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Durham Review (1897), 22 Apr 1909, p. 1

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it LL, Durham Store on clock. APRIL 15, 1909 \=Sse 0 %, oril 20 Sale \LUCL1I0Oneger o‘clock )r what |uesday nan _ C0O YEARS ¢, ECXPERIENCE ,‘«;7!'..‘.'. its _ Taape Marks Desions Copymants &c. imericand. "Imâ€" New York o n Patents q t 4n ~CURED «oription may 0 -K'.um an _ Communicaâ€" pers to lay at the Re Largost ctr= terms fot nmdé‘l Charges turers, isabil« Life [ofe le®sla"a onele CalnCele®alsselavale ba jo"alumalanel a2el {atele w e20 e7eleCala® ols 0|00 ol e Cole Cole%ol 20e % Wash Fabrics and ® Colored Novelties THE REVIEW, DURKHAM, ONT gxxwmflzxzm EfiEEEHEEEEHE% VOL. 50c to Jan."1 1910 To any address in Canada, w° will send THE REVIEW from now to Jan. 1, 1910 (almost $ month=) for 50 cents. Take adâ€" vantage of this remark«ble offer or see that your friend or neighâ€" bor does so, NOW is the time. CARPET DEPARTMENTâ€"New Carpets, squares & floor coverings Lovely designs. _ These we import first quality and special value. _ Vale laces, 5 to 35¢ a yd. White India Linen Lawn, fine even sheer weave ...... ......15 to 80¢ Canadian Prints, good new patterns............... ..........loe-yq English Prints, capital washers, fast colors, light, medium and dark, Cambric Corset Embroidery, 6 specials, White Victoria Lawn, Beautiful fine weave, exceptional value at inevaniduise s Pdoviie‘sde es i Pied evewn aviea ds e Hoaten s io We e entig American Novelty Dress Muslins in stylish new patterns and colorâ€" ME . . v 1x cenrr t ene s ht is uns aun c o ud avraias wl veo uies y «ol tm anie Scotch Chambray, plain colored, noted fabrics to wash and wear, fast dyes, fine even weave, colors sky, pink, fawn & oxblood.. .....12%¢ White Indian Head Suiting specially adapted for Ladies and Children‘s COSEUMESy, ELC ... . . . s1 s ir «1 1 x 5s us‘s ury‘ vha s 66 vi‘wr vieamak on ++ 4 seatde Linen Dress Suitings, plain and assorted stripes, good strong wearâ€" ingg DNCSS FADKICS. ..â€"««ccr..ec..Â¥res.rerrsrred /« ies «Woyialh d 208 Scotch Zepher Ginghams are amongst the front rank for serviceable COSUUNNES . . .. . . . :u.r. 1. vvech c eatr en 4 divus vxx«xtit ainrvulainieing Timet Weaves and Designs Quality and value is the secret The tendency towards wash fabrics for a stylish summer costume has cteated a big demand for Novelties. R. B. KEELER & SON The greatest values we have ever offered at the prices. We have succeeded in procuring many charming effects in James Ireland ‘The popularity of the Keeler Sale is evident from the large daily attendance which speaks for the quality of the goods and the lowness of the prices. Mr Keeler announces his intenâ€" tion of giving up busiuess in Durâ€" ham as the head firm of Keeler & Son of Welland requires his perâ€" sonal attention. urday afternoon & night. ° The Sale will be continued every Wednesday and Satâ€" NEW RUCHINGS AND FRILLINGS ‘This is an excellent opportunity to procure many lines of highclass goods at your own prices. Fine New Laces Lace Curtains , NO. 16 in the Latest Coilorings of our success in this department. port. _ All goods guaranteed to be Valenciennes, Oriental and cuipure 25, 30, 35, 40, 50 and 60c 15 to 30c Purham The REV!EW to ,New Subscribers, for the Balance of the Year, only 50 cents Previons to the departure of Dr. Seim and family for Luamsdes, the people of Holstein presented them with an address testifying to the esteem in which they were held and loss to the community by their deâ€" parture. _ Dr. Seim was presented with a roll top desk, Mrs Seim with a gold watch and chain and the two boys with a handsome bible. Dr. Seim was a very public spirited citizen, He touk great interest in the Agriculâ€" tural Society, the Library and the School and he will be greatly missed i1 Holstein, ho $500 Rewarvo.â€"Such was the headâ€" ing on a placard in MceKechaie‘s winâ€" dow one morning last week, this aâ€" mount being offered to anyone giving Chief Carson information leading to the conyiction of the person who broke the large plate glass window, apparentâ€" 1y by the throwing of a large stone disâ€" played inside. However it was ail a cleyer decention, originated by the sale promoter, but provyed quite an attractâ€" ion to the indoor circus.