West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Apr 1909, p. 4

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& @ Garafraxa 5t. Near the Bridg, z 1000 0000090900080000 40000000 ~0§Q§0C 296098090009 900060600000 VARICOGELE CURED Call and inspect our ‘stock. â€" We are always prepared to show goods. Good repairing a specialty for men women & children tnat is on market at the present time. _ Fitness, latest style & best quality are thirgs that attract the eye, contents the mind, considers the purse. and make the foot feel comâ€" fortable. As our15 days sale is now over and we have our stock in first class shape we are prepared to bring to the front at lowest prices the best line of ~ o¢ envelopes. Everything confidential,. Question list and cost of Treatmont & z2 FORX HOME TREATMENT. y .Q\ \‘ HAS YOUR ’E U ney We have never had such a selection of smart clothes for a boy, They are mado from nice neat patterns of tweed and plain worsteds, and are made up in the Norfolk and Buster Brown styles from $1.50 to $5.00, We have a fine selection of Boys in both short / o and long pants made from plain blue serge and fancy tweeds and worsted tailored in both singie and double breasted styles, priced all the way from $3 up to $12.00. You will find here one of the most complete and best assorted stocks of tine Tailored Clothing to be seen in Durham. _ They are made from the very latest patterns of fine English worsted and weeds tailored in the very latest fashion. The linings.and interliuings are of the very best quality which makes your suit keeps its shape until its worn out. In men‘s suits we have a wide range ot prices from $8 to $15. Nobby Spring Suits Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. S F. MORLOCK t*#" NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confinead to His Home for Weeks. LOOK!! THOS. McGRATH, Handâ€"made shoes always on hand. AMFS® USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No names Heavy Boots and Shoes Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing L len Monitor Children‘s Suits BOY‘S â€"SUITS nost preval nless entire Mercury. BL.OOD BEEN DIiSsEASED: h 1 the symptoms stealing over you. _ Men ie man you used to be or should ge Will y Tave you lost hope? â€" Are you intending to marry? Has iseased? Have you any weakness? Our New Metzon at it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation ated mou. write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. or," (IMustrated) on Diseases of Men. straining and evil habits in youth brought on & Vhen I worked hard the aching would become en laid up for a week at a time. . My family operation was my only horeobuc I dreaded it. ists, but soon found out all they wanted was my I to look upon ail doctors as little better than boss asked me why 1 was off work so much and m, â€" MHe advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy & aken treatment from them himself and knew skillful. I wrote them and got Tiz New Metron yress was somewhat slow and during the first was somewhat discouraged. However, 1 conâ€" three months longer and was rewarded with a ind most serio wdicated from nly suppresse The most striking characteristics in the models of new Spring Shoes emphasize elegance of materials, of cut and of finish, as well as strength and durability, The lact that the Good Points of our Shoes that distinguishes them from th commonplace, do not disappear when the test of endurance is applied, proves that they are strong and well Elegance & Strength J. S. McILRAITH ts or 1 system will ie symptonm 1 excessc Th Mrs A. and Mrs D. Marshall visit ed Mrs 8. Caldwell last ‘Thursday. Messrs Will and John and Mrs John Thompson spent last Friday eyening with Mr and Mra E. Fee. Miss Ethel Greenwood is enjtging Easter holidays at her home in dge Hill. Arthur Morice 1s engaged for the summer mouths with Mr A. Geddes. M:@ Will McNaughton intends hayâ€" ing a wood bee on Wednesday to get his summer‘s wood cut with the sawâ€" ing machine. Preventie=â€"those Candy Cold Tablets â€"wili safely and quickly check all cold avnd the Grip. Try them once and see 48â€"25¢c. Sold by MacFarlane & Co, Mr Jas, Anderson, of St George. spent Easter under the parental roof, Mr Chas. Jopp, who is a student in Toronto.is yisiting hbis grandfather the Laird of Edge Hill. The storm last Wednesday stripped half the roof off Jno. Collier‘s barn, both rafters and shingles going. We are sorry to hear that Mrs Mc Donald is yery poorly, Hope to bear of her recovery