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Durham Review (1897), 1 Apr 1909, p. 6

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too deep. It on sale. . People I, 1909 pportunity! $3.75 'thers heapest. its Look greatest was 3rd Spool ' 75c 1.00 49c 39c 98 Wine t Gunffaxa St. Heat the Bridge oi Lacuna in 0." Own Otiice ”mum“. an ot Run hint: (or Home Treatment' . f “ l v I A " . - "; s F r ln-I-.,n In. ant-u n. ., no. Call and inspect our stock. We are alway prepared to show goods. Good repairing}: specialt Agency In Durham for cetettrated Kant Ruck Lumbcmcn'a Rubbers. for men women & children tnat is on market at the present time. Fitness, latest ater & best quality are things that attract the eye, contents the mind, considers the purse. and make the foot feel oom- fortable. _ L :;::‘.,,_P, a TiPi,tciil " 1:. _." C: yi, 'tel 'i/iii/ii' (1;? j.~. .J/‘as‘Jain and tl u m. a On all lines of WINTER FOOTWEAR. These include Lumbermeu's Rubbers, Overshoes,Cardlgans Felt Boots, Slippers, &c. Also Mitts and Gloves away down in pike. Custom work and Repairing " Usual at Down Town Shoe Store As our15 days sale is now over and we have our stock in first class shape we are preparedto bring to the front at lowest prices the best line of . THOS. McGRATH, Every hat has a distinctive style by its self and at a very moderate price. If you have not been able to attend our Openings we extend you a cordial invi- tation to visit our Show Rooms and inspect our stock whether you buy or not, Our Millinery Openings last week were a pronoun- ced success, The many ladies who visited our Show Rooms were more than pleased with the vast showing of Fashionable Millinery. We are show- ing the very latest creations in this spring's leading styles, and a large assortment of stylish Dress Hats trimmed with flowers, foliage, qibbons, feathers, tulles, laces, etc. Natty Ready Wears and Children's Head Wear. S rin Milliner W Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. S. F. MORLOCK Hand-made shoes always on hand. Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing Heavy Boots and Shoes Reduced Prices '.S'.Se9.9aaS:9.9.99.S STYLISH J. S. Mcllraith Wr :vmmntcvm cure NERVOUS DEIILITY' BLOOD DISEASES STRICTURE. VAIICOCELIo ttION" mo BUCDER DlsEASES. Consult. bot Hes. I? unable to call, write tor . qsttiuu Blank tor Hume Treatment. r xiv C' quark-Juno whatmitvreinteitded- n. lquthy aw} ha ""',' man with physical, men tal and new; Poor L' complete For over 20””. Du. K. d K. have vented Moth tho greatest .000... all 11.306306 ot men and women. P.' 3s'tl “AND any soc-rd disease that In I mmv am! :3, nous-e to your health consult ., d l' _ttilim/.urtI physicians who do not, have to Successors to ans. KENNEDY & KEIIGAI NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED Fs' The mixture In aid to claw and strengthen the clogged and inactive Kidneys, '12,"'fft'E Bundle. Blad. der weakneu 5nd tinny trouble of all kinda. it taken Moro the my of Bright]: disuse. Good datum-3% yet on duh loudly morning t he h larch and than engaged in uwlming nae-buy " yet, By the my people were draw- ing loan Bll winter we don't think in mnnylmnou than will be many to draw next winter. Mr Jack Morrison has been under the weather for a few days but is en. Joymg good health Igsin. Thane who have tried this lay it positively 'l'2'l,1'h"tf't,'d in me but. taut name at imam: and 11it Mel on on, especially u m g eating even the um m at bud- der wanna Mix the followi m by muting well inn bottle, tutti Lake In teaapwnlnl doses after meals and at bedtime t ounces. A loeal drugglu is the