â€" Strips of glass had been guinmed on the inside of the plate glass, radiating from the circumference of an imaginary circle. The edges of these strips appeared to be cracks and the circle, the hole which the stone lying in the window bad made in passing through. It was ** April fool day P for numbers of peoâ€" ple, including Chief Carson, who at first glance remarked * Well that night watchman haen‘t been attending to his business properly, or this wouldn‘t have happened. " act in the capacity of assistant to J Bell, agent of the Northern Navigaâ€" tion Co, _ He has been spending some time in the east and arrived home last night, assuming his new duties this morning. _ He is one of the best known marine men on the lakes." STEPPING Ur.â€"Last Friday‘s Port Arthur Chroricle has the following piece of news regarding a wellâ€"known South Grey man, _ We heartily conâ€" gratulate " Dave " on his promotion : " David Mcintyre, formerly of the Canadian Lake Line, will this season A requisition is being sent from Chesley to the License Inspector for Centre Bruce, requesting him to reâ€" duce the number of licenses in that town to two. _ The petition sets forth that two hotels are adequate for Chesley. _ 1f the commissioners grant the request at their April meeting the license to be cut off will be issued for only three months from May 1st. Wurat SoarIxg@.â€"Farmers with full wheat bins these days will have a fortune coming to them. The price of wheat, it was thought a few years ago, would never again rise to the dollar mark, but it is far above it and still rising. _A dealer named Patten, has by ‘"corners" and manipulations, cloared during the last few days, about five million dollars, which should have gone into the pockets of thouâ€" sands of farmors or consumers or LoRrD‘s DaY ALLIANCEK. â€"A very important meeting of this body will be held in the Baptist church on Wednesâ€" day evening, 28th April, and will be addressed by Mi W, J. Swmith, a Pro vincial organizer, thoroughly converâ€" sant with the work. The yarious churches in town are giving up their prayer meetings that evening. both. The Standard Bank pays interest on Savings uk deposits from date of deposit to \Nate of withdrawal. Every dollar oftthe deposit earns interest for everpday it remains on deposit, From Distaxt Argk;a.â€"Mrs. Thos. Bunks, Edge Hill, recently received a card dated Feb, 26 last, from Mrs. Rice, (nee Annie Bartlett) who, with ber husband, left about New Years for Northern Nigeria, West Africa on wissionary work. They arriyed safeâ€" ly on February 0: b. w Alex)w‘ssell. Mr John Landerkin, of Tottenham, a brother of the late Dr Landerkin, died on Saturday last, at the age of 8I. He leaves a widow and three chnildren, Trouble will be sav f all the outâ€" standing accounts on mÂ¥ books, are paid at once, Large lnN:ried display of New White Waists M Grant‘s. THE STANDARD BANK Established 1873 This form of account is particularly convenient for those who Eve some distance from town. You can open a Savings Account with One Dollar. Why not do so at once ? T1 DURHAM BRANCH § Johan Kelly, Manager is a great convenience in handling the family funds. It is opened in tbe.mmuollwomb;ohhehniy.mdbo&myuhdepo&s DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 22. 1909 ~OW NKkSe 2OPICS » â€" OF CANADA â€"« # A Joint Account SBRANCH ALOO AT NA A NoRMANBY AssAULTâ€"Last Saturâ€" day afternoon as Miss Echel Ellis, a daughter of James Eilis, a prosperous farmer of Normanby Township, was walking home from Drew Station, on the town line between Ncimanby and Minto Townships, she was caught up to on the road by Duncan McKinnon, a neighboring farmer, on horseback, and asked her name. The frightened young lady climted oyer a fence to run to a farmbouse, McKinnon on horseback also leaped the fence, caught up to the girl, grabbed her by the hair, pulled a handfual out, kicked and bruisedâ€"her in the face and body, and her life was sayved by neighbors who responded to her sc:eams, Constables Umbach and Krelier of Ayton sought to arrest McKinzon at his home Saturâ€" day night, but were driven away at the point of a shotâ€"gun, They retarnâ€" ed