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Durham Review (1897), 8 Apr 1909, p. 4

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‘ Garafraxa St. Near the Bridge 42400 0004004006060000 tTOG4LOlLlr NJ QQ 260009000060 09000060 #¢ | €CH) |= > | |â€"mesysePd | You now z> # pois 4 .« P es to ru 1 PE3 a /A]]/Pl ing 4 (GliP in trw; | [Whkigs orim T ~ ruin i “g))j q p | treat j } J |spec | | ("®.....« 6 >~x dise: 3 «w\ ( effec f x . _ | men | > *~dfÂ¥ .q all ul 4 ’( & / out 1 "\s c B jan _ Aike Wathe® Zize doe] wC 2 plete 1 Roador if in doubt ast OF CHARGE. Beware of it or teliability. Drs. K. & K. WE CURE Nervous De in rvacs 1e Wites nlea s ie Lo c Call and inspect our ‘stock. _ We are alway prepared to show goods. Good repairingla specialt ,am'-f‘u t BLOOD DISEASES | _ Guaranteed Cured or No Pay, for men women & children tnat is on market at the present time. Fitness, latest style & best qualit are thirgs that attract the eye, contents the minfiy, considers the purse. and make the foot feel comâ€" fortable,. As our 15 days sale is now our stock in first class shape bring to the front at lowest pri Drye. KENNELCY &HENNEDY «* you may nave had some disease years ago, biut R m now and then some symptom alarms you. Eome * ‘."’?-f-,.,‘ poison still lutks in your system. Can you afford .« Tw ?fi to run the risk of more serious symptoms appearâ€" TtÂ¥ 3 ing as the poison multiplies? Bewsre of mercury Wht o et it as i or mineral drugs used indiscriminatelyâ€"they may /Q‘,‘,\ /f /7/ {/] ruin the system. Twenty years experiecnce in the f vJ-J_ ‘/tj‘ treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe | \ } @* «2 [ | specificremedies that will positively cure all blood fi Q;Q C *~* diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad «o effects on the sysiem. Our New Method Treatâ€" 5.'"\ , _ | ment will §w.ri£y and enrich the blood, heal up > "~I[y .4 all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen * ue out hair will grow in, and swolien glands will reâ€" ""U 7| turn to a normal condition, and the patient will fsel and look like a different person. All cases Clks vather fize does~ ] we accept for treatment are guaranteed a comâ€" plete cure if instructions are followed. Roador if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or teliability,. _ Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 years. WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and Secret Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. U unable to call write for a Question List for Home Treatment. We are showing a very large assortment of fash~ ionable trimmed Millinery for spring wear. We have a wide choice of models in Stylish Dress Hats and smart Ready to Wears and ali at a modern price. ar Come in and try one of our Suits on and see if you ever had a Suit on that fitted better. We have a wide sange of styles in single and double breasted Suits, a large choice of both plain and Fancy Worsteds, taiiored in the very lateet fashton. Every suit is a perfect fitting garment and will suit the most particular dresser. Men‘s Suits from $5.00 to $15.00 Young Men‘s Suits from $3.50 to $10.00 These fine days make you think of your New Spring Suit. We are showing the smartest lot of Men‘s and Boys‘ Spring Clothing we have ever had. A Brand New Suit Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. $ F. MORLOCK Michigan 2 Griswold Sts. LOOK ! THOS. McGRATH, Handâ€"made shoes always on hand. Boys‘ three piece Suits from $3.00 to $7.50 Boys‘ two piece suits from $1.50 to $5.00 Heavy Boots and Shoes Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing for Easter Sunday. Easter Millinery If (?'ou ever had any contracted or hereditar blood disease, you are never safe until the viru or poison has been removed from the system The most striking characteristics in the models of new Spring Shoes emphasize elegance of