n- thul'lty that these simple. hamlets in. gredients an be obuined at nominal cost trom our home (mum. Every nun or won'nn here the (column: the kidney. m not mug or acting in I balmy manor Mu mix this Inscription " hon. and tt'tAttk uni-auto“ wan- na " my pain. Messrs Allan Hannah and Allen Cameron have put up five Ind I'lnlf cords of wood In four hours and. half. Who can bellil? Shake Them in Fluid Extinct Dmdclion. one-half ounce ; Comspunnd Kargon. one ounce; ngggunq yrup t8riaptri)us, three We no sorry to lose Mr and Mrs Archie McLellm. who moved to Dar. ham hot week. They will be much missed in our burg. ' Mr Neil Black has been under the weather for a few duys. but we are glad to say he is improving nicely. m Arclne ucmllan has purchased a swell buggy from A. B. uoLellnn. Scotclnowu champion. Each" playura cbnlhnge Pomona evohampi. one to play . game. They will plny hard fur the belt this time. Pinio- ulna later. " Mr Michel McMillan li, engaged haulmg logs with Mr Daniel McInnes. Mike and Dan are hustle". m Ronald Black drove Hound the belt. hue one evening last week. Mr Walter Ewens. of Bnnesann, visited friends at Bachelors Corner, over the week and. ) . Mr and Mrs Archie MoPhee. of your tcwn, were guests " Mr and Mrs Dan McMillun's. on Sunday. Our bunc- men m 1rrintt in a large stock of spring and summer good: to unit the many who require. goods of various kinds. Mr Malcolm Wilson and Miss Maggie Block, of Tlaverston, visited " the farmer's sister, Mrs Archie Mo Millnn. The Rev'dl Mnhuon god Berry of this village are this week atuodintt mu Luymeu'a meeting held in Toron- We read with much interest la. specter Cempbell‘e loner: in the In: iew some. Hie short eneedoeee re minde no of n 'tttrr we heard of e Highlnnder who was beating of how he learned the English language since he left tho old country. He aid “When I coma to [entree] I hednon word ot Englnnd but now Gentleman, and Leddiee I can epoked the England " gout " mung few. " Although Mr Camgbell is n t crouch bred Highlander y blnn they are very few and far between that em excel him in the English language and We take it for granted that tt he was put to the test he eonld speak the Gaelic better than the old Highlander could the English. Fine March weather It present. Wedding bells are ringing. Messrs Angus Morrison Ind are" Hahn. of Durhnm. paid a flying wish. to our burg recently. Mr David 'tegg of Port Arthur, is at present oxen log n few Weeks among his ol lrlends " Priceville and Balssm Valley. Ecnmont. he intends to sell his term before he leans and then bid sdien to the County ot Grey tor some time. Mr McIntyre was one of the Councillors olEgremont for a number of years and was assessor for four years in succession. Mr Donald Graham ot this place has sold his fine farm on the north llneto his son Donald, The term " present is occupied by Mr Malcolm McMillan olSwtch town who had it rented tor some years past. Although the snow is not deep this spring yet experience teaches that it is not an easy matter to trump it from neon till night as assessors have to do, Mr and Mrs Dugald McCormick at thistown are yet halo and hearty. Mr McCormick is one of those men whose hand isnever shortened when called to give for church and charm- able pnrpses and Mrs McCormick was always a lady who from her youth up took great interest in hurch matters. Hector McKecbnie wu in Toronto week betore last as delegate to the Ch and Lodge A.O.U.W. March and winter are pissing tV way and is a reminder to many at as of events that took place long years Mo that shall never be forgotten till We pass the bonrne tram which no traveller ever returns. At the last Communion held in the Presbyterian church here D few new members were added to the Com- munion Roll. Priceville Scotchtown a?