on Sunday afternoon and captured him in his barn. McKinnon is a wellâ€" toâ€"do farmer of Norimanby Township, and was in an insaneasylum five years ago for over 12 months. â€" Rcurrilous and threatening letters have been sent to Miss Ellissigned by McKinnon. Over a year ago she reported to the attorneyâ€"general‘s departmeut, but no action was taken, and the neighborâ€" bood is incensed. The preliminary hearing was to take place at Ayton toâ€"day before Police Magistrate Ryan, but «n adjournment until toâ€"morrow was made, Insanity is the plea put forward by Anson Spotten of Harrisâ€" ton, who is conducting the defence. Best Ix OxTARIO.â€"The average saliry of the Principals of Continuaâ€" tion Schools for 1908 was $758 ; of Assistants $556.. Durham and Exeter are the ouly Continuation Schools out uof 120 employing three teachers who give their whole time to this work, Exeter leads in an enrollment of 97, Durham 81. Durham however passed 10 for Normal School Entrance, Exerer 6. Exeter got in 1908 a special yoluntary County grant of 100 per cert, Durhan got no such grant, but will got a 50 per cent grant for the year beginning Sept. 19090. _ These facts are gleaned from the Report of the Minister of Education, a perusal of which leads us to believe we have the best Continuation School in Onâ€" tario. 8. Grey TeMPERANCE AssociaTION â€"This organization elected its officers for the coming year on Tuesday. Hon, Pies., C. L. Grant ; Pres., Hugh McCrae ; 1st Vice Pres., Jas. Lioyd ; 2nd Vice Pres., C Ramage ; Secy, Jno Snell ; Treas., A D Browning. The Executive consists of these officers, the resident clergy and Messrs Mayor Laidlaw, Win, Adams, R. Adlam, T. Allan, A,. Bell, John A. Graham, J. Laumer, W Laidlaw Jr., F. Lenaban, 8 Young,. Tp. Representatives ; Norâ€" manby, D. Leith ; Bentinck, Andrew Derby ; Gienelg, R. T, Edwards ; Egâ€" remont, W Allan, _ The Committee of ladies is the same as last yrar. Nex t meeting, an important one to be held on third Tuesday in May, the 18th. Listowkt wicL BE LiontEDn.â€"Lis. towel carried the electric light bylaw which was voted on Monday by 182 majority, 201 votes being polled for the bylaw and 100 against. An inâ€" cindescent system will be installed, The town will have 265 lamps on streets. A "Boaro or I®pustrÂ¥."â€"Walk: ert on Council has appointed three of its members as a board of Industry whose duties will be to make known the advantages the town possesses as a centre of Industry or other feature. The Globe every Saturday announces that * Walkerton, on two lines of railway, is prepared to deal liberally with manufacturers." _A suggestion here for Durbam, The St@mdard Bank pays interest on Sayings Kank deposits from date of deposit t date of withdrawal. Every dollar the deposit earns interest for everhk day it remains on deposit . Don‘t get alarmed even if Wheat is $1.15 per bushel and ma go to $1.25. Grant won‘t raise the pric@ of his Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, &c\ but will continue to sell at old prices. All accodits on the books of Alex Russell must at once. EverRperson should bhaye a Bank AccountX One dollar starts an acâ€" count in tRe Traders Bank. Deposits received tor\Children. dA mt n crng‘s i The Traders k, Durham, pays interest on the duily bealance in its Bavings Departmen Deposits earn ‘ interest from date it to date of withdrawal. Mrs John Weir, 3rd Con., Glenelg, is & sister: of deceased, whose sons #re John, on the old homestead, near Aberdeen, Alex and James in Dâ€"kota, The daughters are Mrs Mcintosb, near Crawlord, Annie and Jane both marâ€" ried in the west and Miss Lizzic, Alex, got bome last Friday in time to bave his mother know him and we!