materials, of cut and of finish, as well as strength and durability. The fact that the Good Points of our Shoes that distinguishes them from the commonplace, do not disappear when the test of endurance is applied, proves ‘that they are strong and well made. The Men? Value contained in them is worthy of your consideration Elegance & Strength J. S. MeILRAITH Detroit, Mich. ME h ies es oo 6 4 cted or hereditary afe until the virug ; from the system. ase years ago, but E larms you. Eome J a. Can you afford symptoms appearâ€" & ewere of mercury ninatelyâ€"they may sexperience in the les us to prescribe M.!y cure all bl‘oc(} Lots 6 and 7, Con, 2. N. D. R, Glenâ€" elg, 100 acres, good frame house, and ot%er buildings, well watered, Owner going west. A bargain. The undersigned offers for service at Lot 9 and 10, Con 2, W G R., Bentinck, a thoroughbred Durham bull, {ood pedigree, and a Thoroughbred Tamâ€" worth hog, â€"For terms and particulars apply to _ _ 2 Mr Malcoim McCannel, wo are aorr% to say, is not improving very much. We will soon be cheered by the toot toot ol the little whistle on little Jack‘s little mill, as he is repairing it and getting ready tor an early We must congratulate Mr Mac Mcâ€" Fayden, as the stork dropped a very valuabie bundle at bis home this week, some say x thousand dollar one. We are not just sure about that, aithough it is a Boy. Afew from our neighborhood atâ€" tended the wedding last Tuesday, 30th, of Mr Neil McEachuie and Miss Sarah Frttes. A good time is reportâ€" ed, the music being supplied by Messrs Wm Sackett and Fred Runciâ€" men, the Haw Bros. ot Swinton Parkâ€" assisted by Wm McEachnie, of Hopeâ€" ville. We are not supplied with part ticulars. but are sure a fall accoun, will be given elsewhere. A number of the Swinton Psrk young people spent a very pleasant evening at Mr Wm Sackett‘s last week, Mr Robt, Kinnell has added two more imported borses to his string, making three in all. We wish him success in his ventare. Miss Lillian Suckett lett last week for the city. We wish her success. Some of the young men might say now ‘‘We never smile as we pass by.‘‘ There is a lot of sickness around Just now, the grippe has come seemâ€" ingly to stay, Mr_S. McMurdo and Miss Mae Earnest being its latest vicâ€" tims, but we‘ve all had it. Beautiful weathor. The robins and spring are all here, we hope to stay, and all the earth seems glad. Mr Thos. Flannigan has moved buck to his tarm on the 12th. _ Mr Fianuigan evideatly thinks that in spite of the many attractions of the West, Bentinck has a tew counter aitractions which offset tnem. We are glad to welcome him back to our midst again. Miss Edith Anderson has returned home after spending a mouth in the village of L saise The Ladies of Amos church intend baving a social in the basement of the church Tuesday evening, Apr. 13. A good Prognm is being preâ€" pared consisting of recitations and singing. Mr Mathe:on, of Pricsville. will be present and give an account of his trip to the Maritime provinces. Every one welcome Admission fee 15 and 10 cents. Program commenâ€" ces at 5 o‘clock p. m. Lunch will be served after the program. Rheumatiec poisons are quickly and surely driven out of the blood with Dr Shoop‘s Rheamatic Kemedyâ€"liquid or tablet form,. _ Dr Shoop‘s booklet on Rhenmatism plainly and interestingly tells just how this is done. Te‘ll some sufferer of this book, or better stiil, write Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. for the book and tree test samples. Send no money. Just join with Dr Shoop and give some sufferer a pleasant surprise. Sold by MacFarlane & Co. Mrs Isles, Fairbairn, is yvlsiting her grand danghter. Mrs Geo. Drimmie. Miss Fanny McNally is spending a lew days visiting her sister, Mrs Wim Cook. Mrs Cook is at present someâ€" what under the weather bus we hope tosee her around shortly. Mr Robt. Renwick, Jr., was