“ i'M,Ps,1te,tTf,g, "d f TrTrbirtTi?.ud 'Pri') a -D. Bottle to Mix. I k Vul‘ ".er'e"5' We welcome Me Berry Burnett endl Mr Geo. Bovintttmt, one at our hie Emily of your town to our neigh- (meantime Wad“. left the Imrtt - horhood. . W93. t Iteitr.t1 9531‘? tr'It f, “our: Wm. Aljoo 3nd Robert Me. Faddon undo I bmi‘neu trip on the C. P. B. line to Hubble, one any lat walk. w The Millinery Openings are w over end we are settled down i to real business. Orders w are rushing in Mor Easter. w The prevailing types for w early milllnky is the large w picturesque hat and the eq- w ually voluminous turban. w Another important fact is w thetevery eccentricity in the w size of brim: is strictly . . avoided. True, the dupes g are large but moderately and m, sensibly so. Preventier-those Caudv Cold Tablets --wrll safely and quickly check all ttold,, and the Grip. Try thorn once Ind we! 48-25c. Sold by Msanrlnue l Co, Mr and Mrs Andxew Marshall cele- brated their Golden Wedding on Tuesday lush . il'; The gala time ofthe iii' w year is just at Hand tty Mr M. B. Flynn. late editor of the Aston Advance. died at the home of his parents. south of here, on Wed- nesday lust. Mr Flynn was well and favorably known by many in this neichburhood and hisdeath will be reglettM., _ _ d _ -- _ Mn In. Bopkint. accompanied by her liner. Mud Hallie Lumnca. yin- ned friends in Boothville 3nd Swin- ton Park’lut week. We regret to hear that Mrs Cooper is still making little progress toward recovery. We are sorry to any Mrs Anthony Lowrance bu been quite tll there last couple of weeks. We hope to hear at her speedy recovery. Me George Hopkins has patch-sea I driyer lately. Look out girls! Mr Henry Buley ha been busy hnuling lumber home for building purpous. Mia: Maggi: Moore in It present visiting her manual. _ I wo-nder where Bert was on Bun. day; -- _ _ . . _ Mr Robt. Whitman. of Mt, Forest, vuimd his parents and other friends on Sunday. A _ _ - - Mrs Jae. Young visited her sister, Mrs Chu. Glnueer " Hanover, the beginning of the week. Min Mae Brown has returned to her homo after lpendmg the winter month with her sister. Mrs Wm. Hargrnye. of Egremont. Mr and Mrs Hintze and Mr John Hintza left on Tuesday, March 23. tor Saskatchewan. Mr "and Mrs Hintze will wait by the wuy their daughters in Manitoba. - Miss Mu, Hopkins srpisnt Sunday u the home of Mr ho. Tucker. Mr Thus. Amen. of the Grand Trunk Blilwsy. made s Bring visit. in this neughborhood this week. Tom looks his best. Mr W. Nahn has hired with Mr H. Fritz for a year. Mr Fritz talks of building a house this summer. Mrs John Beim and children spent last week with C. S in and family. Mr Levin Frock. of Proton, made 30m: calls in thin neighborhood this wee . Messrs Wm. Brown Ind Wm. Zu felt took a trip to Hanover on C. P. It on Saturday. Mr Jog. Watson. one of MoWil liemeville'e f1tus young fellows, left on Tuesday afternoon Arr the West. We lwish him every success on the prair- as. Mr and Mrs W. Sharp and Miss Mary Fulton attended the luneral ff Mr Wm Ritchie on Wednesday an. Mr and Mrs Hunter of Drnmore Sundaved with the tormer's sister, Mrs David Gilmour. of Mr and Mrs A. Park and family Ilpeut an evening last week with Mr and Mr: A. Fulwn. On Friday evening lust Mr Austin Derbv gave a farewell party in honor of his friend Percy Watt who intends to go West shortly. Miss Janet Little has spent the last. few days visiting her uncle, Mr T. Byers and family and other friends prior to returning to her home " Ayr. Mrs Anderson has returned from the hospital " Walkerwu but slight- ly improved in health. Mr A. Anderson took a trip to Walkerton Thursday and sold a load LEGEEEEéGEGG§ We never have had I larger display of trimmed Millinery and " “you to see our selection Quote buying oUewhem . F _ Miss Dick m nut-tout IN.. mm L” Easter Popular Place ' Millinery 'ill Hampden .. _..