â€" come hinr before she passed awn»y. Rev, M: Farquharson conducted the funeral services, The funeral on Saturday last was largely attended. The body was tnk'-'lL to the chapel, where his pastor Rev. Mr Newton, preached an apprepriate sermon from " For me to live is Obrist and to die is gain," closing wich a camâ€" plimentary personal reference to the character and worth of the deceased. Then came the journey to his last resting place in Trinity Church cemeâ€" tery, the pall bearers being Messrs C,. L. Grant, Wm Itwin, Robt. Adlam, John Grabam, A, Davidson, Ed. Mcâ€" Clocklin. Mrs. Jas. McDoxaun. On Sunday last there pagssed away one of the pioneers of Bentinck, Mrs Jas, McDonald, who had passed the four score limit in years. â€" For some months back she bas been living with her daughter Lizzie on the old Farr homestead in Glenelg, and gradu«ally bas been getting weaker till a dropsical affection carried her off. Previous to coming to Glenelg she lived at Aberâ€" deen, Bentinck, where ber daughter Lizzie, kept store and post office for many years, and faithfully comfo: ted and sustained her mother through all her declining days. ~She survived her husband oy 32 years. Three sons and four daughters remain to cherish the memory of a mother beloved. As neighbor and frieed Mris. McDonald was very highly spoken of and will long be kindly remembered by a host of friends, many of whom turned out on Monday to pay the last tribute, _ Deceased was a member of the Baptist Communion, to which body be was strongly attached. _ In politics he was always Liberal, though latterly, not sceing eye to eye with his party, he refrained from voting at several elections. Buy your Gelfi Matthews & Lat learned to. appreciate his upright Christian character as well as his proâ€" fessional ability, In 1891, he bought out the REeview newspaper and published it for three and a half years, through a somewhat difficult period. _ In 1895 he launched out into a mercantile business in Upâ€" per Town and later moyed down town into the premises at present occupied. In 1897 be married Miss M. Whitâ€" more, also a teacher of experience and ability, Always devoted to each other sbe proved in the last years of his weakness, not only a ministering angel, but a buttress and support to the business which came entively under her care. _ Never, we feel sure, was a fading life more brightened than was that of Chas, McArthur by the ministrations of his faithful com panion, Deceased early showed an intelâ€" lectual bias and prepared himself for & teacher, in which calling he remainâ€" ed, for many years, being uniformly successful, _ He occupied schools in Glenelg, Egremont and Normanby, and always left behind a healthy stimulus and influence on the minds of the young. â€" There are many yet who will gratefully acknowledge the inspiration received from contact with Mr McArthur in the days of his chief lite work. The writer, more than many, was closely associated with deâ€" ceased in his scholastic and other work in the days of his strength, and Mr McArthur was a native of the island of Mull, Argyleshire, Scotland, leaving there with bis parents in the early 50‘s of last century, when but four years old, _ HMHe was one of five brothers, three of whom rem«in : Neil in Alberta, Duncan and Hugh in Genelg, the latter being in very poor health, had scarcely stirred except as his deyoted wife moved him. _ For yearg before that be had graduaily become totally incapacitated for husiness, preâ€" senting in his long drawn out illness a rematrkable contrast to his brother John, who died so suddenly and unâ€" expectedly only two months ago. On Saturday last the grave closed un all that was mwortal of the above gentleman. He died on Thursday morning previous after months, indeed one might say years, of invalidism, which though depressing and weakenâ€" ing was not accompanied by physical suffering. The trouble was, we beâ€" lieve, * sclerosis," an affection which seems to benumb both nerves and muscles, gradually making the patient more and more helpless, This was the experience in Mr McArthur‘s case for, for three cr four months back, he CHAKkLEs McartTHUR. ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO a~â€"â€"# #@.._â€"_._s Obituary garden seed : from TTSTC IHC â€"aoil gave HoP & welcomngi If your store front. residence or banquet in the school room of the | fonce is dingy, order it painted, cbhurch, when a very pleasant time| 1f your awning is old, torn or faded was spent discussing the good things 1““ a new one, R and rendering an informal program. If your sidewalk, gate or fence AXNUAL N. B..C,. CoxTEsts.