off work for a few days last weok. sick with the grippe. Miss Hattie Watt returned from Toronto ‘on Saturday, looking hale and hearty. She has taken a posi tioxix in Central Telephone Office, Holâ€" stein. Great talk of smali pox. Guess we better all get vaceinated. Miss Mutch, Yeovil, visited at Atâ€" chisen‘s last week. Miss Edna Dixon visited at her sisâ€" ter‘s, Mr Robt. Renwick, Jr., and atâ€" tended Mission Band meeting at the manse Saturday afternoon. Mr Robt. Taylor is pulling down bis old barns and intends buiiding fine new ones this sammer. He had & ladrge bee on Satarday hauling sand. iz Wedding bells are ringing on the South line. In the absence of the pastor, Rev A. Leslie, who was in 'Foromo at ending the Laymen‘s Missionary Counference, Rev R. Atkinson, pastor otf Geneva chureh, Chesley, condactâ€" ed service in the Presbyterian cha.rch on Sunday. Mr Atkinson is a fore ible and flaent speaker, and the ocâ€" casional visits here are much appreciâ€" ared. Mr and Mrs Lester are both suffer ing with an attack of grippe. We h:pe soon to see them better again Mr John Eecles is having a woaod bee on Weanesday of this week, Once more the Spring is cpening up, the farmers are getting upon the land, and soon the spring seeding will be in full swing. Quize a numâ€" ber are making maple syrup and reâ€" port a good run. Miss Sadie Orr, of Aberdeen, Sanâ€" dayed with her parents bere. Mrs Stinson spent a few daiis last week visiting her daughter, Mrs J. Honess. Sackett‘s Corners. ArtHur H. Jacksos, Durbam, Stock for Service HexrYy ALEXANDER, Dornoch, For Sule. Dromore. Crawford THE DURHAM REVIEW tress. A safe and THE JEWELLER Graduate Can. Horological Inst. } The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach. or stimalating the Heart or Kidueys is all wrong,. Dr Shoop firs; pointed out this error. ‘This is why his prescriptionâ€"Dr Shoop‘s Restorsâ€" tiveâ€"is directed entirely to tue cause of these rilments the weak inside or conâ€" trolling nerves. Itisn‘t so wifficulit, say» Dr Shoop, to «treugthen a weuk Stomâ€" ach, Heart, or Kidueys, if one goes at it correctly. Each inside organ has its controlling or inside nerye. When these nerves fail, then those organs must sureâ€" ly falter. These vital traths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense and recommend Dr Shoop‘s Restorative, Test it a few days, and see! Improyeâ€" ment will prowptly and surely follow. Sold by MacFarlane & Co, WATCHES, â€" Clocks, Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Lockets; Laâ€" dies‘ and Gents‘ Gold Watch Chains and Silverware. P.JG. A. Webster Mr Wm Aljoe purchased a fine young team of horses for which he paid a good price, recently. z Miss Mae Brown spent Bunday last with her friend Miss Aarah Tucker. Aifter spending a pleasant visit with Dornoch and Welbeck friends, Mc and Mrs Dan MeDona‘!d and children, Arthur and |Donald, lefc this week for their home in Owen Sornd. Mr Wm Ives, of Elmwood, is enâ€" gaged with Mr Hagh Riddeli tor the summer months. Wonder why Alex looks so happ»y these <:ast tew days. Mr Roy Patterson left for the West ou Friday‘s four o clock train by C. P. R. He intends going to Moose Jaw, Sask. _ We hope Roy will noat forget the prayer meetings which we baye just spoken of for Roy was one of the helpers. _ He will be missed by many of his associates. . We wish him gocd success in the West. Misses Pearl Hopkins and Sadie \Y,lmmore spert Sunday â€"with the fotmer‘s parents. o t 30q s & Co. Mr Goo. Hay visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Oscar Schriebers o Seilivan, une evening recently. Calf again Geordie. â€"â€"â€"â€"@ § 4â€"_â€"._.