------- w: gh Ei Road tl" pun tonnalaon the box of . . Pink Pun Tnbleu. They psk out a. Doctor it than " a blur one. {pin trr men-nu conga tlt tt, Li. “a ”than: "tttr - . . ,whcre Dr Sm op', P " Pun " lau- m oboe loo-ad pm". womanly puma. [my I 1')7A's'il", In, on“! no! to new mite?! with "tir fun" is“?! of ky Bunsen. He will be I gifted gequilidon to the min! lite “than We understand that a new under- taking is to he estabhshad in Proton on the Maitiand Ru, er that runs from Dundalk neighborhood down through Proton to Cedarville. It Winds its way along the 6th and 7th c meetygiomt tor some miles and In the spring when water is high it flood, the low fiat lands that it is impossible " to go from the north to the south of the township. Considerable tishing trapping and hunting is done. The undertaking is to build a floating bridge that can be moved about on the Booded marshy lands at high tide and to be anchored by tying to some trees at other new” ”tint hunters and trapper. can cp?" the river. A manor: the 9th eon. in: "perintend the building ind to manager. Rev. N. A. MeDoneid and IrGoo. Ledinghea are .in the Queen City this Week unending the meeting of the hyman‘e Missionary) Cantrell. Speakers of worldwide repute will bitpresent, and 'twill be 3 grand opportunity to become imbued with that zealous spirit of missionary en- thusiasm, which is sweeping the world " present. Omaha that art tight ot (ilhtreiv-Ing tickling Coughs. get quick and certain help tr m Dr Shoup's Cough 1Vutedy. On this account Jhttguirit" everywlwre are hunting Dr Shoup'l Cough Rpm. edy. The tender lenyes of a hammers lung-healing monutuirnm shrub give tn Dr Shoop's Cuugh Remedy in: curative propermq, Those leave-1 have the pow- or to calm the most dIsIrI-sqng Cough Ind to wootlte, and heal the mate sen-I the bronchial mmuhmne. Test It "tree youreelf. and he I Smd by MneFulnne & Co. Robert Armstrong has been down in Toronto for the last two weeks and wasgreatly missed. Mr Andrew Osuander of Priceville formerly of north part ot Proton was here visiting his son Oscar last week, Wedding Bells have been jingling and before the next Review reaches us they wiJl give the final jingle. A. McDonald creditably discharging the duties oi chairman. A pleasing feature of the ocension Will the pre- sentatiun to Mr and Ms Smith of a magnitieent extension table and six chairs, all best oak finish. The pre- sentation was preceded by a. highly complimentary address, elucidating the true worth oi Mr Smith as a citizen. The couple Were visibly afreeted yet Mr Smith replied in an tsvpropritste and grateiul manner. A tempting lunch was then served and utter many sud inrewells all repaired to their several places of abode. Needless to say, Mr Smith will be greatly missed in the Vicinity. His judicious executive ability as Justice of the Peace. his intelligent co- operation tor the intellectual welfare ofthe section. his exemplory Chrisziau inf1aenee " elder and his zealous in- terest in eve v organization ot'church work and effort will make his place a diffieultone to fill. We wish them a bounteous measure at healh and prosperity 'mid their new environ- meme. Mr and Mrs Dan McDonald