’tructed Home Intention in of the ( Dleectoine model tsatin faced with huge ‘gold the" buckle and black tatteta ribbon. Another we. An Empire hot ‘In on Amethyst shade wnth trimming ‘of tlowers and that new Iter of satin unripe ribbon. Flower Toque is on- other Myle that is greatly favored 8. F. Monument. One of the most lmnulifuleud be. coming hats on display was A lune block proxylin broil! in the populor mueluoom shape, will. drape of mech. lin. Two huge plume. felling over left. tide and t1uithed at front with [no jet pins. To Rent 2 good hm 3. Apply to Totals l7 Majority for Durham The Yellow Label once. We dunk on who has renewed the put few van but there “a yet nuny other. we wish to but from " once. fella he date to when” sub- t"itft'p, In. been p d. Out In . uglist. In this week 90(- mcoad up to date. If yours h not cot-cyst. ‘kingily notify a. at C. gun”. a son. Honk top Sale. Won in Shelburne. Millinery Openings. Pmnu Lin Hill-nu Sale Register. ----_.i----.- at. E tr. Frank. u. Binmhnm " 6 A. menu. C. h. Forguwn It. Smith D. Oink ship I , in Millinery is ..-' than. Norlock “HM ktt

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