__« Coughs that are tight. or distressing tickling coughs, get quick and certain help from Dr Shoop‘s Cough Remedy. On this mecount Druggists everywhere are favoring Dr Shoop‘s Cough Remâ€" edy. The tender leayes of a harmless lungâ€"bealing mountainous shrab giye to Dr Shoop‘s Cough Remedy its curative properties, Those leaves have the powâ€" er to calm the most distressing Cough, and to soothe, and heal the most sensiâ€" tive bronchial membrane, Test it once yourself, and see ! Sold by MacFarlane Mr Fred Bray, of Toronto, is at present visiting his uncle, Mc F. Shewell. Mr George Hopkins accompanied by his sister May called on friends at Waudby one day last week. § Â¥e are pleased to report that Mro A. Lawrence is improying in health and was able to spend a few days of last week with her daugbter Mrs Angus Hooper of Top Cliff. A number of people are making Maple Syrug‘. I wonder who will give us a taify pull. A few of the Welbeck and Dornoch sports gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo. Montgomery on Tuesâ€" day evening last and report to haye had a very enjoyable time, Mr Joseph Truax purchased a valâ€" uable cow from Mr John Pust. We regret to learn of the illness of Mr John Newell. He has been threatened with appendicitis. _ Hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Mr John Pusce bas rented his farm to Mr Ireland of Kinghurst. The Cottage Prayer moeting at Mr Jas. McGirr‘s was well attended on Tharsday evening last. Messrs \Wm Jucques and Wm Patterson were leaders and were ably assisted by Mr Wm Glass of Durham. Next Thursâ€" day eyening is wiil be held at Mr Wm Jacques, Misses Maggie McGitr and Clara Ritchie will take part. We are not fooling when we say cost which you will find out by giving us a call. In order to make room for our large spring stock, we intend to acrifice everything connected with the Jewellery trade at cost. Jewellery Sale Everything goesâ€"â€" Popular Place Welbeck ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO . "Oag,. MISS L PAUL, Cradtte of the ‘prove. M ssss Ellison Dressâ€"cuttink School Berlin. All wishing to learn, for full particulars, see me at\the Hahn House on Saturday, Apk. 17th be» tween roa. m. and 5 p. m Will teach at Durh 19 to May 3rd. H a. m. to 5 p. m,. An <eyening cl will also be taught. In this dass I will teach Shirt Waists, Sleevks and Sacques. Charge for this courke $4.00, charge for Afull course $r10|oo, to be paid when through if satiÂ¥fied, including one of the most perfect fitting charts in use, which I give & Why spefd months at a dressâ€"mak.â€" ing shop, where you do nothing but hem, overcasie sew on hooks and eyes and then af@r you have served months there, % what do you know about cutting ? % Absolutely nothing. Come and try fo® a few days and see how you like ith as there 1s nothing to be paid in advince. You certain. ly will not lose aftything by trying. Consider what ydu will be able to save by making yohur own garments, I teachfeverything from the plainâ€" est shirt Ivaist to the most elaborate toilet and show you how to put toâ€" gether n# only the lining, but all the outerlgoods in Coats, Skirts, Waists, Slgeves, Wrappers, Children‘s Dresses. e Almost isstant relief is waiting for you. It is merely a matter. of how »oon you take a litile Diapepsin. Learn Dressâ€"Making Prove to yoursolf{ after your next meal, that you stumach is as good as any ; that there is nothing _ really wrong, _ Stop tlus fermentation and begin eating what you want without tear of discom{ort or misery. Miss Russell is visiting ber sister, Mrs Alex Andersonat present. Mrs Anderson is steadily lmflroving. after a somewhat prolonged iliness. Mrs Hensli{) has been serieusly ill tor the past fortnigh&s ® If your appetite is fickle, and noth ing tempts you, or you belch gas or if you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lamp of lead on your stomach, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of ot all this there is but one causeâ€"â€"fermentition of undiâ€" gested food. Tuke your sour stomachâ€"or maybe you call it indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gasâ€" tritis or Caturrh of Stomach ; it doesn‘t matterâ€"take your stomach trouble right with you to your Pharmacist and ask him to open a 50â€"cent case of Pape‘s Diapepsin and let you eat one 22â€"grain Trianguie aod see if within five misutes there is left any trace ol our stomach misery. The correct name for your trouble is Food Femmentationâ€"food souring; the Digestive organs become weak, there is luck of gastric juice ; your food is ouly balf digested, and you become afâ€" fected with loss of appetite. pressure and fullness «(ter ea‘ing, vomiting, vausea, beartburo, griping in bowels, tenderness in the pit of stomach, bad taste in mouth, constipation, pain in limbs, sleeplessness, belehing of gas, bilionsness, sick/ headachs, nerâ€". vousness, dizzineasjmal many otherâ€" similar symptons. ‘ Smoky chimneys were quite the order of the day for a time in our neighbcrhaod, both Chuarch and School being alike. But in the case ot the school the cure soon followed when Miss Leeson sent her pupils home at noon on Tuesday. On Wedâ€" nesday forencon the chimney got such a thorough cleaning as it hadn‘t had for some time. Mrs Andrew Marshall is also on the invalid list._ Her gnnd-dsugh- ter, Miss Tilly Lougheed, of Shallow Lak:,. has been with her for several weeks. Mias' Haitie Byers came home last week from Welland, where she bas spent the winter with her sister. _Mr and Mrs David Willis spent Taesday evening with Mr and Mrs Wim Sharp. *2.1 _ Messrs J. White and G. Sharp helped Mr Jas, Hanna baul hls hay to Ayton, on Tuesday last. ”fir and‘ Mrs Wim Eydt spent J)art of last week with Hanover frieq 8. Miss M Leeson has recoyered from an attack of La Grippe. -ril_i-si Ellen Derby visited her sister, Mrs Jas. Kerr lately. _ Mr Michael Byers was laid up last week with the Grip. A young man named Alexander Flockerty, of tke 17th Con Proton, near here was tried in Dundalk as beâ€" ing insane. _ He was sent to Asylum in Hanuiton lately. Read the pam» formula on the box of Piuk Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a better one. Puin means congesuion, blood pressure eomeâ€" where. Dr Shoop‘s Pimk Paim Tablets check hbead pains, womanly pains, pain »nywhore. Try one aud see! 90 for 25¢. §old by MacFarlane & Co. Tapping the sugar bush is now the order of the day and boiling the sap with thoss that have a good bush. On Sunday last a Mr McLean a student from Toronto commenced his services in the Esplin and Cedarville churches for the summer as their pastor. e Married on Tuesday March 80th Mr Neil McEachnie to Miss Sarah Fettes at the house of Mr Henderson, Egremont township, by the Rey. Mr Little. _ They were surroinded by many of their relatives and neighbors. William Dezell has been taking a trip last week around by Toronto and Peterborough on business. Distress from Hampden In Two Weeks Hopeville. Upset Stomach. from April _ from 8.30 BR OME SEEKERSY Pamphilet, giving particulars of low Excursions, National Crei}ixâ€"'s-;;a.rators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Churns, Washers, Wingers Beatty‘s Hay Goods Promptness and fair dealing wil continue to be my motto Yours for Business, APRIL SINGLE FARE Retnen tickete, in Canada, ea Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr. BShoop‘s Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoo{» first sought the cause of all lhinlr;:mful. palpitating, suffocat. Ing heart distross. . Shoop‘s Restorativeâ€"this popular prescriptionâ€"is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; I&'firwgthens; it offers real, genuine heart help. you would have strong | <~::<m¢ di m- strengthen . these [norves blish Heart Strength, or Heart Wenkness, means Nerve Strength, or Nerve \\'mknvsnâ€"â€"nothln!m Pos itively, not one weak heart in a hundred is, in 1t self, Ml\lallf diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault, This