soon. Mrs Davn Greenwood has been poorâ€" ly for the past four or five weeks but we are pleased to state she is now recuperating in health. Messrs Duncan Liyingstone, Crawâ€" fora and Arch, McCormick, Aberdeen, were visitors of the McFayden faumily last week. Mr David Ritchie is engaged with Robt. Ecior on the Avenue for two mouths and Wm. Watt with Jos. Payne for the summer. Mr Harry Gadd is engaged wich Mr Thomas Young for the coming season. Congratulations to onr friend, Mr Allan Morice.. who has lately been married in Alberta. The high winds of Wednesday unâ€" roofed Jas. Mather‘s horse stuble and wrecked Walter Geddes‘ winds:ill Miss Mary Edge. of the Owen Bound Col. Inst., is home for the Easter holidays. A few of the neighbors ipent &A pleasaut evening last week at the home of Mr Jno. Collier. North=East Normanby Miss Gertrade Backas is enjoying ber hbolidays at her home at Poplar Hill. Arthur Moricc is going to help Walter Geddes this summer and Henry Gadd will belp Thos. Young. Mrs,..Jas. Lendrum, of Toronto spent Easter with Mrs Wiliam A Bharp. & Mr and Mrs Allan Clmour, Sr., entertained some of their neighbors on Good Friday evening. Miss Haitie Byers returned from Wellana last week. Mr an? Mrs Allan Gilmour, Jr., of Plaitsville, are spending Easter with the former‘s parents. La Grippe is on the rounds at prea ent. Mr E. Ebz, of EKimwood, raised the church last week and the people turned out and have ihe building ready for the contractors. Miss Rebeco® Park, of Carlsrhue, is helping Mrs Noah Metsger for the summer. ’ Coughs that are tight. or distressing | tickling coughs, get quick and celtainz help from Dr Shoop‘s Cough LRemedy. \ On this account Druggists every where , are favoring Dr Shoop‘s Cough Remâ€" edy. The tender leayes of a harmless lungâ€"bealing mountainous shrab giye to Dr Shoop‘s Cough Remedy its curative properties, Those leaves have the powâ€" er to calm the most distressing Cough, { and to soothe, and hbeal the most sengiâ€" | tive brouchial membrane, Test it once | yourself, and see ! Sold by MacFarlane | & Co. ‘ Miss Fanny Patterson, accompanâ€" ied by her brother Palmer, visited at Mr Anthony Lawrence‘s over Sunday. Miss Patterson returned to hoer home on Saturday, afcer spending the winâ€" ter in the Queen City. We understand that Meâ€"Johnny Arnett is engaged for the summer at Mr Jaz. Hopkins. Mrs Wim. Aljoe is at presont visit ing hir son Arthur in Hanover. Miss Nellie Lawrence bas purchasâ€" ed the property cf the late Samvel Lawrence, which was sold by auction on Baturday by Mr Robt, Brigham, We wish Miss Lawrence atundance of suceess in her purchase. We un derstand she expects her mother home soon from British Columbia, w! ere she is visiting at present. Mr C. W. Arnett returned to Toâ€" ronto on Wednesday lust to resume his duties as brakeman on 0. P. It., after being home disposing of lhns farm stock, Mr Wm.«+Tuflet left on Tuesday evening last by C. P. R. to spend Easter holidays with his parents, near Toronto. Mss McLeo4, of Dakota, is visitâ€" ing ber aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs Henry Sealey. * Mr Thos. Moore purchased a young driver from Mr Joseph Brown lately. Say, girls ‘iis a spinner. B carefual ! Mr and Mrs Cowan spent Sunday last with the latter‘s parents, Mr and Harry Burnett. Mr and Mrs Swauntz, of Sallivan, visited at the former‘s relatiyes, Mr and Mrs Wm. Aljoe the first of last week. Popular Place Edge Hill. Hampden ~we ts o_ THE DURHAM REVIEW If your appetite is fickle, and noth ing tempts you, or you belch gas or if you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of lead on your stomach. you can make up your mind that at the bottom of ot ali this there is but one causeâ€"â€"fermentstion of undiâ€" gested food. Prove to yoursel{ after your next meak that your stomach is as good as any ; that there is nothing _ really wrong, _ Stop this fermentation and begin eating what you want without fear of discomfort or misery. Almost isstant relief is waiting for you, It is merely a matter of bow »oon you take a little Dirpepsin. The correct name for your trouble is Food Ferwentationâ€"food souring ; the Digestive organs become weak, there is lack of gastric juice; your food is ouly baif digested, and you become efâ€" fected with loss of appetite. pressure and fullness after eating, vomiting, pausea, h{artburn. griping in bowels, tenderness‘in the pit of stomach, bad taste in mouth, constipation, pain in limbs, sleeplessners, belchyg of gas, biliousness, sick