â€"The deeds repairiong, x it. annual presentaiion of meda‘s at the If your advertising sign is old or Northern Business College, O, Sound, 'fudul. take it down and paint it, took place on Wednesday week This | Resolve never to throw paper in the is one of the events in the student‘s |.f,'l street, that is looked forward to with great | Take all the dandelions out of your engerness, The some 200 studen‘s Elnwn, they spoil its beauty, that attend have all an opportunity of| _ Destroy the young weeds that are contesting, and thus all the contes‘s :9lruyin5§ on \"(Hll‘ property and on are very keen,. | The work exhibited , your neighbor‘s property, was excellent and spoke highly for the | _ Burn all the rabbish possible, allow methods of instruction employed in | no one to throw it on the streets, alâ€" that instituation. _ The judges vunl'fl" or vacant lots School Inspector Burgess, City Treag.| Prowise not to spit on the sigewalk. nurer A, F, Armstrong, W. P. Telford, ; Organize a block improvement soci. Ex M. P., Rey, W. J. Cadman, mm'fly. and allow no weeds to grow on Principal Fleming and the staff, in S4¢Wal«k area or vacant property in making the awards. The contests| YÂ¥9u9r block. were for Writing, Best"set of Books,| Irrespective of wthe size of your Spelling test, best Spelling for term, | bouse make your lawn the finest, Litter Copying, Rapid Business Writâ€" ) HMuminate the front of your store in ing, Rapid Arithwetic, Greatest Im.| the business section . proyement in writing, â€" The winners| Every «ffort put forth or dollar were well scaitered over the county spent to improve our town‘s appear» and beyond it, ance will be returned twoâ€"fold, Wercornr» rrox Ttus 'l‘norlcs.â€"i Tuesday of last week Mrs (Rev) Newâ€" | ton returned from her extended trip‘ to Texas and other Gaulf of Mexico | points, having enjoyed her visit with f her son and all the unusual experiencâ€"| es a trepical land and sea presents to | " men of the Northern Zone. ° She| returned by a 6â€"day voyage through ; the Galf of Mexico, by way of Unpe1 ?&éms, and Atlantic Ocean to New | ork,. The day after arriving in Darâ€" ham the choir gave her a welcomingl banquet in the school room of the| church, when a very pleasant time | was spent discussing the good things | and rendering an informal program. AXNUAL N. B.>C,. Coxtests.â€"The annual presentation of meda‘s at the Northern Business College, O, Sound, took place on Wednesday week This is one of the events in the student‘s life Ax Aurcrâ€"xicnut Sessrox.â€"The young men of town held a yvery successful Assembly in the Town Hall Thursday evening last, which was largely atâ€" tended by the youth and beauty Lunch was seryed after midnight, and for the dancing, excelleat accompaniâ€" ment was rendered by Mr Raynore violinist and Miss Carey, piamist, of Southampton. The gathering, which included guests from Mt Forest, Fieshâ€" arton and Mwkiale, broke ap in the growing hours of the iorning, doâ€" lighted with the evening‘s amuseâ€" ment. A Busyx SUMM®ER â€"â€"The prospects are bright for a fair season of actâ€"vity in our good town. No fewer than three residences are already in conâ€" templation, two of these being by Messrs A H Jackson and John Townâ€" er. _ Then there is simost a certainty, the Mayor assures us, of « restoration of the Cream Separator works into another â€" industry, _ The Furniture Factory has to have room for an exâ€" panding business, and an extension is to be built. Thon McGowan‘snew Oatâ€" meal Mill and big dam will make work, and last but not least there is the new Armoury on the nillside. Watch Durham qgrow, P,. 0. boxes will soon be forthcoming. There will be four, one at each Railâ€" road station, one at the Review corâ€" ner, and one near the Cement works, The handling of these will be facilitâ€" ated by the appointment of a mail clerk on the C, P. R, train, which we believe is to be made., P, QO. Box®s.