obscure nerveâ€"the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve â€"simply needs, and must have, more power, more mb!lltg. more eontrulhnfi. more governing strongth. W thout that the Heart must continue to fail, and the stomach and kidveys also have these same controlling nerves, Mr _Black, My Dear Sir, lam writing you telling you our Happy Thought Range arriyed here from Biantford yesterday. We had it put up which took tour men almost four hours doing so and I must say, althoug* baby and I were alâ€" most frozen, in the meantims I am well rewarded for my patience. as it is a beauty and such a fine cook and grand baker. We both are highly satisfied with our choice after our trial with the Pandora. Yours traly, Mrs,. Joux SnarP. Call and examine our assortment of Plow Harness, Plow Lines, Trace Chains. Sweat Pads, Horse Clippers, Carry Combs and Brushes. When in search of handsome Stoves and Ranges, come to the store where you can secue quality and quantity. We are shipping Happy Phought Ranges to different parts of the country and are receiving conâ€" grataulatory letters quite ftrequently, The following is an unsolicited testiâ€" monial from Mrs John Sharpe, whom we sold a Range last week. Peter Hamilton Farm Implements Mclatyr e Block â€"Lambton St, Barslazy and Bell‘s old stand Heart Strength Smut on Grain 40 ‘|, Strength GUN‘S DRUG STORE Fdrmaldehyde Easter Rates W. Black HARDWARE Return limit April 13 Baynes Buggies Sold by MacFarlane and Co Ask for copy of Machines, Holstein, March Good @bing B, ,' l" ets, between all :uuon- , east of Pt Arthur at « McLellan. ng rates and fu‘} low rate Northwest FULL AT Williams Sewing I, 12 e will 1909 Farmers Produce Wanâ€" EFmme Salt New Fruits Choice Contectionary PureSpices & Vinegars No. 1 Family and Pure Flour, Feed, Seed & Groceries Floor Oilcloth .. ... ¥¢ a square 5d Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide . . .. 25¢ yd New Prints and I:};;;n;lxn now in See our 25¢ and 50c Dress Goods Men‘s Caurdigan Jack» Allâ€"wool Blankets, $3, 4 and 4.75 pr Bed comforters from 1.35 to 3.00 ea Llrfie 11 x 4 size Flanneliett» Blanâ€" els, white or grey .. .. 1.25 pair 1 BIG 4 New Hats, Stiff & Soft Spring Dress Goods yYyour Build Healfll _ Dont tinker with it. The way to get well is to grow well, Nervous prostration, debility, 4;â€" ive trouble or throat afâ€" mionn yield to our Sprup of Hypophoshites because the preparation contains the cle. mentary _ substances your system lacks, Cant Help but Help Lsome and look our papers while our assortment is com, ple . D9 you Paper this Spring? MacFARLANE & CO. MATTHEWS & LATIMER Price Soc and $1.00 Come and see usâ€"will ! pleased to show you goods no forcing to buy. See the new goods arriving weekly at Grant‘s, This week we receive Noew Dress Goods, White Musiins Silks, Shirtings, Flannclettes etc. W. H. BEAN Guaranteed better than simiâ€" lar preparations costing more, &a:u“y valuable to exhaus. workers and to build up with after grippe. Manitoba ours If you select your papers at our store you are sure to be satisfied when they are on, You cannot sclect poor paper here. We picked our stock too carefully for that. on your spring papcring with most beautiful designs. It costs no more for handsome zgnthm it does for those ith which ’you‘ll never be satisfied, We have exclusive patterns that will pay you to see. They are in small lots so what you sclect here you‘ll not see on the walls of a neighboring house. APRIL 8, 1909 2 can L. Grant Groceries Call and see us He Sells Cheap For ..20° 50¢, Ts old Mhocw Is, 5f nderâ€"kims> 8] p you &1 1 O0 Calder‘s Block, Durham 1 00 &1 bu Lena Port] i and 50 most 1 Sideboa Good Fa Churns The pl: Repairs challen remarlq Our The P better. menta ouechnes Goi 10 attres APRI at as nieg Sto of | Bro day u1 euU M

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