headachs, norâ€" vousness, dizziness and many other similar sympton«, Take your sour stomachâ€"or maybe you call it indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gasâ€" tbritis or Caturrh of Stomach ; it doesn‘t maiterâ€"take your stomach _ trouble right with .you to your Pharmacist and ask him to open a 50â€"cent case of Pape‘s Diapepsin and let you cat one 22â€"grain Triangule and see if within five minutes there is left any trace of your stomach misery. Mr Robt. Laidlaw, youngest brother of our‘prcsent Mayor, is assistant freight agent for the Michigan Central Railway in Detroit. Messrs Archie and John Robertson are two of the number still in town, sand conducting a flourishing tailoring busiâ€" ness, { ( Photo taken by Robert Torry.) |From Left to Right, Top Rowâ€"W. S. Hynds, Arch. Robertson, Bob Laidlaw, Arthur Jackson, Jack Robertson !Second Row â€" Ed. Lauder, David McKenzie, Jas. McFarlane, Allan McFarlane, _ Arch. McFarlane j Boftom Row â€" Jack Cameron, Jas. A. Hunter, Jas. McKenzie Robertson, Wim. McKenzie MrW. S. Hynds was formerly an employe in the Review Office, but for quite a number of years past has been on the Toronto Telegram staff. Mr Arthur H. Jackson is also yet in Distress from Every afternoon‘s issue of ‘The Star contains that very day‘s quotations on the grain and live stock markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and other important cities. These are the same quotations that the next morning‘s dailies publishâ€"12 to 18 hours later. Toronto Daily Star and The Toronto Daily Star CLUBBING fi“"’"’” es “'u"?.': OFFER _ Sn Poosich far gime for Publishes Market Reports 12 to 18 . Hours Earlier Than the Morning Papers ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO $1.50 A YEAR Upset Stomach. 20 YEARS AGU . 2/ With ‘The ‘Toronto Daily KA Star‘s accurate daily market /\ Y reports you could sell your ny/ grain and live stock at topâ€" x notch prices. Half a cent extra , on just 300 bushels of wheat or cats would pay a year‘s subscripâ€" tion. 25¢c. a hundred weight on a y dozen hogs would cover three years‘ subscriptions. Don‘t you,depending on weekly reports, or daily reports that are old when you get themâ€"miss top prices by at least that much several times a year? A Live Daily Paper Will Put » Money in Your Pocket. 2 @n4" A litle baby girl arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo. Drimmie SBunday morning. _ Congratulations Dromore choir, on Wednesday of this week, attended the wedding of Mr John D. Drimmie and Miss Myrâ€" tle Bilton. _ Heartiest congratulaâ€" tions to the happy couple. Mrs Jas. Coleridge visited her brother Will in Owen Sound over Easter. Miss Eliza Wilson visited in Toronâ€" to over Easter. Mr Lester is now able to be up a while every day. Sorry to say Mrs Lester isn‘t improving very fast. Miss Bell Lester is home from To ronto. A pumber of Dromore young folks were entertained at the bome of Mr Jno. Garson, Jr, on Monday evening. A J)leasant time was spent in games and singing. Mr Wm. Ramage spent Easter with friends in Owen Sound. Communion service was beld in Amos Sunday morning. Church was well filled. Easter Monday dawned fair and bright, Read the paio formula on the box ot Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a Letter ove. Pain means congesuon, blood pressure someâ€" where. Dr Shoop‘s Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly pains, pain unywhoere. Try ove aud see! 20 for 25¢. SBoid by MacFarlane & Co. Messrs Jas. MacFarlane, Jack Camâ€" eron and Wm. McKenzie, have, we reâ€" gret to say, passed away, about 13, 17 and 8 years ago respectively. town in the conveyancing business, and will probably be the most readily recogâ€" nized. Mr Ed. Lauder is now Dr Lauder with a large practice in Cleveland, Ohio, and frequently sees the old town when visiting his father and brother*here. "Dr‘‘ David McKenzie, it also is He now resides in Fort Frances. Oar High School students, Lewis DURHAM CRICKET TEAM OF 1889. Dromore. Have you seen onr display of Wire 'Pic Plates, Pancake and Egg Turners, Lamp glass cleaners, Toasters, Graters, | Coat and Pant hangers, Rat Traps, ’Houle Traps, Egg Boilers and Egg Timers. We have a variety of Washing Maâ€" | chines too numerous to mention, also differeut kinds of Clothes Wringers, If you require a churn we will be pleased to :show you our Dash, Baney and Rocker Churng, _ We can supply you with everything you require in Graniteware. this lineâ€" Haive you seen our assortmer Electric Light Shades, Lamps