of the County Town are spending a plcmnt holiday " the hospitable home of the former's sister Mrs H. Meander ot Bentiuck. Messrs Geo. Shane. Charles Me.. Kechnle. James Robertson, Bryce Dengue]. John Turnbull and Harry Heft leit last week to seek their fortune in Bunny Alberta. This exodus is a decided loss to the social circles. yet we trust that Dame Fortune any smile upon them and reward their efforts with bountiful success. Mina Sadie Corlett leaves the week for Chicago after an extended viait " the old homestead in Bentinck. Mr Allan McGillivray is holidnv- ing at his home " Lawn: After a two years absence in the Queen City. A goodly number from the bars attended the farewell party tendered to Mr Charh s Boyle and ismily. ere they lei-Va their cosy home at Gins- eott for their new sphere of labor in Saskatchewm. Achoice programme of solos, recitutions. instrumental music and addresses was rendered, and the spirit of harmony and en- thusiasm which prevaded the asth- ering and the costly articles Fresented to each member of the fumi y was on evidence oi the high esteem in which they are held by their large circle of friends. As an elder in Dornnch Presbyterian church, Mr Boyle Won the esteem and respect at all for his pious lilo and exemplary Christi virtue-s. Thev leave in a fortniJ: inr Western Canada and a cumpnny~ ing them are the aim-crest wishes Ii all for continue-d spiritual and temporal blessings. The clay domicile of Mr D. A. Smith was the scene of an en- thusiastic gathering on Thursday evening last, when a large number at relatives. lt'iende and neighbors assembled to pay respect to the esteemed couple ere they leave the scene ot many happv association-t and pleasant experiences, to take up their abode in ke tCo. where Mr Smith has purchased a farm. The house was literutlv crowded and the spirit otgmd-will and enthusiasm which prevudod the gathering gave attest- ation to the high esteem in which Mr and Mrs Smith are held in the com- munity. An elaborate programme ot vocal and instrumental music, ad- dresses. &c., was tendered, Rev. N. ONTARIO ABCHIVES _ TORONTO yard-u a Go. " Hopeville. Dornoch 01-. RF - Machines. Nation Cream Separators Robes. Settles,',' Whips etc gig tt ' an era. Winger: 39‘” 11:ma Armstmg Ind Tudhope Cuttesa Bell Manna Organs and Piano. Rudd Harness. Toronto Rnymmd , y.ew Williams Sewing Cocks?“ Plow Co. Ltd, Dunno“ Pull on, Spreaders, etc mile“ and 'l's1e, MW! "trm" ll his!" um Armstrong. “the” m by“: Buggies. l When in search of handsome Stoves and Ranges. come, to the store where you can mu e quality and 1ro'ltltst ,We are shipping Happy nought Ranges to different parts of the country and are receiving cun- gr-tulawrv letters quite lrequemlv. The following is an unsolicited testi- monial tron: Mrs John Sharpe, whom we sold a Range last week. -A. B. loLellan. Brhtrrs IiiittA--Uattttmrm h. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy Mr Black. My Dear Sir. lam writing you telling you our Happy Thought Range arrived here from Biantford yesterday. We had it ntnp which took but men almost an" hours doing sq and I must lay. althungh baby and I were " most frozen, in the meantime I am well rewarded rm nu pallet ee. as it is 1 beauty and such a line (molt and grand baker. We both are highly otiMied with our choice alter our trial with the Pandora. Yours truly. Mus. JOHN SHARP. Call and examine our assortment of Plow Harness. Plow Lines, Trace Chains. Sweat Pads Ilorin, Clippers, Carry Combs and Brushes. be 1 van now surely Inf) an nun 1nd Duo iit this deplorable dime. In Gertturrtr-with n Chemist In the City of DBrmguutt-t found the hurt ingredient wt which Dr. Shani: Rheumatic Itemsi, "I . trtsrfemed, detttsttdMrlt, prescription. With than» ingredient»! Ineoeutully treated 'lla: may on»: of Rheumatismbutnow.