â€"We haye been asâ€" sured on good authority, that the the longâ€"lookedâ€"for and much desired NC earel Oe sit en | On Monday last Mr Murphy, of Walkerton Twine Factory has been | Markdale, dicd as a rosult of an attack sold to a man named Connor, lnlof pneamonia, â€" The regrettable death American, for $10000, who intends| of this young man has an interest for to make both twine and rope. Hei Durham seeing be was the proprietor came, and saw, and bought in one |of the Middaugh House in this town. day, leaving $1000 behind as a guaranâ€" | We are not aware who are his heire, tee, The price of course is only a he is unmarried, and possibly the fraction of original cost, but it will}holel property here may revert to the employ labor and bring business, {ou iginal owners, _ We haye no other Drzssy SUtt@&â€"H. A. Burnett has engaged Mr Robérts of Collingwood, as tailor and cutteNin his Gents‘ Furâ€" nishing and Tallorifig business, The new Spring Suits be 16\Â¥urning out are walking adyertisements f his workâ€" manship and are elicitifigqg approval every where, First Niout OUT.â€"Citizens of Darâ€" ham will have an opportunity of hearâ€" ing the Band play out for the first time this season toâ€"night, Thursday, on McFarlane‘s corner, In all probaâ€" bility, weekly outsids Band Concerts will be giver, during the summer. A. H, Jackson has a number of houses and yacant lots in Durham for sale. $6,350,000 A. H. PRESTON, Manager BRANCHKES ALSO AT MOUNT FOREST AND AYTON. Published Woeekly‘ at $1.00 a year, > Hancainle© L.3 O en cattt 5 ie < en cie DURMHAM BRANCH TRADERS BANK of Canada #® INCORPORATED ;80s THE REVIEW, DURMHAM â€"ONT The Yellow Label Eyery «ffort put forth or dollar spent to improve our town‘s appearâ€" ance will be returned twoâ€"fold, Burn all the rubbish possible, allow no one to throw it on the streets, al leys or vacant lots Promise not to spit on the sigewalk. Organize a block improvement soci. ety, and allow no weeds to grow on sidewal«k area or vacant property in your block, Irrespective of whe size of your house make your lawn the finest. Illuminate the front of your store in the business eection . Aate to which subâ€" %?i: has been pazl‘. Our mailing list was this week corâ€" rected up to date. . If yours is not correct, kindly notify us at once. We thank all who have renewed the past few weeks but there are yet many others we wish to hear from at once. | particulare at this writing l *â€"â€"â€"â€"+# # 4 ... er, J. J, Sanill Bean, D. Kinn New Ixousray is The town «f Thornbu vote of 230 to 0 a byâ€" way of bonus $10,000 to Transportition and R pany to establish a place, â€" In addition the; a free grant a site for with harbor and wa This company, beside line of steel vessel«s. in comp: ronto J. P. Telf WnO d1 Spriig is with us and the sun and rain will soon deck the earth with beauty, _ Melp the moyement along by the cleaning up process in streets and yards, and do it quickly, Tae following suggestions clipped from an exchange should all be adopted : Cearerery Conraxy.â€"The Aunaal meeting was held on Monday night last in Mr Telford‘s offise. For 1999, the officers are : Presideat, Jno. H. Brown; Treas., O. L. {Grant : Secy.. A, H. Jackso riage Licenses, Mr Towner h Bruce St., to A good price and build one for h This popular lecture is for country as well as town, and we hope to see a very large number from surrounding sections help to crowd the Town Hali, mm N M Mp mmmmmmang Owner of Middaugh House Dead. expected, the fair on Tuesday was not, in attendance, up to some of its predecessors, _ The pressure of spring work no doubt detained many, Howâ€" ever there was consideruble business done, alot of buyers being present, One of those rare public lectures by high educational offtcails will be giy= en on Monday evening, 3rd of May, in the Town Hall, Durham, by the well known Inspector Tilley, whose long experlence thoroughly qualities him to discuss Continuation Schools or any other Educational topic, Inspector Tilley to Lecture Make Durham Beautiful. C. BAMAGE & 30N, Peamrees anpo Posutsszas was expect on smeiter, sed lar gely of camitalists, e and the fopmer intends to for himself this summer, $34,000,000 Horse Fair Mr Will McDonald on is an Issucr o , Durham, Ont, has sold his resider D 1 attention 1 Reduction Comy a works at that they also gave as for twenty years, water . privileges, ides employing a intend operating The company is \Meaford and Toâ€" x Tnorxnory.â€" bury passed by a yâ€"law to loan by to the Thornbury 10An Tuesday was 1to some of its sure of spring many, â€" Mow» ruble business of horses, shoul d he es during Hunt w. H May on

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