fixtures. W The weather is improving and you will want a new Bicycle or your old bicycle repaired. We sell bicycle reâ€" p irs also. Come to the store where you can get cyerything you require in the Hardware line, Renwick, Mt Forest and Eva Renton Wallace and Alex Findlay, Durham are home for Easter holidays. Mr John Honderson, Oy pras River. Man., is visiting friends in and aâ€" round Dromore. tress, A safe and pleasing syrupâ€"50c. Druggists, CROUP Our Show Mr. Jas. A. Hunter formerly of the "Big Store," sold out in 1902 and at gresent is in the real estate business in t Paul, Minn, Mr. Jas. McK. Robertson has for years been with the McLean Pub. Coâ€", and is now purchasing agent. Mr Arch McFarlane is now manager of the Standard Bank in Woodville. Mr, Allan MacFarlane is the fourth yet here, though absent for some time, he has been chiefly engaged in town. GUN‘S DRUG i STORE 40 °, Strength Smut on Grain Hardware ! Formaldehyde SEEDS IN ABUNDANCE Cases are filled with Silverâ€" e can give you bargains in FULL AT FOR our assortment of stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr, Shoop‘s Croup . Remedy, (fi. test will surely prove, No vomiting, no disâ€" and Rheumatie poisons aro quiex!y #N" Aurely driven out of the blood with Dr Shoop‘s Rheamatic 1« wedyâ€"lignnd of tablet form, , Drâ€" Shoop‘s booklet 01 Rhenmatem plainiy and iD eresting!Â¥ telis illfil how tins is done Te] some sufferer of this book, or bettor wtii. write Dr Shoop, itacine, Wis. for the book and tree test samples. Send »9 money. Just join with Dr Shoop and gm sufferer a pleasant eurpN6® ”Wt(‘o. All wishing to learn} or for full El‘tlculm, see me the Habs ouse on Saturday, Apr. 17th, b¢ tween 10 a. m. and 5 p. # Will teach at DurKam from Aptil 19 to May 3rd. urs from 8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. e An evening class will also b¢ taught. In fhis lass I will teach ‘ Shirt Waists, Sledpes and Sacqu‘ i Charge for this course $4.00. char? for full course gip.00, to bcp}ld when through it safisfied, including one of the most perféet fitting charts in use, which I giye Â¥ree, i . Why spend thounths at a dress wakâ€" ing shop, whert you do nothing but hem, overcast, gew on hooks and ey¢$ and then at you have served uniouths there, Iwhat do you k10W about cutting ? | Absolutely nothing. Come and try fot a few days and §¢t how you like it} as there :s nuthing to be r‘id in advance _ You certait> ly will not lose apything by tryN€ Consider what you will be able 19 save by making ybur own £210€0!5 wp est shirt wailt to the most claborate toilet and sHow you how to put to gether not ofly the lining, but all the outer gogds in Coats, Skirs Waists, Sleeve, Wrappers, Children‘s Dresses. e y Learn , Dressâ€"Making ‘Igench CV*’Ything from the plain Produce taken at price in exchange for by the best makers xouf children and se t them too. We have ever shown we are after business and if the right hind of goods at right prices will do it we will get the trade. Ladies Dongola Shoos & Oxtords Ladies Patent Colt " # In Men‘s, split B best patent Colt, 1 in all kinds. We selection of Ladies‘ Shoes & Oxfords Hundreds of dollars w Boots & Shoes Is is very important t infectants be treely houseâ€"cleaning time. necessary to destroy the germs of disease which inary cleaning will MacFARLANE & CO. KRESS is the the germs. I‘rotects from cof infection of all kinds To make sure sults you shonl supply hore 14 SsGme instar results are not obt an inferior grade , used. Oor FPorms grade for this oo» Health Protection ean be destroy c ; of thousands of q.; farmers of the s{» of Formalin _ ; theory but a we} Formalin is rooo this purpose by t), and each year , farmers prevent de their eraops by its q Gra.in smut and Potatoscap wnmmarccs .4 4 4e ++ . L. GRANT 25 and 50¢ a bottle. 25 and 40¢ bottles, APRIL 15, 1909 from $1.50 to $5.00 Two Weeks We I bes Dortant that digâ€" treely used at Wii 1418 “v" to te by the Use his is not a !â€"proven tuet, mmended for € I!(Wemw thousands of BPre€iation at he. _ ‘This is y the lurking vhich no ordâ€" will destroy, to use it kills f} a1‘g tagion and 8, the best Qd M‘ Formalin is 18 the best uickly and 1 with D' 1 bundredg TC w n. cure your )egt the them best n of Cw Lena Hard Lena The Lot 0 4 ths pedig worl h apply elg, 4 other gows The pla Repairs, Churns most u Sideboat CoucheJ Mattres APRIL ortl from Depar the p would priceâ€"s and hi Co Mer Indc to ARTHUR ashin Stock 1 M M ur (); H EXT

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