“ mm. In forum cum: " cunble an: at this hemmfon much dreaded dim. Thule sand-like [unnum- wusun. tound In Rheatrmtle Blood team in dimln Ind ps- I“! under the union of this remedy u truly-laces IW, when Bdded to pure water. And then. whm Iguana than pglsanouu “mm: M! “I m M. In Pd cause o was; In (on. ton-ever. There in now no In] ner-oo m exam to unmet lonxer with. mm Wotan-M inamtlderuse mmmeud ttttvs found atrial! Ind W out. toe I,“ autism! Not . remedy that will ”than a. dinonrd limtn of chronic crlp In. nor tum PM?“ hack to nephAan-u. rtft't 1. Igloo-l EE‘aeumatism Peter Hamilton Farm Implements am “I" LII! " GIMME OF “I. Sud-l Teil-. Talu- 2.00 a... Mt ”Ill l " " 4, " JUNE l, 16, ” JULY It, tt M u, " 'tpt. t, tt “kWh-Olivia “It in“ “WWII" LU" NUUI‘U'IHIP HATES Wi . “Mun $32 ah. Edmun- and WI- 'lt8."drl,"2'l'.' 'h' '. Ti TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Alm’ “Minds.” . amusing?“ th"at2'trtSt't Early ammonium must In made All '0. NOIIIIIIIRI' PAIPNLIT “diam-dial iah-tiem. ' CP.R. . "'"""t'fll2: AArh'e2'lc'-"- LOW ROU N D-TRIP RATES Disin- 'fectants lultolu. Suhuhmn. Alberta Prbwtueu and fair dealin will eotthittrt to be my motto ' / Your: tor Bali”... GUNS DRUG STORE [frClEEiifififiiill It. Mural-we. “stilt. mum": All Kinds HARDWARE W. Black gold by Mttcrariane and Co EXCURSIONS Holstein. March 25th. 1909 be had at TO I)!“ Build your hu thut Far-en Produce Wan- Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Contectlonary Pun Blues. 8 valent- Io. {bully and Pun Healfh "mr, Peed, Seed & Groceries BIG f Floor Oilclulh .. . . .259 a Tnlnle "iicloth, c, in wide New Prints and (iinglmms now in Bee on: 25c amd litte Drum Goods All-wool Blankets. " 4 and 4.75 pr Bed cmntorter" hum 1.35 to 3.00 ea Luge " x I 1-129 PUnttetletto Blun- kelu. white or 3:97 . . . . 1.25 [Mir Dent tinker with it. The way to get well in to grow well. Nervous precaution. debility. di. tget, trquble or throat " ectiom yield to our Sprup of Hypophoehitu became the [reparation contain: the do mentary substances your system lulu. [are Curtottta, . .2.r. Ov, 'Cv, Honeycottm wool Blluulu. an, Bluk mum-n Undvtskirt. " Cant Help but Meter--- Hell's thu d ittan Jun-luau 1.00. 1.25 ' C. L Grant Do you Paper Ais Spring? New "ts, Stiff & Soft Spring Gone and look our papers white our assortment h ecu. plete. We can Help you MacFARLAN E & co. Price Soc tad $1.00 APRIL-'1. 1909 MATTHEWS a “TIMER Guaranteed better than simi- lar preparation: coating more. 'tete,,cd,'lt, valuable to cabana. t workers and to build up with after grime. See the new good. arriving weekly at Grant's, a Thu week we receive New ”Goods, White Muslim, Silks, Shiningl. Flannelcttes. etc. Come and we tar-will be pleased to show you goodr- no forcing to buy. W. B. BEAN it you eclect your pipers at our. Itorc you the sun: to be 'teltte whet; they an: on. 'ou cannot BC cct poor paper here. We picked our nod too artfully tor that. on your spring papering with most beautiful designs. It cost: no more for handmme papers than it does for thaw with which “you'll never be ttatUfted. e have exclusive patterns that will pay you to me. They an in email lots so what you select here you‘ll not see on the walls of a neighboring house. tram" and m Malawi»: tio- Dress Goods Cull and see m1 Be Sell: Chap For sequin-e yd lv....25cyd Block. “I! t 81 't t

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